File nacctd.8 of Package netacct

.\" (C) Copyright 2001 Alex King (
.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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.\" Fri Apr  6 01:27:28 NZST 2001 Alex King <> initial release
.\" Sat Apr  7 10:20:53 NZST 2001 Alex King <> cleaned up
.\" with the help of Colin Watson
.TH nacctd 8 "16 Dec 2001"
nacctd \- network accounting daemon
.B nacctd 
.IB [ \-dD "] [" \-c " filename]"
The network accounting daemon logs network traffic in a format
suitable for generating billing information or usage statistics.
.B nacctd
listens on network interfaces and periodically writes information
to a log file.

.B nacctd
is configured by editing its configuration file,
.BR /etc/naccttab.conf .

.B -d
This will let nacctd run in debug mode
.B -D
This will make nacctd not to detach as a daemon, suitable for running it
from inittab.
.B -c 
.I configfile
Specify the path of an alternative config file.

.B flush \fI<n>\fR
Flush every \fIn\fR seconds. This gives the interval in seconds when the
accumulated data is flushed to the output file. Typically set to 300
(five minutes).
.B fdelay \fI<n>\fR
This defines after how many seconds of inactivity a certain record of
traffic information may be written out. This helps making the log files
smaller since only one output record will be generated for related
traffic.  Typically set to 60 seconds.
.B file \fI<f>\fR
Specifies the main output file for the daemon to log network traffic to.
.B dumpfile \fI<f>\fR
Specifies a file to dump data to that is not yet written to the main
output file.  This is to prevent data loss should a crash occur.  On
startup an existing file of this name will be moved to <f>.o
.B notdev \fI<interface>
Don't log entries for this interface.
.B device \fI<interface>
Specifies a network interface to put into promiscuous mode.
.B iflimit \fI<interface>
Log only packets on this interface.  Mutually exclusive with
.B hostlimit.
.B ignoremask \fI<netmask>
Specifies a netmask (in dotted quad format) for which traffic
is ignored.  This allows traffic on the local LAN to be excluded.
.B ignorenet \fI<network> <netmask>
Ignore traffic on this network. Ignoring a net with ignorenet is not
as efficient as ignoremask. Thus you should exclude your local network
with ignoremask in preference to ignorenet.
.B masqif \fI<ipaddr>
Specifies an ip number we are masquerading as.  This re-maps ip/port
for incoming connections (e.g. FTP-data) to ip/port of the masqueraded
.B debug \fI<n>
Sets the debugging level to \fI<n>\fR.
.B headers \fI<interface-type> <data-start> <type-field>
Defines where the real data starts for each type of interface.
\fI<interface-type>\fR is one of eth, lo, plip, isdn etc.
\fI<data-start>\fR is the offset in bytes to the start of the real data.
\fI<type-field>\fR is the offset of the type field in bytes, or a 0 if
there is no type field.  If SLIP or PPP devices are specified here,
association of dynamic ip addresses with usernames won't work (see
\fIdynamicip\fR below).
.B dynamicip \fI<dir>
Specifies a directory to get username information from, where users
are logged into ppp or slip accounts and assigned dynamic ip addresses.
The directory should contain
a file for each logged in user, where the filename is their
IP address, and the file contains their username.
Typically, these files will be created by ip-up scripts.
.B dynamicnet \fI<network> <netmask>
Specifies the network the slip/ppp dynamic ips are assigned from.
.B exclude-name-lookup \fI<network> <netmask>
Specifies a (sub)net to exclude from dynamic ip name lookup.
.B hostlimit \fI<ipaddr>
Log only packets to/from this host.  This may be specified multiple
times for multiple hosts.  This option is mutually exclusive with
.B disable \fI<n>
Don't include field \fI<n>\fR in the output format.
.B dontignore \fI<network> <netmask>
Don't ignore hosts on the specified (sub)net that would otherwise have
been excluded by an ignorenet statement.  This can be a useful to
account for proxy traffic by specifying the proxy servers' subnet.
.B line \fI <interface> <device>
Specifies fixed mapping of slip/ppp interface names to tty devices.
This is used to assign traffic to a user if nacctd runs on the
ppp/slip server and the relation between network interface and serial
line is fixed.  This option is obsolete.
The output file consists of lines with up to 10 fields, or less if the
configuration file disables one or more fields.

\fItimestamp protocol src-addr src-port dst-addr dst-port count size user interface\fR
Time in seconds past the epoch (standard UNIX time format)
IP protocol
count of packets
size of data
associated user in case of a slip/ppp link, this will always be
"unknown" for other interfaces.
If the type is an ICMP message, field 4 is the ICMP message type and field
6 is the ICMP message code.

Please note that for forwarded packets there will be one line for EACH
interface the packet passed. So if you are running this on your slip-server
you will get all the traffic over the slip interfaces TWICE, once for the sl*
devices and once for the eth* device. The same goes for ppp and generally for
all forwarded traffic.  You can specify with 'notdev' entries which
interfaces you don't want to see in the log.
Configuration file
Default location for the main output file
Default location for the dump of data not yet written to the main
.BR tcpdump (8),
.BR trafshow (1).
This manual page is incomplete, and possibly inaccurate.
Ulrich Callmeier

Richard Clark <>

This manual page was written by Alex King <>,
for the Debian GNU/Linux system, using material from the original
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