File supertuxkart.changes of Package supertuxkart
Thu Jan 23 08:57:39 UTC 2020 - Guillaume GARDET <>
- Enable build on non-x86 architectures
- Add _constraints to avoid build failures
Sun Jan 5 07:58:23 UTC 2020 - Andrey Karepin <>
- Update to version 1.1:
+ Improved online multiplayer play
+ Fix network lags in various scenarios when playing online
+ Add AI support to local networking servers
+ UI enhancements
+ A new arena: Pumpkin Park
+ Mobile enhancements and iOS support (The iOS version can be tested
through testflight : )
+ Complex text layout and emoji support
+ Story mode timer for speedrunners
+ Generic polish and minor improvements
See full changes in
- added CMake option OpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE=GLVND
- use system provided libmcpp
- use system provided libraqm
Sun Apr 28 18:20:39 UTC 2019 - Andrey Karepin <>
- Update to version 1.0:
+ Networking support for normal race, time trial, free for all,
capture the flag and soccer.
+ Spectating option for players having entered a server while a
race or game is underway.
+ New game mode Capture the Flag.
+ New game mode Free for All.
+ Improved powerup and nitro handling in AI.
+ Race UI improvements (new speedometer, nitro gauge, bigger
minimap, minimap display options, more legible text with
outlines and for some bigger font).
- Add wiiuse-devel BuildReqires.
- Drop supertuxkart-mesa-18.3.patch: merged upstream.
Wed Jan 9 08:42:00 UTC 2019 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Add supertuxkart-mesa-18.3.patch: Fix build against Mesa 18.3
Mon May 7 11:28:46 UTC 2018 -
- Disable post/postun scriptlets on suse_version >= 1500: the
functionality of desktop_database_post/postun and
icon_theme_cache has been migrated to file triggers.
Tue Nov 21 10:26:10 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 0.9.3 (final):
+ Only minor bug fixes over 0.9.3-rc1.
Mon Oct 30 13:49:11 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 0.9.3-rc1:
+ Reduced RAM and VRAM usage, reducing load times.
+ New mesh format optimized for space and hardware skinning.
+ Code refactoring of both render pipeline.
+ New kart Wilber and Hexley.
+ New kart Kiki and updated Konqi.
+ New tracks Candela City, Cornfield Crossing and Las Dunas
+ Physics improvements and various physics bugfixes.
+ Kart GFX improvements (exhaust and headlight).
+ In-game screen recording powered by libopenglrecorder.
+ High quality mipmap generation.
+ New smoother camera.
+ New grand prix win scene.
+ Gamepad configuration bugfixes.
+ 3 Strikes Battles : added spare tire karts.
+ Various improvements (wall driving fixes, parachutes, GP
points, cannon fixes, colorization shader).
Sat Jul 2 12:25:29 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 0.9.2 release (no changes since rc2).
- Updated BuildRequires to use pkgconfig().
- Cmake clean-up.
- Enabled verbose make output.
- Don't modify system's C*FLAGS.
- Set Release With Debug Info cmake build type.
- Resolved warnings:
* version-control-internal-file: .gitignore;
* hidden-file-or-dir: .gitattributes;
* non-executable-script:
- Added desktop_database_post(un).
- Added man page.
Thu Jun 16 13:42:10 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 0.9.2-rc2:
+ Ghost replay races.
+ Battle mode AI.
+ Soccer mode AI.
+ New icy soccer field.
+ New subsea track.
+ New volcano track.
+ TTF font rendering.
+ Kart properties refactor.
+ Scripting work under the hood.
+ Work on the track editor.
+ Tweak to challenges.
+ New farm track song.
+ Bugfixes.
Wed Oct 21 13:40:53 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.9.1:
+ Many bug fixes.
+ Started to use scripting in tracks.
+ Significant audio performance improvements.
+ Smaller tweaks and improvements to several tracks including:
- Math class
- XR591
- Fort Magma
- Gran Paradiso
- Subsea
+ Tweak to challenges.
+ Better support for driving tracks in reverse.
Fri Aug 14 12:56:53 UTC 2015 -
- Set ExclusiveArch to x86 architectures to avoid build failures
on others. Have x86 assembly pieces in it.
Wed Apr 22 07:52:34 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.9:
+ An immense amount of work went into the big release. Most
noteworthy are:
- A new rendering engine. It is still based on irrlich, but now
uses a modern OpenGL shader based backend.
- This release contains two completely new designed
high-quality tracks.
- Drop supertuxkart.appdata.xml: it's now shipped by upstream.
- Drop upstream resolved patches:
+ 0001-fix_opengl_driver.patch
+ 0002-fix_implicit_definitions.patch
+ supertuxkart-cmake-3.2.patch
Mon Mar 23 18:36:31 UTC 2015 -
- Add supertuxkart-cmake-3.2.patch: Fix build against cmake 3.2.
Sat Sep 27 00:58:07 UTC 2014 -
- Added:
* 0001-fix_opengl_driver.patch
+ Please see: Allows for building against Mesa >10.0
* 0002-fix_implicit_definitions.patch
+ Fixes implicit definition warning from rpmlint
- Added CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to clear warnings about not using RPM_OPT_FLAGS, and gcc compatibility, using -fno-strict-aliasing going forward
Sat Mar 8 11:37:10 UTC 2014 -
- Add supertuxkart.appdata.xml (from upstream git) as source. This
will allow STK to show up in gnome-software.
Sun Jan 5 21:48:02 UTC 2014 -
- Use Mesa provided glext.h and glxext.h When building against
Mesa 10.0. The needed fixes (and more) are part of Mesa by now.
Tue Nov 26 18:14:30 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 0.8.1:
+ New track 'STK Enterprise'.
+ Updated tracks 'Old Mine', 'Around the Lighthouse' and 'Zen
+ New modes 'Soccer' and 'Egg Hunt'.
+ New karts 'Xue' and 'Sara'.
+ Updated 'Beastie' kart.
+ Wiimote support.
+ Added tutorial.
+ Added new 'SuperTux' difficulty.
+ New bubblegum shield defensive weapon.
+ New combined speedometer and nitro meter.
+ Added ability to filter add-ons.
+ Updated nitro models.
+ Added ability to save and resume Grand Prix.
+ Improved skid marks and particle effects.
- Drop supertuxkart-desktop.patch: fixed upstream.
- Add bluez-devel BuildRequires: new dependency.
Wed Feb 20 16:21:05 UTC 2013 -
- License update: GPL-2.0+ and GPL-3.0+ and CC-BY-SA-3.0
Based on audit of 0.8.
Fri Jan 4 13:51:36 UTC 2013 -
- Correct supertuxkart-desktop.patch: the fix did not really work
Wed Dec 26 11:08:26 UTC 2012 -
- openal-devel is now called openal-soft-devel.
Sat Dec 15 20:58:22 UTC 2012 -
- Add supertuxkart-desktop.patch: Fix path to supertuxkart in
.desktop file (bnc#794681).
Tue Dec 11 23:30:04 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 0.8:
+ Story mode and new challenge set.
+ Improved AI.
+ Skidding and better collision physics.
+ Reverse mode.
+ New green valley track.
+ New Blackhill Mansion track.
+ Updated XR591 track.
+ Updated Fort Magma track.
+ Updated Jungle track.
+ Updated Sand track.
+ New music.
+ Updated menus.
- Drop automake buildrequires: no need to bootstrap;
- Drop Irrlicht-devel BuildRequires: we must build with the
internal, statically linked Irrlicht, or we will see graphic
- Drop supertuxkart-pthread.patch: fixed upstream.
- Add cmake BuildRequires: build system was ported to cmake.
- Add fribidi-devel BuildRequires: needed for RTL texts.
- Add pkgconfig(gl) BuildRequires: new dependency (for Irrlicht).
Tue May 1 22:28:40 UTC 2012 -
- Corrected links is now hosted on sourceforge
- Added missing BuildRequires automake
Mon Nov 14 21:34:47 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 0.7.3:
+ New Minigolf track
+ New Zen Garden track
+ New Subsea track
+ New Island battle arena
+ New Suzanne kart
+ New graphical effects
+ New weapons 'Swatter' and 'Rubber Ball'
+ Added Thunderbird as race referee
+ 3 Strikes Battles now displays lives as spare tires
+ Improved bubble gum
+ See progression during Grand Prix
+ Improve physics for tall karts (e.g. Adiumy)
+ Lots of bug fixes
+ Improved kart control at high speeds
+ Better placement of rescued karts
+ Transition track-making to blender 2.5/2.6
- Hack in the .spec to drop files that get unintentionally
installed (reported to upstream).
- Add: supertuxkart-pthread.patch: Link against pthread when.
Tue Sep 27 13:25:09 UTC 2011 -
- add Geeko kart add-on by default
- split data files to separate noarch package
Sat Jul 16 20:49:26 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 0.7.2:
+ In-game addon manager
+ Fixed major memory leaks
+ New Snow Peak track by Samuncle
+ Improved star track UFO by Rudy
+ New Beastie kart.
+ Show when you get a highscore
+ Improve gamepad configuration under Windows (add ability to
tell gamepads apart)
+ Various other tweaks done and glitches fixed.
Mon Apr 25 19:29:32 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 0.7.1b:
+ Fixes a nasty bug stopping you from finishing a challenge.
Fri Apr 15 21:17:36 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 0.7.1:
+ Particle (smoke, splash, fire) and weather effects
+ New Fort Magma by Samuncle, new Shiny Suburbs track by Horace
+ New Beagle kart by wolterh, new Emule kart by Kinsu
+ Added internet news
+ Support for live language switch
+ Added optional minimal race UI
+ Temporary invincibility after being hit
+ Added support for full-screen anti-aliasing
+ Clearer multiplayer setup
+ Renamed many tracks to nicer names
+ Basic level-of-detail (LOD) support
+ Debug features for track makers
+ Update to bullet 2.77
+ Replace more sounds to be DFSG-compliant
+ Fixed character names that contain non-ASCII characters
+ Full RTL (right to left) support
+ Various other tweaks done and glitches fixed
Tue Dec 21 23:27:43 UTC 2010 -
- Reword the description together with upstream.
Tue Dec 21 18:53:11 UTC 2010 -
- Upgrade to version 0.7, final release:
+ new GUI
+ kart and track animations
+ new and improved tracks, karts, and items
+ shortcut/alternative way support for tracks
+ Asian fonts
+ many many bugfixes.
Sat Dec 18 15:23:30 UTC 2010 -
- Upgrade to version 0.7 release candidate 2:
+ Complete rewrite, using the irrlich game engine.
Fri Mar 12 20:54:25 UTC 2010 -
- Add stk-bufferoverflow.patch to fix a bufferoverflow.
Thu Sep 3 17:36:19 CEST 2009 -
- Update to version 0.6.2
+ Bugfix: battle mode would not display track groups.
- Add stk-am111.patch to fix installation with automake 1.11.
- Add stk-asneeded to build linking with -as-needed.
Wed Feb 18 12:40:00 CET 2009 -
- Release 0.6.1
some ninor bugfixes, a new battle map, a new kart and better
support for Addons.
Thu Jan 22 10:14:00 CET 2009 -
- Release 0.6
* New improved physics and kart handling
* Added sharp turns and nitro speed boost (replacing wheelies and jump)
* Totally rewrote powerups (plunger, bowling ball, cake, bubblegum) and new look for bananas
* New and improved tracks : skyline, snow mountain, race track, space track, old mine, XR591
* New game mode : 3-Strikes Battle
* Major improvements to AI
* New/improved karts (and removed some old ones) : wilber, eviltux, hexley
* Improved user interface
* Karts now have a visible suspension effect
* Fully positional audio with OpenAL
* New music and sound effects (including engine, braking and skidding sounds)
* Better support for mods and add-ons (kart and track groups)
* New/updated translations (ga fi de nl sl fr it es ro sv)
* Allowed 'Grand Prix's of Time Trial, Follow the Leader, or any other mode
* Challenges are now specified and config files, and are thus easy to create by users
* Improved build system to better detect missing dependencies
* Improved shortcut-detection
* Initial work towards networking (disabled and hidden by default)
* Bug fixes and code refactor/cleanup/documentation
- Fixed 'joystick locks' (kart would turn even if the joystick is in neutral),
thanks to Samjam for the patch.
Mon Jun 2 20:39:00 EEST 2008 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Release version 0.5
Thu May 15 10:20:26 EET 2008 -
Updated to version 0.5rc1 (called 0.4.98_aka_0.5rc1 for RPM upgrade to work)
* Five new tracks: Fort Magma, SnowTux Peak, Amazonian Journey, City and Canyon
* Complete Challenges to unlock game modes, new tracks and a skidding preview
* New Follow the Leader game mode
* New Grand Prix
* Improved User Interface
* Improved game pad/joystick handling
* German, French and Dutch translations
* Additional music
* Many Bugfixes including:
a memory leak fix (Charlie Head)
an AI crash fix (Chris Morris)
Tue Mar 5 16:00:26 EET 2008 -
Updated to version 0.4 (propagated RC1, with little bug fixes)
Mon Feb 25 22:32:26 EET 2008 -
Added BuildRequires:vorbis-devel for music support
Sun Feb 24 21:15:00 EET 2008 -
- Updated to 0.4rc1
* New physics handling using the bullet physics engine
* New kart: wilber
* Improved 'Shifting Sands' and 'Lighthouse' tracks
* Improved AI
* New GUI handling, including resolution switching GUI
* Improved input handling
* Jump and look-back featue
* Additional music and main theme
Thu June 28 20:53:00 EEST 2007 -
* Highscore lists
* Shortcut detection
* Improved AI
* Fullscreen support
* New track: the island
* New character: Hexley
* New penalty: bomb
* OpenAL and ogg-vorbis support
* Two new Grand Prix (a volcano and an island GP)
* Improved user interface:
- New racing interface
- Better track map
- Player kart dots in the track map are bigger than AI dots
- Track selection screen has topview pictures
- Added "Setup new race" option when a track is finished
- Added "Restart race" option when a track is finished
- The keyboard can skip vertical spaces between buttons
- Better control configuration
- Better in-game help
- Added .desktop file for menus and icon
* And bugfixes
Wed May 23 14:02:56 CEST 2007 -
- changed plib to plib-devel in BuildRequires
- added %suse_update_desktop_file macro
Thu Feb 22 17:58:44 CET 2007 -
- created package from BuildService (version 0.2.0)