File gap.changes of Package gap

Tue Feb  6 00:28:30 UTC 2018 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.8.10
  * No changes to the GAP core.
  * Bundled modules in the GAP distribution were updated.
    (For openSUSE, this means an update happens in the separate
    gap-* packages.)

Fri Jan 26 10:07:10 UTC 2018 -

- Add reproducible.patch to not include build time (boo#1047218)
- Drop config.log that differed for each build

Mon Dec 25 22:11:47 UTC 2017 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.8.9
  * Fixed a bug in RepresentativeAction producing incorrect
    answers for both symmetric and alternating groups, with both
    OnTuples and OnSets, by producing elements outside the group.
  * Fixed a bug in RepresentativeAction for S_n and A_n acting on
    non-standard domains.

Wed Sep 20 16:58:25 UTC 2017 -

- Update to classify well-known license text files
  as %doc.

Fri Sep  8 20:23:32 UTC 2017 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.8.8
  * Fixed a bug in RepresentativeAction producing incorrect
    answers for both symmetric and alternating groups, with both
    OnTuples and OnSets, by producing elements outside the group.
  * Fixed a bug in RepresentativeAction for S_n and A_n acting on
    non-standard domains.

Sat Apr 29 21:26:31 UTC 2017 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.8.7
  * Fixed a regression from GAP 4.7.6 when reading compressed files
    after a workspace is loaded. Before the fix, if GAP is started
    with the -L option (load workspace), using ReadLine on the
    input stream for a compressed file returned by InputTextFile
    only returned the first character.

Mon Nov 21 06:11:07 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version 4.8.6:
  * Fixed regression in the GAP kernel code introduced in GAP
    4.8.5 and breaking StringFile (GAPDoc: StringFile) ability to
    work with compressed files.
- Add an unpackaged file to filelist; fixes build failures.

Sun Oct 16 19:22:08 UTC 2016 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.8.5

Sun Mar 27 11:38:19 UTC 2016 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.8.3
* No documentation available

Sat Mar 12 20:09:00 UTC 2016 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.8.2
* Added support for partially variadic functions to allow function
* GAP now displays the filename and line numbers of statements in
  backtraces when entering the break loop.
* Developments from HPC-GAP were backported; "atomic", "readonly"
  and "readwrite" are now keywords, and thus are no longer valid
- Remove gap-ttyname-null.diff (fixed upstream)

Mon Dec  7 19:40:18 UTC 2015 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.7.9

Mon Oct 12 20:35:56 UTC 2015 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.7.8

Sun Feb 22 10:25:10 UTC 2015 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.7.7
* Introduced some arithmetic operations for infinity and negative
* Introduced new property IsGeneratorsOfSemigroup which reflects
  whether the list or collection generates a semigroup.

Wed Jun 18 16:55:38 UTC 2014 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.7.5
* InstallValue cannot handle immediate values, characters or
  booleans for technical reasons. A check for such values was
  introduced to trigger an error message and prevent incorrect
  results caused by this.
* KnowsDictionary and LookupDictionary methods for
  IsListLookupDictionary were using PositionFirstComponent; the
  latter is only valid on sorted lists, but in
  IsListLookupDictionary the underlying list is NOT sorted in
  general, leading to bogus results.

Fri Apr 18 09:36:18 UTC 2014 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.7.4
* Incorrect result returned by AutomorphismGroup(PSp(4,2^n)) was
* The "Order" method for group homomorphisms newly introduced in
  GAP 4.7 had a bug that caused it to sometimes return incorrect
  results, which was fixed.
* Break loop in IsomorphismFpMonoid when prefixes in generators
  names were longer than one letter.

Tue Feb  4 18:28:04 UTC 2014 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.7.2
* The methods for computing conjugacy classes of permutation
  groups have been rewritten from scratch to enable potential use
  for groups in different representations.
* The methods for determining (conjugacy classes of) subgroups in
  non-solvable groups have been substantially improved in speed
  and scope for groups with multiple nonabelian composition
* There is a new method for calculating the maximal subgroups of
  a permutation group (with chief factors of width less or equal
  5) without calculating the whole subgroup lattice.
* The functionality in GAP for transformations and transformation
  semigroups has been rewritten and extended. Partial
  permutations and inverse semigroups have been newly
  implemented. The documentation for transformations and
  transformation semigroups has been improved. Transformations
  and partial permutations are implemented in the GAP kernel.
  Methods for calculating attributes of transformations and
  partial permutations, and taking products, and so are also
  implemented in the kernel.

Fri May 10 07:34:20 UTC 2013 -

- Update to new upstream release 4.6.4
- Split .spec file into multiple packages
- Add gap-final-dir.diff, gap-multiarch.diff

Thu Nov 29 15:09:28 UTC 2012 -

- Avoid fdupes in /etc

Fri Aug 31 21:36:53 UTC 2012 -

- add --target to configure for SLE 11 i586 

Fri Aug 31 10:42:16 UTC 2012 -

- add libtool in build requirements for 12.2

Sat Jul  7 12:59:44 UTC 2012 -

- fix build on SLE 11
- spec file reformating 

Sun Jun 26 09:42:56 UTC 2011 -

- Add gap-typepuns.diff
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