File 0014-dhclient6-unsigned-lifetimes-for-script-bsc-926159.patch of Package dhcp.19307

From 9267da086dcbb39509eae05d1d60ba37596a3f89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marius Tomaschewski <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 11:18:36 +0200
Subject: dhclient6: unsigned lifetimes for script (bsc#926159)

Address/IA lifetimes are all unsigned, don't turn into signed
(negative e.g. in infinite case) when passing them to scripts
and format timestamps as long to not break them on 64bit archs.

References: bsc#926159

--- client/dhc6.c.orig
+++ client/dhc6.c
@@ -4344,8 +4344,8 @@ dhc6_marshall_values(const char *prefix,
 			client_envadd(client, prefix,
 				      "ip6_type", "temporary");
-		client_envadd(client, prefix, "life_starts", "%d",
-			      (int)(addr->starts));
+		client_envadd(client, prefix, "life_starts", "%ld",
+			     (long)(addr->starts));
 		client_envadd(client, prefix, "preferred_life", "%u",
 		client_envadd(client, prefix, "max_life", "%u",
@@ -4356,8 +4356,8 @@ dhc6_marshall_values(const char *prefix,
 	if (ia != NULL) {
 		client_envadd(client, prefix, "iaid", "%s",
 			      print_hex_1(4, ia->iaid, 12));
-		client_envadd(client, prefix, "starts", "%d",
-			      (int)(ia->starts));
+		client_envadd(client, prefix, "starts", "%ld",
+			      (long)(ia->starts));
 		client_envadd(client, prefix, "renew", "%u", ia->renew);
 		client_envadd(client, prefix, "rebind", "%u", ia->rebind);
--- client/dhclient.c.orig
+++ client/dhclient.c
@@ -3708,13 +3708,13 @@ write_client6_lease(struct client_state
 			return ISC_R_IOERROR;
 		if (ia->ia_type != D6O_IA_TA)
-			stat = fprintf(leaseFile, "    starts %d;\n"
+			stat = fprintf(leaseFile, "    starts %ld;\n"
 						  "    renew %u;\n"
 						  "    rebind %u;\n",
-				       (int)ia->starts, ia->renew, ia->rebind);
+				       (long)ia->starts, ia->renew, ia->rebind);
-			stat = fprintf(leaseFile, "    starts %d;\n",
-				       (int)ia->starts);
+			stat = fprintf(leaseFile, "    starts %ld;\n",
+				       (long)ia->starts);
 		if (stat <= 0)
 			return ISC_R_IOERROR;
@@ -3731,10 +3731,10 @@ write_client6_lease(struct client_state
 			if (stat <= 0)
 				return ISC_R_IOERROR;
-			stat = fprintf(leaseFile, "      starts %d;\n"
+			stat = fprintf(leaseFile, "      starts %ld;\n"
 						  "      preferred-life %u;\n"
 						  "      max-life %u;\n",
-				       (int)addr->starts, addr->preferred_life,
+				       (long)addr->starts, addr->preferred_life,
 			if (stat <= 0)
 				return ISC_R_IOERROR;
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