File of Package util-linux
# Extract list of variables supported by su/runuser.
# If you edit this file, you will probably need to edit
# from shadow sources in a similar way.
set -o errexit
echo -n "Checking login.defs variables in util-linux... " >&2
grep -rh getlogindefs . |
sed -n 's/^.*getlogindefs[a-z_]*("\([A-Z0-9_]*\)".*$/\1/p'
grep -rh logindefs_setenv . |
sed -n 's/^.*logindefs_setenv*("[A-Z0-9_]*", "\([A-Z0-9_]*\)".*$/\1/p'
) | LC_ALL=C sort -u >util-linux-login_defs-vars.lst
if test $(sha1sum util-linux-login_defs-vars.lst | sed 's/ .*$//') != 8516ca34e059b2dee1d4421a3ab07e88331b1674 ; then
echo "does not match!" >&2
echo "Checksum is: $(sha1sum util-linux-login_defs-vars.lst | sed 's/ .*$//')" >&2
cat >&2 <<EOF
You have to perform following steps:
Check whether the error is false positive (script failed to extract
variables) or true positive (variable list changed).
If it is false positive:
- Fix this script.
- The same fix is needed in shadow package in
If it is true positive:
- Check-out shadow package and call
- Compare its output shadow-login_defs-check-util-linux.lst with
util-linux-login_defs-vars.lst in the util-linux build directory.
- Update shadow shadow-login_defs-util-linux.patch, if needed.
- If shadow-login_defs-util-linux.patch was updated, update
login_defs-support-for-util-linux symbol version in both shadow and
util-linux spec files accordingly.
- Update checksum in this script.
- Possibly update su.default with these new list of su/runuser specific
echo -n " " >&2
grep -rh getlogindefs login-utils/su-common.c |
sed -n 's/^.*getlogindefs[a-z_]*("\([A-Z0-9_]*\)".*$/\1/p'
grep -rh logindefs_setenv login-utils/su-common.c |
sed -n 's/^.*logindefs_setenv*("[A-Z0-9_]*", "\([A-Z0-9_]*\)".*$/\1/p'
) | LC_ALL=C sort -u | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ /, /g;s/, $//' >&2
echo -e '\n' >&2
exit 1
echo "OK" >&2