File ghc-islink.spec of Package ghc-islink

# spec file for package ghc-islink
# Copyright (c) 2016 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

%global pkg_name islink
Name:           ghc-%{pkg_name}
Release:        0
Summary:        Check if an HTML element is a link
License:        BSD-3-Clause
Group:          System/Libraries
Url:  {pkg_name}
BuildRequires:  ghc-Cabal-devel
BuildRequires:  ghc-rpm-macros
# Begin cabal-rpm deps:
BuildRequires:  ghc-unordered-containers-devel
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
# End cabal-rpm deps

This package provides a function that checks whether a particular combination
of an HTML tag name and an attribute corresponds to an HTML element that links
to an external resource. For example, the combination of the tag 'img' and the
attribute 'src' is an external link whereas the combination 'div' and 'style'
is not. This is particularly useful for web scraping.

%package devel
Summary:        Haskell %{pkg_name} library development files
Group:          Development/Libraries/Other
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}
Requires(post): ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}
Requires(postun): ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}

%description devel
This package provides the Haskell %{pkg_name} library development files.

%setup -q -n %{pkg_name}-%{version}



%post devel

%postun devel

%files -f %{name}.files

%files devel -f %{name}-devel.files

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