File cscope-egrep.out.patch of Package cscope

# on sources that have '\r\n' in them, egrep produces no output
# strip the carriage return out of the output 
--- cscope-15.7a/src/egrep.y	2008-03-12 15:43:56.000000000 -0500
+++ cscope-15.7a.orig/src/egrep.y	2011-06-09 15:32:08.809669622 -0500
@@ -612,12 +612,22 @@
 		    fprintf(output, format, file, lnum);
 		    if (p <= nlp) {
-			while (nlp < buf_end)
+			while (nlp < buf_end) {
+			    if ('\r' == *nlp) {
+				nlp++;
+				continue;
+			    }
 			    putc(*nlp++, output);
+			}
 			nlp = buf;
-		    while (nlp < p)
+		    while (nlp < p) {
+			if ('\r' == *nlp) {
+			    nlp++;
+			    continue;
+			}
 			putc(*nlp++, output);
+			}
 		    nlp = p;
 		    if (out[cstat = istat] == 0)
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