File python-natsort.changes of Package python-natsort

Mon Jul 10 16:16:15 UTC 2023 - ecsos <>

- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
- Fix BuildReuquires Versions.

Sat Jul  8 20:28:50 UTC 2023 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 8.4.0:
  * Changed
    + The changelog now only explictly exists in the repository (issue
  * Fixed
    + Inputs with spaces near adjascent to the extension are now
      sorted correctly for os_sorted on Windows (issues #165 and #166)

- changes from version 8.3.1:
  * Fixed
    + Broken test found on FreeBSD. This change has no effect outside
      fixing tests (issue #161)

- changes from version 8.3.0:
  * Added
    + The PRESORT option to the ns enum to attain consistent sort
      order in certain corner cases (issue #149)
    + Logic to ensure None and NaN are sorted in a consistent order
      (issue #149)
    + Explict Python 3.11 support
  * Changed
    + Only convert to str if necessary in os_sorted (@Dobatymo, issues
      #157 and #158)
    + Attempt to use new fastnumbers functionality if available
    + Move non-API documentation to the GitHub wiki
  * Removed
    + Support for EOL Python 3.6

Tue Jun 13 08:58:39 UTC 2023 - ecsos <>

- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}

Sat Sep 10 15:30:31 UTC 2022 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 8.2.0:
  * Changed
    + Auto-coerce pathlib.Path objects to str since it is the least
      astonishing behavior (@Gilthans, issues #152, #153)
    + Reduce strictness of type hints to avoid over-constraining
      client code (issues #154, #155)

Thu Aug 18 19:35:10 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>

- Clean specfile: remove code coverage check

Thu Feb  3 20:01:25 UTC 2022 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * update copyright year

- update to version 8.1.0:
  * Changed
    + When using ns.PATH, only split off a maximum of two suffixes
      from a file name (issues #145, #146).

Sun Dec 26 08:55:47 UTC 2021 - Fusion Future <>

- Update to 8.0.2
  Major changes:
  * Type hints
  * Bug where sorting paths fail if one of the paths is '.'.
  * Compose unicode characters when using locale to ensure sorting
    is correct across all locales.
  * Explicit testing for Python 3.10
  * Support for Python 3.4 and Python 3.5 has been removed.

Mon Feb  1 18:02:55 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 7.1.1:
 - Use GitHub Actions instead of Travis-CI (issue #125)
 - No longer pin testing dependencies (issue #126)
 - Correct a minor typo 

Tue Jan 19 20:56:40 UTC 2021 - Matej Cepl <>

- Set up alternatives correctly.

Sat Nov 21 22:21:53 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 7.1.0:
  * Added
    + os_sorted, os_sort_keygen, and os_sort_key to better support
      sorting like the file browser on the current operating system -
      this closes the long-standing issue #41
    + Support for Python 3.9 (@swt2c, issue #119)
  * Changed
    + MacOS unit tests run on native Python
    + Treate None like NaN internally to avoid TypeError (issue #117)
    + No longer fail tests every time a new Python version is released
      (issue #122)
  * Fixed
    + Various typos, missing figures, and out-of-date information in
      the "How it works"
    + Fix typo in CHANGELOG (@graingert, issue #113)
    + Updated "How it works" to account for Pandas updates (@kuraga,
      issue #116)

Thu May 28 08:42:09 UTC 2020 - Antonio Larrosa <>

- The hypothesis pytest module used by natsort requires at least
  pytest 4.3

Thu Apr 23 10:45:41 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Drop py2 dependency from py3 only package

Sun Feb  9 17:17:05 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

* specfile:
  * require sortedcontainers for tests

- update to version 7.0.1:
  * Bug where that caused incorrect sorting when using locales that
    have a "." character as the thousands separator.

Thu Jan  9 09:39:48 CET 2020 - Matej Cepl <>

- Update to 7.0.0:
  - Update testing dependency versions
  - Support for Python 2

Tue Jan  7 08:13:31 CET 2020 - Matej Cepl <>

- Upgrade to the preliminary version 6.2.0+3843c27, which fixes
  our testing problems.
- Remove too_slow.patch which is harmful now.

Sun Dec 22 23:52:46 CET 2019 - Matej Cepl <>

- Exclude failing tests due to gh#SethMMorton/natsort#107
- Add too_slow.patch which switches off suppressing
  hypothesis.HealthCheck.too_slow health check

Sat Nov 16 17:24:43 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * python3 only

- update to version 6.2.0:
  * Added
    + Support for Python 3.8 (@hugovk, issue #104)
  * Changed
    + index_natsorted internally now uses tuples for index-element
      pairs instead of lists
    + Added a TOC to the README
    + Python 3.4 is no longer included in testing
  * Fixed
    + Pin testing dependencies to prevent CI breaking due to
      third-party library changes
  * Removed
    + Introduction page in documentation
  * Removed
    + Support for Python 2

Sun Nov 10 16:44:50 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 6.1.0:
  * Added
    + Expose numeric_regex_chooser as a public function for ease in
      making key functions
    + Example in the documentation on how to sort numbers with units
    + Automated testing support for macos and Windows (issue #91)
  * Changed
    + Update CHANGELOG format to style from (issue #92)
  * Fixed
    + Removed dependency on sudo in TravisCI configuration (@hugovk,
      issue #99)
    + Documentation typos (@jdufresne, issue #94) (@cpburnz, issue

Sun Feb 10 22:29:18 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * update copyright year

- update to version 6.0.0:
  * Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3 (thanks @jdufresne) (issue
  * Remove deprecated APIs (kwargs number_type, signed, exp, as_path,
    py3_safe; enums ns.TYPESAFE, ns.DIGIT, ns.VERSION; functions
    versorted, index_versorted) (issue #81)
  * Remove pipenv as a dependency for building (issue #86)
  * Simply Travis-CI configuration (thanks @jdufresne) (issue #88)
  * Fix README rendering in PyPI (thanks @altendky) (issue #89)

Thu Nov 22 21:54:55 UTC 2018 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * added CHANGELOG.rst

- update to version 5.5.0:
  * Formally deprecated old or misleading APIs (issue #83)
  * Documentation, packaging, and CI cleanup (thanks @jdufresne)
    (issues #69, #71-#80)
  * Consolidate API documentation into a single page (issue #82)
  * Add a CHANGELOG.rst to the top-level of the repository (issue #85)
  * Add back support for very old versions of setuptools (issue #84)

Sun Sep 16 15:39:46 UTC 2018 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 5.4.1:
  * Fix error in a newly added test.
  * Changed code format and quality checking infrastructure.

Sat Sep  8 19:14:08 UTC 2018 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * be more specific in %files section

- update to version 5.4.0:
  * Re-expose natsort_key as "public" and remove the associated
  * Add better developer documentation.
  * Refactor tests.
  * Bump allowed fastnumbers version.

Wed Aug 29 12:22:03 UTC 2018 -

- Make sure tests pass in python 3.7

Sun Jul  8 03:47:00 UTC 2018 -

- update to version 5.3.3:
  * Update docs with a FAQ and quick how-it-works.
  * Fix a StopIteration error in the testing code.
  * Enable Python 3.7 support in Travis-CI.

Wed May 23 08:15:47 UTC 2018 -

- Version set the requires based on

Mon May 21 15:55:32 UTC 2018 -

- specfile:
  * added setuptools as a requirements

Mon May 21 03:51:36 UTC 2018 -

- update to version 5.3.2:
  * Fix bug that prevented install on old versions of setuptools.
  * Revert layout from src/natsort/ back to natsort/ to make user
    testing simpler.

Tue May 15 05:51:24 UTC 2018 -

- update to version 5.3.1:
  * No bugfixes or features, just infrastructure and installation
  * Move to defining dependencies with Pipfile.
  * Development layout is now src/natsort/ instead of natsort/.
  * Add bumpversion infrastructure.
  * Extras can be installed by "[]" notation.

Sat Apr 21 16:37:13 UTC 2018 -

- update to version 5.3.0:
  * Fix bug in assessing fastnumbers version at import-time.
  * Add ability to consider unicode-decimal numbers as numbers.

Thu Mar  1 23:59:16 UTC 2018 -

- specfile:
  * update copyright year

- update to version 5.2.0:
  * Add ns.NUMAFTER to cause numbers to be placed after non-numbers.
  * Add natcmp function (Python 2 only).

Wed Oct 18 16:44:49 UTC 2017 -

- Implement single-spec version
- Update to version 5.1.0
  * See changelog at

Tue Feb  3 17:30:17 UTC 2015 -

- Update to 3.5.2
  - Enhancement that will convert a 'pathlib.Path' object to a 'str' if
    'ns.PATH' is enabled.
- Update to 3.5.1
  - Fixed bug that caused list/tuples to fail when using 'ns.LOWECASEFIRST'
    or 'ns.IGNORECASE'.
  - Refactored modules so that only the public API was in and
  - Refactored all import statements to be absolute, not relative.
- Update to 3.5.0
  - Added the 'alg' argument to the 'natsort' functions.  This argument
    accepts an enum that is used to indicate the options the user wishes
    to use.  The 'number_type', 'signed', 'exp', 'as_path', and 'py3_safe'
    options are being depreciated and will become (undocumented)
    keyword-only options in natsort version 4.0.0.
  - The user can now modify how 'natsort' handles the case of non-numeric
  - The user can now instruct 'natsort' to use locale-aware sorting, which
    allows 'natsort' to perform true "human sorting".
    - The `humansorted` convenience function has been included to make this
  - Updated shell script with locale functionality.
- Update to 3.4.1
  - 'natsort' will now use the 'fastnumbers' module if it is installed. This
    gives up to an extra 30% boost in speed over the previous performance
  - Made documentation point to more 'natsort' resources, and also added a
    new example in the examples section.
- Update to 3.4.0
  - Fixed a bug that caused user's options to the 'natsort_key' to not be
    passed on to recursive calls of 'natsort_key'.
  - Added a 'natsort_keygen' function that will generate a wrapped version
    of 'natsort_key' that is easier to call.  'natsort_key' is now set to
    depreciate at natsort version 4.0.0.
  - Added an 'as_path' option to 'natsorted' & co. that will try to treat
    input strings as filepaths. This will help yield correct results for
    OS-generated inputs like
    ``['/p/q/o.x', '/p/q (1)/o.x', '/p/q (10)/o.x', '/p/q/o (1).x']``.
  - Massive performance enhancements for string input (1.8x-2.0x), at the expense
    of reduction in speed for numeric input (~2.0x).
    - This is a good compromise because the most common input will be strings,
      not numbers, and sorting numbers still only takes 0.6x the time of sorting
      strings.  If you are sorting only numbers, you would use 'sorted' anyway.
  - Added the 'order_by_index' function to help in using the output of
    'index_natsorted' and 'index_versorted'.
  - Added the 'reverse' option to 'natsorted' & co. to make it's API more
    similar to the builtin 'sorted'.
  - Added more unit tests.
  - Added auxillary test code that helps in profiling and stress-testing.
  - Reworked the documentation, moving most of it to PyPI's hosting platform.
  - Added support for
  - Entire codebase is now PyFlakes and PEP8 compliant.
- Implement update-alternatives for upcoming python 3 version.

Sat Jul 12 20:46:36 UTC 2014 -

- initial packaging of 3.3.0 version 

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