File python3-blinker.changes of Package python3-blinker

Sun Aug  9 23:58:01 UTC 2015 -

- specfile: README->

- update to version 1.4:
  * Verified Python 3.4 support (no changes needed)
  * Additional bookkeeping cleanup for non-ANY connections at
    disconnect time.
  * Added Signal._cleanup_bookeeping() to prune stale bookkeeping on

Sat Jan 10 19:23:54 UTC 2015 -

- specfile: update copyright year

- update to version 1.3:
  * The global signal stash behind blinker.signal() is now backed by a
    regular name-to-Signal dictionary. Previously, weak references
    were held in the mapping and ephermal usage in code like
    "signal('foo').connect(...)" could have surprising program
    behavior depending on import order of modules.
  * blinker.Namespace is now built on a regular dict. Use
    blinker.WeakNamespace for the older, weak-referencing behavior.
  * Signal.connect('text-sender') uses an alterate hashing strategy to
    avoid sharp edges in text identity.

Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 UTC 2015 -

- specfile:
  * update copyright year
  * remove python(abi) requirement

Thu Nov 22 13:40:47 UTC 2012 -

- Remove openSUSE 11.4 spec file workarounds

Wed Aug 15 02:59:44 UTC 2012 -

- python3 package added 

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