File cloud-init-write-routes.patch of Package cloud-init.32328

--- cloudinit/distros/
+++ cloudinit/distros/
@@ -287,6 +287,15 @@ class Distro(persistence.CloudInitPickle
         network_state = parse_net_config_data(netconfig, renderer=renderer)
         self._write_network_state(network_state, renderer)
+        # The sysconfig renderer has no route writing implementation
+        # for SUSE yet use the old code for now that depends on the
+        # raw config.
+        try:
+            # Only exists for SUSE distro via this patch all other
+            # implementations throw which breaks testing
+            self._write_routes(netconfig)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
         # Now try to bring them up
         if bring_up:
--- cloudinit/distros/
+++ cloudinit/distros/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 import os
-from cloudinit import distros, helpers
+from cloudinit import distros, helpers, net
 from cloudinit import log as logging
 from cloudinit import subp, util
 from cloudinit.distros import rhel_util as rhutil
@@ -238,6 +238,147 @@ class Distro(distros.Distro):
             util.write_file(filename, str(conf), 0o644)
+    def _write_routes_v1(self, netconfig):
+        """Write route files, not part of the standard distro interface"""
+        # Due to the implementation of the sysconfig renderer default routes
+        # are setup in ifcfg-* files. But this does not work on SLES or
+        # openSUSE
+        # this is a very hacky way to get around the problem until a real
+        # solution is found in the sysconfig renderer
+        device_configs = netconfig.get('config', [])
+        default_nets = ('::', '')
+        for config in device_configs:
+            if_name = config.get('name')
+            subnets = config.get('subnets', [])
+            config_routes = ''
+            has_default_route = False
+            seen_default_gateway = None
+            for subnet in subnets:
+                # Render the default gateway if it is present
+                gateway = subnet.get('gateway')
+                if gateway:
+                    config_routes += ' '.join(
+                        ['default', gateway, '-', '-\n']
+                    )
+                    has_default_route = True
+                    if not seen_default_gateway:
+                        seen_default_gateway = gateway
+                # Render subnet routes
+                routes = subnet.get('routes', [])
+                for route in routes:
+                    dest = route.get('destination') or route.get('network')
+                    if not dest or dest in default_nets:
+                        dest = 'default'
+                        if not has_default_route:
+                            has_default_route = True
+                    if dest != 'default':
+                        netmask = route.get('netmask')
+                        if netmask:
+                            if net.is_ipv4_network(netmask):
+                                prefix = net.ipv4_mask_to_net_prefix(netmask)
+                            if net.is_ipv6_network(netmask):
+                                prefix = net.ipv6_mask_to_net_prefix(netmask)
+                            dest += '/' + str(prefix)
+                        if '/' not in dest:
+                            LOG.warning(
+                                'Skipping route; has no prefix "%s"', dest
+                            )
+                            continue
+                    gateway = route.get('gateway')
+                    if not gateway:
+                        LOG.warning(
+                            'Missing gateway for "%s", skipping', dest
+                        )
+                        continue
+                    if (
+                            dest == 'default'
+                            and has_default_route
+                            and gateway == seen_default_gateway
+                    ):
+                        dest_info = dest
+                        if gateway:
+                            dest_info = ' '.join([dest, gateway, '-', '-'])
+                        LOG.warning(
+                            '%s already has default route, skipping "%s"',
+                            if_name, dest_info
+                        )
+                        continue
+                    config_routes += ' '.join(
+                        [dest, gateway, '-', '-\n']
+                    )
+            if config_routes:
+                route_file = '/etc/sysconfig/network/ifroute-%s' % if_name
+                util.write_file(route_file, config_routes)
+    def _render_route_string(self, netconfig_route):
+        route_to = netconfig_route.get('to', None)
+        route_via = netconfig_route.get('via', None)
+        route_metric = netconfig_route.get('metric', None)
+        route_string = ''
+        if route_to and route_via:
+            route_string = ' '.join([route_to, route_via, '-', '-'])
+            if route_metric:
+                route_string += ' metric {}\n'.format(route_metric)
+            else:
+                route_string += '\n'
+        else:
+            LOG.warning('invalid route definition, skipping route')
+        return route_string
+    def _write_routes_v2(self, netconfig):
+        for device_type in netconfig:
+            if device_type == 'version':
+                continue
+            if device_type == 'routes':
+                # global static routes
+                config_routes = ''
+                for route in netconfig['routes']:
+                    config_routes += self._render_route_string(route)
+                if config_routes:
+                    route_file = '/etc/sysconfig/network/routes'
+                    util.write_file(route_file, config_routes)
+            else:
+                devices = netconfig[device_type]
+                for device_name in devices:
+                    config_routes = ''
+                    device_config = devices[device_name]
+                    try:
+                        gateways = [
+                            v for k, v in device_config.items()
+                            if 'gateway' in k
+                        ]
+                        for gateway in gateways:
+                            config_routes += ' '.join(
+                                ['default', gateway, '-', '-\n']
+                            )
+                        for route in device_config.get('routes', []):
+                            config_routes += self._render_route_string(route)
+                        if config_routes:
+                            route_file = \
+                                '/etc/sysconfig/network/ifroute-{}'.format(
+                                    device_name
+                                )
+                            util.write_file(route_file, config_routes)
+                    except Exception:
+                        # the parser above epxects another level of nesting
+                        # which should be there in case it's properly
+                        # formatted; if not we may get an exception on items()
+                        pass
+    def _write_routes(self, netconfig):
+        netconfig_ver = netconfig.get('version')
+        if netconfig_ver == 1:
+            self._write_routes_v1(netconfig)
+        elif netconfig_ver == 2:
+            self._write_routes_v2(netconfig)
+        else:
+            LOG.warning(
+                'unsupported or missing netconfig version, not writing routes'
+            )
     def preferred_ntp_clients(self):
         """The preferred ntp client is dependent on the version."""
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