File pmproxy.conf.template of Package pcp-image

# SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1+ AND GPL-2.0+)

# configuration options for pmproxy, pmseries and associated APIs
# uncomment/edit lines as required

## general settings for the pmproxy(1) daemon

# settings related to TLS certificates and keys
#certificates = /etc/pki/tls/certs/pcp.crt
#private_key = /etc/pki/tls/private/pcp.key
#authority = # PEM format file of acceptable client CAs
#cipher_list = # (TLSv2) colon-separated cipher list to be used
#cipher_suites = # (TLSv3) colon-separated cipher suites to be used

# maximum pending socket opens
#maxpending = 128

# delay in seconds for TCP keep-alive (zero to disable)
#keepalive = 45

# buffer size for chunked transfer encoding (bytes, default pagesize)
#chunksize = 4096

# support PCP protocol proxying
pcp.enabled = true

# serve the PCP REST APIs (HTTP)
http.enabled = true

# support Redis protocol proxying
redis.enabled = true

# support SSL/TLS protocol wrapping
secure.enabled = true

## settings related to automatically discovered archives

# propogate archives from pmlogger(1) into Redis querying
enabled = true

# comma-separated metrics name (globs) to skip during discovery
exclude.metrics = proc.*,acct.*

# comma-separated list of instance domains to skip during discovery
exclude.indoms = 3.9,3.40,79.7

## settings for metric and indom help text searching via RediSearch

# allow REST API queries and indexing of metric and indom help text
enabled = true

# default number of query results in a batch (paginated)
count = 10

## settings for fast, scalable time series quering via Redis

# allow REST API queries of fast, scalable time series
enabled = true

# Redis connection spec(s) - could be any individual cluster host,
# and all hosts in the cluster will be automatically discovered --
# alternately, use comma-separated hostspecs (non-clustered setup)
servers = ${REDIS_SERVERS}

# number of elements from scan calls (
cursor.count = 256

# seconds to expire in-core series (
stream.expire = 86400

# limit number of elements in series (
stream.maxlen = 8640

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