File mono-zeroconf.changes of Package mono-zeroconf

Sun Jun  5 00:00:00 UTC 2016 -

- Added patch mono-search-path.patch:
 * Added alternative search path in configure script for System.dll and System.Web.dll in order to fix build with mono 4.4.0 and up

Tue May  5 22:58:04 EDT 2009 -

- Require: mono-zeroconf in the -devel package

Mon May  5 19:21:54 EDT 2009 -

- Updated to version 0.9.0
- Fixed major bug in Avahi service registration
- Introduced a workaround unsigned short port property, UPort to
  eliminate having to do an unchecked cast to short for port values
  that overflow Int16
- Clean up some packaging, do not BuildRequires avahi-sharp since
  we use the DBus API directly since 0.8.0
- Split the .pc file into a -devel package

Tue Apr  7 10:17:06 MDT 2009 -

- Patch to build against mono 2.4

Thu Sep 11 19:01:36 EDT 2008 -

- Updated to version 0.8.0
- New Avahi provider using DBus instead of libavahi
- Improved IPv6 support (AddressProtocol/A6 query support)
- Garbage Collection bug fixed in the Bonjour backend
- New MZClient features: setting interface, domain, address type 
  restrictions on browse/resolve operations

Fri Mar 21 02:08:47 CET 2008 -

- Updated to version 0.7.6
- Adds NetworkInterface API to IService objects
- Supports IPv6 host address resolutions

Fri Jan 25 20:40:09 CET 2008 -

- Updated to version 0.7.5
- Adds GAC version policy assemblies so package upgrades don't break apps

Wed Jan 23 19:37:13 CET 2008 -

- Updated to version 0.7.4 
- Fixes IP address resolution bug in Bonjour provider that
  only manifested under .NET on Windows XP SP2
- Minor bug fix in MZClient
- libdir patch removed from package; fixed in upstream release

Thu Dec 27 23:56:42 CET 2007 -

- Patch to fix libdir issue in mono-zeroconf.pc on x86_64

Sun Dec 23 02:29:27 CET 2007 -

- Initial import of Mono.Zeroconf for STABLE from the build serivce
- Version 0.7.3 release
- Provides a cross platform (Linux, Mac, Windows) Mono/.NET API 
  for Zero Configuration networking supporting either Bonjour
  or Avahi mDNS providers

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