File README of Package mariadb-connector-odbc
Connection parameters
When configuring a DSN you can use the following keywords:
* DSN: Name of the DSN
* Driver: The name of the MariaDB ODBC Driver. Must always be {MariaDB ODBC 2.0 Driver}
* Server: name or IP of the MariaDB database server. Aliases: Servername
* User: user name for database authentication. Aliases: UID,
* Password: password for database authentication. Aliases: PWD
* Database: default database. Aliases: DB
* Port: TCP/IP Port of the database server
* Option: For MySQL Connector/ODBC compatibility. Aliases: Options
"Driver={MariaDB ODBC 2.0 Driver};Server=localhost;UID=odbc_user;PWD=odbc_pw;DB=odbc_test;Port=3306";
Known bugs and limitations
* multiple statement execution is not fully supported