File bash-completion.changes of Package bash-completion.6234

Thu Dec 15 09:37:52 UTC 2016 -

- Detect if the completions for mount/umount have to be removed
  for modern util-linux package but without using suse_version

Wed Dec 14 12:41:38 UTC 2016 -

- Add patch tar-completion.patch to allow mixed options with long
  and short options (boo#1012212) 
- Only remove completion for umount/mount for older SUSE versions (boo#995045)

Wed May 18 13:05:29 UTC 2016 -

- disable html documentation by default, causes build loop

Wed Apr 27 20:34:12 CEST 2016 -

- Remove completions conflicting with util-linux (boo#977259#c3).

Wed Apr 27 12:42:50 UTC 2016 -

- Add patch sh-script-completion-boo977336.patch to make _filedir
  work with COMP_FILEDIR_FALLBACK even if local directries exists
  this is for bug boo##977336

Wed Apr 27 11:54:07 UTC 2016 -

- Add documentation for this packages below to get the reference
  of the e.g. the variable COMP_FILEDIR_FALLBACK (boo#977336) 

Wed Jan 27 15:42:34 UTC 2016 -

- Add patch backticks-bsc963140.patch to handle sub commands
  which will be expanded by backticks (bsc#963140) 

Fri Dec 18 09:33:05 UTC 2015 -

- Add patch respect-variables-boo940837.patch to avoid completions
  which results in e.g. ls \$HO
- Add patch rm-completion-smart-boo958462.patch to allow completions
  list e.g. rm prefix*.jpg<TAB><TAB>
- Modify patch LVM-completion-bsc946875.patch that is add the
  new patch from Liuhua Wang

Wed Sep 23 11:58:33 UTC 2015 -

- Add patch LVM-completion-bsc946875.patch to make LVM comands
  work even without any scan happen (bsc#946875) 

Thu Aug 13 06:53:15 UTC 2015 -

- Add patch backtick-completion-boo940835.patch to allow correct
  backtick completion (boo#940835) 

Wed Aug 12 13:17:40 UTC 2015 -

- Correct typo in patch ls-completion-boo889319.patch 

Mon Jun 15 08:28:30 UTC 2015 -

- Add patch ls-completion-boo889319.patch to make ls completion
  more smart (boo#889319) 

Wed Mar 18 12:45:23 UTC 2015 -

- Port my dollar completion from /etc/profile.d/completion.bash to
  bash_completion which modifies FOO-dir-completion-boo905348.patch
- Avoid negative cword position counter (boo#922758), this adds
  the patch init-completion-boo922758.patch

Mon Nov 17 12:46:11 UTC 2014 -

- Add patch PS1-completion-boo903362.patch to avoid trouble if
  restricted characters of the shell are used in PS1 like
  exclamation mark (boo#903362).
- Add patch FOO-dir-completion-boo905348.patch to expand variables
  which value is actual a directory to avoid excaped dollar sign

Mon May 13 07:08:49 UTC 2013 -

- Add patch pushd-completion-bnc818365.patch for bnc#818365 -- bash
  completion for builtin command "pushd" is missing

Tue Apr 23 15:42:50 UTC 2013 -

- Do not ship NetworManager completion file as it is part of NM 

Tue Apr 23 14:17:43 UTC 2013 -

- Update to final 2.1 version
  + See CHANGES for the full list of changes 
- Add patch bash-completion-2.1.patch to avoid blanks after during
  file completion (bnc#717151)

Fri Apr 19 17:11:24 UTC 2013 -

- Do no ship udevadm completion file, it is now part of systemd

Sat Jul  7 12:20:53 UTC 2012 -

- Update to final 2.0 version
  + See CHANGES for the full list of changes
- Add pkg-config file

Mon Jan  9 10:26:25 UTC 2012 -

- Update to version 1.99:
  + New completions: ccache, desktop-file-validate, htop, iperf,
    koji, lzip, nethogs, plague-client, udevadm.
  + Fixes for completions: cc, cppcheck, curl, c++, dequote, dict,
    dmesg, dpkg, lrzip, make, mount, mutt, pidof, removepkg, rpm,
    umount, upgradepkg, vi, wine, xv.
  + See details in CHANGES.

Wed Nov 30 15:09:57 CET 2011 -

- Update to version 1.90:
  - new completions: epdfview, lpr, lpq, mysql, puppet, pkgtool,
    makepkg, rmp2tgz, slapt-get, slapt-src, slackpkg, kcov, feh,
    xgamma, fbi, fbgs sbopkg, a2x, arping, asciidoc, base64, cal,
    chrpath, cppcheck, curl, dmesg, dot, file, gnome-mplayer, gprof,
    hddtemp, host, htpasswd, idn, ionice, jps, lbunzip2, lbzip2,
    lbzcat, prelink, protoc, pwdx, pwgen, reptyr, sum, watch,
    phing, pinfo 
  - installed location changed to /usr/share/bash-completion/*
  - see more changes in CHANGES file

Sat Sep 17 19:13:18 UTC 2011 -

- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build

Fri Feb 25 08:30:09 UTC 2011 -

- Update to version 1.3:
  + Added completions for: badblocks, compgen, crontab, dumpe2fs,
    e2freefrag, e2label, ether-wake, filefrag, gendiff, growisofs,
    hping{,3} (the previous version already completed hping2),
    iftop, ip, iscsiadm, javaws, kid3, lrzip, lsof, mktemp,
    perldoc, portecle, POSIX sh, postgresql,
    sha{,224,256,384,512}sum, sysbench, tune2fs, xfreerdp, xmodmap,
    xm subcommands and xrdb.
  + Improve the completions for: autotools, /etc/init.d/*, ipmitool,
    jar, java, javadoc, MAC address, man, mencoder, mkdir, mplayer,
    okular, pack200, povray, python, rpm, rpmbuild, sqlite3, tar,
    unzip, users/groups (in various contexts), wodim, xine-based
    players and xmllint.
  + Fix the completions for: avahi-browse, IPv6 known hosts,
    kompare, muttrc, p4, povray and ~username (in various
  + Other changes

Thu Jan 13 10:13:48 CET 2011 -

- Add bash-completion-fix-service.patch to fix an error created by
  the "service" completion.

Fri Jan  7 14:06:29 UTC 2011 -

- Update to version 1.2.
  * Add new completions.
  * Many improvements and fixes to existing completions.
  * Completely drop support for bash < 3.

Tue Oct 20 14:23:47 CEST 2009 -

- Update to version 1.1, that supports bash 4.0 better
  * Split many completions in files under contrib/
  * Added new completions
  * Improved existing completions

Mon Oct  5 11:32:39 CEST 2009 -

- Update to version 1.0 (too many changes to list).
- Remove all our patches except bash-completion-speedup_rpm.patch:
  + bash-completion-bzip2_fix.patch: should be fixed upstream.
  + bash-completion-cd.patch: doesn't seem to be needed.
  + bash-completion-complete_spm.patch: source rpms are now src.rpm
    as far as I can tell, so no need to complete on spm.
  + bash-completion-mount_dir_fix.patch: the fix is not correct. It
    should not be for root only. bnc#386459 should be forwarded
    upstream for a proper fix.
  + bash-completion-no_tilde_expansion.patch: I'm unsure we want
    to diverge there. bnc#386844 should be forwarded upstream for a
    proper fix.
  + bash-completion-readonly_fix.patch: this is now fixed upstream,
    I think.
  + bash-completion-svn_filenames.patch: fixed upstream.
  + bash_completion-rpm_install_complete.patch: I'm really not sure
    the fix is right. bnc#242123 should be forwarded upstream.
- Respin bash-completion-speedup_rpm.patch.
- Remove the git completion: it's now in git itself.

Tue Nov 11 16:25:46 CET 2008 -

- Make completion for cd command smart (bnc#442827)

Fri Sep 26 16:29:52 CEST 2008 -

- fix problem with readonly vars [bnc#383486]
- speed up rpm completion [bnc#402659]
- complete on .spm [bnc#416901] 

Tue May  6 15:37:54 CEST 2008 -

- remove default tilde expansion, as this should be configurable
  by the expand-tilde readline setting, even with bash-completion
  installed [bnc#386844] 

Mon May  5 16:12:47 CEST 2008 -

- fix mount completion for root [bnc#386459] 

Tue Apr 22 16:30:44 CEST 2008 -

- use -o filenames for svn completion [bnc#382280]
- add empty %build section

Fri Jun  1 16:38:39 CEST 2007 -

- fix bzip2 completion to handle filenames with spaces [#278608] 

Thu Mar  8 12:51:15 CET 2007 -

- enhance rpm completion [#242123] 

Thu Feb 15 11:43:10 CET 2007 -

- add git-completion
- add %clean target to specfile
- only install really useful completions by default

Wed Feb  7 13:23:19 CET 2007 -

- update to version 20060301
  * There were probable bash 3.1 POSIX quote problems if 
    UserKnownHostsFile or GlobalKnownHostsFile keywords were used 
    inside ssh config files. Fixed.
  * Added new subversion completion implementation
  * Added minicom completion
  * --nodigest and --nosignature options must be set in $nodig and 
    $nosig within _rpm_installed_packages() itself, not just set 
    in _rpm() before _rpm_installed_packages() is called. This is 
    because other completion functions also call 
  * Minor playmidi and timidity additions for .MID(I) 
    (capital letters) files.
  * Add kdvi, dvipdf and advi to programs that complete on .dvi 
  * iconv completion improvement
  * Replace invoke-rc.d completion
- move useful completion files to /etc/bash_completion.d/

Wed Jan 25 21:45:51 CET 2006 -

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Tue Aug  2 13:35:20 CEST 2005 -

- Update to version 20050721.

Mon Mar  7 11:46:48 CET 2005 -

- Update to version 20050121.

Tue Sep 21 20:01:03 CEST 2004 -

- Update to version 20040711. Drop obsolete patches.

Mon Feb 23 16:27:44 CET 2004 -

- added option # norootforbuild in specfile

Thu Sep 18 15:48:32 CEST 2003 -

- #30648: fix insmod tab completion regexp quoting bug.

Wed Sep  3 14:53:08 CEST 2003 -

- bash_completion searches lsmod in
  /sbin, but it is in /bin now.

Mon Jul 28 18:26:44 CEST 2003 -

- Remove /etc/bash_completion.d/ directory from files list: This
  directory is now "owned" by bash. (We still must create an
  /etc directory in the build root, though.)

Fri Jul 25 15:38:35 CEST 2003 -

- Mark /usr/share/doc/packages/bash-completion/ as owned by that
  package (RPMv4 complained about that).

Thu Jul 24 15:40:01 CEST 2003 -

- Create initial package.
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