File wxMaxima.changes of Package wxMaxima

Tue Aug  9 12:17:11 UTC 2016 -

- Version update to 16.04.2:
  * various small bugfixes
- Sort with spec-cleaner

Fri Jul 15 16:21:10 UTC 2016 -

- Add wxMaxima-appstream-xml-filename.patch: Fix the appstream xml
  file name (must be identical to .desktop file name w/o ext) and
  the reference to the .desktop file therein (refers to
  wxmaxima.desktop while installing wxMaxima.desktop); reported
- Update file list accordingly:
  wxmaxima.appdata.xml -> wxMaxima.appdata.xml

Wed Apr  6 22:28:12 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version 16.04.1:
  + Bug fixes.

Wed Apr  6 00:14:31 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version 16.04.0:
  + A TeX-like subscript notation: A_1 is now by default shown as
    an A with an 1 as subscript
  + High-quality icons for high-dpi screens.
  + Some broken .wxmx files generated with wxMaxima 13.04 and
    older will now automatically be repaired
  + Tried to make communication with maxima more stable
  + Debug: A monitor for the xml communication between maxima and
  + Leading White-space in front of a character that has to be
    escaped in XML is no more ignored.
  + jpeg-encoded images are now no more converted to much larger
    png files on saving .wxmx files and on exporting.
  + Images will now actually be converted to the target format.
  + Bumped the minor version of the .wxmx format: Some old
    versions of wxmaxima will replace .jpg files embedded in .wxmx
    files by a placeholder on load
  + Increased both speed and memory-efficiency of image handling
  + Save the zoom factor at exit and reload it on opening a new file
  + An option that makes wxMaxima use user-defined labels instead
    of %o where an user-defined label exists. Works well together
    with unchecking the "export code cells" config item.
  + A separate text style for user-defined labels.
  + The "evaluate all cells" and "evaluate till here" now start
    with a fresh instance of maxima
  + TeX export now should work with most unicode chars we have ESC
    sequences for.
  + An auto-repair functionality that repairs most .wxmx files
    wxMaxima 13.04 was not able to open again.
  + A few new ESC sequences and markdown commands.
  + "#" now is shown as a "not equal" sign as a "not equal" sign
    already would be interpreted as "#".
  + Teach CCL on Windows how to deal with unicode variable names
    like ü and α. For SBCL the necessary change has been done on
    the maxima side.
  + Sidebars for symbols
  + Printing text cells now works again
  + The <ESC> key now works as a shortcut that closes the search
  + A copy-to-MathML feature
  + Many bug, usability and performance fixes
  + Most importantly: If it is a cursor it now blinks.
- No longer rm .menu file, not bundled in upstream tarball any

Mon Mar 28 22:55:49 UTC 2016 -

- ExcludeArch POWER64 architecture, maxima is excluded due to missing

Tue Sep  8 12:49:33 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version 15.08.2:
  - Bugs fixed:
    + Added en.po to distribution.
    + Disable check for event types.
    + Correctly update the stats sidebar visibility in menus.
    + Update version number.
    + Don't remove new lines from lisp cells.
    + Added to distrubution.
- Remove wxMaxima-missing-make-targets.patch: incorporated

Thu Sep  3 06:42:50 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version 15.08.1:
  + Bug fixes (undocumented).
- Rebase wxMaxima-missing-make-targets.patch; two issues fixed
  upstream (and removed from patch), one issue persists.

Wed Aug 19 10:08:15 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version 15.08.0:
  + MathJAX now provides scaleable equations and extended
    drag-and-drop for the html export.
  + The table-of-contents-sidebar now shows the current cursor
  + Fixed a few instances of cursors jumping out of the screen.
  + Fixed a few instances of cursors jumping to the beginning or
    end of the worksheet.
  + Better detection which cell maxima is processing and if it
    still is doing so.
  + Regression: Hiding the toolbar didn't work on some systems.
  + Markdown support for <=, >=, <=>, <-, ->, <->, => and +/-
  + An option to not export maxima's input as well as the output.
  + An option to use High-resolution bitmaps for the HTML export.
  + Images that are too big for the window now are displayed in a
    scaled-down version.
  + Fixed the support for out-of-tree-bulds that was broken in 15.04.
  + Meaningful ALT texts for the HTML export to provide accessibility.
  + An option to include the .wxmx file in the .html export.
  + Performance fixes that are espectionally effective for MSW
  + Unification of some platform-specific code.
  * bash autocompletion.
  + A fourth sectioning level.
  + Made entering uppercase greek letters easier and documented
    how to input special unicode symbols.
  + Syntax highlighting in code cells.
  + Automatic highlighting of text equal to the currrently
    selected one.
  + A batch mode that pauses evaluation if maxima asks a question.
  + A "halt on error" feature.
  + Now evaluation of a new command is only triggered if
    evaluation of the last command has finished. This means that
    output from maxima is always appended to the right cell.
  + Un-broke error and question handling for multiple commands per
    cell. Sincewe now send maxima's input command-per-command this
    means a cell with multiple commands is no more evaluated
    faster than multiple cells with single commands each.
  + If ever a end-of-evaluation marker gets lost there is a new
    "trigger evaluation" menu entry in the maxima menu.
  + On wxGtk autocompletion was replaced by a content assistant
    that is based on the surprisingly powerful autocompletion
  + Ctrl+Tab now launches the autocompletion (or content
    assistant, if available).
  + Tab and Shift+Tab now indent and unindent regions.
  + Ctrl+Mouse wheel and Ctrl++/- now zoom in and out of the
  + Allow Extending selection from part of a single cell to
    multiple cells.
  + An Autoindent functionality.
- Changes from version 15.04.0:
  + See /usr/doc/packages/wxMaxima/ChangeLog file.
- Explicit dependency on wxwidgets >= 3.0.
- Update maxima version required for building.
- Package ChangeLog file available in upstream tarball since
  version 15.04.0.
- Add patch required because upstream missed a few files from
  the tarball:
  + wxMaxima-missing-make-targets.patch (touches autotool files
    BR on autoreconf required).
- Generate and install hicolor icons from the bundled svg icon
  file; introduces BR on inkscape, hicolor-icon-theme.
- Use %post and %postun scriptlets as necessary.
- Update filelist to include new files installed by upstream, as
  well as hicolor icons.
- Update desktop menu filename to be consistent with upstream; add
  Mimetypes specification to .desktop file.

Mon Feb  9 22:15:14 UTC 2015 -

- Use wxWidgets 3 and remove manual dependencies.
  Run fdupes over more files.

Thu Dec 25 14:30:55 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version 14.12.1:
  + No documentation of changes.
- Changes from version 14.12.0:
  + No documentation of changes.

Wed Sep 17 10:26:31 UTC 2014 -

- Update to verson 14.09.0:
  + No detailed changelog available
- Packaging changes:
  + Adapt to source tarball name change from wxMaxima to wxmaxima
  + Add rpmlintrc file as source. 

Sat May 25 21:39:56 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 13.04.2:
  + Fix a bug with matchParens=false option
- Changes from version 13.04.1:
  + Include all files in the source tgz
- Drop wxMaxima-fix-missing-locale.patch; upstream now includes
  all required source files, making patch unnecessary.

Tue Apr 23 06:12:43 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 13.04.0:
  + No detailed changelog available
- Add wxMaxima-fix-missing-locale.patch to fix build failure while
  trying to install a locale that is missing from the tarball.

Tue Sep 11 16:36:56 UTC 2012 -

- Update to version 12.09.0:
  + No detailed changelog available
- Change source url in spec file.

Sat May 19 15:40:48 UTC 2012 -

- Update to version 12.04:
  + No detailed changelog available.
- Spec file cleanups:
  + Correct License tag in keeping with recommendations
  + Use fdupes to link duplicate files

Sun Sep 18 13:03:25 UTC 2011 -

- update to 11.08.0

Thu Mar 17 15:46:19 CET 2011 -

- Compile with wxcontainer variant, binary linked with STL crashes.

Mon Mar  7 15:20:05 CET 2011 -

- Compile with openSUSE wxWidgets (default variant).
- Remove BuildRequires: libstdc++ that is no more provided.

Sun Mar  6 13:56:41 UTC 2011 -

- update to 0.8.7

Sun Sep 19 16:17:00 CET 2010 -

- updated to version 8.6

Sun Nov 22 15:06:44 CET 2009 -

- removed "--disable-statix-wx" as it looks like this triggers an 
  error "Maxima process terminated" in the status bar, even though 
  Maxima runs fine either by itself or through xMaxima.
  (Thanks to Moby for reporting the issue!)

Mon Sep 21 22:06:58 CEST 2009 -

- update to 0.8.3a

Sat Apr 25 11:14:09 CEST 2009 -

- update to 0.8.2:
  + new wxMaxima document format (not compatible with .wxm) which 
    saves maxima output and inline plots into a single file (you 
    can still save and load ".wxm" format, but you don't get the 
    improvements of the new one)
  + images can be inserted into the document
  + when input is modified after evaluation, output becomes gray to 
    indicate it is no longer up to date
  + styles section improved: colors can be set for all elements of 
    wxmaxima document, title, section and text cells can have a 
    different font, support for loading/saving styles into a file
  + "Open Recent" added to the file menu
  + "unix copy" (copy on select) now working as expected 
    (selection copies, middle mouse click pastes) option to use 
    evaluate with enter instead of shift-enter
  + full screen mode (alt + enter)
  + backspace and delete keys can be used for deleting cells when 
    horizontal cursor is active
  + Bugfix: Restart Maxima doesn't clear the document
  + Bugfix: reduced the number of redraws - the GUI feels a bit snappier
  + Bugfix: Opening a WXM file doesn't automaticly restart Maxima
- removed obsolete --enable-dnd
- cleanup specfile  

Fri Dec 19 12:07:49 CET 2008 -

- update to 0.8.1:
  + bugfix: set horizontal cursor after Maxima header when starting 
  + bugfix: when horizontal cursor is active keys like left, right, 
    page up/down, home/end don't insert a new input cell 
  + new feature: optional, display center dot instead of *

Fri Dec  5 16:23:56 CET 2008 -

- update to 0.8.0:
  + wxMaxima document now made of 'cells' 
  + cells can be evaluated with SHIFT-ENTER 
  + long Maxima outputs can be hidden by clicking into the triangle 
    at the top of that cell's left bracket 
  + reorganised some menus 
  + cells can now be edited by single-click 
  + if you have a selection of text/code, ([{ will put ([{}]) around 
    selection and place cursor before first ([{, pressing }]) will put 
    the cursor after the last }]) 
  + double clicking will select the word under the cursor 
  + double clicking on (,[,{ or },],) will select the text/code between ([{ }]) 
  + F1 now selects the word under cursor if there's no selection, and 
    searches help for that word 
  + removed the INPUT line 
  + introduced a 'horizontal cursor': click between cells to set it, 
    start typing to insert a new input cell, press F6 to insert a new 
    text cell, SHIT-UP/DOWN or click'n'drag selects cells 
  + Maxima questions answered in the document - a cursor should appear, 
    SHIFT-ENTER sends your answer to Maxima. If a cursor doesn't appear, 
    click below the cell, type the answer and press SHIFT-ENTER

Wed Oct  8 23:06:16 CEST 2008 -

- own %_datadir/wxMaxima

Thu Sep 25 17:21:20 CEST 2008 -

- moved to Education base repository

Fri Aug 22 06:45:19 CEST 2008 -

- update to 0.7.6
- build also on fedora

Sun May 25 23:45:19 CEST 2008 -

- disable gnuplot patch for now (os-edu #0000039)

Mon Apr 21 12:56:57 CEST 2008 -

- update to 0.7.5:
  + part of wxMaxima-ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF.patch is upstream:
    -> wxMaxima-0.7.5-ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF.patch
+ don't try to use outdated gnuplot:
- updated desktop file (added german description)

Mon Feb  4 02:04:34 MSK 2008 -

- fix gnuplot requires

Mon Dec 10 12:47:39 CET 2007 -

- update to version 0.7.4
- combine the patches wxMaxima-MathParser.cpp.diff and 
  wxMaxima-MathParser.h.diff in wxMaxima-ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF.patch
- enable unicode-glyphs
- enable printing
- Enable drag'n'drop support

Sat Sep 08 00:00:00 CET 2007 - Werner Hoch <>

- updated to version 0.7.3

Fri May 18 00:00:00 CET 2007 - Werner Hoch <>

- updated to version 0.7.2

Sat Feb 03 00:00:00 CET 2007 - Werner Hoch <>

- updated to version 0.7.1
- added ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF patches

Thu Aug 14 00:00:00 CET 2006 - Leon Freitag <>

- initial release for BS
- minor corrections to make the prefix relocatable
- update the group to be compatible with the SPC 

Wed Dec 15 00:00:00 CET 2004 - Andrej Vodopivec <>

- Added french translation files.

Wed Aug 25 00:00:00 CET 2004 - Andrej Vodopivec <>

- Initial spec file.

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