File python-Flask-WTF.changes of Package python-Flask-WTF

Thu Aug 31 21:36:07 UTC 2017 -

- Update to Version 0.14.2
  * Fix bug where ``FlaskForm`` assumed ``meta`` argument was not ``None`` if it
    was passed. (`#278`_)
- Update to Version 0.14.1
  * Fix bug where the file validators would incorrectly identify an empty file as
    valid data. (`#276`_, `#277`_)
- Update to Version 0.14
  * Use itsdangerous to sign CSRF tokens and check expiration instead of doing it
    ourselves. (`#264`_)
  * Remove the ``app`` attribute from ``CsrfProtect``, use ``current_app``.
  * ``CsrfProtect`` protects the ``DELETE`` method by default. (`#264`_)
  * The same CSRF token is generated for the lifetime of a request. It is exposed
    as ``request.csrf_token`` for use during testing. (`#227`_, `#264`_)
  * ``CsrfProtect.error_handler`` is deprecated. (`#264`_)
  * Use ``Form.Meta`` instead of deprecated ``SecureForm`` for CSRF (and
    everything else). (`#216`_, `#271`_)
  * Provide ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` to configure the name of the CSRF token.
  * ``validate_csrf`` raises ``wtforms.ValidationError`` with specific messages
    instead of returning ``True`` or ``False``. This breaks anything that was
    calling the method directly. (`#239`_, `#271`_)
  * ``CsrfProtect`` is renamed to ``CSRFProtect``. A deprecation warning is issued
    when using the old name. ``CsrfError`` is renamed to ``CSRFError`` without
    deprecation. (`#271`_)
  * ``FileField`` is deprecated because it no longer provides functionality over
    the provided validators. Use ``wtforms.FileField`` directly. (`#272`_)
- Update to Version 0.13.1
  * Deprecation warning for ``Form`` is shown during ``__init__`` instead of immediately when subclassing. (`#262`_)
  * Don't use ``pkg_resources`` to get version, for compatibility with GAE. (`#261`_)
- Update to Version 0.13
  * ``Form`` is renamed to ``FlaskForm`` in order to avoid name collision with WTForms's base class.  Using ``Form`` will show a deprecation warning. (`#250`_)
  * ``hidden_tag`` no longer wraps the hidden inputs in a hidden div.  This is valid HTML5 and any modern HTML parser will behave correctly. (`#217`_, `#193`_)
  * ``flask_wtf.html5`` is deprecated.  Import directly from ``wtforms.fields.html5``. (`#251`_)
  * ``is_submitted`` is true for ``PATCH`` and ``DELETE`` in addition to ``POST`` and ``PUT``. (`#187`_)
  * ``generate_csrf`` takes a ``token_key`` parameter to specify the key stored in the session. (`#206`_)
  * ``generate_csrf`` takes a ``url_safe`` parameter to allow the token to be used in URLs. (`#206`_)
  * ```` can be accessed multiple times without raising an exception. (`#248`_)
  * File extension with multiple parts (``.tar.gz``) can be used in the ``FileAllowed`` validator. (`#201`_)
- Update to Version 0.12
  * Abstract protect_csrf() into a separate method
  * Update reCAPTCHA configuration
  * Fix reCAPTCHA error handle

Thu Aug 24 13:38:52 UTC 2017 -

- singlespec auto-conversion

Wed Mar 25 20:03:09 UTC 2015 -

- Updated to 0.11
  - Use the new reCAPTCHA API via #164.
  - Add configuration: WTF_CSRF_HEADERS via #159.
  - Support customize hidden tags via #150.
  - And many more bug fixes

Wed Oct 22 21:02:16 UTC 2014 -

- Updated to 0.10.2
 - Update translation for reCaptcha via #146.
 - Update RECAPTCHA API SERVER URL via #145.
 - Update requirement Werkzeug>=0.9.5
 - Fix CsrfProtect exempt for blueprints via #143.
 - Add configuration: WTF_CSRF_METHODS
 - Support WTForms 2.0 now
 - Fix csrf validation without time limit (time_limit=False)
 - CSRF exempt supports blueprint #111.

Wed Jul  2 19:24:48 UTC 2014 -

- Updated to 0.9.5
- Add configuration: WTF_CSRF_METHODS.

Wed Feb 12 22:32:03 UTC 2014 -

- Initial Upload: Flask-WTF 0.8.4 Released 2013/12/20
- Bugfix for csrf module when form has a prefix
- Compatible support for wtforms2
- Remove file API for FileField

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