File equalx.appdata.xml of Package equalx
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<summary>Editor for writing and exporting TeX/LaTeX equations</summary>
<url type="homepage"></url>
<p>EqualX is a helpful graphical interface to LaTeX programs.
It gives you the power and beauty for writing TeX/LaTeX equations
in a simple to use editor.</p>
<p>Features included:</p>
<li>Highlight find results in the Equation Preview</li>
<li>3 modes for Refreshing the Preview</li>
<li>Customise the export commands</li>
<li>Professional and customisable window layout</li>
<li>Equation font is computed according to desktop DPI</li>
<li>Reshaping the Symbols toolbar and Templates toolbar</li>
<screenshot type="default">
<image height="621" width="769"></image>
<caption>Main window</caption>