File texworks.changes of Package texworks

Mon Mar  3 02:24:50 UTC 2025 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 0.6.10:
  * New features and improvements:
    - Add first support for PDF 2.0 /Info metadata
    - Include ConTeXt style scripts
    - Add a macOS arm build
  * Changes:
    - Prevent file corruption when saving is interrupted
    - Enhance configuration for ConTeXt
    - Use --synctex=repeat for ConTeXt (Luatex) synctex
    - Don't set the line height if it's not necessary to work
      around a Qt 6 bug
    - Refactor and modernize parts of the code
    - Update the libraries for the pre-built binaries
  * Fixes:
    - Display all spellchecking languages in the preferences
    - Fix selection of a language alias in the spellcheck menu
    - Fix focus when switching to a PDF from the "Windows" menu
    - Ensure the input field in the find/replace dialog is
      initially focused
    - Fix overescaping of \n in "Copy to Find"
    - Fix Wayland appId
- Drop upstreamed patches:
  * texworks-cmake-find-python.patch
  * texworks-python-plugin-buildfix.patch
- Drop use of deprecated %suse_update_desktop_file macro.

Tue Jan 28 07:51:12 UTC 2025 - Bernhard Wiedemann <>

- Drop python2 requirement

Thu Feb 15 19:27:12 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Add texworks-python-plugin-buildfix.patch to fix building python
  scripting plugin (gh#TeXworks/texworks#1038); patch taken from
  upstream commit.
- Refresh texworks-cmake-find-python.patch with version committed
- Enable python scripting plugin; Requires at least Python 3.8,
  disable plugin for openSUSE < 1650.
- Require gcc9 for openSUSE < 1650 as GCC >= 8 is required by Lua
  scripting plugin for filesystem support.

Mon Feb 12 10:35:26 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 0.6.9:
  * Add support for PDF layers
  * Add support for "--insert-text" and "--insert-cite" command
    line options
  * Enable customization of which columns are shown in the "Insert
    Citations..." dialog
  * Enable customization of the default citation command used by
    the "Insert Citations..." dialog
  * Add dtx tag patterns
  * Improve command line parsing
- Switch over to Qt6 builds.
- Disable python bindings over compilation errors
- Add texworks-cmake-find-python.patch: cmake has dropped support
  for PythonInterp and PythonLibs, use FindPython instead

Tue Mar 14 09:40:00 UTC 2023 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 0.6.8:
  * Make the maximum RAM usage of the PDF previewer configurable
    (and reduce the default to 256 MiB).
  * Enable typesetting from preview if no source is open.
  * Make the PDF paper color configurable.
  * Add AppImage support.
  * Speed up populating the recently opened files menu
    (particularly when containing files on slow network drives).
  * Disable the typesetting button in the preview if no source is
  * Update translations.
  * Refactor and modernize parts of the code.
  * Bug fixes:
    - Fix crash when closing a source opened after the preview.
    - Fix crash when killing a typesetting process by closing the
      source window.
    - Fix several memory leaks.
    - Fix the PDF preview of files that are in the process of
      being changed (e.g., during typesetting).
    - Fix focusing of the console when typesetting from the
    - Fix (potential) non-sequential ordering of PDF search
    - Fix repeated PDF searches with the same search string but
      different search flags.
    - Fix blocking UI while performing long PDF searches.
    - Fix PDF search result highlighting disappearing too quickly.
    - Fix the display of PDF search results in single page view.
    - Fix typesetting with symlinked root files.
    - Fix quotation of paths in the TEXEDIT & MIKTEX_EDITOR
      environment variables.
    - Pre-select the ruler unit in the "Edit guideline" dialog.

Sat Mar  5 17:10:27 UTC 2022 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 0.6.7:
  * Add a ruler with draggable guidelines to the PDF previewer.
  * Improve preservation of Unicode characters during
  * Prevent concurrent typesetting in multi-file sources.
  * Disable "Remove Aux Files" during typesetting.
  * Add full paths as tool tips in the "Open Recent" menu.
  * Use native separators (/ or \) in the recent files menu.
  * Add "Fit to Content Width" to the PDF preview zoom context
    menu and to the scaling preferences.
  * Improve support for dark themes (changing the syntax
    highlighting color palette; fixing the color of the current
    line when changing OS color schemes; fixing the background
    color of the screen calibration widget for dark themes).
  * Improve interoperability with docstrip by adding support for
    "%^^A ! TeX..." magic comments.
  * Fix crash when using the PDF preview zoom context menu.
  * Fix search results for unsaved .tex documents.
  * Fix linespacing when (re-)loading a document.
  * Fix hang when recent files are on (inaccessible) network
  * Fix bugs when populating the recent files menu.
  * Fix focus when switching windows from the "Windows" menu.
  * Fix filtering in the citation select dialog.
  * Fix parsing BiBTeX @STRING entries.
  * Fix toggling of items in the "Remove Aux Files" dialog.
  * Fix quotes smartening after \.
  * Modernize and restructure the code to improve quality,
    stability, maintainability, and the possibilities for future
  * Improve automatic building, testing, and packaging.
  * Improve texworks.appdata.xml.
  * Add "Keywords" to texworks.desktop.
  * Update translations.

Sat Mar 13 14:12:33 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 0.6.6:
  * Add support for macOS 11 Big Sur
  * Add support for HiDPI screens (e.g., Retina screens)
  * Make the text cursor width customizable
  * Add support for environment variables in paths to typesetting
  * Add support for custom shortcuts for quickly changing
    typesetting tools
  * Pre-select *.pdf when the open dialog is called from the
  * Only reload a file if its content changed (this improves
    support for network shares, cloud services, etc.)
  * Add support for Qt's new Javascript engine
  * Fix some crashes
  * Fix some potential memory leaks
  * Fix refreshing of the PDF preview on Windows
  * Fix opening links to PDFs specified with relative paths
  * Fix the context menu in the PDF preview
  * Fix File > Close in the PDF preview
  * Fix <Esc> switching the PDF to fullscreen mode on first press
  * Fix resizing of the columns in the template dialog
  * Fix the disappearance of several text encodings
  * Move resources to (OS dependent) standard locations
  * Update translations
  * Update libraries for pre-built binaries
  * Modernize and restructure the code to improve quality,
    stability, maintainability, and the possibilities for future
  * Improve automatic building, testing, and packaging
  * Initial support for Qt6
- New BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Qml).
- Drop upstreamed patches:
  * 0001-QtPDF-Fix-compilation-with-Qt-5.15.patch.
  * Drop texworks-drop-FindLua-cmake-module.patch.

Sun Feb 14 00:02:53 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Add texworks-drop-FindLua-cmake-module.patch: Drop custom
  FindLua.cmake included in sources in favour of cmake's default
  module [gh#TeXworks/texworks#924].

Fri Jun  5 18:48:42 UTC 2020 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Add upstream patch:
  * 0001-QtPDF-Fix-compilation-with-Qt-5.15.patch

Fri Mar 27 08:48:46 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>

- Update to version 0.6.5:
  * Fix text selection handling when moving the mouse.
  * Fix auto-reloading of TeX documents that were changed outside
  * Updated translations.
- Changes from version 0.6.4:
  * Add shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+J) to invoke SyncTeX at the cursor
  * Make shortcuts for autocompletion configurable.
  * Make "Auto-Follow Focus" configurable in the preferences.
  * Make editor line spacing customizable.
  * Make console output accessible by keyboard; among other thigs,
    this makes the console work with screen readers.
  * Migrate to a more powerful regular expressions engine (e.g.
    for finding and replacing).
  * Fix opening empty files.
  * Fix the highlighting of TeX commands that include non-ASCII
  * Fix the auto-closing of PDFs with the associated TeXs.
  * Fix the PDF display on high-dpi screens like Retina displays.
  * Properly handle "&" for recent files menu.
  * Fix syntax highlighting in the "New from template" dialog.
  * Sort interface locales alphabetically in the preferences.
  * Don't show invalid PDF page sizes in the meta data dock.
  * Properly show the PDF file size in the meta data dock even for
    locked or invalid files.
  * Fix the conversion of Lua tables in Lua scripts.
  * Fix the installation of icons on *nix platforms.
  * Update libraries for pre-built binaries.
  * Modernize and restructure the code to improve quality,
    stability, maintainability, and the possibilities for future
  * Improve unit tests and add automated testing on Windows; this
    ensures better code quality across all supported operating
  * Discontinue Qt4 support.
  * Updated translations.
- Rename source tarball to %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz.
- Adapt to changed location of icons:
  * Add BuildRequires: hicolor-icon-theme.
  * Update file list with new icon directory.
- Minor cleanups with spec-cleaner.

Tue Mar 19 15:12:11 UTC 2019 - Atri B <>

- Update to version 0.6.3:
  * New features and improvements:
    - Implement "Insert Citations..." dialog
    - Implement indenting/unindenting by Tab/Shift+Tab
    - Make synchronization granularity configurable (highlight
      corresponding character, word, or line)
    - Add ability to distinguish identically named files by
      displaying the respective folders they are in in the window
      title, window menu, and under "Open Recent"
    - Implement "Fit to content width" PDF zoom (which ignores
      empty space around the text)
    - Disable unavailable typesetting engines
    - Allow to change the editor font size by Ctrl+Mousewheel
    - Improve the detection of spellchecking languages (add
      ability to search multiple directories and list all results)
    - Hide the menu bar in PDF full screen mode
    - Rework/expand code completion strings
    - Add/update syntax highlighting for LaTeX, ConTeXt, Lua, DTX,
      and BibTeX
    - Add cleanup-patterns for beamer files .nav & .snm
    - Add new/unified icons for typeset and zooming
    - Display paper size and file size in the PDF metadata
  * Bug fixes:
    - Fix infinite loop in syntax highlighter (which caused
      significant slow-down especially for large files)
    - Fix underline when spellchecking with syntax highlighting
    - Fix "Place on Left/Right", especially on multi-screen setups
    - Avoid 'file "" not found' errors when synchronizing
    - Fix synchronization while searching in a PDF
    - Fix fine-grained synchronization near paragraph boundaries
    - Fix the PDF copy menu command
    - Fix PDF text selection
    - Fix font color reset when searching and using stylesheets
    - Fix crashes when working with locked PDFs
    - Fix unexpected cursor movement when using a combination of
      backspace and up/down arrow keys (thanks to @mgkuhn)
    - Fix the font in the log parser output
    - Fix persistent magnifying glass
    - Remove unimplemented PDF menu items cut, paste, clear
- Use cmake rpm macros.
- Drop conditionals for outdated openSUSE versions.
- New BuildRequires:
  * texlive-tex-bin: needed to detect and configure the location
    of tex binary.
  * Qt5Test to determine QT version.
  * python3-devel: Switch to python3 based scripting plugin.
- Use %%license to install COPYING file.
- Minor spec file cleanups using spec-cleaner.

Sun Apr 30 21:52:52 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version 0.6.2:
  + Implement handling of links to external files in the PDF
  + Implement a simple screen calibration widget to allow adapting
    the PDF preview to the screen's resolution.
  + Improve responsiveness when opening large documents.
  + Use old content instead of rendering placeholers after a PDF
    was reloaded to facilitate seeing changes.
  + Improve the usability of the "Remove Aux Files..." dialog by
    letting the user toogle the selection by clicking anywhere on
    the row.
  + Add support for the bibliography program "biber" by default.
  + Allow custom zoom levels in the PDF status bar context menu.
  + Bugs fixed:
    - Fix PDF zoom speed for high-resolution mouse-wheels.
    - Fix a deadlock causing TeXworks to hang when loading PDF
      annotations such as links.
    - Fix crash when changing files outside TeXworks.
    - Fix crash when syncing from an if-block in the TeX file.
    - Fix crash when reloading a PDF while text was selected.
    - Fix enabling of the first/previous/next/last page toolbar
      buttons in the PDF preview.
    - Fix the wrong appearance of the PDF magnifier in some cases.
    - Fix truncation issues and misreported Windows versions in
      "Email to mailing list".

Sun Jul 17 08:06:33 UTC 2016 -

- Trim irrelevant parts from description

Sun May  1 23:24:55 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version 0.6.1:
  + Fix "Jump to Source" from PDF context menu
  + Fix fine-sync'ing close to PDF line boundaries
  + Fix loading of Qt-global translations
  + Fix pixel-alignment after zoomFitWindow in continuous mode
  + Fix handling of changing scroll bar visibilities in
    zoomFitWidth and zoomFitWindow
  + Allow horizontal scrolling by Shift+MouseWheel
  + Updated translations

Mon Apr 11 04:34:38 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version 0.6.0:
  + Complete redesign of the PDF previewer using QtPDF by Charlie
  + Fast and responsive preview even at very high magnifications
  + New page modes: continuous scrolling and two-column layout
  + Text selection/copying from the PDF
  + Go back to previous view after clicking on a link using
    Alt+left arrow
  + Fix disappearing spellcheck underline with some fonts/font
    sizes in Qt 5
  + Update the width of the line number display when changing the
    editor font
  + Show a note in the "About Scripts" dialog for disabled script
  + Explicitly add a "Quit TeXworks" menu item to the global
    menubar on Mac OS X
  + Make Qt5 the default framework for building TeXworks
  + Add support for Lua 5.3.
- When building with QT5, add BuildRequires on
  pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent) as this a necessary dependency this
  version onwards.
- Set the cmake variable TeXworks_DIC_DIR to the proper
  installation location of myspell dicts in openSUSE to make
  texworks find them.

Mon Apr 27 23:04:45 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version 0.4.6:
  + Implement character-level synchronization by using text
    searching to assist SyncTeX.
  + Lift hardwrap line length limitation and implement (hard)
  + Always show console output tab while typesetting to show
  + Improve the handling of UTF-8 byte order marks.
  + Improve the log parsing script.
  + Improve the handling of script errors.
  + Work around a race condition that causes lines to become
    invisible, subsequently leading to a crash.
  + Fix incorrectly accumulating indent.
  + Fix SyncTeX initialization with non-ASCII filenames.
  + Fix selection of whole lines and when selecting right-to-left.
  + Fix hangs and crashes when using "Fit to ..." in the PDF view.
  + Fix a crash when running an invalid system command from
  + Fix encoding issues when reading environment variables.
  + Fix scrolling when searching for multi-line strings.
  + Fix auto-completion when working with RTL languages.
  + Improve the handling of Retina displays in Mac OS X.
  + Fix a crash when opening PDF files from the Windows
  + Provide texworks.appdata.xml for *nix platforms.
  + Fix compilation with Qt 5.
  + Improve the CMake build system.
  + Add support for Lua 5.2.
  + Move development from Google Code to GitHub.
- Drop conditionals referring to out-of-support openSUSE
- Update source URL.
- Use CMake based build system.
- Build with Qt5 for openSUSE >= 13.2.
- Drop manual from filelist, no longer bundled by upstream, see instead.

Sun Apr 14 21:07:21 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 0.4.5:
  + Fix "Restore defaults" in preferences dialog
  + Fix removal and selection of text moved via drag'n'drop
  + Fix default saving location
  + Keep UTF-8 BOMs in files that have them
  + Make "Goto Source" lead to the last active source window
  + Implement close button for the console output panel
  + Implement "Open PDF with TeX" option
  + Improve compatibility with OS color schemes
  + New encoding support for "Mac Central European Roman"
  + Code cleanup
  + Updated log parser (improve handling of long messages and file
  + New script properties/functions: cursorPosition,

Sun Apr 29 08:45:11 UTC 2012 -

- Update to version 0.4.4:
  + Fix crash caused by Qt when adding lines at the beginning of a
  + Fix search/replace for multi-line strings
  + Work around layout issues which cause lines to disappear
  + Fix building with BSD make
  + Fix block selection of last paragraph
  + Fix overwrite of "Find all occurrences" option
  + Improve "Unable to execute..." error dialog
  + Rename "Show/Hide Output Panel" to "Show/Hide Console Output"
    in the menu and the preferences dialog
  + Remove subject and add instructions to body of the "email to
  + Bring the window running TeX to the top at the beginning of
    typesetting to ensure that the console output is visible
  + Allow symlinks and display only folders in "path for programs"
    in the preferences dialog
  + Add "Clear Recent Files" to "Open Recent" menu
  + Add an autocompletion entry to the preferences dialog
  + Add Lua(La)TeX to the default tools (and drop LaTeXmk by
  + Add an option to open log files
  + Add CMake support (experimental)
  + Update SyncTeX to version 1.17
  + Update URLs to
  + Some enhancements to functions available to scripting
  + Avoid showing an empty message box for script results
  + Resolve symlinks when looking for scripts
  + Expose the scripts' titles, authors, filenames, etc. to
  + Update/improve scripts: open pdf in default viewer, derive
    spellchecking language from babel package, log parser.

Mon Feb 13 10:56:50 UTC 2012 -

- patch license to follow standard

Sat Jul 16 18:08:58 UTC 2011 -

- Update to version 0.4.3
  + Fix bug in autocompletion that could cause data loss 

Wed Jun 29 09:15:21 UTC 2011 -

- Update to version 0.4.2
  + Work around layout issues with Qt 4.7.2 that caused TeXworks to
    crash sometimes
  + Fix autocompletion at the beginning of a line
  + Respect per-file setting "None" for syntax highlighting, smart
    quotes, and auto indent
  + Update SyncTeX to version 1.16
  + Allow to disable autocompletion by editing the configuration file
  + Fix runtime warning about empty file watchers
  + Enhance Mac patches for poppler
  + Improve installation and packaging routines

Fri May 27 08:47:21 UTC 2011 -

- Update to version 0.4.1
  + Option to always close the output panel after typesetting
  + Invoke "Goto page" and "Goto line" from the status bar widgets
  + Implement pdf zoom menu from the status bar widget
  + Allow to reload a file with selectable encoding
  + Implement "Help > Settings and Resources..." for easy access,
    in particular to customizable resources
  + Speed up program start-up
  + Add \begin{document} to the auto-completion
  + Work around the almost invisible highlighting when searching
    with the "Find all occurences" option
  + Improve highlighting of auto-completed text
  + Let typeset combobox adjust size dynamically
  + Remove the "+" from the zoom tool icon in the PDF preview
  + Reduce size of packages
  + Fix handling of non-existent files in automatic resource
  + Fix handling of TEXEDIT environment variable; add support for
    the MIKTEX_EDITOR environment variable
  + Fix several compile time and runtime warnings
  + Fix invisible icons in application switcher with compiz
  + Rename default ConTeXt tools
  + Add more extensions for associating files with TeXworks
  + Add support for Python 3.2
  + Clean up unused code & files

Tue Apr 19 19:26:10 UTC 2011 -

- Correct pkgconfig dependency for lua plugin package

Sat Apr 16 09:14:15 UTC 2011 -

- Split out python scripting and lua scripting plugins in
  respective subpackages
- Correctly point to myspell dictionaries, this enables the
  dictionaries in texworks' spell-checker (thanks to Mike)
- Install the user-manual (thanks to Mike)

Mon Mar 21 19:11:33 UTC 2011 -

- Correct version number to 0.4.0 in keeping with upstream

Mon Mar 21 06:17:07 UTC 2011 -

- Update to version 0.4:
  + Support scripting (QtScript, Lua, Python)
  + "Save all" menu item
  + Auto-completion for the beamer class
  + Support background color/font flags in syntax highlighting
  + Implement a command line parser
  + Automatically update resources when installing new releases
  + Implement "Smarten quotes" for a selection
  + Only display each language once in the sellchecker
    language selection
  + Preserve documemt view when reloading after external changes
  + Handle different file encodings and line ending conventions
    and allow the user to change them
  + Make pdflatex the default on fresh installations
  + Indicate a document's modification state in the windows menu
  + Improve the "Email to mailing list" template
  + Make "Highlight current line" color palette-aware
  + Update SyncTeX to 1.9
  + Allow Esc and Return in the tags and search result windows
  + Improve "Remove Auxiliary Files" dialog
  + Fix handling of external file links in PDF's
  + Numerous bug fixes
  + Set TeXworks as the default editor when hitting 'e' after
    a TeX error
- Remove texworks-default_to_pdflatex.patch in favor of upstream
- Remove auxiliary .desktop file and icons, implemented properly

Sat Sep 25 21:51:21 UTC 2010 -

- Remove incorrect entries from .desktop file
- Cleanup of spec file

Sun Aug  1 23:57:44 UTC 2010 -

- Initial package following openSUSE packaging guidelines

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