File octave-forge-statistics.changes of Package octave-forge-statistics
Mon Mar 9 07:57:35 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 1.2.4
* Made princomp work with nargout < 2.
* Renamed dendogram to dendrogram.
* Added isempty check to kmeans.
* Transposed output of hist3.
* Converted calculation in hmmviterbi to log space.
* Bug fixes for stepwisefit, wishrnd.
* Rewrite of cmdscale for improved compatibility.
* Fix in squareform for improved compatibility.
* New cvpartition class, with methods:
display repartition test training
* New sample data file fisheriris.txt for tests
* The following functions are new:
cdf crossval dcov pdist2 qrandn randsample signtest ttest ttest2
vartest vartest2 ztest
Thu Feb 26 16:06:43 UTC 2015 -
- Split from octave-forge package, version 1.2.3