File python-plotly.changes of Package python-plotly

Tue May 31 03:06:21 UTC 2022 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 5.8.0:
  * Fixed
    + Improve support for type checking and IDE auto-completion by
      bypassing lazy-loading when type checking. #3425 with thanks to
    + line dash-style validators are now correctly used everywhere so
      that values like 10px 2px are accepted #3722
    + Resolved various deprecation warning messages and compatibility
      issues with upstream dependencies and Python 3.11, plus removed
      dependency on six, with thanks to @maresb, @hugovk, @tirkarthi,
      @martinRenou, and @BjoernLudwigPTB
    + Better support for MathJax 3 #3706
  * Added
    + Type annotations for Plotly Express functions and chainable
      go.Figure methods, for better IDE auto-completion #3708
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to from version 2.11.1 to version 2.12.1. See
      the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. Notable changes
      - Add minor ticks to cartesian axes
      - Add griddash option to most axes

- changes from version 5.7.0:
  * Added
    + added pattern_shape options to px.area() #3668
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to from version 2.9.0 to version 2.11.1. See
      the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. Notable changes
      - Add fillpattern options to scatter trace
      - Various JS-specific improvements such as MathJax 3.0 support

Thu Feb 10 04:17:07 UTC 2022 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 5.6.0:
  * Updated Plotly.js to from version 2.8.3 to version 2.9.0. See the
    plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. Notable changes include:
    + Implement ticklabelstep to reduce labels on cartesian axes and
    + Display the version of plotly.js when hovering over the modebar

Mon Jan 10 21:59:18 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 5.5.0
  * Added text_auto argument to, px.histogram,
    px.density_heatmap, px.imshow #3518
  * Deprecated ff.create_annotated_heatmap,
    ff.create_county_choropleth, ff.create_gantt #3518
  * Added div_id argument to pio.to_html, pio.write_html,
    fig.to_html and fig.write_html to optionally make its IDs
    deterministic #3487 with thanks to @Skn0tt
  * Fixed ValueError when ff.create_annotated_heatmap passes rgba()
    colors into to_rgb_color_list #3478 with thanks to @janosh
  * Updated Plotly.js to from version 2.6.3 to version 2.8.3. See
    the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. Notable changes
    - Horizontal color bars
    - texttemplate for histogram-like and heatmap-like traces
- Release notes for 5.4.0
  * Fixed error when serializing dict with mix of string and
    non-string keys #3380
  * The JSON serialization engines no longer sort their keys #3380
  * Updated Plotly.js to from version 2.4.2 to version 2.6.3. See
    the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. Notable changes
  * New subplot type smith that supports scattersmith trace types
    for visualizing data in the complex domain
  * Changes to Plotly.js packaging
- Clean python36 conditionals
- Don't wait on optional Shapely for python310: skip tests

Sun Sep  5 16:50:51 UTC 2021 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 5.3.1:
  * Updated Plotly.js to from version 2.4.1 to version 2.4.2. See the
    plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are
    reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects
    module. Notable changes include:
  * Bug fix for rendering unified hover labels in classic Jupyter

Tue Aug 31 20:33:41 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to version 5.3.0
  * Added legend.groupclick options
  * Provide bbox of hover items in event data
- Release 5.0.0
  * Updated/Changed:
    Items in this section may be considered backwards-incompatible
    changes for the purposes of Semantic Versioning but we expect
    the vast majority of users to be able to upgrade to version
    5.0 without encountering any issues.
  * Dropped support for Python older than 3.6 #3160
  * Updated Plotly.js to from version 1.58.4 to version 2.1.0. See
    the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes
    are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects
    module. Notable changes include:
  * dropped support for IE9 and IE10
  * dropped support for long-deprecated graph_objects like area
    traces and scatter.(t|r) and layout.(radial|angular)axis
  * modebar no longer has hovermode or spikeline buttons by
    default (can be added back with fig.update_layout(modebar_add=
    ["v1hovermode", "toggleSpikeLines"]))
  * "Aa" text no longer appears on legend items unless mode="text"
  * In bar traces, textposition now defaults to "auto"
  * Font size for legend and colorbar titles now matches axis
    title font size (slightly bigger)
  * deprecated heatmapgl, pointcloud traces as well as all
    transform attributes
  * Combined plotlywidget into jupyterlab-plotly and packaged them
    as a federated extension #3142 with massive thanks to
    @fcollonval for the contribution
  * In addition to this change, large Plotly.js bundles are now
    lazily loaded on-demand by JupyterLab
  * Plotly.js CDN url will now be versioned by default for HTML
    exports using include_plotlyjs='cdn' and for "connected"
    renderers. #2961 with thanks to @adehad for the contribution
  * Recommending Kaleido by default over Orca #3094
  * Replaced retrying dependency with tenacity #2911 with thanks
    to @jmsmdy for the contribution
  * Plotly Express now always takes into account every value in c
    category_orders when computing discrete mappings (color,
    symbol, line-dash, pattern-shapes) as well as facets, even
    those values which are absent in the data #3247
- Fix rpmlint errors: touch mtime before deduplicating
  the compile cache files
- Enable tests:
  * core test suite for all flavores
  * optional requirements test suite for all except python36 flavor
    -- many optional requirements are not available

Sat Mar  6 18:25:33 UTC 2021 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.14.3:
  * px.timeline() now allows hover_data formatting of start and end
    times 3018
  * Small change to packaging of plotlywidget extension for JupyterLab
    3 3021

- changes from version 4.14.2:
  * Updated
    + JupyterLab extensions now compatible with JupyterLab 3.x 3016
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.58.4. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information. These changes are reflected in the
      auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes
       o fixes for rendering 3d plots on recent Safari versions
       o fixes to inside ticklabels
       o regression fixes
  * Fixed
    + px.histogram() Y-axis labels now take into account histnorm and
      barnorm 2989
    + px.histogram() marginal and facet_* now work correctly together

- changes from version 4.14.1:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.58.2. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information. These changes are reflected in the
      auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes
      o  fixes for new ticklabelposition attribute
      o  fixes for a regression related to treemaps in the previous version

- changes from version 4.14.0:
  * Added
    + px.imshow now supports facet_col and animation_frame arguments
      for visualizing 3-d and 4-d images 2746
    + px.defaults now supports color_discrete_map, symbol_map,
      line_dash_map, labels and category_orders as well as a .reset()
      method 2957
  * Fixed
    + axes will now auto-type numeric strings as categorical data
      rather than linear in the default templates 2951
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.58.1. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information. These changes are reflected in the
      auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes
      o  a new ticklabelposition attribute to enable positioning tick labels inside the plotting area
         better support for scaleanchor and matches on cartesian axes for matched square subplots
      o  a new autotypenumbers attribute which is now set to strict in the default templates
         various fixes relating to automargins for small figures

- changes from version 4.13.0:
  * Added
    + px.choropleth, px.scatter_geo and px.line_geo now support
      faceting as well as fitbounds and basemap_visible 2923
    + px.scatter_geo and px.line_geo now support geojson/featureidkey
      input 2923
    + px.scatter_geo now supports symbol 2923
    + go.Figure now has a set_subplots method to set subplots on an
      already existing figure. 2866
    + Added Turbo colorscale and fancier swatch display functions 2882
    + A utility function image_array_to_data_uri has been added in
      plotly.utils, in order to transform NumPy arrays to data b64
      URIs (which can be passed to the source parameter of go.Image,
      or to layout images). 2879
    + the selector argument to updater/selector functions now accepts
      ints and strs 2894
  * Updated
    + the JSON serialization of plotly figures has been accelerated
      thanks to a different handling of Infinity and NaN values. For
      example, a figure with a 1000x1000 Heatmap should now serialize
      2x faster. 2880
    + Coding mistakes with "magic underscores" now return
      significantly more ergonomic error messages 2843
    + Error messages related to impossible subplot geometries are now
      much more helpful 2897
  * Fixed
    + px.scatter_geo support for text is fixed 2923
    + the x and y parameters of px.imshow are now used also in the
      case where an Image trace is used (for RGB data or with
      binary_string=True). However, only numerical values are accepted
      (while the Heatmap trace allows date or string values for x and
      y). 2761

Fri Oct 30 22:32:20 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.12.0:
  * Added
    + For add_trace, add_shape, add_annotation and add_layout_image,
      the row and/or col argument now also accept the string
      "all". row="all" adds the object to all the subplot rows and
      col="all" adds the object to all the subplot columns. (#2840)
    + Shapes that reference the plot axes in one dimension and the
      data in another dimension can be added with the new add_hline,
      add_vline, add_hrect, add_vrect functions, which also support
      the row="all" and col="all" arguments. (#2840)
    + The add_trace, add_shape, add_annotation, add_layout_image,
      add_hline, add_vline, add_hrect, add_vrect functions accept an
      argument exclude_empty_subplots which if True, only adds the
      object to subplots already containing traces or layout
      objects. This is useful in conjunction with the row="all" and
      col="all" arguments. (#2840)
    + For all go.Figure functions accepting a selector argument (e.g.,
      select_traces), this argument can now also be a function which
      is passed each relevant graph object (in the case of
      select_traces, it is passed every trace in the figure). For
      graph objects where this function returns true, the graph object
      is included in the selection. (#2844)
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.57.1. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information. These changes are reflected in the
      auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module.

Sat Oct 10 19:07:17 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.11.0:
  * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.56.0. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
    for more information. These changes are reflected in the
    auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module.

Sat Sep 12 19:58:52 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.10.0:
  * Added
    + Added and
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.55.2. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information. These changes are reflected in the
      auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module.
    + px.imshow has a new binary_string boolean argument, which passes
      the image data as a b64 binary string when True. Using binary
      strings allow for faster image rendering and smaller figure
      size. Additional optional arguments binary_backend,
      binary_format and binary_compression_level control how to
      generate the b64 string (#2691
    + px.imshow has a new constrast_rescaling argument in order to
      choose how to set data values corresponding to the bounds of the
      color range (#2691
  * Fixed
    + Plotly Express no longer converts datetime columns of input
      dataframes to UTC (#2749)
    + Plotly Express has more complete support for datetimes as
      additional hover_data (#2749)
    + Histogram selection behaviour with FigureWidget (#2711) with
      thanks to @meffmadd
    + Behaviour of full_html() with html=False (#2469) with thanks to
    + ff.distplot() now only computes traces that will be shown
      (#2730) with thanks to @akbo
    + Pandas backend .hist() works with latest version of Pandas
      (#2713) with thanks to @Kerybas

- changes from version 4.9.0:
  * Added
    + Added image export support using Kaleido. The image export
      backend can be configured using the new engine argument to and The engine
      argument may be set to "kaleido", "orca", or "auto". The default
      is engine="auto", in which case the Kaleido backend is enabled
      if the kaleido package from PyPI is installed, otherwise Orca is
      used. (#2613).
    + added as an official alternative to
      plotly.figure_factories.create_gantt() (#2626)
    + create_hexbin_mapbox() added to Figure Factories, with thanks to
      @RenaudLN for the impressive contribution!
    + facet_row_spacing and facet_col_spacing added to Plotly Express
      cartesian 2d functions (#2614)
    + base added to Plotly Express bar and bar_polar functions (#2626)
    + px.NO_COLOR constant to override wide-form color assignment in
      Plotly Express (#2614)
  * Fixed
    + trendline traces are now of type scattergl when
      render_mode="webgl" in Plotly Express (#2614)
    + regression from 4.8.1 whereby "parent" was not accepted as part
      of path for px.sunburst() and px.treemap() (#2640)
    + create_dendrogram() figure factory now works correctly with
      scipy 1.5.1 (#2627)
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.54.6. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information.
    + Added all cartesian-2d Plotly Express functions, plus imshow, to
      Pandas backend with kind option (#2541)
    + now uses data frame index and columns
      names and values to populate axis parameters by default (#2539)
    + Javascript extensions are now build using Node 12, and have an
      updated package-lock.json with many fewer security warnings

Sat Jul 11 19:18:52 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.8.2:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.54.5. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information.
    + add_traces() now accepts bare int-like values for rows/cols as
      well as lists thereof (#2546), with thanks to @MCBoarder289 for
      the contribution!
  * Fixed
    + row/col now accept int-like values, not strictly int values
      (#2451), with thanks to @MCBoarder289 for the contribution!
    + Fixed special cases with px.sunburst and px.treemap with path
      input (#2524)
    + Fixed bug in hover_data argument of px functions, when the
      column name is changed with labels and hover_data is a
      dictionary setting up a specific format for the hover data
    + Made the Plotly Express trendline argument more robust and made
      it work with datetime x values (#2554)
    + Fixed bug in px.sunburst and px.treemap: when the color and
      values arguments correspond to the same column, a different
      aggregation function has to be used for the two arguments
    + Plotly Express wide mode now accepts mixed integer and float
      columns (#2598)
    + Plotly Express range_(x|y) should not impact the unlinked range
      of marginal subplots (#2600)
    + px.line now sets line_group=<variable> in wide mode by default
    + Corrected some regex warnings (#2577), with thanks to @georgevdd
      for the contribution!

- changes from version 4.8.1:
  * Fixed
    + Fixed the accidental removal of some functions and submodules
      from plotly.colors and

- changes from version 4.8.0:
  * Added
    + plotly now provides a Plotly Express-backed Pandas-compatible
      plotting backend, which can be activated via
      pandas.options.plotting.backend = "plotly". Note that it is not
      intended to implement every Pandas plotting function, nor is it
      intended to replicate the behaviour of every argument, although
      per the changes below, x and y should behave similarly. (#2336)
    + New datasets have been added to stocks,
      experiment, medals_wide and medals_long. (#2336)
    + plotly go.Figure and go.FigureWidget now have a _repr_html_ and
      a _repr_mimebundle_ method, which are standard hooks for
      integration in systems based on IPython. In particular, with
      _repr_html_ plotly figures can now be used within sphinx-gallery
      without any scraper. These additions should not change anything
      to the way plotly figures are displayed in notebook
      environments, since the _ipython_display_ method (already
      present in earlier versions) takes precedence over the new
  * Updated
    + The behaviour of the x, y, orientation, histfunc, violinmode,
      boxmode and stripmode arguments for 2d-cartesian functions in
      Plotly Express (i.e. scatter, line, area, bar, histogram,
      violin, box, strip, funnel, density_heatmap and density_contour)
      has been refined (#2336):
    + if x or y is missing, it is inferred to be the index of
      data_frame if data_frame provided, otherwise a stable index of
      integers starting at 0. In the case of, if the provided
      value is not continuous, the missing value is treated as a
      column of 1s named "count", so as to behave more like
      px.histogram and to avoid sizing the resulting bars differently
      based on their position in the column. Previously, missing
      values defaulted to integers starting at 0 per trace which made
      it potentially inconsistent or misleading.
    + if x (y) is missing, orientation now defaults to v
      (h). Previously it always defaulted to v but this is not
      considered a breaking change, as the cases in which it now
      defaults to h caused unreadable output if set to v.
    + if both x and y are provided and one of them does not contain
      continuous values, orientation defaults to the value
      perpendicular to that axis. Previously it always defaulted to v
      but this is not considered a breaking change, as the cases in
      which it now defaults to h caused unreadable output if set to v.
    + if either x or y (but not both) may now be provided as a list of
      column references into data_frame or columns of data, in which
      case the imputed data frame will be treated as "wide" data and
      melt()ed internally before applying the usual mapping rules,
      with function-specific defaults.
    + if neither x nor y is provided but data_frame is, the data frame
      will be treated as "wide" with defaults depending on the value
      of orientation (and orientation has accordingly been added to
      scatter, line, density_heatmap, and density_contour for this
      purpose). Previously this would have resulted in an empty
    + if both x and y are provided to histogram, and if x, y and z are
      provided to density_heatmap or density_contour, then histfunc
      now defaults to sum so as to avoid ignoring the provided data,
      and to cause histogram and bar to behave more similarly.
    + violinmode, boxmode and stripmode now default to overlay if x
      (y) in in v (h) orientation is also mapped to color, to avoid
      strange spacing issues with the previous default of group in all
    + The Plotly Express arguments color_discrete_map, symbol_map and
      line_dash_map now accept the string "identity" which causes the
      corresponding input data to be used as-is rather than mapped
      into color_discrete_sequence, symbol_sequence or
      line_dash_sequence, respectively. (#2336)
    + Plotly Express now accepts px.Constant or px.Range objects in
      the place of column references so as to express constant or
      increasing integer values. (#2336)

Sat May  9 16:19:10 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.7.1:
  * Fixed
    + Fix AttributeError: module 'plotly.graph_objs' has no attribute
      'FigureWidget' exception on from plotly.graph_objs import * when
      ipywidgets is not installed. Error also occurred when importing
      plotly.figure_factor. It is now possible to import
      plotly.graph_objs.FigureWidget when ipywidgets is not installed,
      and an informative ImportError exception will be raised in the
      FigureWidget constructor (#2443, #1111).
    + Fix TypeError: unhashable type: 'Template' during Figure
      construction when is set to a
      Template object rather than a string.

- changes from version 4.7.0:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.54.1. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information. The main new feature of this version of
      Plotly.js is the possibility to draw layout shapes, using custom
      dragmodes and corresponding modebar buttons.
    + The sphinx-gallery scraper has been updated to work with
      different structures of galleries #2149
  * Added
    + The hover_data parameter of px functions can now be a
      dictionary. This makes it possible to skip hover information for
      some arguments or to change the formatting of hover informatiom
    + It's now possible to build a development version of
      against the build artifacts from a non-master branch of
      Plotly.js, which makes for faster QA and development cycles
      #2349. Thanks @zouhairm for this Pull Request!
  * Fixed
    + Plotly Express trendlines now handle missing data correctly
  * Performance
    + This version includes several performance improvements (#2368,
    + Child graph objects (e.g. figure.layout.xaxis) are no longer
      created eagerly during graph object construction. Instead, they
      are created lazily the first time the property is accessed.
    + Property validation is now disabled for select internal
    + When used with Python 3.7 and above, now takes
      advantage of PEP-562 to perform submodule imports lazily. This
      dramatically improves import times.

Sat Apr 11 21:47:18 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.6.0:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.53.0. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information on the numerous new features and bug fixes
      of this release. The main features of the Plotly.js release are
    + Introduce range breaks on date axes (for example, to remove
      week-ends) via layout.xaxis.rangebreaks
    + Introduce a new unified x (or y) hovermode (layout.hovermode="x
      unified"), in which the hover box shows the information for all
      traces at a given x (or y) position
    + Add node.customdata and link.customdata to sankey traces
    + Updated contributing notes for more explanations on how to
      contribute to #2290. Please give feedback on these
    + Updated documentation examples #2325, and to show how to color
      links in Sankey diagrams #2291.
    + Special thanks to @SylwiaOliwia2 and @dangercrow for improving
      our documentation!
  * Added
    + px.imshow now accepts xarray inputs, with metadata being used
      for axis labels, hover and colorbar #2166
  * Fixed
    + Fixed handling of opacity in px.pie, px.funnel_area,
      px.density_mapbox, px.funnel #2317, with thanks to @tvaucher for
      the contribution!

Thu Mar 12 19:40:58 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.5.4:
  * Updated
    + The documentation of the API now documents the full API
    + New documentation examples for facets #2235, legend #2227,
      subplots #2226, axes #2234 and histograms #2242. Thanks to
      @SylwiaOliwia2 for all these great examples!
  * Fixed
    + Jupyterlab extension now compatible with both Jupyterlab 1.2 and
      2.0 #2261 with thanks to @consideRatio for the contribution!
    + Fixed a bug when using boolean values for the color argument of
      px functions #2127
    + Corrected import bug which was occuring with old versions of
      ipywidgets #2265
    + Fixed python 3.8 syntax warning #2262, with thanks to @sgn for
      the contribution!

- changes from version 4.5.3:
  * Updated
    + Removed development dependency on nose testing framework #2217
  * Fixed
    + JupyterLab extension now compatible with JupyterLab 2.0 #2245
      with thanks to @consideRatio for the contribution!

- changes from version 4.5.2:
  * Fixed
    + Fix build errors in JupyterLab extension by pinning version of
      @types/plotly.js #2223

Sat Feb 22 18:54:15 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.5.1:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.52.2. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information on bug fixes.
  * Fixed
    + update_annotations, update_shapes and update_layout_images now
      no longer require the patch argument, as per the docstring #2167
    + px.defaults no longer accepts arbitrary keys #2168
    + better error message when pandas is not installed #2125
    + support columns of numerical type in path argument of
      px.sunburst/px.treemap and add values of color column in
      hoverlabel for px.sunburst/px.treemap #2133

Thu Jan 30 17:27:22 UTC 2020 - Todd R <>

- Update to version 4.5.0
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.52.1.
    * Plotly Express uses the new `legend.title` attribute and so now has shorter trace `name`s
    * The heuristic used by `px.parallel_categories` to determine which columns of the data frame to draw has been changed and made more configurable with the `dimensions_max_cardinality` argument
    * The `simple_white` colorbar styling has been streamlined
    * The `jupyterlab-plotly` and `plotlywidget` JupyterLab extensions should now share code when installed together, resulting in smaller JupyterLab vendor bundle sizes
  + Fixed
    * Plotly Express `category_orders` are now respected independent of the contents of the data set
    * `go.Scattergl` symbols now accept numeric specification
    * `px.scatter` trendline coefficients are now more readable
    * Built-in cyclical color scales now all have identical start and end points
  + Added
    * `px.sunburst` and `px.treemap` now accept a `path` argument for passing
      columns of a rectangular dataframe to build the charts
    * `px.choropleth` now accepts a user-supplied `geojson` attribute
    * `px.choropleth` and `px.choropleth_mapbox` now accept `featureidkey` to specify the GeoJSON field to use to match `locations`
    * `px.choropleth` and `px.choropleth_mapbox` now accept discrete color
    * `px.bar_polar` now accepts continuous color
    * New `layout.uniformtext` attribute allows for automatic standardization of font sizes across bar-like and hierarchical traces.

Fri Dec 13 00:25:52 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.4.1:
  * Fixed
    + Fixed improper JSON encoding exception when the pillow module
      not installed #1993

- changes from version 4.4.0:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.51.2. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information
    + The tutorials of the documentation are now in the main Github repository. Contributions in order to improve
      or extend the documentation are very welcome!
    + generated plots no longer have a default height
      of 600 pixels, instead they inherit the default height of
      regular figures #1990. To restore the old behavior, set
      px.defaults.height=600 once per session, or set the height
      keyword arguement to any px.function() to 600.
  * Fixed
    + Fixed a input bug when using data frame
    + Fixed how to display facet labels with plotly express #1966
    + Fixed a bug to use correctly the zmin/zmax parameter in
      px.imshow for single-channel images #1981
    + Clipped docstring width for better display in Jupyterlab
      #1939. Thank you @joelostblom!
    + Fixed a bug in the case of external orca server #1915 thank you
  * Added
    + Extended the functional API with 7 new functions:
      px.pie, px.sunburst, px.treemap, px.funnel, and px.funnel_area
      (#1909) px.density_mapbox and px.choropleth_mapbox #1937.
    + mapbox functions in have new
      arguments center and mapbox_style #1937.
    + polar plots (scatter_polar, line_polar,
      bar_polar) now have a range_theta keyword argument for
      representing only an angular section #1969.
    + All continuous colorscales now accept a _r suffix that reverses
      their direction #1933
    + Docstrings of are now doctested #1921.
    + Reversing a predefined colorscale by appending _r to its name

Fri Dec  6 18:44:56 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>

- Disable python2 support since dependencies dropped python2

Sat Nov 16 17:52:20 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.3.0:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.51.1. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information
    + Improved propagation of empty templates (#1892)
    + Update the add_annotations/add_shapes/add_images methods to no
      longer default to adding objects in paper coordinates. This
      allows plotly.js to determine the default reference frame based
      on context (#1888)
    + Use the default template's background color for displaying color
      swatches (#1872). Special thanks to @joelostblom for this
    + Improved docstrings (#1835, #1837)
  * Added
    + Added image trace type (plotly.js#4289, plotly.js#4307,
      plotly.js#4313, plotly.js#4319)
    + Added matplotlib-style convenience
      function to display images and heatmaps (#1855, #1885)
    + Added matplotlib-style simple_white template (#1864). Special
      thanks to @joelostblom for this contribution.
    + Added support for using an externally managed orca server for
      image export features (#1850). Special thanks to @miriad for
      this contribution.
    + Added facet wrapping support to plotly express functions using
      the new facet_col_wrap argument (#1838)

Sat Nov  9 15:07:23 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 4.2.1:
  * Fixed
    + Fixed regression in 4.2.0 that caused all figure factories to
      require that scikit-image be installed (#1832)

- changes from version 4.2.0:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.50.1. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information
  * Added
    + Added treemap trace type (plotly.js#4185, plotly.js#4219,
      plotly.js#4227, plotly.js#4242)
    + Added add_*/select_*/for_each_*/update_* convenience figure
      methods for annotations, shapes, and images (#1817)
    + Added overwrite kwarg to update* figure methods to fully replace
      property values, rather than update them recursively (#1726)
    + Added texttemplate attribute to all traces that support on-graph
      text (plotly.js#4071, plotly.js#4179)
    + Added date custom formatting in hovertemplate and texttemplate
      e.g. '%{x|%b %-d, %Y}' (plotly.js#4071)
    + Added transition support to bar trace length, width, on-graph
      text positioning, marker style and error bars (plotly.js#4180,
    + Added support for legend scrolling via touch interactions
      (plotly.js#3873, plotly.js#4214)
  * Fixed
    + Fixed iframe renderer on Python 2 (#1822)
    + Fixed use of merged templates in (#1819)

Sat Sep  7 16:30:21 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- specfile:
  * removed devel from noarch

- update to version 4.1.1:
  * Updated
    + Updated Plotly.js to version 1.49.4. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG
      for more information
    + The width of a figure produced by the create_gantt figure
      factory now resizes responsively (#1724)
  * Fixed
    + The name of the steps property of graph_objects.indicator.Guage
      has been renamed from stepss to steps
    + Avoid crash in iframe renderers when running outside iPython

Fri Aug 16 16:17:42 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>

- Update to 4.1.0
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.49.1.
    * Bars in the figures produced by the `create_gantt` figure factory may now be hidden by clicking on the legend. 
    * Improved performance when serializing figures containing large numpy arrays.
  + Added
    * Added new renderers for displaying figures from within the Databricks and CoCalc notebook services
    * Added `indicator` traces
    * Added `choroplethmapbox` traces
    * Added `densitymapbox` traces
    * Added new mapbox `style` values: `open-street-map`, `carto-positron`, `carto-darkmatter`,
      `stamen-terrain`, `stamen-toner`, `stamen-watercolor` and `white-bg`
      that do not require a Mapbox access token
    * Added support for `sourcetype` value `raster` and `image` and `type` `raster`
      for mapbox layout layers
    * Added `below` attribute to `scattermapbox` traces
    * Added support for `below: 'traces'` in mapbox layout layers
    * Added `sourceattribution` attribute to mapbox layout layers
    * Added `labelangle` and `labelside` attributes to `parcoords` traces
    * Added `doubleClickDelay` config option
    * Added `showEditInChartStudio` config option
  + Fixed
    * Fixed incorrect facet row ordering in figures generated by functions 
    * Fixed "The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous" error when specifying subplot titles as numpy array of strings.
    * The `line_3d` plotly express function was not visible by default when importing `*` from ``
Thu Jul 25 17:14:49 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>

- Update to 4.0.0
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.48.3.
  + Added
    * The Plotly Express tech preview has been integrated as the `` module 
    * Added a new renderers framework the supports rendering figure in a wide variety of contexts. See the new Displaying Plotly Figures documentation page for more information.
    * Added `` and `` functions for exporting figures to HTML. Also available as `.write_html` and `.to_html` figure methods.
    * Added new figure methods for batch updating figure properties (`update_layout`, `update_traces`, `update_xaxes`, etc.).  See the new Creating and Updating Figures documentation page for more details.
    * Added support for all trace types in `make_subplots` 
    * Added support for secondary y-axes in `make_subplots` 
    * Support passing a scalar trace object (rather than a list or tuple of trace objects) as the `data` property to the `Figure` constructor 
    * Added dictionary-stule `.pop` method to graph object classes 
    * New `jupyterlab-plotly` JupyterLab extension for rendering figures in JupyterLab. Replaces the `@jupyterlab/plotly-extension` extension, and includes JupyterLab 1.0 support.
    * Added new suite of built-in colorscales to the `plotly.colors` module, and support for specifying this wide range of colorscales by name. Also added support for specifying colorscales as a list of colors, in which case the color spacing is assumed to be uniform.
    * Added `sphinx-gallery` renderer for embedding plotly figures in Sphinx-Gallery.
  + Removed
    * The follow modules for interfacing with the Chart Studio cloud service have been removed from and moved to the new `chart-studio` distribution package.  The following modules have been moved to a new top-level `chart_studio` module:
      > `plotly.plotly` -> `chart_studio.plotly`
      > `plotly.api` -> `chart_studio.api`
      > `plotly.dashboard_objs` -> `chart_studio.dashboard_objs`
      > `plotly.grid_objs` -> `chart_studio.grid_objs`
      > `plotly.presentation_objs` -> `chart_studio.presentation_objs`
    * The legacy `plotly.widgets.GraphWidget` class for displaying online figures hosted by Chart Studio as ipywidgets has been removed. Please use the offline, and much more capable, `plotly.graph_objects.FigureWidget` class instead.
    * The `fileopt` argument to `chart_studio.plotly.plot` has been removed, so in-place modifications to previously published figures are no longer supported, and a figure will always overwrite a figure with the same name. 
  + Changed
    * The `'plotly'` template is used as the default theme across all figures.
    * In order to reduce the size of the core `plotly` distribution package, the bundled geographic shape files used by the `create_choropleth` figure factory have been moved to a new optional `plotly-geo` distribution package 
    * For consistency with other figure factories, the `create_choropleth`  and `create_gantt` figure factories now always returns `Figure` objects, rather than dictionaries.
    * Figure add trace methods (`.add_trace`, `.add_traces`, `.add_scatter`, etc.) now return a reference to the calling figure, rather than the newly created trace 
    * `` has been moved to `plotly.subplots.make_subplots`, though it is still available at the previous location for backward compatibility
    * The `plotly.graph_objs` module has been moved to `plotly.graph_objects`, though it is still available at the previous location for backward compatibility 
    * Trace `uid` properties are only generated automatically when a trace is added to a `FigureWidget`.  When a trace is added to a standard `Figure` graph object the input `uid`, if provided, is accepted as is.
    * `datetime` objects that include timezones are not longer converted to UTC 
    * When a tuple property (e.g. `layout.annotations`) is updated with a list/tuple that is longer than the current value, the extra elements are appended to the end of the tuple.
  + Fixed
    * Fixed visibility of `bar` trace error bars in built-in templates 

Mon Jun  3 17:04:50 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>

- Fix jupyter dependencies.
- Update to 3.10.0
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.48.1. 
  + Added
    * Added funnel trace
    * Added funnelarea traces
    * Added support for shared color axes via coloraxis attributes in the layout
    * Added support for sorting categorical cartesian axes by value
    * Added `bingroup` to `histogram`, `histogram2d` and `histogram2dcontour`
      to group traces to have compatible auto-bin values
    * Add legend `itemclick` and `itemdoubleclick` attributes to set or disable
      the legend item click and double-click behavior
    * Added support for calling orca through [Xvfb](
      to support static image export on Linux when X11 is not available
  + Fixed
    * Fixed `PlotlyJSONEncoder` encoding error when `simplejson` is installed
    * HTML export now honors the figure height specified in the figure template
    * Fixed display height of figure displayed in JupyterLab
    * Fixed honouring of the `validate=False` option for all renderer types
- Update to 3.9.0
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.47.4.
  + Added
    * Added "magic underscore" support for specifying nested figure properties
    * Added `select_traces`, `for_each_trace`, and `update_traces` figure
      methods for accessing and updating traces by subplot location and trace
    * Added `select_*`, `for_each_*`, and `update_*` figure methods for
      accessing and updating subplot objects (`xaxis`, `scene`, `polar`, etc)
    * Added support for Dash Design Kit style color specifications
    * Added support for the `plotly_unselect` plotly.js event in a new
      `on_unselect` trace method 
  + Changed
    * Changed the default colorscale to be `plasma` for the `plotly`, `plotly_white`, and
      `plotly_dark` templates for version 4
    * Reordered the default colorway for the `plotly`, `plotly_white`, and
      `plotly_dark` templates for version 4
  + Fixed
    * Fixed package listing in
    * Fixed built-in templates so that `heatmap` colorscales can be overridden
      without specifying `autocolorscale=False`
    * Fix `UnboundLocalError` error in the presence of a missing or corrupt
      `~/.plotly/.config` file
    * Fixed error when combining `sankey` traces with cartesian subplots

Fri Jan 25 19:38:36 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>

- Fix dependency issue.

Fri Jan  4 19:08:41 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>

- Update to version 3.5.0
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.43.1. See the
      plotly.js CHANGELOG](
      or more information.
  + Changed
    * Plotly.js 1.43 converted `title` properties (e.g. `layout.title`) from
      trings into compound objects that contain the text as the `text` property
      long with new title placement attributes `x`, `y`, `xref`, `yref`, `xanchor`,
      yanchor` and `pad`. 3.5.0 follows the new schema, but still
      upports specifying `title` as a string, in which case the string is assigned
      o the `title.text` property
    * Plotly.js 1.43 also moved existing `title*` properties
      e.g. `layout.titlefont`) under the `title` object (e.g. `layout.title.font`). 3.5.0 follows the new schema, but still
      upports the legacy `title*` properties by mapping them to the corresponding
      title.*` property
    * The `update` method on `graph_objs` now returns the updated object in order
      o support chaining multiple update operations together
    * The `show_link` option has been set to `False` by default in the offline
      plot` and `iplot` functions. Now that the "send data to cloud" button has
      een disabled by default in plotly.js 1.43.0, no buttons/links will be
      isplayed by default that result in data being sent off of the local machine
    * `config` options that are not known by result in a warning but are
      till passed along to plotly.js. Prior to this change these unknown options
      ere dropped silently
    * Built-in themes now specify colorscales using the new global
      layout.colorscale` properties.  Previously the colorscales were defined for
      ach trace type individually. This reduces the size of the resulting theme
    * Increased the maximum retry time of the orca integration from 8s to 30s
  + Fixed
    * Fixed `FigureWidget` performance regression that, when working with
      arge datasets, resulted in a slight freeze of the widget after user
      nteractions (pan, zoom, etc)
    * Fix orca error when the `ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE` environment variable is set
    * The `'responsive'` config key was being silently blocked
    * Fixed error when using unicode characters in string properties on Python 2
    * Removed invalid calls to non-existent `validate` and `strip_style` `Figure`
      ethods in matplotlylib conversion logic 
- Update to version 3.4.2
  + Fixed
    * `config` options are now supported when using `plotly.offline.iplot` to
      isplay a figure in JupyterLab. Requires version 0.18.1 of the 
      @jupyterlab/plotly-extension` extension.
    * Custom `plotly_domain` values are now supported in FigureWidget in both
      he classic notebook and JupyterLab
- Update to version 3.4.1
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.42.5. See the
      plotly.js CHANGELOG](
      or more information.
  + Fixed
    * Fixed histogram binning with pandas `Series` or numpy array
      regression introduced in 3.4.0)
    * Fixed incorrect validation error on the `args` property of
      layout.updatemenu.Button()` when value is a `list` that starts with a `list`
    * Fixed deadlock causing `` to hang on Windows after
      xporting more than ~25 images
    * Fixed plot display error for `scattergl` trace with `mode='lines'` and 
      ore than 100k points
    * Fixed responsive resizing error with `iplot` in the classic notebook
- Update to version 3.4.0
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.42.2. Select highlights included below, see
      he [plotly.js CHANGELOG](
      or more information.
  + Added
    * Default figure properties may now be customized using figure
      emplates (themes) and 7 new predefined templates are bundled with
    * Added Parallel Categories (`parcats`) trace type for the visualization
      f multi-dimensional categorical datasets
    * Added LaTeX typesetting support for figures displayed in the Jupyter
      otebook using `plotly.offline.iplot` and `plotly.graph_objs.FigureWidget`.
      *Note:** There are still outstanding issues with MathJax rendering in FireFox,
      ut it is now working well in Chrome.
    * Added `include_mathjax` argument to `plotly.offline.plot` to support
      he creation of HTML files with LaTeX typesetting
    * Added new `plotly.offline.get_plotlyjs` function that returns the
      ontents of the bundled plotly.js library as a string
    * Added new `plotly.offline.get_plotlyjs_version` function that returns
      he version of the bundled plotly.js library
    * HTML div strings returned by `plotly.offline.plot` now contain logic
      o automatically resize the figure responsively.  This logic was previously
      nly added for html files.
    * Figures displayed using `plotly.offline.iplot` in the classic Jupyter
      otebook will now resize responsively
    * Added `'cdn'`, `'directory'`, and path string `include_plotlyjs` options
      n `plotly.offline.plot`
      > When `'cdn'`, the resulting html file/div includes a script tag reference
      to the plotlyjs cdn.
      > When `'directory'`, the resulting html file/div includes a script tag
      reference to a plotly.min.js bundle in the same directory as the html file.
      If `output_type` is `'file'` then this plotly.min.js bundle is created in
      the output directory if it doesn't already exist.
      > When a string ending with `'.js'`, the resulting html file/div includes
      a script tag that references this exact path. This can be used to point
      to a plotly.js bundle from an alternative CDN.
    * Added a new `color_threshold` argument to the `create_dendrogram` figure
      actory to control the dendrogram clustering cutoff
    * Added support for `autorange='reversed'` in 3D axes 
    * Added new gl3d tick and title auto-rotation algorithm that limits text
    * Added `modebar` layout style attributes:
      orientation`, `bgcolor`, `color` and `activecolor`
    * Added `title`, `titleposition` and `titlefont` attributes to pie traces
    * Added `hoverlabel.split` attribute to `ohlc` and `candlestick` traces to
      plit hover labels into multiple pieces
    * Added support for `line.shape` values `'hv'`, `'vh'`, `'hvh'`
      nd `'vhv'` in `scattergl` traces
    * Added trace, node and link `hoverinfo` for `sankey` traces
    * Added per-sector `textfont` settings in pie traces
  + Changed
    * Use new Plotly logo in "Produced with Plotly" modebar button
  + Fixed
    * Plotly's use of MathJax for LaTeX typesetting no longer interferes with
      he Jupyter Notebook's use of MathJax
    * Fixed several issues with the use of `reversescale=True` in the
      create_annotated_heatmap` figure factory
    * Fixed case where `plotly.offline.iplot` would fail to render in the classic
      upyter Notebook if the notebook contained a Markdown headline with the text
    * `None` values in a `scatter.hovertext` list are now omitted from the 
      over label rather than being displayed as the string `"None"`
    * Subplot titles created by `` are now positioned
      roperly when custom `row_width`/`column_width` arguments are specified
    * The `bar.width` property may now be specified as a numpy array or a pandas
    * Error bars are now scaled correctly for logarithmic `scatter3d` traces
    * Use `uuid.uuid4` rather than `uuid.uuid1` to work around an upstream
      ython bug
    * The `layout.grid.subplots` property may now be specified as a 2D list of 
      ubplot identifiers
    * Fixed `scatter3d` text alignment
  + JupyterLab Versions
    For use with JupyterLab, the following versions of the following packages
    must be installed:
    * Python Packages
      > plotly==3.4.0
      > ipywidgets>=7.2
      > notebook>=5.3
      > jupyterlab==0.35
    * JupyterLab Extensions
      > plotlywidget@0.5.0
      > @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.38
      > @jupyterlab/plotly-extension@0.18
- Update to version 3.3.0
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.41.3.  Select highlights included below, see
      the plotly.js CHANGELOG](
      or more information.
    * Do not create or check permissions on the `~/.plotly` configuration
      irectory until a configuration write operation is performed
      [#1195]( This change
      voids some concurrency problems associated with running many instances of simultaneously
  + Added
    * Enable selection by clicking on points via new layout attribute `clickmode` and flag `'select'`
    * Added stacked area charts via new attributes `stackgroup` and `stackgaps` in scatter traces
    * Added `barpolar` trace type - which replace and augment area traces
    * Added `polar.hole` layout parameter to punch hole at the middle of polar
      ubplot offsetting the start of the radial range
      [#2977](, [#2996](
    * Figures may now be easily converted to and from JSON using the new
      to_json`, `from_json`, `read_json`, and `write_json` functions in the` package
    * Figures and graph objects now support `deepcopy` and `pickle` operations
    * The location of the `"~/.plotly"` settings directory may now be customized
      sing the `PLOTLY_DIR` environment variable
    * Added optional `scaleratio` argument to the `create_quiver` figure factory.
      hen specified, the axes are restricted to this ratio and the quiver arrows
      re computed to have consistent lengths across angles.
  + Fixed
    * Replace use of `pkg_resources.resource_string` with `pkgutil.get_data` to
      mprove compatibility with `cx_Freeze`
    * An exception is no longer raised when an optional dependency raises an
      xception on import.  The exception is logged and continues as if
      he dependency were not installed
    * Fixed invalid dendrogram axis labels when the points being clustered contain
      uplicate values
    * Added missing LICENSE.txt file to PyPI source distribution
  + JupyterLab Versions
    For use with JupyterLab, the following versions of the following packages
    must be installed:
    * Python Packages
      > plotly==3.3.0
      > ipywidgets>=7.2
      > notebook>=5.3
      > jupyterlab==0.34
    * JupyterLab Extensions
      > plotlywidget@0.4.0
      > @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.37
      > @jupyterlab/plotly-extension@0.17
- Update to version 3.2.1
  This is a patch release that fixes a few bugs and reintroduces a few
  version 2 features that were not supported in version 3.
  The bundled version of plotly.js remains at 1.40.1
  + JupyterLab Versions
    For use with JupyterLab, the following versions of the following packages
    must be installed:
    * Python Packages
      > plotly==3.2.1
      > ipywidgets>=7.2
      > notebook>=5.3
      > jupyterlab==0.34
    * JupyterLab Extensions
      > plotlywidget@0.3.0
      > @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.37
      > @jupyterlab/plotly-extension@0.17
  + Added
    * An optional `skip_invalid` argument has been added to the `Figure` and
      FigureWidget` constructors. By default, `skip_invalid` is `False` and invalid
      igure properties will result in an exception (this is identical to the
      revious behavior).  When `skip_invalid` is set to `True`, invalid properties
      ill instead be silently ignored. This argument replaces the `_raise`
      rgument that was available in version 2, and makes it possible to import
      igure definitions from different plotly versions, where incompatible
      roperties are ignored rather than causing an exception.
    * A `to_ordered_dict` method has been added to the `Figure` and `FigureWidget`
      lasses. This method returns a representation of the figure as a nested
      tructure of `OrdererdDict` and `list` instances where the keys in each
      OrderedDict` are sorted alphabetically.  This method replaces the
      get_ordered` method that was available in version 2, and makes it possible
      o traverse the nested structure of a figure in a deterministic order.
  + Fixed
    * Pandas `Series` and `Index` objects storing `datetime` values were
      incorrectly cast to numeric arrays
    * Numpy arrays with `uint64` datatype caused a `FigureWidget` error,
      and no figure was displayed
- Update to version 3.2.0
  This release introduces the long-anticipated ability to programmatically
  export figures as high quality static images in both raster and vector
  + JupyterLab Versions (Python 3.5+)
    For use with JupyterLab, the following versions of the following packages
    must be installed:
    * Python Packages
      > plotly==3.2.0
      > ipywidgets>=7.2
      > notebook>=5.3
      > jupyterlab==0.34
    * JupyterLab Extensions
      > plotlywidget@0.3.0
      > @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.37
      > @jupyterlab/plotly-extension@0.17
  + Added
    * plotly.js version 1.40.1, which introduces the following features:
      > Allow `contour`, `contourcarpet` and `histogram2dcontour` to have corresponding legend items using `showlegend`
      > Add scatterpolar and scatterpolargl attributes `r0`, `dr`, `theta0` and `dtheta`
      > Add layout attributes `piecolorway` and `extendpiecolors` for more control over pie colors
      > Add `splom` attribute `dimensions[i].axis.type` to easily override axis type in splom-generated axes
      > Add support for on-graph text in `scatterpolargl` traces
      > See [the plotly.js CHANGELOG](
         for bug fixes and more information.
    * Support for offline static image export with the `to_image` and `write_image`
      functions in the new `` package ([#1120](
      > Note: Image export requires the plotly [orca](
         command line utility and the [`psutil`]( Python package.
    * New documentation sections covering [Static Image Export](
      and [Orca Management]( 
    * Support for displaying `FigureWidget` instances in static contexts
      (e.g. [nbviewer]( just like the built-in ipywidgets
    * Full integration of the Cividis colorscale ([#883](
    * conda packaging
      > From here forward, new versions of will be published to the [plotly anaconda channel](
        on the same day they are published to PyPI.
      > The [`README`]( now includes conda installation instructions alongside the pip instructions. 
      > In addition to the existing installation approaches, orca is now also available as a
        [conda package]( from the plotly anaconda channel.
  + Updated
    * Show traces at the top of the Gantt chart's colorbar ([#1110](
    * Significantly improved validation performance for numeric pandas `Series` objects ([#1149](
    * Specialize auto-generated docstrings for Python syntax
    * More robust and specific logic for retrying requests to the cloud service ([#1146](
    * Support basic authentication when using the streaming API behind a proxy server ([#1133](
  + Fixed
    * Validators for `dash` properties (e.g. `scatter.line.dash`) incorrectly rejected dash length lists ([#1136](
    * Annotated heatmap error when custom colorscale was specified ([#1151](
    * Incorrect deprecation warning for deprecated `plotly.graph_objs.Annotations` class ([#1138](
    * Harmless JavaScript console error when opening an html file produced by `plotly.offline.plot` ([#1152](
    * Incorrect validation errors when writing data to the streaming API ([#1145](
- Update to version 3.1.1
  This release is a minor bug-fix update to version 3.1.0
  + JupyterLab Versions
    For use with JupyterLab, the following versions of the following packages
    must be installed:
    * Python Packages
      > plotly==3.1.1
      > ipywidgets>=7.2
      > notebook>=5.3
      > jupyterlab==0.33
    * JupyterLab Extensions
      > plotlywidget@0.2.1
      > @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.36
      > @jupyterlab/plotly-extension@0.16
  + Updated
    * Updated plotly.js to version 1.39.4.
      This is a bug-fix release of plotly.js
  + Fixed
    * Fixed error in validation of configkeys
    * Fixed error in presentation of named colorscales
    * Fixed numerical precision error when using ``
      to create figures with a large number of subplots
    * Fixed problem that prevented the use of the `.update` method to initialize
      an array property (e.g. `layout.shapes`)
    * Fixed `FigureWidget` problem causing scroll zoom on 3D plots to stutter
    * Fixed invalid `tickmode` property in `matplotlylib`
- Update to version 3.1.0
  + JupyterLab Versions
    For use with JupyterLab, the following versions of the following packages
    must be installed. See []( for instructions.
    * Python Packages
      > plotly==3.1.0
      > ipywidgets>=7.2
      > notebook>=5.3
      > jupyterlab==0.32.1
    * JupyterLab Extensions
      > plotlywidget@0.2.0
      > @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.35
      > @jupyterlab/plotly-extension@0.16
  + Updated
    * Updated Plotly.js to version 1.39.2
    * See highlights below
    * See [the plotly.js CHANGELOG]( for more information.
  + Added
    * Added 3D streamtube traces
    * Added support for on-graph text in scattergl traces
    * Added gridshape attribute to polar subplots with values 'circular' (the default) and 'linear' (to draw polygon grids)
- Update to version 3.0.2
  This is a minor bug-fix release to 3.0.0
  + JupyterLab plotlywidget version: 0.1.1
  + Plotly.js version: 1.38.3
  + Fixed
    * Several errors related to numbered subplot labels (e.g. xaxis2, polar3, etc.)
    * Error where the `v` property was ignored in `cone` traces
    * Assorted performance improvements when constructing graph objects
- Update to version 3.0.1 [YANKED]
  Note: This release's installation was broken. It has been removed from PyPI
- Update to version 3.0.0
  This is a major version with many exciting updates.
  + JupyterLab plotlywidget version: 0.1.1
  + Plotly.js version: 1.38.3
  + Added
    * Full Jupyter ipywidgets integration with the new `graph_objs.FigureWidget` class
    * `FigureWidget` figures can be updated interactively using property assignment syntax
    * The full trace and layout API is generated from the plotly schema to provide a great experience for interactive use in the notebook
    * Support for setting array properties as numpy arrays. When numpy arrays are used, ipywidgets binary serialization protocol is used to avoid converting these to JSON strings.
    * Context manager API for animation. Run `help(go.Figure().batch_animate)` for the full doc string.
    * Perform automatic retries when communicating with services. This introduces a new required dependency on the [retrying]( library.
    * Improved data validation covering the full API with clear, informative error messages. This means that incorrect properties and/or values now always raise a `ValueError` with a description of the error, the invalid property, and the available properties on the level that it was placed in the graph object. Eg. `go.Scatter(foo=123)` raises a validation error. See for a reference to all valid properties and values in the Python API.
    * Error message for `plotly.figure_factory.create_choropleth` is now helpful to Anaconda users who do not have the correct modules installed for the County Choropleth figure factory.
  + Changed / Deprecated
Please see the [migration guid]( for a full list of the changes and deprecations in version 3.0.0
- Update to version 2.7.0
  + Updated
    * Updated `plotly.min.js` to version 1.38.0.
      New features include a `3D cone` trace to visualize vector fields.
- Update to version 2.6.0
  + Updated
    * Updated `plotly.min.js` to version 1.37.1.
      New features include a `splom` (scatter plot matrix) trace type.
    * Error message for `plotly.figure_factory.create_choropleth` is more helpful for Windows users on installing `geopandas` and dependencies including `shapely`.

Thu Apr 19 16:56:41 UTC 2018 -

- update to version 2.5.1
  * Fixed
    + `plotly.figure_factory.create_choropleth` now works in Windows without raising an OSError. The module now uses cross-platform path tools from `os` to manipulate and manage the shapefiles contained in this package.
- update to version 2.5.0
  * Fixed
    + `import plotly.figure_factory` does not fail if `pandas` is not installed. See
  * Added
    + New parameter `fill_percent` to the `.insert` method for the dashboards API. You can now insert a box into the dashboard layout and specify what proportion of the original container box it will occupy. Run `help(plotly.dashboard_objs.Dashboard.insert)` for more information on `fill_percent`.
  * Updated
    + Updated `plotly.min.js` to version 1.35.2.
      - New features include adding an `automargin` attribute to cartesian axes and a layout `grids` attribute for easy subplot generation.
      - See [the plotly.js CHANGELOG]( for additional information regarding the updates.
    + `plotly.figure_factory.create_choropleth` has changed some of the default plotting options:
      - 'offline_mode' param has been removed from call signature.
      - Persistent selection api for the centroid points is automatically enabled. See and for details
      - FIPS values that appear on hover are 0-padded to ensure they are 5 digits.
      - `hover_info='none'` is now default for the county lines data.

Thu Feb 22 04:17:56 UTC 2018 -

- update to version 2.4.1:
  * Fixed
    + The required shapefiles to generate the choropleths via
      plotly.figure_factory.create_choropleth are now shipped in the
      package data.

Mon Feb 19 17:15:11 UTC 2018 -

- update to version 2.4.0:
  * Added
    + County Choropleth figure factory. Call
      help(plotly.figure_factory.create_choropleth) for examples and
      how to get started making choropleths of US counties with the
      Python API.
      Note: import plotly.figure_factory as ff is broken and 2.4.0
      must be yanked ASAP. Efforts to fix this version are currently

Sat Feb 10 17:30:26 UTC 2018 -

- specfile:
  * update copyright year

- update to version 2.3.0:
  * Fixed
    + Merged pull request that fixes GraphWidget for IPython > v6
  * Updated
    + Updated plotly.min.js to version 1.33.1.
      o New plot types include a violin trace type.
      o New features include completely rewritten scattergl using regl
        and a completely rewritten polar chart renderer.
      o See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for additional information regarding
        the updates.

Wed Dec  6 02:56:26 UTC 2017 -

- update to version 2.2.3:
  * Added
    + -column_width and row_width parameters for Call
       help( for documentation.
  * Updated plotly.min.js to version 1.31.2.
    + Fixes include adjustments to table trace for offline plotting.
    + See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for additional information regarding
      the updates.

Sun Nov 26 21:26:06 UTC 2017 -

- update to version 2.2.2:
  * bullet chart figure factory. Call
    help(plotly.figure_factory.create_bullet) for examples and how to
    get started making bullet charts with the API.

Fri Oct 27 15:47:20 UTC 2017 -

- update to version 2.2.1:
  * presentation objects now added to

- changes from version 2.2.0:
  * Added
    + NEW Presentations API for Python! Run
      help(plotly.presentation_objs.Presentations) for help or check
      out the new documentation

Fri Oct 13 16:03:02 UTC 2017 -

- update to version 2.1.0:
  * Updated plotly.min.js to version 1.31.0.
    + New features include a table trace type.
    + See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for additional information regarding
      the updates.

Sat Oct  7 03:43:33 UTC 2017 -

- update to version 2.0.16:
  * Updated plotly.min.js to version 1.31.0 for plotly.offline.
    See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for additional information regarding the updates.

Tue Oct  3 01:20:15 UTC 2017 -

- update to version 2.0.15:
  * Updated plotly.min.js to version 1.30.0 for plotly.offline.
    + See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for additional information regarding
      the updates.

Thu Aug 17 15:06:34 UTC 2017 -

- Update to python-plotly-2.0.14
- Fix imports

Wed Aug  2 10:16:04 UTC 2017 -

- Update to python-plotly-2.0.12
- Use singlespec macros

Wed Apr 29 13:23:34 UTC 2015 -

- Initial version

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