File octave-forge-signal.changes of Package octave-forge-signal

Wed May 27 20:41:52 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version 1.3.2
  * The package is no longer dependent on the general package.

Wed Apr  8 07:51:45 UTC 2015 -

Update to version 1.3.1
  * The following window functions now accept a Matlab compatible option
    to select the periodic variant, useful for FFT applications:
      blackmanharris    hann
      blackmannuttall   nuttallwin
  * The following filter design functions have improved and more
    consistent input parameter validation:
      buttord    cheb2ord
      cheb1ord   ellipord

Thu Feb 26 16:06:43 UTC 2015 -

- Split from octave-forge package, version 1.3.0

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