File glib2-CVE-2024-34397.patch of Package glib2.34038

diff -urpN glib-2.62.6.orig/gio/gdbusconnection.c glib-2.62.6/gio/gdbusconnection.c
--- glib-2.62.6.orig/gio/gdbusconnection.c	2024-05-15 15:57:06.505056032 -0500
+++ glib-2.62.6/gio/gdbusconnection.c	2024-05-15 16:10:34.042763005 -0500
@@ -300,6 +300,153 @@ _g_strv_has_string (const gchar* const *
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct
+  /* All fields are immutable after construction. */
+  gatomicrefcount ref_count;
+  GDBusSignalCallback callback;
+  gpointer user_data;
+  GDestroyNotify user_data_free_func;
+  guint id;
+  GMainContext *context;
+} SignalSubscriber;
+static SignalSubscriber *
+signal_subscriber_ref (SignalSubscriber *subscriber)
+  g_atomic_ref_count_inc (&subscriber->ref_count);
+  return subscriber;
+static void
+signal_subscriber_unref (SignalSubscriber *subscriber)
+  if (g_atomic_ref_count_dec (&subscriber->ref_count))
+    {
+      /* Destroy the user data. It doesn’t matter which thread
+       * signal_subscriber_unref() is called in (or whether it’s called with a
+       * lock held), as call_destroy_notify() always defers to the next
+       * #GMainContext iteration. */
+      call_destroy_notify (subscriber->context,
+                           subscriber->user_data_free_func,
+                           subscriber->user_data);
+      g_main_context_unref (subscriber->context);
+      g_free (subscriber);
+    }
+typedef struct
+  /*
+   * 1 reference while waiting for GetNameOwner() to finish
+   * 1 reference for each SignalData that points to this one as its
+   *   shared_name_watcher
+   */
+  grefcount ref_count;
+  gchar *owner;
+  guint32 get_name_owner_serial;
+} WatchedName;
+static WatchedName *
+watched_name_new (void)
+  WatchedName *watched_name = g_new0 (WatchedName, 1);
+  g_ref_count_init (&watched_name->ref_count);
+  watched_name->owner = NULL;
+  return g_steal_pointer (&watched_name);
+typedef struct SignalData SignalData;
+struct SignalData
+  gchar *rule;
+  gchar *sender;
+  gchar *interface_name;
+  gchar *member;
+  gchar *object_path;
+  gchar *arg0;
+  GDBusSignalFlags flags;
+  GPtrArray *subscribers;  /* (owned) (element-type SignalSubscriber) */
+  /*
+   * If the sender is a well-known name, this is an unowned SignalData
+   * representing the NameOwnerChanged signal that tracks its owner.
+   * NULL if sender is NULL.
+   * NULL if sender is its own owner (a unique name or DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS).
+   *
+   * Invariants: if not NULL, then
+   * shared_name_watcher->sender == DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS
+   * shared_name_watcher->interface_name == DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS
+   * shared_name_watcher->member == "NameOwnerChanged"
+   * shared_name_watcher->object_path == DBUS_PATH_DBUS
+   * shared_name_watcher->arg0 == sender
+   * shared_name_watcher->flags == NONE
+   * shared_name_watcher->watched_name == NULL
+   */
+  SignalData *shared_name_watcher;
+  /*
+   * Non-NULL if this SignalData is another SignalData's shared_name_watcher.
+   * One reference for each SignalData that has this one as its
+   * shared_name_watcher.
+   * Otherwise NULL.
+   */
+  WatchedName *watched_name;
+static SignalData *
+signal_data_new_take (gchar *rule,
+                      gchar *sender,
+                      gchar *interface_name,
+                      gchar *member,
+                      gchar *object_path,
+                      gchar *arg0,
+                      GDBusSignalFlags flags)
+  SignalData *signal_data = g_new0 (SignalData, 1);
+  signal_data->rule = rule;
+  signal_data->sender = sender;
+  signal_data->interface_name = interface_name;
+  signal_data->member = member;
+  signal_data->object_path = object_path;
+  signal_data->arg0 = arg0;
+  signal_data->flags = flags;
+  signal_data->subscribers = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify) signal_subscriber_unref);
+  return g_steal_pointer (&signal_data);
+static void
+signal_data_free (SignalData *signal_data)
+  /* The SignalData should not be freed while it still has subscribers */
+  g_assert (signal_data->subscribers->len == 0);
+  /* The SignalData should not be freed while it is watching for
+   * NameOwnerChanged on behalf of another SignalData */
+  g_assert (signal_data->watched_name == NULL);
+  /* The SignalData should be detached from its name watcher, if any,
+   * before it is freed */
+  g_assert (signal_data->shared_name_watcher == NULL);
+  g_free (signal_data->rule);
+  g_free (signal_data->sender);
+  g_free (signal_data->interface_name);
+  g_free (signal_data->member);
+  g_free (signal_data->object_path);
+  g_free (signal_data->arg0);
+  g_ptr_array_unref (signal_data->subscribers);
+  g_free (signal_data);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #ifdef G_OS_WIN32
 #define CONNECTION_ENSURE_LOCK(obj) do { ; } while (FALSE)
@@ -426,6 +573,7 @@ struct _GDBusConnection
   /* Map used for managing method replies, protected by @lock */
   GHashTable *map_method_serial_to_task;  /* guint32 -> GTask* */
+  GHashTable *map_method_serial_to_name_watcher;  /* guint32 -> unowned SignalData* */
   /* Maps used for managing signal subscription, protected by @lock */
   GHashTable *map_rule_to_signal_data;                      /* match rule (gchar*)    -> SignalData */
@@ -673,6 +821,7 @@ g_dbus_connection_finalize (GObject *obj
     g_error_free (connection->initialization_error);
   g_hash_table_unref (connection->map_method_serial_to_task);
+  g_hash_table_unref (connection->map_method_serial_to_name_watcher);
   g_hash_table_unref (connection->map_rule_to_signal_data);
   g_hash_table_unref (connection->map_id_to_signal_data);
@@ -1068,6 +1217,7 @@ g_dbus_connection_init (GDBusConnection
   g_mutex_init (&connection->init_lock);
   connection->map_method_serial_to_task = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
+  connection->map_method_serial_to_name_watcher = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, NULL);
   connection->map_rule_to_signal_data = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash,
@@ -2188,6 +2338,208 @@ g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_repl
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Called in any thread.
+ * Must hold the connection lock when calling this, unless
+ * connection->finalizing is TRUE.
+ */
+static void
+name_watcher_unref_watched_name (GDBusConnection *connection,
+                                 SignalData *name_watcher)
+  WatchedName *watched_name = name_watcher->watched_name;
+  g_assert (watched_name != NULL);
+  if (!g_ref_count_dec (&watched_name->ref_count))
+    return;
+  /* Removing watched_name from the name_watcher may result in
+   * name_watcher being freed, so we must make sure name_watcher is no
+   * longer in map_method_serial_to_name_watcher.
+   *
+   * If we stop watching the name while our GetNameOwner call was still
+   * in-flight, then when the reply eventually arrives, we will not find
+   * its serial number in the map and harmlessly ignore it as a result. */
+  if (watched_name->get_name_owner_serial != 0)
+    g_hash_table_remove (connection->map_method_serial_to_name_watcher,
+                         GUINT_TO_POINTER (watched_name->get_name_owner_serial));
+  name_watcher->watched_name = NULL;
+  g_free (watched_name->owner);
+  g_free (watched_name);
+static inline gboolean
+g_set_str (char       **str_pointer,
+           const char  *new_str)
+  char *copy;
+  if (*str_pointer == new_str ||
+      (*str_pointer && new_str && strcmp (*str_pointer, new_str) == 0))
+    return FALSE;
+  copy = g_strdup (new_str);
+  g_free (*str_pointer);
+  *str_pointer = copy;
+  return TRUE;
+/* called in GDBusWorker thread with lock held */
+static void
+name_watcher_set_name_owner_unlocked (SignalData *name_watcher,
+                                      const char *new_owner)
+  if (new_owner != NULL && new_owner[0] == '\0')
+    new_owner = NULL;
+  g_assert (name_watcher->watched_name != NULL);
+  g_set_str (&name_watcher->watched_name->owner, new_owner);
+/* called in GDBusWorker thread with lock held */
+static void
+name_watcher_deliver_name_owner_changed_unlocked (SignalData *name_watcher,
+                                                  GDBusMessage *message)
+  GVariant *body;
+  body = g_dbus_message_get_body (message);
+  if (G_LIKELY (body != NULL && g_variant_is_of_type (body, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(sss)"))))
+    {
+      const char *name;
+      const char *new_owner;
+      g_variant_get (body, "(&s&s&s)", &name, NULL, &new_owner);
+      /* Our caller already checked this */
+      g_assert (g_strcmp0 (name_watcher->arg0, name) == 0);
+      if (G_LIKELY (new_owner[0] == '\0' || g_dbus_is_unique_name (new_owner)))
+        name_watcher_set_name_owner_unlocked (name_watcher, new_owner);
+      else
+        g_warning ("Received NameOwnerChanged signal with invalid owner \"%s\" for \"%s\"",
+                   new_owner, name);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      g_warning ("Received NameOwnerChanged signal with unexpected "
+                 "signature %s",
+                 body == NULL ? "()" : g_variant_get_type_string (body));
+    }
+/* called in GDBusWorker thread with lock held */
+static void
+name_watcher_deliver_get_name_owner_reply_unlocked (SignalData *name_watcher,
+                                                    GDBusConnection *connection,
+                                                    GDBusMessage *message)
+  GDBusMessageType type;
+  GVariant *body;
+  WatchedName *watched_name;
+  watched_name = name_watcher->watched_name;
+  g_assert (watched_name != NULL);
+  g_assert (watched_name->get_name_owner_serial != 0);
+  type = g_dbus_message_get_message_type (message);
+  body = g_dbus_message_get_body (message);
+    {
+      if (g_strcmp0 (g_dbus_message_get_error_name (message),
+                     "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner"))
+        name_watcher_set_name_owner_unlocked (name_watcher, NULL);
+      /* else it's something like NoReply or AccessDenied, which tells
+       * us nothing - leave the owner set to whatever we most recently
+       * learned from NameOwnerChanged, or NULL */
+    }
+    {
+      g_warning ("Received GetNameOwner reply with unexpected type %d",
+                 type);
+    }
+  else if (G_LIKELY (body != NULL && g_variant_is_of_type (body, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(s)"))))
+    {
+      const char *new_owner;
+      g_variant_get (body, "(&s)", &new_owner);
+      if (G_LIKELY (g_dbus_is_unique_name (new_owner)))
+        name_watcher_set_name_owner_unlocked (name_watcher, new_owner);
+      else
+        g_warning ("Received GetNameOwner reply with invalid owner \"%s\" for \"%s\"",
+                   new_owner, name_watcher->arg0);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      g_warning ("Received GetNameOwner reply with unexpected signature %s",
+                 body == NULL ? "()" : g_variant_get_type_string (body));
+    }
+  g_hash_table_remove (connection->map_method_serial_to_name_watcher,
+                       GUINT_TO_POINTER (watched_name->get_name_owner_serial));
+  watched_name->get_name_owner_serial = 0;
+/* Called in a user thread, lock is held */
+static void
+name_watcher_call_get_name_owner_unlocked (GDBusConnection *connection,
+                                           SignalData *name_watcher)
+  GDBusMessage *message;
+  GError *local_error = NULL;
+  WatchedName *watched_name;
+  g_assert (g_strcmp0 (name_watcher->sender, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS) == 0);
+  g_assert (g_strcmp0 (name_watcher->interface_name, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS) == 0);
+  g_assert (g_strcmp0 (name_watcher->member, "NameOwnerChanged") == 0);
+  g_assert (g_strcmp0 (name_watcher->object_path, DBUS_PATH_DBUS) == 0);
+  /* arg0 of the NameOwnerChanged message is the well-known name whose owner
+   * we are interested in */
+  g_assert (g_dbus_is_name (name_watcher->arg0));
+  g_assert (name_watcher->flags == G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE);
+  watched_name = name_watcher->watched_name;
+  g_assert (watched_name != NULL);
+  g_assert (watched_name->owner == NULL);
+  g_assert (watched_name->get_name_owner_serial == 0);
+  g_assert (name_watcher->shared_name_watcher == NULL);
+  message = g_dbus_message_new_method_call (DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
+                                            DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
+                                            DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
+                                            "GetNameOwner");
+  g_dbus_message_set_body (message, g_variant_new ("(s)", name_watcher->arg0));
+  if (g_dbus_connection_send_message_unlocked (connection, message,
+                                               G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE,
+                                               &watched_name->get_name_owner_serial,
+                                               &local_error))
+    {
+      g_assert (watched_name->get_name_owner_serial != 0);
+      g_hash_table_insert (connection->map_method_serial_to_name_watcher,
+                           GUINT_TO_POINTER (watched_name->get_name_owner_serial),
+                           name_watcher);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      g_critical ("Error while sending GetNameOwner() message: %s",
+                  local_error->message);
+      g_clear_error (&local_error);
+      g_assert (watched_name->get_name_owner_serial == 0);
+    }
+  g_object_unref (message);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 typedef struct
   guint                       id;
@@ -2299,6 +2651,7 @@ on_worker_message_received (GDBusWorker
           guint32 reply_serial;
           GTask *task;
+          SignalData *name_watcher;
           reply_serial = g_dbus_message_get_reply_serial (message);
           CONNECTION_LOCK (connection);
@@ -2314,6 +2667,19 @@ on_worker_message_received (GDBusWorker
               //g_debug ("message reply/error for serial %d but no SendMessageData found for %p", reply_serial, connection);
+          name_watcher = g_hash_table_lookup (connection->map_method_serial_to_name_watcher,
+                                              GUINT_TO_POINTER (reply_serial));
+          if (name_watcher != NULL)
+            {
+              g_assert (name_watcher->watched_name != NULL);
+              g_assert (name_watcher->watched_name->get_name_owner_serial == reply_serial);
+              name_watcher_deliver_get_name_owner_reply_unlocked (name_watcher,
+                                                                  connection,
+                                                                  message);
+            }
           CONNECTION_UNLOCK (connection);
       else if (message_type == G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL)
@@ -3239,60 +3605,6 @@ g_dbus_connection_remove_filter (GDBusCo
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-typedef struct
-  gchar *rule;
-  gchar *sender;
-  gchar *sender_unique_name; /* if sender is unique or org.freedesktop.DBus, then that name... otherwise blank */
-  gchar *interface_name;
-  gchar *member;
-  gchar *object_path;
-  gchar *arg0;
-  GDBusSignalFlags flags;
-  GPtrArray *subscribers;  /* (owned) (element-type SignalSubscriber) */
-} SignalData;
-static void
-signal_data_free (SignalData *signal_data)
-  g_free (signal_data->rule);
-  g_free (signal_data->sender);
-  g_free (signal_data->sender_unique_name);
-  g_free (signal_data->interface_name);
-  g_free (signal_data->member);
-  g_free (signal_data->object_path);
-  g_free (signal_data->arg0);
-  g_ptr_array_unref (signal_data->subscribers);
-  g_free (signal_data);
-typedef struct
-  gatomicrefcount ref_count;
-  GDBusSignalCallback callback;
-  gpointer user_data;
-  GDestroyNotify user_data_free_func;
-  guint id;
-  GMainContext *context;
-} SignalSubscriber;
-static SignalSubscriber *
-signal_subscriber_ref (SignalSubscriber *subscriber)
-  g_atomic_ref_count_inc (&subscriber->ref_count);
-  return subscriber;
-static void
-signal_subscriber_unref (SignalSubscriber *subscriber)
-  if (g_atomic_ref_count_dec (&subscriber->ref_count))
-    {
-      g_main_context_unref (subscriber->context);
-      g_free (subscriber);
-    }
 static gchar *
 args_to_rule (const gchar      *sender,
               const gchar      *interface_name,
@@ -3404,7 +3716,7 @@ remove_match_rule (GDBusConnection *conn
 static gboolean
 is_signal_data_for_name_lost_or_acquired (SignalData *signal_data)
-  return g_strcmp0 (signal_data->sender_unique_name, "org.freedesktop.DBus") == 0 &&
+  return g_strcmp0 (signal_data->sender, "org.freedesktop.DBus") == 0 &&
          g_strcmp0 (signal_data->interface_name, "org.freedesktop.DBus") == 0 &&
          g_strcmp0 (signal_data->object_path, "/org/freedesktop/DBus") == 0 &&
          (g_strcmp0 (signal_data->member, "NameLost") == 0 ||
@@ -3413,6 +3725,43 @@ is_signal_data_for_name_lost_or_acquired
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* called in any thread, connection lock is held */
+static void
+add_signal_data (GDBusConnection *connection,
+                 SignalData      *signal_data,
+                 const char      *sender_unique_name)
+  GPtrArray *signal_data_array;
+  g_hash_table_insert (connection->map_rule_to_signal_data,
+                       signal_data->rule,
+                       signal_data);
+  /* Add the match rule to the bus...
+   *
+   * Avoid adding match rules for NameLost and NameAcquired messages - the bus will
+   * always send such messages to us.
+   */
+    {
+      if (!is_signal_data_for_name_lost_or_acquired (signal_data))
+        add_match_rule (connection, signal_data->rule);
+    }
+  signal_data_array = g_hash_table_lookup (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array,
+                                           sender_unique_name);
+  if (signal_data_array == NULL)
+    {
+      signal_data_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
+      g_hash_table_insert (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array,
+                           g_strdup (sender_unique_name),
+                           signal_data_array);
+    }
+  g_ptr_array_add (signal_data_array, signal_data);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  * g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe:
  * @connection: a #GDBusConnection
@@ -3483,8 +3832,9 @@ g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (GDBu
   gchar *rule;
   SignalData *signal_data;
+  SignalData *name_watcher = NULL;
   SignalSubscriber *subscriber;
-  GPtrArray *signal_data_array;
+  gboolean sender_is_its_own_owner;
   const gchar *sender_unique_name;
   /* Right now we abort if AddMatch() fails since it can only fail with the bus being in
@@ -3520,6 +3870,11 @@ g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (GDBu
   rule = args_to_rule (sender, interface_name, member, object_path, arg0, flags);
   if (sender != NULL && (g_dbus_is_unique_name (sender) || g_strcmp0 (sender, "org.freedesktop.DBus") == 0))
+    sender_is_its_own_owner = TRUE;
+  else
+    sender_is_its_own_owner = FALSE;
+  if (sender_is_its_own_owner)
     sender_unique_name = sender;
     sender_unique_name = "";
@@ -3541,43 +3896,62 @@ g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (GDBu
       goto out;
-  signal_data = g_new0 (SignalData, 1);
-  signal_data->rule                  = rule;
-  signal_data->sender                = g_strdup (sender);
-  signal_data->sender_unique_name    = g_strdup (sender_unique_name);
-  signal_data->interface_name        = g_strdup (interface_name);
-  signal_data->member                = g_strdup (member);
-  signal_data->object_path           = g_strdup (object_path);
-  signal_data->arg0                  = g_strdup (arg0);
-  signal_data->flags                 = flags;
-  signal_data->subscribers           = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify) signal_subscriber_unref);
+  signal_data = signal_data_new_take (g_steal_pointer (&rule),
+                                      g_strdup (sender),
+                                      g_strdup (interface_name),
+                                      g_strdup (member),
+                                      g_strdup (object_path),
+                                      g_strdup (arg0),
+                                      flags);
   g_ptr_array_add (signal_data->subscribers, subscriber);
-  g_hash_table_insert (connection->map_rule_to_signal_data,
-                       signal_data->rule,
-                       signal_data);
+  /* If subscribing to a signal from a specific sender with a well-known
+   * name, we must first subscribe to NameOwnerChanged signals for that
+   * well-known name, so that we can match the current owner of the name
+   * against the sender of each signal. */
+  if (sender != NULL && !sender_is_its_own_owner)
+    {
+      gchar *name_owner_rule = NULL;
+      /* We already checked that sender != NULL implies MESSAGE_BUS_CONNECTION */
+      g_assert (connection->flags & G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_MESSAGE_BUS_CONNECTION);
+      name_owner_rule = args_to_rule (DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
+                                      DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
+                                      "NameOwnerChanged",
+                                      DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
+                                      sender,
+                                      G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE);
+      name_watcher = g_hash_table_lookup (connection->map_rule_to_signal_data, name_owner_rule);
-  /* Add the match rule to the bus...
-   *
-   * Avoid adding match rules for NameLost and NameAcquired messages - the bus will
-   * always send such messages to us.
-   */
-    {
-      if (!is_signal_data_for_name_lost_or_acquired (signal_data))
-        add_match_rule (connection, signal_data->rule);
-    }
+      if (name_watcher == NULL)
+        {
+          name_watcher = signal_data_new_take (g_steal_pointer (&name_owner_rule),
+                                               g_strdup (DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS),
+                                               g_strdup (DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS),
+                                               g_strdup ("NameOwnerChanged"),
+                                               g_strdup (DBUS_PATH_DBUS),
+                                               g_strdup (sender),
+                                               G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE);
+          add_signal_data (connection, name_watcher, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS);
+        }
-  signal_data_array = g_hash_table_lookup (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array,
-                                           signal_data->sender_unique_name);
-  if (signal_data_array == NULL)
-    {
-      signal_data_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
-      g_hash_table_insert (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array,
-                           g_strdup (signal_data->sender_unique_name),
-                           signal_data_array);
+      if (name_watcher->watched_name == NULL)
+        {
+          name_watcher->watched_name = watched_name_new ();
+          name_watcher_call_get_name_owner_unlocked (connection, name_watcher);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          g_ref_count_inc (&name_watcher->watched_name->ref_count);
+        }
+      signal_data->shared_name_watcher = name_watcher;
+      g_clear_pointer (&name_owner_rule, g_free);
-  g_ptr_array_add (signal_data_array, signal_data);
+  add_signal_data (connection, signal_data, sender_unique_name);
   g_hash_table_insert (connection->map_id_to_signal_data,
@@ -3591,6 +3965,75 @@ g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (GDBu
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Called in any thread.
+ * Must hold the connection lock when calling this, unless
+ * connection->finalizing is TRUE.
+ * May free signal_data, so do not dereference it after this.
+ */
+static void
+remove_signal_data_if_unused (GDBusConnection *connection,
+                              SignalData *signal_data)
+  const gchar *sender_unique_name;
+  GPtrArray *signal_data_array;
+  /* Cannot remove while there are still subscribers */
+  if (signal_data->subscribers->len != 0)
+    return;
+  /* Cannot remove while another SignalData is still using this one
+   * as its shared_name_watcher, which holds watched_name->ref_count > 0 */
+  if (signal_data->watched_name != NULL)
+    return;
+  /* Point of no return: we have committed to removing it */
+  if (signal_data->sender != NULL && signal_data->shared_name_watcher == NULL)
+    sender_unique_name = signal_data->sender;
+  else
+    sender_unique_name = "";
+  g_warn_if_fail (g_hash_table_remove (connection->map_rule_to_signal_data, signal_data->rule));
+  signal_data_array = g_hash_table_lookup (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array,
+                                           sender_unique_name);
+  g_warn_if_fail (signal_data_array != NULL);
+  g_warn_if_fail (g_ptr_array_remove (signal_data_array, signal_data));
+  if (signal_data_array->len == 0)
+    {
+      g_warn_if_fail (g_hash_table_remove (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array,
+                                           sender_unique_name));
+    }
+  /* remove the match rule from the bus unless NameLost or NameAcquired (see subscribe()) */
+      !is_signal_data_for_name_lost_or_acquired (signal_data) &&
+      !g_dbus_connection_is_closed (connection) &&
+      !connection->finalizing)
+    {
+      /* The check for g_dbus_connection_is_closed() means that
+       * sending the RemoveMatch message can't fail with
+       * G_IO_ERROR_CLOSED, because we're holding the lock,
+       * so on_worker_closed() can't happen between the check we just
+       * did, and releasing the lock later.
+       */
+      remove_match_rule (connection, signal_data->rule);
+    }
+  if (signal_data->shared_name_watcher != NULL)
+    {
+      SignalData *name_watcher = g_steal_pointer (&signal_data->shared_name_watcher);
+      name_watcher_unref_watched_name (connection, name_watcher);
+      /* May free signal_data */
+      remove_signal_data_if_unused (connection, name_watcher);
+    }
+  signal_data_free (signal_data);
 /* called in any thread */
 /* must hold lock when calling this (except if connection->finalizing is TRUE) */
 static void
@@ -3599,7 +4042,6 @@ unsubscribe_id_internal (GDBusConnection
                          GPtrArray       *out_removed_subscribers)
   SignalData *signal_data;
-  GPtrArray *signal_data_array;
   guint n;
   signal_data = g_hash_table_lookup (connection->map_id_to_signal_data,
@@ -3625,40 +4067,8 @@ unsubscribe_id_internal (GDBusConnection
                                            GUINT_TO_POINTER (subscription_id)));
       g_ptr_array_add (out_removed_subscribers, signal_subscriber_ref (subscriber));
       g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast (signal_data->subscribers, n);
-      if (signal_data->subscribers->len == 0)
-        {
-          g_warn_if_fail (g_hash_table_remove (connection->map_rule_to_signal_data, signal_data->rule));
-          signal_data_array = g_hash_table_lookup (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array,
-                                                   signal_data->sender_unique_name);
-          g_warn_if_fail (signal_data_array != NULL);
-          g_warn_if_fail (g_ptr_array_remove (signal_data_array, signal_data));
-          if (signal_data_array->len == 0)
-            {
-              g_warn_if_fail (g_hash_table_remove (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array,
-                                                   signal_data->sender_unique_name));
-            }
-          /* remove the match rule from the bus unless NameLost or NameAcquired (see subscribe()) */
-          if ((connection->flags & G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_MESSAGE_BUS_CONNECTION) &&
-              !is_signal_data_for_name_lost_or_acquired (signal_data) &&
-              !g_dbus_connection_is_closed (connection) &&
-              !connection->finalizing)
-            {
-              /* The check for g_dbus_connection_is_closed() means that
-               * sending the RemoveMatch message can't fail with
-               * G_IO_ERROR_CLOSED, because we're holding the lock,
-               * so on_worker_closed() can't happen between the check we just
-               * did, and releasing the lock later.
-               */
-              remove_match_rule (connection, signal_data->rule);
-            }
-          signal_data_free (signal_data);
-        }
+      /* May free signal_data */
+      remove_signal_data_if_unused (connection, signal_data);
       goto out;
@@ -3879,6 +4289,46 @@ schedule_callbacks (GDBusConnection *con
       if (signal_data->object_path != NULL && g_strcmp0 (signal_data->object_path, path) != 0)
+      if (signal_data->shared_name_watcher != NULL)
+        {
+          /* We want signals from a specified well-known name, which means
+           * the signal's sender needs to be the unique name that currently
+           * owns that well-known name, and we will have found this
+           * SignalData in
+           * connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array[""]. */
+          const WatchedName *watched_name;
+          const char *current_owner;
+          g_assert (signal_data->sender != NULL);
+          /* Invariant: We never need to watch for the owner of a unique
+           * name, or for the owner of DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS, either of which
+           * is always its own owner */
+          g_assert (!g_dbus_is_unique_name (signal_data->sender));
+          g_assert (g_strcmp0 (signal_data->sender, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS) != 0);
+          watched_name = signal_data->shared_name_watcher->watched_name;
+          g_assert (watched_name != NULL);
+          current_owner = watched_name->owner;
+          /* Skip the signal if the actual sender is not known to own
+           * the required name */
+          if (current_owner == NULL || g_strcmp0 (current_owner, sender) != 0)
+            continue;
+        }
+      else if (signal_data->sender != NULL)
+        {
+          /* We want signals from a unique name or o.fd.DBus... */
+          g_assert (g_dbus_is_unique_name (signal_data->sender)
+                    || g_str_equal (signal_data->sender, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS));
+          /* ... which means we must have found this SignalData in
+           * connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array[signal_data->sender],
+           * therefore we would only have found it if the signal's
+           * actual sender matches the required signal_data->sender */
+          g_assert (g_strcmp0 (signal_data->sender, sender) == 0);
+        }
+      /* else the sender is unspecified and we will accept anything */
       if (signal_data->arg0 != NULL)
           if (arg0 == NULL)
@@ -3898,6 +4348,17 @@ schedule_callbacks (GDBusConnection *con
+      if (signal_data->watched_name != NULL)
+        {
+          /* Invariant: SignalData should only have a watched_name if it
+           * represents the NameOwnerChanged signal */
+          g_assert (g_strcmp0 (sender, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS) == 0);
+          g_assert (g_strcmp0 (interface, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS) == 0);
+          g_assert (g_strcmp0 (path, DBUS_PATH_DBUS) == 0);
+          g_assert (g_strcmp0 (member, "NameOwnerChanged") == 0);
+          name_watcher_deliver_name_owner_changed_unlocked (signal_data, message);
+        }
       for (m = 0; m < signal_data->subscribers->len; m++)
           SignalSubscriber *subscriber = signal_data->subscribers->pdata[m];
@@ -3961,7 +4422,7 @@ distribute_signals (GDBusConnection *con
         schedule_callbacks (connection, signal_data_array, message, sender);
-  /* collect subscribers not matching on sender */
+  /* collect subscribers not matching on sender, or matching a well-known name */
   signal_data_array = g_hash_table_lookup (connection->map_sender_unique_name_to_signal_data_array, "");
   if (signal_data_array != NULL)
     schedule_callbacks (connection, signal_data_array, message, sender);
diff -urpN glib-2.62.6.orig/gio/gdbusprivate.h glib-2.62.6/gio/gdbusprivate.h
--- glib-2.62.6.orig/gio/gdbusprivate.h	2020-03-18 08:16:11.000000000 -0500
+++ glib-2.62.6/gio/gdbusprivate.h	2024-05-15 16:09:37.639111384 -0500
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
+/* Bus name, interface and object path of the message bus itself */
+#define DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS "org.freedesktop.DBus"
+#define DBUS_PATH_DBUS "/org/freedesktop/DBus"
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 typedef struct GDBusWorker GDBusWorker;
diff -urpN glib-2.62.6.orig/gio/tests/gdbus-subscribe.c glib-2.62.6/gio/tests/gdbus-subscribe.c
--- glib-2.62.6.orig/gio/tests/gdbus-subscribe.c	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ glib-2.62.6/gio/tests/gdbus-subscribe.c	2024-05-15 16:09:37.639111384 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1342 @@
+ * Copyright 2024 Collabora Ltd.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+ */
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include "gdbus-tests.h"
+/* From the D-Bus Specification */
+#define DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS "org.freedesktop.DBus"
+#define DBUS_PATH_DBUS "/org/freedesktop/DBus"
+#define NAME_OWNER_CHANGED "NameOwnerChanged"
+/* A signal that each connection emits to indicate that it has finished
+ * emitting other signals */
+#define FINISHED_PATH "/org/gtk/Test/Finished"
+#define FINISHED_INTERFACE "org.gtk.Test.Finished"
+#define FINISHED_SIGNAL "Finished"
+/* A signal emitted during testing */
+#define EXAMPLE_PATH "/org/gtk/GDBus/ExampleInterface"
+#define EXAMPLE_INTERFACE "org.gtk.GDBus.ExampleInterface"
+#define FOO_SIGNAL "Foo"
+#define ALREADY_OWNED_NAME "org.gtk.Test.AlreadyOwned"
+#define OWNED_LATER_NAME "org.gtk.Test.OwnedLater"
+/* Log @s in a debug message. */
+static inline const char *
+nonnull (const char *s,
+         const char *if_null)
+  return (s == NULL) ? if_null : s;
+typedef enum
+  /* A connection that subscribes to signals */
+  /* A mockup of a legitimate service */
+  /* A mockup of a second legitimate service */
+  /* A connection that tries to trick @subscriber into processing its signals
+   * as if they came from @service */
+} TestConn;
+static const char * const test_conn_descriptions[NUM_TEST_CONNS] =
+  "(unused)",
+  "subscriber",
+  "service",
+  "service 2",
+  "attacker"
+typedef enum
+} SubscriptionMode;
+typedef struct
+  GDBusProxy *received_by_proxy;
+  TestConn sender;
+  char *path;
+  char *iface;
+  char *member;
+  GVariant *parameters;
+  char *arg0;
+  guint32 step;
+} ReceivedMessage;
+static void
+received_message_free (ReceivedMessage *self)
+  g_clear_object (&self->received_by_proxy);
+  g_free (self->path);
+  g_free (self->iface);
+  g_free (self->member);
+  g_clear_pointer (&self->parameters, g_variant_unref);
+  g_free (self->arg0);
+  g_free (self);
+typedef struct
+  TestConn sender;
+  TestConn unicast_to;
+  const char *path;
+  const char *iface;
+  const char *member;
+  const char *arg0;
+  const char *args;
+  guint received_by_conn;
+  guint received_by_proxy;
+} TestEmitSignal;
+typedef struct
+  const char *string_sender;
+  TestConn unique_sender;
+  const char *path;
+  const char *iface;
+  const char *member;
+  const char *arg0;
+  GDBusSignalFlags flags;
+  gboolean unsubscribe_immediately;
+} TestSubscribe;
+typedef struct
+  const char *name;
+  TestConn owner;
+  guint received_by_conn;
+  guint received_by_proxy;
+} TestOwnName;
+typedef enum
+} TestAction;
+typedef struct
+  TestAction action;
+  union {
+    TestEmitSignal signal;
+    TestSubscribe subscribe;
+    TestOwnName own_name;
+    guint unsubscribe_undo_step;
+  } u;
+} TestStep;
+/* Arbitrary, extend as necessary to accommodate the longest test */
+#define MAX_TEST_STEPS 10
+typedef struct
+  const char *description;
+  TestStep steps[MAX_TEST_STEPS];
+} TestPlan;
+static const TestPlan plan_simple =
+  .description = "A broadcast is only received after subscribing to it",
+  .steps = {
+    {
+      /* We don't receive a signal if we haven't subscribed yet */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Now it works */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 1,
+        /* The proxy can't be used in this case, because it needs
+         * a bus name to subscribe to */
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+  },
+static const TestPlan plan_broadcast_from_anyone =
+  .description = "A subscription with NULL sender accepts broadcast and unicast",
+  .steps = {
+    {
+      /* Subscriber wants to receive signals from anyone */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* First service sends a broadcast */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 1,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Second service also sends a broadcast */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE2,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 1,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* First service sends a unicast signal */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .unicast_to = TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 1,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Second service also sends a unicast signal */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE2,
+        .unicast_to = TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 1,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+  },
+static const TestPlan plan_match_twice =
+  .description = "A message matching more than one subscription is received "
+                 "once per subscription",
+  .steps = {
+    {
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .unique_sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .unique_sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 4,
+        /* Only the first and last work with GDBusProxy */
+        .received_by_proxy = 2
+      },
+    },
+  },
+static const TestPlan plan_limit_by_unique_name =
+  .description = "A subscription via a unique name only accepts messages "
+                 "sent by that same unique name",
+  .steps = {
+    {
+      /* Subscriber wants to receive signals from service */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .unique_sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Attacker wants to trick subscriber into thinking that service
+       * sent a signal */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_ATTACKER,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Attacker tries harder, by sending a signal unicast directly to
+       * the subscriber */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_ATTACKER,
+        .unicast_to = TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* When the real service sends a signal, it should still get through */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 1,
+        .received_by_proxy = 1
+      },
+    },
+  },
+static const TestPlan plan_nonexistent_unique_name =
+  .description = "A subscription via a unique name that doesn't exist "
+                 "accepts no messages",
+  .steps = {
+    {
+      /* Subscriber wants to receive signals from service */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        /* This relies on the implementation detail that the dbus-daemon
+         * (and presumably other bus implementations) never actually generates
+         * a unique name in this format */
+        .string_sender = ":0.this.had.better.not.exist",
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Attacker wants to trick subscriber into thinking that service
+       * sent a signal */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_ATTACKER,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Attacker tries harder, by sending a signal unicast directly to
+       * the subscriber */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_ATTACKER,
+        .unicast_to = TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+  },
+static const TestPlan plan_limit_by_well_known_name =
+  .description = "A subscription via a well-known name only accepts messages "
+                 "sent by the owner of that well-known name",
+  .steps = {
+    {
+      /* Service already owns one name */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_OWN_NAME,
+      .u.own_name = {
+        .name = ALREADY_OWNED_NAME,
+        .owner = TEST_CONN_SERVICE
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Subscriber wants to receive signals from service */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .string_sender = ALREADY_OWNED_NAME,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Subscriber wants to receive signals from service by another name */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .string_sender = OWNED_LATER_NAME,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Attacker wants to trick subscriber into thinking that service
+       * sent a signal */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_ATTACKER,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Attacker tries harder, by sending a signal unicast directly to
+       * the subscriber */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_ATTACKER,
+        .unicast_to = TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* When the service sends a signal with the name it already owns,
+       * it should get through */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 1,
+        .received_by_proxy = 1
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Service claims another name */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_OWN_NAME,
+      .u.own_name = {
+        .name = OWNED_LATER_NAME,
+        .owner = TEST_CONN_SERVICE
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Now the subscriber gets this signal twice, once for each
+       * subscription; and similarly each of the two proxies gets this
+       * signal twice */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 2,
+        .received_by_proxy = 2
+      },
+    },
+  },
+static const TestPlan plan_unsubscribe_immediately =
+  .description = "Unsubscribing before GetNameOwner can return doesn't result in a crash",
+  .steps = {
+    {
+      /* Service already owns one name */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_OWN_NAME,
+      .u.own_name = {
+        .name = ALREADY_OWNED_NAME,
+        .owner = TEST_CONN_SERVICE
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .string_sender = ALREADY_OWNED_NAME,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .unsubscribe_immediately = TRUE
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .path = EXAMPLE_PATH,
+        .iface = EXAMPLE_INTERFACE,
+        .member = FOO_SIGNAL,
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        /* The proxy can't unsubscribe, except by destroying the proxy
+         * completely, which we don't currently implement in this test */
+        .received_by_proxy = 1
+      },
+    },
+  },
+static const TestPlan plan_limit_to_message_bus =
+  .description = "A subscription to the message bus only accepts messages "
+                 "from the message bus",
+  .steps = {
+    {
+      /* Subscriber wants to receive signals from the message bus itself */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE,
+      .u.subscribe = {
+        .string_sender = DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
+        .path = DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
+        .iface = DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Attacker wants to trick subscriber into thinking that the message
+       * bus sent a signal */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_ATTACKER,
+        .path = DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
+        .iface = DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
+        .member = NAME_OWNER_CHANGED,
+        .arg0 = "would I lie to you?",
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* Attacker tries harder, by sending a signal unicast directly to
+       * the subscriber, and using more realistic arguments */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL,
+      .u.signal = {
+        .unicast_to = TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER,
+        .sender = TEST_CONN_ATTACKER,
+        .path = DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
+        .iface = DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
+        .member = NAME_OWNER_CHANGED,
+        .args = "('com.example.Name', '', ':1.12')",
+        .received_by_conn = 0,
+        .received_by_proxy = 0
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      /* When the message bus sends a signal (in this case triggered by
+       * owning a name), it should still get through */
+      .action = TEST_ACTION_OWN_NAME,
+      .u.own_name = {
+        .name = OWNED_LATER_NAME,
+        .owner = TEST_CONN_SERVICE,
+        .received_by_conn = 1,
+        .received_by_proxy = 1
+      },
+    },
+  },
+typedef struct
+  const TestPlan *plan;
+  SubscriptionMode mode;
+  GError *error;
+  /* (element-type ReceivedMessage) */
+  GPtrArray *received;
+  /* conns[TEST_CONN_NONE] is unused and remains NULL */
+  GDBusConnection *conns[NUM_TEST_CONNS];
+  /* Proxies on conns[TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER] */
+  GPtrArray *proxies;
+  /* unique_names[TEST_CONN_NONE] is unused and remains NULL */
+  const char *unique_names[NUM_TEST_CONNS];
+  /* finished[TEST_CONN_NONE] is unused and remains FALSE */
+  gboolean finished[NUM_TEST_CONNS];
+  /* Remains 0 for any step that is not a subscription */
+  guint subscriptions[MAX_TEST_STEPS];
+  /* Number of times the signal from step n was received */
+  guint received_by_conn[MAX_TEST_STEPS];
+  /* Number of times the signal from step n was received */
+  guint received_by_proxy[MAX_TEST_STEPS];
+  guint finished_subscription;
+} Fixture;
+/* Wait for asynchronous messages from @conn to have been processed
+ * by the message bus, as a sequence point so that we can make
+ * "happens before" and "happens after" assertions relative to this.
+ * The easiest way to achieve this is to call a message bus method that has
+ * no arguments and wait for it to return: because the message bus processes
+ * messages in-order, anything we sent before this must have been processed
+ * by the time this call arrives. */
+static void
+connection_wait_for_bus (GDBusConnection *conn)
+  GError *error = NULL;
+  GVariant *call_result;
+  call_result = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (conn,
+                                             DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
+                                             DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
+                                             DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
+                                             "GetId",
+                                             NULL,   /* arguments */
+                                             NULL,   /* result type */
+                                             G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
+                                             -1,
+                                             NULL,
+                                             &error);
+  g_assert_no_error (error);
+  g_assert_nonnull (call_result);
+  g_variant_unref (call_result);
+ * Called when the subscriber receives a message from any connection
+ * announcing that it has emitted all the signals that it plans to emit.
+ */
+static void
+subscriber_finished_cb (GDBusConnection *conn,
+                        const char      *sender_name,
+                        const char      *path,
+                        const char      *iface,
+                        const char      *member,
+                        GVariant        *parameters,
+                        void            *user_data)
+  Fixture *f = user_data;
+  GDBusConnection *subscriber = f->conns[TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER];
+  guint i;
+  g_assert_true (conn == subscriber);
+  for (i = TEST_CONN_FIRST; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (f->conns); i++)
+    {
+      if (g_str_equal (sender_name, f->unique_names[i]))
+        {
+          g_assert_false (f->finished[i]);
+          f->finished[i] = TRUE;
+          g_test_message ("Received Finished signal from %s %s",
+                          test_conn_descriptions[i], sender_name);
+          return;
+        }
+    }
+  g_error ("Received Finished signal from unknown sender %s", sender_name);
+ * Called when we receive a signal, either via the GDBusProxy (proxy != NULL)
+ * or via the GDBusConnection (proxy == NULL).
+ */
+static void
+fixture_received_signal (Fixture    *f,
+                         GDBusProxy *proxy,
+                         const char *sender_name,
+                         const char *path,
+                         const char *iface,
+                         const char *member,
+                         GVariant   *parameters)
+  guint i;
+  ReceivedMessage *received;
+  /* Ignore the Finished signal if it matches a wildcard subscription */
+  if (g_str_equal (member, FINISHED_SIGNAL))
+    return;
+  received = g_new0 (ReceivedMessage, 1);
+  if (proxy != NULL)
+    received->received_by_proxy = g_object_ref (proxy);
+  else
+    received->received_by_proxy = NULL;
+  received->path = g_strdup (path);
+  received->iface = g_strdup (iface);
+  received->member = g_strdup (member);
+  received->parameters = g_variant_ref (parameters);
+  for (i = TEST_CONN_FIRST; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (f->conns); i++)
+    {
+      if (g_str_equal (sender_name, f->unique_names[i]))
+        {
+          received->sender = i;
+          g_assert_false (f->finished[i]);
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+  if (g_str_equal (sender_name, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS))
+    {
+      g_test_message ("Signal received from message bus %s",
+                      sender_name);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      g_test_message ("Signal received from %s %s",
+                      test_conn_descriptions[received->sender],
+                      sender_name);
+      g_assert_cmpint (received->sender, !=, TEST_CONN_NONE);
+    }
+  g_test_message ("Signal received from %s %s via %s",
+                  test_conn_descriptions[received->sender],
+                  sender_name,
+                  proxy != NULL ? "proxy" : "connection");
+  g_test_message ("\tPath: %s", path);
+  g_test_message ("\tInterface: %s", iface);
+  g_test_message ("\tMember: %s", member);
+  if (g_variant_is_of_type (parameters, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(su)")))
+    {
+      g_variant_get (parameters, "(su)", &received->arg0, &received->step);
+      g_test_message ("\tString argument 0: %s", received->arg0);
+      g_test_message ("\tSent in step: %u", received->step);
+    }
+  else if (g_variant_is_of_type (parameters, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(uu)")))
+    {
+      g_variant_get (parameters, "(uu)", NULL, &received->step);
+      g_test_message ("\tArgument 0: (not a string)");
+      g_test_message ("\tSent in step: %u", received->step);
+    }
+  else if (g_variant_is_of_type (parameters, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(sss)")))
+    {
+      const char *name;
+      const char *old_owner;
+      const char *new_owner;
+      /* The only signal of this signature that we legitimately receive
+       * during this test is NameOwnerChanged, so just assert that it
+       * is from the message bus and can be matched to a plausible step.
+       * (This is less thorough than the above, and will not work if we
+       * add a test scenario where a name's ownership is repeatedly
+       * changed while watching NameOwnerChanged - so don't do that.) */
+      g_assert_cmpstr (sender_name, ==, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS);
+      g_assert_cmpstr (path, ==, DBUS_PATH_DBUS);
+      g_assert_cmpstr (iface, ==, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS);
+      g_assert_cmpstr (member, ==, NAME_OWNER_CHANGED);
+      g_variant_get (parameters, "(&s&s&s)", &name, &old_owner, &new_owner);
+      for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (f->plan->steps); i++)
+        {
+          const TestStep *step = &f->plan->steps[i];
+          if (step->action == TEST_ACTION_OWN_NAME)
+            {
+              const TestOwnName *own_name = &step->u.own_name;
+              if (g_str_equal (name, own_name->name)
+                  && g_str_equal (new_owner, f->unique_names[own_name->owner])
+                  && own_name->received_by_conn > 0)
+                {
+                  received->step = i;
+                  break;
+                }
+            }
+          if (i >= G_N_ELEMENTS (f->plan->steps))
+            g_error ("Could not match message to a test step");
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      g_error ("Unexpected message received");
+    }
+  g_ptr_array_add (f->received, g_steal_pointer (&received));
+static void
+proxy_signal_cb (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+                 const char *sender_name,
+                 const char *member,
+                 GVariant   *parameters,
+                 void       *user_data)
+  Fixture *f = user_data;
+  fixture_received_signal (f, proxy, sender_name,
+                           g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy),
+                           g_dbus_proxy_get_interface_name (proxy),
+                           member, parameters);
+static void
+subscribed_signal_cb (GDBusConnection *conn,
+                      const char      *sender_name,
+                      const char      *path,
+                      const char      *iface,
+                      const char      *member,
+                      GVariant        *parameters,
+                      void            *user_data)
+  Fixture *f = user_data;
+  GDBusConnection *subscriber = f->conns[TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER];
+  g_assert_true (conn == subscriber);
+  fixture_received_signal (f, NULL, sender_name, path, iface, member, parameters);
+static void
+fixture_subscribe (Fixture             *f,
+                   const TestSubscribe *subscribe,
+                   guint                step_number)
+  GDBusConnection *subscriber = f->conns[TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER];
+  const char *sender;
+  if (subscribe->string_sender != NULL)
+    {
+      sender = subscribe->string_sender;
+      g_test_message ("\tSender: %s", sender);
+    }
+  else if (subscribe->unique_sender != TEST_CONN_NONE)
+    {
+      sender = f->unique_names[subscribe->unique_sender];
+      g_test_message ("\tSender: %s %s",
+                      test_conn_descriptions[subscribe->unique_sender],
+                      sender);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      sender = NULL;
+      g_test_message ("\tSender: (any)");
+    }
+  g_test_message ("\tPath: %s", nonnull (subscribe->path, "(any)"));
+  g_test_message ("\tInterface: %s",
+                  nonnull (subscribe->iface, "(any)"));
+  g_test_message ("\tMember: %s",
+                  nonnull (subscribe->member, "(any)"));
+  g_test_message ("\tString argument 0: %s",
+                  nonnull (subscribe->arg0, "(any)"));
+  g_test_message ("\tFlags: %x", subscribe->flags);
+  if (f->mode != SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_PROXY)
+    {
+      /* CONN or PARALLEL */
+      guint id;
+      g_test_message ("\tSubscribing via connection");
+      id = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (subscriber,
+                                               sender,
+                                               subscribe->iface,
+                                               subscribe->member,
+                                               subscribe->path,
+                                               subscribe->arg0,
+                                               subscribe->flags,
+                                               subscribed_signal_cb,
+                                               f, NULL);
+      g_assert_cmpuint (id, !=, 0);
+      if (subscribe->unsubscribe_immediately)
+        {
+          g_test_message ("\tImmediately unsubscribing");
+          g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe (subscriber, id);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          f->subscriptions[step_number] = id;
+        }
+    }
+  if (f->mode != SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_CONN)
+    {
+      /* PROXY or PARALLEL */
+      if (sender == NULL)
+        {
+          g_test_message ("\tCannot subscribe via proxy: no bus name");
+        }
+      else if (subscribe->path == NULL)
+        {
+          g_test_message ("\tCannot subscribe via proxy: no path");
+        }
+      else if (subscribe->iface == NULL)
+        {
+          g_test_message ("\tCannot subscribe via proxy: no interface");
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          GDBusProxy *proxy;
+          g_test_message ("\tSubscribing via proxy");
+          proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (subscriber,
+                                         (G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES
+                                          | G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START),
+                                         NULL,    /* GDBusInterfaceInfo */
+                                         sender,
+                                         subscribe->path,
+                                         subscribe->iface,
+                                         NULL,    /* GCancellable */
+                                         &f->error);
+          g_assert_no_error (f->error);
+          g_assert_nonnull (proxy);
+          g_signal_connect (proxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK (proxy_signal_cb), f);
+          g_ptr_array_add (f->proxies, g_steal_pointer (&proxy));
+        }
+    }
+  /* As in setup(), we need to wait for AddMatch to happen. */
+  g_test_message ("Waiting for AddMatch to be processed");
+  connection_wait_for_bus (subscriber);
+static void
+fixture_emit_signal (Fixture              *f,
+                     const TestEmitSignal *signal,
+                     guint                 step_number)
+  GVariant *body;
+  const char *destination;
+  gboolean ok;
+  g_test_message ("\tSender: %s",
+                  test_conn_descriptions[signal->sender]);
+  if (signal->unicast_to != TEST_CONN_NONE)
+    {
+      destination = f->unique_names[signal->unicast_to];
+      g_test_message ("\tDestination: %s %s",
+                      test_conn_descriptions[signal->unicast_to],
+                      destination);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      destination = NULL;
+      g_test_message ("\tDestination: (broadcast)");
+    }
+  g_assert_nonnull (signal->path);
+  g_test_message ("\tPath: %s", signal->path);
+  g_assert_nonnull (signal->iface);
+  g_test_message ("\tInterface: %s", signal->iface);
+  g_assert_nonnull (signal->member);
+  g_test_message ("\tMember: %s", signal->member);
+  /* If arg0 is non-NULL, put it in the message's argument 0.
+   * Otherwise put something that will not match any arg0.
+   * Either way, put the sequence number in argument 1 so we can
+   * correlate sent messages with received messages later. */
+  if (signal->args != NULL)
+    {
+      /* floating */
+      body = g_variant_new_parsed (signal->args);
+      g_assert_nonnull (body);
+    }
+  else if (signal->arg0 != NULL)
+    {
+      g_test_message ("\tString argument 0: %s", signal->arg0);
+      body = g_variant_new ("(su)", signal->arg0, (guint32) step_number);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      g_test_message ("\tArgument 0: (not a string)");
+      body = g_variant_new ("(uu)", (guint32) 0, (guint32) step_number);
+    }
+  ok = g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (f->conns[signal->sender],
+                                      destination,
+                                      signal->path,
+                                      signal->iface,
+                                      signal->member,
+                                      /* steals floating reference */
+                                      g_steal_pointer (&body),
+                                      &f->error);
+  g_assert_no_error (f->error);
+  g_assert_true (ok);
+  /* Emitting the signal is asynchronous, so if we want subsequent steps
+   * to be guaranteed to happen after the signal from the message bus's
+   * perspective, we have to do a round-trip to the message bus to sync up. */
+  g_test_message ("Waiting for signal to reach message bus");
+  connection_wait_for_bus (f->conns[signal->sender]);
+static void
+fixture_own_name (Fixture *f,
+                  const TestOwnName *own_name)
+  GVariant *call_result;
+  guint32 flags;
+  guint32 result_code;
+  g_test_message ("\tName: %s", own_name->name);
+  g_test_message ("\tOwner: %s",
+                  test_conn_descriptions[own_name->owner]);
+  /* For simplicity, we do this via a direct bus call rather than
+   * using g_bus_own_name_on_connection(). The flags in
+   * GBusNameOwnerFlags are numerically equal to those in the
+   * D-Bus wire protocol. */
+  call_result = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (f->conns[own_name->owner],
+                                             DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS,
+                                             DBUS_PATH_DBUS,
+                                             DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS,
+                                             "RequestName",
+                                             g_variant_new ("(su)",
+                                                           own_name->name,
+                                                           flags),
+                                             G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(u)"),
+                                             G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
+                                             -1,
+                                             NULL,
+                                             &f->error);
+  g_assert_no_error (f->error);
+  g_assert_nonnull (call_result);
+  g_variant_get (call_result, "(u)", &result_code);
+  g_assert_cmpuint (result_code, ==, DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER);
+  g_variant_unref (call_result);
+static void
+fixture_run_plan (Fixture          *f,
+                  const TestPlan   *plan,
+                  SubscriptionMode  mode)
+  guint i;
+  G_STATIC_ASSERT (G_N_ELEMENTS (plan->steps) == G_N_ELEMENTS (f->subscriptions));
+  G_STATIC_ASSERT (G_N_ELEMENTS (plan->steps) == G_N_ELEMENTS (f->received_by_conn));
+  G_STATIC_ASSERT (G_N_ELEMENTS (plan->steps) == G_N_ELEMENTS (f->received_by_proxy));
+  f->mode = mode;
+  f->plan = plan;
+  g_test_summary (plan->description);
+  for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (plan->steps); i++)
+    {
+      const TestStep *step = &plan->steps[i];
+      switch (step->action)
+        {
+          case TEST_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE:
+            g_test_message ("Step %u: adding subscription", i);
+            fixture_subscribe (f, &step->u.subscribe, i);
+            break;
+          case TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL:
+            g_test_message ("Step %u: emitting signal", i);
+            fixture_emit_signal (f, &step->u.signal, i);
+            break;
+          case TEST_ACTION_OWN_NAME:
+            g_test_message ("Step %u: claiming bus name", i);
+            fixture_own_name (f, &step->u.own_name);
+            break;
+          case TEST_ACTION_NONE:
+            /* Padding to fill the rest of the array, do nothing */
+            break;
+          default:
+            g_return_if_reached ();
+        }
+    }
+  /* Now that we have done everything we wanted to do, emit Finished
+   * from each connection. */
+  for (i = TEST_CONN_FIRST; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (f->conns); i++)
+    {
+      gboolean ok;
+      ok = g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (f->conns[i],
+                                          NULL,
+                                          FINISHED_PATH,
+                                          FINISHED_INTERFACE,
+                                          FINISHED_SIGNAL,
+                                          NULL,
+                                          &f->error);
+      g_assert_no_error (f->error);
+      g_assert_true (ok);
+    }
+  /* Wait until we have seen the Finished signal from each sender */
+  while (TRUE)
+    {
+      gboolean all_finished = TRUE;
+      for (i = TEST_CONN_FIRST; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (f->conns); i++)
+        all_finished = all_finished && f->finished[i];
+      if (all_finished)
+        break;
+      g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE);
+    }
+  /* Assert that the correct things happened before each Finished signal */
+  for (i = 0; i < f->received->len; i++)
+    {
+      const ReceivedMessage *received = g_ptr_array_index (f->received, i);
+      g_assert_cmpuint (received->step, <, G_N_ELEMENTS (f->received_by_conn));
+      g_assert_cmpuint (received->step, <, G_N_ELEMENTS (f->received_by_proxy));
+      if (received->received_by_proxy != NULL)
+        f->received_by_proxy[received->step] += 1;
+      else
+        f->received_by_conn[received->step] += 1;
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (plan->steps); i++)
+    {
+      const TestStep *step = &plan->steps[i];
+      if (step->action == TEST_ACTION_EMIT_SIGNAL)
+        {
+          const TestEmitSignal *signal = &plan->steps[i].u.signal;
+          if (mode != SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_PROXY)
+            {
+              g_test_message ("Signal from step %u was received %u times by "
+                              "GDBusConnection, expected %u",
+                              i, f->received_by_conn[i], signal->received_by_conn);
+              g_assert_cmpuint (f->received_by_conn[i], ==, signal->received_by_conn);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              g_assert_cmpuint (f->received_by_conn[i], ==, 0);
+            }
+          if (mode != SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_CONN)
+            {
+              g_test_message ("Signal from step %u was received %u times by "
+                              "GDBusProxy, expected %u",
+                              i, f->received_by_proxy[i], signal->received_by_proxy);
+              g_assert_cmpuint (f->received_by_proxy[i], ==, signal->received_by_proxy);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              g_assert_cmpuint (f->received_by_proxy[i], ==, 0);
+            }
+        }
+      else if (step->action == TEST_ACTION_OWN_NAME)
+        {
+          const TestOwnName *own_name = &plan->steps[i].u.own_name;
+          if (mode != SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_PROXY)
+            {
+              g_test_message ("NameOwnerChanged from step %u was received %u "
+                              "times by GDBusConnection, expected %u",
+                              i, f->received_by_conn[i], own_name->received_by_conn);
+              g_assert_cmpuint (f->received_by_conn[i], ==, own_name->received_by_conn);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              g_assert_cmpuint (f->received_by_conn[i], ==, 0);
+            }
+          if (mode != SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_CONN)
+            {
+              g_test_message ("NameOwnerChanged from step %u was received %u "
+                              "times by GDBusProxy, expected %u",
+                              i, f->received_by_proxy[i], own_name->received_by_proxy);
+              g_assert_cmpuint (f->received_by_proxy[i], ==, own_name->received_by_proxy);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              g_assert_cmpuint (f->received_by_proxy[i], ==, 0);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+static void
+setup (Fixture *f,
+       G_GNUC_UNUSED const void *context)
+  GDBusConnection *subscriber;
+  guint i;
+  session_bus_up ();
+  f->proxies = g_ptr_array_new_full (MAX_TEST_STEPS, g_object_unref);
+  f->received = g_ptr_array_new_full (MAX_TEST_STEPS,
+                                      (GDestroyNotify) received_message_free);
+  for (i = TEST_CONN_FIRST; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (f->conns); i++)
+    {
+      f->conns[i] = _g_bus_get_priv (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &f->error);
+      g_assert_no_error (f->error);
+      g_assert_nonnull (f->conns[i]);
+      f->unique_names[i] = g_dbus_connection_get_unique_name (f->conns[i]);
+      g_assert_nonnull (f->unique_names[i]);
+      g_test_message ("%s is %s",
+                      test_conn_descriptions[i],
+                      f->unique_names[i]);
+    }
+  subscriber = f->conns[TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER];
+  /* Used to wait for all connections to finish sending whatever they
+   * wanted to send */
+  f->finished_subscription = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (subscriber,
+                                                                 NULL,
+                                                                 FINISHED_INTERFACE,
+                                                                 FINISHED_SIGNAL,
+                                                                 FINISHED_PATH,
+                                                                 NULL,
+                                                                 G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE,
+                                                                 subscriber_finished_cb,
+                                                                 f, NULL);
+  /* AddMatch is sent asynchronously, so we don't know how
+   * soon it will be processed. Before emitting signals, we
+   * need to wait for the message bus to get as far as processing
+   * AddMatch. */
+  g_test_message ("Waiting for AddMatch to be processed");
+  connection_wait_for_bus (subscriber);
+static void
+test_conn_subscribe (Fixture *f,
+                     const void *context)
+  fixture_run_plan (f, context, SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_CONN);
+static void
+test_proxy_subscribe (Fixture *f,
+                      const void *context)
+  fixture_run_plan (f, context, SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_PROXY);
+static void
+test_parallel_subscribe (Fixture *f,
+                         const void *context)
+  fixture_run_plan (f, context, SUBSCRIPTION_MODE_PARALLEL);
+static void
+teardown (Fixture *f,
+          G_GNUC_UNUSED const void *context)
+  GDBusConnection *subscriber = f->conns[TEST_CONN_SUBSCRIBER];
+  guint i;
+  g_ptr_array_unref (f->proxies);
+  if (f->finished_subscription != 0)
+    g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe (subscriber, f->finished_subscription);
+  for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (f->subscriptions); i++)
+    {
+      if (f->subscriptions[i] != 0)
+        g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe (subscriber, f->subscriptions[i]);
+    }
+  g_ptr_array_unref (f->received);
+  for (i = TEST_CONN_FIRST; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (f->conns); i++)
+    g_clear_object (&f->conns[i]);
+  g_clear_error (&f->error);
+  session_bus_down ();
+main (int   argc,
+      char *argv[])
+  g_test_init (&argc, &argv, G_TEST_OPTION_ISOLATE_DIRS, NULL);
+  g_test_dbus_unset ();
+#define ADD_SUBSCRIBE_TEST(name) \
+  do { \
+    g_test_add ("/gdbus/subscribe/conn/" #name, \
+                Fixture, &plan_ ## name, \
+                setup, test_conn_subscribe, teardown); \
+    g_test_add ("/gdbus/subscribe/proxy/" #name, \
+                Fixture, &plan_ ## name, \
+                setup, test_proxy_subscribe, teardown); \
+    g_test_add ("/gdbus/subscribe/parallel/" #name, \
+                Fixture, &plan_ ## name, \
+                setup, test_parallel_subscribe, teardown); \
+  } while (0)
+  ADD_SUBSCRIBE_TEST (broadcast_from_anyone);
+  ADD_SUBSCRIBE_TEST (match_twice);
+  ADD_SUBSCRIBE_TEST (limit_by_unique_name);
+  ADD_SUBSCRIBE_TEST (nonexistent_unique_name);
+  ADD_SUBSCRIBE_TEST (limit_by_well_known_name);
+  ADD_SUBSCRIBE_TEST (limit_to_message_bus);
+  ADD_SUBSCRIBE_TEST (unsubscribe_immediately);
+  return g_test_run();
diff -urpN glib-2.62.6.orig/gio/tests/ glib-2.62.6/gio/tests/
--- glib-2.62.6.orig/gio/tests/	2020-03-18 08:16:11.000000000 -0500
+++ glib-2.62.6/gio/tests/	2024-05-15 16:09:37.639111384 -0500
@@ -268,6 +268,10 @@ if host_machine.system() != 'windows'
       'gdbus-proxy-unique-name' : {'extra_sources' : extra_sources},
       'gdbus-proxy-well-known-name' : {'extra_sources' : extra_sources},
+      'gdbus-subscribe' : {
+        'extra_sources' : extra_sources,
+        'extra_programs': extra_programs,
+      },
       'gdbus-test-codegen' : {
         'extra_sources' : [extra_sources, gdbus_test_codegen_generated, gdbus_test_codegen_generated_interface_info],
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