File python-physt.changes of Package python-physt

Fri Aug 30 13:38:42 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to 0.7.4
  * Dependency: allow numpy 1.22 again
- Release 0.7.3
  * Improved: dealing with extremely narrow bin ranges
  * Fixed: mypy and pytest issues
  * Fixed: compatibility with polars 1.0
- Release 0.7.2
  * Improved: stats box in plots
- Release 0.7.1
  * Fixed: Newer polars compatibility, deal with Nones
  * Added: .physt accessors for polars series and dataframes
- Release 0.7.0
  * Added: Support for series/dataframes
  * Moved: xarray support as a separate module in physt.compat
  * Removed: physt.special (use physt.special_histograms instead)
  * Added: stats_loc arg to locate stats box in plots
  * Added: Pretty printing with rich library
  * Changed: Moved most configuration to pyproject.toml
  * Improved: Much more testing and edge-case bug fixes
  * Support: Removed Python 3.7 and numpy <1.22, added 3.11
  * Renamed: human binning => pretty binning (with deprecation
- Unpin numpy 2: Add physt-pr116-np2.patch gh#janpipek/physt#116

Mon Jul  8 04:37:02 UTC 2024 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Add upper bound on numpy of < 2. 

Tue Mar  5 19:09:36 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner <>

- Build PEP517 wheel
- Fix runtime requirements
- Don't test plotly on python <3.10: no longer available

Thu Feb 16 05:58:07 UTC 2023 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Update to 0.5.3:
  * Changed: Distribution to wheels
  * Changed: Statistics have a special class
  * Changed: Statistics are now computed from all values (more options for
    plot too)
  * Fixed: Sometimes, dtypes were not properly used
  * Added: A lot of typing hints
  * Fixed: asciiplotlib does not exist anymore => don't use it
  * Changed: Added pre-commit
  * Changed: More thorough typing
  * Support: Added Python 3.10, removed Python 3.6 and numpy<1.20
  * Fixed: A few minor bugs
  * Changed: Reworked pandas compatibility (.to_series, .to_dataframe methods)
  * Added: .physt series/dataframe accessors (with h1, h2, histogram methods)
  * Fixed: A lot of RuntimeError's changed to more specific exceptions
  * Fixed: Typing annotations (again) passing mypy validation. 

Fri Apr 23 02:52:11 UTC 2021 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Update to
  * Removed: *args in method definition whenever possible (prefering
    explicit keyword-only arguments)
  * Changed: In multi-dimensional methods arguments:
    + list is treated as different value for each axes
    + tuple is treated as one argument value
  * Changed: Plotly backend does not allow matplotlib mimicking any more.
  * Added: Basic tests for plotting backends
  * Support: Tested against Python 3.6-3.9
  * Fixed: Typing annotations are passing mypy validation.
  * Fixed: A few small bugs 
- Do not build for Python 3.6, due to no NumPy.

Mon Feb 10 15:18:02 UTC 2020 - Todd R <>

- Update to 0.4.9
  * Changed: controls the version number etc.
  * Bug fixes

Thu Jan 30 17:24:44 UTC 2020 - Todd R <>

- Update to
  * Added: Binning "human" accepts kind="time"
  *- Added: find_human_width and related methods in bin_utils
  *- Fix: No labels and color cycling in scatter plots for collections

Mon Jan 21 03:50:43 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>

- Initial version

Thu Jan 17 21:40:37 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>

- Initial version
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