File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.7374

<patchinfo incident="7374">
  <issue id="1061344" tracker="bnc">Skia breaks with FreeType 2.8.1 due to violation of API boundary</issue>
  <issue id="1043375" tracker="bnc">qtwebengine does not support html5 video</issue>
  <issue id="1043338" tracker="bnc">spelling error in packages-i18n-libqt - entry 40</issue>
  <description>This update for libqt5-qtwebengine provides the following fixes:

- Enable the use of proprietary codecs when configuring webengine so it uses the system
  ffmpeg binary thus allowing to reproduce html5 videos. (bsc#1043375)
- Fix a compatibility issue in font rendering when using newer versions of FreeType. (bsc#1061344)

This update was imported from the SUSE:SLE-12-SP3:Update update project.</description>
  <summary>Recommended update for libqt5-qtwebengine</summary>
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