File os-prober-make-btrfsprogs-optional.patch of Package os-prober
Index: os-prober-1.76/os-probes/common/50mounted-tests
--- os-prober-1.76.orig/os-probes/common/50mounted-tests
+++ os-prober-1.76/os-probes/common/50mounted-tests
@@ -151,11 +151,20 @@ if [ "$types" = btrfs ]; then
rmdir "$tmpmnt" || true
exit 1
- # besides regular subvols, get ro and snapshot so thet can be excluded
- subvols=$(btrfs subvolume list -a "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9 | sed -e s!^\<FS_TREE\>/!!)
- rosubvols=$(btrfs subvolume list -r -a "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9 | sed -e s!^\<FS_TREE\>/!!)
- sssubvols=$(btrfs subvolume list -s -a "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 14 | sed -e s!^\<FS_TREE\>/!!)
- defaultvol=$(btrfs subvolume get-default "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9)
+ if type btrfs >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # besides regular subvols, get ro and snapshot so thet can be excluded
+ subvols=$(btrfs subvolume list -a "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9 | sed -e s!^\<FS_TREE\>/!!)
+ rosubvols=$(btrfs subvolume list -r -a "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9 | sed -e s!^\<FS_TREE\>/!!)
+ sssubvols=$(btrfs subvolume list -s -a "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 14 | sed -e s!^\<FS_TREE\>/!!)
+ defaultvol=$(btrfs subvolume get-default "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9)
+ else
+ subvols=""
+ rosubvols=""
+ sssubvols=""
+ defaultvol=""
+ fi
if ! umount "$tmpmnt"; then
warn "failed to umount btrfs volume on $tmpmnt"
rmdir "$tmpmnt" || true