File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.7149

<patchinfo incident="7149">
  <issue tracker="bnc" id="1052829">VUL-0: MozillaFirefox 55 / 52.3 security release</issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7801"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7784"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7782"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7779"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7785"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7786"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7787"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7807"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7804"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7803"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7792"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7791"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7800"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7753"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7798"></issue>
  <issue tracker="cve" id="2017-7802"></issue>
  <summary>Security update for MozillaThunderbird</summary>
  <description>This update for MozillaThunderbird to version 52.3 fixes security issues and bugs.
The following vulnerabilities were fixed:

- CVE-2017-7798: XUL injection in the style editor in devtools
- CVE-2017-7800: Use-after-free in WebSockets during disconnection
- CVE-2017-7801: Use-after-free with marquee during window resizing
- CVE-2017-7784: Use-after-free with image observers
- CVE-2017-7802: Use-after-free resizing image elements
- CVE-2017-7785: Buffer overflow manipulating ARIA attributes in DOM
- CVE-2017-7786: Buffer overflow while painting non-displayable SVG
- CVE-2017-7753: Out-of-bounds read with cached style data and pseudo-elements#
- CVE-2017-7787: Same-origin policy bypass with iframes through page reloads
- CVE-2017-7807: Domain hijacking through AppCache fallback
- CVE-2017-7792: Buffer overflow viewing certificates with an extremely long OID
- CVE-2017-7804: Memory protection bypass through WindowsDllDetourPatcher
- CVE-2017-7791: Spoofing following page navigation with data: protocol and modal alerts
- CVE-2017-7782: WindowsDllDetourPatcher allocates memory without DEP protections
- CVE-2017-7803: CSP containing 'sandbox' improperly applied
- CVE-2017-7779: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 55 and Firefox ESR 52.3

The following bugs were fixed:

- Unwanted inline images shown in rogue SPAM messages
- Deleting message from the POP3 server not working when maildir storage was used
- Message disposition flag (replied / forwarded) lost when reply or forwarded message
  was stored as draft and draft was sent later
- Inline images not scaled to fit when printing
- Selected text from another message sometimes included in a reply
- No authorisation prompt displayed when inserting image into email body although
  image URL requires authentication
- Large attachments taking a long time to open under some circumstances
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