File perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper.changes of Package perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper

Sun Jun  7 08:13:19 UTC 2015 -

- updated to 0.23
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes

  0.23  (2015/05/28)
     (ms) Mark Gardner added separate skips in the test suite to deal 
          with the absense of GNU tar:

Fri Apr 17 08:34:36 UTC 2015 -

- updated to 0.22
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes

  0.22  (2015/03/08)
     (ms) Added tar_gnu_write_options option suggested by Csaba Major with
          tests and docs.
  0.21  (2014/10/16)
     (ms) [ 87536] Setting default umask to get predictable test 
          results regardless of local umask settings.
  0.20  (2014/09/29)
     (ms) Ignore errors on chown/chgrp when files from different owners/groups
          are copied into a tarball, accept the limitation that they'll be
          owned by the script user unless we're running as superuser.
  0.19  (2014/02/16)
     (ms) RsrchBoy added support for bzip2-compressed tarfiles.
  0.18  (2013/07/15)
     (ms) Moved to tmpdir() in t/002Mult.t because some smoke testers don't
          like writing into t/data.
  0.17  (2013/07/01)
     (ms) Sanko Robinson replaced bin_find() by File::Which::which() to allow
          for better Win32 portability.
  0.16  (2012/03/19)
     (ms) [ 75770] Allow add() with directories, and now preserves
          directory permissions.
  0.15  (2011/12/20)
     (ms) [RT 73046] Randy Stauner submitted a patch to reset the directory if a 
          write() fails (e.g. because no files have been added).

Thu Apr 14 07:44:31 UTC 2011 -

- initial package 0.14
    * created by cpanspec 1.78.04

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