File java-1_8_0-openjdk-plugin.changes of Package icedtea-web
Mon Sep 14 07:21:36 UTC 2015 -
- Update to 1.6.1
* Enabled Entry-Point attribute check
* permissions sandbox and signed app and unsigned app with
permissions all-permissions now run in sandbox instead of not
at all.
* fixed DownloadService
* comments in now should persists load/save
* fixed bug in caching of files with query
* fixed issues with recreating of existing shortcut
* trustAll/trustNone now processed correctly
* headless no longer shows dialogues
* RH1231441 Unable to read the text of the buttons of the security
* Fixed RH1233697 icedtea-web: applet origin spoofing
(CVE-2015-5235, bsc#944208)
* Fixed RH1233667 icedtea-web: unexpected permanent authorization
of unsigned applets (CVE-2015-5234, bsc#944209)
* MissingALACAdialog made available also for unsigned applications
(but ignoring actual manifest value) and fixed
* NetX
- fixed issues with -html shortcuts
- fixed issue with -html receiving garbage in width and height
* PolicyEditor
- file flag made to work when used standalone
- file flag and main argument cannot be used in combination
- Removed patch:
* icedtea-web-1.6-tail.patch
- Upstreamed
Wed Jul 22 10:30:55 UTC 2015 -
- Added patch:
* icedtea-web-1.6-tail.patch
- Fix generation of man-pages with some versions of "tail"
Mon Jul 20 13:46:47 UTC 2015 -
- Update to 1.6
* Massively improved offline abilities. Added Xoffline switch to
force work without inet connection.
* Improved to be able to run with any JDK
* JDK 6 and older no longer supported
* JDK 8 support added (URLPermission granted if applicable)
* JDK 9 supported
* Added support for Entry-Point manifest attribute
to control scan of Manifest file
* starting arguments now accept also -- abbreviations
* Added new documentation
* Added support for menu shortcuts - both javaws
applications/applets and html applets are supported
* added support for -html switch for javaws. Now you can run most
of the applets without browser at all
* Control Panel
- PR1856: ControlPanel UI improvement for lower resolutions
* NetX
- PR1858: Java Console accepts multi-byte encodings
- PR1859: Java Console UI improvement for lower resolutions
- RH1091563: [abrt] icedtea-web-1.5-2.fc20: Uncaught exception
java.lang.ClassCastException in method
- Dropped support for long unmaintained -basedir argument
- Returned support for -jnlp argument
- RH1095311, PR574 - References class sun.misc.Ref removed in
OpenJDK 9 - fixed, and so buildable on JDK9
* Plugin
- PR1743 - Intermittant deadlock in PluginRequestProcessor
- PR1298 - LiveConnect - problem setting array elements (applet
variables) from JS
- RH1121549: coverity defects
- Resolves method overloading correctly with superclass
heirarchy distance
* PolicyEditor
- codebases can be renamed in-place, copied, and pasted
- codebase URLs can be copied to system clipboard
- displays a progress dialog while opening or saving files
- codebases without permissions assigned save to file anyway
(and re-appear on next open)
- PR1776: NullPointer on save-and-exit
- PR1850: duplicate codebases when launching from security dialogs
- Fixed bug where clicking "Cancel" on the "Save before Exiting"
dialog could result in the editor exiting without saving
- Keyboard accelerators and mnemonics greatly improved
- "File - New" allows editing a new policy without first
selecting the file to save to
* Common
- PR1769: support signed applets which specify Sandbox
permissions in their manifests
* Temporary Permissions in security dialog now multi-selectable
and based on PolicyEditor permissions
Wed Nov 26 17:40:23 UTC 2014 -
- Update to 1.5.2 (fate#318956)
* NetX
- RH1095311, PR574 - References class sun.misc.Ref removed in
OpenJDK 9 - fixed, and so buildable on JDK9
- RH1154177 - decoded file needed from cache
- fixed NPE in https dialog
- empty codebase behaves as "."
- Remove patch: icedtea-web-1.5.1-java9.patch
* Upstreamed in this version
Thu Oct 16 12:25:28 UTC 2014 -
- Modify icedtea-web-suse-desktop-files.patch to use use
X-GNOME-DesktopSettings as well
Thu Oct 16 11:50:43 UTC 2014 -
- Conditional dependencies on libX11 and/or xorg-x11-devel
* make possible to build for SLE11
Mon Oct 13 09:53:44 UTC 2014 -
- Modify icedtea-web-suse-desktop-files.patch to use the Settings
instead of the System category, policyeditor.desktop and
itweb.desktop are tools for mamanging per-user preferences and
not system applications
Thu Oct 9 18:54:04 UTC 2014 -
- Modify icedtea-web-suse-desktop-files.patch to add
X-GNOME-Sundry to list of categories for policyeditor.desktop
and itweb.desktop, so that both items are included in the
Sundry app-folder in GNOME.
Fri Oct 3 07:25:10 UTC 2014 -
- Add patch: icedtea-web-1.5.1-java9.patch
* Allow building against java9
Tue Sep 23 09:13:27 UTC 2014 -
- Modified patch:
* icedtea-web-suse-desktop-files.patch
- Change categories for the desktop files to keep SLE and
openSUSE in sync
Mon Sep 22 12:39:43 UTC 2014 -
- Update to 1.5.1
* Massively improved offline abilities.
* Improved to be able to run with any JDK
* JDK 8 support added (URLPermission granted if applicable)
* Added DE and PL localizations
to control scan of Manifest file
* Control Panel
- PR1856: ControlPanel UI improvement for lower resolutions (800*600)
* NetX
- PR1858: Java Console accepts multi-byte encodings
- PR1859: Java Console UI improvement for lower resolutions (800*600)
- RH1091563: [abrt] icedtea-web-1.5-2.fc20: Uncaught exception
java.lang.ClassCastException in method
* Plugin
- PR1743 - Intermittant deadlock in PluginRequestProcessor
- RH1121549: coverity defects
* PolicyEditor
- codebases without permissions assigned save to file anyway (and
re-appear on next open)
- PR1776: NullPointer on save-and-exit
- Custom permissions are properly formatted
- Remove upstreamed patch:
* icedtea-web-1.5-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch
Thu Aug 21 10:49:39 UTC 2014 -
- Touch link targets in order to silence test of broken symlinks
Thu Aug 7 15:39:01 UTC 2014 -
- Update icedtea-web-suse-desktop-files.patch: Add
X-GNOME-SystemSettings category.
Mon Jul 28 07:05:32 UTC 2014 -
- Update alternatives code to match docu.
Tue Jul 22 15:20:38 UTC 2014 -
- Modified patch:
* icedtea-web-suse-desktop-files.patch
- Change categories for itweb-settings.desktop
Wed Jul 16 16:20:22 UTC 2014 -
- Update to 1.5
* Remove build dependency on xulrunner
- Deleted atches:
* icedtea-web-1.0.2-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch,
icedtea-web-1.1-moonlight-symbol-chash.patch: not needed in
icedtea-web 1.5
- Added patch:
* icedtea-web-1.5-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch: fix bugs
uncovered by post-build tests
- Split package into three:
* java-1_7_0-openjdk-plugin: builds a plugin for java-1_7_0-openjdk
* java-1_8_0-openjdk-plugin: builds a plugin for java-1_8_0-openjdk
* icedtea-web: builds common javadoc documentation for both
- The used plugin is determined by alternatives
Fri Sep 20 13:22:25 UTC 2013 -
- update to 1.4.1 (bnc#840572)
* Improved and cleaned Temporary internet files panel
* NetX
- PR1465 - while trying to download a JAR file
- PR1473 - javaws should not depend on name of local file
* Plugin
- PR854: Resizing an applet several times causes 100% CPU load
* Security Updates
- CVE-2013-4349, RH869040: Heap-based buffer overflow after triggering event attached to applet
CVE-2012-4540 nit fixed in icedtea-web 1.4
* Misc
- reproducers tests are enabled in dist-tarball
- application context support for OpenJDK build 25 and higher
- small patches into rhino support and
- PR1533: Inherit jnlp.packEnabled and jnlp.versionEnabled like other properties
- need jpackage-utils on older distros
- run more tests in %check
- drop icedtea-web-AppContext.patch, already upstream
Fri Sep 13 08:51:19 UTC 2013 -
- add javapackages-tools to build requires
Thu Jun 20 08:34:55 UTC 2013 -
- fix bnc#825880: icedtea-web broken by last openjdk security update
Tue May 7 14:18:32 UTC 2013 -
- update to 1.4 (bnc#818768)
* Added cs, de, pl localization
* Splash screen for javaws and plugin
* Better error reporting for plugin via Error-splash-screen
* All IcedTea-Web dialogues are centered to middle of active screen
* Download indicator made compact for more then one jar
* User can select its own JVM via itw-settings and
* Added extended applets security settings and dialogue
* Security updates
- CVE-2013-1926, RH916774: Class-loader incorrectly shared for applets with same relative-path.
- CVE-2013-1927, RH884705: fixed gifar vulnerabilit
- CVE-2012-3422, RH840592: Potential read from an uninitialized memory location
- CVE-2012-3423, RH841345: Incorrect handling of not 0-terminated strings
* NetX
- PR1027: DownloadService is not supported by IcedTea-Web
- PR725: JNLP applications will prompt for creating desktop shortcuts every time they are run
- PR1292: Javaws does not resolve versioned jar names with periods correctly
* Plugin
- PR1106: Buffer overflow in plugin table-
- PR1166: Embedded JNLP File is not supported in applet tag
- PR1217: Add command line arguments for plugins
- PR1189: Icedtea-plugin requires code attribute when using jnlp_href
- PR1198: JSObject is not passed to javascript correctly
- PR1260: IcedTea-Web should not rely on GTK
- PR1157: Applets can hang browser after fatal exception
- PR580: loads improperly
* Common
- PR1049: Extension jnlp's signed jar with the content of only META-INF/* is considered
- PR955: regression: SweetHome3D fails to run
- PR1145: IcedTea-Web can cause ClassCircularityError
- PR1161: X509VariableTrustManager does not work correctly with OpenJDK7
- PR822: Applets fail to load if jars have different signers
- PR1186: System.getProperty("") is null
- PR909: The Java applet at fails
- PR1299: WebStart doesn't read socket proxy settings from firefox correctly
Wed Apr 17 14:11:32 UTC 2013 -
- update to 1.3.2 (bnc#815596)
- Security Updates
* CVE-2013-1927, RH884705: fixed gifar vulnerability
* CVE-2013-1926, RH916774: Class-loader incorrectly shared for applets with same relative-path.
- Common
* Added new option in itw-settings which allows users to set JVM arguments
when plugin is initialized.
- NetX
* PR580: loads improperly
- Plugin
* PR1260: IcedTea-Web should not rely on GTK
obsoletes icedtea-web-remove-gtk-dep.patch
* PR1157: Applets can hang browser after fatal exception
Sat Jan 19 22:55:39 UTC 2013 -
- Add icedtea-web-remove-gtk-dep.patch, build icedtea-web without
GTK. Plugin now works in both gtk2 and gtk3 based browsers.
Wed Jan 16 15:03:43 UTC 2013 -
- limit the provides/obsoletes to architectures, where -plugin package
existed and don't pollute shiny new arm with an old garbage
Tue Jan 15 21:17:00 UTC 2013 -
- handle the package renaming on arm properly
Wed Nov 7 08:44:05 UTC 2012 -
- update to 1.3.1 (bnc#787846)
- Security Updates
* CVE-2012-4540, RH869040: Heap-based buffer overflow after triggering event attached to applet
- Common
- PR1161: X509VariableTrustManager does not work correctly with OpenJDK7
fixes the self-signed issue (mentioned in bnc#784859, bnc#785333, bnc#786775)
Mon Sep 10 08:29:27 UTC 2012 -
- update to 1.3 (bnc#779001)
- New features:
* Web Start launch errors are now printed to give proper indication as to the
* Significant performance improvement when loading applets that refer to
missing classes
* Support for latest versions of Chromium
* Security warning dialog improvements to better clarify security request
* Support build with GTK2 and GTK3
* Cookie write support (i.e set cookies in browser via Java/Applet)
- Common:
* Applet window icon improved
- Plug-in:
* PR975: Ignore classpaths specified in jar manifests when using jnlp_href
* PR1011: Treat folders as such when specified in archive tags
* PR855: AppletStub getDocumentBase() now returns full URL
* PR722: Unsigned META-INF entries are ignored
* PR861: Jars can now load from non codebase hosts
* PR1106: Icedtea 1.2.1 crashes Firefox 14
- Web Start:
* PR898: Large signed JNLP files now supported
* PR811: URLs with spaces now handled correctly
- drop already upstreamed icetea-web-1.2.1-old-xulrunner-typo.patch
Wed Aug 8 12:55:43 UTC 2012 -
- fix PR1106: Icedtea 1.2.1 crashes Firefox 14
Thu Aug 2 08:35:25 UTC 2012 -
- update to 1.2.1 (bnc#773458)
- Security Updates
* CVE-2012-3422, RH840592: Potential read from an uninitialized memory location
* CVE-2012-3423, RH841345: Incorrect handling of not 0-terminated strings
- NetX
* PR898: signed applications with big jnlp-file doesn't start (webstart affect like "frozen")
* PR811: javaws is not handling urls with spaces (and other characters needing encoding) correctly
* 816592: icedtea-web not loading GeoGebra java applets in Firefox or Chrome
- Plugin
* PR863: Error passing strings to applet methods in Chromium
* PR895: IcedTea-Web searches for missing classes on each loadClass or findClass
* PR518: NPString.utf8characters not guaranteed to be nul-terminated
- Common
* RH838417: Disambiguate signed applet security prompt from certificate warning
* RH838559: Disambiguate signed applet security prompt from certificate warning
Mon Jun 25 14:01:12 UTC 2012 -
- require java-1_7_0-openjdk for build and installation
Tue Mar 6 12:55:36 UTC 2012 -
- update to 1.2
- New features:
* Signed JNLP support
* Support for client authentication certificates
* Cache size enforcement now supported via itweb-settings
* Applet parameter passing through JNLP files now supported
* Better icons for access warning dialog
* Security Dialog UI revamped to make it look less threatening when appropriate
- Fixes (plugin, webstart, common)
* PR618: Can't install OpenDJ, JavaWebStart fails with Input stream is null error
* PR765: JNLP file with all resource jars marked as 'lazy' fails to validate signature and stops the launch of application
* PR788: Elluminate Live! is not working
* PR804: javaws launcher incorrectly handles file names with spaces
* PR820, bnc#746895: IcedTea-Web 1.1.3 crashing Firefox when loading Citrix XenApp
* PR838: IcedTea plugin crashes with chrome browser when javascript is executed
* PR852: Classloader not being flushed after last applet from a site is closed
* RH586194: Unable to connect to connect with Juniper VPN client
* PR771: IcedTea-Web certificate verification code does not use the right API
* PR742: IcedTea-Web checks certs only upto 1 level deep before declaring them untrusted.
* PR789: typo in
* PR808: javaws is unable to start, when missing jars are enumerated before main jar
* RH738814: Access denied at ssl handshake
* Support for authenticating using client certificates
- fix bnc#737105/FATE#313084: add Supplements: packageand(broswer(npapi):java-openjdk)
ensures the web plugin is pulled in when openjdk and capable browser is installed
Mon Mar 5 13:24:29 UTC 2012 -
- enable make check in respective section
Mon Nov 14 10:19:16 UTC 2011 -
- update to 1.1.4 (fixes bnc#729870)
- RH742515, CVE-2011-3377: IcedTea-Web: second-level domain subdomains and
suffix domain SOP bypass
- PR778: Jar download and server certificate verification deadlock
Mon Oct 24 09:14:10 UTC 2011 -
- update to 1.1.3:
- PR782: Support building against npapi-sdk as well
* drop the added patch
- PR794: IcedTea-Web does not work if a Web Start app jar has a
Class-Path element in the manifest
- icedtea-web-npapi-sdk-r5.patch for build with npapi-sdk we have
in openSUSE
Mon Oct 10 11:19:41 UTC 2011 -
- fix icedtea-web-suse-desktop-files.patch, itweb-settings is a
desktop setting and should not show up twice in two unrelated
top-level menus; also add a trailing semicolon
Thu Sep 15 08:33:59 UTC 2011 -
- Build with a npapi-sdk and xulrunner-devel from openSUSE 12.1
Tue Sep 6 06:50:15 UTC 2011 -
- license update: GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
SPDX syntax. See
Fri Sep 2 09:36:00 UTC 2011 -
- update to 1.1.2
* PR749: sun.applet.PluginStreamHandler#handleMessage(String) really slow
* RH718693: MindTerm SSH Applet doesn’t work
* PR768: Signed applets/Web Start apps don’t work with OpenJDK7 and up
* PR769: IcedTea-Web does not work with some ssl sites with OpenJDK7
* RH734081: Javaws cannot use proxy settings from Firefox
* New (--with-jre-home=) option to allow use with only JRE installed
- use a common jre location libdir/jvm/jre instead of openjdk6
- obsoleted CVE patches
Wed Jul 20 13:18:38 UTC 2011 -
- fix bnc#704309 - VUL-0: icedtea/icedtea-web two issues
* CVE-2011-2513
* CVE-2011-2514
- use --with-java instead of patching of launchers as
suggested by upstream
Fri Jul 8 08:03:40 UTC 2011 -
- fix bnc#704419 - Use correct path in
* allow plugin usage without -devel package installed
* fix lanchers location from JAVA to JRE
* icedtea-1.1-use-jre-in-launchers.patch
Thu Jun 30 11:37:13 UTC 2011 -
- fic bnx#702825 - gives undefined symbol
* fix the icedtea-web-1.1-moonlight-symbol-clash.patch
Fri Jun 10 08:44:13 UTC 2011 -
- Update to 1.1 - triggered by icedtea-1.10.2 security update (bnc#698739)
- New features:
* IcedTea-Web now installs to a FHS-compliant location
* Binary launchers have been replaced with simple shell scripts
* Proxy Auto Config files are now usable
* Applications using jnlp.versionEnabled and jnlp.packEnabled are now supported
* Can now use codebase_lookup=false with applets
* itweb-settings now supports clearing cache
- Common fixes
* Apps calling loadClass get a proper a ClassNotFoundException if class is
not found, rather than a null value
* Applets and JNLP apps using SSL/TLS now function correctly
- Web Start implementation (javaws) fixes:
* The Web Start implementation can now use proxy settings from Firefox
* Web Start applications now use the correct default browser set by the user
* Closing javaws -about no longer throws exceptions
* Cache files are removed properly
- Plug-in fixes:
* Applets from the same page to use the same classloader (MS LiveMeeting,, etc.)
* NetDania banking application now works (bnc#608132)
* Sound now works with (bnc#542457)
* Firefox 4 no longer freezes if the applet calls showDocument()
* Firefox 4 and chromium stability has been vastly improved with a rewrite of
the plug-in threading model
Tue Apr 12 12:12:11 UTC 2011 -
- Initial SUSE packaging of 1.0.2
* just follow upstream's split of web tools to icedtea-web