File httpd-2.2.0-apxs-a2enmod.dif of Package apache2.27535

--- httpd-2.4.6.orig/support/
+++ httpd-2.4.6/support/
@@ -550,108 +550,14 @@ if ($opt_i or $opt_e) {
     #   activate module via LoadModule/AddModule directive
     if ($opt_a or $opt_A) {
-        if (not -f "$CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf") {
-            error("Config file $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf not found");
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        open(FP, "<$CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf") || die;
-        my $content = join('', <FP>);
-        close(FP);
-        if ($content !~ m|\n#?\s*LoadModule\s+|) {
-            error("Activation failed for custom $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf file.");
-            error("At least one `LoadModule' directive already has to exist.");
-            exit(1);
-        }
         my $lmd;
         my $c = '';
         $c = '#' if ($opt_A);
         foreach $lmd (@lmd) {
-            my $what = $opt_A ? "preparing" : "activating";
-            my $lmd_re = $lmd;
-            $lmd_re =~ s/\s+/\\s+/g;
-            if ($content !~ m|\n#?\s*$lmd_re|) {
-                # check for open <containers>, so that the new LoadModule
-                # directive always appears *outside* of an <container>.
-                my $before = ($content =~ m|^(.*\n)#?\s*LoadModule\s+[^\n]+\n|s)[0];
-                # the '()=' trick forces list context and the scalar
-                # assignment counts the number of list members (aka number
-                # of matches) then
-                my $cntopen = () = ($before =~ m|^\s*<[^/].*$|mg);
-                my $cntclose = () = ($before =~ m|^\s*</.*$|mg);
-                if ($cntopen == $cntclose) {
-                    # fine. Last LoadModule is contextless.
-                    $content =~ s|^(.*\n#?\s*LoadModule\s+[^\n]+\n)|$1$c$lmd\n|s;
-                }
-                elsif ($cntopen < $cntclose) {
-                    error('Configuration file is not valid. There are sections'
-                          . ' closed before opened.');
-                    exit(1);
-                }
-                else {
-                    # put our cmd after the section containing the last
-                    # LoadModule.
-                    my $found =
-                    $content =~ s!\A (               # string and capture start
-                                  (?:(?:
-                                    ^\s*             # start of conf line with a
-                                    (?:[^<]|<[^/])   # directive which does not
-                                                     # start with '</'
-                                    .*(?:$)\n        # rest of the line.
-                                                     # the '$' is in parentheses
-                                                     # to avoid misinterpreting
-                                                     # the string "$\" as
-                                                     # perl variable.
-                                    )*               # catch as much as possible
-                                                     # of such lines. (including
-                                                     # zero)
-                                    ^\s*</.*(?:$)\n? # after the above, we
-                                                     # expect a config line with
-                                                     # a closing container (</)
-                                  ) {$cntopen}       # the whole pattern (bunch
-                                                     # of lines that end up with
-                                                     # a closing directive) must
-                                                     # be repeated $cntopen
-                                                     # times. That's it.
-                                                     # Simple, eh? ;-)
-                                  )                  # capture end
-                                 !$1$c$lmd\n!mx;
-                    unless ($found) {
-                        error('Configuration file is not valid. There are '
-                              . 'sections opened and not closed.');
-                        exit(1);
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                # replace already existing LoadModule line
-                $content =~ s|^(.*\n)#?\s*$lmd_re[^\n]*\n|$1$c$lmd\n|s;
-            }
-            $lmd =~ m|LoadModule\s+(.+?)_module.*|;
-            notice("[$what module `$1' in $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf]");
+ 	    print "activating " . $name . "\n";
+ 	    system("a2enmod " . $name);
-        if (@lmd) {
-            if (open(FP, ">$CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$")) {
-                print FP $content;
-                close(FP);
-                system("cp $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf.bak && " .
-                       "cp $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$ $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf && " .
-                       "rm $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$");
-            } else {
-                notice("unable to open configuration file");
-            }
-	}
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