File nagios-disable_phone_home.patch of Package nagios
base/utils.c | 129 -----------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 128 deletions(-)
Index: base/utils.c
--- base/utils.c.orig
+++ base/utils.c
@@ -3935,138 +3935,11 @@ int check_for_nagios_updates(int force,
/* checks for updates at */
int query_update_api(void) {
- char *api_server = "";
- char *api_path = "/versioncheck/";
- char *api_query = NULL;
- char *api_query_opts = NULL;
- char *buf = NULL;
- char recv_buf[1024];
- int report_install = FALSE;
- int result = OK;
- char *ptr = NULL;
- int current_line = 0;
- int buf_index = 0;
- int in_header = TRUE;
- char *var = NULL;
- char *val = NULL;
- int sd = 0;
- int send_len = 0;
- int recv_len = 0;
- int update_check_succeeded = FALSE;
- /* report a new install, upgrade, or rollback */
- /* Nagios monitors the world and we monitor Nagios taking over the world. :-) */
- if(last_update_check == (time_t)0L)
- report_install = TRUE;
- if(last_program_version == NULL || strcmp(PROGRAM_VERSION, last_program_version))
- report_install = TRUE;
- if(report_install == TRUE) {
- asprintf(&api_query_opts, "&firstcheck=1");
- if(last_program_version != NULL) {
- char *qopts2 = NULL;
- asprintf(&qopts2, "%s&last_version=%s", api_query_opts, last_program_version);
- my_free(api_query_opts);
- api_query_opts = qopts2;
- }
- }
- /* generate the query */
- asprintf(&api_query, "v=1&product=nagios&tinycheck=1&stableonly=1&uid=%lu", update_uid);
- if(bare_update_check == FALSE) {
- char *api_query2 = NULL;
- asprintf(&api_query2, "%s&version=%s%s", api_query, PROGRAM_VERSION, (api_query_opts == NULL) ? "" : api_query_opts);
- my_free(api_query);
- api_query = api_query2;
- }
- /* generate the HTTP request */
- asprintf(&buf,
- "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Nagios/%s\r\n"
- "Connection: close\r\nHost: %s\r\n"
- "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
- "Content-Length: %zd\r\n\r\n%s",
- api_path, PROGRAM_VERSION, api_server,
- strlen(api_query), api_query);
- /*
- printf("SENDING...\n");
- printf("==========\n");
- printf("%s",buf);
- printf("\n");
- */
- result = my_tcp_connect(api_server, 80, &sd, 2);
- /*printf("CONN RESULT: %d, SD: %d\n",result,sd);*/
- if(sd > 0) {
- /* send request */
- send_len = strlen(buf);
- result = my_sendall(sd, buf, &send_len, 2);
- /*printf("SEND RESULT: %d, SENT: %d\n",result,send_len);*/
- /* get response */
- recv_len = sizeof(recv_buf);
- result = my_recvall(sd, recv_buf, &recv_len, 2);
- recv_buf[sizeof(recv_buf) - 1] = '\x0';
- /*printf("RECV RESULT: %d, RECEIVED: %d\n",result,recv_len);*/
- /*
- printf("\n");
- printf("RECEIVED...\n");
- printf("===========\n");
- printf("%s",recv_buf);
- printf("\n");
- */
- /* close connection */
- close(sd);
- /* parse the result */
- in_header = TRUE;
- while((ptr = get_next_string_from_buf(recv_buf, &buf_index, sizeof(recv_buf)))) {
- strip(ptr);
- current_line++;
- if(!strcmp(ptr, "")) {
- in_header = FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if(in_header == TRUE)
- continue;
- var = strtok(ptr, "=");
- val = strtok(NULL, "\n");
- /*printf("VAR: %s, VAL: %s\n",var,val);*/
- if(!strcmp(var, "UPDATE_AVAILABLE")) {
- update_available = atoi(val);
- /* we were successful */
- update_check_succeeded = TRUE;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(var, "UPDATE_VERSION")) {
- if(new_program_version)
- my_free(new_program_version);
- new_program_version = strdup(val);
- }
- else if(!strcmp(var, "UPDATE_RELEASEDATE")) {
- }
- }
- }
- /* cleanup */
- my_free(buf);
- my_free(api_query);
- my_free(api_query_opts);
/* we were successful! */
+ int update_check_succeeded = TRUE;
if(update_check_succeeded == TRUE) {
- if(last_program_version)
- free(last_program_version);
- last_program_version = (char *)strdup(PROGRAM_VERSION);
return OK;