File atomiks.changes of Package atomiks

Thu Mar 12 19:51:29 UTC 2015 -

- Add description for sed

Thu Mar 12 17:57:25 UTC 2015 -

- Update to, announce message:
 - Fixed the reaction to a 'close window' event during level
   selection so Atomiks quits properly,
 - Intro screens can be switched to fullscreen now without
   the screen becoming messy.
 - Changed internal methods for storing bitmaps: dependencies to
   SDL_Image, zlib and libpng have been dropped in favor of my own
   compression routines,
 - Added support for numeric keys to control the game,
 - Added home/end keys support for level selection,
 - Code cleanup and reorganizations to ease possible ports to
   non-SDL platforms,
 - Displaying the level's number in the level selection menu,
 - Moved away from SDL to SDL2
   (gained hardware acceleration in the process),
 - Redrawn all internal bitmaps to be fully 320x200 compatible,
 - Replaced configuration path routines by SDL2 native calls
   (hence the placement of the config file changed),
 - Implemented fullscreen switching under ALT+ENTER.

- Remove icon atomiks.png, use supplied
- Use SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer and sdl2 instead of SDL_image,
  SDL_mixer and sdl
- Add sed, fix editor installation
- Use *.txt instead of full names

Tue Nov 18 09:34:43 UTC 2014 -

- Add BuildRequires for hicolor-icon-theme

Mon Nov 17 21:59:29 UTC 2014 -

- Use CFLAGS="%{optflags}" to fix 
 'File is compiled without RPM_OPT_FLAGS'
- Install icon in %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/
  instead of %{_datadir}/pixmaps/

Mon Oct 20 18:59:26 UTC 2014 -

- Change Source0 to use Web URL
- Change atomiks.png
- Add Desktop entry file
- Use check for openSUSE %if 0%{?suse_version}
- Add BuildRequires for fdupes, update-desktop-files and upx
- Use BuildRequire pkgconfig(SDL_image), pkgconfig(SDL_mixer) and
  pkgconfig(sdl) instead of SDL_image-devel, SDL_mixer-devel and
- Use default make %{?_smp_mflags}
- Add atomiks-editor

Fri Jun 27 08:30:29 UTC 2014 -

- cleanup

Sun May 12 2013 Mateusz Viste <> 1.02

- Added sound (can be turned off with --nosound),
- Pausing the game when loosing focus,
- Added shadings to in-game fonts,
- Added scores & hiscores.
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