File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.16535

<patchinfo incident="16535">
  <summary>Recommended update for keepassxc</summary>
  <description>This update for keepassxc fixes the following issues:

keepassxc was updated to 2.6.6:

  - Fixed

    - Fix focusing search when pressing hotkey #6603
    - Trim whitespace from TOTP key input prior to processing #6604
    - Fix building on macOS #6598
    - Resolve compiler warnings for unused return values #6607

- Changes from 2.6.5

  - Added

    - Show search bar when toolbar is hidden or in overflow #6279
    - Show countdown for clipboard clearing in status bar #6333
    - Command line option to lock all open databases #6511
    - Allow CSV import of bare TOTP secrets #6211
    - Retain file creation time when saving database #6576
    - Set permissions of saved attachments to be private to the
      current user #6363
    - OPVault: Use Text instead of Name for attribute names #6334

  - Changed

    - Reports: Allow resizing of reports columns #6435
    - Reports: Toggle showing expired entries #6534
    - Save Always on Top setting #6236
    - Password generator can exclude additional lookalike
      characters (6/G, 8/B) #6196

  - Fixed

    - Allow setting MSI properties in unattended install #6196
    - Update MainWindow minimum size to enable smaller verticle
      space #6196
    - Use application font size when setting default or monospace
      fonts #6332
    - Fix notes not clearing in entry preview panel in some cases
    - macOS: Correct window activation when restoring from tray
    - macOS: Better handling of minimize after unlock when using
      browser integration #6338
    - Linux: Start after the system tray is available on LXQt #6216
    - Linux: Allow selection of modal dialogs on X11 in Auto-Type
    - KeeShare: prevent crash when file extension is missing #6174

- Update to 2.6.4

  - Added

    - Automatically adapt to light/dark system theme changes
      (Windows/macOS only) [#6034]

  - Changed

    - Show window title as tooltip on system tray [#5948]
    - Compress Snap release as LZO for faster initial startup
    - Password generator: Set maximum selectable password length to
      999 [#5937]

  - Fixed

    - Fix crash on app close when using SSH agent [#5935]
    - Fix KDF selection showing wrong item when using Argon2id
    - Automatically close About dialog on database lock if it is
      still open [#5947]
    - Linux: Fix automatic launch at system startup with AppImages
    - Linux: Fix click-to-move on empty area activating when using
      menus [#5971]
    - Linux: Try multiple times to show tray icon if tray is not
      ready yet [#5948]
    - macOS: Fix KeePassXC blocking clean shutdown [#6002]

- Update to version 2.6.3 

  - Added

    - Support Argon2id KDF [#5778]
    - Support XMLv2 key files [#5798]

  - Changed

    - Improve CSV Import/Export, include time fields and TOTP
    - Support empty area dragging of the application window [#5860]
    - Display default Auto-Type sequence in preview pane [#5654]
    - Remove strict length limit on generated passwords [#5748]
    - Hide key file path by default when unlocking database [#5779]
    - Document browser extension use with Edge in managed mode
    - Windows: Prevent clipboard history and cloud sync [#5853]
    - macOS: Update the application icon to Big Sur styling [#5851]

  - Fixed

    - Re-select previously selected entry on database unlock
    - Properly save special character choice in password generator
    - Fix crash in browser integration with multiple similar
      entries [#5653]
    - Remove offset on username field in classic theme [#5788]
    - Ensure entry history is copied when drag/dropping entries and
      groups [#5817]
    - Close modal dialogs when database is locked [#5820]
    - Prevent crash when KeeShare modifies an entry that is
      currently being edited [#5827]
    - Improve preview of entry attributes [#5834]
    - Always activate/focus database open dialog preventing mistype
    - Reports: fix calculation of average password length [#5862]
    - Linux: Delay startup on login to correct tray icon issues
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