File python-skyfield.changes of Package python-skyfield

Fri Aug 27 21:22:36 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Run assay up to 3 times in case of flaky pickling errors

Sun Aug  8 14:15:14 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Ease AU distance tolerance test due to fails on s390x and Power

Sun Apr 18 17:20:33 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to 1.39
  * The Angle.dstr() and Angle.hstr() methods now accept a
    format= argument that lets callers override Skyfield’s default
    angle formatting and supply their own; see Formatting angles.
  * The prototype planetary_magnitude() function now works not
    only when given a single position, but when given a vector of
    several positions.
- Release 1.38
  * Replaced the old historic ∆T table from the United States
    Naval Observatory with up-to-date splines from the 2020 release
    of the extensive research by Morrison, Stephenson, Hohenkerk,
    and Zawilski and also adjusted the slope of Skyfield’s
    near-future ∆T estimates to make the slope of ∆T much less
    abrupt over the coming century.
  * Added a full reference frame object for the TEME reference
    frame used by SGP4 Earth satellite elements.
- Release 1.37
  * Added a frame_latlon_and_rates() method that can compute the
    rates at which angles like altitude and azimuth, or right
    ascension and declination, are changing.
  * Accepted a contributor’s helpful fix for a rounding error that
    had slightly shifted a few constellation boundaries. #548
  * The Time tuple utc and method utc_strftime() are now backed by
    the same math, so they always advance to the next calendar day
    at the same moment. This makes it safe to mix values returned
    by one of them with values returned by the other. #542
  * Vector subtraction now returns the position subclass specific
    to the resulting vector’s center. #549
- Release 1.36
  * Tweaked several lines of code that build NumPy arrays to avoid
    a new deprecation warning Creating an ndarray from ragged
    nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of
    lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes)
    is deprecated. NumPy no longer wants to accept a simple
    constant like 0.0 where the resulting array needs a whole row
    of zeros. #536
  * Added an hadec() position method that returns hour angle and
    declination. #510
  * The default str() and repr() strings for geographic positions
    have been streamlined, and no longer raise ValueError when
    elevation is an array. They now show simple decimals instead
    of splitting degrees of longitude and latitude into minutes
    and seconds; always show elevation, even if zero; properly
    format NumPy arrays; and abbreviate long arrays. #524
  * Fixed Angle.dstr() and Angle.hstr() to return an array of
    strings when the angle itself is an array. #527
- refressh finals2000A.all
- new assay version
- new Table-S15.2020.txt
- allow some float error for all platforms

Sun Feb 28 22:58:26 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Fix boo#1182424: Use https url of the Hipparcos catalog

Fri Jan  1 23:53:33 UTC 2021 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to 1.35
  * Deprecated the old Topos class, which not only featured
    a clunky interface but hid from users the fact that
    Skyfield was generating IERS2010 positions from latitude
    and longitude when in fact nearly all users want WGS84
    positions. Users are now encouraged to supply latitude
    and longitude to the
    :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.latlon()` method of
    either the :data:`~skyfield.toposlib.wgs84` object or the
    :data:`~skyfield.toposlib.iers2010` object. Related
    discussion: #372
  * The two new geoid objects
    :data:`~skyfield.toposlib.wgs84` and
    :data:`~skyfield.toposlib.iers2010` have also provided a
    happy new home for the
    :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.subpoint()` method —
    which was previously stranded over on the
    :class:`~skyfield.positionlib.Geocentric` class, where it
    couldn’t be used with positions of other classes that
    might be centered at the geocenter. (The old method will
    remain in place to support legacy code, but is
    discouraged in new applications.)
  * The effects of :ref:`Polar motion` — if configured —
    are now included both when computing the position in
    space of an Earth latitude and longitude, and when
    determining the latitude and longitude beneath a
    celestial position.
  * Added :func:`~skyfield.api.load_constellation_names()`.
  * The :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.utc_jpl()` method now
    correctly designates its return value as UTC instead of
    the ambiguious UT. #515
- Refreshed finals2000A.all

Tue Dec 15 17:59:15 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to v1.34
  * The position classes have gained methods frame_xyz(),
    frame_xyz_and_velocity(), frame_latlon(), and
    from_time_and_frame_vectors() that work with a new
    library skyfield.framelib to offer a number of familiar
    reference frames. These replace the existing ad-hoc
    position methods for ecliptic and galactic coordinates,
    which are now deprecated (but will continue to be
    supported). See Coordinates in other reference frames.
  * Added support for IERS Polar Motion 𝑥 and 𝑦.
  * Added a method lst_hours_at() that computes Local
    Sidereal Time.
  * A new almanac routine moon_phase() returns the Moon
    phase as an angle where 0° is New Moon, 90° is First
    Quarter, 180° is Full, and 270° is Last Quarter. #282
  * Almanac search routines that previously returned a
    Boolean true/false array now return an integer 0/1
    array instead, to work around a new deprecation warning
    in NumPy which, for example, would have outlawed using
    the Boolean array from moon_nodes() to index into the
    MOON_NODES list that provides a name for each node. #486
  * The undocumented columns magnitude_H and magnitude_G
    in the Minor Planet Center comets dataframe have been
    renamed magnitude_g and magnitude_k following further
    research on the file format (which does not itself
    document which magnitude model is intended). #416
- add finals2000A.all to testdata

Wed Dec  9 23:09:45 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Define skip_python36 for TW, because current astropy needs
  Python >=3.7

Fri Nov 20 23:03:34 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to v1.33
  * Fix: running ``load.timescale(builtin=False)`` was raising an
    exception ``FileNotFoundError`` if the ``finals2000A.all`` file was
    not already on disk, instead of downloading the file automatically.
    `#477 <>`_
- v1.32
  * A new :func:`~skyfield.eclipselib.lunar_eclipses()` routine finds
    lunar eclipses and determines their degree of totality.
    `#445 <>`_
  * The almanac module’s new :func:`~skyfield.almanac.meridian_transits()`
    routine can find the moments at which a body transits the meridian and
    `#460 <>`_
* Fix: the :func:`~skyfield.searchlib.find_minima()` function was
  ignoring its ``epsilon`` and ``num`` arguments and always using the
  default values instead.
  `#475 <>`_

* Fix: the ``.epoch`` attribute of Earth satellite objects that were
  built using :meth:`~skyfield.sgp4lib.EarthSatellite.from_satrec()`
  was, alas, a half-day off.
  `#466 <>`_

* Fix: the :class:`~skyfield.toposlib.Topos` constructor arguments ``x``
  and ``y``, which never worked properly, have been deprecated and are
  now ignored.

1.31 — 2020 October 24

* Skyfield now uses the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) file
  ``finals2000A.all`` for updated ∆T and leap seconds.  The USNO is no
  longer updating the files ```` and ``deltat.preds`` that
  previous versions of Skyfield used, and the ```` server
  from which they were fetched will discontinue anonymous FTP on 2020
  October 31.  See `downloading-timescale-files`.
  `#452 <>`_
  `#464 <>`_

* The comets dataframe built from the MPC file ``CometEls.txt`` now
  includes the ``reference`` column, so users can tell which orbit is
  most recent if there are several orbits for a single comet.  (For
  example, the file currently lists two C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) orbits.)
  The comet examples in the documentation now build a dataframe that
  only includes the most recent orbit for each comet.
  `#463 <>`_

* Two new methods :meth:`~skyfield.iokit.Loader.days_old()` and
  :meth:`` make it simple to download a
  fresh copy of a file if the copy on disk is older than you would like.

1.30 — 2020 October 11

* The various ``strftime()`` Skyfield methods now support the ``%j``
  day-of-year format code.

* Fix: the new Julian calendar support broke support for out-of-range
  month numbers, wrapping them into the current year instead of letting
  them overflow into subsequent years.
  `#461 <>`_

* Fix: a stray debugging ``print()`` statement was stranded in ``t.dut1``.
  `#455 <>`_

* The :class:`~skyfield.timelib.Time` object, if manually instantiated
  without a Julian date fraction, now provides a fraction array with
  dimensions that match the Julian date argument.
  `#458 <>`_

Sat Sep 26 08:13:08 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to version 1.29
  * Fix: the new Julian calendar feature was raising an
    exception in the calendar methods like
    `skyfield.timelib.Time.tt_calendar()` if the time
    object was in fact an array of times. #450
  * Fix: trying to iterate over a time object would raise an
    exception if the time was created through
- Version 1.28
  * Broken URL: Because the VizieR archive apparently decided
    to uncompress their copy of the hip_main.dat.gz Hipparcos
    catalog file, the old URL now returns a 404 error. As an
    emergency fix, this version of Skyfield switches to their
    uncompressed hip_main.dat. Hopefully they don’t compress
    it again and break the new URL! A more permanent solution
    is discussed at: #454
  * To unblock this release, removed a few deprecated pre-1.0
    experiments from April 2015 in skyfield.hipparcos and
    skyfield.named_stars that broke because the Hipparcos
    catalog is no longer compressed; hopefully no one was
    using them.
  * In a sweeping internal change, the
    `~skyfield.timelib.Timescale` and
    `~skyfield.timelib.Time` objects now offer support
    for the Julian calendar that’s used by historians for
    dates preceding the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in
    1582. See choice of calendars if you want to turn on
    Julian dates in your application. #450

Wed Sep 16 09:53:08 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to version 1.27
  * The printed appearance of both vectors and of vector
    functions like Earth locations and Earth satellites
    have been rewritten to be more informative and
  * Added compute_calendar_date() which lets the caller
    choose the Julian calendar for ancient dates instead of
    always using the proleptic Gregorian calendar. This
    should be particularly useful for historians.
  * Added J() that builds a time array from an array of
    floating point years. #436
  * Added four new strftime methods for the non-UTC
    timescales (#443). All four of them support %f for
    microseconds, and provide a reasonable default format
    string for callers who don’t wish to concoct their own:
  * Thanks to several fixes, comets and asteroids with
    parabolic and hyperbolic orbits should now raise fewer
 *  The prototype planetary_magnitude() can now return
    magnitudes for Uranus without raising an exception. The
    routine does not yet take into account whether the
    observer is facing the equator or poles of Uranus, so
    the magnitude predicted for the planet will only be
    accurate to within about 0.1 magnitudes.

Thu Aug  6 14:20:08 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update assay to commit 256.23c18c2 in order to fix non x86 builds

Sun Aug  2 11:51:04 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to version 1.26
  * The official ∆T files on NASA’s FTP server have stopped receiving
    updates — they have no new data beyond February, the start of the
    global pandemic.  Unless they are updated by next February, older
    versions of Skyfield will unfortunately download the files all over
    again every time `skyfield.iokit.Loader.timescale()` is called
    (unless the ``builtin=True`` parameter is provided).  To make Skyfield
    less fragile going forward:
    1. The loader’s `skyfield.iokit.Loader.timescale()` method now
        defaults to ``builtin=True``, telling it to use the ∆T and leap
        second files that ship with Skyfield internally.  To download new
        ∆T files from NASA and the leap second file from the International
        Earth Rotation Service, specify ``builtin=False``.
    2. The concept of an “expired” file has been removed from ``load()``.
        Skyfield is now much simpler: if a file with the correct name
        exists, Skyfield uses it.  See `downloading-timescale-files`
        if you still want your application to check the age of your
        timescale files and automatically download new ones.
  * The `ICRF.separation_from()` method now officially supports the
    combination of an array of positions with a single reference position!
    Its previous support for that combination was, alas, accidental, and
    was broken with the 1.23 release.
    `#414 <>`
    `#424 <>`
  * A prototype `skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()`
    routine has been added with support for several planets.
    `#210 <>`
  * The ``utc`` timezone that Skyfield returns in Python datetimes is now
    either the Python Standard Library’s own UTC object, if it supplies
    one, or else is defined by Skyfield itself.  Skyfield no longer
    silently tries importing the whole ``pytz`` package merely to use its
    UTC object — which also means that the timezone returned by Skyfield
    longer offers the non-standard ``localize()`` method.
    `#413 <>`
- make builds reproducible gh#skyfielders/python-skyfield#415

Sat Jul 25 11:43:28 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to version 1.25
  * Added
    to load Stellarium star names and constellation lines.
    Constellation lines are featured in a new example script
    neowise-chart that produces a finder chart for
    comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE.
  * The Hipparcos star catalog should now load faster, having
    switched behind the scenes to a higher performance Pandas
    import routine.
  * Fixed the ability of  skyfield.timelib.Timescale.utc()
    to accept a Python object as its argument.
  * Slightly lowered the precision of two tests when they
    detect that Python is compiled for a 32-bit processor, so
    the test suite can succeed when contributors package
    Skyfield for 32-bit Linux. #411
- use upstreams custom test runner 'assay'
  * The runner does not have any releases yet. No package
    available, so use assay-master-252.79f5d78.tar.gz directly
  * drop skyfield-pr405-replace-assay-by-pytest.patch
  * gh#brandon-rhodes/assay#6, gh#skyfielders/python-skyfield#405
- the unit test expect a truncated hipparcos catalog
  * hip_main.dat.gz
- drop skyfield-pr404-comparefloat.patch addressed upstream

Wed Jul 22 14:42:06 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- release precision for i586 test

Wed Jul 22 14:13:46 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to Version 1.24
  * Added methods :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.from_datetime()`
    and :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.from_datetimes()` to
    the :class:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale` class, to
    better advertise the ability to build a Skyfield time
    from a Python datetime — an ability that was previously
    overloaded into the year parameter of the
    :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.utc()` method (where
    it is still supported for backwards compatibility, but
    no longer documented).
  * Fix: improved the accuracy with which velocity is
    converted between the Earth-fixed ITRF frame that rotates
    with the Earth and the inertial GCRS frame that does not.
    In particular, this should make Earth satellite
    velocities more accurate.
- rebase patches skyfield-pr404-comparefloat.patch
  and skyfield-pr405-replace-assay-by-pytest.patch

Sun Jul 12 19:12:27 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- fix typo in Patch0 url

Sat Jul 11 19:06:39 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- mention python-skyfield-rpmlintrc to specfile: don't warn about
  matplotlib and html5lib in Requires

Fri Jul 10 14:51:52 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Update to Version 1.23
  * Added `kepler-orbits` support for generating the positions of comets and
    asteroids from Minor Planet Center data files.
  * Added `skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.is_behind_earth()` to determine whether a
    celestial object is blocked from an Earth satellite’s view by the Earth
  * Replaced the awkward and hard-to-explain rough_period search parameter with
    the conceptually simpler step_days parameter, and updated the instructions
    in `searches` to match.
  * Made the `skyfield.iokit.Loader.load.tle_file()` import method less strict
    about Earth satellite names: any text on the line before two lines of TLE
    data is now saved as the satellite name. A parameter skip_names=True turns
    this off if, for particular TLE files, this leads to unwanted text being
- directly copy downloaded testfiles as sources
- move skyfield-openSUSE-comparefloat.patch to skyfield-PR404-comparefloat.patch
  and submit upstream: gh#skyfielders/python-skyfield#404
- move skyfield-openSUSE-replace-testrunner.patch to
  skyfield-PR405-replace-assay-by-pytest.patch and submit upstream:
- disable python2 package

Thu Jul  9 16:51:16 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- initial package. Version 1.22
- provide a bunch of astronomical testdata which would be downloaded
  by the tests on networking hosts
- skyfield-openSUSE-replace-testrunner.patch:
  replace the author's own test runner 'assay' with regular pytest
- skyfield-openSUSE-comparefloat.patch:
  refine float comparison failing on some flaky platforms
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