File python-sympy.changes of Package python-sympy

Fri May 14 01:35:35 UTC 2021 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 1.8:
  * Backwards compatibility breaks and deprecations
    + Please manually add any backwards compatibility breaks or
      deprecations here, in addition to the automatic listing below.
    + assumptions
      AskHandler(), register_handler() and remove_handler() are
      deprecated. Handler now must be multipledispatch
      instance. (#20835 by @JSS95)
    + parsing
      Parsing of "Q" returns AssumptionKeys instance in assumptions
      module. This means that sympify("Q") will no longer return a
      symbol. (#21152 by @JSS95)
  * Full changelog at

Mon Jan 25 21:45:22 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to 1.7.1:
  * There was a regression in 1.7 that meant that __slots__ 
    would not work correctly for Basic instances and they 
    would end up having __dict__. This also made it possible 
    to set arbitrary attributes on Basic instances such as 
    symbols which breaks immutability. This was fixed in 
    1.7.1 to ensure that Basic instances do not have 
    __dict__ and it is not possible to set attributes on 
    them. (#20590 by @oscarbenjamin) s
  * Fixed lazy iteration of series with expr.series(x, 
     n=None) which was broken in the 1.7 release. (#20589 by 
     @oscarbenjamin and @sachin-4099) 
  * Updated documentation for sympy.stats.sample for seed 
    argument. (#20555 by @czgdp1807)
  * sympy.stats.sample now has an optional seed argument. 
    (#20528 by @czgdp1807)
  * Random failures with sympy.stats.sample have now been 
    fixed. (#20527 by @czgdp180
- Changelog for 1.7.0:
  Backwards compatibility breaks and deprecations
  * Modules and names that were accidentally importable from 
    sympy are no longer importable. In sympy 1.6 importing and 
    using these names would give a deprecation warning. In 
    sympy 1.7 these names are removed. As an example from 
    sympy import add would need to be from sympy.core import 
    add or import sympy.core.add as add. (#19554 by 
  * DEPRECATION: Using non-Expr args in Add, Mul or Pow is 
    now deprecated (#19445 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * Manifold.patches attribute is deprecated. (#19368 by 
    @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
  * Patch.coord_systems attribute is deprecated. (#19368 by 
    @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
  * Class signature names of CoordSystem is deprecated.  
    CoordinateSymbol class and CoordSystem.symbols attribute are 
    introduced instead. (#19368 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
  * CoordSystem.transforms, CoordSystem.connect_to, and 
    CoordSystem.coord_tuple_transform_to are deprecated. Class 
    signature relations, CoordSystem.transformation and 
    CoordSystem.transform are introduced instead. (#19368 by 
    @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
  * sympy.printing.pretty.pretty_symbology.xstr has been 
    deprecated (#20081 by @eric-wieser)
  * The unicode argument to sympy.printing.stringpict.prettyForm 
    has been deprecated (#20081 by @eric-wieser)
  * The deprecation of calling preview with viewer="StringIO" is 
    now expired instead of forgotten (a regression in 1.6.0) 
    (#19905 by @eric-wieser)
  * The modules sympy.printing.ccode, sympy.printing.fcode, and 
    sympy.printing.cxxcode have been renamed to sympy.printing.c, 
    sympy.printing.fortran, and sympy.printing.cxx, respectively. 
    This was done to avoid conflicts that occur when a module name 
    is the same as a function name. The modules are still 
    importable under their old names but doing so is deprecated 
    and a warning will be given (#19908 by @asmeurer)
  * from sympy.printing.codeprinter import Assignment no longer 
    works. You should use from sympy.codegen import Assignment, 
    which is where Assignment has lived since SymPy 1.1. (#19908 
    by @asmeurer)
  * Calling preview with viewer="file" no longer looks for a file 
    executable (a regression in 1.6.0) (#19905 by @eric-wieser)
  * solve_linear_system is now a thin wrapper for linsolve. It is 
    recommended to use linsolve in new code. solve_linear_system 
    maybe deprecated or removed in future. (#18814 by 
  * find_executable is deprecated in favor of the builtin shutil.
    which. (#19634 by @eric-wieser)
  * Added DocString for integrate function of quaternion class. 
    (#19410 by @mohitshah3111999)
  * Added support for generating calls to scipy.special.cosm1. 
    (#20011 by @bjodah)
  * sympy.codegen and sympy.combinatorics are no longer imported 
    as part of from sympy import *. The codegen and combinatorics 
    modules do not have any names that are included in the 
    top-level namespace, so their being imported with the 
    top-level SymPy was a mistake. This improves the import time 
    of from sympy import *. (#19908 by @asmeurer)
  * Added support for generating calls to numpy.logaddexp & numpy.
    logaddexp2. (#19880 by @bjodah)
  * Fix bugs to the parser of matrix expressions in order to build 
    CodegenArray objects correctly. (#19197 by @Upabjojr)
  * Fixed a bug in PermutationGroup.minimal_blocks caused by 
    modifying a list while iterating over its indices. (#19954 by 
  * Implemented Raabe's Test (#18656 by @sachin-4099)
  * Fixed a few broken cases of expr.is_integer (#20450 by @coproc 
    and @tbennun)
  * Modules and names that were accidentally importable from sympy 
    are no longer importable. In sympy 1.6 importing and using 
    these names would give a deprecation warning. In sympy 1.7 
    these names are removed. As an example from sympy import add 
    would need to be from sympy.core import add or import sympy.
    core.add as add. (#19554 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * Zero raised to power Negative Infinity gives ComplexInfinity
    (zoo) instead of zero (#20212 by @sidhu1012)
  * Extensible add, mul and power functions are introduced to 
    allow sympy objects to define what classes should be used for 
    them in place of Add, Mul and Pow (e.g. matrices use MatAdd). 
    This is an experimental approach aimed at enabling the     
    behaviour of core routines (expand, collect, etc) to be 
    customised by user-defined types (e.g. MatAdd rather than 
    Add). This mechanism is still experimental, is not fully 
    implemented across the core and might be changed or removed in 
    a future release of sympy. (#19463 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
  * divmod on sympy.Float with 0 numerator now results in (0, 0). 
    (#20109 by @eriknw)
  * Dict operations no longer automatically converts strings into 
    SymPy types. (#19911 by @asmeurer)
  * Dict operations no longer raise SympifyError. (#19911 by 
  * Fixes _eval_nseries() function of (#19508 by 
  * Remove optional dependency on fastcache (#19492 by @pbrady)
  * DEPRECATION: Using non-Expr args in Add, Mul or Pow is now 
    deprecated (#19445 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * When creating an Add or Mul with evaluate=False identities (0 
    or 1) are no longer removed. (#19450 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * Fixes _eval_nseries() function of (#19369 by 
  * Sum is now included in count_ops results (#19261 by @smichr)
  * match has been optimized to improve term-matching in Add 
    (#19261 by @smichr)
  * match will automatically ignore bound symbols when matching 
    (#19261 by @smichr)
  * match results will no longer contain extraneous symbols (only 
    those requested) (#19261 by @smichr)
  * as_dummy should give a canonical result for expressions having 
    bound symbols (#19261 by @smichr)
  * Lambdas written in terms of different symbols will no longer 
    compare equal; this was an abuse of the Python == operator 
    (#19261 by @smichr)
  * expr: A new method is_meromorphic is added. (#19306 by @jksuom)
  * Manifold.patches attribute is deprecated. (#19368 by @JSS95 
    and @mcpl-sympy)
  * Patch.coord_systems attribute is deprecated. (#19368 by @JSS95 
    and @mcpl-sympy)
  * Class signature names of CoordSystem is deprecated. 
    CoordinateSymbol class and CoordSystem.symbols attribute are 
    introduced instead. (#19368 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
  * CoordSystem.transforms, CoordSystem.connect_to, and 
    CoordSystem.coord_tuple_transform_to are deprecated. Class 
    signature relations, CoordSystem.transformation and 
    CoordSystem.transform are introduced instead. (#19368 by 
    @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
  * CoordSystem.jacobian_determinant method is introduced. (#19368 
    by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
  * lambdify added a warning when args is a set. (#19792 by 
    @foice, @RobertoFranceschini, and @sylee957)
  * Fixes _eval_nseries method of log (#20002 by @sachin-4099)
  * Adds _eval_is_meromorphic method and _eval_aseries to class 
    lowergamma (#19990 by @sachin-4099)
  * Adds _eval_is_meromorphic method and 
    _eval_rewrite_as_tractable method to class uppergamma (#19990 
    by @sachin-4099)
  * Rectifies eval method of class besselk (#19990 by @sachin-4099)
  * Adds _eval_is_meromorphic to bessel function. (#19963 by 
  * Adds _eval_nseries function to sin and cos. (#19916 by 
  * reduced symbolic multiples of pi in trigonometric functions 
    (#19741 by @sachin-4099)
  * fixed errors in assumptions when rewriting RisingFactorial / 
    FallingFactorial as gamma or factorial (#18696 by @sachin-4099)
  * Adds _singularities to LambertW function (#19716 by 
  * Rectifies _eval_rewrite_as_tractable method of class erf 
    (#19697 by @sachin-4099)
  * Improved condition checking in piecewise_simplify() (#19596 by 
    @dhruvmendiratta6 and @smichr)
  * Implemented _eval_rewrite_as_Abs() for sign (#19487 by 
  * Adds cdir parameter to handle series expansions on branch cuts 
    (#19555 by @sachin-4099)
  * Adds _eval_rewrite_as_factorial() and _eval_rewrite_as_gamma() 
    functionalities for subfactorial (#19515 by @sachin-4099)
  * Fixed cot.as_real_imag (sign error in imaginary part) (#19468 
    by @DaveWitteMorris and @gschintgen)
  * Corrects the _eval_as_leading_term() method of tan and sec 
    functions (#19461 by @sachin-4099)
  * bsplines are more robust in terms of handling symbolic knots 
    (#19272 by @smichr)
  * Ellipses with eccentricity >=1 and for eccentricity < 0 will 
    be handled as trivial cases (#20045 by @agrawalshubham01)
  * upgrades to manualintegrate to support inverse trig functions! 
    (#19993 by @iammosespaulr)
  * The _repr_latex_, _repr_svg_, and _repr_png_ methods of 
    subclasses of sympy objects are no longer discarded when 
    init_printing() is called. (#19944 by @eric-wieser)
  * Binary boolean operators on Boolean objects no longer coerce 
    strings (#20093 by @eric-wieser)
  * Adding an array and a matrix now consistently gives TypeError. 
    (#20159 by @sidhu1012)
  * changed subs function to check if input is zip (#19159 by 
    @czgdp1807 and @gfolbe318)
  * added tests in (#19159 by @czgdp1807 and 
  * The ordering of parameters in a parametrised solution from 
    gauss_jordan_solve was fixed. Previously incorrect results 
    were returned for some underdetermined systems. (#19885 by 
  * Prevents infinite recursion with rmul (#19860 by @mloubout)
  * Added class MatrixSet to represent the set of matrices (#19826 
    by @Smit-create)
  * Disabled default matrix intermediate product simplification 
    and changed it to enable via context manager. (#19588 by 
    @oscarbenjamin and @Pristine-Cat)
  * Use more efficient Cholesky factorization method to check if 
    matrices are positive semidefinite. (#19573 by @galbwe)
  * row_del and col_del will raise IndexError rather than 
    ValueError when the index is out of bounds. (#19571 by 
  * Fixed a bug in the implementation of Sylvester's criterion for 
    determining if a matrix is positive semidefinite. (#19556 by 
  * Explicit non-matrix are treated as scalar (#19533 by @mloubout)
  * QRdecomposition will return matrices with zero rows and 
    columns for zero rank matrices. e.g. Matrix([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 
    0], [0, 0, 0]]) will be decomposed with Matrix(3, 0, []) and 
    Matrix(0, 3, []) (#19319 by @sylee957)
  * Added Matrix.companion for creating dense companion matrix. 
    (#19339 by @sylee957)
  * Added CompanionMatrix for creating a symbolic companion 
    matrix. (#19339 by @sylee957)
  * Matrix([]).eigenvals(multiple=True) will give an empty list 
    instead of an empty dict. (#19355 by @sylee957)
  * Determinant is now considered commutative. (#19354 by 
  * Integrated Lenstra's Elliptic Curve factorization into 
    factorint (#19937 by @abh2k)
  * Added quadratic sieve (#19657 by @abh2k)
  * Implemented Lenstra's Elliptic curve factorization and 
    Elliptic curve primality test (#19436 by @abhinav28071999)
  * Added support for while loop in C Parser (#20188 by 
  * Upgraded Relational Operator support (#19982 by @iammosespaulr)
  * Bra-Ket Notation support (#19982 by @iammosespaulr)
  * Improved Grammar (#19982 by @iammosespaulr)
  * added Latex support for "not equal" and expanded support for 
    less than, greater than symbols (#19970 by @bhpayne)
  * parse_latex supports \left and \right parenthesis notation. 
    (#19466 by @sylee957)
  * parse_latex can parse expressions with amsmath spacing (#19475 
    by @sylee957)
  * Added parsing of \exp in parse_latex. (#19395 by @sylee957)
  * Add more parsing rules and test examples. (#19177 by @wuyudi)
  * Added support for more data types in C parser: signed char, 
    unsigned char, short, short int, signed short, signed short 
    int, unsigned short, unsigned short int, unsigned int, long, 
    long int, signed long, signed long int, unsigned long, 
    unsigned long int, double, long double. Also, modified the 
    data type for int and float to intc and float32 respectively, 
    replacing integer and real (#19230 by @smitgajjar)
  * Added support for shorthand operators in C parser: +=, -=, *=, 
    /= and %= (#19230 by @smitgajjar)
  * Removed the assumption of value of a variable, if it is not 
    initialized while variable declaration(e.g.; in case of int a;
    , the value of a was assumed to be Integer(0), in case of 
    float b;, the value of b was assumed to be Float(0.0) and in 
    case of bool c;, the value of c was assumed to be S.false). 
    Also, removed the assumption of default value of formal 
    parameters while parameter declaration in function definition 
    or function prototype (e.g.; in case of function definition 
    void func(int a, float b) { //some code }, default value of 
    formal parametersa and b were assumed to be Integer(0) and 
    Float(0.0) respectively) (#19230 by @smitgajjar)
  * Added dc_gain, poles, zeros, and is_stable in TransferFunction 
    class. (#19896 by @namannimmo10)
  * Adding a new control systems toolbox as physics.control. 
    (#18436 by @benepla and @namannimmo10)
  * Add TransferFunction, Series, Parallel, and Feedback class for 
    physics.control submodule (#19390 by @benepla and 
  * Simplification of Dagger() * IdentityOperator() (#19783 by 
  * When printing, Commutator, Anticommutator, InnerProduct, 
    TensorProduct, and OuterProduct now respect keyword-arguments 
    to sstr. (#19424 by @eric-wieser)
  * Fixed some dimensional analysis bugs with the addition and 
    multiplication operators. (#19705 by @mgreminger)
  * Added user warnings for all possible paths are found in (#20131 by @sidhu1012)
  * Added user warning for cyclic paths in (#20131 by 
  * Point.vel() now attempts to calculate the velocity using the 
    relative position from other points if it has not been already 
    set by the user. This behavior mimics the existing behavior in 
    ReferenceFrame.ang_vel_in(). (#20049 by @moorepants and 
  * VectorLatexPrinter now respects the symbol_names setting when 
    printing dynamicsymbols (#19684 by @eric-wieser)
  * VectorLatexPrinter now know about the same trig functions as 
    the regular printer (#19684 by @eric-wieser)
  * When printing, Vector and Dyadic now respect keyword-arguments 
    to sstr and latex. As a result, these no longer use vector 
    printing customizations unless init_vprinting has been called. 
    (#19640 by @eric-wieser)
  * capability to subclass Basebackend and specify it to the 
    plotting functions, thus creating plots with other plotting 
    libraries (#20463 by @oscarbenjamin)
    * Fixed plot3d_parametric_line plotting curves out of the box. 
    (#19252 by @sylee957)
  * Polys with complex floating point coefficients will now use 
    the CC domain rather than EX. (#20194 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * Fixed a bug in minimal_polynomial when using Groebner bases 
    (compose=False) (#19799 by @coproc)
  * Fixed GeneratorsError for creating some elements of
    FractionField when its ground domain is FractionField or PolynomialRing. (#19713 by @sylee957)
  * Fixed Poly initialized with PolyElement mutating the generator 
    of the coefficient in the form of polynomial. (e.g. Poly(ZZ[x]
    (x+1), y, domain=ZZ[x]) becomes Poly(y+1, y, domain=ZZ[x])) 
    (#19659 by @sylee957)
  * Fixed Poly initialized with FracElement raising SympifyError. 
    (e.g. dom = ZZ.frac_field(x); Poly(dom(x+2), y, domain=dom)) 
    (#19659 by @sylee957)
  * Add division to finite extensions. (#19593 by @gschintgen and 
  * Fixed GCD to always return a non-negative constant. (#19569 by 
  * added new domains for Gaussian integers and rationals (#15396 
    by @jksuom and @smichr)
  * Add the Gaussian domains ZZ_I and QQ_I to Poly. Make Poly use 
    the Gaussian domains automatically when I is present in the 
    input. Add factorisation over the Gaussian integers (ZZ_I). 
    The polys keyword argument gaussian=True now results in the 
    domain QQ_I rather than the extension field QQ<I>. (#15396 by 
  * improvement of dup_zz_mignotte_bound(f, K) by Knuth-Cohen 
    bound (#19254 by @lagamura)
  * Support frac with pycode printers (for lambdify) (#20115 by 
  * Round-trip printing of floats (double-precision) to content 
    MathML. (#19958 by @lcontento)
  * latex now once again requires settings to be passed as keyword 
    and not positional arguments, and respects printer settings 
    changed with set_global_settings; restoring the behavior from 
    sympy 1.2 and earlier. (#20067 by @eric-wieser)
  * sympy.printing.pretty.pretty_symbology.xstr has been 
    deprecated (#20081 by @eric-wieser)
  * The unicode argument to sympy.printing.stringpict.prettyForm 
    has been deprecated (#20081 by @eric-wieser)
  * The unicode attribute of sympy.printing.stringpict.prettyForm 
    has been deprecated (#20081 by @eric-wieser)
  * The mpmath code printer now correctly prints the loggamma 
    function. (#19913 by @abhaydhiman)
  * Use literal suffix for 1.0 in C89CodePrinter's printing of pow 
    when the exponent is -1 (#19956 by @bjodah and @mmohrhard)
  * The modules sympy.printing.ccode, sympy.printing.fcode, and 
    sympy.printing.cxxcode have been renamed to sympy.printing.c, 
    sympy.printing.fortran, and sympy.printing.cxx, respectively. 
    This was done to avoid conflicts that occur when a module name 
    is the same as a function name. The modules are still 
    importable under their old names but doing so is deprecated 
    and a warning will be given (#19908 by @asmeurer)
  * from sympy.printing.codeprinter import Assignment no longer 
    works. You should use from sympy.codegen import Assignment,  
    which is where Assignment has lived since SymPy 1.1. (#19908 
    by @asmeurer)
  * Calling preview with viewer="file" no longer looks for a file 
    executable (a regression in 1.6.0) (#19905 by @eric-wieser)
  * The deprecation of calling preview with viewer="StringIO" is 
    now expired instead of forgotten (a regression in 1.6.0) 
    (#19905 by @eric-wieser)
  * When printing, NDimArray now respects keyword-arguments to 
    sstr (#19903 by @eric-wieser)
  * preview no longer fails with ValueError if the preamble 
    contains a % character. (#19858 by @eric-wieser)
  * Types which are not recognized by the LaTeX printer no longer 
    have their __str__ interpreted as LaTeX, and have their str(...
    ) printed as pre-formatted text as if they were printed 
    normally. This includes the builtin str type: latex("hello") 
    now results in the latex \mathtt{\text{hello}}.
  * If a custom type intends to be interpreted as latex, it should 
    define the _latex hook as described in the docs:    
    def _latex(self, printer):
        return str(self)  # indicate that the result of __str__ is LaTeX-compatible
  * To print a string containing LaTeX math using MathJax, use
    import IPython
    (#19611 by @eric-wieser)
  * The latex printer now shows builtin floats using ...x10^... 
    notation instead of ...e... notation. (#19611 by @eric-wieser)
  * preview now throws OSError instead of SystemError if viewers 
    cannot be found. (#19818 by @eric-wieser)
  * Fixed the SciPy printer for sparse matrices (#19633 by 
    @benjaminwolba and @sylee957)
  * preview(..., output='pdf') now uses dvipdfmx instead of dvipdf 
    if available. As a result, it now works with a MiKTeX 
    installation on windows. (#19635 by @eric-wieser)
  * LatexPrinter._print is no longer called on strings which have 
    already been converted to Latex. (#19614 by @eric-wieser)
  * A new sympy.printing.defaults.Printable base class was added, 
    which is a mixin providing _repr_latex_ in terms of 
    LatexPrinter().doprint(). Any user type which subclasses this 
    will opt into init_printing. (#19425 by @eric-wieser)
  * Printing unevaluated Muls with multiple Number factors will   
    show all factors strictly in order. Identities will also be 
    shown explicitly. (#19450 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * user types that implement _latex are now printed as LaTeX when 
    embedded within builtin collections like list or dict. (#19389 
    by @eric-wieser)
  * fixed a bug where srepr function would not print dictionary 
    and set properly (#19346 by @rational-kunal)
  * tuples of one element now include the usual trailing comma 
    (#19348 by @eric-wieser)
  * mat_symbol_style='bold' no longer applies to subscripts of 
    matrix symbols (#19301 by @eric-wieser)
  * Adds e.is_Pow heuristic to to improve the limit 
    evaluations of Pow objects (#19680 by @sachin-4099)
  * Changes in mrv() function of and cancel() function 
    of resolves RecursionError and Timeout in limit 
    evaluations (#19646 by @sachin-4099)
  * modified to better work with Add objects. (#19546 by 
  * Adds a functionality to the doit() method of which 
    uses is_meromorphic() for limit evaluations (#19432 by 
  * Fixed wrong computations of fourier_series for even or odd 
    functions with limits that are specified non-central. (#19382 
    by @sylee957)
  * Replaces xreplace() with subs() in rewrite() function of resolving incorrect limit evaluations (#19297 by 
  * Adds a condition to limitinf() function of resolving 
    incorrect limit evaluations (#19292 by @sachin-4099)
  * Earlier expr and sets were treated equal which gave incorrect 
    output for some set functions(mainly : - in, is_subset), made 
    sets and expr not to be equal (#20208 by @sidhu1012)
  * nested multi-symbol first arg for ConditionSet now handled 
    with subs/as_dummy (#19512 by @smichr)
  * the bound symbols cannot be replaced with subs (#19512 by 
  * the error checking for mismatched signatures for sym and the 
    base set has been improved (#19512 by @smichr)
  * ConditionSet still tries to unify symbols and denest a base 
    set that is given as a ConditionSet but will no longer 
    introduce new symbols (and will leave the base set a a 
    ConditionSet) when this cannot be done (#19512 by @smichr)
  * Fixed ConditionSet.dummy_eq() and ConditionSet.as_dummy(). 
    (#19502 by @gschintgen)
  * Fixed ConditionSet.subs() in the case where the substitution 
    targets a free symbol. (#19495 by @gschintgen)
  * Fixed _infimum_key sorting key. (#19437 by @gschintgen)
  * ImageSets with Lambdas having different symbols will no longer 
    compare equal and should be compared like a.dummy_eq(b) #19261 
    by @smichr)
  * Fixed sqrtdenest giving wrong results for some forms of sqrt(a 
    + b*sqrt(r)) (#19932 by @sylee957)
  * Fixes a bug in collect when collection keys are not 
    independent. (#19720 by @mloubout)
  * Improved simplification for sign() (#19596 by 
    @dhruvmendiratta6 and @smichr)
  * Improved trigsimp for hyperbolic functions nested in non-trig 
    functions. (#19548 by @gschintgen)
  * Fixes a bug in collect when collected symbols appear in the 
    facorized expression. (#19431 by @mloubout)
  * Added simplification strategies for simplifying the solutions 
    of systems of ODEs (#19998 by @mijo2 and @oscarbenjamin)
  * Fix bug in nonlinsolve leading to key-error (#19189 by 
    @nsfinkelstein and @oscarbenjamin)
  * improved functionality for solveset in case of inequalities 
    (#19978 by @maurogaravello)
  * Handling of inequalities involving Piecewise is improved in 
    solveset. (#19986 by @maurogaravello)
  * Solving higher-order system of ODEs by reducing/transforming 
    it into the first-order system of ODEs by numerous methods. 
    (#19838 by @mijo2)
  * Added component division technique to divide the system of 
    ODEs into logical sub-systems and solving each of these 
    separately. (#19762 by @mijo2)
  * Extending checkodesol and constants_renumber to handle system 
    of ODEs (#19733 by @mijo2)
  * Added dsolve_system that can solve a system of ODEs (#19695 by 
  * API for the _linear_neq_order1_type1-4 was changed to make it 
    easier for anyone to access the solver (#19653 by @mijo2)
  * Solving linear systems particularly involving polynomial 
    coefficients is much faster (#18844 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * Added the new n equations linear first-order non-constant 
    coefficient non-homogeneous solver where the coefficient 
    matrix of the system of ODEs is commutative with its 
    antiderivative. (#19594 by @mijo2)
  * solveset will always use a symbol that has only either the 
    real or complex attribute and no other attribute; when a 
    ConditionSet is returned, the original symbol for which the 
    solution is being sought will be used if it does not cause 
    evaluation of the result. (#19512 by @smichr)
  * In dsolve there is no a general solver that can solve systems 
    of constant coefficient non-homogeneous first order ODEs of 
    any size in terms of integrals. (#19341 by @mijo2)
  * Fixed exception handling in solveset's secondary trigonometric 
    solver. (#19566 by @gschintgen)
  * equations with an additive generator are now solved more 
    quickly (#19524 by @smichr)
  * Improved solveset capabilities for solving trigonometric 
    equations, notably rational and symbolic coefficients are now 
    supported. (#19507 by @gschintgen)
  * solve_linear_system is now a thin wrapper for linsolve. It is 
    recommended to use linsolve in new code. solve_linear_system 
    maybe deprecated or removed in future. (#18814 by 
  * Addition of a solver that handles a subclass of linear first 
    order non-constant coefficient homogeneous systems of ODEs 
    with any number of equations. (#19185 by @mijo2)
  * The state space of ContinuousMarkovChain is now by default a 
    Range object instead of S.Reals. (#20150 by @czgdp1807 and 
  * The generator matrix of ContinuousMarkovChain is now by 
    default a MatrixSymbol object instead of None. (#20150 by 
    @czgdp1807 and @naveensaigit)
  * RandomMatrixSymbol.doit will be invariant upon call. (#20136 
    by @sylee957) 
  * The state space of DiscreteMarkovChain is now by default a 
    Range object instead of S.Reals. (#20042 by @Maelstrom6)
  * The transition probability matrix of DiscreteMarkovChain is 
    now by default a MatrixSymbol object instead of None. (#20042 
    by @Maelstrom6)
  * Fixed xreplace infinitely expanding random matrix ensemble 
    classes. (#20018 by @sylee957)
  * All the ensemble classes (RandomMatrixEnsemble, 
    GaussianEnsemble, GaussianOrthogonalEnsemble, ...) now becomes 
    stub function constructors. If you want to use them as 
    classes, you should import them as RandomMatrixEnsembleModel, 
    GaussianEnsembleModel, ... (#20018 by @sylee957)
  * Added sampling of Joint RVs from external libraries (#19848 by 
  * Added sampling for Matrix Distributions (#19857 by 
  * Allowing CompoundDistribution to handle more than one random 
    variables (#19808 by @Smit-create)
  * Added Wishart and MatrixNormal Distributions (#19795 by 
  * Change in return type of P and E with evaluate=False. With    
    evaluate=False, P and E are made to return Probability and 
    Expectation object respectively. (#19819 by @Smit-create)
  * Added MatrixGamma Distribution (#19734 by @Smit-create)
  * Added symbolic classes of Moment and CentralMoment (#19724 by 
  * Added support for Compound Distributions (#19648 by 
  * Added doit in class Probability (#19696 by @Smit-create)
  * Added MutlivariateNormal and MutlivariateLaplace function 
    (#19631 by @Smit-create)
  * Added Poisson, Wiener and Gamma Processes (#19387 by 
  * Added Expectation Matrix, Variance Matrix and CrossCovariance 
    Matrix (#19529 by @Smit-create)
  * Added sample_stochastic for sampling from stochastic 
    processes. (#19500 by @Smit-create)
  * FIxes free_symbols method of RandomIndexedSymbol (#19459 by 
  * Added Sampling from external libraries for all the random 
    variables of sympy (#19342 by @Smit-create)
  * Added doit method in Expectation and made E to call 
    Expectation (#19290 by @Smit-create)
  * Added is_random in sympy.stats.rv to check if expression 
    contains random variables (#19304 by @Smit-create)
  * expand added in sympy.stats.symbolic_rv API. (#19295 by 
  * Added Lomax and Bounded pareto distribution (#19273 by 
  * Added sampling methods for continuous variables (#18754 by 
  * Added library option in sample (#18754 by @Smit-create)
  * sample returns an iterator object since version 1.7 (#18754 by 
  * Adding ArrayDerivative class as subclass of Derivative. This 
    new handles derivatives involving non-scalar expressions. 
    (#20072 by @Upabjojr)
  * sympy.utilities.iterables.partitions() no longer reuses the 
    same dictionary for each yielded output. (#20154 by @asmeurer)
  * Add support for Integral with lambdify (using scipy or mpmath) 
    (#20134 by @ehren)
  * Lambdifying an expression with loggamma using mpmath no longer 
    raises ImportError. (#19913 by @abhaydhiman)
  * find_executable is deprecated in favor of the builtin shutil.
    which. (#19634 by @eric-wieser)
  * integral of parametric region depends on the order of limits 
    at the time of initialization. (#20044 by @friyaz)
  * vector_integrate can integrate over ImplicitRegion objects. 
    (#19883 by @friyaz)
  * Added a function to find a rational point on conic (#19807 by 
    @friyaz and @Upabjojr)
  * Added support to create implictly defined regions. (#19681 by 
  * Added support to integrate scalar/vector fields over objects 
    of geometry module. (#19650 by @friyaz)
  * added class to represent integral of scalar/vector field over 
    a parametric surface. (#19539 by @friyaz)
  * Modified API of ParametricIntegral class (#19580 by @friyaz)
  * Added class to represent a parametric region in space. (#19472 
    by @friyaz)
  * The LaTeX docs now need to built with xelatex rather than 
    pdflatex. (#20309 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * Support for Python 3.5 has been dropped. SymPy now requires 
    Python 3.6 or newer. (#20145 by @oscarbenjamin)
  * more function raise TypeError when passed invalid 
    keyword-arguments, rather than ignoring them silently (#20086 
    by @eric-wieser)
  * assert sympy.testing.pytest.raises(Exception, func) no longer 
    always asserts when pytest is not present (#20012 by 
  * Make SymPy do less at import time so that import sympy is 
    faster. (#19910 by @asmeurer)
  * Improve code quality by cleaning the doctests up (#19406 by 
    @InCogNiTo124 and @oscarbenjamin)
  * intersphinx links to :mod:`sympy` no longer point to the 
   documentation for Immutable Matrices (#19430 by @eric-wieser)

Wed Sep 16 11:19:37 UTC 2020 - Dirk Mueller <>

- update to 1.6.2:
  * bugfixes

Wed Jun 24 17:06:05 UTC 2020 - Todd R <>

- version update to 1.6
  + Backwards compatibility breaks and deprecations
    > assumptions
      * Removed deprecated Q.bounded (use Q.finite instead). Deprecated since version 1.0 (issue: #9425) (#18390 by @Smit-create)
      * Removed deprecated Q.infinitesimal (use instead). Deprecated since version 1.0 (issue: #9675) (#18390 by @Smit-create)
      * Removed deprecated Q.infinity (use Q.infinte instead). Deprecated since version 1.0 (issue: #9426) (#18390 by @Smit-create)
    > calculus
      * Deprecated evaluate argument in differentiate_finite for making non-conservative finite differences. (#17881 by @vezeli)
    > combinatorics
      * Using Permutation.print_cyclic will raise deprecation warnings (#18033 by @oscarbenjamin, @souravgl0, and @sylee957)
    > core
      * Deprecated sympify automatically converting custom objects with __str__ or __repr__ implemented. (#19006 by @sylee957)
      * BREAKING CHANGE: Basic.has no longer accepts strings as input. For example in SymPy 1.5 you could do Symbol('x').has('x') and the string 'x' passed to has would be sympified to a symbol so that the result would be True. In SymPy 1.6 this will raise an error because the string 'x' can not be sympified using strict sympification. (#19251 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * Remove deprecated bounded, unbounded and infinitesimal. Deprecated since version 0.7.6 (issue #8071) (#18503 by @Smit-create)
      * Relational is no longer a subclass of Expr and does not produce nonsensical results in arithmetic operations. This affects all Relational subclasses (Eq, Ne, Gt, Ge, Lt, Le). It is no longer possible to call meaningless Expr methods like as_coeff_Mul on Relational instances. (#18053 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * Expr now uses cooperative dispatch for binary operations so it is possible for non-Expr Basic subclasses to override the behaviour of e.g. a + b where one of a or b is an instance of Expr. This also means that any non-Expr Basic subclasses can not depend on Expr.__add__ to create Add(a, b): if a class is not a subclass of Expr and wants to define binary operations with Expr it must do so explicitly in its own __add__ method. For classes depending on this this is not a backward compatible change. (#18116 by @oscarbenjamin)
    > matrices
      * The Matrix.is_zero property has been renamed to Matrix.is_zero_matrix.
      * Matrix.is_zero is now always False. This is because in general is_zero means the number zero so a matrix can never be zero.
    > To get the old behavior of M.is_zero in both old and new versions of sympy use from sympy.core.logic import fuzzy_and; fuzzy_and(m.is_zero for m in M). (#18464 by @sylee957)
    > polys
      * BREAKING CHANGE: Poly and PurePoly now subclass Basic rather than Expr. This means that they no longer have various Expr methods such as expand that do not make sense for Poly. Use as_expr to convert the Poly to an Expr before using Expr methods. (#18613 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * BREAKING CHANGE: Poly instances with different domains now always compare unequal with p1 == p2 and p1.eq(p2). Previously Poly instances that had the same expression and generators would compare equal even if the domains were different. In some cases it might be necessary to specify the domain when comparing e.g. if p == Poly(x, x, domain='QQ'). (#18613 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * DEPRECATION: Mixing Poly with non-polynomial Expr in binary operations is now deprecated. For example Poly(x, x) * exp(x) will give a deprecation warning but still return the Expr x*exp(x) as before. If the Expr can be converted to Poly (e.g. Poly(x, x) * x) then a Poly will be returned. To get an Expr always use the as_expr method first to convert the Poly to an Expr. To get a Poly always use as_poly to convert the Expr to a Poly. (#18613 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * DEPRECATION: Passing Poly as the integrand to the integrate function or Integral class is now deprecated. Use the integrate method instead e.g. Poly(x, x).integrate(x) (#18613 by @oscarbenjamin)
    > printing
      * Removed deprecated Ccodeprinter (Use C89Printer or C99Printer instead). Deprecated since version 1.1 (Issue : #12220). (#18392 by @risubaba)
      * Removed deprecated file viewer option in preview. Deprecated since version 0.7.3(Issue: #7018) (#18392 by @risubaba)
      * Removed deprecated StringIO viewer option in preview. Deprecated since version 0.7.2(Issue: #7083) (#18392 by @risubaba)
    > sets
      * Set now uses cooperative dispatch for binary operations so it is possible for non-Set Basic subclasses to override the behaviour of e.g. a + b where one of a or b is an instance of Set. This also means that any non-Set Basic subclasses can not depend on e.g. Set.__add__ to create Union(a, b): if a class is not a subclass of Set and wants to define binary operations with Set it must do so explicitly in its own __add__ method. For classes depending on this this is not a backward compatible change. (#18116 by @oscarbenjamin)
    > other
      * Submodule names are no longer imported with from sympy import *. They can still be imported directly like from sympy import core or accessed like sympy.core, or like sys.modules['sympy.simplify'] for modules that share names with SymPy functions. (#18245 by @oscarbenjamin)
  + Changes
    > assumptions
      * assumptions will give the T/F assumptions of a symbol or expression (#19155 by @smichr)
      * common_assumptions returns the T/F assumptions in common amongst the given expressions (#19155 by @smichr)
      * Added a refine_matrixelement function (#18681 by @Saanidhyavats)
      * Updated Mul.is_imaginary to support infinite values. (#18192 by @namannimmo10)
      * Removed deprecated Q.bounded (use Q.finite instead). Deprecated since version 1.0 (issue: #9425) (#18390 by @Smit-create)
      * Removed deprecated Q.infinitesimal (use instead). Deprecated since version 1.0 (issue: #9675) (#18390 by @Smit-create)
      * Removed deprecated Q.infinity (use Q.infinte instead). Deprecated since version 1.0 (issue: #9426) (#18390 by @Smit-create)
      * Matrices can now be checked for antihermitian property by using ask(Q.antihermitian()) which earlier generated incorrect results. (#18303 by @czgdp1807)
      * Improved code in ask function using constructs from cnf module. (#18204 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
      * Fixed bug in ask function: In case of user-defined Predicates it generated KeyError while checking for local_facts. Now falls back to Handlers and satask. (#18204 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
    > calculus
      * continuous_domain now finds singularities in nested fractions (#19047 by @smichr and @ThomasHickman)
      * singularities has been upgraded to handle more than rational functions (#19047 by @smichr and @ThomasHickman)
      * fixes operations of AccumBounds (#18803 by @Ryand1234)
      * periodicity of exponential functions with a non-zero phase component is now calculated. (#18746 by @mohitacecode)
      * Correct the solution of differentiate_finite for expressions that contain embedded derivatives. (#17881 by @vezeli)
      * Deprecated evaluate argument in differentiate_finite for making non-conservative finite differences. (#17881 by @vezeli)
      * Updated docstrings of maximum, minimum, stationary_points and AccumBounds.intersection (#18581 by @mijo2)
      * Fixes Recursion Error in AccumulationBounds.__pow__ by adding a check on denominator (#18450 by @Smit-create)
    > combinatorics
      * Permutation * PermutationGroup and PermutationGroup * Permutation return Coset. (#19139 by @mohitacecode)
      * Added Coset Class. (#19077 by @mohitacecode and @sylee957)
      * Added SymmetricPermutationGroup Class. (#19077 by @mohitacecode and @sylee957)
      * Added schur number utilities in combinatorics (#18667 by @mijo2 and @slacker404)
      * Raise exception with wrong size in Permutation. (#18587 by @Smit-create)
      * Added Permutation.conjugacy_class and Permutation.conjugacy_classes for computing conjugacy classes in permutation groups. (#18354 by @lucjon and @sachin-4099)
      * Fixed Permutation applying for negative integers. (#18032 by @mrocklin and @sylee957)
      * Added Permutation.apply to use permutation as a symbolic function. (#18032 by @mrocklin and @sylee957)
      * Using Permutation.print_cyclic will raise deprecation warnings (#18033 by @oscarbenjamin, @souravgl0, and @sylee957)
      * Cycle class is no longer mutable and can be regarded as a sparse representation of a permutation (#17973 by @sachin-4099)
    > core
      * BREAKING CHANGE: Basic.has no longer accepts strings as input. For example in SymPy 1.5 you could do Symbol('x').has('x') and the string 'x' passed to has would be sympified to a symbol so that the result would be True. In SymPy 1.6 this will raise an error because the string 'x' can not be sympified using strict sympification. (#19251 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * Mul.is_integer no longer rebuilds arguments into Mul (#19182 by @iammosespaulr)
      * Mul with odd numerator and even denominator is recognized as rational but not integer (#19155 by @smichr)
      * Deprecated sympify automatically converting custom objects with __str__ or __repr__ implemented. (#19006 by @sylee957)
      * when strict=True, as_int will not convert True to 1 (#19054 by @smichr)
      * Support mpmath.matrix in sympify. (#18911 by @smichr and @sylee957)
      * Adds simplification to Pow._eval_nseries resolving incorrect limit evaluation (#18962 by @sachin-4099)
      * doit(deep=False) now evaluates Add and Mul. (#18829 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
      * Reduces sensitivity of computation of order terms in Pow._eval_nseries (#18785 by @sachin-4099)
      * Pow.is_zero is fixed for some cases involving infinite (or possibly infinite) expressions. (#18728 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * Now finite and infinite are logical opposites in the old assumptions system so e.g. a Symbol declared with finite=False will have infinite=True. (#18726 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * sympify no longer converts numpy arrays with size to scalars (#18651 by @mijo2 and @NeilGirdhar)
      * __getnewargs__() added to Zero, One, NegativeOne, Half. (#18675 by @mohitacecode)
      * simplification of powers with numerical products in the base is improved (#18650 by @sachin-4099)
      * sqrt(x).is_negative is False when x is real (#18597 by @Smit-create)
      * Add,_eval_as_leading_term() has been fixed (#18340 by @sachin-4099)
      * Updated the definition of atoms method of class Basic (#18532 by @mijo2)
      * basic - sorting in subs is improved so unsorted arguments will prefer replacing more complicated patterns first (e.g. the second derivative before the first derivative). (#18043 by @Psycho-Pirate)
      * Remove deprecated bounded, unbounded and infinitesimal. Deprecated since version 0.7.6 (issue #8071) (#18503 by @Smit-create)
      * Added check for AccumBounds. (#18478 by @smichr and @Smit-create)
      * Adding gmpy in integer_nthroot ( It works only for n < 2**63) (#18380 by @Smit-create)
      * Added new test case for relational (#18416 by @mijo2)
      * Pow._eval_nseries fixed to accept all real exponents. (#18406 by @Smit-create)
      * integer_ntroot and igcd now use gmpy when it is installed (#18276 by @Smit-create)
      * Changed some partial derivatives like diff(f(g(x), h(x)), x) not to have dummy symbols. (#18326 by @sachin-4099)
      * subs now works correctly with partial derivatives. (#18326 by @sachin-4099)
      * Subclass of Function can inherit its nargs attribute to its subclasses. (#18258 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
      * Added try-except block in sympy/core/ to handle NotImplementedError and return ConditionSet (#18211 by @Smit-create)
      * Renamed core/evaluate to core/parameters (#18198 by @JSS95, @mcpl-sympy, and @oscarbenjamin)
      * Added global_parameters, which is a thread-local storage for global parameters such as evaluate, distribute, etc. (#18198 by @JSS95, @mcpl-sympy, and @oscarbenjamin)
      * Relational is no longer a subclass of Expr and does not produce nonsensical results in arithmetic operations. This affects all Relational subclasses (Eq, Ne, Gt, Ge, Lt, Le). It is no longer possible to call meaningless Expr methods like as_coeff_Mul on Relational instances. (#18053 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * Expr now uses cooperative dispatch for binary operations so it is possible for non-Expr Basic subclasses to override the behaviour of e.g. a + b where one of a or b is an instance of Expr. This also means that any non-Expr Basic subclasses can not depend on Expr.__add__ to create Add(a, b): if a class is not a subclass of Expr and wants to define binary operations with Expr it must do so explicitly in its own __add__ method. For classes depending on this this is not a backward compatible change. (#18116 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * Added global_evaluate[0] condition in add, sub, mul, div functions in Infinity class. (#18109 by @namannimmo10)
      * Moved .as_poly() from Basic to Expr. (#18094 by @dhruvmendiratta6)
      * Fixed a bug in Factors().as_expr() that led to simplifications that are not generally valid for complex numbers. (Exponents were always multiplied in power-of-a-power situations.) (#18087 by @gschintgen)
      * Fix a regression in 1.5 that allowed expressions to compare equal to strings, and caused == to call str() on the other object. (#18057 by @asmeurer)
    > functions
      * Adjoint of exp and transpose of exp now work as expected. (#19151 by @akirakyle)
      * Adds substitution to _eval_nseries() function of Abs() class resolving incorrect limit evaluations (#19037 by @sachin-4099)
      * expand log term into its prime factors if the factor flag is True. (#18927 by @sbt4104)
      * Evaluate nested floor/ceiling. (#18903 by @sbt4104)
      * Update expand function for binomials. (#18802 by @sbt4104)
      * periodicity of trigonometric functions with a non-zero phase component is now calculated. (#18746 by @mohitacecode)
      * __getnewargs__() and args() added to IdentityFunction. (#18675 by @mohitacecode)
      * Added _eval_nseries() functionality to hyper (#18630 by @dhruvmendiratta6)
      * Fix number of terms in exp._eval_nseries. (#18598 by @mohitacecode)
      * Fixes TypeError while using simplify (#18640 by @Smit-create)
      * Added proportional tolerance for falling factorial test (#18456 by @mijo2)
      * polygamma(n, 1/2) with n a positive integer is automatically evaluated (#18451 by @ethankward)
      * floor and ceiling with float arguments now return Integers (#18424 by @mohitacecode)
      * Sympified output numbers for factorial and binomial used with Mod. (#18339 by @namannimmo10)
      * Maximum recursion depth is no longer exceeded when subfactorial is called on large numbers (#17983 by @sachin-4099)
      * Copy edited the Special submodule to reflect the style guide for Google Season of Docs. (#17844 by @lglattly)
    > geometry
      * Line.bisectors will return the two perpendicular lines, bisecting the angles at the intersection of two linear entities and laying in the same plane as them (#19094 by @Jaime02 and @smichr)
      * Added explicit optional parameters to Polygon and convex_hull (#15757 by @oscargus)
      * Added bisectors method for Polygon class. (#18335 by @namannimmo10)
      * Add __call__ method in Class Curve. (#18250 by @namannimmo10)
      * Point.coordinates was added as a meaningful alias for Point.args (#18213 by @Jaime02)
    > holonomic
      * A cache mismatch error was fixed. (#19248 by @iammosespaulr and @smichr)
    > integrals
      * Handling Float Integrals (#18434 by @Smit-create)
      * Added integration over summation (#18491 by @mijo2)
      * Added extra step to evaluate integral if heurisch() returns None in heurisch_wrapper() (#18153 by @risubaba)
      * Catch ValueError from meijerg() in _inverse_mellin_transform(). (#18141 by @Smit-create)
    > logic
      * boolalg (#18912 by @smichr)
      * to_cnf/to_dnf (when simplify=True) require force=True` if there are more than 8 variables (#18912 by @smichr)
      * simplify_logic recognizes trivial simplified cases (#18912 by @smichr)
      * is_literal can treat Not as literal or not by using the literal_Not flag (#18912 by @smichr)
      * Opposing Relationals are now detected correctly in nested Ands allowing evaluation to False in more cases. (#18811 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * Added a new normal form - ANFform. Function ANFform converts a list of truth values to an expression in Algebraic Normal Form (ANF). (#13686 by @KonstantinTogoi)
      * Added a new method BooleanFunction.to_anf that converts an expression to ANF by equivalent transformations. (#13686 by @KonstantinTogoi)
      * Added a new function is_anf that checks if an expression is ANF. (#13686 by @KonstantinTogoi)
      * Added a new function to_anf that converts an expression to ANF if it is not ANF. (#13686 by @KonstantinTogoi)
      * Added a new function distribute_xor_over_and. Given a sentence s consisting of conjunction and exclusive disjunctions of literals, it returns an equivalent exclusive disjunction. (#13686 by @KonstantinTogoi)
      * Added a new function bool_minterm that returns the k-th minterm of a fixed ordered set of binary variables. (#13686 by @KonstantinTogoi)
      * Added a new function bool_maxterm that returns the k-th maxterm of a fixed ordered set of binary variables. (#13686 by @KonstantinTogoi)
      * Added a new function bool_monomial that returns the k-th monomial of a fixed ordered set of binary variables. (#13686 by @KonstantinTogoi)
    > matrices
      * Fixed matrix creation from the list containg numpy ndarray. (e.g. Matrix([np.array([1, 2]), np.array([1, 2])])) (#19229 by @sylee957)
      * Added is_strongly_diagonally_dominant and is_weakly_diagonally_dominant properties for Matrix. (#19205 by @sylee957)
      * Powers of non-square matrices now always raise an error, even when constructed using MatPow(...). (#19104 by @jlherren)
      * ZeroMatrix will not be logically False. (#19110 by @sbt4104)
      * Added connected_components and connected_components_decomposition for matrix which decomposes a matrix into a block diagonal form. (#19045 by @sylee957)
      * Added todok function to find dictionary of keys format from any dense or sparse matrices. (#19045 by @sylee957)
      * Added BlockDiagMatrix.get_diag_blocks to provide an user API to get diagonal blocks from the matrix. (#19045 by @sylee957)
      * Fixed bug of mpmath.matrix transforming into wrong shape if used to create Matrix. (#18911 by @smichr and @sylee957)
      * Improved eigenvals and eigenvects for floating point matrices using mpmath. (#18911 by @smichr and @sylee957)
      * Some expressions involving OneMatrix are now simplified. (#19009 by @jlherren)
      * Indexing BlockMatrix now more often produces correct results and remains unevaluated if a correct simplification is not possible. (#19007 by @jlherren)
      * Added a function that rotates matrices by 90 degrees (#18953 by @iammosespaulr and @sylee957)
      * sparsetools - _doktocsr now returns a MutableSparseMatrix (#18940 by @smichr)
      * Added Golub Kahan Bidiagonalization with Householder Reflections (#18797 by @sudoWin)
      * Added file which contains all the solvers-related tests. (#18793 by @guptabhaskar)
      * Added evaluate option to MatAdd and MatMul (#18765 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
      * non-square matrices now raise NonSquareMatrixError if inversion is attempted (#18647 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Added file which contain all the reductions-related tests. (#18713 by @mohitacecode)
      * Added file which contain all the reductions-related tests. (#18705 by @mohitacecode)
      * Added file which contain all the eigen-related tests. (#18690 by @mohitacecode)
      * Added file which contain all the decomposition-related tests. (#18685 by @mohitacecode)
      * Added file which contain all the determinant-related tests. (#18668 by @mohitacecode)
      * Faster Matrix Inverse using Block Matrix (#18608 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Faster Matrix exponentiation using Cayley Hamilton Theorem (#18595 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Fixed BlockDiagMatrix(A).blocks giving a non-block matrix. (#18621 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Added dotprodsimp keyword to MatrixArithmetic.pow (#18600 by @Pristine-Cat)
      * Implemented General Matrix Analytic functions (#18565 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Enabled intermediate matrix product simplification to control expression blowup during certain matrix operations. (#18572 by @Pristine-Cat) (#18147 by @Pristine-Cat) (#18049 by @Pristine-Cat)
      * Added environment variable check SYMPY_DOTPRODSIMP=0 to turn off the new dotprodsimp simplification in case the structure of the new results breaks user code. Should be removed after next live release. (#18572 by @Pristine-Cat)
      * Pulled out and cleaned up many matrix function implementations from into individual matrix source files,,,,, and (#18564 by @Pristine-Cat) (#18519 by @Pristine-Cat) (#18425 by @Pristine-Cat) (#18420 by @Pristine-Cat) (#18342 by @Pristine-Cat)
      * Immutable matrices return themselves on call to as_immutable(). (#18441 by @Pristine-Cat)
      * Fixed wrapper for NumPy matrices so SymPy iteration and indexing works correctly. (#18160 by @Pristine-Cat)
      * Not backwards compatible: The Matrix.is_zero property has been renamed to Matrix.is_zero_matrix. Matrix.is_zero is now always False. This is because in general is_zero means the number zero so a matrix can never be zero. To get the old behavior of M.is_zero in both old and new versions of sympy use from sympy.core.logic import fuzzy_and; fuzzy_and(m.is_zero for m in M). (#18464 by @sylee957)
      * Added PermutationMatrix and MatrixPermute for matrix permutations. (#18032 by @mrocklin and @sylee957)
      * Fixed FunctionMatrix.replace raising TypeError: 'property' object is not iterable when the function is not a Lambda instance. (#17998 by @sylee957)
      * FunctionMatrix and ElementwiseApplyFunction will always wrap the function inside Lambda. (#17998 by @sylee957)
      * Cleaned up unnecessary slowdown for MatMul.doit when it contains explicit matrices. (#17872 by @sylee957)
      * Fixed MatPow(Inverse(A), 3) and Inverse(MatPow(A, 3)) canonicalized into different objects. (#17872 by @sylee957)
      * Improved inversion of block matrices by selecting an appropriate formula. (#19215 by @jlherren)
    > ntheory
      * the number of digits (like bit length) can now be specified for digits (#18961 by @Arpan612 and @smichr)
      * Corrects the condition for "Extra strong" Lucas pseudoprime (#18946 by @Arpan612 and @sylee957)
      * count_digits works only with numbers (not strings) (#18807 by @smichr)
      * digits is now located in digits instead of factor_ (#18807 by @smichr)
      * implemented elliptic curve (#18682 by @abhinav28071999 and @shikil)
      * added new ntheory module containing methods related to arithmetic properties of integers (currently, frequency counters for digits of integers, palindromic numbers) (#18659 by @sr-murthy)
      * Made divisor_sigma() symbolically recognize the case: divisor_sigma(a**j*b**k) (#18688 by @sachin-4099)
      * Added multiplicty_in_factorial(p, n) to find the multiplicity of p in n! without calculating the factorial. (#18671 by @sachin-4099)
      * implemented gaussian prime test (#18673 by @abhinav28071999)
      * is_nthpow_residue no longer raises ValueError when a < 0 (#18398 by @abhinav28071999)
      * polynomial_congruence recognizes x**n + a = 0 mod m as a special case (#18398 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Added polynomial_congruence(expr, m) to find values congruent (mod m) to a polynomial (#18294 by @abhinav28071999)
      * is_nthpow_residue handles numbers that are not powers of a primitive root. (#18337 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Fixes nthroot_mod for prime powers (#18274 by @abhinav28071999)
      * nthroot_mod now supports composite moduli (#18199 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Added dra and drm to calculate digital root via addition and multiplication (#16496 by @abhinav28071999 and @smichr)
      * Added quadratic_congruence solver function (#18195 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Make nthroot_mod , primitive_root and _primitive_root_prime_iter incompatible with composite modulo. (#18194 by @risubaba)
      * In def _sqrt_mod_prime_power(a, p, k): it is assumed that p is a prime number. And this function calls if not is_quad_residue(a, p): in line 396. But is_quad_residue(a, p) again checks that p is prime or not. This leads to extra computation cost. (#18184 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Added check for zero in is_nthpow_residue. (#18129 by @erdOne)
      * Added proper_divisor and proper_divisor_count functions (#18085 by @adhoc-king and @czgdp1807)
      * Proper exception when accessing index 0 of sieve. (#18013 by @JulienPalard)
    > parsing
      * added support for unary operators: unary plus(+), unary minus(-), pre/post increment(++), pre/post decrement(--) and logical NOT(!) in C parser (#19140 by @smitgajjar)
      * added support for parenthesized expression in C parser (#19140 by @smitgajjar)
      * added support for binom (#19147 by @iammosespaulr)
      * Added 2 new rules for mathematica parser. (#19135 by @wuyudi)
      * added support for parsing binary operators +, -, *, /, %, =, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, && and || in C parser (#19029 by @smitgajjar)
      * added support for parsing variable declarations and assignments, where one variable or a literal or any combination of them using binary operators is assigned to another variable in C parser (#19029 by @smitgajjar)
      * added support for variable declaration and assignment of boolean literal (true and false) as well as declaration of boolean data type in C parser (#19029 by @smitgajjar)
      * Added the assignment case where character is assigned to an integer in C parser (#18925 by @smitgajjar)
      * parse_expr can now be imported directly from sympy (from sympy import parse_expr). The various parsing transformers should still be imported from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser. (#18074 by @asmeurer)
      * updated use of Call() to work in Python >=3.5 by reformatting arguments (#17875 by @czgdp1807 and @gregmedlock)
    > physics.continuum_mechanics
      * draw method follows sign convention of positive moment/counterclockwise application (#18766 by @amartinhernan)
    > physics.mechanics
      * KanesMethod.forcing no longer contains time derivatives of generalized coordinates if kinematical differential equations are supplied. (#18078 by @moorepants)
    > physics.quantum
      * Added new OrthogonalBra and OrthogonalKet classes for orthogonal states. (#18182 by @m93a)
    > physics.vector
      * Fixed test failure for test_dyadic with cache off (#18405 by @Smit-create)
      * Added assumptions to dynamicsymbols (#18061 by @Smit-create)
      * Added test for dynamicsymbols (#18061 by @Smit-create)
    > plotting
      * Fixed plot3d_parametric_line plotting curves out of the box. (#19284 by @sylee957)
      * Accept user passed label of the plots (#19079 by @Smit-create)
      * Removed all set_smart_bounds methods. (#18870 by @kamimura)
      * Improved textplot() axis values. (#18922 by @prshnt19)
      * Added backend option (#18677 by @Smit-create)
      * Fixed aspect_ratio in plot (#18537 by @Smit-create)
    > polys
      * roots_quintic now recognizes when there is no analytical solution (#19165 by @smichr)
      * any Expr with non-symbol generators will be refused by root-related public functions to minimize confusion (since roots of cos(x) - 1 and x - 1 are the same). (#19117 by @smichr)
      * RootOf results that are returned in root request will have a canonical x as their generator (#19117 by @smichr)
      * any Expr with non-symbol generators will be refused by root-related public functions to minimize confusion (since roots of cos(x) - 1 and x - 1 are the same). (#19117 by @smichr)
      * RootOf results that are returned in root request will have a canonical x as their generator (#19117 by @smichr)
      * Fixed an issue when calling factor() with an extension (#19040 by @iammosespaulr)
      * Combine factors of same multiplicity (#18698 by @Smit-create)
      * Fixed initialization of orig_ext and added from_AlgebraicField() to AlgebraicField. (#18669 by @mohitacecode)
      * BREAKING CHANGE: Poly and PurePoly now subclass Basic rather than Expr. This means that they no longer have various Expr methods such as expand that do not make sense for Poly. Use as_expr to convert the Poly to an Expr before using Expr methods. (#18613 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * BREAKING CHANGE: Poly instances with different domains now always compare unequal with p1 == p2 and p1.eq(p2). Previously Poly instances that had the same expression and generators would compare equal even if the domains were different. In some cases it might be necessary to specify the domain when comparing e.g. if p == Poly(x, x, domain='QQ'). (#18613 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * DEPRECATION: Mixing Poly with non-polynomial Expr in binary operations is now deprecated. For example Poly(x, x) * exp(x) will give a deprecation warning but still returne the Expr x*exp(x) as before. If the Expr can be converted to Poly (e.g. Poly(x, x) * x) then a Poly will be returned. To get an Expr always use the as_expr method first to convert the Poly to an Expr. To get a Poly always use as_poly to convert the Expr to a Poly. (#18613 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * DEPRECATION: Passing Poly as the integrand to the integrate function or Integral class is now deprecated. Use the integrate method instead e.g. Poly(x, x).integrate(x) (#18613 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * add condition for f == 0 to Piecewise solution for symbolic quartic polynomials (#18571 by @harsh9200)
      * Fixed polynomial gcd bug (#18566 by @Smit-create)
      * Added check for expressions containing GoldenRatio and TribonacciConstant (#18535 by @Smit-create)
      * Added expand in simplify method of ExpressionDomain (#18472 by @Smit-create)
      * Fixed the issue of cancel not expanding the product of irrational conjugates and added Tests (#18448 by @iamabhishek0)
      * Prevent creation of CC from changing the context of RealElement. (#18312 by @V1krant)
      * Changes in Poly.__new__() to make it handle simplified Matrix (#18159 by @Smit-create)
      * interpolate will no longer return nan when x is a supplied coordinate (#18030 by @smichr)
      * interpolating_poly will raise an error if x is not symbolic (#18030 by @smichr)
      * interpolating_poly will raise an error if X or Y depend on x (#18030 by @smichr)
      * interpolating-poly will now use only the first n points in X and Y (#18030 by @smichr)
      * Added KSY_precondition() to test for the Kapur-Saxena-Yang precondition (#17974 by @ctsiagkalis)
      * Added get_KSY_Dixon_resultant() and auxiliary methods for computing the KSY approach to Dixon's Resultant (#17974 by @ctsiagkalis)
    > printing
      * the inverse hyperbolic functions now respect the inv_trig_style printer setting (#19235 by @eric-wieser)
      * Fixed numpy printer raising error for unevaluated numeric power. (#19170 by @sylee957)
      * Fixed IdentityFunction printing for LaTeX. (#19032 by @sylee957)
      * Added parenthesize_super option to LatexPrinter. (#18256 by @JSS95 and @mcpl-sympy)
      * Removing python2 support from PythonCodePrinter (#18381 by @Smit-create)
      * Added support for airy functions in the SciPyPrinter class. (#18908 by @OmarWagih1)
      * allowed ReprPrinter to maintain original expr order via turning ordering off (#18777 by @leerobert)
      * Fix lambdify with Min for arrays of more than one dimension (#18774 by @sbt4104)
      * Fixed MatMul with complex coefficients raising error when printed. (#18744 by @sylee957)
      * fixes incorrect parenthesizes in latex print of integral (#18772 by @Ryand1234)
      * fixes nested differentiation problem in latex format (#18740 by @Ryand1234)
      * added Python printer for KroneckerDelta (#18185 by @m93a)
      * Added min and max options for printers to set a range for floating point numbers that can
      * be printed in fixed-point format. (#18477 by @mijo2)
      * Removed deprecated Ccodeprinter (Use C89Printer or C99Printer instead). Deprecated since version 1.1 (Issue : #12220). (#18392 by @risubaba)
      * Removed deprecated file viewer option in preview. Deprecated since version 0.7.3(Issue: #7018) (#18392 by @risubaba)
      * Removed deprecated StringIO viewer option in preview. Deprecated since version 0.7.2(Issue: #7083) (#18392 by @risubaba)
      * Fixed Range with symbols raising error when printed with LaTeX. (#18418 by @sylee957)
      * Added NumPy printing for several matrix expressions. (ZeroMatrix, OneMatrix, FunctionMatrix, HadamardProduct, KroneckerProduct, Adjoint, DiagonalOf, DiagMatrix, DiagonalMatrix) (#18351 by @sylee957 and @vighneshq)
      * Added support for FiniteSet printing in mathml content markup. (#17545 by @sylee957)
      * Added support for Union, Intersection, Complement, and ProductSet printing for mathml content markup. (#17545 by @sylee957)
      * Added a new flag perm_cyclic for string, LaTeX, and pretty printers. (#18033 by @oscarbenjamin, @souravgl0, and @sylee957)
      * LaTeX and pretty printer will print permutation in 2-line array notation when perm_cyclic=False. (#18033 by @oscarbenjamin, @souravgl0, and @sylee957)
    > series
      * Adds simplification to limitinf() function of resolving ValueError (#19004 by @sachin-4099)
      * Adds simplification to limitinf() function of resolving ValueError (#18978 by @sachin-4099)
      * Corrected docstrings related to latex in FormalPowerSeries (#18812 by @smitgajjar)
      * Order(0) now returns an object of Order Type (#18629 by @iamabhishek0)
    > sets
      * Added a new DisjointUnion class to compute the disjoint union of instances of sympy.sets.sets.Set (#18861 by @sava-1729)
      * Added is_finite_set property in class Range (#19016 by @sava-1729)
      * Added test case for sets with | operation (#18576 by @rashmi123456789)
      * Fixed bugs in ComplexRegion.contains() that could lead to incorrect results when membership is in fact undecidable or at least unknown. (#18308 by @gschintgen)
      * Fixed minor issues in Interval.contains() (#18426 by @gschintgen)
      * Fixed a bug in FiniteSet's union handler that could lead to some elements being "dropped" if their membership in the other set can't be determined. (#18356 by @gschintgen)
      * Fixed evalf() for Intervals and FiniteSets having symbolic endpoints or containing symbolic elements. (#18251 by @gschintgen)
      * Fixed FiniteSet._complement() for Intervals and S.Reals. Previously wrong results or exceptions could result from set differences involving FiniteSets containing non-reals or symbolic expressions. (#18218 by @gschintgen)
      * Fixed and extended intersection handler for Integer-based ImageSets. (#18200 by @gschintgen)
      * added appropriate error message when infinite ranges are sliced (#17986 by @arun-y99)
      * Added an is_subset handler to check whether a Range is included in a FiniteSet. (#18137 by @gschintgen)
      * Added a simple cache to FiniteSet in order to speed up some membership checks. (#18137 by @gschintgen)
      * Fixed Range.contains() logic for symbolic values. (#18137 by @gschintgen)
      * Fixed Rationals.boundary to be Reals. (is_open and is_closed now both return False.) (#18168 by @gschintgen)
      * is_open logic is improved. (#18168 by @gschintgen)
      * Set now uses cooperative dispatch for binary operations so it is possible for non-Set Basic subclasses to override the behaviour of e.g. a + b where one of a or b is an instance of Set. This also means that any non-Set Basic subclasses can not depend on Expr.__add__ to create Union(a, b): if a class is not a subclass of Set and wants to define binary operations with Set it must do so explicitly in its own __add__ method. For classes depending on this this is not a backward compatible change. (#18116 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * SetExpr._eval_func() is fixed so that ImageSets with linear maps involving complex numbers are now instantiated correctly. (#18062 by @gschintgen)
      * The logic for the Set.is_subset method is made correct. This prevents incorrectly returning True or False but also means that the method returns None more often in cases where a determination should be possible. (#17848 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * There is a new is_finiteset property for sets which is a fuzzy bool indicating whether a set has a finite number of elements. (#17848 by @oscarbenjamin)
    > simplify
      * collect is more careful not to make invalid collection (e.g. factoring Rational out of a power's exponent) (#19165 by @smichr)
      * fu routine TR11 has a helper that allows double angle reduction in fractions (#18635 by @smichr and @V1krant)
      * Fixing bug in cancel function (#18107 by @namannimmo10)
      * Fixed IndexError using cse with RootOf (#18273 by @sachin-4099)
      * Fix wrong results from sqrtdenest() with expressions containing I. (#18042 by @asmeurer and @oscarbenjamin)
    > solvers
      * Use matrix exponential to solve homogeneous systems of first order ODEs with constant coefficients. (#18720 by @mijo2 and @oscarbenjamin)
      * add a new reduced_separable method (#19122 by @RituRajSingh878)
      * no longer interpret 0./1. as bool when the other arg is not a Boolean (#19054 by @smichr)
      * Fix solvers to handle binomials (#18802 by @sbt4104)
      * Rewrite equation as expression in solveset. (#18670 by @mohitacecode)
      * Updated docstring of public functions in polysys (#18641 by @mijo2)
      * Fixed NoneType Error Bug in solvers.solvers.unrad() (#18324 by @sachin-4099)
      * Fixed nonlinsolve's handling of intersections and complements in the final result. (#18308 by @gschintgen)
      * Now dsolve can solve linear non-homogeneous ODEs involving hyperbolic functions when using the method of undetermined coefficients. (#18410 by @Mohitbalwani26)
      * Fixed checkodesol for some cases when the solution returned by variation of parameters was correct but chekodesol couldn't simplify it. (#18376 by @Mohitbalwani26)
      * Fixed dsolve for some cases of linear non-homogeneous ODEs when using the method of undetermined coefficients. (#18309 by @Mohitbalwani26)
      * Changed return type from None to [], as in #18199 the return type of nth_root was changed when all_root = True and no root exists (#18285 by @abhinav28071999)
      * - solve function is used to express the equation in factorised form (#18214 by @Mohitbalwani26 and @smichr)
      * Fixed a bug in diophantine where negative coefficients could lead to incomplete solutions in conjunction with permute=True. (#18200 by @gschintgen)
      * The diophantine solver no longer raises for unsympified inputs. (#18201 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * fixed a bug in diophantine when using permute=True which caused incomplete permutations to be returned (#18189 by @abhinav28071999)
      * - fixed bug where AttributeError was raised in some cases. (#18167 by @Mohitbalwani26)
      * Solving of hyperbolic equations improved in solveset. (#14053 by @gschintgen, @ishanaj, @oscarbenjamin, and @oscargus)
      * Copy edited to reflect the style guide for Google Season of Docs. (#17921 by @lglattly)
    > stats
      * Allowing the user to define custom distributions (#19123 by @Smit-create)
      * Added coskewness (#18935 by @Smit-create)
      * Added sampling methods for discrete random variables (#18289 by @Smit-create)
      * Added median function. (#18300 by @Smit-create)
      * Updated some documentation in NormalGamma and JointRV functions (#18589 by @akash9712 and @mijo2)
      * DiscreteUniform raises ValueError for duplicate args (#18614 by @smichr and @Smit-create)
      * sympify expression in compute_expectation (#18577 by @Smit-create)
      * Added moyal distribution (#18446 by @Smit-create)
      * Fixes Wrong Integral result from SingleContinuousPSpace (#18336 by @Smit-create)
      * Fixed domain bug in probability method of ContinuousPspace in sympy/stats/ (#18311 by @Smit-create)
      * Added Bernoulli Process in sympy/stats/ (#18173 by @Smit-create)
      * Added HermiteDistribution in sympy/stats/ (#18233 by @Smit-create)
      * Added PowerFunction in sympy/stats/ (#18152 by @Smit-create)
      * Reciprocal distribution has been added to sympy.stats (#18131 by @abhinav28071999)
      * Added levy distribution in sympy/stats/ (#18096 by @Smit-create)
      * Added test of levy distribution in sympy/stats/tests/ (#18096 by @Smit-create)
      * Required change in sympy/stats/ (#18096 by @Smit-create)
    > tensor
      * Fixed a bug where tensor contractions in calls to replace_with_arrays would fail to apply the metric. (#19091 by @cjayross)
      * Fix Idx object to accept non-integer bound (#18605 by @Smit-create)
      * Implemented derivatives with respect to symbols in tensor expressions (#18093 by @joha2 and @Upabjojr)
      * Implemented derivatives with respect to tensors in tensor expressions (#18093 by @joha2 and @Upabjojr)
      * Added _eval_simplify method for class ImmutableDenseNDimArray (#18369 by @iamabhishek0)
      * Fixing bug in replacing indices in PartialDerivative tensor objects. (#18242 by @Upabjojr)
      * Tensor module: refactory to allow mixing PartialDerivative and TensAdd. (#18224 by @Upabjojr)
      * Fix PartialDerivative operator to correctly handle the valence (covariant/contravariant) of the deriving variable. (#18166 by @Upabjojr)
      * .dummy_fmt changed to .dummy_name (#17518 by @drybalka)
      * metric parameter for TensorIndexType is now split into 2 optional parameters metric_name and metric_symmetry (#17518 by @drybalka)
      * TensorIndexType.dim is now a symbol and not None (#17518 by @drybalka)
    > utilities
      * Overflow condition and negative argument for 'ibin' added (#18973 by @Arpan612)
      * iterables - uniq will now raise a RuntimeError if a size change of the sequence is detected (#18835 by @smichr)
      * iterables now includes is_palindromic to check if a sequence (or slice thereof) is palindromic (#18807 by @smichr)
      * iterables: generate_derangements now handles unsorted input correctly (#18810 by @smichr)
      * Code for the test runner is moved to a new sympy.testing package. (#18095 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * lambdify: avoid using scipy versions of numpy functions, which are deprecated, in lambdify. (#18080 by @sylee957)
    > other
      * Replace inspect.getargspec with getfullargspec (#18784 by @sethtroisi)
      * Updated README to include details about how to install SymPy using PyPI (#18518 by @mijo2)
      * Corrected an inconsistency in the "Advanced Expression Manipulation" section of the tutorial. (#18287 by @Smit-create)
      * Submodule names are no longer imported with from sympy import *. They can still be imported directly like from sympy import core or accessed like sympy.core, or like sys.modules['sympy.simplify'] for modules that share names with SymPy functions. (#18245 by @oscarbenjamin)
      * README.rst - Added the codecov Badge in readme.rst (#18266 by @Mohitbalwani26)
      * updated the README.rst and doc/README.rst with links to the SymPy Documentation Style Guide. (#17922 by @lglattly)

Wed Jan 15 09:50:57 UTC 2020 - Benedikt Fein <>

- version update to 1.5.1
  + Deprecate `is_EmptySet` in favor of `is_empty`
  + Lambda now requires a tuple rather than a list for the
    signature argument (non-tuple iterables are deprecated)
  + Eq(expr) now raises ValueError. Eq(expr, 0) should be used
  + Refactory of the units module. Scale factors and dimensions
    are now both global and relative to single unit systems.
  + get_dixon_matrix() now computes only the necessary monomials
    for the Dixon matrix.
  + The ProductSet of no sets is no longer the empty set. Instead
    is the set consisting of the empty tuple.
  + Deprecated tensorhead() and tensorsymmetry() static methods.
  + Rational, irrational, transcendental and algebraic now imply
    finite in the assumptions system. This means that all symbols
    declared as rational, integer, odd etc are now automatically
    assumed finite.
  + In the (old) assumptions, `complex=True` now implies
    `finite=True`. Note that the default assumption for Symbol is
    `complex=None`, which allows for the possibility for it to be
  + The assumptions system is changed so that only finite numbers
    can be considered real, positive, negative, nonnegative,
    nonpositive or nonzero (since nonzero implies real). This
    means that any symbol declared with e.g. real=True is now
    automatically considered finite. It also means that infinities
    can not be considered positive or negative since they are not
    real (e.g. oo.is_positive is now False).
  + New assumptions extended_real, extended_positive etc are added
    that allow for positive and negative infinity. The equivalent
    of `Symbol('x', real=True)` in version 1.4 is now
    `Symbol('x', extended_real=True)`. The equivalent of
    `Symbol('x', negative=False)` is now
    `Symbol('x', extended_negative=False)` although it is usually
    better to use `Symbol('x', nonnegative=True)` (which implies
    both real=True and finite=True as well). Code that previously
    checked `if x.is_positive` should now be written as
    `if x.is_extended_positive` if it is intended that infinities
    should be allowed.
  + Numbers still compare the same as they do in Python
    (`Float(1) == 1`) except when they appear in an Expression,
    e.g. `x**2.0 != x**2`.

Wed Apr 17 12:28:18 UTC 2019 -

- version update to 1.4
  + Logic expressions with relations can now be simplifed in a
    better way which has impact on e.g. simplification of
    piecewise expressions
  + The MathML Presentation printer has seen a major improvement
    with support configuration and about a hundred new functions.
  + Union and Intersection have been improved to, among other
    improvements, support Python sets.
  + The test procedure has been changed to include code coverage
    and code quality checks leading to a number of issues being
    identified and removed.
  + Unicode support, especially for Python 2.7, has been improved.
  + subs and Subs have been improved in a number of ways.
  + SymPy objects now renders as LaTeX automatically in Jupyter
    notebooks. init_printing is still required to LaTeX render
    non-SymPy objects such as lists of expressions or Python ints

Mon Oct 29 16:07:24 UTC 2018 - Todd R <>

- Fix building on Leap

Thu Sep 27 08:48:09 UTC 2018 - Matěj Cepl <>

- Update python-sympy-rpmlintrc to reflect current reality.

Sun Sep 16 16:00:54 UTC 2018 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * package isympy file and __pycache__

- update to version 1.3:
 * see

Wed Sep  5 03:52:12 UTC 2018 -

- specfile:
  * update copyright year
  * removed devel from noarch

- update to version 1.2:
  * Highlights
    + Python 3.3 is no longer supported. If you require Python 3.3
      support, use SymPy 1.1.1. See our policy on dropping support for
      major Python versions.
    + Experimental LaTeX parsing with
      sympy.parsing.latex.parse_latex() has been added, based on the
      latex2sympy project. This requires antlr-python-runtime to be
      installed. #13706
    + The vector module has been improved to support orthogonal
      curvilinear coordinate systems (Szymon Mieszczak's GSoC project)
    + New module sympy.integrals.intpoly for integrating uni/bivariate
      polynomials over 2-polytopes. (Arif Ahmed's GSoC project)
    + Improvements to the code generation module. (Björn Dahlgren's
      GSoC project)
    + Improvements to the group theory module. See below for more
      information. (Valeriia Gladkova's GSoC project)
    + New module sympy.discrete for operating on discrete
      sequences. (Sidhant Nagpal's GSoC project)
  * for full changelog see

Mon Nov 20 20:02:07 UTC 2017 -

- Fix update-alternatives implementation.
- Fix recompilation for earlier python3 releases.

Tue Nov 14 08:07:19 UTC 2017 -

- Do not build require python-qt4, it does not be required at build time.

Sun Aug 13 15:27:25 UTC 2017 -

- Implement single-spec version
- update to version 1.1.1:
  * see the release notes for complete details:
- update to version 1.1:
  * see the release notes for complete details:
- update to version 1.0:
  * see the release notes for complete details:

Tue May 19 20:46:59 UTC 2015 -

- update to version 0.7.6:
  * see the release notes for complete details:
- remove unwanted shebang from more python library files
- add AUTHORS, LICENSE and README.rst to the package documentation
- add update-alternatives as post and postun requires
- fix update-alternatives

Sat Nov 08 20:17:00 UTC 2014 - Led <>

- fix bashisms in pre script

Fri Mar  7 04:13:14 UTC 2014 -

-  update to version 0.7.5

  Major changes:
  * The version of mpmath included in SymPy has been updated to 0.18.
  * New routines for efficiently compute the dispersion of a polynomial or a pair thereof.
  * Fancy indexing of matrices is now provided, e.g. A[:, [1, 2, 5]] selects all rows and only 3 columns.

  * Enumeration of multiset partitions is now based on an
    implementation of Algorithm from Knuth's The Art of
    Computer Programming. The new version is much faster, and includes
    fast methods for enumerating only those partitions with a
    restricted range of sizes, and counting multiset partitions. (See
    the new file
  * distance methods were added to Line and Ray to compute the shortest distance to them from a point.
  * The normal_lines method was added to Ellipse to compute the lines from a point that strike the Ellipse at a normal angle.
  * inv_quick and det_quick were added as functions in to
    facilitate fast solution of small symbolic matrices; their use in
    solve has reduced greatly the time needed to solve such systems.
  * solve_univariate_inequality has been added to
  * as_set attribute for Relationals and Booleans has been added.
  * Several classes and functions strictly associated with vector
    calculus were moved from sympy.physics.mechanics to a new package
    sympy.physics.vector. (PRs #2732 #2862 #2894)
  * New implementation of the Airy functions Ai and Bi and their
    derivatives Ai' and Bi' (called airyai, airybi, airyaiprime and
    airybiprime, respectively). Most of the usual features of SymPy
    special function are present. Notable exceptions are Gruntz limit
    computation helpers and meijerg special functions integration
  * Euler-Lagrange equations (function euler_equations) in a new package sympy.calculus (PR #2431).

  Minor changes:
  * Some improvements to the gamma function.
  * generate_bell now generates correct permutations for any number of elements.
  * It is no longer necessary to provide nargs to objects subclassed
    from Function unless an eval class method is not defined. (If eval
    is defined, the number of arguments will be inferred from its
  * geometric Point creation will be faster since simplification is done only on Floats
  * Some improvements to the intersection method of the Ellipse.
  * solutions from solve of equations involving multiple log terms are more robust
  * idiff can now return higher order derivatives
  * Added to_matrix() method to sympy.physics.vector.Vector and
    sympy.physics.dyadic.Dyadic. (PR #2686).
  * Printing improvements for sympy.physics.vector objects and
    mechanics printing. (PRs #2687, #2728, #2772, #2862, #2894)
  * Functions with LaTeX symbols now print correct LaTeX. (PR #2772)
  * init_printing has several new options, including a flag
    print_builtin to prevent SymPy printing of basic Python types (PR
    #2683), and flags to let you supply custom printers (PR #2894).
  * improvements in evaluation of imageset for Intervals (PR #2723).
  * Set properties to determine boundary and interior (PR #2744).
  * input to a function created by lambdify no longer needs to be flattened.

  Backwards compatibility breaks and deprecations:
  * the submatrix method of matrices was removed; access the
    functionality by providing slices or list of rows/columns to
    matrix directly, e.g. A[:, [1, 2]].
  * Matrix([]) and Matrix([[]]) now both return a 0x0 matrix
  * terms_gcd no longer removes a -1.0 from expressions
  * extract_multiplicatively will not remove a negative Number from a
    positive one, so (4*x*y).extract_multiplicatively(-2*x) will
    return None.
  * the shape of the result from M.cross(B) now has the same shape as matrix M.
  * The factorial of negative numbers is now zoo instead of 0. This is
    consistent with the definition factorial(n) = gamma(n + 1).
  * 1/0 returns zoo, not oo (PR #2813).
  * zoo.is_number is True (PR #2823).
  * oo < I raises TypeError, just as for finite numbers (PR #2734).
  * 1**oo == nan instead of 1, better documentation for Pow class (PR #2606).

Sat Jan 11 01:34:28 UTC 2014 -

- update to
  * This was a small bugfix release to fix an import issue on Windows (

- update to 0.7.4 (see

Thu Sep 26 06:56:12 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 0.7.3:
  + See
- Use update-alternatives for binaries / man-pages

Tue Jan 15 17:39:02 UTC 2013 -

- Initial python3 support

Tue Jan 15 17:30:55 UTC 2013 -

- Update to 0.7.2 version:
  * pep8 correction: don't include space around * and **
  * radsimp watches for pure radical in denominator
  * pep8 E702: one statement per line 
  * add class name to hash value
  * give more explicit error messages
  * fix quality and ode constant numbering bug
  * mprovements to euler equation solver 
  * Sparse hash now includes shape 
  * add hash to SparseMatrix
  * raise notimplemented on MatrixExpr.conjugate
  * removed cruft print statement
- Fix the shebang RPMLint without make python libraries executables,
  it is not the good way

Thu Jan  3 17:07:45 UTC 2013 -

- Fix building on SLES 11

Thu May  3 14:58:12 UTC 2012 -

- license update: BSD-3-Clause
  Always state the exact version of the license and use SPDX syntax

Sat Feb 25 21:50:14 UTC 2012 -

- fix build for SLE-11 

Sun Nov 20 17:59:44 UTC 2011 -

- new version 0.7.1
* Mon Mar 29 2010 Werner Hoch <> - 0.6.7
- new version 0.6.7
* Sun Dec 20 2009 Werner Hoch <> - 0.6.5
- fixed site-packages location for openSUSE 11.2
* Sun Oct 04 2009 Werner Hoch <> - 0.6.5
- new version 0.6.5
* Sun Apr 19 2009 Werner Hoch <> - 0.6.4
- new version 0.6.4
* Mon Nov 24 2008 Werner Hoch <> - 0.6.3
- new version 0.6.3
* Sat Sep 20 2008 Werner Hoch <> - 0.6.2
- fixed wrong man-page in INSTALLED_FILES list

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