File podofo.spec of Package podofo

# spec file for package podofo
# Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

%define libver 0_9_6
Name:           podofo
Version:        0.9.6
Release:        0
Summary:        Tools to work with PDF files
License:        GPL-2.0-or-later
Group:          Productivity/Publishing/PDF
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM fix-build.patch
Patch0:         fix-build.patch
BuildRequires:  cmake >= 2.5
BuildRequires:  doxygen
BuildRequires:  fdupes
BuildRequires:  fontconfig-devel
BuildRequires:  freetype2-devel
BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
#BuildRequires:  libcppunit-devel
BuildRequires:  libidn-devel
BuildRequires:  libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires:  libpng-devel
BuildRequires:  libtiff-devel
BuildRequires:  lua-devel
BuildRequires:  openssl-devel
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel

Command line tools for working with PDF files.

%package -n libpodofo%{libver}
Summary:        PDF parsing and creation library
License:        LGPL-2.1-or-later
Group:          System/Libraries

%description -n libpodofo%{libver}
A cross platform PDF parsing and creation library.

%package -n libpodofo-devel
Summary:        Development files for podofo
License:        LGPL-2.1-or-later
Group:          Development/Libraries/Other
Requires:       libpodofo%{libver} = %{version}

%description -n libpodofo-devel
This package contains development files for podofo library.

%setup -q
%patch0 -p0

# Remove build time references so build-compare can do its work
echo "HTML_TIMESTAMP = NO" >> Doxyfile

export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fno-strict-aliasing"

mkdir build
cd build
%if "%{_lib}" == "lib64"
-DWANT_LIB64=1 \

make %{?_smp_mflags} VERBOSE=1
cd ..

# Build devel docs

pushd build
%make_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

# Install devel docs (do it manually to fix also rpmlint warning "files-duplicate" with %%fdupes)
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/libpodofo-devel
install -pm 0644 AUTHORS COPYING.LIB ChangeLog FAQ.html README.html TODO %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/libpodofo-devel/
cp -a doc/html/ %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/libpodofo-devel/

%fdupes -s %{buildroot}

%post -n libpodofo%{libver} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n libpodofo%{libver} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%license COPYING

%files -n libpodofo%{libver}
%license COPYING

%files -n libpodofo-devel
%license COPYING
%doc %{_docdir}/libpodofo-devel/

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