File python-cairocffi.spec of Package python-cairocffi

# spec file for package python-cairocffi
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

Name:           python-cairocffi
Version:        1.7.1
Release:        0
Summary:        Python cairo bindings based on cffi
License:        BSD-3-Clause
Group:          Development/Languages/Python
# avoid pikepdf in Ring1, skipping the pikepdf related tests
Patch1:         skip-pikepdf.patch
BuildRequires:  %{python_module base >= 3.8}
BuildRequires:  %{python_module cffi >= 1.1.0}
BuildRequires:  %{python_module flit-core}
BuildRequires:  %{python_module pip}
BuildRequires:  %{python_module wheel}
BuildRequires:  %{python_module xcffib >= 0.4.0}
BuildRequires:  cairo
Requires:       cairo
Requires:       python-cffi >= 1.1.0
Requires:       python-xcffib >= 0.3.2
BuildArch:      noarch
# SECTION test requirements
BuildRequires:  %{python_module numpy}
BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest}
BuildRequires:  dejavu-fonts
BuildRequires:  fdupes
BuildRequires:  gdk-pixbuf
BuildRequires:  python-rpm-macros
BuildRequires:  xvfb-run

cairocffi is a CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo,
a set of Python bindings and object-oriented API for cairo.
Cairo is a 2D vector graphics library with support for multiple backends
including image buffers, PNG, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output.

%package pixbuf
Summary:        Python cairo bindings based on cffi - pixbuf image loader
Group:          Development/Languages/Python
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
Requires:       gdk-pixbuf

%description pixbuf
cairocffi is a CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo,
a set of Python bindings and object-oriented API for cairo.
Cairo is a 2D vector graphics library with support for multiple backends
including image buffers, PNG, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output.

This package provides the optional gdk-pixbuf image loader module.

%autosetup -p1 -n cairocffi-%{version}


%python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}

# Switch off test_xcb_window (gh#Kozea/cairocffi#203)
%python_expand PYTHONPATH="%{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}" xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1280x1024x16" $python -m pytest --ignore cairocffi/

%files %{python_files}
%license LICENSE
%doc README.rst
%exclude %{python_sitelib}/cairocffi/*
%exclude %{python_sitelib}/cairocffi/__pycache__/pixbuf.*

%files %{python_files pixbuf}

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