File charybdis.spec of Package charybdis

# spec file for package charybdis
# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

Name:           charybdis
Version:        3.5.3
Release:        0
Summary:        Scalable IRCv3.2 compliant chat daemon
License:        GPL-2.0+
Group:          Productivity/Networking/IRC

Source9:        example.conf
Patch1:         charybdis-ratbox.diff
Patch2:         charybdis-werror.diff
Patch3:         charybdis-repro.diff
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires:  autoconf
BuildRequires:  automake
BuildRequires:  bison
BuildRequires:  flex
BuildRequires:  libtool
BuildRequires:  pkg-config
BuildRequires:  systemd-rpm-macros
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libcrypto) >= 0.9.7
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libssl) >= 0.9.7
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(zlib)
Requires(pre):  shadow

Charybdis is the IRCv3 reference implementation. It has good
documentation and ease of configuration.

Charybdis is used on various networks either as itself, or as the
basis of a customized IRC server implementation. One such
customization is ircd-seven which powers Freenode, the largest IRC
network in the world.

%setup -qn %name-%name-%version
%patch -P 1 -P 2 -P 3 -p1

autoreconf -fiv
%configure --sysconfdir="%_sysconfdir/%name" \
	--with-logdir="%_localstatedir/log/%name" \
	--with-rundir="/run" --localstatedir="%_localstatedir/lib"
make %{?_smp_mflags} CHARYBDIS_VERSION="%version"

mv "$b/%_bindir"/* "$b/%_libexecdir/%name/"
find "$b/%_libdir" -type f -name "*.la" -delete

# Unconflict with other ircds.
mv "$b/%_mandir/man8"/{ircd,charybdis-ircd}.8
# Move config file samples/documentation out of the way
mv "$b/%_sysconfdir/%name"/*.conf "$b/%_datadir/%name/"
# Place some config file that will make it run out of the box on localhost
cp "%{S:9}" "$b/%_sysconfdir/%name/ircd.conf"

mkdir -p "$b/%_localstatedir/lib/charybdis" \
	"$b/%_localstatedir/log/charybdis" "$b/%_sbindir" \
	"$b/%_unitdir" "$b/%_prefix/lib/tmpfiles.d"
ln -s service "$b/%_sbindir/rc%name"
cat >"$b/%_unitdir/charybdis.service" <<-EOF
	Description=Charybdis Inter Relay Chat server
	ExecStart=%_libexecdir/%name/ircd -foreground
cat >"$b/%_prefix/lib/tmpfiles.d/charybdis.conf" <<-EOF
	d /run/%name 0755 charybdis charybdis -
# There are no headers installed, so the .pc and devel .so is useless
rm -Rf "$b/%_libdir/pkgconfig" "$b/%_libdir/"

getent group charybdis >/dev/null || \
	/usr/sbin/groupadd -r charybdis
getent passwd charybdis >/dev/null || \
	/usr/sbin/useradd -r -g charybdis -s /bin/false \
	-c "Charybdis Inter Relay Chat daemon" \
	-d "%_localstatedir/lib/charybdis" charybdis
%service_add_pre %name.service

%service_add_post %name.service
systemd-tmpfiles --create %name.conf || :

%service_del_preun %name.service

%service_del_postun %name.service

%attr(0750,root,charybdis) %dir %_sysconfdir/%name
%attr(0640,root,charybdis) %config %_sysconfdir/%name/*
%attr(0750,charybdis,charybdis) %_localstatedir/log/%name/
%attr(0750,charybdis,charybdis) %_localstatedir/lib/%name/

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