File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.12755

<patchinfo incident="12755">
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1141680">buffer overflow in chmd_read_headers() in libmspack leads to information disclosure</issue>
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1130489">Please enable build time tests of libmspack</issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2019-1010305"/>
  <description>This update for libmspack fixes the following issues:

Security issue fixed:

- CVE-2019-1010305: Fixed a buffer overflow triggered by a crafted chm file
  which could have led to information disclosure (bsc#1141680).
Other issue addressed: 

- Enable build-time tests (bsc#1130489)

This update was imported from the SUSE:SLE-15:Update update project.</description>
  <summary>Security update for libmspack</summary>
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