File openscap.changes of Package openscap

Wed Mar 25 13:53:51 UTC 2020 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>

- Add upstream patch to fix the scap-workbench build:
  * 0001-Do-not-use-C-keyword-operator-as-a-function-paramete.patch

Tue Jan 14 13:43:11 UTC 2020 - Marcus Meissner <>

- switch back to official release
- openscap 1.3.2
  - the test suite and build scripts were improved to support Debian 10
  - offline mode has received some love with a set of dedicated tests and various fixes in OVAL probes;
  - the oscap-docker wrapper is no longer dependent on Atomic 
  - Python binding are now more robust 
  - HTML reports and guides, generated by the scanner, are now more accessible for non-visual rendering agents 
  - Support of multi-check rules has been improved across the whole workflow 

  There are other changes as well, here is the list:
  * New features
    - Offline mode support for environmentvariable58 probe
    - The oscap-docker wrapper is available without Atomic

  + Maintenance, bug fixes
    - Improved support of multi-check rules (report, remediations, console output)
    - Improved HTML report look and feel, including printed version
    - Less clutter in verbose mode output; some warnings and errors demoted to verbose mode levels
    - Probe rpmverifyfile uses and returns canonical paths
    - Improved a11y of HTML reports and guides
    - Fixes and improvements for SWIG Python bindings
    - #1403 fixed: Scanner would not apply remediation for multicheck rules (verbosity)
    - Fixed URL link mechanism for Red Hat Errata
    - New STIG Viewer URI:
    - Probe selinuxsecuritycontext would not check if SELinux is enabled
    - Scanner would provide information about unsupported OVAL objects
    - Added more tests for offline mode (probes, remediation)
    - #528 fixed: Eval SCE script when /tmp is in mode noexec
    - #1173, RHBZ#1603347 fixed: Double chdir/chroot in probe rpmverifypackage

Sat Jan 11 17:24:21 UTC 2020 - Marcus Meissner <>

- temporary openscap 1.3.1 git snapshot
  - make it build with new RPM  (bsc#1160720)

Sat Jan 11 09:01:49 UTC 2020 - Marcus Meissner <>

- use distribution-release instead of dummy-release

Thu Jun 13 14:22:06 UTC 2019 - Robert Frohl <>

- openscap 1.3.1
  - New features
    - Support for SCAP 1.3 Source Datastreams (evaluating, XML schemas, validation)
    - Introduced `oscap-podman` -- a tool for SCAP evaluation of Podman images and containers
    - Tailoring files are included in ARF result files
    - OVAL details are always shown in HTML report, users do not have to provide `--oval-results` on command line
    - HTML report displays OVAL test details also for OVAL tests included from other OVAL definitions using `extend_definition`
    - OVAL test IDs are shown in HTML report - Rule IDs are shown in HTML guide
    - Added `block_size` in Linux `partition_state` defined in OVAL 5.11.2
    - Added `oscap_wrapper` that can be used to comfortably execute custom compiled oscap tool
  - Maintenance and bug fixes
    for a complete list please see
- removed patches accepted upstream:
  rpmverifyfile_unittest.patch  rpmverify_unittest.patch sysctl_unittest.patch
  test_probes_rpmverifypackage-disable-epoch-test.patch xinetd_probe.patch

Tue Mar 26 13:55:18 UTC 2019 - Robert Frohl <>

- obsolete removed packages: openscap-engine-sce and openscap-extra-probes

Mon Mar 25 18:54:37 UTC 2019 - Bjørn Lie <>

- Drop gconf2-devel BuildRequires: It is not mandatory, so lets
  build without this obsolete package.
- Add pkgconfig(glib-2.0) and pkgconfig(gobject-2.0) BuildRequires:
  They are also optional, but not obsolete, and previously pulled
  in via gconf2-devel dependency, so lets build support for them.

Fri Oct 19 15:46:44 UTC 2018 - Robert Frohl <>

- openscap-1.3.0 
  - New features
	- Introduced a virtual '(all)' profile selecting all rules
	- Verbose mode is a global option in all modules
	- Added Microsoft Windows CPEs
	- oscap-ssh can supply SSH options into an environment variable
  - Maintenance
	- Removed SEXP parser
	- Added Fedora 30 CPE
	- Fixed many Coverity defects (memory leaks etc.)
	- SCE builds are enabled by default
	- Moved many low-level functions out of public API
	- Removed unused and dead code
	- Updated manual pages
	- Numerous small fixes
- xinetd_probe.patch: fix trailing whitespace in config
- test_probes_rpmverifypackage-disable-epoch-test.patch: fix rpmverifypackage unit test
- sysctl_unittest.patch: fix sysctl unit test
- rpmverifyfile_unittest.patch: fix rpmverifyfile unit test
- rpmverify_unittest.patch: fix rpmverify unit test
- openscap-xattr.patch: removed, included by upstream

Wed Sep 12 05:56:03 UTC 2018 -

- openscap-xattr.patch: build against new libattr 

Thu Jun  7 08:46:23 UTC 2018 -

- scap-yast2sec-xccdf.xml: remove platform cpe match, as it is impossible
  to match both opensuse and sles or official suse_linux_enterprise_server
  names at once. (bsc#1091040)

Tue May 29 09:47:16 UTC 2018 -

- openscap-1.2.17
  - New features
    - HTML Guide user experience improvements
    - New options in HTML report "Group By" menu
    - oscap-ssh supports --oval-results (issue #863)
  - Maintenance
    - Support comparing state record elements with item
    - Updated Bash completion
    - Make Bash role headers consistent with --help output
    - Fixed problems reported by Coverity (issue #909)
    - Fixed CVE schema to support 4 to 7 digits CVEs
    - Fix output of generated bash role missing fix message
    - Fix oscap-docker to clean up temporary image (RHBZ #1454637)
    - Fix Ansible remediations generation
    - Add a newline between ids in xccdf info (issue #968)
    - Fix unknown subtype handling in oval_subtype_parse (issue #986)
    - Outsourced the pthreads feature check and setup
    - Speed up in debug mode
    - Refactored the Python handling in build scripts
    - Prevent reading from host in offline mode (issue #1001)
    - Many probes use OWN offline mode
    - Improve offline mode logic in OVAL probes
    - Do not use chroot in system_info probe
    - Prevent a segfault in oscap_seterr on Solaris
    - Out of tree build is possible
    - Use chroot for RPM probes in offline mode
    - PEP8 accepts lines up to 99 characters
    - New configure parameter --with-oscap-temp-dir (issue #1016)
    - Fixed OVAL record elements namespace and SEXP conversion
    - Removed '\r' characters from help output (issue #1023)
    - Full Python 3 compatibility
    - Removed basic Python implementation of oval_probes.c
    - Added support for Travis CI and Sonar Cloud
    - Minor fixes inspired by Sonar Cloud
    - Added Fedora 29 CPE
    - New tests in upstream test suite (offline mode, Ansible, etc.)

Thu Apr 26 12:56:42 UTC 2018 -

- openscap-new-suse.patch: handle SLE15 and openSUSE Leap 42.3 and 15.0

Mon Mar  5 15:11:19 UTC 2018 -

- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars.

Mon Mar  5 12:39:51 UTC 2018 -

- replace oscap-scan.init by oscap-scan.service, add a /usr/bin/oscap-scan
  helper tool for this. (bsc#1083115)

Thu Feb 22 13:41:36 UTC 2018 -

- disable scap-as-rpm binary to avoid python2 dependency. (bsc#1082135)

Thu Nov 23 13:44:24 UTC 2017 -

- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new
  %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)

Tue Nov 14 14:17:28 UTC 2017 -

- openscap-productid-cvrf.patch: add a --productid selector
  for "oscap cvrf" as upstream does not detect the system yet.
  (might go away)

Tue Nov 14 12:14:41 UTC 2017 -

- openscap-1.2.16
  - New features
    - oscap can generate output that is compatible with STIG Viewer.
    - CVRF parsing and export has been implemented.
    - oscap info command has been expanded.
    - The AIX platform is supported.
    - Many documentation improvements.
    - Numerous other improvements of existing features.
  - Maintenance
    - Huge cross-platform improvements.
    - Memory leaks fixed (RHBZ#1485876).
    - SELinux fixes.
    - Many coverity fixes.
    - Numerous other bugfixes.
- buildrequire procps-devel

Fri Aug 25 13:41:48 UTC 2017 -

- openscap-1.2.15 / 25-08-2017
  - New features
    - short profile names can be used instead of long IDs
    - new option --rule allows to evaluate only a single rule
    - new option --fix-type in "oscap xccdf generate fix" allows choosing
      remediation script type without typing long URL
    - "oscap info" shows profile titles
    - OVAL details in HTML report are easier to read
    - HTML report is smaller because unselected rules are removed
    - HTML report supports NIST 800-171 and CJIS
    - remediation scripts contain headers with useful information
    - remediation scripts report progress when they run
    - basic support for Oracle Linux (CPEs, runlevels)
    - remediation scripts can be generated from datastreams that contain
      multiple XCCDF benchmarks (issue #772)
    - basic support for OVAL 5.11.2 (only schemas, no features)
    - enabled offline RPM database in rpminfo probe (issue #778)
    - added Fedora 28 CPE
  - Maintenance
    - fixed oscap-docker with Docker >= 2.0 (issue #794)
    - fixed behavior of sysctl probe to be consistent with sysctl tool
    - fixed generating remediation scripts (issue #723, #773)
    - severity of tailored rules is not discarded (issue #739)
    - fixed errors in RPM probes initialization
    - oscap-docker shows all warnings reported by oscap (issue #713)
    - small improvements in verbose mode
    - standard C operations are used instead of custom OpenSCAP operations
    - fixed compiler warnings
    - fixed missing header files
    - fixed resource leaks (issue #715)
    - fixed pkgconfig file (RHBZ #1414777)
    - refactoring
    - documentation fixes and improvements

Fri Apr  7 09:35:00 UTC 2017 -

- Remove line-trailing whitespace from last changelog entry.
- Rename %soname to %sover to better reflect its use.
- Replace unnecessary %__-type macro indirections.

Tue Mar 21 12:20:23 UTC 2017 -

- openscap-1.2.14 / 21-03-2017
  - New features
    - Detailed information about ARF files in 'oscap info' (issue #664)
    - XSLT template creating XCCDF files from OVAL files
    - Generating remediation scripts from ARF
    - Significant improvements of User Manual (issue #249, #513)
    - HTML report UX improvements (issue #601, #620, #622, #655)
    - Warnings are shown by default
    - Verbose mode is available in 'xccdf remediate' module (issue #520)
    - Added Fedora 26, Fedora 27 and OpenSUSE 42.2 CPEs (issue #698)
    - Support for Anaconda remediation in HTML report
  - Maintenance
    - Fixed CPE dictionary to identify RHEVH as RHEL7 (RHBZ #1420038)
    - Fixed systemd probes crashes inside containers (RHBZ #1431186, issue #700)
    - Added a warning on non-existing XCCDF Benchmarks (issue #614)
    - Fixed output on terminals with white background (RHBZ #1365911, issue #512)
    - Error handling in oscap-vm (RHBZ #1391754)
    - Fixed SCE stderr stalling (RHBZ #1420811)
    - Fixed Android OVAL schema (issue #279)
    - Fixed absolute filepath parsing in OVAL (RHBZ #1312831, #1312824)
    - Fixes based on Coverity scan report (issue #581, #634, #681)
    - Fixed duplicated error messages (issue #707)
    - Fixed XCCDF score calculation (issue #617)
    - Fixed segmentation faults in RPM probes (RHBZ #1414303, #1414312)
    - Fixed failing DataStream build if "@" is in filepath
    - Fixed missing header in result-oriented Ansible remediations
    - Memory leak and resource leak fixes (issue #635, #636)
    - New upstream tests
    - Many minor fixes and improvements

Fri Jan  6 14:37:37 UTC 2017 -

- openscap-1.2.13 / 05-01-2017
  - Maintenance
    - we always build system_info OVAL probe, fixed configure output accordingly
    - warn when the user requests to generate an ARF from XCCDF 1.1
    - fixed a segfault when loading an OVAL file with invalid family attribute
    - added --thin-results CLI override to oscap xccdf eval
    - added --without-syschar CLI override to oscap xccdf eval
    - fixed a segfault when freeing xccdf_policy of the default profile
    - removed ARF schematron workaround when there are no applicable checks
    - fixed verbose output in oscap xccdf generate fix
    - do not filter fix by applicability when generating remediations from results
    - fixed memory leaks, resource leaks and other minor issues

Mon Nov 21 09:40:15 UTC 2016 -

- openscap-1.2.12 / 21-11-2016
  - New features
    - separated stdout and stderr in SCE results and HTML report
    - HTML reports contain [ref] links for rules and groups
  - Maintenance
    - fixed ARF errors reported by the SCAPval tool
    - fixed CVE parsing (issue #550)
    - fixed namespace of ARF vocabulary according to NIST SP800-126 errata
    - fixed exporting OVAL Windows namespaces
    - fixed injecting xccdf:check-content-ref references in ARF results
    - fixed oscap-docker incompliance reporting (issue #475, RHBZ #1387248)
    - fixed oscap-docker man page (RHBZ #1387166)
    - fixed memory leaks and resource leaks
    - small fixes and refactoring, test suite fixes

Tue Oct 18 07:09:13 UTC 2016 -

- openscap-1.2.11 / 14-10-2016
  - New features
    - huge speed-up of generating HTML reports and guides
    - support remote datastream components (issue #526)
    - support tailoring of external datastreams
    - various attributes of remediation scripts are now shown in HTML report (issue #541)
    - new option generating OVAL results without system characteristics
    - remediation scripts in HTML report are now collapsed
    - support for extracting Ansible playbooks
    - enabled fetching remote resources in OVAL module
    - added Wind River Linux CPE
  - Maintenance
    - updated jQuery and bootstrap libraries in HTML reports
    - extended, improved and updated user manual
    - fixed issues with proxy in oscap-docker (RHBZ #1351952)
    - fixed a bug in OVAL arithmetic function
    - fixed a segmentation fault (issue #529)
    - fixed results of XCCDF rules with @role="unscored" (issue #525)
    - fixed invalid characters in OVAL results (issue #468)
    - fixed a segmentation fault in tailoring (RHBZ #1367896)
    - updated SUSE 11 CPE
    - fixed many memory issues
    - large refactoring of datastream module
    - new tests in upstream test suite
    - various small fixes and improvements

- openscap-1.2.10 / 29-06-2016
  - New features
    - support --benchmark-id when running `oscap xccdf generate guide`
    - added CPE support for OpenSUSE 42.1
  - Maintenance
    - oscap-docker fixed to be source compatible with both Python 2 and 3
    - fixed offline mode in rpmverifypackage probe
    - fixed scanning of non-RHEL containers in oscap-docker (issue #427)
    - fixed regression in loading a datastream session (RHBZ #1250072)
    - fixed missing SCE results in XCCDF reports (issue #394)
    - fixed a segmentation fault (issue #370)
    - fix error message when OVAL generator element is missing (issue #345)
    - fixed failing rpminfo probe
    - fixed compilation on RHEL5 (issue #393)
    - new tests in upstream test suite
    - test suite is able to run on Fedora 24
    - fixed remediation scripts appearance in HTML guides (issue #460)
    - fixed autoconf build
    - small fixes, refactoring, small documentation improvements

Fri Apr 22 13:50:51 UTC 2016 -

- openscap 1.2.9 release
  - New features
    - oscap-chroot - a tool for offline scanning of filesystems mounted at arbitrary paths
    - enabled offline scanning in many probes
    - support for SCE in data streams
    - many improvements of verbose mode
    - verbose messages can be written on stderr
    - runlevel probe supports SUSE systems
    - new upstream tests
  - Maintenance
    - a lot of refactoring
    - fixes in various tests
    - OCILs are correctly placed in datastreams (issue #364)
    - oscap-vm can work with fusermount when guestunmount is not available
    - fixed oscap-docker HTTP communication issues (issue #304)
    - fixed oscap-docker tracebacks (issue #303, #317)
    - fixed container mounting in oscap-docker (issue #329)
    - added Fedora 25 CPE
    - only non-empty profiles are built (rhbz#1256879, rhbz#1302230)
    - fixed compiler errors on RHEL5 and SLES11
    - fixed sorting of groups in HTML report (issue #342)
    - fixed version/@time and version/@update in XCCDF Benchmark
    - fixed CPE definitions to work also in offline mode
    - fixed sysctl probe (issue #258)
    - fixed manual page for oscap-ssh (rhbz#1299969)
    - updated user manuals and manual pages
    - updated .gitignore
- dropped fix-missing-include.dif, not needed anymore

Wed Mar 23 10:21:27 UTC 2016 -

- enable the SCE (script checking engine)
  packaged in "openscap-engine-sce" subpackage.
- enable the CCE (Common Configuration Enumeration)

Tue Jan 19 10:22:08 UTC 2016 -

- openscap 1.2.8 release
  - Maintenance
    - textfilecontent54_probe does not produce false positives on non-UTF files (rhbz #1285757)
    - fixed oscap-docker
    - small improvements in verbose mode
    - oscap info module shows information about tailoring files
    - fixed build with CCE (issue #264)
    - fixed XCCDF score computation (issue #272)
    - fixed segmentation fault in variable probe (issue #277)
    - fixed broken support for OVAL directives
    - fixed bash completion
    - plugged memory leaks
    - fixed fresh static analysis (coverity) findings
    - fixed shellcheck warnings
    - new tests
    - refactoring in datastream module
    - many small bugfixes and typo fixes

Thu Dec  3 13:06:14 UTC 2015 -

- openscap 1.2.7 release
  - New features
    - OVAL 5.11.1 fully supported
    - oscap-vm - tool for offline scanning of virtual machines
    - verbose mode
    - added SLED, SLES and OpenSUSE CPE names
    - show profile description in HTML report and guide
    - group rules by PCI DSS identifier in HTML report
    - preliminary support for Ansible Playbooks within xccdf:fix
    - added "How to contribute" and "Versioning" documents
  - Maintenance
    - using bziped RHSA documents in oscap-docker
    - fixed errors of sysctl probe
    - fixed skip-valid option (issue #203)
    - fixed segmentation faults in SCE content reporting (issue #231)
    - fixed tracebacks of scap-as-rpm
    - fixed invalid memory reads in rpmverifyfile probe (issue #212)
    - updated README and user manual
    - many small bugfixes and new tests
- openscap-new-inventory.patch: upstreamed
- fix-missing-include.dif: refreshed, 1 hunk upstream

Fri Oct  9 09:35:46 UTC 2015 -

- openscap-new-inventory.patch: find out the CPE ids of
  SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE versions.

Mon Oct  5 11:45:28 UTC 2015 -

- openscap 1.2.6 release
  - New features
    - introduced OpenSCAP user manual
    - improved OVAL 5.11.1 support
      - added OVAL 5.11.1 XSD schemas and schematrons
      - support for core/platform schema versions
      - support for check_existence attribute in state entities
      - support for CIM datetime format
      - amended behavior of mask attribute
    - added support for remote .xml.bz2 files (use with --fetch-remote-resources)
    - rewrote oscap-docker to python, deeper integration with Atomic Host
    - introduced CPE name for Fedora 24 to the internal dictionary
  - HTML report & guide
    - results can be grouped by according to various aspects
    - printing supported (interactive elements are now hidden when printing)
    - table of content now shows only selected items (rule & groups)
    - references to RHSA are presented as links to website (rhbz#1243808)
  - Maintenance
    - scap-as-rpm can now build source rpm packages (srpms) (trac#469)
    - scap-as-rpm now supports python3
    - refactored oval processing into oval_session structure
    - many smaller bugfixes and new tests
- new openscap-docker subpackage

Mon Jul  6 11:40:29 UTC 2015 -

- openscap-1.2.5 update
 - maintenance
   - smaller bugfixes
   - plugged memory leaks
   - fixed fresh static analysis (coverity) findings
   - fixed shellcheck warnings
   - fixes for Solaris platform

Mon Jun 22 09:39:44 UTC 2015 -

- openscap-1.2.4 update
  - new features
    - OVAL 5.11 support 99.8% completed!
      - new symlink probe introduced
      - new process58 test capabilities
      - added possible_value support for external variables
      - added possible_restriction support for external variables
      - improved IP address comparisons
    - Added Scientific Linux CPEs
    - Added oscap-docker tool
    - Created man-page for oscap-ssh
  - HTML changes
    - improved visibility of selected XCCDF profile in guides and reports
    - render rule-result/message contents in reports
  - maintenance
    - Tests now pass on ppc64 little endian arch (rhbz#1215220)
    - partition probe now supports remount, bind and move mount options
    - Patched NIST OVAL-5.11 schemas to be backward compatible with
      OVAL-5.10 (rhbz#1220262)
    - fixed scap-as-rpm to work with vintage python (2.6)
    - better error reporting when a probe dies (i.e. due to OOM killer)
    - dropped selinux policy from upstream (rhbz#1209969)
    - fix segfault on invalid selectors (rhbz#1220944)
    - solaris support patches: file-system zones, systeminfo improvements
    - many smaller fixes and new tests

Sun May  3 07:55:55 UTC 2015 -

- openscap-1.2.3 update
 - new features
   - oscap-ssh -- handy utility to run remote scan over ssh
   - glob_to_regexp OVAL function added
 - HTML changes
   - show rationale elements
   - show fixtext elements
   - show Benchmark's front-matter, description and notices
   - show warnings for Groups and Rules
   - improved handling of multiple fixes within a single Rule
   - scroll evaluation characteristic if they overflow
 - maintenance
   - OVAL 5.11 schema fixes
   - Coverity and memory leak fixes
   - skip transient files when traversing /proc (trac#457)

Tue Apr  7 09:35:55 UTC 2015 -

- openscap-1.2.2 update
 - new features
   - OVAL 5.11 support turned on by default
   - included OVAL 5.11 schematron rules
   - DataStream can now contain OVAL 5.11
   - `oscap ds sds-compose` now supports --skip-valid parameter
 - HTML report changes
   - Notably increased level of OVAL details
   - Table of contents is now generated for HTML guides
 - maitenance
   - rhbz#1182242, rhbz#1159289 - @var_check & @var_ref exporting
   - solaris build fixes
   - xccdf:fix/instance processing fixes
   - improved (none) epoch processing in rpm probe
   - environmentvariable58 now emits warning messages when appropriate
   - offline mode improvements
   - other bugfixes

Mon Jan 12 09:40:11 UTC 2015 -

- openscap-1.2.1 update
 - API changes
   - 5.11 schemas updated (from RC1 to gold)
   - oscap_source_new_from_memory can take bzip2ed content
 - HTML report changes
   - severity bar is now reversed (left-to-right)
 - maintenance
   - rhbz#1165139 - fix probe cancelation
   - dozen of bugfixes

Tue Dec  2 12:44:35 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.2.0 update
 - new features
   - native support of bzip2ed SCAP files (file extension needs to be '.xml.bz2')
   - improved performance on huge XML documents, especially DataStreams
   - minimized use of temp files to absolute minimum
   - added OVAL-5.11 release candidate schemas
 - API changes
   - overall 50 new symbols added to public API
   - introduced oscap_source abstraction for input files
     - further info:
     - all the parsers converted to use oscap_source abstraction
   - introduced ds_sds_session, high level API for playing with Source DataStreams
   - introduced cpe_session, abstraction to approach multiple CPE resources
   - introduced ds_rds_session, high level API for playing with Result DataStreams
     (ARF files)
   - deprecated dozens of API calls dependent on filepath
   - introduced API for waivers (xccdf:override) and modification of ARF
     - initial support for waivers in HTML Report
   - dozens of small improvements
 - maintenance
   - dozens of small fixes
   - dozens of memory leaks (whole test suite is now leak free)
   - updated gnulib
- openscap-1.1.0-fix-bashisms.patch: upstreamed

Mon Dec  1 12:38:45 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.1.1 update
  - Hint towards `oscap info` when profile is not found in oscap tool
  - HTML report changes:
    - Source OVAL results from ARF if available
    - Highlight notchecked rules, treat them as rules that need attention
  - HTML guide changes:
    - Variable Substitution improvements
    - Show benchmark title
    - Show info about selected profile
    - Avoid cdf12:notice, show only its contents
  - bugfixes:
    - improved handling of fqdn in XCCDF
    - memory leaks
    - static analysis fixes

Sat Nov 29 01:11:00 UTC 2014 - Led <>

- fix bashism in oscap-scan.cron script
- add patches:
  * openscap-1.1.0-fix-bashisms.patch

Wed Sep  3 12:09:10 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.1.0 update
 - HTML report and guide redesign
 - dropped support for docbook
 - Introduced new probes (that are to be part of OVAL 5.11)
   - probe_systemdunitproperty
   - probe_systemdunitdependency
 - introduced raw bindings for python3
 - dozens of small bug fixes

Wed Jul  2 12:41:39 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.0.9 update
 - xccdf_session_export_arf must not return 0 if the export failed
 - expose xccdf_policy_get_value_of_item as public API
 - skip "Signature" when parsing sds_index without spewing out an error
 - return non-zero when cannot resolve XCCDF
 - consider the last set-value as the effective set-value and export only one
 - test suite fixes
 - do not destroy SVG data in XCCDFs when generating guide or report

Thu Jun 19 14:19:09 UTC 2014 -

- Remove unused build require on libnl-1_1 according to the
  changelog, it stopped beign used in 2010
- libattr is also unused.

Fri Mar 28 13:19:22 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.0.8 update:
  - fixes related to Asset Reporting Format
    - Inject arf:report/@id into nested
    - Add hostname for each fqdn when generating ARF asset identification
    - Add all MAC addresses from target-facts to ARF as asset
      identification data

Fri Mar 21 12:46:34 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.0.7 update:
 - fix namespaces for attributes in ARF relationship element
 - Avoid ".00" as the score in HTML report when score is 0.

Wed Mar 19 09:09:20 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.0.6 update:
 - fix process58 loginuid integer handling on 32bit

Mon Mar 17 07:06:35 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.0.5 update:
 - XCCDF titles and description support xccdf:sub resolution
 - HTML Report lists only applicable cpe platforms
 - TestResult element contains applicable cpe platforms
 - Introduced XCCDF 1.2 schematron validation
 - XCCDF bug fixes
    - tailoring profiles shall regards inherited refine-values (trac#373)
    - rule-result now always includes at least one check
 - Other bug fixes:
    - Dpkginfo probe collects epoch in evr
    - Updated examplary openscap-content based on the latest facts from
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
    - Minor changes

Fri Feb 14 10:21:47 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.0.4 update:
 - Introduced xccdf_tailoring_remove_profile to API
 - OVAL bug fixes

Tue Jan 14 16:42:51 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.0.3 update:
  - bug fixes
    - a few coverity issues
    - a few memory leak plugs
    - broken comparison of huge integet in OVAL
- fix-return.patch: removed, has upstream fix

Fri Jan 10 10:25:19 UTC 2014 -

- openscap-1.0.2 update:
  - XCCDF generate fix now supports tailoring file
  - XCCDF bug fixes
    - Generate guide points to RHSA pages (rhbz#1018291)
    - Generate report ommits remediation when assesment passed
    - $PATH variable is available for SCE checks (rhbz#1026833)
    - Tailoring of top-level Group elements via API fixed
    - Fix-filtering should not drop fixes (affected SSG)
    - Generated fix file is created with sane permissions (trac#362)
    - Inherit parent's namespace when exporting oscap_text with HTML
  - OVAL bug fixes:
    - Handful of xinetd probe fixes
    - Handful of process and process58 fixes
    - Obsoleted textfilecontent now supports text ent comparisons
    - rpm*_item/epoch is reported as '(none)' when needed
    - Fixed dozen of flaws in ipv4 and ipv6_address comparison
      (CIDR handling)
    - Made integer and floating type number parsing much stricter
    - Fixed floating point numbers comparisons (trac#366)
    - Fixed case-insensitive comparisons
    - Item filtering fixes in probes
    - Consolidated some of comparisons in results model and probes
  - Other bug fixes:
    - Workaround libxml2 bug handling x509 xmldsig (gnomebz#350248)
    - Fixed static build (--disable-shared)
    - Format assertions (-Werror=format-security) turned on by default
    - SCE scripts are notified when parent (oscap) is killed
    - oscap info now recognizes all the document types
      (adeded: tailoring & CVE)
    - Documentation improvements
    - Handful of other minor fixes
- fix-return.patch: Fixed a void return

Mon Dec  2 16:53:56 UTC 2013 -

- move the gconf probe to openscap-extra-probes to reduce
  dependencies of the core probe set.

Thu Nov 28 12:57:03 UTC 2013 -

- openscap-1.0.1 update:
 - versioned interface is used to handle internal SCE plug-in
 - build-in gnulib package was updated to current version
 - bug fixes:
    - selinux_domain_label and posix_capability properties
      were reintroduced to OVAL system characteristics model
    - selinux_domain_label now collects the domain/type
      (not the context)
    - oscap oval collect reports progress on stdout (not on the stderr)
    - typo in the manual page (rhbz#1032537), and another small

Tue Nov 19 12:50:35 UTC 2013 -

- openscap-1.0.0 / 19-11-2013
  - Improved heuristic to distinguish 'local' and 'remote' file systems
  - Improved comparison of EntityStateEVRStringType (trac#355)
  - Link against librpm (if available) to include rpmvercmp
    (on other platforms we fall back to the build-in rpmvercmp)
  - Bug fixes

- openscap-0.9.13 / 08-11-2013
  - Moved SCE to separate shared library (
  - Introduction of scap-as-rpm tool
  - Improvements of sql and sql57 probes
  - Improvements of SELinux policy
  - Amendments based on SCAP 1.2 Errata (sp800-126r2-errata-20120409.pdf)
  - Minor improvements in state_entity processing
  - Introduction of CPE name for Fedora 21 to the internal dictionary
  - Added support for ind-def:pid/@xsi:nil (rhbz#1013011)
  - Improved error reporting
  - Bug fixes
    - Changed CPE name regex to be more permissive
    - avoided reports from the library to the stdout and stderr
    - plugged several memory leaks
    - improved xccdf:check-content-refs processing
    - misspelling in syslog message (rhbz#1021695)
    - fixed OVAL's <field> element processing
    - fixes based on static analysers
    - test suite is locale independent
- new library major version 8

Fri Oct 11 13:10:42 UTC 2013 -

- Updated to 0.9.12
  - tailoring improvements (@id, version, and benchmark ref attributes)
  - XCCDF 1.1 tailoring extension
  - improved robustness of CPE dictionary parser and exporter
    - and added misc CPE 2.3 elements
  - added Fedora 20 to internal CPE dictionary
  - updated OVAL's results_to_html stylesheet from Mitre Corporation.
  - profiles with duplicate selects (same @idref) now export correctly
  - test improvements
  - bug fixes
    - fixed IPv6 export in TestResult/target-address
    - consistently inject target-id-ref into TestResult in ARFs
    - improved rpmdb manipulation (rhbz#999903)
    - solaris build fixes
    - spelling of name of default language fixed (oscap_text related)
    - fixed CPE names matching (generalization vs. specialization)

Wed Jul 17 15:25:53 UTC 2013 -

- Updated to 0.9.11
  - bugfixes
- Updated to 0.9.10
  - bugfixes
- Updated to 0.9.9
  - --oval-results also exports CPE OVAL results
  - added --benchmark-id to select a component-ref by ID of Benchmark it's pointing to
  - OVAL variable_instance processing (or so called value multiset) and the processing
    of @variable_instance attribute to OVAL Result Definition, OVAL Result Test and
    Collected Objects.
  - improved test coverage of OVAL variable processing
  - introduced new internal data type: oval_smc
  - added support for evaluating OVAL definitions against an RPM database, a.k.a. rpm
    database offline mode
  - bug fixes and dead code removal

Mon Jun 17 11:44:21 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 0.9.8
  - added experimental support for offline mode scanning to the OVAL
    check engine (i.e. scanning of virtual host disk images)
  - improved OVAL variables processing
  - bug fixes and dead code removal

Sat May  4 15:37:25 UTC 2013 -

- fix build on SLE11 - possible 64Bit issue
  - fix-missing-include.dif

Mon Apr 29 09:21:35 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 0.9.7
  - bugfixes

Thu Apr 25 11:28:31 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 0.9.6
  - new command-line module added as preview: "oscap ds sds-add"
  - improved xccdf:fix processing (support of DataStreams and CPE)
  - internal selinux policy preview
  - added Fedora 19 to default CPE dictionary
  - bug fixes

Wed Mar 20 10:04:57 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 0.9.5
  - oscap xccdf remediate (new oscap module which introduces offline
    remediation; the remediation based on existing xccdf:testresult file)
  - added support for sce into datastream (sce scripts can now be
    embedded into the datastream file similarly as oval can)
  - improved bash completion and documentation
  - bug fixes
- bumped SOVERSION from 2 to 3.

Wed Feb 27 08:53:37 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 0.9.4
  - high Level API
  - improved Text Substitution Processing
  - technical Preview of Online Remediation Execution
     (the oscap xccdf eval --remediate)
  - improved Library Internal Error Reporting.
  - the oscap xccd export-oval-variables now support DataStreams.
  - improved documentation
  - improved schema files.
  - tailoring file support
  - profile shadowing support
  - bug Fixes

Tue Jan  8 10:47:53 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 0.9.3
  - Embedded CPE dictionary (allows users to ommit --cpe argument)
  - improvements of DataStream and CPE processing on RHEL5
  - changed API of various functions in cpe_dict, benchmark and
    xccdf_policy to use string timestamp instead of time_t [1]
  - fixed several issues found by Coverity and cppcheck static code
  - bug fixes
- bumped SOVERSION from 2 to 3.

Mon Nov 19 15:47:21 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 0.9.2:
- rewritten the heuristic for pattern matching on path and filepath
- CPE 2.3 language applicability testing
- new ds_sds_index API providing a datastream overview
- CPEs in source datastreams are automatically registered and used
   for XCCDF evaluation
- --cpe option autodetects CPE dictionary and language
- CVE support (validate feed, print CVEs)
- introduced info module
- made "$oscap xccdf generate custom" work again -> man page update
- bug fixes

Thu Oct 25 14:26:53 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 0.9.1:
  - the http in the check-content-ref/@hrefhref support
  - the cpedict support
  - obsoleted the oscap_reporter
  - send start and finish messages to the syslog
  - the XCCDF multi-check evaluation support
  - "oscap oval validate-xml" autodetect a document type
  - bug fixes

Fri Sep 28 07:54:36 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 0.9.0:
  * few public headers were renamed to follow common schema
  * cve and cce modules are not build by default -> these modules are not
    utilized by oscap tool and thus untested.
  * --enable-bindings configure option was split into --enable-python and
    support of SCAP datastream support was improved
  * plus fixes in OVAL and XCCDF modules. oscap tool reports support of
    XCCDF 1.2 and OVAL 5.10.1
- major version changed from 1 to 2.

Wed Aug 29 07:56:05 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 0.8.5:
  - added rpmverifypackage probe
  - added initial support for source and result datastreams
  - added xccdf 1.2 dc-status support
  - several probes were updated to conform to OVAL 5.10.1
  - bug fixes

  This release is able to evaluate the DISA STIG content.

Tue Aug  7 12:57:51 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 0.8.4
  - added OVAL schemas 5.9, 5.10.1
  - alloc.h is no more public api
  - bug fixes

Fri Aug  3 09:00:36 UTC 2012 -

- Fix schema_version of scap-rhel6-oval.xml (to 5.8)

Wed Aug  1 09:43:28 UTC 2012 -

- Updated to 0.8.3
  - added XCCDF 1.2 schemas
  - changed XCCDF report format
  - updated schemas for OVAL 5.10
  - added additional OVAL schemas - 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7
  - multi version support for XCCDF and OVAL
  - a schema version of an imported and exported content is same
  - added rpmverifyfile probe
  - results are validated only if an OSCAP_FULL_VALIDATION variable is set
  - bug fixes

Wed Aug  1 09:18:06 UTC 2012 -

- add OVAL/XCCDF content based on yast2-security checks
  and set them as the default content (using symlinks)

Sat Jul 28 14:24:46 UTC 2012 -

- Fix build with missing gets declaration (glibc 2.16)

Fri Mar 30 16:21:21 CEST 2012 -

- Updated to 0.8.2
  - XCCDF check-import support
  - XSLT transformation for XCCDF 1.1 to 1.2 migration
  - SCE reports now optionally use the new check-import functionality
    and don't need separate SCE result files
  - bug fixes

Sat Mar 24 10:54:22 UTC 2012 -

- require libnl-devel on older SUSE version

Mon Mar 19 15:52:17 UTC 2012 -

- license update: LGPL-2.1+
  There is no GPL-3.0+ in this package. Also, the Fedora spec file states
  LGPL-2.1+. This appears to be the correct license

Wed Feb 29 22:47:20 CET 2012 -

- some cleanups to make it factory acceptable

Tue Feb 28 17:52:44 CET 2012 -

- Update to 0.8.1
- introduce Script Check Engine
- Added an OVAL Directives schema to allow for a tool
  to supply a set of directives to more easily specify
  desired results content.
- Enhanced OVAL Results directives to allow for more flexibility
  in allowed results content
- added new OVAL objects(all OVAL 5.8 objects are covered now)
- update dpkgprobe
- all issues reported by coverity are fixed
- add capability to export OVAL Variables from XCCDF
- added cvss score calculator from vector

Fri Apr 29 15:56:23 CEST 2011 -

- Updated to 0.7.2
  - OVAL 5.7 is supported
  - content for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 - draft
  - oscap tool enable user to skip content validation before evaluation
  - bugfixes

Mon Jul  5 00:16:27 UTC 2010 - bitshuffler

- Update to 0.5.12
- Proper subpackages added

Thu Nov 19 13:50:12 CET 2009 -

- initial 0.5.5 import
	- open SCAP protocol implementation

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