File unsorted.yml of Package 000productcompose

  - 389-ds 
  - 389-ds-devel 
  - 7zip 
  - ALP-dummy-release 
  - AppStream 
  - AppStream-compose 
  - AppStream-compose-devel 
  - Catch2-2-devel 
  - Catch2-devel 
  - DirectX-Headers: [x86_64] 
  - FastCGI 
  - FastCGI-devel 
  - GraphicsMagick 
  - GraphicsMagick-devel 
  - ImageMagick 
  - ImageMagick-config-7-SUSE 
  - ImageMagick-config-7-upstream-limited 
  - ImageMagick-config-7-upstream-open 
  - ImageMagick-config-7-upstream-secure 
  - ImageMagick-config-7-upstream-websafe 
  - ImageMagick-devel 
  - Imath-devel 
  - Mesa 
  - Mesa-KHR-devel 
  - Mesa-devel 
  - Mesa-dri 
  - Mesa-dri-devel 
  - Mesa-gallium 
  - Mesa-libEGL-devel 
  - Mesa-libEGL1 
  - Mesa-libGL-devel 
  - Mesa-libGL1 
  - Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel 
  - Mesa-libGLESv2-devel 
  - Mesa-libGLESv3-devel 
  - Mesa-libRusticlOpenCL 
  - Mesa-libglapi-devel 
  - Mesa-libglapi0 
  - Mesa-libva 
  - Mesa-vulkan-device-select 
  - Mesa-vulkan-overlay 
  - ModemManager 
  - ModemManager-bash-completion 
  - ModemManager-devel 
  - ModemManager-lang 
  - Modules 
  - Modules-doc 
  - MozillaFirefox 
  - MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE 
  - MozillaFirefox-translations-common 
  - MozillaFirefox-translations-other 
  - NetworkManager 
  - NetworkManager-bluetooth 
  - NetworkManager-branding-openSUSE 
  - NetworkManager-cloud-setup 
  - NetworkManager-devel 
  - NetworkManager-lang 
  - NetworkManager-ovs 
  - NetworkManager-pppoe 
  - NetworkManager-tui 
  - NetworkManager-wwan 
  - OpenIPMI 
  - OpenIPMI-devel 
  - OpenIPMI-python3 
  - SDL2-devel 
  - SL-Micro-Extras-release 
  - SVT-AV1 
  - SVT-AV1-devel 
  - ServiceReport 
  - WebKitGTK-4.0-lang 
  - WebKitGTK-4.1-lang 
  - WebKitGTK-6.0-lang 
  - aaa_base-extras 
  - aaa_base-malloccheck 
  - abseil-cpp-devel 
  - accel-config-devel: [x86_64] # devel package of supplements:libaccel-config1 
  - accountsservice 
  - accountsservice-devel 
  - accountsservice-lang 
  - accountsservice-vala 
  - acl 
  - adaptec-firmware 
  - adcli-doc 
  - adobe-sourcecodepro-fonts 
  - adobe-sourcehansans-cn-fonts 
  - adobe-sourcehansans-hk-fonts 
  - adobe-sourcehansans-jp-fonts 
  - adobe-sourcehansans-kr-fonts 
  - adobe-sourcehansans-tw-fonts 
  - adobe-sourcesanspro-fonts 
  - adwaita-icon-theme 
  - agama-cli 
  - agama-dbus-server 
  - agama-products-ALP-Dolomite 
  - agama-products-opensuse 
  - agrep 
  - alsa 
  - alsa-devel 
  - alsa-firmware 
  - alsa-topology-devel 
  - alsa-ucm-conf 
  - alsa-utils 
  - ansible-core 
  - ansible-test 
  - ant 
  - ant-antlr 
  - ant-apache-bcel 
  - ant-apache-bsf 
  - ant-apache-log4j 
  - ant-apache-oro 
  - ant-apache-regexp 
  - ant-apache-resolver 
  - ant-commons-logging 
  - ant-contrib 
  - ant-imageio 
  - ant-jakartamail 
  - ant-javamail 
  - ant-jdepend 
  - ant-jmf 
  - ant-junit 
  - ant-junit5 
  - ant-manual 
  - ant-scripts 
  - ant-swing 
  - ant-xz 
  - antlr 
  - antlr-devel 
  - antlr-java 
  - antlr-manual 
  - aopalliance 
  - apache-commons-beanutils 
  - apache-commons-codec 
  - apache-commons-collections 
  - apache-commons-collections4 
  - apache-commons-compress 
  - apache-commons-configuration2 
  - apache-commons-daemon 
  - apache-commons-dbcp 
  - apache-commons-digester 
  - apache-commons-httpclient 
  - apache-commons-io 
  - apache-commons-jexl 
  - apache-commons-jxpath 
  - apache-commons-logging 
  - apache-commons-net 
  - apache-commons-pool2 
  - apache-commons-text 
  - apache-commons-vfs2 
  - apache-commons-vfs2-ant 
  - apache-commons-vfs2-examples 
  - apache-parent 
  - apache-pdfbox 
  - apache-rex 
  - apache-rpm-macros-control 
  - apache2 
  - apache2-devel 
  - apache2-manual 
  - apache2-mod_php8 
  - apache2-prefork 
  - apache2-utils 
  - apache2-worker 
  - apiguardian 
  - apparmor-rpm-macros 
  - appstream-glib 
  - appstream-glib-devel 
  - appstream-glib-lang 
  - appx-util 
  - apr-devel 
  - apr-util-devel 
  - aqute-bnd 
  - aqute-bndlib 
  - arabic-ae-fonts 
  - arabic-amiri-fonts 
  - arabic-bitmap-fonts 
  - arabic-fonts 
  - arabic-kacst-fonts 
  - arabic-kacstone-fonts 
  - arabic-naqsh-fonts 
  - argyllcms 
  - arm-trusted-firmware 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-a80x0_mcbin: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-imx8mm: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-imx8mq: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-imx8qm: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-imx8qx: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-poplar: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-poplar-devel: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-qemu: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-qemu_sbsa: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-rk3328: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-rk3368: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-rpi3: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-rpi4: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_a64: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_h6: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_h616: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-tegra186: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-tegra210: [aarch64] 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-tools 
  - arm-trusted-firmware-zynqmp: [aarch64] 
  - asciidoc 
  - asciidoc-latex-backend 
  - aspell 
  - aspell-devel 
  - aspell-ispell 
  - aspell-spell 
  - assimp-devel 
  - at-spi2-core 
  - at-spi2-core-devel 
  - at-spi2-core-lang 
  - atinject 
  - atinject-tck 
  - atkmm1_6-devel 
  - atmel-firmware 
  - audit 
  - audit-devel 
  - augeas 
  - augeas-bash-completion 
  - augeas-devel 
  - augeas-lenses 
  - auto 
  - auto-common 
  - auto-service 
  - auto-service-aggregator 
  - auto-service-annotations 
  - auto-value 
  - auto-value-annotations 
  - auto-value-parent 
  - autoconf-archive 
  - autogen 
  - autoopts 
  - autoyast2 
  - autoyast2-installation 
  - avahi-autoipd 
  - avahi-compat-howl-devel 
  - avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel 
  - avahi-lang 
  - avahi-utils 
  - avahi-utils-gtk 
  - avif-tools 
  - aws-cli: [aarch64] 
  - babeltrace-devel 
  - bash-completion-devel 
  - bash-completion-doc 
  - bash-devel 
  - bash-doc 
  - bash-lang 
  - bash-legacybin 
  - bcel 
  - bdf2psf 
  - bdftopcf 
  - benchmark-devel 
  - beust-jcommander 
  - bind 
  - bind-doc 
  - bind-modules-bdbhpt 
  - bind-modules-generic 
  - bind-modules-ldap 
  - bind-modules-mysql 
  - bind-modules-perl 
  - bind-modules-sqlite3 
  - bind-utils 
  - binutils-devel 
  - biosdevname: [x86_64] 
  - bison 
  - bison-lang 
  - bitstream-vera-fonts 
  - blas-devel 
  - blog-devel 
  - blog-plymouth 
  - blosc-devel 
  - blosc2-devel 
  - bluez 
  - bluez-cups 
  - bluez-deprecated 
  - bluez-devel 
  - bluez-obexd 
  - bluez-zsh-completion 
  - bnd-maven-plugin 
  - boost-devel 
  - boost-gnu-hpc 
  - boost-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - boost-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - boost-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel 
  - boost-gnu-mpich-hpc-python3 
  - boost-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - boost-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel 
  - boost-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-python3 
  - boost-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - boost-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel 
  - boost-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-python3 
  - boost-jam 
  - boost1_84_0-doc-html 
  - boost1_84_0-doc-pdf 
  - boost1_84_0-jam 
  - boost1_84_0-quickbook 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-hpc 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-mpich-hpc-python3 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-python3 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel 
  - boost_1_84_0-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-python3 
  - bosh 
  - bouncycastle-jmail 
  - bouncycastle-mail 
  - bouncycastle-pg 
  - bouncycastle-pkix 
  - bouncycastle-tls 
  - bouncycastle-util 
  - bpftool 
  - bpftool-bash-completion 
  - branding-SLE 
  - branding-openSUSE 
  - brlapi-devel 
  - brltty 
  - brltty-driver-at-spi2 
  - brltty-driver-brlapi 
  - brltty-driver-speech-dispatcher 
  - brltty-lang 
  - brltty-udev-generic 
  - brp-check-suse 
  - bs2b-tools 
  - bscalc 
  - bsdtar 
  - bsf 
  - bsh2 
  - bsh2-classgen 
  - btrfsmaintenance 
  - btrfsprogs-bash-completion 
  - btrfsprogs-static 
  - bubblewrap 
  - bubblewrap-zsh-completion 
  - build 
  - build-compare 
  - build-initvm-aarch64: [aarch64] 
  - build-initvm-x86_64: [x86_64] 
  - build-mkbaselibs 
  - buildah 
  - busybox-adduser 
  - busybox-attr 
  - busybox-bc 
  - busybox-bind-utils 
  - busybox-bzip2 
  - busybox-cpio 
  - busybox-diffutils 
  - busybox-dos2unix 
  - busybox-ed 
  - busybox-hexedit 
  - busybox-hostname 
  - busybox-iproute2 
  - busybox-iputils 
  - busybox-kbd 
  - busybox-kmod 
  - busybox-less 
  - busybox-links 
  - busybox-man 
  - busybox-misc 
  - busybox-ncurses-utils 
  - busybox-net-tools 
  - busybox-netcat 
  - busybox-patch 
  - busybox-policycoreutils 
  - busybox-procps 
  - busybox-psmisc 
  - busybox-selinux-tools 
  - busybox-sendmail 
  - busybox-sh 
  - busybox-sha3sum 
  - busybox-sharutils 
  - busybox-syslogd 
  - busybox-sysvinit-tools 
  - busybox-tar 
  - busybox-telnet 
  - busybox-testsuite 
  - busybox-tftp 
  - busybox-time 
  - busybox-traceroute 
  - busybox-tunctl 
  - busybox-udhcpc 
  - busybox-unzip 
  - busybox-vi 
  - busybox-vlan 
  - busybox-warewulf3 
  - busybox-wget 
  - busybox-whois 
  - bzip2 
  - c-ares-devel 
  - ca-certificates-mozilla-prebuilt 
  - cairo-devel 
  - cairomm1_0-devel 
  - cal10n 
  - canberra-gtk-play 
  - capstone 
  - capstone-doc 
  - cargo 
  - cargo-auditable 
  - cargo-c 
  - cargo-packaging 
  - cargo1.69 
  - cargo1.72 
  - cargo1.73 
  - cblas-devel 
  - cblas-devel-static 
  - ccache 
  - cdda2wav 
  - cdi-api 
  - cdparanoia-devel 
  - cdrecord 
  - celt 
  - cepces 
  - cepces-certmonger 
  - cepces-selinux 
  - ceph-common 
  - ceph-grafana-dashboards 
  - ceph-immutable-object-cache 
  - ceph-mgr-cephadm 
  - ceph-mgr-dashboard 
  - ceph-mgr-diskprediction-local 
  - ceph-mgr-k8sevents 
  - ceph-mgr-modules-core 
  - ceph-mgr-rook 
  - ceph-prometheus-alerts 
  - ceph-test: [x86_64] 
  - cephadm 
  - cephfs-mirror 
  - cephfs-shell 
  - cephfs-top 
  - certmonger 
  - cglib 
  - check-devel 
  - checkbashisms 
  - checker-qual 
  - checkmedia 
  - chrony 
  - chrony-pool-empty 
  - chrony-pool-suse 
  - chrpath 
  - cifs-utils-devel 
  - clang-doc 
  - clang-tools 
  - clang14 
  - clang14-devel 
  - clang14-doc 
  - clang15 
  - clang15-devel 
  - clang15-doc 
  - clang16 
  - clang16-devel 
  - clang16-doc 
  - clang17 
  - clang17-devel 
  - clang17-doc 
  - cloud-netconfig-azure 
  - cloud-netconfig-ec2 
  - cloud-netconfig-gce 
  - cluster-glue 
  - cluster-glue-devel 
  - cluster-glue-libs 
  - cluster-md-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - cluster-md-kmp-default 
  - cluster-md-kmp-rt 
  - cmake 
  - cmake-doc-qhelp 
  - cmake-full 
  - cni-plugin-flannel 
  - cockpit 
  - cockpit-agama 
  - cockpit-bridge 
  - cockpit-devel 
  - cockpit-doc 
  - cockpit-kdump 
  - cockpit-machines 
  - cockpit-networkmanager 
  - cockpit-packagekit 
  - cockpit-podman 
  - cockpit-selinux 
  - cockpit-storaged 
  - cockpit-system 
  - cockpit-tukit 
  - cockpit-ws 
  - codec2-devel 
  - codec2-examples 
  - codespell 
  - colord 
  - colord-color-profiles 
  - colord-gtk-doc 
  - colord-gtk-lang 
  - colord-lang 
  - compat-usrmerge 
  - compat-usrmerge-build 
  - conntrackd 
  - container-build-checks 
  - container-build-checks-strict 
  - container-build-checks-vendor-SUSE 
  - container-build-checks-vendor-openSUSE 
  - container-suseconnect 
  - containerd-devel 
  - containerized-data-importer-api: [x86_64] 
  - containerized-data-importer-cloner: [x86_64] 
  - containerized-data-importer-controller: [x86_64] 
  - containerized-data-importer-importer: [x86_64] 
  - containerized-data-importer-operator: [x86_64] 
  - containerized-data-importer-uploadproxy: [x86_64] 
  - containerized-data-importer-uploadserver: [x86_64] 
  - containment-rpm 
  - coolkey 
  - coolkey-devel 
  - corepack20 
  - coreutils-doc 
  - coreutils-lang 
  - coreutils-single 
  - coreutils-systemd 
  - corosync 
  - corosync-qdevice 
  - corosync-qnetd 
  - corosync-testagents 
  - cpio-lang 
  - cpio-mt 
  - cpp-build 
  - cppunit-devel 
  - cppunit-devel-doc 
  - cpupower-bash-completion 
  - cpupower-devel 
  - cpupower-lang 
  - cpupower-rebuild 
  - cracklib-devel 
  - crash-devel 
  - crash-gcore: [x86_64] 
  - crash-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - crash-kmp-default 
  - crda 
  - createrepo_c 
  - criu 
  - criu-devel 
  - criu-plugin-amdgpu 
  - cron 
  - cronie 
  - cross-aarch64-binutils: [x86_64] 
  - cross-aarch64-gcc13: [x86_64] 
  - cross-aarch64-gcc13-bootstrap: [x86_64] 
  - cross-aarch64-glibc-devel: [x86_64] 
  - cross-aarch64-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-amdgcn-gcc13: [x86_64] 
  - cross-amdgcn-newlib13-devel: [x86_64] 
  - cross-arm-gcc13 
  - cross-arm-gcc13-icecream-backend 
  - cross-arm-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-arm-none-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-avr-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-bpf-binutils 
  - cross-bpf-gcc13 
  - cross-epiphany-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-hppa-gcc13 
  - cross-hppa-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-hppa-gcc13-icecream-backend 
  - cross-hppa-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-i386-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-m68k-gcc13 
  - cross-m68k-gcc13-icecream-backend 
  - cross-m68k-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-mips-gcc13 
  - cross-mips-gcc13-icecream-backend 
  - cross-mips-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-nvptx-gcc13: [x86_64] 
  - cross-nvptx-newlib13-devel: [x86_64] 
  - cross-ppc64-gcc13 
  - cross-ppc64-gcc13-icecream-backend 
  - cross-ppc64-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-ppc64le-binutils 
  - cross-ppc64le-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-ppc64le-glibc-devel 
  - cross-ppc64le-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-pru-binutils 
  - cross-pru-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-riscv64-elf-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-riscv64-gcc13 
  - cross-riscv64-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-riscv64-glibc-devel 
  - cross-riscv64-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-rx-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-s390x-binutils 
  - cross-s390x-gcc13-bootstrap 
  - cross-s390x-glibc-devel 
  - cross-s390x-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-sparc-gcc13 
  - cross-sparc-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-sparc64-gcc13 
  - cross-sparc64-gcc13-icecream-backend 
  - cross-sparc64-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cross-sparcv9-gcc13-icecream-backend 
  - cross-x86_64-binutils: [aarch64] 
  - cross-x86_64-gcc13: [aarch64] 
  - cross-x86_64-gcc13-icecream-backend: [aarch64] 
  - cross-x86_64-linux-glibc-devel 
  - cryptsetup-doc 
  - cryptsetup-lang 
  - cryptsetup-ssh 
  - cscope 
  - ctags 
  - ctdb 
  - cunit-devel 
  - cunit-doc 
  - cups 
  - cups-client 
  - cups-config 
  - cups-ddk 
  - cups-devel 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-crammd5 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-devel 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-digestmd5 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-gs2 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-gssapi 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-ntlm 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-otp 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-plain 
  - cyrus-sasl-bdb-scram 
  - cyrus-sasl-crammd5 
  - cyrus-sasl-devel 
  - cyrus-sasl-digestmd5 
  - cyrus-sasl-ldap-auxprop-bdb 
  - cyrus-sasl-otp 
  - cyrus-sasl-plain 
  - cyrus-sasl-saslauthd 
  - cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-bdb 
  - cyrus-sasl-sqlauxprop 
  - cyrus-sasl-sqlauxprop-bdb 
  - dash 
  - dash-sh 
  - dav1d 
  - dav1d-devel 
  - dazzle-list-counters 
  - db48-utils 
  - dblatex-doc 
  - dbus-1-devel 
  - dbus-1-glib-bash-completion 
  - dbus-1-glib-devel 
  - dbus-1-glib-tool 
  - dbus-1-x11 
  - dcatools 
  - dconf 
  - dconf-devel 
  - debianutils 
  - debugedit 
  - debuginfod-client 
  - debuginfod-dummy-client 
  - debuginfod-profile 
  - dejagnu 
  - dejavu-fonts 
  - deltarpm 
  - desktop-data-SLE 
  - desktop-data-SLE-extra 
  - desktop-file-utils 
  - device-mapper-devel 
  - dhcp-devel 
  - dhcp-relay 
  - dhcp-server 
  - dia 
  - dia-lang 
  - dialog-devel 
  - dialog-lang 
  - diffutils-lang 
  - dirmngr 
  - distribution-logos-openSUSE 
  - distribution-logos-openSUSE-icons 
  - dlm-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - dlm-kmp-default 
  - dlm-kmp-rt 
  - dmraid 
  - dmraid-devel 
  - dmz-icon-theme-cursors 
  - dnf 
  - dnf-automatic 
  - dnf-data 
  - dnf-lang 
  - docbook-dsssl-stylesheets 
  - docbook-utils 
  - docbook-utils-minimal 
  - docbook-xsl-stylesheets 
  - docbook_3 
  - docbook_4 
  - docker-bash-completion 
  - docker-fish-completion 
  - docker-rootless-extras 
  - dom4j-bootstrap 
  - dos2unix 
  - dotconf-devel 
  - double-conversion-devel 
  - doxygen 
  - doxygen2man 
  - dpdk-devel 
  - dpdk-devel-static 
  - dpdk-doc 
  - dpdk-examples 
  - dpdk-kmp-default 
  - dpdk-thunderx: [aarch64] 
  - dpdk-thunderx-devel: [aarch64] 
  - dpdk-thunderx-devel-static: [aarch64] 
  - dpdk-thunderx-doc: [aarch64] 
  - dpdk-thunderx-examples: [aarch64] 
  - dpdk-thunderx-kmp-default: [aarch64] 
  - dpdk-thunderx-tools: [aarch64] 
  - dpdk-tools 
  - dpkg 
  - dpkg-devel 
  - dracut-ima 
  - dracut-kiwi-live 
  - dracut-kiwi-overlay 
  - dracut-kiwi-verity 
  - dracut-transactional-update 
  - drbd-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - drbd-kmp-rt: [x86_64] 
  - driverctl 
  - dtb-amazon: [aarch64] 
  - dtb-apple: [aarch64] 
  - duktape-devel 
  - dwarves 
  - dwz 
  - dwz-testsuite 
  - e2fsprogs-devel 
  - e2fsprogs-scrub 
  - ebtables 
  - ecj 
  - ed 
  - efivar 
  - efivar-devel 
  - eglexternalplatform-devel 
  - elemental 
  - elemental-agent 
  - elemental-httpfy 
  - elemental-operator 
  - elemental-plugin-dummy 
  - elemental-plugin-toolkit 
  - elemental-post-build-extract-iso 
  - elemental-post-build-generate-rpi-image 
  - elemental-register 
  - elemental-seedimage-hooks 
  - elemental-support 
  - elemental-system-agent 
  - elemental-systemd-services 
  - elemental-toolkit 
  - elemental-updater 
  - elfutils-debuginfod 
  - elfutils-lang 
  - elinks 
  - ell-devel 
  - emacs 
  - emacs-el 
  - emacs-eln 
  - emacs-info 
  - emacs-nox 
  - emacs-x11 
  - enca-devel 
  - enchant-2-backend-aspell 
  - enchant-2-backend-hunspell 
  - enchant-2-backend-nuspell 
  - enchant-2-backend-voikko 
  - enchant-data 
  - enchant-devel 
  - espeak-ng 
  - espeak-ng-compat 
  - espeak-ng-compat-devel 
  - espeak-ng-devel 
  - espeak-ng-vim 
  - etags 
  - eth-basic-tools: [x86_64] 
  - eth-fastfabric: [x86_64] 
  - ethtool-bash-completion 
  - evmctl 
  - evolution-data-server 
  - evolution-data-server-devel 
  - evolution-data-server-lang 
  - expat 
  - expect 
  - expect-devel 
  - extra-cmake-modules 
  - extra-cmake-modules-doc 
  - fabtests 
  - fake-gcs-server 
  - fcitx 
  - fcitx-branding-openSUSE 
  - fcitx-devel 
  - fcitx-gtk2 
  - fcitx-gtk3 
  - fcitx-pinyin 
  - fcitx-pinyin-tools 
  - fcitx-quwei 
  - fcitx-skin-classic 
  - fcitx-skin-dark 
  - fcitx-skin-new-air 
  - fcitx-table 
  - fcitx-table-cn-bingchan 
  - fcitx-table-cn-cangjie 
  - fcitx-table-cn-dianbao 
  - fcitx-table-cn-erbi 
  - fcitx-table-cn-wanfeng 
  - fcitx-table-cn-wubi 
  - fcitx-table-cn-wubi-pinyin 
  - fcitx-table-cn-ziran 
  - fcitx-table-tools 
  - fde-firstboot 
  - fde-tools-bash-completion 
  - fde-tpm-helper-rpm-macros 
  - fdupes 
  - felix-bundlerepository 
  - felix-gogo-runtime 
  - felix-osgi-obr 
  - felix-parent 
  - felix-shell 
  - felix-utils 
  - ffado-mixer 
  - ffmpeg-4 
  - ffmpeg-4-libavcodec-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-libavdevice-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-libavfilter-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-libavformat-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-libavresample-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-libavutil-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-libpostproc-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-libswresample-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-libswscale-devel 
  - ffmpeg-4-private-devel 
  - ffnvcodec-devel 
  - fftw3-devel 
  - fftw3-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel 
  - fftw3-mpi-devel 
  - fftw3-openmp-devel 
  - fftw3-threads-devel 
  - fftw3_3_3_10-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - fftw3_3_3_10-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - fftw3_3_3_10-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel 
  - fftw3_3_3_10-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static 
  - fftw3_3_3_10-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel 
  - fftw3_3_3_10-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static 
  - fftw3_3_3_10-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel 
  - fftw3_3_3_10-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static 
  - file-devel 
  - fileb0x 
  - findutils-lang 
  - fipscheck 
  - fipscheck-devel 
  - firefox-esr-branding-openSUSE 
  - firewall-applet 
  - firewall-config 
  - firewall-macros 
  - firewalld 
  - firewalld-bash-completion 
  - firewalld-lang 
  - firewalld-test 
  - firewalld-zsh-completion 
  - fish 
  - fish-devel 
  - flac-devel 
  - flannel 
  - flannel-k8s-yaml 
  - flashrom 
  - flashrom-devel 
  - flatpak 
  - flatpak-devel 
  - flatpak-remote-flathub 
  - flatpak-zsh-completion 
  - flex 
  - fltk-devel 
  - fluidsynth 
  - fluidsynth-devel 
  - fmt-devel 
  - font-util 
  - fontconfig 
  - fontconfig-devel 
  - fontconfig-devel-doc 
  - fontconfig-doc 
  - fontconfig-lang 
  - fonts-config 
  - fonttosfnt 
  - fping 
  - freeglut-devel 
  - freeipmi 
  - freeipmi-bmc-watchdog 
  - freeipmi-devel 
  - freeipmi-ipmidetectd 
  - freeipmi-ipmiseld 
  - freeradius-client 
  - freeradius-client-devel 
  - freeradius-client-libs 
  - freeradius-server 
  - freeradius-server-devel 
  - freeradius-server-krb5 
  - freeradius-server-ldap 
  - freeradius-server-ldap-schemas 
  - freeradius-server-libs 
  - freeradius-server-mysql 
  - freeradius-server-perl 
  - freeradius-server-postgresql 
  - freeradius-server-python3 
  - freeradius-server-sqlite 
  - freeradius-server-utils 
  - freetype2-devel 
  - fribidi 
  - fribidi-devel 
  - fstrm-devel 
  - ftsdf 
  - fuse 
  - fuse-devel 
  - fuse-doc 
  - fuse2fs 
  - fwts 
  - fwupd 
  - fwupd-bash-completion 
  - fwupd-devel 
  - fwupd-doc 
  - fwupd-fish-completion 
  - fwupd-lang 
  - gc-devel 
  - gcab 
  - gcab-devel 
  - gcab-lang 
  - gcc-PIE 
  - gcc-ada 
  - gcc-build 
  - gcc-build-PIE 
  - gcc-build-ada 
  - gcc-build-c++ 
  - gcc-build-d 
  - gcc-build-devel 
  - gcc-build-fortran 
  - gcc-build-go 
  - gcc-build-info 
  - gcc-build-locale 
  - gcc-build-obj-c++ 
  - gcc-build-objc 
  - gcc-c++ 
  - gcc-d 
  - gcc-devel 
  - gcc-fortran 
  - gcc-info 
  - gcc-locale 
  - gcc-objc 
  - gcc13-PIE 
  - gcc13-ada 
  - gcc13-c++ 
  - gcc13-d 
  - gcc13-devel 
  - gcc13-fortran 
  - gcc13-go 
  - gcc13-info 
  - gcc13-locale 
  - gcc13-m2 
  - gcc13-obj-c++ 
  - gcc13-objc 
  - gcc13-testresults 
  - gccmakedep 
  - gcr-doc 
  - gcr-lang 
  - gcr-ssh-agent 
  - gcr-ssh-askpass 
  - gcr-viewer 
  - gcr3-data 
  - gcr3-lang 
  - gcr3-prompter 
  - gcr3-ssh-agent 
  - gcr3-ssh-askpass 
  - gcr3-viewer 
  - gd 
  - gd-devel 
  - gdb 
  - gdbm-devel 
  - gdbm-lang 
  - gdbserver 
  - gdk-pixbuf-devel 
  - gdk-pixbuf-lang 
  - gdk-pixbuf-loader-libavif 
  - gdk-pixbuf-loader-libheif 
  - gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg 
  - gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders 
  - gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer 
  - gdk-pixbuf-xlib-devel 
  - gdl-devel 
  - gdl-lang 
  - gdm 
  - gdm-branding-SLE 
  - gdm-devel 
  - gdm-lang 
  - gdm-schema 
  - gdm-systemd 
  - gdmflexiserver 
  - geoclue2 
  - geoclue2-devel 
  - geocode-glib 
  - geocode-glib-devel 
  - geocode-glib-soup2-devel 
  - geronimo-jta-1_1-api 
  - gettext-its-gtk3 
  - gettext-its-gtk4 
  - gettext-tools 
  - gflags 
  - gflags-devel 
  - gflags-devel-static 
  - gfs2-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - gfs2-kmp-default 
  - gfs2-kmp-rt 
  - gfxboot-branding-openSUSE: [x86_64] 
  - ghostscript 
  - ghostscript-devel 
  - ghostscript-fonts 
  - ghostscript-fonts-other 
  - ghostscript-fonts-std 
  - ghostscript-fonts-std-converted 
  - ghostscript-x11 
  - giflib-devel 
  - gio-branding-openSUSE 
  - girepository-1_0 
  - git-arch 
  - git-cvs 
  - git-daemon 
  - git-doc 
  - git-email 
  - git-gui 
  - git-svn 
  - git-web 
  - gitk 
  - gjs 
  - glassfish-activation 
  - glassfish-activation-api 
  - glassfish-annotation-api 
  - glassfish-jaxb-api 
  - glassfish-servlet-api 
  - glew-devel 
  - glib-networking 
  - glib-networking-lang 
  - glib2-devel 
  - glib2-doc 
  - glib2-lang 
  - glib2-tests-devel 
  - glib2-tools 
  - glibc-devel-static 
  - glibc-extra 
  - glibc-i18ndata 
  - glibc-info 
  - glibc-lang 
  - glibc-profile 
  - glibc-utils 
  - glibmm2-devel 
  - glibmm2_4-devel 
  - glm-devel 
  - glog-devel 
  - glslang-nonstd-devel 
  - glu-devel 
  - gmmlib-devel: [x86_64] 
  - gmp-devel 
  - gnome-autoar-devel 
  - gnome-bluetooth 
  - gnome-bluetooth-devel 
  - gnome-bluetooth-lang 
  - gnome-control-center 
  - gnome-control-center-color 
  - gnome-control-center-devel 
  - gnome-control-center-goa 
  - gnome-control-center-lang 
  - gnome-control-center-user-faces 
  - gnome-desktop-lang 
  - gnome-extensions 
  - gnome-menus 
  - gnome-menus-devel 
  - gnome-menus-lang 
  - gnome-online-accounts 
  - gnome-online-accounts-devel 
  - gnome-online-accounts-lang 
  - gnome-session 
  - gnome-session-core 
  - gnome-session-default-session 
  - gnome-session-lang 
  - gnome-session-wayland 
  - gnome-settings-daemon 
  - gnome-settings-daemon-devel 
  - gnome-settings-daemon-lang 
  - gnome-shell 
  - gnome-shell-calendar 
  - gnome-shell-devel 
  - gnome-shell-lang 
  - gnome-themes-accessibility 
  - gnome-themes-accessibility-gtk2 
  - gnomekbd-tools 
  - gnu-efi 
  - gnu-free-fonts 
  - gnu-unifont-bitmap-fonts 
  - gnu-unifont-jp-otf-fonts 
  - gnu-unifont-legacy-bitmap-fonts 
  - gnu-unifont-otf-fonts 
  - gnu13-compilers-hpc 
  - gnu13-compilers-hpc-devel 
  - gnu13-compilers-hpc-macros-devel 
  - gnuplot 
  - gnuplot-doc 
  - gnutls 
  - go1.16 
  - go1.16-doc 
  - go1.16-race 
  - go1.17 
  - go1.17-doc 
  - go1.17-libstd 
  - go1.17-race 
  - go1.18 
  - go1.18-doc 
  - go1.18-libstd 
  - go1.18-openssl 
  - go1.18-openssl-doc 
  - go1.18-openssl-libstd 
  - go1.18-openssl-race 
  - go1.18-race 
  - go1.19 
  - go1.19-doc 
  - go1.19-libstd 
  - go1.19-openssl 
  - go1.19-openssl-doc 
  - go1.19-openssl-libstd 
  - go1.19-openssl-race 
  - go1.19-race 
  - go1.20 
  - go1.20-doc 
  - go1.20-libstd 
  - go1.20-race 
  - go1.21 
  - go1.21-doc 
  - go1.21-libstd 
  - go1.21-openssl 
  - go1.21-openssl-doc 
  - go1.21-openssl-race 
  - go1.21-race 
  - go1.22 
  - go1.22-doc 
  - go1.22-libstd 
  - go1.22-race 
  - go1.23 
  - go1.23-doc 
  - go1.23-libstd 
  - go1.23-race 
  - gobject-introspection 
  - gobject-introspection-devel 
  - golang-github-google-jsonnet 
  - golang-github-prometheus-promu 
  - google-errorprone-annotation 
  - google-errorprone-annotations 
  - google-errorprone-docgen_processor 
  - google-errorprone-parent 
  - google-errorprone-type_annotations 
  - google-gson 
  - google-guest-agent 
  - google-guest-configs 
  - google-guest-oslogin 
  - google-guice 
  - google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-black-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-bold-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-demilight-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-fonts-full 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-light-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-medium-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-mono-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-regular-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-hk-thin-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-black-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-fonts-full 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-light-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-black-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-fonts-full 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-light-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-black-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-fonts-full 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-light-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-black-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-fonts-full 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-light-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts 
  - google-noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts 
  - google-opensans-fonts 
  - google-osconfig-agent 
  - google-poppins-fonts 
  - gperf 
  - gperftools 
  - gperftools-devel 
  - gperftools-devel-static 
  - gperftools-doc 
  - gpg2-lang 
  - gpg2-tpm 
  - gpgme 
  - gpm 
  - gpm-devel 
  - gprofng 
  - graphite2-devel 
  - graphviz 
  - graphviz-devel 
  - graphviz-gd 
  - graphviz-perl 
  - graphviz-plugins-core 
  - graphviz-tcl 
  - graphviz-webp 
  - graphviz-x11 
  - grep-lang 
  - groff-full 
  - growpart-rootgrow 
  - grub2-arm64-efi-debug: [aarch64] 
  - grub2-arm64-efi-extras: [aarch64] 
  - grub2-i386-pc-extras: [x86_64] 
  - grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin 
  - grub2-x86_64-efi-extras: [x86_64] 
  - grub2-x86_64-xen-extras: [x86_64] 
  - gsettings-backend-dconf 
  - gsettings-desktop-schemas 
  - gsettings-desktop-schemas-devel 
  - gsettings-desktop-schemas-lang 
  - gsl-devel 
  - gsl-examples 
  - gsl-gnu-hpc 
  - gsl-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - gsl-gnu-hpc-doc 
  - gsl_2_7_1-gnu-hpc 
  - gsl_2_7_1-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - gsl_2_7_1-gnu-hpc-doc 
  - gsl_2_7_1-gnu-hpc-examples 
  - gsl_2_7_1-gnu-hpc-module 
  - gsound 
  - gsound-devel 
  - gspell-devel 
  - gspell-lang 
  - gssdp-doc 
  - gstreamer 
  - gstreamer-devel 
  - gstreamer-devtools 
  - gstreamer-devtools-devel 
  - gstreamer-docs 
  - gstreamer-lang 
  - gstreamer-libnice 
  - gstreamer-plugin-pipewire 
  - gstreamer-plugin-python 
  - gstreamer-plugins-bad 
  - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint 
  - gstreamer-plugins-bad-devel 
  - gstreamer-plugins-bad-lang 
  - gstreamer-plugins-base 
  - gstreamer-plugins-base-devel 
  - gstreamer-plugins-base-lang 
  - gstreamer-plugins-good 
  - gstreamer-plugins-good-lang 
  - gstreamer-plugins-libav 
  - gstreamer-plugins-libcamera 
  - gstreamer-plugins-rs 
  - gstreamer-plugins-rs-devel 
  - gstreamer-plugins-ugly 
  - gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang 
  - gstreamer-plugins-vaapi 
  - gstreamer-rtsp-server-devel 
  - gstreamer-transcoder 
  - gstreamer-transcoder-devel 
  - gstreamer-utils 
  - gtk-doc 
  - gtk-doc-manual 
  - gtk-doc-manual-lang 
  - gtk2-data 
  - gtk2-devel 
  - gtk2-immodule-tigrigna 
  - gtk2-lang 
  - gtk2-metatheme-adwaita 
  - gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita 
  - gtk2-tools 
  - gtk3-data 
  - gtk3-devel 
  - gtk3-devel-doc 
  - gtk3-immodule-tigrigna 
  - gtk3-lang 
  - gtk3-metatheme-adwaita 
  - gtk3-schema 
  - gtk3-tools 
  - gtk4-branding-upstream 
  - gtk4-devel 
  - gtk4-devel-tools 
  - gtk4-docs 
  - gtk4-lang 
  - gtk4-schema 
  - gtk4-tools 
  - gtkmm2-devel 
  - gtkmm3-devel 
  - gts 
  - gts-devel 
  - guava 
  - guava-testlib 
  - guestfs-tools 
  - guestfs-tools-bash-completion 
  - guestfs-tools-man-pages-ja 
  - guestfs-tools-man-pages-uk 
  - guice-assistedinject 
  - guice-bom 
  - guice-extensions 
  - guice-grapher 
  - guice-jmx 
  - guice-jndi 
  - guice-parent 
  - guice-servlet 
  - guice-throwingproviders 
  - guile 
  - guile-devel 
  - guile-modules-3_0 
  - gupnp-dlna 
  - gupnp-doc 
  - gvim 
  - gweather4-data 
  - gxditview 
  - hamcrest 
  - harfbuzz-devel 
  - hdf5-gnu-hpc 
  - hdf5-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - hdf5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - hdf5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - hdf5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel 
  - hdf5-hpc-examples 
  - hdf5-openmpi4 
  - hdf5-openmpi4-devel 
  - hdf5-openmpi4-devel-static 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-hpc 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-hpc-module 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-module 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-module 
  - hdf5_1_12_2-hpc-examples 
  - health-checker 
  - health-checker-plugins-MicroOS 
  - health-checker-plugins-caasp 
  - health-checker-plugins-kubic 
  - health-checker-testing 
  - help2man 
  - help2man-lang 
  - hicolor-icon-theme 
  - highway-devel 
  - highway-devel-doc 
  - hiredis 
  - hiredis-devel 
  - hivex-devel 
  - hmaccalc 
  - httpcomponents-client 
  - httpcomponents-client-cache 
  - httpcomponents-core 
  - hunspell 
  - hunspell-devel 
  - hunspell-tools 
  - hwinfo-devel 
  - hwloc-gl 
  - hwloc-gui 
  - hyphen-devel 
  - ibacm 
  - ibmswtpm2 
  - ibmtss 
  - ibmtss-base 
  - ibmtss-devel 
  - ibus 
  - ibus-devel 
  - ibus-dict-emoji 
  - ibus-gtk 
  - ibus-gtk3 
  - ibus-gtk4 
  - ibus-lang 
  - ibutils 
  - ibutils-devel 
  - ibutils-ui 
  - icewm 
  - icewm-default 
  - icewm-lang 
  - icewm-lite 
  - icewm-theme-yast-installation 
  - icoutils 
  - icu4j 
  - icu4j-charset 
  - icu4j-localespi 
  - ima-evm-utils-devel 
  - imake 
  - imobiledevice-tools 
  - infiniband-diags 
  - infinipath-psm-devel: [x86_64] 
  - info-lang 
  - info-std 
  - initviocons 
  - inkscape 
  - inkscape-extensions-extra 
  - inkscape-extensions-fig 
  - inkscape-extensions-gimp 
  - inkscape-extensions-scribus 
  - inkscape-lang 
  - intel-cmt-cat: [x86_64] 
  - intel-media-driver: [x86_64] 
  - intlfonts 
  - intlfonts-arabic-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-asian-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-bdf-fonts 
  - intlfonts-chinese-big-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-chinese-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-ethiopic-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-euro-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-japanese-big-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-japanese-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-phonetic-bitmap-fonts 
  - intlfonts-ttf-fonts 
  - intlfonts-type1-fonts 
  - intltool 
  - ipmctl: [x86_64] 
  - ipmctl-devel: [x86_64] 
  - ipmitool-bmc-snmp-proxy 
  - iproute2-bash-completion 
  - ipset 
  - ipset-devel 
  - irqbalance-ui 
  - irrlicht-data 
  - irrlicht-devel 
  - isl-devel 
  - iso-codes 
  - iso-codes-devel 
  - iso-codes-lang 
  - iso_ent 
  - issue-generator 
  - itstool 
  - ivy-local 
  - iwpmd 
  - j2objc-annotations 
  - jackson-annotations 
  - jackson-core 
  - jackson-databind 
  - jakarta-activation 
  - jakarta-mail 
  - jakarta-servlet 
  - jakarta-taglibs-standard 
  - jansi 
  - java-11-openjdk-headless 
  - java-17-openjdk 
  - java-17-openjdk-demo 
  - java-17-openjdk-devel 
  - java-17-openjdk-headless 
  - java-17-openjdk-jmods 
  - java-17-openjdk-src 
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk 
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-demo 
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-devel 
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-headless 
  - java-21-openjdk 
  - java-21-openjdk-demo 
  - java-21-openjdk-devel 
  - java-21-openjdk-headless 
  - java-21-openjdk-jmods 
  - java-21-openjdk-src 
  - java-cup-bootstrap 
  - javacc-bootstrap 
  - javamail 
  - javapackages-filesystem 
  - javapackages-ivy 
  - javapackages-tools 
  - javapoet 
  - javazic 
  - jaxen 
  - jaxen-demo 
  - jboss-interceptors-1.2-api 
  - jcat-tool 
  - jcl-over-slf4j 
  - jdepend 
  - jdom 
  - jdom-demo 
  - jdom2 
  - jdupes 
  - jemalloc 
  - jemalloc-devel 
  - jetbrains-annotations 
  - jflex-bootstrap 
  - jfsutils 
  - jing 
  - jitterentropy-devel-static 
  - jlex 
  - jline 
  - jna 
  - jna-contrib 
  - jsch-agent-proxy-connector-factory 
  - jsch-agent-proxy-core 
  - jsch-agent-proxy-jsch 
  - jsch-agent-proxy-pageant 
  - jsch-agent-proxy-sshagent 
  - jsch-agent-proxy-svnkit-trilead-ssh2 
  - jsch-agent-proxy-usocket-jna 
  - jsch-agent-proxy-usocket-nc 
  - json-glib-devel 
  - json-glib-lang 
  - jsoup 
  - jsr-305 
  - jtidy 
  - judy-devel 
  - judy-doc 
  - jul-to-slf4j 
  - junit 
  - junit5 
  - junit5-bom 
  - junit5-guide 
  - jupyter-doc 
  - jupyter-jupyter_core-filesystem 
  - jupyter-jupyterlab 
  - jupyter-jupyterlab-filesystem 
  - jupyter-jupyterlab-pygments 
  - jupyter-jupyterlab-widgets 
  - jupyter-lsp 
  - jupyter-nbclassic 
  - jupyter-nbconvert 
  - jupyter-nbconvert-latex 
  - jupyter-nbdime 
  - jupyter-nbdime-jupyterlab 
  - jupyter-notebook 
  - jupyter-notebook-filesystem 
  - jupyter-notebook-lang 
  - jupyter-notebook-latex 
  - jupyter-notebook-shim 
  - jupyter-rpm-macros 
  - jupyter-server-mathjax 
  - jupyter-server-terminals 
  - jupyter-widgetsnbextension 
  - k3s-install 
  - k3s-selinux 
  - kdump 
  - keepalived 
  - kernel-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - kernel-64kb-devel: [aarch64] 
  - kernel-64kb-extra: [aarch64] 
  - kernel-debug 
  - kernel-debug-devel 
  - kernel-debug-vdso: [x86_64] 
  - kernel-default-base-rebuild 
  - kernel-default-devel 
  - kernel-default-livepatch 
  - kernel-default-vdso: [x86_64] 
  - kernel-devel 
  - kernel-docs 
  - kernel-firmware 
  - kernel-kvmsmall: [aarch64] 
  - kernel-kvmsmall-devel 
  - kernel-kvmsmall-vdso: [x86_64] 
  - kernel-livepatch-6_4_0-10-rt: [x86_64] 
  - kernel-livepatch-6_4_0-19-default: [x86_64] 
  - kernel-livepatch-tools 
  - kernel-macros 
  - kernel-obs-build 
  - kernel-rt-devel 
  - kernel-rt-extra 
  - kernel-rt-vdso: [x86_64] 
  - kernel-rt_debug 
  - kernel-rt_debug-devel 
  - kernel-rt_debug-vdso: [x86_64] 
  - kernel-source 
  - kernel-syms 
  - kernel-syms-rt 
  - keylime-config 
  - keylime-firewalld 
  - keylime-ima-policy 
  - keylime-logrotate 
  - keylime-registrar 
  - keylime-tenant 
  - keylime-tpm_cert_store 
  - keylime-verifier 
  - keyutils-devel 
  - kf5-filesystem 
  - kiwi-man-pages 
  - kiwi-pxeboot: [x86_64] 
  - kiwi-systemdeps 
  - kiwi-systemdeps-bootloaders 
  - kiwi-systemdeps-containers 
  - kiwi-systemdeps-containers-wsl 
  - kiwi-systemdeps-core 
  - kiwi-systemdeps-disk-images 
  - kiwi-systemdeps-filesystems 
  - kiwi-systemdeps-image-validation 
  - kiwi-systemdeps-iso-media 
  - kiwi-tools 
  - kmod-bash-completion 
  - krb5-client 
  - krb5-devel 
  - krb5-plugin-kdb-ldap 
  - krb5-plugin-preauth-otp 
  - krb5-plugin-preauth-pkinit 
  - krb5-plugin-preauth-spake 
  - krb5-server 
  - kselftests-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - kselftests-kmp-rt 
  - kubevirt-container-disk: [x86_64] 
  - kubevirt-pr-helper-conf: [x86_64] 
  - kubevirt-virt-api: [x86_64] 
  - kubevirt-virt-controller: [x86_64] 
  - kubevirt-virt-exportproxy: [x86_64] 
  - kubevirt-virt-exportserver: [x86_64] 
  - kubevirt-virt-handler: [x86_64] 
  - kubevirt-virt-launcher: [x86_64] 
  - kubevirt-virt-operator: [x86_64] 
  - kxml 
  - lapack-devel 
  - lastlog2 
  - lastlog2-devel 
  - latex2html 
  - latex2html-pngicons 
  - ldacBT-devel 
  - ldb-tools 
  - ldirectord 
  - ldmtool 
  - ldns-devel 
  - leveldb 
  - leveldb-devel 
  - lib2geom-devel 
  - lib2geom1_3_0 
  - lib389 
  - libAppStreamQt2 
  - libEMF1 
  - libFLAC++10 
  - libFLAC++10-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libFLAC12 
  - libFLAC12-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libFS-devel 
  - libFS6 
  - libGLEW2_2 
  - libGLU1 
  - libGraphicsMagick++-Q16-12 
  - libGraphicsMagick++-devel 
  - libGraphicsMagick-Q16-3 
  - libGraphicsMagick3-config 
  - libGraphicsMagickWand-Q16-2 
  - libICE-devel 
  - libICE6 
  - libIex-3_2-31 
  - libIlmThread-3_2-31 
  - libImath-3_1-29 
  - libIrrlicht1_8 
  - libJudy1 
  - libLLVM14 
  - libLLVM15 
  - libLLVM16 
  - libLLVM17 
  - libLLVMSPIRVLib-devel 
  - libLLVMSPIRVLib17 
  - libLTO14 
  - libLTO15 
  - libLTO16 
  - libLTO17 
  - libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI5 
  - libMagick++-devel 
  - libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10 
  - libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI10 
  - libOSMesa-devel 
  - libOSMesa8 
  - libOpenEXR-3_2-31 
  - libOpenEXRCore-3_2-31 
  - libOpenEXRUtil-3_2-31 
  - libOpenIPMI0 
  - libOpenIPMIui1 
  - libQt53DAnimation-devel 
  - libQt53DAnimation5 
  - libQt53DCore-devel 
  - libQt53DCore5 
  - libQt53DExtras-devel 
  - libQt53DExtras5 
  - libQt53DInput-devel 
  - libQt53DInput5 
  - libQt53DLogic-devel 
  - libQt53DLogic5 
  - libQt53DQuick-devel 
  - libQt53DQuick5 
  - libQt53DQuickAnimation-devel 
  - libQt53DQuickAnimation5 
  - libQt53DQuickExtras-devel 
  - libQt53DQuickExtras5 
  - libQt53DQuickInput-devel 
  - libQt53DQuickInput5 
  - libQt53DQuickRender-devel 
  - libQt53DQuickRender5 
  - libQt53DQuickScene2D-devel 
  - libQt53DQuickScene2D5 
  - libQt53DRender-devel 
  - libQt53DRender5 
  - libQt5Bluetooth5 
  - libQt5Bluetooth5-imports 
  - libQt5Charts5 
  - libQt5Charts5-designer 
  - libQt5Charts5-devel 
  - libQt5Concurrent-devel 
  - libQt5Concurrent5 
  - libQt5Core-devel 
  - libQt5Core-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5Core5 
  - libQt5DBus-devel 
  - libQt5DBus-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5DBus5 
  - libQt5DataVisualization5 
  - libQt5DataVisualization5-devel 
  - libQt5Designer5 
  - libQt5DesignerComponents5 
  - libQt5Gui-devel 
  - libQt5Gui-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5Gui5 
  - libQt5Help5 
  - libQt5HunspellInputMethod-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5HunspellInputMethod5 
  - libQt5KmsSupport-devel-static 
  - libQt5KmsSupport-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5Location5 
  - libQt5Multimedia5 
  - libQt5Network-devel 
  - libQt5Network-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5Network5 
  - libQt5Nfc5 
  - libQt5Nfc5-imports 
  - libQt5OpenGL-devel 
  - libQt5OpenGL-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5OpenGL5 
  - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static 
  - libQt5Pdf5 
  - libQt5PdfWidgets5 
  - libQt5PlatformHeaders-devel 
  - libQt5PlatformSupport-devel-static 
  - libQt5PlatformSupport-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5Positioning5 
  - libQt5PositioningQuick5 
  - libQt5PrintSupport-devel 
  - libQt5PrintSupport-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5PrintSupport5 
  - libQt5Quick3D5 
  - libQt5Quick3DAssetImport5 
  - libQt5QuickControls2-5 
  - libQt5QuickControls2-devel 
  - libQt5QuickTemplates2-5 
  - libQt5QuickTemplates2-devel 
  - libQt5RemoteObjects5 
  - libQt5Script5 
  - libQt5Scxml5 
  - libQt5Scxml5-imports 
  - libQt5Sensors5 
  - libQt5Sensors5-imports 
  - libQt5SerialPort5 
  - libQt5Sql-devel 
  - libQt5Sql-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5Sql5 
  - libQt5Sql5-mysql 
  - libQt5Sql5-postgresql 
  - libQt5Sql5-sqlite 
  - libQt5Sql5-unixODBC 
  - libQt5Svg5 
  - libQt5Test-devel 
  - libQt5Test-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5Test5 
  - libQt5TextToSpeech5 
  - libQt5VirtualKeyboard5 
  - libQt5WaylandClient5 
  - libQt5WaylandCompositor5 
  - libQt5WebChannel5 
  - libQt5WebChannel5-imports 
  - libQt5WebSockets5 
  - libQt5WebSockets5-imports 
  - libQt5Widgets-devel 
  - libQt5Widgets-private-headers-devel 
  - libQt5Widgets5 
  - libQt5X11Extras5 
  - libQt5Xml-devel 
  - libQt5Xml5 
  - libQt5XmlPatterns5 
  - libQt63DAnimation6 
  - libQt63DCore6 
  - libQt63DExtras6 
  - libQt63DInput6 
  - libQt63DLogic6 
  - libQt63DQuick6 
  - libQt63DQuickAnimation6 
  - libQt63DQuickExtras6 
  - libQt63DQuickInput6 
  - libQt63DQuickRender6 
  - libQt63DQuickScene2D6 
  - libQt63DRender6 
  - libQt6Bluetooth6 
  - libQt6Charts6 
  - libQt6ChartsQml6 
  - libQt6Concurrent6 
  - libQt6Core5Compat6 
  - libQt6Core6 
  - libQt6DBus6 
  - libQt6DataVisualization6 
  - libQt6DataVisualizationQml6 
  - libQt6Designer6 
  - libQt6DesignerComponents6 
  - libQt6Graphs6 
  - libQt6Gui6 
  - libQt6Help6 
  - libQt6HttpServer6 
  - libQt6JsonRpc6 
  - libQt6LabsAnimation6 
  - libQt6LabsFolderListModel6 
  - libQt6LabsQmlModels6 
  - libQt6LabsSettings6 
  - libQt6LabsSharedImage6 
  - libQt6LabsWavefrontMesh6 
  - libQt6LanguageServer6 
  - libQt6Location6 
  - libQt6Multimedia6 
  - libQt6MultimediaQuick6 
  - libQt6MultimediaWidgets6 
  - libQt6Network6 
  - libQt6NetworkAuth6 
  - libQt6Nfc6 
  - libQt6OpenGL6 
  - libQt6OpenGLWidgets6 
  - libQt6Pdf6 
  - libQt6PdfQuick6 
  - libQt6PdfWidgets6 
  - libQt6Positioning6 
  - libQt6PositioningQuick6 
  - libQt6PrintSupport6 
  - libQt6Qml6 
  - libQt6QmlCompiler6 
  - libQt6QmlCore6 
  - libQt6QmlLocalStorage6 
  - libQt6QmlModels6 
  - libQt6QmlWorkerScript6 
  - libQt6QmlXmlListModel6 
  - libQt6Quick3D6 
  - libQt6Quick3DAssetImport6 
  - libQt6Quick3DAssetUtils6 
  - libQt6Quick3DEffects6 
  - libQt6Quick3DGlslParser6 
  - libQt6Quick3DHelpers6 
  - libQt6Quick3DHelpersImpl6 
  - libQt6Quick3DIblBaker6 
  - libQt6Quick3DParticleEffects6 
  - libQt6Quick3DParticles6 
  - libQt6Quick3DRuntimeRender6 
  - libQt6Quick3DSpatialAudio6 
  - libQt6Quick3DUtils6 
  - libQt6Quick6 
  - libQt6QuickControls2-6 
  - libQt6QuickControls2Impl6 
  - libQt6QuickDialogs2-6 
  - libQt6QuickDialogs2QuickImpl6 
  - libQt6QuickDialogs2Utils6 
  - libQt6QuickEffects6 
  - libQt6QuickLayouts6 
  - libQt6QuickParticles6 
  - libQt6QuickShapes6 
  - libQt6QuickTemplates2-6 
  - libQt6QuickTest6 
  - libQt6QuickTimeline6 
  - libQt6QuickWidgets6 
  - libQt6RemoteObjects6 
  - libQt6RemoteObjectsQml6 
  - libQt6Scxml6 
  - libQt6ScxmlQml6 
  - libQt6Sensors6 
  - libQt6SensorsQuick6 
  - libQt6SerialBus6 
  - libQt6SerialPort6 
  - libQt6ShaderTools6 
  - libQt6SpatialAudio6 
  - libQt6Sql6 
  - libQt6StateMachine6 
  - libQt6StateMachineQml6 
  - libQt6Svg6 
  - libQt6SvgWidgets6 
  - libQt6Test6 
  - libQt6TextToSpeech6 
  - libQt6UiTools6 
  - libQt6WaylandClient6 
  - libQt6WaylandCompositor6 
  - libQt6WaylandEglClientHwIntegration6 
  - libQt6WaylandEglCompositorHwIntegration6 
  - libQt6WebChannel6 
  - libQt6WebChannelQuick6 
  - libQt6WebEngineCore6 
  - libQt6WebEngineQuick6 
  - libQt6WebEngineWidgets6 
  - libQt6WebSockets6 
  - libQt6Widgets6 
  - libQt6WlShellIntegration6 
  - libQt6Xml6 
  - libQtQuick5 
  - libSDL-1_2-0 
  - libSDL2-2_0-0 
  - libSM-devel 
  - libSM6 
  - libSPIRV-Tools-2023_6_rc1 
  - libSoundTouch1 
  - libSoundTouchDll1 
  - libSvtAv1Dec0 
  - libSvtAv1Enc1 
  - libWPEBackend-fdo-1_0-1 
  - libX11-devel 
  - libX11-xcb1 
  - libXNVCtrl-devel 
  - libXNVCtrl0 
  - libXRes1 
  - libXau-devel 
  - libXaw-devel 
  - libXaw3d-devel 
  - libXaw3d6 
  - libXaw3d7 
  - libXaw3d8 
  - libXaw6 
  - libXaw7 
  - libXaw8 
  - libXcomposite-devel 
  - libXcomposite1 
  - libXcursor-devel 
  - libXcursor1 
  - libXdamage-devel 
  - libXdamage1 
  - libXdmcp-devel 
  - libXdmcp6 
  - libXext-devel 
  - libXfixes-devel 
  - libXfixes3 
  - libXfont-devel 
  - libXfont1 
  - libXfont2-2 
  - libXfont2-devel 
  - libXft-devel 
  - libXft2 
  - libXi-devel 
  - libXi6 
  - libXinerama-devel 
  - libXinerama1 
  - libXmu-devel 
  - libXmu6 
  - libXpm-devel 
  - libXpm-tools 
  - libXpm4 
  - libXrandr-devel 
  - libXrandr2 
  - libXrender-devel 
  - libXrender1 
  - libXres-devel 
  - libXss-devel 
  - libXss1 
  - libXt-devel 
  - libXt6 
  - libXtst-devel 
  - libXtst6 
  - libXv-devel 
  - libXv1 
  - libXvMC-devel 
  - libXvMC1 
  - libXvnc-devel 
  - libXvnc1 
  - libXxf86dga-devel 
  - libXxf86dga1 
  - libXxf86vm-devel 
  - libXxf86vm1 
  - libZXing3 
  - liba52-0 
  - liba52-devel 
  - libaccountsservice0 
  - libacl-devel 
  - libada13 
  - libaddrxlat-devel 
  - libaddrxlat3 
  - libadwaita-1-0 
  - libadwaita-devel 
  - libadwaita-docs 
  - libadwaita-lang 
  - libaio-devel 
  - libalternatives-devel 
  - libalternatives-unit-test-helper 
  - libamd-doc 
  - libao-devel 
  - libao-plugins4 
  - libao4 
  - libaom3 
  - libappindicator3-1 
  - libappindicator3-devel 
  - libappstream-compose0 
  - libappstream-glib8 
  - libappstream4 
  - libapr-util1-0 
  - libapr-util1-0-dbd-mysql 
  - libapr-util1-0-dbd-pgsql 
  - libapr-util1-0-dbd-sqlite3 
  - libapr1-0 
  - libarchive-devel 
  - libarchive13 
  - libart_lgpl-devel 
  - libart_lgpl_2-2 
  - libasm-devel 
  - libasn1-8 
  - libasound2 
  - libaspell15 
  - libass-devel 
  - libass9 
  - libassimp5 
  - libassuan-devel 
  - libatasmart-devel 
  - libatasmart4 
  - libatk-1_0-0 
  - libatk-bridge-2_0-0 
  - libatkmm-1_6-1 
  - libatm1 
  - libatomic_ops-devel 
  - libatopology2 
  - libatspi0 
  - libattr-devel 
  - libavahi-devel 
  - libavahi-glib-devel 
  - libavahi-glib1 
  - libavahi-gobject-devel 
  - libavahi-gobject0 
  - libavahi-libevent1 
  - libavahi-qt5-1 
  - libavahi-qt5-devel 
  - libavahi-ui-gtk3-0 
  - libavcodec58_134 
  - libavdevice58_13 
  - libavfilter7_110 
  - libavformat58_76 
  - libavif-devel 
  - libavif15 
  - libavresample4_0 
  - libavtp-devel 
  - libavtp0 
  - libavutil56_70 
  - libb2-1 
  - libb2-devel 
  - libbasicobjects-devel 
  - libbd_crypto2 
  - libbd_fs2 
  - libbd_loop-devel 
  - libbd_loop2 
  - libbd_mdraid2 
  - libbd_part2 
  - libbd_swap2 
  - libbd_utils2 
  - libbenchmark1 
  - libblas3 
  - libblkid-devel 
  - libblkid-devel-static 
  - libblockdev 
  - libblockdev2 
  - libblosc1 
  - libblosc2-2 
  - libblosc2-2-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libbluetooth3 
  - libbluray-devel 
  - libbluray2 
  - libboost_atomic-devel 
  - libboost_atomic1_84_0 
  - libboost_atomic1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_atomic1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_chrono-devel 
  - libboost_chrono1_84_0 
  - libboost_chrono1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_container-devel 
  - libboost_container1_84_0 
  - libboost_container1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_container1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_context-devel 
  - libboost_context1_84_0 
  - libboost_context1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_contract-devel 
  - libboost_contract1_84_0 
  - libboost_contract1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_coroutine-devel 
  - libboost_coroutine1_84_0 
  - libboost_coroutine1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_date_time-devel 
  - libboost_date_time1_84_0 
  - libboost_date_time1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_date_time1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_fiber-devel 
  - libboost_fiber1_84_0 
  - libboost_fiber1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_filesystem-devel 
  - libboost_filesystem1_84_0 
  - libboost_filesystem1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_filesystem1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_graph-devel 
  - libboost_graph1_84_0 
  - libboost_graph1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_graph1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_graph_parallel-devel 
  - libboost_graph_parallel1_84_0 
  - libboost_graph_parallel1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_graph_parallel1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_headers-devel 
  - libboost_headers1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_iostreams-devel 
  - libboost_iostreams1_84_0 
  - libboost_iostreams1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_iostreams1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_json1_84_0 
  - libboost_json1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_json1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_locale-devel 
  - libboost_locale1_84_0 
  - libboost_locale1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_locale1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_log-devel 
  - libboost_log1_84_0 
  - libboost_log1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_math-devel 
  - libboost_math1_84_0 
  - libboost_math1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_math1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_mpi-devel 
  - libboost_mpi1_84_0 
  - libboost_mpi1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_mpi1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_mpi_python-py3-1_84_0 
  - libboost_mpi_python-py3-1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_mpi_python3-devel 
  - libboost_nowide-devel 
  - libboost_nowide1_84_0 
  - libboost_nowide1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_nowide1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_numpy-py3-1_84_0 
  - libboost_numpy-py3-1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_numpy3-devel 
  - libboost_program_options-devel 
  - libboost_program_options1_84_0 
  - libboost_program_options1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_program_options1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_python-py3-1_84_0 
  - libboost_python-py3-1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_python-py3-1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_python3-devel 
  - libboost_random-devel 
  - libboost_random1_84_0 
  - libboost_random1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_random1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_regex-devel 
  - libboost_regex1_84_0 
  - libboost_regex1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_regex1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_serialization-devel 
  - libboost_serialization1_84_0 
  - libboost_serialization1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_serialization1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_stacktrace-devel 
  - libboost_stacktrace1_84_0 
  - libboost_stacktrace1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_stacktrace1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_system-devel 
  - libboost_system1_84_0 
  - libboost_system1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_system1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_test-devel 
  - libboost_test1_84_0 
  - libboost_test1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_test1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_thread-devel 
  - libboost_thread1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_thread1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_timer-devel 
  - libboost_timer1_84_0 
  - libboost_timer1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_type_erasure-devel 
  - libboost_type_erasure1_84_0 
  - libboost_type_erasure1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_type_erasure1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_url1_84_0 
  - libboost_url1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_url1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libboost_wave-devel 
  - libboost_wave1_84_0 
  - libboost_wave1_84_0-devel 
  - libboost_wave1_84_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libbpf-devel 
  - libbpf-devel-static 
  - libbraille-fake0-14 
  - libbraille0-14 
  - libbrlapi0_8 
  - libbrotli-devel 
  - libbrotlicommon1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libbrotlidec1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libbrotlienc1 
  - libbrotlienc1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libbs2b-devel 
  - libbs2b0 
  - libbsd-devel 
  - libbtrfs-devel 
  - libbtrfsutil-devel 
  - libburn-devel 
  - libburn4 
  - libbytesize1 
  - libbz2-1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libbz2-devel 
  - libc++-devel 
  - libc++1 
  - libc++abi-devel 
  - libc++abi1 
  - libcaca-devel 
  - libcaca0 
  - libcacard-devel 
  - libcacard0 
  - libcairo-gobject2 
  - libcairo-script-interpreter2 
  - libcairo2 
  - libcairomm-1_0-1 
  - libcamd-doc 
  - libcamel-1_2-64 
  - libcamera-base0_2 
  - libcamera-devel 
  - libcamera-tools 
  - libcamera0_2 
  - libcanberra-devel 
  - libcanberra-gtk-devel 
  - libcanberra-gtk-module-common 
  - libcanberra-gtk0 
  - libcanberra-gtk2-module 
  - libcanberra-gtk3-0 
  - libcanberra-gtk3-devel 
  - libcanberra-gtk3-module 
  - libcanberra0 
  - libcap-devel 
  - libcap-ng-devel 
  - libcap-ng-utils 
  - libcap-progs 
  - libcapstone-devel 
  - libcapstone-devel-static 
  - libcapstone4 
  - libcblas3 
  - libcbor-devel 
  - libcbor-doc 
  - libcdda_interface0 
  - libcdda_paranoia0 
  - libcddb-utils 
  - libcdio++1 
  - libcdio-devel 
  - libcdio-paranoia-devel 
  - libcdio19 
  - libcdio_cdda2 
  - libcdio_paranoia2 
  - libcdr-0_1-1 
  - libcdr-devel 
  - libcdrdeflt1_0 
  - libcdt5 
  - libcelt-devel 
  - libcelt0-2 
  - libcephfs-devel 
  - libcephfs2 
  - libcephsqlite 
  - libcephsqlite-devel 
  - libcerf2 
  - libcfg6 
  - libcgraph6 
  - libcheck0 
  - libclang-cpp14 
  - libclang-cpp15 
  - libclang-cpp16 
  - libclang-cpp17 
  - libclang13 
  - libcloudproviders-devel 
  - libcloudproviders0 
  - libcmap4 
  - libcodec2-1_0 
  - libcollection-devel 
  - libcolord-devel 
  - libcolord-gtk-devel 
  - libcolord-gtk1 
  - libcolord-gtk4-1 
  - libcolord2 
  - libcolorhug2 
  - libcom_err-devel 
  - libcom_err-devel-static 
  - libcompel1 
  - libcomps-devel 
  - libcomps-doc 
  - libcomps0 
  - libconfig++-devel 
  - libconfig++11 
  - libconfig-devel 
  - libconfuse-devel 
  - libconfuse-lang 
  - libconfuse2 
  - libcontainers-openSUSE-policy 
  - libcontainers-sles-mounts 
  - libcorosync-devel 
  - libcorosync_common4 
  - libcpg4 
  - libcppunit-1_15-1 
  - libcrc32c-devel 
  - libcrc32c1 
  - libcreaterepo_c-devel 
  - libcreaterepo_c1 
  - libcriu2 
  - libcryptopp-devel 
  - libcryptopp8_8_0 
  - libcryptsetup-devel 
  - libcss-devel 
  - libcss0 
  - libct4 
  - libcunit1 
  - libcups2 
  - libcupsimage2 
  - libcurl-devel 
  - libdaemon-devel 
  - libdatrie-devel 
  - libdatrie1 
  - libdav1d7 
  - libdazzle-1_0-0 
  - libdazzle-lang 
  - libdb-4_8-devel 
  - libdb-4_8-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libdbi-devel 
  - libdbi-devel-doc 
  - libdbi-drivers-dbd-freetds 
  - libdbi-drivers-dbd-mysql 
  - libdbi-drivers-dbd-pgsql 
  - libdbi-drivers-dbd-sqlite3 
  - libdbi3 
  - libdbus-c++-api-docs 
  - libdbus-c++-glib-devel 
  - libdbus-glib-1-2 
  - libdbusmenu-glib-devel 
  - libdbusmenu-glib4 
  - libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 
  - libdbusmenu-gtk3-devel 
  - libdbusmenu-qt5-2 
  - libdbusmenu-qt5-devel 
  - libdc1394-26 
  - libdc1394-devel 
  - libdc1394-tools 
  - libdca-devel 
  - libdca0 
  - libdconf1 
  - libdebuginfod-devel 
  - libdebuginfod-dummy-devel 
  - libdebuginfod1 
  - libdebuginfod1-dummy 
  - libdecor 
  - libdecor-0-0 
  - libdecor-devel 
  - libdeflate-devel 
  - libdeflate-tools 
  - libdeflate0 
  - libdeflt1_0 
  - libdhash-devel 
  - libdjvulibre-devel 
  - libdjvulibre21 
  - libdlm 
  - libdlm3 
  - libdmmp-devel 
  - libdmmp0_2_0 
  - libdmx-devel 
  - libdmx1 
  - libdnet-devel 
  - libdnet1 
  - libdnf-repo-config-zypp 
  - libdns_sd 
  - libdom-devel 
  - libdom0 
  - libdotconf0 
  - libdouble-conversion3 
  - libdrm-devel 
  - libdrm_amdgpu1 
  - libdrm_etnaviv1: [aarch64] 
  - libdrm_exynos1: [aarch64] 
  - libdrm_freedreno1: [aarch64] 
  - libdrm_intel1 
  - libdrm_nouveau2 
  - libdrm_radeon1 
  - libdrm_tegra0: [aarch64] 
  - libdrop_ambient-devel 
  - libdrop_ambient0 
  - libduktape207 
  - libdv-devel 
  - libdv-playdv 
  - libdv4 
  - libdvbv5-0 
  - libdvbv5-devel 
  - libdvdnav-devel 
  - libdvdnav4 
  - libdvdread-devel 
  - libdvdread8 
  - libdw-devel 
  - libdwarves-devel 
  - libdwarves1 
  - libebackend-1_2-11 
  - libebook-1_2-21 
  - libebook-contacts-1_2-4 
  - libebtc0 
  - libecal-2_0-2 
  - libeconf-devel 
  - libeconf-utils 
  - libecpg6 
  - libedata-book-1_2-27 
  - libedata-cal-2_0-2 
  - libedataserver-1_2-27 
  - libedataserverui-1_2-4 
  - libedataserverui4-1_0-0 
  - libedc_ecc1_0 
  - libedc_ecc_dec1_0 
  - libedit-devel 
  - libei-devel 
  - libei1 
  - libelf-devel 
  - libell0 
  - libenca0 
  - libenchant-2-2 
  - libepoxy-devel 
  - liberation-fonts 
  - libesmtp-devel 
  - libesmtp6_2_0: [aarch64] 
  - libespeak-ng1 
  - libev-devel 
  - libev4 
  - libevdev-devel 
  - libevdev2 
  - libevent-devel 
  - libevent-devel-static 
  - libexif-devel 
  - libexif12 
  - libexpat-devel 
  - libext2fs-devel 
  - libext2fs-devel-static 
  - libfabric 
  - libfabric-devel 
  - libfabric1 
  - libfcgi0 
  - libfcitx-config4 
  - libfcitx-core0 
  - libfcitx-gclient1 
  - libfcitx-utils0 
  - libfdisk-devel 
  - libfdk-aac-devel 
  - libfdk-aac2 
  - libfdt-devel 
  - libffi-devel 
  - libfftw3-3 
  - libfftw3-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libfftw3_3_3_10-gnu-hpc 
  - libfftw3_3_3_10-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libfftw3_3_3_10-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - libfftw3_3_3_10-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libfftw3_mpi3 
  - libfftw3_omp3 
  - libfftw3_threads3 
  - libfido2-devel 
  - libfido2-udev 
  - libfido2-utils 
  - libfile1_0 
  - libfind4_0 
  - libfipscheck1 
  - libfl-devel 
  - libfl2 
  - libflashrom1 
  - libflatpak0 
  - libfltk1_3 
  - libfluidsynth3 
  - libfmt9 
  - libfontconfig1 
  - libfontenc-devel 
  - libfontenc1 
  - libfribidi0 
  - libfstrm0 
  - libfwupd2 
  - libgbm-devel 
  - libgc1 
  - libgcab-1_0-0 
  - libgccjit-build-devel 
  - libgccjit-devel 
  - libgccjit0 
  - libgccjit0-devel-gcc13 
  - libgck-1-0 
  - libgck-2-2 
  - libgck-devel 
  - libgck1-devel 
  - libgcr-3-1 
  - libgcr-4-4 
  - libgcr-devel 
  - libgcr3-devel 
  - libgcrypt-devel 
  - libgcrypt-devel-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libgcrypt20-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libgd3 
  - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0 
  - libgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2_0-0 
  - libgdl-3-5 
  - libgdm1 
  - libgdruntime4 
  - libgeocode-glib-2-0 
  - libgeocode-glib0 
  - libgflags2_2 
  - libgfortran5 
  - libgif7 
  - libgio-2_0-0 
  - libgiomm-2_4-1 
  - libgiomm-2_68-1 
  - libgirepository-1_0-1 
  - libgjs-devel 
  - libgjs0 
  - libglade-2_0-0 
  - libglade2-devel 
  - libglib-testing-0-0 
  - libglib-testing-devel 
  - libglibmm-2_4-1 
  - libglibmm-2_68-1 
  - libglog0 
  - libglslang12 
  - libglut3 
  - libglvnd 
  - libglvnd-devel 
  - libgme-devel 
  - libgme0 
  - libgmpxx4 
  - libgnome-autoar-0-0 
  - libgnome-autoar-gtk-0-0 
  - libgnome-bluetooth-3_0-13 
  - libgnome-bluetooth-ui-3_0-13 
  - libgnome-desktop-3-20 
  - libgnome-desktop-3-devel 
  - libgnome-desktop-3_0-common 
  - libgnome-desktop-4-2 
  - libgnome-desktop-4-devel 
  - libgnome-keyring-devel 
  - libgnome-keyring-lang 
  - libgnome-keyring0 
  - libgnome-menu-3-0 
  - libgnomekbd-devel 
  - libgnomekbd-lang 
  - libgnomekbd8 
  - libgnutls-devel 
  - libgnutlsxx-devel 
  - libgnutlsxx30 
  - libgo22 
  - libgoa-1_0-0 
  - libgoa-backend-1_0-1 
  - libgobject-2_0-0: [aarch64] 
  - libgpg-error-devel 
  - libgpgme-devel 
  - libgpgmepp-devel 
  - libgpgmepp6 
  - libgphobos4 
  - libgpm2 
  - libgraphblas7 
  - libgraphene-1_0-0 
  - libgraphite2-3 
  - libgrpc++1_59 
  - libgrpc1_59 
  - libgrpc36 
  - libgsasl-devel 
  - libgsasl-lang 
  - libgsasl7 
  - libgsl27 
  - libgsl_2_7_1-gnu-hpc 
  - libgslcblas0 
  - libgslcblas_2_7_1-gnu-hpc 
  - libgsm-devel 
  - libgsm1 
  - libgsound0 
  - libgspell-1-2 
  - libgssapi3 
  - libgssdp-1_6-0 
  - libgssdp-devel 
  - libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0 
  - libgstallocators-1_0-0 
  - libgstapp-1_0-0 
  - libgstaudio-1_0-0 
  - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0 
  - libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0 
  - libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0 
  - libgstcodecs-1_0-0 
  - libgstcuda-1_0-0 
  - libgstfft-1_0-0 
  - libgstgl-1_0-0 
  - libgstinsertbin-1_0-0 
  - libgstisoff-1_0-0 
  - libgstmpegts-1_0-0 
  - libgstpbutils-1_0-0 
  - libgstphotography-1_0-0 
  - libgstplay-1_0-0 
  - libgstplayer-1_0-0 
  - libgstreamer-1_0-0 
  - libgstriff-1_0-0 
  - libgstrtp-1_0-0 
  - libgstrtsp-1_0-0 
  - libgstrtspserver-1_0-0 
  - libgstsctp-1_0-0 
  - libgstsdp-1_0-0 
  - libgsttag-1_0-0 
  - libgsttranscoder-1_0-0 
  - libgsturidownloader-1_0-0 
  - libgstva-1_0-0 
  - libgstvalidate-1_0-0 
  - libgstvideo-1_0-0 
  - libgstvulkan-1_0-0 
  - libgstwayland-1_0-0 
  - libgstwebrtc-1_0-0 
  - libgstwebrtcnice-1_0-0 
  - libgthread-2_0-0 
  - libgtk-2_0-0 
  - libgtk-3-0 
  - libgtk-4-1 
  - libgtkmm-2_4-1 
  - libgtkmm-3_0-1 
  - libgtop 
  - libgtop-2_0-11 
  - libgtop-devel 
  - libgtop-lang 
  - libgts-0_7-5 
  - libgudev-1_0-0 
  - libgudev-1_0-devel 
  - libguestfs 
  - libguestfs-appliance 
  - libguestfs-bash-completion 
  - libguestfs-devel 
  - libguestfs-gobject-1_0 
  - libguestfs-gobject-devel 
  - libguestfs-inspect-icons 
  - libguestfs-man-pages-ja 
  - libguestfs-man-pages-uk 
  - libguestfs-rescue 
  - libguestfs-rsync 
  - libguestfs-typelib-Guestfs-1_0 
  - libguestfs-winsupport 
  - libguestfs-xfs 
  - libguestfs0 
  - libguestfsd 
  - libguile-3_0-1 
  - libgupnp-1_6-0 
  - libgupnp-dlna-2_0-4 
  - libgupnp-igd-1_6-0 
  - libgusb-devel 
  - libgusb2 
  - libgvc6 
  - libgvpr2 
  - libgweather-4-0 
  - libgweather4-devel 
  - libgweather4-lang 
  - libhandle1 
  - libharfbuzz-cairo0 
  - libharfbuzz-icu0 
  - libharfbuzz-subset0 
  - libharfbuzz0 
  - libhcrypto4 
  - libhdb9 
  - libhdf5-200 
  - libhdf5-200-mvapich2 
  - libhdf5-200-openmpi4 
  - libhdf5-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_1_12_2-gnu-hpc 
  - libhdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libhdf5_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - libhdf5_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_cpp-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libhdf5_cpp-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_cpp200 
  - libhdf5_cpp200-mvapich2 
  - libhdf5_cpp200-openmpi4 
  - libhdf5_cpp_1_12_2-gnu-hpc 
  - libhdf5_cpp_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libhdf5_cpp_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - libhdf5_cpp_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_fortran200 
  - libhdf5_fortran200-mvapich2 
  - libhdf5_fortran200-openmpi4 
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_12_2-gnu-hpc 
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl200 
  - libhdf5_hl200-mvapich2 
  - libhdf5_hl200-openmpi4 
  - libhdf5_hl_1_12_2-gnu-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp200 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp200-mvapich2 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp200-openmpi4 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_12_2-gnu-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libhdf5hl_fortran200 
  - libhdf5hl_fortran200-mvapich2 
  - libhdf5hl_fortran200-openmpi4 
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_12_2-gnu-hpc 
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_12_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_12_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_12_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libheif-aom 
  - libheif-dav1d 
  - libheif-devel 
  - libheif-ffmpeg 
  - libheif-jpeg 
  - libheif-openjpeg 
  - libheif-rav1e 
  - libheif-svtenc 
  - libheif1 
  - libheimbase1 
  - libheimdal-devel 
  - libheimedit0 
  - libheimntlm0 
  - libhfstospell11 
  - libhidapi-devel 
  - libhidapi-libusb0 
  - libhiredis1_1_0 
  - libhivex0 
  - libhogweed6-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libhowl0 
  - libhttp_parser2_9 
  - libhubbub-devel 
  - libhubbub0 
  - libhugetlbfs 
  - libhugetlbfs-devel 
  - libhunspell-1_7-0 
  - libhwloc15 
  - libhwy1 
  - libhx509-5 
  - libhyphen0 
  - libibdm1 
  - libibmad5 
  - libibmtss2 
  - libibnetdisc5 
  - libibumad3 
  - libibus-1_0-5 
  - libibverbs-utils 
  - libical-devel 
  - libical-glib-devel 
  - libical-glib-doc 
  - libical-glib3 
  - libical3 
  - libicu-devel 
  - libicu73 
  - libicu73-bedata 
  - libicu73-ledata 
  - libid3tag0_16_2 
  - libidn-devel 
  - libidn12 
  - libidn2-devel 
  - libidn2-lang 
  - libigdgmm12: [x86_64] 
  - libigfxcmrt-devel: [x86_64] 
  - libigfxcmrt7: [x86_64] 
  - libimaevm4 
  - libimagequant0 
  - libimobiledevice-1_0-6 
  - libimobiledevice-devel 
  - libimobiledevice-glue-1_0-0 
  - libimobiledevice-glue-devel 
  - libinfinipath4: [x86_64] 
  - libini_config-devel 
  - libinih-devel 
  - libiniparser-devel 
  - libiniparser1 
  - libinput-debug-gui 
  - libinput-devel 
  - libinput-tools 
  - libinput-udev 
  - libinput10 
  - libinstpatch-1_0-2 
  - libinstpatch-devel 
  - libipa_hbac-devel 
  - libipa_hbac0 
  - libipmiconsole2 
  - libipmidetect0 
  - libipmimonitoring6 
  - libipq-devel 
  - libipq0 
  - libipset13 
  - libiptc-devel 
  - libirml1 
  - libirrecord0 
  - libiscsi-devel 
  - libiscsi-utils 
  - libiscsi9 
  - libiscsi9-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libiso9660++0 
  - libiso9660-11 
  - libisoburn-devel 
  - libisoburn1 
  - libisofs-devel 
  - libisofs6 
  - libiw-devel 
  - libjack-devel 
  - libjack0 
  - libjacknet0 
  - libjackserver0 
  - libjansson-devel 
  - libjasper-devel 
  - libjasper7 
  - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 
  - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0 
  - libjavascriptcoregtk6_0-1 
  - libjaylink 
  - libjaylink-devel 
  - libjaylink0 
  - libjbig-devel 
  - libjbig2 
  - libjcat-devel 
  - libjcat1 
  - libjemalloc2 
  - libjpeg62 
  - libjpeg62-devel 
  - libjpeg8 
  - libjpeg8-devel 
  - libjpeg8-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libjson-glib-1_0-0 
  - libjsoncpp25 
  - libjsoncpp25-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libjte-devel 
  - libjte2 
  - libjxl-devel 
  - libjxl-tools 
  - libjxl0_8 
  - libjxl0_8-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libkadm5clnt7 
  - libkadm5srv8 
  - libkafs0 
  - libkcapi-devel 
  - libkdc2 
  - libkdumpfile-devel 
  - libkdumpfile10 
  - libklu-doc 
  - libkmod-devel 
  - libkpathsea6 
  - libkrb5-26 
  - libkrun-devel 
  - libkrun-sev-devel: [x86_64] # devel package of base:libkrun1 
  - libkrun-sev1: [x86_64] 
  - libkrunfw-devel 
  - libkrunfw-sev-devel: [x86_64] # devel package of base:libkrunfw3 
  - libkrunfw-sev3: [x86_64] 
  - libksba-devel 
  - libkyotocabinet-devel 
  - libkyotocabinet16 
  - liblab_gamut1 
  - liblapack3 
  - liblapacke3 
  - liblastlog2-1 
  - liblavfile-2_2-0 
  - liblavjpeg-2_2-0 
  - liblavplay-2_2-0 
  - liblavrec-2_2-0 
  - liblbxutil-devel 
  - liblbxutil1 
  - liblc3-1 
  - liblc3-devel 
  - liblc3-tools 
  - liblcms2-2 
  - liblcms2-devel 
  - libldac2 
  - libldapcpp-devel 
  - libldapcpp0 
  - libldb-devel 
  - libldl-doc 
  - libldm-1_0-0 
  - libldm-1_0-0-devel 
  - libldns3 
  - libleveldb1 
  - libleveldb1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - liblilv-0-0 
  - liblilv-0-devel 
  - liblirc0 
  - liblirc_client0 
  - liblirc_driver0 
  - liblldb14: [x86_64] 
  - liblldb15: [x86_64] 
  - liblldb16 
  - liblldb17 
  - liblmdb-0_9_30: [aarch64] 
  - liblqr-1-0 
  - liblqr-devel 
  - liblrdf-devel 
  - liblrdf2 
  - libltdl7: [aarch64] 
  - liblua5_1-5 
  - libluajit-5_1-2 
  - liblz4-1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - liblz4-devel 
  - liblzma5-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - liblzo2-2-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libm17n0 
  - libm2cor18 
  - libm2iso18 
  - libm2log18 
  - libm2min18 
  - libm2pim18 
  - libmailutils9 
  - libmalcontent-0-0 
  - libmalcontent-ui-0-0 
  - libmanette-0_2-0 
  - libmanette-devel 
  - libmariadb-devel 
  - libmariadb3 
  - libmariadb_plugins 
  - libmariadbd-devel 
  - libmariadbd19 
  - libmariadbprivate 
  - libmarkdown3 
  - libmaxminddb-devel 
  - libmaxminddb0 
  - libmbim-devel 
  - libmbim-glib4 
  - libmca_common_dstore1 
  - libmd-devel 
  - libmediacheck-devel 
  - libmediacheck6 
  - libmemcached 
  - libmemcached-devel 
  - libmemcached11 
  - libmemcachedprotocol0 
  - libmemcachedutil2 
  - libmetalink-devel 
  - libmetis5 
  - libmfx: [x86_64] 
  - libmfx-gen: [x86_64] 
  - libmfx-gen-devel: [x86_64] 
  - libmfx-gen1_2: [x86_64] 
  - libmfx1: [x86_64] 
  - libmicrodns-devel 
  - libmicrodns1 
  - libmicrohttpd-devel 
  - libminizip1 
  - libminizip1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libmjpegutils-2_2-0 
  - libmjpegutils-devel 
  - libmm-glib0 
  - libmng-devel 
  - libmng2 
  - libmng2-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libmnl-devel 
  - libmongoose-doc 
  - libmongoose2 
  - libmount-devel 
  - libmozjs-102-0 
  - libmp3lame-devel 
  - libmp3lame0 
  - libmp3lame0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libmpcdec6 
  - libmpdec++3 
  - libmpeg2-0 
  - libmpeg2encpp-2_2-0 
  - libmpg123-0 
  - libmplex2-2_2-0 
  - libmspack-devel 
  - libmspack0: [aarch64] 
  - libmtdev1 
  - libmtp-devel 
  - libmtp-udev 
  - libmtp9 
  - libmysofa-devel 
  - libmysofa1 
  - libnbd 
  - libnbd-bash-completion 
  - libnbd-devel 
  - libnbd0 
  - libncurses5 
  - libndctl-devel 
  - libndctl6 
  - libndp-devel 
  - libndp0 
  - libneon-devel 
  - libneon27 
  - libnet-devel 
  - libnet9 
  - libnetcdf-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libnetcdf19 
  - libnetcdf19-openmpi4 
  - libnetcdf_4_9_2-gnu-hpc 
  - libnetcdf_4_9_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - libnetcdf_4_9_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - libnetcdf_4_9_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - libnetcontrol-devel 
  - libnetcontrol0 
  - libnetfilter_conntrack-devel 
  - libnetfilter_cthelper-devel 
  - libnetfilter_cttimeout-devel 
  - libnetfilter_queue-devel 
  - libnetfilter_queue1 
  - libnetlink-devel 
  - libnetpbm-devel 
  - libnetpbm11 
  - libnettle-devel 
  - libnettle8-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libnewt0_52 
  - libnfnetlink-devel 
  - libnfs-devel 
  - libnfs14 
  - libnftables1 
  - libnftnl-devel 
  - libnghttp2-devel 
  - libnice10 
  - libnl3-devel 
  - libnm0 
  - libnma-devel 
  - libnma-docs 
  - libnma-glib-schema 
  - libnma-gtk4-0 
  - libnma-gtk4-devel 
  - libnma-lang 
  - libnma0 
  - libnotify-devel 
  - libnotify-tools 
  - libnotify4 
  - libnscd-devel 
  - libnsl1 
  - libnsssharedhelper0 
  - libntfs-3g89 
  - libntlm-devel 
  - libntlm0 
  - libnuma-devel 
  - libnuspell5 
  - libnvidia-egl-wayland-devel 
  - libnvidia-egl-wayland1 
  - libnvme-devel 
  - liboath0 
  - libobjc4 
  - libodbc2 
  - libogg-devel 
  - libogg0 
  - liboldX-devel 
  - liboldX6 
  - libomp14-devel 
  - libomp15-devel 
  - libomp16-devel 
  - libomp17-devel 
  - libopamgt-devel: [x86_64] 
  - libopamgt0: [x86_64] 
  - libopasadb1_0_0: [x86_64] 
  - libopenal1 
  - libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_25-gnu-hpc 
  - libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_25-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - libopenblas_0_3_25-gnu-hpc 
  - libopenblas_0_3_25-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - libopencc1_1 
  - libopencore-amr-devel 
  - libopencore-amrnb0 
  - libopencore-amrwb0 
  - libopenjp2-7 
  - libopenjp2-7-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libopenmpi4-gnu-hpc 
  - libopenmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc 
  - libopenmpt-devel 
  - libopenmpt0 
  - libopensm9 
  - libopenssl-3-fips-provider-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libopenssl-fips-provider 
  - libopenssl3-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libopts25 
  - libopus-devel 
  - libopus0 
  - liboqs-devel 
  - liboqs4 
  - liborc-0_4-0 
  - libosinfo 
  - libosinfo-1_0-0 
  - libosinfo-devel 
  - libosinfo-lang 
  - libosmcomp5 
  - libosmvendor5 
  - libostree 
  - libostree-1-1 
  - libostree-devel 
  - libotf 
  - libotf-devel 
  - libotf1 
  - libotp0 
  - libout123-0 
  - libovn-23_03-0 
  - libpamtest-devel 
  - libpamtest-devel-doc 
  - libpamtest0 
  - libpango-1_0-0 
  - libpangomm-1_4-1 
  - libpaper 
  - libpaper-tools 
  - libpaper2 
  - libparanoia1_0 
  - libparserutils-devel 
  - libparserutils0 
  - libparted-fs-resize0 
  - libparted2 
  - libpath_utils-devel 
  - libpathplan4 
  - libpcap-devel 
  - libpcaudio0 
  - libpciaccess-devel 
  - libpcp-devel 
  - libpcp_gui2 
  - libpcp_mmv1 
  - libpcp_trace2 
  - libpcp_web1 
  - libpcre16-0 
  - libpcre2-16-0 
  - libpcre2-32-0 
  - libpcre2-posix3 
  - libpcrecpp0 
  - libpcreposix0 
  - libpcscspy0 
  - libpfm-devel 
  - libpfm-devel-static 
  - libpfm4 
  - libpgm-5_3-0: [aarch64] 
  - libphonenumber-devel 
  - libphonenumber8 
  - libpipeline-devel 
  - libpipewire-0_3-0 
  - libpixman-1-0-devel 
  - libpkcs11-helper1 
  - libpkgconf-devel 
  - libplist++-2_0-4 
  - libplist++-2_0-devel 
  - libplist-2_0-4 
  - libplist-2_0-devel 
  - libplotter2 
  - libply-boot-client5 
  - libply-splash-core5 
  - libply-splash-graphics5 
  - libply5 
  - libpmem-devel 
  - libpmem1 
  - libpmem2-1 
  - libpmem2-devel 
  - libpmemblk-devel 
  - libpmemblk1 
  - libpmemlog-devel 
  - libpmemlog1 
  - libpmemobj-devel 
  - libpmemobj1 
  - libpmempool-devel 
  - libpmempool1 
  - libpmix2 
  - libpng16-16-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libpng16-compat-devel 
  - libpng16-compat-devel-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libpng16-devel 
  - libpng16-devel-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libpolkit-agent-1-0 
  - libpolkit-gobject-1-0 
  - libpoppler-cpp0 
  - libpoppler-devel 
  - libpoppler-glib-devel 
  - libpoppler-glib8 
  - libpoppler-qt6-3 
  - libpoppler-qt6-devel 
  - libpoppler134 
  - libportal-1 
  - libportal-gtk3-1 
  - libportal-gtk3-devel 
  - libportal-gtk4-1 
  - libportal-gtk4-devel 
  - libportal-qt5-1 
  - libportal-qt5-devel 
  - libportaudio2 
  - libportaudiocpp0 
  - libpostproc55_9 
  - libpotrace0 
  - libpq5 
  - libpqos-devel: [x86_64] 
  - libpqos5: [x86_64] 
  - libprofiler0 
  - libprotobuf-c-devel 
  - libprotobuf-lite3_21_12 
  - libprotobuf23_4_0 
  - libprotobuf3_21_12 
  - libprotoc23_4_0 
  - libprotoc3_21_12 
  - libproxy-devel 
  - libproxy1-config-gnome3 
  - libproxy1-config-pacrunner 
  - libproxy1-networkmanager 
  - libproxy1-pacrunner-duktape 
  - libpskc-devel 
  - libpskc0 
  - libpsl-devel 
  - libpsm2-2: [x86_64] 
  - libpsm2-compat: [x86_64] 
  - libpsm2-devel: [x86_64] 
  - libpsm_infinipath1: [x86_64] 
  - libpspell15 
  - libpsx2 
  - libptexenc1 
  - libpulp-tools: [x86_64] 
  - libpulp0: [x86_64] 
  - libpulse-devel 
  - libpulse-mainloop-glib0 
  - libpulse0 
  - libpwquality-devel 
  - libpwquality-lang 
  - libpython3_11-1_0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libqat4: [x86_64] 
  - libqatzip3: [x86_64] 
  - libqb-devel 
  - libqb-tests 
  - libqb-tools 
  - libqb100 
  - libqca-qt5-2 
  - libqca-qt6-2 
  - libqcustomplot2 
  - libqgpgme-devel 
  - libqgpgme15 
  - libqgpgmeqt6-15 
  - libqgpgmeqt6-devel 
  - libqhull_r8_0 
  - libqmi-devel 
  - libqmi-glib5 
  - libqmi-tools 
  - libqrencode4 
  - libqrtr-glib-devel 
  - libqrtr-glib-devel-doc 
  - libqrtr-glib0 
  - libqt5-linguist 
  - libqt5-linguist-devel 
  - libqt5-qdbus 
  - libqt5-qt3d-devel 
  - libqt5-qt3d-imports 
  - libqt5-qt3d-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qt3d-tools 
  - libqt5-qtbase-common-devel 
  - libqt5-qtbase-devel 
  - libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3 
  - libqt5-qtbase-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtcharts-imports 
  - libqt5-qtconnectivity-devel 
  - libqt5-qtconnectivity-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtconnectivity-tools 
  - libqt5-qtdatavis3d-imports 
  - libqt5-qtdeclarative-devel 
  - libqt5-qtdeclarative-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtdeclarative-tools 
  - libqt5-qtdoc 
  - libqt5-qtdoc-html 
  - libqt5-qtdoc-qch 
  - libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects 
  - libqt5-qtimageformats 
  - libqt5-qtimageformats-devel 
  - libqt5-qtlocation-devel 
  - libqt5-qtlocation-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtmultimedia-devel 
  - libqt5-qtmultimedia-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtpaths 
  - libqt5-qtpdf-devel 
  - libqt5-qtpdf-imports 
  - libqt5-qtpdf-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtquick3d-devel 
  - libqt5-qtquick3d-imports 
  - libqt5-qtquick3d-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtquick3d-tools 
  - libqt5-qtquickcontrols 
  - libqt5-qtquickcontrols2 
  - libqt5-qtremoteobjects-devel 
  - libqt5-qtremoteobjects-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtremoteobjects-tools 
  - libqt5-qtscript-devel 
  - libqt5-qtscript-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtscxml-devel 
  - libqt5-qtscxml-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtscxml-tools 
  - libqt5-qtsensors-devel 
  - libqt5-qtsensors-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtserialport-devel 
  - libqt5-qtserialport-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtspeech-devel 
  - libqt5-qtspeech-plugin-speechd 
  - libqt5-qtsvg-devel 
  - libqt5-qtsvg-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qttools 
  - libqt5-qttools-devel 
  - libqt5-qttools-doc 
  - libqt5-qttools-example-plugins 
  - libqt5-qttools-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qttools-qhelpgenerator 
  - libqt5-qttranslations 
  - libqt5-qtvirtualkeyboard 
  - libqt5-qtvirtualkeyboard-devel 
  - libqt5-qtvirtualkeyboard-hunspell 
  - libqt5-qtvirtualkeyboard-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtwayland 
  - libqt5-qtwayland-devel 
  - libqt5-qtwayland-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtwebchannel-devel 
  - libqt5-qtwebchannel-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtwebengine 
  - libqt5-qtwebengine-devel 
  - libqt5-qtwebengine-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtwebsockets-devel 
  - libqt5-qtwebsockets-private-headers-devel 
  - libqt5-qtx11extras-devel 
  - libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-devel 
  - libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-private-headers-devel 
  - libquicktime 
  - libquicktime-devel 
  - libquicktime0 
  - libquorum5 
  - librados-devel 
  - librados2 
  - libradospp-devel 
  - libraptor-devel 
  - libraptor2-0 
  - librav1e0_6 
  - libraw-devel 
  - libraw1394-11 
  - libraw1394-devel 
  - libraw23 
  - librbd-devel 
  - librbd1 
  - librcc-devel 
  - librcc0 
  - librcd-devel 
  - librcd0 
  - librdmacm-utils 
  - librdmacm1 
  - libre2-10 
  - libreadline-java 
  - libref_array-devel 
  - libreoffice-branding-openSUSE 
  - librest-1_0-0 
  - librest-devel 
  - librevenge-0_0-0 
  - librevenge-devel 
  - librevenge-generators-0_0-0 
  - librevenge-stream-0_0-0 
  - librgw-devel 
  - librgw2 
  - librhash1 
  - librmt-devel-doc 
  - librmt1_0 
  - libroken18 
  - librpmem-devel 
  - librpmem1 
  - librrd8 
  - librscg1_0 
  - librsvg-2-2 
  - librsvg-devel 
  - librubberband-devel 
  - librubberband2 
  - libruby3_2-3_2 
  - libsam4 
  - libsamba-policy-devel 
  - libsamba-policy-python3-devel 
  - libsamba-policy0-python3 
  - libsamplerate-devel 
  - libsamplerate0 
  - libsass-3_6_5-1 
  - libsass-devel 
  - libsbc1 
  - libscg-devel 
  - libscg1_0 
  - libscgcmd1_0 
  - libschily-devel 
  - libschily2_0 
  - libschroedinger-1_0-0 
  - libseccomp-devel 
  - libsecret-1-0 
  - libsecret-devel 
  - libsecret-lang 
  - libselinux-devel 
  - libsemanage-devel 
  - libsensors4-devel 
  - libsepol-devel 
  - libserd-0-0 
  - libsgutils-devel 
  - libsha1detectcoll-devel 
  - libshaderc_shared1 
  - libsharpyuv0 
  - libsigc++2-devel 
  - libsigc++3-devel 
  - libsigc-3_0-0 
  - libsigsegv2 
  - libsl0 
  - libslang2 
  - libsliplu1 
  - libslirp-devel 
  - libslp1 
  - libsmartcols-devel 
  - libsmbios-devel: [x86_64] 
  - libsmbios-lang: [x86_64] 
  - libsmbios_c2: [x86_64] 
  - libsmi 
  - libsmi-devel 
  - libsmi2 
  - libsnapper-devel 
  - libsndfile-devel 
  - libsndfile1 
  - libsnmp40 
  - libsocket_wrapper_noop-devel 
  - libsocket_wrapper_noop0 
  - libsodium-devel 
  - libsolv-devel 
  - libsord-0-0 
  - libsoup-2_4-1 
  - libsoup-3_0-0 
  - libsoup-devel 
  - libsoup-lang 
  - libsoup2-devel 
  - libsoup2-lang 
  - libsoxr-lsr0 
  - libsoxr0 
  - libspandsp3 
  - libspdlog1_12 
  - libspeechd-devel 
  - libspeechd2 
  - libspeex1 
  - libspeexdsp1 
  - libspice-server-devel 
  - libspice-server1 
  - libspiro1 
  - libsqlite3-0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libsratom-0-0 
  - libsrt1_5 
  - libsrtp-devel 
  - libsrtp1 
  - libsrtp2-1 
  - libssh-devel 
  - libssh2-devel 
  - libsss_certmap-devel 
  - libsss_idmap-devel 
  - libsss_nss_idmap-devel 
  - libsss_simpleifp-devel 
  - libsss_simpleifp0 
  - libstartup-notification-1-0 
  - libstdc++-build-devel 
  - libstdc++-devel 
  - libstdc++6-devel-gcc13 
  - libstdc++6-locale 
  - libstdc++6-pp 
  - libstemmer1d 
  - libstorage-ng-devel 
  - libstorage-ng-lang 
  - libstorage-ng-ruby 
  - libstorage-ng-utils 
  - libstorage-ng1 
  - libstoragemgmt 
  - libstoragemgmt-arcconf-plugin 
  - libstoragemgmt-devel 
  - libstoragemgmt-local-plugin 
  - libstoragemgmt-nfs-plugin 
  - libstoragemgmt-smis-plugin 
  - libstoragemgmt-udev 
  - libstoragemgmt1 
  - libsubid-devel 
  - libsuperlu6 
  - libsuperlu_6_0_0-gnu-hpc 
  - libsuseconnect 
  - libsvrcore0 
  - libswresample3_9 
  - libswscale5_9 
  - libsyn123-0 
  - libsynctex2 
  - libsysfs2 
  - libtag-devel 
  - libtag-doc 
  - libtag1 
  - libtag_c0 
  - libtalloc-devel 
  - libtalloc2-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libtasn1-devel 
  - libtasn1-tools 
  - libtbb12 
  - libtbbbind_2_5-3 
  - libtcmalloc4 
  - libtcmalloc_and_profiler4 
  - libtcmalloc_debug4 
  - libtcmalloc_minimal4 
  - libtcmalloc_minimal_debug4 
  - libtdb-devel 
  - libtelepathy-glib0 
  - libtelepathy-logger3 
  - libtevent-devel 
  - libtexlua53-5 
  - libtexluajit2 
  - libtextstyle-devel 
  - libthai-data 
  - libthai-devel 
  - libthai0 
  - libtheora-devel 
  - libtheora0 
  - libtheoradec1 
  - libtheoraenc1 
  - libthrift-0_17_0 
  - libthrift-devel 
  - libthrift_c_glib0 
  - libthriftnb-0_17_0 
  - libthriftz-0_17_0 
  - libtidy-devel 
  - libtidy58 
  - libtidyp-1_04-0 
  - libtidyp-devel 
  - libtiff-devel 
  - libtiff6 
  - libtirpc-devel 
  - libtool 
  - libtotem_pg5 
  - libtpl-extensions3 
  - libtpms-devel 
  - libtpms0 
  - libtraceevent-devel 
  - libtraceevent1 
  - libtraceevent1-plugins 
  - libtracefs-devel 
  - libtracefs-tools 
  - libtracefs1 
  - libtracker-sparql-3_0-0 
  - libtre5 
  - libts0 
  - libtss2-fapi1 
  - libtss2-policy0 
  - libtss2-tcti-cmd0 
  - libtss2-tcti-mssim0 
  - libtss2-tcti-pcap0 
  - libtss2-tcti-spi-helper0 
  - libtss2-tcti-swtpm0 
  - libtss2-tcti-tabrmd0 
  - libtss2-tctildr0 
  - libtukit-devel 
  - libturbojpeg0 
  - libturbojpeg0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libtwolame-devel 
  - libtwolame0 
  - libuchardet-devel 
  - libuchardet0 
  - libucm-devel 
  - libucm0 
  - libucp-devel 
  - libucp0 
  - libucs-devel 
  - libucs0 
  - libuct-devel 
  - libuct0 
  - libudev-mini1 
  - libudf0 
  - libudisks2-0 
  - libudisks2-0-devel 
  - libulockmgr1 
  - libumockdev-preload0 
  - libumockdev0 
  - libunistring-devel 
  - libunwind-coredump0 
  - libunwind-devel 
  - libunwind-ptrace0 
  - libunwind-setjmp0 
  - libupb36 
  - libupower-glib-devel 
  - libupower-glib3 
  - liburcu-devel 
  - liburing-devel 
  - liburing-ffi2 
  - libusb-0_1-4 
  - libusb-1_0-devel 
  - libusb-compat-devel 
  - libusbmuxd-2_0-6 
  - libusbmuxd-devel 
  - libusbmuxd-tools 
  - libusbredirhost1 
  - libusdm0: [x86_64] 
  - libutempter0 
  - libutf8proc3 
  - libuuid-devel 
  - libuuid-devel-static 
  - libuv-devel 
  - libuv1 
  - libv4l 
  - libv4l-devel 
  - libv4l1-0 
  - libv4l2-0 
  - libv4l2rds0 
  - libv4lconvert0 
  - libva-devel 
  - libva-drm2 
  - libva-utils 
  - libva-x11-2 
  - libva2 
  - libvala-0_56-0 
  - libvala-0_56-devel 
  - libvaladoc-0_56-0 
  - libvaladoc-0_56-devel 
  - libvamp-hostsdk3 
  - libvamp-sdk2 
  - libvdehist-devel 
  - libvdehist0 
  - libvdemgmt-devel 
  - libvdemgmt0 
  - libvdeplug-devel 
  - libvdeplug3 
  - libvdesnmp-devel 
  - libvdesnmp0 
  - libvdpau-devel 
  - libvdpau1 
  - libvdpau_r600 
  - libvdpau_radeonsi 
  - libvdpau_virtio_gpu 
  - libverto-devel 
  - libverto-libev1 
  - libvidstab-devel 
  - libvidstab1_1 
  - libvirt 
  - libvirt-client 
  - libvirt-client-qemu 
  - libvirt-daemon 
  - libvirt-daemon-common 
  - libvirt-daemon-config-network 
  - libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-network 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-secret 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd 
  - libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi 
  - libvirt-daemon-hooks 
  - libvirt-daemon-lock 
  - libvirt-daemon-log 
  - libvirt-daemon-lxc 
  - libvirt-daemon-plugin-lockd 
  - libvirt-daemon-proxy 
  - libvirt-daemon-qemu 
  - libvirt-dbus 
  - libvirt-devel 
  - libvirt-doc 
  - libvirt-glib-1_0-0 
  - libvirt-glib-devel 
  - libvirt-libs 
  - libvirt-nss 
  - libvisio-0_1-1 
  - libvisio-devel 
  - libvisual-0_4-0 
  - libvisual-devel 
  - libvma 
  - libvma-devel 
  - libvma9 
  - libvmaf1 
  - libvmtools-devel 
  - libvmtools0: [aarch64] 
  - libvo-amrwbenc-devel 
  - libvo-amrwbenc0 
  - libvorbis-devel 
  - libvorbis0 
  - libvorbis0-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libvorbisenc2 
  - libvorbisenc2-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libvorbisfile3 
  - libvorbisfile3-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libvotequorum8 
  - libvpd-2_2-3 
  - libvpd-base 
  - libvpd-devel 
  - libvpl 
  - libvpl-devel 
  - libvpl-samples 
  - libvpl2 
  - libvpx-devel 
  - libvpx8 
  - libvte-2_91-0 
  - libvulkan1 
  - libvulkan_broadcom: [aarch64] 
  - libvulkan_freedreno: [aarch64] 
  - libvulkan_intel: [x86_64] 
  - libvulkan_lvp 
  - libvulkan_radeon 
  - libwacom-data 
  - libwacom-devel 
  - libwacom9 
  - libwapcaplet-devel 
  - libwapcaplet0 
  - libwasmedge0 
  - libwavpack1 
  - libwayland-client0 
  - libwayland-cursor0 
  - libwayland-egl1 
  - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 
  - libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0 
  - libwebkitgtk6_0-4 
  - libwebp-devel 
  - libwebp7 
  - libwebpdecoder3 
  - libwebpdemux2 
  - libwebpmux3 
  - libwebrtc-audio-coding-1-3 
  - libwebrtc-audio-coding-devel 
  - libwebrtc-audio-coding-devel-static 
  - libwebrtc-audio-processing-1-3 
  - libwebrtc-audio-processing-devel 
  - libwebrtc-audio-processing-devel-static 
  - libwebrtc_audio_processing-devel 
  - libwebrtc_audio_processing1 
  - libwind0 
  - libwireplumber-0_4-0 
  - libwireshark17 
  - libwiretap14 
  - libwmf-0_2-7 
  - libwmf-devel 
  - libwoff2common1_0_2 
  - libwoff2dec1_0_2 
  - libwoff2enc1_0_2 
  - libwordcut0 
  - libwpd-0_10-10 
  - libwpd-devel 
  - libwpe-1_0-1 
  - libwpe-devel 
  - libwpg-0_3-3 
  - libwpg-devel 
  - libwsutil15 
  - libwx_base-suse-devel 
  - libwx_base-suse-nostl-devel 
  - libwx_baseu-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_baseu-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_baseu_net-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_baseu_net-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_baseu_xml-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_baseu_xml-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_adv-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_aui-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_core-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_gl-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_html-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_media-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_propgrid-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_stc-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk2u_xrc-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_adv-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_adv-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_aui-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_aui-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_core-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_core-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_gl-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_gl-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_html-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_html-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_media-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_media-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_propgrid-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_propgrid-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_qa-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_qa-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_ribbon-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_ribbon-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_richtext-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_richtext-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_stc-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_stc-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_webview-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_xrc-suse-nostl10_0_0 
  - libwx_gtk3u_xrc-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_adv-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_aui-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_core-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_gl-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_html-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_media-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_propgrid-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_qa-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_ribbon-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_richtext-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_stc-suse10_0_0 
  - libwx_qtu_xrc-suse10_0_0 
  - libx86emu-devel 
  - libx86emu3: [aarch64] 
  - libxatracker-devel 
  - libxatracker2 
  - libxcb-composite0 
  - libxcb-cursor0 
  - libxcb-damage0 
  - libxcb-devel 
  - libxcb-devel-doc 
  - libxcb-dpms0 
  - libxcb-dri2-0 
  - libxcb-dri3-0 
  - libxcb-ewmh2 
  - libxcb-glx0 
  - libxcb-icccm4 
  - libxcb-image0 
  - libxcb-keysyms1 
  - libxcb-present0 
  - libxcb-record0 
  - libxcb-render-util0 
  - libxcb-render0 
  - libxcb-res0 
  - libxcb-screensaver0 
  - libxcb-shape0 
  - libxcb-shm0 
  - libxcb-sync1 
  - libxcb-util1 
  - libxcb-xf86dri0 
  - libxcb-xfixes0 
  - libxcb-xinerama0 
  - libxcb-xinput0 
  - libxcb-xkb1 
  - libxcb-xtest0 
  - libxcb-xv0 
  - libxcb-xvmc0 
  - libxcrypt-devel-static 
  - libxcvt 
  - libxcvt-devel 
  - libxcvt0 
  - libxdot4 
  - libxkbcommon-devel 
  - libxkbcommon-tools 
  - libxkbcommon-x11-0 
  - libxkbcommon-x11-devel 
  - libxkbcommon0 
  - libxkbfile-devel 
  - libxkbfile1 
  - libxkbregistry-devel 
  - libxkbregistry0 
  - libxkbui-devel 
  - libxkbui1 
  - libxklavier-devel 
  - libxklavier16 
  - libxml++-3_0-1 
  - libxml++-5_0-1 
  - libxml++-devel 
  - libxml++30-devel 
  - libxml2-devel 
  - libxmlb-devel 
  - libxmlb2 
  - libxmlb2-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libxmlrpc++8 
  - libxmlrpc3 
  - libxmlrpc_abyss++8 
  - libxmlrpc_abyss3 
  - libxmlrpc_client++8 
  - libxmlrpc_client3 
  - libxmlrpc_cpp8 
  - libxmlrpc_packetsocket8 
  - libxmlrpc_server++8 
  - libxmlrpc_server3 
  - libxmlrpc_server_abyss++8 
  - libxmlrpc_server_abyss3 
  - libxmlrpc_server_cgi++8 
  - libxmlrpc_server_cgi3 
  - libxmlrpc_server_pstream++8 
  - libxmlrpc_util++8 
  - libxmlrpc_util4 
  - libxmlsec1-1: [aarch64] 
  - libxmlsec1-nss1 
  - libxmlsec1-openssl1: [aarch64] 
  - libxshmfence-devel 
  - libxshmfence1 
  - libxslt-devel 
  - libxslt-tools 
  - libxtables-devel 
  - libxtermcap1_0 
  - libyajl-devel 
  - libyaml-devel 
  - libyui-devel 
  - libyui-ncurses-devel 
  - libyui-ncurses-pkg-devel 
  - libyui-ncurses-pkg16 
  - libyui-ncurses-rest-api-devel 
  - libyui-ncurses-rest-api16 
  - libyui-ncurses-tools 
  - libyui-ncurses16 
  - libyui-qt-devel 
  - libyui-qt-graph-devel 
  - libyui-qt-graph16 
  - libyui-qt-pkg-devel 
  - libyui-qt-pkg16 
  - libyui-qt-rest-api-devel 
  - libyui-qt-rest-api16 
  - libyui-qt16 
  - libyui-rest-api-devel 
  - libyui-rest-api16 
  - libyui16 
  - libyuv-devel 
  - libyuv0 
  - libz1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libzbar-devel 
  - libzbar0 
  - libzbarqt-devel 
  - libzbarqt0 
  - libzimg2 
  - libzio-devel 
  - libzip-devel 
  - libzip5 
  - libzopfli-devel 
  - libzopfli1 
  - libzopfli1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libzopflipng1 
  - libzopflipng1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libzstd1-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - libzypp-devel 
  - libzypp-plugin-appdata 
  - libzzip-0-13 
  - linux-atm-devel 
  - lirc-devel 
  - lksctp-tools-devel 
  - lld14 
  - lld15 
  - lld16 
  - lld17 
  - lldb 
  - lldb-devel 
  - lldb14: [x86_64] 
  - lldb14-devel: [x86_64] 
  - lldb15: [x86_64] 
  - lldb15-devel: [x86_64] 
  - lldb16 
  - lldb16-devel 
  - lldb17 
  - lldb17-devel 
  - llvm-doc 
  - llvm-opt-viewer 
  - llvm-polly 
  - llvm-polly-devel 
  - llvm14 
  - llvm14-devel 
  - llvm14-doc 
  - llvm14-gold 
  - llvm14-libc++-devel 
  - llvm14-libc++1 
  - llvm14-libc++abi-devel 
  - llvm14-libc++abi1 
  - llvm14-libclang13 
  - llvm14-opt-viewer 
  - llvm14-polly 
  - llvm14-polly-devel 
  - llvm14-vim-plugins 
  - llvm15 
  - llvm15-devel 
  - llvm15-doc 
  - llvm15-gold 
  - llvm15-libc++-devel 
  - llvm15-libc++1 
  - llvm15-libc++abi-devel 
  - llvm15-libc++abi1 
  - llvm15-libclang13 
  - llvm15-opt-viewer 
  - llvm15-polly 
  - llvm15-polly-devel 
  - llvm15-vim-plugins 
  - llvm16 
  - llvm16-devel 
  - llvm16-doc 
  - llvm16-gold 
  - llvm16-libc++-devel 
  - llvm16-libc++1 
  - llvm16-libc++abi-devel 
  - llvm16-libc++abi1 
  - llvm16-libclang13 
  - llvm16-opt-viewer 
  - llvm16-polly 
  - llvm16-polly-devel 
  - llvm16-vim-plugins 
  - llvm17 
  - llvm17-devel 
  - llvm17-doc 
  - llvm17-gold 
  - llvm17-opt-viewer 
  - llvm17-polly 
  - llvm17-polly-devel 
  - llvm17-vim-plugins 
  - lndir 
  - local-npm-registry 
  - log4j-over-slf4j 
  - lsb-release 
  - lshw-lang 
  - lsof 
  - ltrace 
  - lttng-modules-kmp-default: [x86_64] # recommended by supplements:lttng-tools 
  - lttng-tools-devel 
  - lttng-ust-devel 
  - lttng-ust-doc 
  - lua-macros 
  - lua51 
  - lua51-devel 
  - lua51-luarocks 
  - lua53 
  - lua53-devel 
  - lua53-luarocks 
  - lua54 
  - lua54-devel 
  - lua54-doc 
  - lua54-luafilesystem 
  - lua54-luaposix 
  - lua54-luarocks 
  - lua54-luaterm 
  - luajit 
  - luajit-devel 
  - luit 
  - lv2 
  - lv2-devel 
  - lv2-examples 
  - lvm2-devel 
  - lz4 
  - lzfse 
  - lzfse-devel 
  - lzip 
  - lzo-devel 
  - lzo-devel-static 
  - m17n-db 
  - m17n-db-lang 
  - m17n-lib 
  - m17n-lib-devel 
  - mage 
  - mailutils 
  - mailutils-delivery 
  - mailutils-devel 
  - mailutils-imap4d 
  - mailutils-mh 
  - mailutils-notify 
  - mailutils-pop3d 
  - mailx 
  - make-lang 
  - makedepend 
  - makedumpfile 
  - makeinfo 
  - makeinfo-lang 
  - malaga-suomi 
  - malcontent 
  - malcontent-control 
  - malcontent-devel 
  - malcontent-lang 
  - man-pages 
  - mandoc 
  - mandoc-bin 
  - mariadb 
  - mariadb-client 
  - mariadb-errormessages 
  - mariadb-tools 
  - maven 
  - maven-archiver 
  - maven-artifact-transfer 
  - maven-bundle-plugin 
  - maven-common-artifact-filters 
  - maven-compiler-plugin 
  - maven-compiler-plugin-bootstrap 
  - maven-dependency-tree 
  - maven-doxia-core 
  - maven-doxia-logging-api 
  - maven-doxia-module-apt 
  - maven-doxia-module-confluence 
  - maven-doxia-module-docbook-simple 
  - maven-doxia-module-fml 
  - maven-doxia-module-fo 
  - maven-doxia-module-latex 
  - maven-doxia-module-rtf 
  - maven-doxia-module-twiki 
  - maven-doxia-module-xdoc 
  - maven-doxia-module-xhtml 
  - maven-doxia-module-xhtml5 
  - maven-doxia-sink-api 
  - maven-doxia-sitetools 
  - maven-doxia-test-docs 
  - maven-failsafe-plugin 
  - maven-failsafe-plugin-bootstrap 
  - maven-file-management 
  - maven-filtering 
  - maven-invoker 
  - maven-invoker-plugin 
  - maven-jar-plugin 
  - maven-jar-plugin-bootstrap 
  - maven-javadoc-plugin 
  - maven-javadoc-plugin-bootstrap 
  - maven-lib 
  - maven-mapping 
  - maven-parent 
  - maven-plugin-annotations 
  - maven-plugin-plugin 
  - maven-plugin-plugin-bootstrap 
  - maven-plugin-tools-annotations 
  - maven-plugin-tools-ant 
  - maven-plugin-tools-api 
  - maven-plugin-tools-beanshell 
  - maven-plugin-tools-generators 
  - maven-plugin-tools-java 
  - maven-plugin-tools-model 
  - maven-reporting-api 
  - maven-reporting-impl 
  - maven-resolver 
  - maven-resolver-api 
  - maven-resolver-connector-basic 
  - maven-resolver-impl 
  - maven-resolver-named-locks 
  - maven-resolver-spi 
  - maven-resolver-test-util 
  - maven-resolver-transport-classpath 
  - maven-resolver-transport-file 
  - maven-resolver-transport-http 
  - maven-resolver-transport-wagon 
  - maven-resolver-util 
  - maven-resources-plugin 
  - maven-resources-plugin-bootstrap 
  - maven-script-ant 
  - maven-script-beanshell 
  - maven-script-interpreter 
  - maven-shared-incremental 
  - maven-shared-io 
  - maven-shared-utils 
  - maven-surefire 
  - maven-surefire-plugin 
  - maven-surefire-plugin-bootstrap 
  - maven-surefire-provider-junit 
  - maven-surefire-provider-junit5 
  - maven-surefire-provider-testng 
  - maven-surefire-report-parser 
  - maven-surefire-report-plugin 
  - maven-surefire-report-plugin-bootstrap 
  - maven-wagon-file 
  - maven-wagon-ftp 
  - maven-wagon-http 
  - maven-wagon-http-lightweight 
  - maven-wagon-http-shared 
  - maven-wagon-provider-api 
  - maven-wagon-ssh 
  - maven-wagon-ssh-common 
  - maven-wagon-ssh-external 
  - mdevctl 
  - memcached 
  - memcached-devel 
  - mercurial 
  - mercurial-tests 
  - meson 
  - metatheme-adwaita-common 
  - metis-devel 
  - metis-examples 
  - metis-gnu-hpc 
  - metis-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - metis-gnu-hpc-doc 
  - metis-gnu-hpc-examples 
  - metis_5_1_0-gnu-hpc 
  - metis_5_1_0-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - metis_5_1_0-gnu-hpc-doc 
  - metis_5_1_0-gnu-hpc-examples 
  - mgradm 
  - mgradm-bash-completion 
  - mgradm-lang 
  - mgradm-zsh-completion 
  - mgrctl 
  - mgrctl-bash-completion 
  - mgrctl-lang 
  - mgrctl-zsh-completion 
  - mgrpxy 
  - mgrpxy-bash-completion 
  - mgrpxy-lang 
  - mgrpxy-zsh-completion 
  - microos-devel-tools 
  - microos-tools 
  - minizip-devel 
  - mkfontscale 
  - mkisofs 
  - mksusecd 
  - mlocate 
  - mlocate-lang 
  - mmdblookup 
  - mobile-broadband-provider-info 
  - modello 
  - modello-maven-plugin 
  - monitoring-plugins 
  - monitoring-plugins-all 
  - monitoring-plugins-breeze 
  - monitoring-plugins-by_ssh 
  - monitoring-plugins-cluster 
  - monitoring-plugins-common 
  - monitoring-plugins-cups 
  - monitoring-plugins-dbi 
  - monitoring-plugins-dbi-mysql 
  - monitoring-plugins-dbi-pgsql 
  - monitoring-plugins-dbi-sqlite3 
  - monitoring-plugins-dhcp 
  - monitoring-plugins-dig 
  - monitoring-plugins-disk 
  - monitoring-plugins-disk_smb 
  - monitoring-plugins-dns 
  - monitoring-plugins-dummy 
  - monitoring-plugins-extras 
  - monitoring-plugins-file_age 
  - monitoring-plugins-flexlm 
  - monitoring-plugins-fping 
  - monitoring-plugins-hpjd 
  - monitoring-plugins-http 
  - monitoring-plugins-icmp 
  - monitoring-plugins-ide_smart 
  - monitoring-plugins-ifoperstatus 
  - monitoring-plugins-ifstatus 
  - monitoring-plugins-ircd 
  - monitoring-plugins-ldap 
  - monitoring-plugins-load 
  - monitoring-plugins-log 
  - monitoring-plugins-mailq 
  - monitoring-plugins-metadata 
  - monitoring-plugins-mrtg 
  - monitoring-plugins-mrtgtraf 
  - monitoring-plugins-mssql 
  - monitoring-plugins-mysql 
  - monitoring-plugins-nagios 
  - monitoring-plugins-nt 
  - monitoring-plugins-ntp_peer 
  - monitoring-plugins-ntp_time 
  - monitoring-plugins-nwstat 
  - monitoring-plugins-oracle 
  - monitoring-plugins-overcr 
  - monitoring-plugins-pgsql 
  - monitoring-plugins-ping 
  - monitoring-plugins-procs 
  - monitoring-plugins-radius 
  - monitoring-plugins-real 
  - monitoring-plugins-rpc 
  - monitoring-plugins-sensors 
  - monitoring-plugins-smtp 
  - monitoring-plugins-snmp 
  - monitoring-plugins-ssh 
  - monitoring-plugins-swap 
  - monitoring-plugins-tcp 
  - monitoring-plugins-time 
  - monitoring-plugins-ups 
  - monitoring-plugins-uptime 
  - monitoring-plugins-users 
  - monitoring-plugins-wave 
  - mozilla-nspr-devel 
  - mozilla-nss-devel 
  - mozilla-nss-sysinit 
  - mozjs102 
  - mozjs102-devel 
  - mpc-devel 
  - mpdecimal-devel 
  - mpfr-devel 
  - mpg123 
  - mpg123-devel 
  - mpg123-pulse 
  - mpi-selector 
  - mpich 
  - mpich-devel 
  - mpich-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc-macros-devel 
  - mpich-ofi_4_0_2-gnu-hpc 
  - mpich-ofi_4_0_2-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - mpich-ofi_4_0_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - mpich-ofi_4_0_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel 
  - mpich_4_0_2-gnu-hpc 
  - mpich_4_0_2-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - mpich_4_0_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - mpich_4_0_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel 
  - mpt-firmware 
  - mspack-examples 
  - mstflint 
  - mtdev-devel 
  - mtools 
  - mujs 
  - mujs-devel 
  - multipath-tools-devel 
  - mutter 
  - mutter-devel 
  - mutter-lang 
  - mvapich2 
  - mvapich2-devel 
  - mvapich2-devel-static 
  - mvapich2-doc 
  - mvapich2-psm2: [x86_64] 
  - mvapich2-psm2-devel: [x86_64] 
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc: [x86_64] 
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-devel: [x86_64] 
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-devel-static: [x86_64] 
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-doc: [x86_64] 
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-macros-devel: [x86_64] 
  - mvapich2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc 
  - mvapich2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - mvapich2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - mvapich2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-doc 
  - mvapich2_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-macros-devel 
  - myspell-af_NA 
  - myspell-af_ZA 
  - myspell-an 
  - myspell-an_ES 
  - myspell-ar 
  - myspell-ar_AE 
  - myspell-ar_BH 
  - myspell-ar_DZ 
  - myspell-ar_EG 
  - myspell-ar_IQ 
  - myspell-ar_JO 
  - myspell-ar_KW 
  - myspell-ar_LB 
  - myspell-ar_LY 
  - myspell-ar_MA 
  - myspell-ar_OM 
  - myspell-ar_QA 
  - myspell-ar_SA 
  - myspell-ar_SD 
  - myspell-ar_SY 
  - myspell-ar_TN 
  - myspell-ar_YE 
  - myspell-be_BY 
  - myspell-bg_BG 
  - myspell-bn_BD 
  - myspell-bn_IN 
  - myspell-bo 
  - myspell-bo_CN 
  - myspell-bo_IN 
  - myspell-br_FR 
  - myspell-bs 
  - myspell-bs_BA 
  - myspell-ca 
  - myspell-ca_AD 
  - myspell-ca_ES 
  - myspell-ca_ES_valencia 
  - myspell-ca_FR 
  - myspell-ca_IT 
  - myspell-ckb 
  - myspell-cs_CZ 
  - myspell-da_DK 
  - myspell-de 
  - myspell-de_AT 
  - myspell-de_CH 
  - myspell-de_DE 
  - myspell-dictionaries 
  - myspell-el_GR 
  - myspell-en 
  - myspell-en_AU 
  - myspell-en_BS 
  - myspell-en_BZ 
  - myspell-en_CA 
  - myspell-en_GB 
  - myspell-en_GH 
  - myspell-en_IE 
  - myspell-en_IN 
  - myspell-en_JM 
  - myspell-en_MW 
  - myspell-en_NA 
  - myspell-en_NZ 
  - myspell-en_PH 
  - myspell-en_TT 
  - myspell-en_US 
  - myspell-en_ZA 
  - myspell-en_ZW 
  - myspell-eo 
  - myspell-es 
  - myspell-es_AR 
  - myspell-es_BO 
  - myspell-es_CL 
  - myspell-es_CO 
  - myspell-es_CR 
  - myspell-es_CU 
  - myspell-es_DO 
  - myspell-es_EC 
  - myspell-es_ES 
  - myspell-es_GQ 
  - myspell-es_GT 
  - myspell-es_HN 
  - myspell-es_MX 
  - myspell-es_NI 
  - myspell-es_PA 
  - myspell-es_PE 
  - myspell-es_PH 
  - myspell-es_PR 
  - myspell-es_PY 
  - myspell-es_SV 
  - myspell-es_US 
  - myspell-es_UY 
  - myspell-es_VE 
  - myspell-et_EE 
  - myspell-fa_IR 
  - myspell-fr_BE 
  - myspell-fr_CA 
  - myspell-fr_CH 
  - myspell-fr_FR 
  - myspell-fr_LU 
  - myspell-fr_MC 
  - myspell-gd_GB 
  - myspell-gl 
  - myspell-gl_ES 
  - myspell-gu_IN 
  - myspell-gug 
  - myspell-gug_PY 
  - myspell-he_IL 
  - myspell-hi_IN 
  - myspell-hr_HR 
  - myspell-hu_HU 
  - myspell-id 
  - myspell-id_ID 
  - myspell-is 
  - myspell-is_IS 
  - myspell-it_IT 
  - myspell-kmr_Latn 
  - myspell-kmr_Latn_SY 
  - myspell-kmr_Latn_TR 
  - myspell-ko_KR 
  - myspell-lightproof-en 
  - myspell-lightproof-hu_HU 
  - myspell-lightproof-pt_BR 
  - myspell-lightproof-ru_RU 
  - myspell-lo_LA 
  - myspell-lt_LT 
  - myspell-lv_LV 
  - myspell-mn_Cyrl_MN 
  - myspell-mn_MN 
  - myspell-nb_NO 
  - myspell-ne_NP 
  - myspell-nl_BE 
  - myspell-nl_NL 
  - myspell-nn_NO 
  - myspell-no 
  - myspell-oc_FR 
  - myspell-oc_FR_lengadoc 
  - myspell-pl_PL 
  - myspell-pt_BR 
  - myspell-pt_PT 
  - myspell-ro 
  - myspell-ro_RO 
  - myspell-ru_RU 
  - myspell-si_LK 
  - myspell-sk_SK 
  - myspell-sl_SI 
  - myspell-sq_AL 
  - myspell-sr 
  - myspell-sr_CS 
  - myspell-sr_Latn_CS 
  - myspell-sr_Latn_RS 
  - myspell-sr_RS 
  - myspell-sv_FI 
  - myspell-sv_SE 
  - myspell-sw_TZ 
  - myspell-te 
  - myspell-te_IN 
  - myspell-th_TH 
  - myspell-tr 
  - myspell-tr_TR 
  - myspell-uk_UA 
  - myspell-vi 
  - myspell-vi_VN 
  - myspell-zu_ZA 
  - nasm 
  - nbdfuse 
  - ncurses-devel 
  - ncurses-devel-static 
  - ncurses-examples 
  - ncurses5-devel 
  - ncurses5-devel-static 
  - ndctl 
  - net-snmp 
  - net-snmp-devel 
  - net-tools-deprecated 
  - net-tools-lang 
  - netcdf-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - netcdf-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel 
  - netcdf-openmpi4 
  - netcdf-openmpi4-devel 
  - netcdf-openmpi4-devel-static 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-hpc 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-mpich-hpc 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel 
  - netcdf_4_9_2-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static 
  - netpbm 
  - netsurf-buildsystem 
  - newt 
  - newt-devel 
  - nfs-kernel-server 
  - nfsidmap-devel 
  - nftables 
  - nftables-devel 
  - nginx 
  - nginx-macros 
  - nginx-source 
  - ninja 
  - nodejs-common 
  - nodejs-default 
  - nodejs-devel-default 
  - nodejs20 
  - nodejs20-devel 
  - nodejs20-docs 
  - noto-arimo-fonts 
  - noto-cousine-fonts 
  - noto-fonts 
  - noto-kufiarabic-fonts 
  - noto-loopedlao-fonts 
  - noto-loopedlao-ui-fonts 
  - noto-loopedthai-fonts 
  - noto-loopedthai-ui-fonts 
  - noto-music-fonts 
  - noto-naskharabic-fonts 
  - noto-naskharabic-ui-fonts 
  - noto-nastaliqurdu-fonts 
  - noto-rashihebrew-fonts 
  - noto-sans-arabic-fonts 
  - noto-sans-arabic-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-armenian-fonts 
  - noto-sans-bamum-fonts 
  - noto-sans-bassavah-fonts 
  - noto-sans-bengali-fonts 
  - noto-sans-bengali-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-bhaiksuki-fonts 
  - noto-sans-caucasianalbanian-fonts 
  - noto-sans-chorasmian-fonts 
  - noto-sans-cyprominoan-fonts 
  - noto-sans-devanagari-fonts 
  - noto-sans-duployan-fonts 
  - noto-sans-elbasan-fonts 
  - noto-sans-elymaic-fonts 
  - noto-sans-ethiopic-fonts 
  - noto-sans-fonts 
  - noto-sans-georgian-fonts 
  - noto-sans-grantha-fonts 
  - noto-sans-gujarati-fonts 
  - noto-sans-gujarati-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-gunjalagondi-fonts 
  - noto-sans-gurmukhi-fonts 
  - noto-sans-gurmukhi-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-hanifirohingya-fonts 
  - noto-sans-hatran-fonts 
  - noto-sans-hebrew-fonts 
  - noto-sans-hebrewdroid-fonts 
  - noto-sans-hebrewnew-fonts 
  - noto-sans-indicsiyaqnumbers-fonts 
  - noto-sans-kannada-fonts 
  - noto-sans-kannada-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-kayahli-fonts 
  - noto-sans-khmer-fonts 
  - noto-sans-khojki-fonts 
  - noto-sans-khudawadi-fonts 
  - noto-sans-lao-fonts 
  - noto-sans-lao-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-lepcha-fonts 
  - noto-sans-lineara-fonts 
  - noto-sans-lisu-fonts 
  - noto-sans-mahajani-fonts 
  - noto-sans-malayalam-fonts 
  - noto-sans-malayalam-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-manichaean-fonts 
  - noto-sans-marchen-fonts 
  - noto-sans-masaramgondi-fonts 
  - noto-sans-math-fonts 
  - noto-sans-mayannumerals-fonts 
  - noto-sans-medefaidrin-fonts 
  - noto-sans-mendekikakui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-meroitic-fonts 
  - noto-sans-miao-fonts 
  - noto-sans-modi-fonts 
  - noto-sans-mongolian-fonts 
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  - noto-sans-mro-fonts 
  - noto-sans-multani-fonts 
  - noto-sans-myanmar-fonts 
  - noto-sans-myanmar-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-nabataean-fonts 
  - noto-sans-nandinagari-fonts 
  - noto-sans-newa-fonts 
  - noto-sans-newtailue-fonts 
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  - noto-sans-oldhungarian-fonts 
  - noto-sans-oldnortharabian-fonts 
  - noto-sans-oldpermic-fonts 
  - noto-sans-oldsogdian-fonts 
  - noto-sans-oriya-fonts 
  - noto-sans-oriya-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-pahawhhmong-fonts 
  - noto-sans-palmyrene-fonts 
  - noto-sans-paucinhau-fonts 
  - noto-sans-psalterpahlavi-fonts 
  - noto-sans-saurashtra-fonts 
  - noto-sans-sharada-fonts 
  - noto-sans-siddham-fonts 
  - noto-sans-signwriting-fonts 
  - noto-sans-sinhala-fonts 
  - noto-sans-sogdian-fonts 
  - noto-sans-sorasompeng-fonts 
  - noto-sans-soyombo-fonts 
  - noto-sans-symbols-fonts 
  - noto-sans-symbols2-fonts 
  - noto-sans-syriac-fonts 
  - noto-sans-taitham-fonts 
  - noto-sans-taiviet-fonts 
  - noto-sans-takri-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tamil-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tamil-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tamilsupplement-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tangsa-fonts 
  - noto-sans-telugu-fonts 
  - noto-sans-telugu-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-thaana-fonts 
  - noto-sans-thai-fonts 
  - noto-sans-thai-ui-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tifinagh-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tifinaghadrar-fonts 
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  - noto-sans-tifinaghahaggar-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tifinaghair-fonts 
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  - noto-sans-tifinaghazawagh-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tifinaghghat-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tifinaghhawad-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tifinaghrhissaixa-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tifinaghsil-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tifinaghtawellemmet-fonts 
  - noto-sans-tirhuta-fonts 
  - noto-sans-vai-fonts 
  - noto-sans-vithkuqi-fonts 
  - noto-sans-wancho-fonts 
  - noto-sans-warangciti-fonts 
  - noto-sans-yi-fonts 
  - noto-sans-zanabazarsquare-fonts 
  - noto-serif-ahom-fonts 
  - noto-serif-armenian-fonts 
  - noto-serif-balinese-fonts 
  - noto-serif-bengali-fonts 
  - noto-serif-devanagari-fonts 
  - noto-serif-display-fonts 
  - noto-serif-divesakuru-fonts 
  - noto-serif-dogra-fonts 
  - noto-serif-ethiopic-fonts 
  - noto-serif-fonts 
  - noto-serif-georgian-fonts 
  - noto-serif-grantha-fonts 
  - noto-serif-gujarati-fonts 
  - noto-serif-gurmukhi-fonts 
  - noto-serif-hebrew-fonts 
  - noto-serif-kannada-fonts 
  - noto-serif-khmer-fonts 
  - noto-serif-khojki-fonts 
  - noto-serif-lao-fonts 
  - noto-serif-makasar-fonts 
  - noto-serif-malayalam-fonts 
  - noto-serif-myanmar-fonts 
  - noto-serif-nyiakengpuachuehmong-fonts 
  - noto-serif-olduyghur-fonts 
  - noto-serif-oriya-fonts 
  - noto-serif-sinhala-fonts 
  - noto-serif-tamil-fonts 
  - noto-serif-tamilslanted-fonts 
  - noto-serif-tangut-fonts 
  - noto-serif-telugu-fonts 
  - noto-serif-thai-fonts 
  - noto-serif-tibetan-fonts 
  - noto-serif-toto-fonts 
  - noto-serif-vithkuqi-fonts 
  - noto-serif-yezidi-fonts 
  - noto-tinos-fonts 
  - noto-traditionalnushu-fonts 
  - novnc 
  - npm-default 
  - npm20 
  - npth-devel 
  - nscd 
  - nss-shared-helper-devel 
  - ntfs-3g 
  - ntfsprogs 
  - numatop: [x86_64] 
  - nuspell 
  - nuspell-devel 
  - nuspell-doc 
  - nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-64kb-devel: [aarch64] # devel package of supplements:nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-default 
  - nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-default-devel 
  - nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - nvme-cli-bash-completion 
  - nvme-cli-zsh-completion 
  - nvme-stas 
  - nvmetcli 
  - nvptx-tools 
  - oath-toolkit-xml 
  - objectweb-asm 
  - obs-service-cdi_containers_meta: [x86_64] 
  - obs-service-docker_label_helper 
  - obs-service-kubevirt_containers_meta: [x86_64] 
  - obs-service-replace_using_env 
  - obs-service-set_version 
  - ocaml 
  - ocaml-augeas 
  - ocaml-augeas-devel 
  - ocaml-compiler-libs 
  - ocaml-compiler-libs-devel 
  - ocaml-csexp 
  - ocaml-csexp-devel 
  - ocaml-findlib 
  - ocaml-findlib-devel 
  - ocaml-graphics 
  - ocaml-graphics-devel 
  - ocaml-libguestfs-devel 
  - ocaml-ocamldoc 
  - ocaml-pp 
  - ocaml-pp-devel 
  - ocaml-pyml 
  - ocaml-pyml-devel 
  - ocaml-re 
  - ocaml-re-devel 
  - ocaml-result 
  - ocaml-result-devel 
  - ocaml-rpm-macros 
  - ocaml-runtime 
  - ocaml-stdcompat 
  - ocaml-stdcompat-devel 
  - ocaml-stdlib-shims 
  - ocaml-stdlib-shims-devel 
  - ocfs2-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - ocfs2-kmp-default 
  - ocfs2-kmp-rt 
  - opa-address-resolution: [x86_64] 
  - opa-address-resolution-devel: [x86_64] 
  - opa-basic-tools: [x86_64] 
  - opa-fastfabric: [x86_64] 
  - opa-fm: [x86_64] 
  - opa-fmgui 
  - opa-snapconfig: [x86_64] 
  - open-iscsi-devel 
  - open-isns-devel 
  - open-lldp-devel 
  - open-vm-tools: [aarch64] 
  - open-vm-tools-containerinfo 
  - open-vm-tools-desktop 
  - open-vm-tools-salt-minion: [x86_64] 
  - open-vm-tools-sdmp 
  - openCryptoki 
  - openCryptoki-64bit 
  - openCryptoki-devel 
  - openal-soft-data 
  - openal-soft-devel 
  - openal-soft-makemhr 
  - openal-soft-tools 
  - openblas-common-devel 
  - openblas-pthreads_0_3_25-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - openblas_0_3_25-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - opencc 
  - opencc-data 
  - opencc-devel 
  - opencensus-proto-source 
  - openexr-devel 
  - openjade 
  - openjade-devel 
  - openjpeg2 
  - openjpeg2-devel 
  - openjpeg2-devel-doc 
  - openldap2 
  - openldap2-back-meta 
  - openldap2-back-perl 
  - openldap2-client 
  - openldap2-devel 
  - openldap2-devel-static 
  - openmpi4 
  - openmpi4-config 
  - openmpi4-devel 
  - openmpi4-docs 
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc 
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc-docs 
  - openmpi4-gnu-hpc-macros-devel 
  - openmpi4-libs 
  - openmpi4-macros-devel 
  - openmpi4-testsuite 
  - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc 
  - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-docs 
  - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-macros-devel 
  - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-testsuite 
  - openpgm-devel 
  - opensc 
  - openslp 
  - openslp-devel 
  - openslp-server 
  - opensm 
  - opensm-devel 
  - opensp 
  - opensp-devel 
  - opensp-doc 
  - openssh-askpass-gnome 
  - openssh-helpers 
  - openssl-3-doc 
  - openssl-pkcs11-sign-provider 
  - opentest4j 
  - openucx-tools 
  - openvpn 
  - openvpn-auth-pam-plugin 
  - openvpn-devel 
  - openvswitch-devel 
  - oqs-provider 
  - orc 
  - oro 
  - osgi-annotation 
  - osgi-compendium 
  - osgi-core 
  - osinfo-db 
  - osinfo-db-tools 
  - ovmf 
  - ovmf-tools 
  - ovn 
  - ovn-central 
  - ovn-devel 
  - ovn-doc 
  - ovn-docker 
  - ovn-host 
  - ovn-vtep 
  - p11-kit-devel 
  - p11-kit-nss-trust 
  - p11-kit-server 
  - pacemaker 
  - pacemaker-cli 
  - pacemaker-cts 
  - pacemaker-devel 
  - pacemaker-libs 
  - pacemaker-remote 
  - pacemaker-schemas 
  - pam-devel 
  - pam-doc 
  - pam-extra 
  - pam-manpages 
  - pam-userdb 
  - pam_krb5 
  - pam_snapper 
  - pam_u2f 
  - pam_wrapper 
  - pango-devel 
  - pangomm1_4-devel 
  - parted 
  - parted-devel 
  - parted-lang 
  - patchelf 
  - patchutils 
  - patterns-base-base 
  - patterns-base-bootloader 
  - patterns-base-cloud 
  - patterns-base-cockpit 
  - patterns-base-ima-evm 
  - patterns-base-kvm_host 
  - patterns-base-minimal_base 
  - patterns-base-ra-agent 
  - patterns-base-ra-verifier 
  - patterns-base-traditional 
  - patterns-base-transactional 
  - patterns-micro-alt_onlyDVD 
  - patterns-micro-defaults 
  - patterns-micro-elemental_client 
  - patterns-micro-onlyDVD 
  - patterns-rpm-macros 
  - pciutils-devel 
  - pcp 
  - pcp-devel 
  - pcp-doc 
  - pcp-import-iostat2pcp 
  - pcp-import-mrtg2pcp 
  - pcp-import-sar2pcp 
  - pcp-pmda-hacluster 
  - pcp-pmda-lio 
  - pcp-pmda-mssql: [x86_64] 
  - pcp-pmda-netcheck 
  - pcp-pmda-openmetrics 
  - pcp-pmda-openvswitch 
  - pcp-pmda-rabbitmq 
  - pcp-pmda-sockets 
  - pcp-system-tools 
  - pcre-devel 
  - pcre-testsuite 
  - pcre-tools 
  - pcre2-devel 
  - pcsc-ccid 
  - pcsc-lite 
  - pcsc-lite-devel 
  - pcsc-tools 
  - perftest 
  - perl-Algorithm-Diff 
  - perl-Alien-Build 
  - perl-Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitLab 
  - perl-Alien-Libxml2 
  - perl-Alien-Tidyp 
  - perl-AnyEvent 
  - perl-Archive-Cpio 
  - perl-Archive-Extract 
  - perl-Archive-Zip 
  - perl-Authen-SASL 
  - perl-B-COW 
  - perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope 
  - perl-Bit-Vector 
  - perl-Business-ISBN 
  - perl-Business-ISBN-Data 
  - perl-Business-ISMN 
  - perl-Business-ISSN 
  - perl-CGI 
  - perl-CPAN-Meta-Check 
  - perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements 
  - perl-Cairo 
  - perl-Cairo-GObject 
  - perl-Canary-Stability 
  - perl-Capture-Tiny 
  - perl-Carp-Clan 
  - perl-Class-Accessor 
  - perl-Class-Data-Inheritable 
  - perl-Class-Factory-Util 
  - perl-Class-Inspector 
  - perl-Class-Singleton 
  - perl-Class-Tiny 
  - perl-Clone 
  - perl-Config-AutoConf 
  - perl-Config-IniFiles 
  - perl-Convert-ASN1 
  - perl-Crypt-DES 
  - perl-Crypt-RC4 
  - perl-Crypt-Rijndael 
  - perl-Crypt-SSLeay 
  - perl-DBD-SQLite 
  - perl-DBD-mysql 
  - perl-DBI 
  - perl-DNS-LDNS 
  - perl-Data-Compare 
  - perl-Data-Dump 
  - perl-Data-OptList 
  - perl-Data-Uniqid 
  - perl-Date-Calc 
  - perl-Date-Manip 
  - perl-Date-Simple 
  - perl-DateTime 
  - perl-DateTime-Calendar-Julian 
  - perl-DateTime-Format-Builder 
  - perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime 
  - perl-DateTime-Locale 
  - perl-DateTime-TimeZone 
  - perl-Devel-CheckLib 
  - perl-Devel-CoreStack 
  - perl-Devel-Cycle 
  - perl-Devel-Leak 
  - perl-Devel-StackTrace 
  - perl-Devel-Symdump 
  - perl-Digest-HMAC 
  - perl-Digest-Perl-MD5 
  - perl-Digest-SHA1 
  - perl-Dist-CheckConflicts 
  - perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII 
  - perl-Encode-HanExtra 
  - perl-Encode-JIS2K 
  - perl-Encode-Locale 
  - perl-Eval-Closure 
  - perl-Exception-Class 
  - perl-Expect 
  - perl-Exporter-Tiny 
  - perl-ExtUtils-CChecker 
  - perl-ExtUtils-Config 
  - perl-ExtUtils-Depends 
  - perl-ExtUtils-Helpers 
  - perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths 
  - perl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder 
  - perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker 
  - perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig 
  - perl-FFI-CheckLib 
  - perl-FastCGI 
  - perl-File-Copy-Recursive 
  - perl-File-Find-Rule 
  - perl-File-HomeDir 
  - perl-File-Listing 
  - perl-File-Path 
  - perl-File-ShareDir 
  - perl-File-ShareDir-Install 
  - perl-File-Slurp 
  - perl-File-Slurp-Unicode 
  - perl-File-Slurper 
  - perl-File-Which 
  - perl-File-chdir 
  - perl-Font-AFM 
  - perl-Glib 
  - perl-Glib-Object-Introspection 
  - perl-GraphicsMagick 
  - perl-Gtk3 
  - perl-HTML-Form 
  - perl-HTML-Format 
  - perl-HTML-Parser 
  - perl-HTML-Tagset 
  - perl-HTML-Tidy 
  - perl-HTML-Tree 
  - perl-HTTP-Cookies 
  - perl-HTTP-DAV 
  - perl-HTTP-Daemon 
  - perl-HTTP-Date 
  - perl-HTTP-Message 
  - perl-HTTP-Negotiate 
  - perl-IO-CaptureOutput 
  - perl-IO-HTML 
  - perl-IO-Socket-SSL 
  - perl-IO-String 
  - perl-IO-Tty 
  - perl-IO-stringy 
  - perl-IPC-Run3 
  - perl-IPC-System-Simple 
  - perl-Importer 
  - perl-JSON 
  - perl-LWP-MediaTypes 
  - perl-LWP-Protocol-https 
  - perl-Lingua-Translit 
  - perl-List-AllUtils 
  - perl-List-MoreUtils 
  - perl-List-MoreUtils-XS 
  - perl-List-SomeUtils 
  - perl-List-SomeUtils-XS 
  - perl-List-UtilsBy 
  - perl-Log-Log4perl 
  - perl-MIME-Charset 
  - perl-MRO-Compat 
  - perl-MailTools 
  - perl-Mixin-Linewise 
  - perl-Mock-Config 
  - perl-Module-Build 
  - perl-Module-Build-Tiny 
  - perl-Module-Implementation 
  - perl-Module-Pluggable 
  - perl-Module-Runtime 
  - perl-Mojo-DOM58 
  - perl-Net-DBus 
  - perl-Net-HTTP 
  - perl-Net-Libproxy 
  - perl-Net-SMTP-SSL 
  - perl-Net-SNMP 
  - perl-Net-SSLeay 
  - perl-Number-Compare 
  - perl-OLE-Storage_Lite 
  - perl-PCP-LogImport 
  - perl-PCP-LogSummary 
  - perl-PCP-MMV 
  - perl-PCP-PMDA 
  - perl-Package-DeprecationManager 
  - perl-Package-Stash 
  - perl-Package-Stash-XS 
  - perl-PadWalker 
  - perl-Params-Util 
  - perl-Params-Validate 
  - perl-Params-ValidationCompiler 
  - perl-Parse-RecDescent 
  - perl-Path-Class 
  - perl-Path-Tiny 
  - perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict 
  - perl-PerlMagick 
  - perl-Pod-Coverage 
  - perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod 
  - perl-Pod-Eventual 
  - perl-Pod-Parser 
  - perl-Protocol-HTTP2 
  - perl-RPC-XML 
  - perl-Readonly 
  - perl-Readonly-XS 
  - perl-Regexp-Common 
  - perl-Role-Tiny 
  - perl-SGMLS 
  - perl-SNMP 
  - perl-Scope-Guard 
  - perl-Socket6 
  - perl-Sort-Key 
  - perl-Sort-Versions 
  - perl-Specio 
  - perl-Spiffy 
  - perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel 
  - perl-Sub-Exporter 
  - perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive 
  - perl-Sub-Identify 
  - perl-Sub-Info 
  - perl-Sub-Install 
  - perl-Sub-Override 
  - perl-Sub-Quote 
  - perl-Sub-Uplevel 
  - perl-Switch 
  - perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try 
  - perl-Sys-Guestfs 
  - perl-Term-ReadKey 
  - perl-Term-Table 
  - perl-Test-Base 
  - perl-Test-CPAN-Meta 
  - perl-Test-Deep 
  - perl-Test-Differences 
  - perl-Test-EOL 
  - perl-Test-Exception 
  - perl-Test-Fatal 
  - perl-Test-File 
  - perl-Test-File-ShareDir 
  - perl-Test-Inter 
  - perl-Test-LeakTrace 
  - perl-Test-Memory-Cycle 
  - perl-Test-Needs 
  - perl-Test-NoTabs 
  - perl-Test-NoWarnings 
  - perl-Test-Output 
  - perl-Test-Pod 
  - perl-Test-Pod-Coverage 
  - perl-Test-Requires 
  - perl-Test-RequiresInternet 
  - perl-Test-SharedFork 
  - perl-Test-Strict 
  - perl-Test-TCP 
  - perl-Test-Taint 
  - perl-Test-Warn 
  - perl-Test-Warnings 
  - perl-Test-Without-Module 
  - perl-Test-YAML 
  - perl-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings 
  - perl-Test2-Suite 
  - perl-Text-BibTeX 
  - perl-Text-BibTeX-devel 
  - perl-Text-CSV 
  - perl-Text-CSV_XS 
  - perl-Text-CharWidth 
  - perl-Text-Diff 
  - perl-Text-Glob 
  - perl-Text-Iconv 
  - perl-Text-Markdown 
  - perl-Text-Roman 
  - perl-Text-Soundex 
  - perl-Text-Unidecode 
  - perl-Text-WrapI18N 
  - perl-Text-Wrapper 
  - perl-Tie-Cycle 
  - perl-Tie-IxHash 
  - perl-TimeDate 
  - perl-Tk 
  - perl-Tk-devel 
  - perl-Try-Tiny 
  - perl-URI 
  - perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth 
  - perl-Unicode-LineBreak 
  - perl-Unicode-Map8 
  - perl-Unicode-String 
  - perl-Variable-Magic 
  - perl-WWW-Mechanize 
  - perl-WWW-RobotRules 
  - perl-Win-Hivex 
  - perl-X11-Protocol 
  - perl-X500-DN 
  - perl-XML-DOM 
  - perl-XML-Filter-BufferText 
  - perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter 
  - perl-XML-LibXML 
  - perl-XML-LibXML-Simple 
  - perl-XML-LibXSLT 
  - perl-XML-NamespaceSupport 
  - perl-XML-Parser 
  - perl-XML-RegExp 
  - perl-XML-SAX 
  - perl-XML-SAX-Base 
  - perl-XML-SAX-Expat 
  - perl-XML-SAX-Writer 
  - perl-XML-Simple 
  - perl-XML-Structured 
  - perl-XML-Twig 
  - perl-XML-Writer 
  - perl-XML-Writer-String 
  - perl-XML-XPath 
  - perl-XML-XPathEngine 
  - perl-XS-Parse-Keyword 
  - perl-XString 
  - perl-YAML 
  - perl-YAML-LibYAML 
  - perl-YAML-Tiny 
  - perl-autovivification 
  - perl-biber 
  - perl-doc 
  - perl-gettext 
  - perl-ldap 
  - perl-libintl-perl 
  - perl-libwww-perl 
  - perl-libxml-perl 
  - perl-namespace-autoclean 
  - perl-namespace-clean 
  - perl-pcsc 
  - perl-rrdtool 
  - perl-solv 
  - perl-thrift 
  - perl-yui 
  - permissions-zypp-plugin 
  - pesign 
  - pesign-obs-integration 
  - php8 
  - php8-bcmath 
  - php8-bz2 
  - php8-calendar 
  - php8-cli 
  - php8-ctype 
  - php8-curl 
  - php8-dba 
  - php8-devel 
  - php8-dom 
  - php8-embed 
  - php8-enchant 
  - php8-exif 
  - php8-fastcgi 
  - php8-ffi 
  - php8-fileinfo 
  - php8-fpm 
  - php8-fpm-apache 
  - php8-ftp 
  - php8-gd 
  - php8-gettext 
  - php8-gmp 
  - php8-iconv 
  - php8-intl 
  - php8-ldap 
  - php8-mbstring 
  - php8-mysql 
  - php8-odbc 
  - php8-opcache 
  - php8-openssl 
  - php8-pcntl 
  - php8-pdo 
  - php8-pear 
  - php8-pecl 
  - php8-pgsql 
  - php8-phar 
  - php8-posix 
  - php8-readline 
  - php8-shmop 
  - php8-snmp 
  - php8-soap 
  - php8-sockets 
  - php8-sodium 
  - php8-sqlite 
  - php8-sysvmsg 
  - php8-sysvsem 
  - php8-sysvshm 
  - php8-test 
  - php8-tidy 
  - php8-tokenizer 
  - php8-xmlreader 
  - php8-xmlwriter 
  - php8-xsl 
  - php8-zip 
  - php8-zlib 
  - picocli 
  - picocli-codegen 
  - picocli-shell-jline2 
  - pipewire 
  - pipewire-alsa 
  - pipewire-devel 
  - pipewire-jack 
  - pipewire-lang 
  - pipewire-libjack-0_3-devel 
  - pipewire-module-x11-0_3 
  - pipewire-modules-0_3 
  - pipewire-pulseaudio 
  - pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 
  - pipewire-spa-tools 
  - pipewire-tools 
  - pkcs11-helper 
  - pkcs11-helper-devel 
  - pkexec 
  - plexus-ant-factory 
  - plexus-archiver 
  - plexus-bsh-factory 
  - plexus-build-api 
  - plexus-cipher 
  - plexus-classworlds 
  - plexus-cli 
  - plexus-compiler 
  - plexus-compiler-extras 
  - plexus-component-api 
  - plexus-component-metadata 
  - plexus-containers-component-annotations 
  - plexus-containers-container-default 
  - plexus-i18n 
  - plexus-interactivity-api 
  - plexus-interactivity-jline 
  - plexus-interpolation 
  - plexus-io 
  - plexus-languages 
  - plexus-metadata-generator 
  - plexus-pom 
  - plexus-sec-dispatcher 
  - plexus-utils 
  - plexus-velocity 
  - plotutils-doc 
  - plymouth 
  - plymouth-branding-SLE 
  - plymouth-branding-openSUSE 
  - plymouth-branding-upstream 
  - plymouth-devel 
  - plymouth-dracut 
  - plymouth-lang 
  - plymouth-plugin-label 
  - plymouth-plugin-script 
  - plymouth-scripts 
  - pmdk 
  - pmdk-tools 
  - pmix 
  - pmix-devel 
  - pmix-headers 
  - pmix-mca-params 
  - pmix-plugin-munge 
  - pmix-plugins 
  - pmix-test 
  - pngquant 
  - podmansh 
  - policycoreutils-lang 
  - policycoreutils-newrole 
  - polkit 
  - polkit-default-privs 
  - polkit-devel 
  - poppler-data 
  - poppler-data-devel 
  - poppler-tools 
  - popt-devel 
  - popt-lang 
  - portaudio-devel 
  - post-build-checks 
  - postfix 
  - postfix-bdb 
  - postfix-bdb-lmdb 
  - postfix-devel 
  - postfix-doc 
  - postfix-ldap 
  - postfix-mysql 
  - postgresql 
  - postgresql-contrib 
  - postgresql-devel 
  - postgresql-docs 
  - postgresql-llvmjit-devel 
  - postgresql-plperl 
  - postgresql-plpython 
  - postgresql-pltcl 
  - postgresql-server 
  - postgresql-server-devel 
  - postgresql15 
  - postgresql15-contrib 
  - postgresql15-devel 
  - postgresql15-docs 
  - postgresql15-llvmjit 
  - postgresql15-llvmjit-devel 
  - postgresql15-plperl 
  - postgresql15-plpython 
  - postgresql15-pltcl 
  - postgresql15-server 
  - postgresql15-server-devel 
  - postgresql15-test 
  - ppp 
  - ppp-devel 
  - pprof 
  - pps-udev 
  - procps-devel 
  - procps-lang 
  - product-builder-plugin-ALP 
  - product-composer 
  - protobuf-devel 
  - protobuf21-devel 
  - protobuf21-source 
  - psmisc 
  - psmisc-lang 
  - psutils 
  - pthread-stubs-devel 
  - publicsuffix 
  - pulseaudio 
  - pulseaudio-bash-completion 
  - pulseaudio-gdm-hooks 
  - pulseaudio-lang 
  - pulseaudio-module-bluetooth 
  - pulseaudio-module-gsettings 
  - pulseaudio-module-lirc 
  - pulseaudio-module-x11 
  - pulseaudio-module-zeroconf 
  - pulseaudio-setup 
  - pulseaudio-utils 
  - pulseaudio-zsh-completion 
  - python-SQLAlchemy1-doc 
  - python-azure-agent 
  - python-azure-agent-config-default 
  - python-azure-agent-config-hpc 
  - python-azure-agent-config-micro 
  - python-azure-agent-config-server 
  - python-btrfsutil 
  - python-dbus-python-common-devel 
  - python-falcon-doc 
  - python-instance-billing-flavor-check 
  - python-langtable-data 
  - python-libcomps-doc 
  - python-libeconf-doc 
  - python-marshmallow-doc 
  - python-mpi4py-common-devel 
  - python-mpi4py-doc 
  - python-pybind11-common-devel 
  - python-pycairo-common-devel 
  - python-pyqt-rpm-macros 
  - python-rpm-generators 
  - python-rpm-macros 
  - python-rpm-packaging 
  - python-rtslib-fb-common 
  - python-sip4-common 
  - python-sip4-doc 
  - python-sip6-doc 
  - python-tqdm-bash-completion 
  - python-zope.hookable-doc 
  - python-zope.i18nmessageid-doc 
  - python3-boost_parallel_mpi 
  - python3-boost_parallel_mpi1_84_0 
  - python3-brlapi 
  - python3-capstone 
  - python3-cepces 
  - python3-ceph-argparse 
  - python3-ceph-common 
  - python3-cephfs 
  - python3-clang14 
  - python3-clang15 
  - python3-clang16 
  - python3-clang17 
  - python3-createrepo_c 
  - python3-dbus-presage 
  - python3-dnf 
  - python3-firewall 
  - python3-gi-docgen 
  - python3-gluster 
  - python3-gv 
  - python3-hivex 
  - python3-imobiledevice 
  - python3-kiwi 
  - python3-ldb 
  - python3-ldb-devel 
  - python3-libcomps 
  - python3-libguestfs 
  - python3-libnbd 
  - python3-libnvme 
  - python3-libpamtest 
  - python3-libstoragemgmt 
  - python3-libvoikko 
  - python3-lldb14: [x86_64] 
  - python3-lldb15: [x86_64] 
  - python3-lldb16 
  - python3-lldb17 
  - python3-lttngust 
  - python3-newt 
  - python3-nftables 
  - python3-pacemaker 
  - python3-pcp 
  - python3-plist 
  - python3-presage 
  - python3-presagemate 
  - python3-pvirsh 
  - python3-pyprompter 
  - python3-pyside2 
  - python3-pyside2-devel 
  - python3-pyside2-examples 
  - python3-pyside6 
  - python3-pyside6-devel 
  - python3-rados 
  - python3-rbd 
  - python3-rgw 
  - python3-salt-testsuite 
  - python3-seccomp 
  - python3-shiboken6 
  - python3-shiboken6-devel 
  - python3-smbios: [x86_64] 
  - python3-smbios-utils: [x86_64] 
  - python3-speechd 
  - python3-sssd-config 
  - python3-talloc 
  - python3-talloc-devel 
  - python3-talloc-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - python3-unbound 
  - python3-virt-scenario 
  - python3-yui 
  - python3-zbar 
  - python311-Automat 
  - python311-BTrees 
  - python311-BTrees-devel 
  - python311-Babel 
  - python311-Bottleneck 
  - python311-Brotli 
  - python311-CairoSVG 
  - python311-CherryPy 
  - python311-ConfigUpdater 
  - python311-Cycler 
  - python311-Cython 
  - python311-Cython0 
  - python311-Deprecated 
  - python311-Django 
  - python311-EasyProcess 
  - python311-Faker 
  - python311-Flask 
  - python311-Flask-doc 
  - python311-FontTools 
  - python311-FormEncode 
  - python311-Genshi 
  - python311-GitPython 
  - python311-Js2Py 
  - python311-Mako 
  - python311-Markdown 
  - python311-Pallets-Sphinx-Themes 
  - python311-Paste 
  - python311-PasteDeploy 
  - python311-Pillow 
  - python311-Pillow-tk 
  - python311-PyHamcrest 
  - python311-PyMeeus 
  - python311-PyMySQL 
  - python311-PyNaCl 
  - python311-PyQt6 
  - python311-PyQt6-3D 
  - python311-PyQt6-3D-devel 
  - python311-PyQt6-Charts 
  - python311-PyQt6-Charts-devel 
  - python311-PyQt6-DataVisualization 
  - python311-PyQt6-DataVisualization-devel 
  - python311-PyQt6-WebEngine 
  - python311-PyQt6-WebEngine-devel 
  - python311-PyQt6-devel 
  - python311-PyQt6-doc 
  - python311-PyQt6-sip 
  - python311-PySocks 
  - python311-PyVirtualDisplay 
  - python311-Pygments 
  - python311-Pympler 
  - python311-QtPy 
  - python311-QtPy-test 
  - python311-SQLAlchemy 
  - python311-SQLAlchemy1 
  - python311-SecretStorage 
  - python311-Send2Trash 
  - python311-Sphinx 
  - python311-Sphinx-latex 
  - python311-Twisted 
  - python311-Twisted-all_non_platform 
  - python311-Twisted-conch 
  - python311-Twisted-conch_nacl 
  - python311-Twisted-contextvars 
  - python311-Twisted-http2 
  - python311-Twisted-serial 
  - python311-Twisted-tls 
  - python311-UkPostcodeParser 
  - python311-WSGIProxy2 
  - python311-WebOb 
  - python311-WebTest 
  - python311-Werkzeug 
  - python311-Whoosh 
  - python311-XlsxWriter 
  - python311-abseil 
  - python311-aiodns 
  - python311-aiofiles 
  - python311-aiohttp 
  - python311-aiohttp_cors 
  - python311-aiosignal 
  - python311-aiosqlite 
  - python311-aiounittest 
  - python311-alabaster 
  - python311-alembic 
  - python311-apache-libcloud 
  - python311-appdirs 
  - python311-apsw 
  - python311-argcomplete 
  - python311-argon2-cffi 
  - python311-argon2-cffi-bindings 
  - python311-argparse-manpage 
  - python311-arrow 
  - python311-asciitree 
  - python311-asgiref 
  - python311-aspectlib 
  - python311-astor 
  - python311-astroid 
  - python311-asttokens 
  - python311-astunparse 
  - python311-async-lru 
  - python311-async_generator 
  - python311-async_timeout 
  - python311-asyncpg 
  - python311-atspi 
  - python311-autocommand 
  - python311-autodocsumm 
  - python311-avahi 
  - python311-backcall 
  - python311-base-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - python311-base58 
  - python311-bcrypt 
  - python311-beautifulsoup4 
  - python311-beniget 
  - python311-betamax 
  - python311-black 
  - python311-bleach 
  - python311-blessings 
  - python311-blosc 
  - python311-bokeh 
  - python311-boto3 
  - python311-botocore: [aarch64] 
  - python311-bottle 
  - python311-breathe 
  - python311-build 
  - python311-cachetools 
  - python311-cairocffi 
  - python311-cairocffi-pixbuf 
  - python311-calver 
  - python311-cbor2 
  - python311-cftime 
  - python311-chardet 
  - python311-cheroot 
  - python311-click 
  - python311-cloudpickle 
  - python311-cmarkgfm 
  - python311-cmdln 
  - python311-colorama: [aarch64] 
  - python311-comm 
  - python311-commentjson 
  - python311-constantly 
  - python311-construct 
  - python311-contourpy 
  - python311-convertdate 
  - python311-cookies 
  - python311-coverage 
  - python311-cppy 
  - python311-cramjam 
  - python311-cryptography-vectors 
  - python311-cssselect2 
  - python311-csv23 
  - python311-curses 
  - python311-dasbus 
  - python311-dask 
  - python311-dask-array 
  - python311-dask-complete 
  - python311-dask-dataframe 
  - python311-dask-diagnostics 
  - python311-dask-distributed 
  - python311-dask-test 
  - python311-databases 
  - python311-dateparser 
  - python311-dbm 
  - python311-dbus-python 
  - python311-dbus-python-devel 
  - python311-ddt 
  - python311-debugpy 
  - python311-decorator 
  - python311-defusedxml 
  - python311-deprecation 
  - python311-devel 
  - python311-diskcache 
  - python311-distlib 
  - python311-doc 
  - python311-doc-devhelp 
  - python311-docopt 
  - python311-docutils: [aarch64] 
  - python311-dpcontracts 
  - python311-drgn 
  - python311-ecdsa 
  - python311-editables 
  - python311-elastic-transport 
  - python311-elasticsearch 
  - python311-elementpath 
  - python311-email-validator 
  - python311-enrich 
  - python311-entrypoint2 
  - python311-entrypoints 
  - python311-ephemeral-port-reserve 
  - python311-et_xmlfile 
  - python311-eventlet 
  - python311-exceptiongroup 
  - python311-execnet 
  - python311-executing 
  - python311-extras 
  - python311-factory_boy 
  - python311-fakeredis 
  - python311-falcon 
  - python311-fastapi 
  - python311-fasteners 
  - python311-fastjsonschema 
  - python311-fastparquet 
  - python311-fasttext 
  - python311-fields 
  - python311-filelock 
  - python311-fixtures 
  - python311-flake8 
  - python311-flaky 
  - python311-flasgger 
  - python311-flex 
  - python311-flit 
  - python311-flit-core 
  - python311-flit-scm 
  - python311-fluidity-sm 
  - python311-fqdn 
  - python311-freezegun 
  - python311-frozenlist 
  - python311-fs 
  - python311-fsspec 
  - python311-furl 
  - python311-fusepy 
  - python311-future 
  - python311-gast 
  - python311-gcsfs 
  - python311-gcsfs-fuse 
  - python311-genty 
  - python311-geoip2 
  - python311-gevent 
  - python311-gitdb 
  - python311-gmpy2 
  - python311-gobject 
  - python311-gobject-Gdk 
  - python311-gobject-cairo 
  - python311-gobject-devel 
  - python311-google-api-core 
  - python311-google-api-python-client 
  - python311-google-auth 
  - python311-google-auth-httplib2 
  - python311-google-auth-oauthlib 
  - python311-google-cloud-core 
  - python311-google-cloud-storage 
  - python311-google-crc32c 
  - python311-google-resumable-media 
  - python311-googleapis-common-protos 
  - python311-gpg 
  - python311-graphviz 
  - python311-greenlet 
  - python311-greenlet-devel 
  - python311-grpcio 
  - python311-grpcio-status 
  - python311-gssapi 
  - python311-gst 
  - python311-gunicorn 
  - python311-h2 
  - python311-h5netcdf 
  - python311-h5py 
  - python311-h5py-openmpi4 
  - python311-hatch 
  - python311-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme 
  - python311-hatch-jupyter-builder 
  - python311-hatch_nodejs_version 
  - python311-hatch_vcs 
  - python311-hatchling 
  - python311-hpack 
  - python311-html5lib 
  - python311-httpbin 
  - python311-httplib2 
  - python311-httpretty 
  - python311-httptools 
  - python311-hyperframe 
  - python311-hyperlink 
  - python311-hypothesis 
  - python311-hypothesmith 
  - python311-idle 
  - python311-imagesize 
  - python311-importlib-metadata 
  - python311-importlib-resources 
  - python311-incremental 
  - python311-inflect 
  - python311-ini2toml 
  - python311-ini2toml-all 
  - python311-ini2toml-full 
  - python311-ini2toml-lite 
  - python311-installer 
  - python311-invocations 
  - python311-invoke 
  - python311-ipaddr 
  - python311-ipykernel 
  - python311-ipython 
  - python311-ipython_genutils 
  - python311-ipywidgets 
  - python311-iso8601 
  - python311-isodate 
  - python311-isoduration 
  - python311-isort 
  - python311-itsdangerous 
  - python311-jaraco.classes 
  - python311-jaraco.collections 
  - python311-jaraco.context 
  - python311-jaraco.develop 
  - python311-jaraco.envs 
  - python311-jaraco.functools 
  - python311-jaraco.itertools 
  - python311-jaraco.packaging 
  - python311-jaraco.path 
  - python311-jaraco.text 
  - python311-jaraco.ui 
  - python311-jaraco.vcs 
  - python311-jaraco.versioning 
  - python311-javapackages 
  - python311-jdcal 
  - python311-jedi 
  - python311-jeepney 
  - python311-json5 
  - python311-jsonschema-format 
  - python311-jsonschema-format-nongpl 
  - python311-jsonschema-spec 
  - python311-jupyter 
  - python311-jupyter-client 
  - python311-jupyter-client7 
  - python311-jupyter-core 
  - python311-jupyter-events 
  - python311-jupyter-lsp 
  - python311-jupyter-packaging 
  - python311-jupyter-server 
  - python311-jupyter-server-mathjax 
  - python311-jupyter-server-terminals 
  - python311-jupyter-server-test 
  - python311-jupyter_console 
  - python311-jupyterlab 
  - python311-jupyterlab-pygments 
  - python311-jupyterlab-server 
  - python311-jupyterlab-server-openapi 
  - python311-jupyterlab-server-test 
  - python311-jupyterlab-widgets 
  - python311-jwcrypto 
  - python311-k5test 
  - python311-keylime 
  - python311-keyring 
  - python311-kiwisolver 
  - python311-langdetect 
  - python311-langtable 
  - python311-lark 
  - python311-lazy-object-proxy 
  - python311-ldap 
  - python311-lexicon 
  - python311-libcst 
  - python311-libeconf 
  - python311-libevdev 
  - python311-libmount 
  - python311-libpfm 
  - python311-libvirt-python 
  - python311-libxml2 
  - python311-linecache2 
  - python311-linkify-it-py 
  - python311-linux-procfs 
  - python311-littleutils 
  - python311-llvmlite 
  - python311-locket 
  - python311-lupa 
  - python311-lxml-devel 
  - python311-lz4 
  - python311-magic 
  - python311-manuel 
  - python311-manuel-doc 
  - python311-markdown-it-py 
  - python311-marshmallow 
  - python311-matplotlib 
  - python311-matplotlib-cairo 
  - python311-matplotlib-gtk-common 
  - python311-matplotlib-gtk3 
  - python311-matplotlib-gtk4 
  - python311-matplotlib-inline 
  - python311-matplotlib-latex 
  - python311-matplotlib-qt5 
  - python311-matplotlib-testdata 
  - python311-matplotlib-tk 
  - python311-matplotlib-web 
  - python311-matplotlib-wx 
  - python311-maturin 
  - python311-maxminddb 
  - python311-mccabe 
  - python311-mdit-py-plugins 
  - python311-mdurl 
  - python311-mercantile 
  - python311-meson-python 
  - python311-mistune 
  - python311-mistune2 
  - python311-mocket 
  - python311-more-itertools 
  - python311-mpi4py 
  - python311-mpi4py-devel 
  - python311-mpmath 
  - python311-multidict 
  - python311-munch 
  - python311-munkres 
  - python311-mypy_extensions 
  - python311-mysqlclient 
  - python311-myst-parser 
  - python311-nbclassic 
  - python311-nbclient 
  - python311-nbconvert 
  - python311-nbdime 
  - python311-nbdime-git 
  - python311-nbdime-hg 
  - python311-nbformat 
  - python311-nbval 
  - python311-nest-asyncio 
  - python311-net-snmp 
  - python311-netCDF4 
  - python311-nocasedict 
  - python311-nocaselist 
  - python311-nose2 
  - python311-notebook 
  - python311-notebook-lang 
  - python311-notebook-shim 
  - python311-notify2 
  - python311-numba 
  - python311-numba-devel 
  - python311-numcodecs 
  - python311-numexpr 
  - python311-numpy 
  - python311-numpy-devel 
  - python311-numpy-gnu-hpc 
  - python311-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - python311-numpy_1_25_2-gnu-hpc 
  - python311-numpy_1_25_2-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - python311-objgraph 
  - python311-odfpy 
  - python311-olefile 
  - python311-openapi-core 
  - python311-openapi-schema-validator 
  - python311-openapi-spec-validator 
  - python311-openpyxl 
  - python311-orderedmultidict 
  - python311-orjson 
  - python311-outcome 
  - python311-overrides 
  - python311-pandas 
  - python311-pandas-all 
  - python311-pandas-clipboard 
  - python311-pandas-compression 
  - python311-pandas-computation 
  - python311-pandas-excel 
  - python311-pandas-fss 
  - python311-pandas-hdf5 
  - python311-pandas-html 
  - python311-pandas-mysql 
  - python311-pandas-output_formatting 
  - python311-pandas-performance 
  - python311-pandas-plot 
  - python311-pandas-postgresql 
  - python311-pandas-spss 
  - python311-pandas-sql-other 
  - python311-pandas-test 
  - python311-pandas-xml 
  - python311-pandocfilters 
  - python311-parameterized 
  - python311-paramiko 
  - python311-parse 
  - python311-parso 
  - python311-partd 
  - python311-path 
  - python311-pathable 
  - python311-pathspec 
  - python311-pathtools 
  - python311-pbr 
  - python311-peewee 
  - python311-pefile 
  - python311-pendulum 
  - python311-pep440 
  - python311-persistent 
  - python311-persistent-devel 
  - python311-pexpect 
  - python311-pickleshare 
  - python311-pip 
  - python311-pip-run 
  - python311-pip-test 
  - python311-pip-wheel 
  - python311-pipx 
  - python311-pkgconfig 
  - python311-pkginfo 
  - python311-platformdirs 
  - python311-pluggy 
  - python311-poetry-core 
  - python311-pooch 
  - python311-pook 
  - python311-portend 
  - python311-pretend 
  - python311-prettytable 
  - python311-priority 
  - python311-process-tests 
  - python311-prometheus-client 
  - python311-prompt_toolkit 
  - python311-proto-plus 
  - python311-protobuf 
  - python311-psycopg2 
  - python311-ptyprocess 
  - python311-pure-eval 
  - python311-purl 
  - python311-py-cpuinfo 
  - python311-pyasn1: [aarch64] 
  - python311-pyasn1-modules 
  - python311-pybeam 
  - python311-pybind11 
  - python311-pybind11-devel 
  - python311-pycairo 
  - python311-pycairo-devel 
  - python311-pycares 
  - python311-pycodestyle 
  - python311-pycountry 
  - python311-pycryptodome 
  - python311-pycups 
  - python311-pydantic 
  - python311-pyelftools 
  - python311-pyenchant 
  - python311-pyfakefs 
  - python311-pyflakes 
  - python311-pyftpdlib 
  - python311-pygal 
  - python311-pygaljs 
  - python311-pygments-ansi-color 
  - python311-pygments-pytest 
  - python311-pyinotify 
  - python311-pyjsparser 
  - python311-pylibmc 
  - python311-pylons-sphinx-themes 
  - python311-pyparsing 
  - python311-pyperclip 
  - python311-pyproject-hooks 
  - python311-pyproject-metadata 
  - python311-pyqt-builder 
  - python311-pyquery 
  - python311-pyreadstat 
  - python311-pysendfile 
  - python311-pytest 
  - python311-pytest-asyncio 
  - python311-pytest-benchmark 
  - python311-pytest-check-links 
  - python311-pytest-console-scripts 
  - python311-pytest-cov 
  - python311-pytest-datadir 
  - python311-pytest-dependency 
  - python311-pytest-django 
  - python311-pytest-env 
  - python311-pytest-expect 
  - python311-pytest-fixture-config 
  - python311-pytest-forked 
  - python311-pytest-freezegun 
  - python311-pytest-httpbin 
  - python311-pytest-httpserver 
  - python311-pytest-jupyter 
  - python311-pytest-jupyter-client 
  - python311-pytest-jupyter-server 
  - python311-pytest-lazy-fixture 
  - python311-pytest-localserver 
  - python311-pytest-mock 
  - python311-pytest-mpi 
  - python311-pytest-qt 
  - python311-pytest-randomly 
  - python311-pytest-regressions 
  - python311-pytest-relaxed 
  - python311-pytest-rerunfailures 
  - python311-pytest-services 
  - python311-pytest-shutil 
  - python311-pytest-subtests 
  - python311-pytest-timeout 
  - python311-pytest-tornado 
  - python311-pytest-tornasync 
  - python311-pytest-trio 
  - python311-pytest-virtualenv 
  - python311-pytest-xdist 
  - python311-pytest-xprocess 
  - python311-pytest-xvfb 
  - python311-python-dateutil: [aarch64] 
  - python311-python-dbusmock 
  - python311-python-docs-theme 
  - python311-python-dotenv 
  - python311-python-jose 
  - python311-python-jose-cryptography 
  - python311-python-json-logger 
  - python311-python-lzo 
  - python311-python-magic 
  - python311-python-mimeparse 
  - python311-python-multipart 
  - python311-python-slugify 
  - python311-python-xlib 
  - python311-pythran 
  - python311-pytz 
  - python311-pytz-deprecation-shim 
  - python311-pytzdata 
  - python311-pyu2f 
  - python311-pyudev 
  - python311-pywbem 
  - python311-pyxattr 
  - python311-pyxdg 
  - python311-pyzmq-devel 
  - python311-qt3d-qt5 
  - python311-qt3d-qt5-devel 
  - python311-qt3d-qt5-doc 
  - python311-qt5 
  - python311-qt5-devel 
  - python311-qt5-doc 
  - python311-qt5-quick3d 
  - python311-qt5-quick3d-devel 
  - python311-qt5-remoteobjects 
  - python311-qt5-remoteobjects-devel 
  - python311-qt5-sip 
  - python311-qtcharts-qt5 
  - python311-qtcharts-qt5-api 
  - python311-qtcharts-qt5-doc 
  - python311-qtcharts-qt5-sip 
  - python311-qtconsole 
  - python311-qtdatavis3d-qt5 
  - python311-qtdatavis3d-qt5-devel 
  - python311-qtdatavis3d-qt5-doc 
  - python311-qtwebengine-qt5 
  - python311-qtwebengine-qt5-devel 
  - python311-railroad-diagrams 
  - python311-random2 
  - python311-rdflib 
  - python311-re-assert 
  - python311-readme_renderer 
  - python311-readthedocs-sphinx-ext 
  - python311-redis 
  - python311-regex 
  - python311-releases 
  - python311-requests-futures 
  - python311-requests-gssapi 
  - python311-requests-mock 
  - python311-requests-oauthlib 
  - python311-requests-toolbelt 
  - python311-requests-unixsocket 
  - python311-resolvelib 
  - python311-responses 
  - python311-rfc3339-validator 
  - python311-rfc3986 
  - python311-rfc3986-validator 
  - python311-rfc3987 
  - python311-rich 
  - python311-roman 
  - python311-rsa: [aarch64] 
  - python311-rst.linker 
  - python311-rtslib-fb 
  - python311-ruamel.yaml 
  - python311-ruamel.yaml.clib 
  - python311-s3transfer: [aarch64] 
  - python311-scandir 
  - python311-scikit-build 
  - python311-scipy 
  - python311-scipy-gnu-hpc 
  - python311-scipy_1_11_4-gnu-hpc 
  - python311-scripttest 
  - python311-scrypt 
  - python311-semantic_version 
  - python311-service_identity 
  - python311-setuptools-git 
  - python311-setuptools-git-versioning 
  - python311-setuptools-rust 
  - python311-setuptools-wheel 
  - python311-setuptools_scm 
  - python311-setuptools_scm_git_archive 
  - python311-sh 
  - python311-shellingham 
  - python311-sip-devel 
  - python311-sip4 
  - python311-sip4-devel 
  - python311-sip6-devel 
  - python311-slip 
  - python311-slip-dbus 
  - python311-smartypants 
  - python311-smmap 
  - python311-snowballstemmer 
  - python311-solv 
  - python311-sortedcontainers 
  - python311-soupsieve 
  - python311-sphinx-issues 
  - python311-sphinx-tabs 
  - python311-sphinx-version-warning 
  - python311-sphinx_rtd_theme 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-apidoc 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-asyncio 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-copybutton 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-jquery 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-newsfeed 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 
  - python311-sphinxcontrib-websupport 
  - python311-spur 
  - python311-sqlparse 
  - python311-stack-data 
  - python311-starlette 
  - python311-strict-rfc3339 
  - python311-subprocess-tee 
  - python311-sure 
  - python311-sybil 
  - python311-sympy 
  - python311-systemd 
  - python311-tables 
  - python311-tabulate 
  - python311-tbb 
  - python311-tblib 
  - python311-tempora 
  - python311-termcolor 
  - python311-terminado 
  - python311-testfixtures 
  - python311-testpath 
  - python311-testresources 
  - python311-testscenarios 
  - python311-testsuite 
  - python311-testtools 
  - python311-text-unidecode 
  - python311-threadpoolctl 
  - python311-thrift 
  - python311-time-machine 
  - python311-tinycss2 
  - python311-tk 
  - python311-toml 
  - python311-tomli 
  - python311-tomli-w 
  - python311-tomlkit 
  - python311-tools 
  - python311-toolz 
  - python311-tqdm 
  - python311-traceback2 
  - python311-traitlets 
  - python311-transaction 
  - python311-translate-toolkit 
  - python311-trio 
  - python311-trove-classifiers 
  - python311-trustme 
  - python311-twine 
  - python311-typeguard 
  - python311-typing-inspect 
  - python311-typogrify 
  - python311-tzlocal 
  - python311-u-msgpack-python 
  - python311-uc-micro-py 
  - python311-ujson 
  - python311-uri-template 
  - python311-uritemplate 
  - python311-urllib3_1 
  - python311-userpath 
  - python311-uvicorn 
  - python311-uvloop 
  - python311-validate-pyproject 
  - python311-validate_email 
  - python311-validators 
  - python311-versioneer 
  - python311-versioneer-toml 
  - python311-virtualenv 
  - python311-virtue 
  - python311-vncdotool 
  - python311-voluptuous 
  - python311-waitress 
  - python311-waitress-doc 
  - python311-watchdog 
  - python311-watchdog-doc 
  - python311-wcag-contrast-ratio 
  - python311-wcwidth 
  - python311-webcolors 
  - python311-webencodings 
  - python311-websocket-client 
  - python311-websockets 
  - python311-websockify 
  - python311-wheel 
  - python311-widgetsnbextension 
  - python311-wrapt 
  - python311-wsproto 
  - python311-wxPython 
  - python311-x86-64-v3: [x86_64] 
  - python311-xarray 
  - python311-xattr 
  - python311-xcffib 
  - python311-xlrd 
  - python311-xmlschema 
  - python311-xmltodict 
  - python311-xxhash 
  - python311-xyzservices 
  - python311-yamlloader 
  - python311-yapf 
  - python311-yarl 
  - python311-zarr 
  - python311-zc.lockfile 
  - python311-zipp 
  - python311-zope.component 
  - python311-zope.configuration 
  - python311-zope.copy 
  - python311-zope.deferredimport 
  - python311-zope.event 
  - python311-zope.exceptions 
  - python311-zope.hookable 
  - python311-zope.i18nmessageid 
  - python311-zope.interface 
  - python311-zope.location 
  - python311-zope.proxy 
  - python311-zope.proxy-devel 
  - python311-zope.schema 
  - python311-zope.testing 
  - python311-zope.testrunner 
  - python311-zopfli 
  - python311-zstandard 
  - qatengine: [x86_64] 
  - qatlib: [x86_64] 
  - qatlib-devel: [x86_64] 
  - qatzip: [x86_64] 
  - qatzip-devel: [x86_64] 
  - qca-qt5 
  - qca-qt5-devel 
  - qca-qt5-plugins 
  - qca-qt6 
  - qca-qt6-devel 
  - qca-qt6-plugins 
  - qcustomplot-devel 
  - qcustomplot-doc 
  - qdox 
  - qemu 
  - qemu-SLOF 
  - qemu-accel-qtest 
  - qemu-accel-tcg-x86 
  - qemu-arm 
  - qemu-audio-alsa 
  - qemu-audio-dbus 
  - qemu-audio-jack 
  - qemu-audio-oss 
  - qemu-audio-pa 
  - qemu-audio-pipewire 
  - qemu-audio-spice 
  - qemu-block-curl 
  - qemu-block-iscsi 
  - qemu-block-nfs 
  - qemu-block-rbd 
  - qemu-block-ssh 
  - qemu-chardev-baum 
  - qemu-chardev-spice 
  - qemu-doc 
  - qemu-headless 
  - qemu-hw-display-qxl 
  - qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci 
  - qemu-hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw 
  - qemu-hw-usb-host 
  - qemu-hw-usb-smartcard 
  - qemu-img 
  - qemu-ipxe 
  - qemu-ivshmem-tools 
  - qemu-ksm 
  - qemu-lang 
  - qemu-microvm 
  - qemu-ovmf-x86_64 
  - qemu-ovmf-x86_64-debug: [x86_64] 
  - qemu-ppc 
  - qemu-pr-helper 
  - qemu-s390x 
  - qemu-seabios 
  - qemu-skiboot 
  - qemu-spice 
  - qemu-tools 
  - qemu-uefi-aarch32 
  - qemu-uefi-aarch64 
  - qemu-uefi-riscv64 
  - qemu-ui-curses 
  - qemu-ui-dbus 
  - qemu-ui-gtk 
  - qemu-ui-opengl 
  - qemu-ui-spice-app 
  - qemu-ui-spice-core 
  - qemu-vgabios 
  - qemu-x86 
  - qhull_r-devel 
  - qhullcpp-devel-static 
  - qml-autoreqprov 
  - qmlpluginexports-qt5 
  - qmlpluginexports-qt6 
  - qrencode-devel 
  - qt6-3d-devel 
  - qt6-3d-docs-html 
  - qt6-3d-docs-qch 
  - qt6-3d-examples 
  - qt6-3d-imports 
  - qt6-3d-private-devel 
  - qt6-3danimation-devel 
  - qt6-3danimation-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dcore-devel 
  - qt6-3dcore-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dextras-devel 
  - qt6-3dextras-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dinput-devel 
  - qt6-3dinput-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dlogic-devel 
  - qt6-3dlogic-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dquick-devel 
  - qt6-3dquick-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickanimation-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickanimation-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickextras-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickextras-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickinput-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickinput-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickrender-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickrender-private-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickscene2d-devel 
  - qt6-3dquickscene2d-private-devel 
  - qt6-3drender-devel 
  - qt6-3drender-private-devel 
  - qt6-base-common-devel 
  - qt6-base-devel 
  - qt6-base-docs-html 
  - qt6-base-docs-qch 
  - qt6-base-examples 
  - qt6-base-private-devel 
  - qt6-bundledembree-devel-static 
  - qt6-bundledresonanceaudio-devel-static 
  - qt6-charts-devel 
  - qt6-charts-docs-html 
  - qt6-charts-docs-qch 
  - qt6-charts-examples 
  - qt6-charts-imports 
  - qt6-charts-private-devel 
  - qt6-chartsqml-devel 
  - qt6-chartsqml-private-devel 
  - qt6-concurrent-devel 
  - qt6-connectivity 
  - qt6-connectivity-devel 
  - qt6-connectivity-docs-html 
  - qt6-connectivity-docs-qch 
  - qt6-connectivity-examples 
  - qt6-connectivity-private-devel 
  - qt6-core-devel 
  - qt6-core-private-devel 
  - qt6-datavis3d-docs-html 
  - qt6-datavis3d-docs-qch 
  - qt6-datavis3d-examples 
  - qt6-datavisualization-devel 
  - qt6-datavisualization-imports 
  - qt6-datavisualization-private-devel 
  - qt6-datavisualizationqml-devel 
  - qt6-datavisualizationqml-private-devel 
  - qt6-dbus-devel 
  - qt6-dbus-private-devel 
  - qt6-declarative-devel 
  - qt6-declarative-docs-html 
  - qt6-declarative-docs-qch 
  - qt6-declarative-examples 
  - qt6-declarative-imports 
  - qt6-declarative-private-devel 
  - qt6-declarative-tools 
  - qt6-designer-devel 
  - qt6-designer-private-devel 
  - qt6-designercomponents-private-devel 
  - qt6-docs-common 
  - qt6-exampleicons-devel-static 
  - qt6-graphs-devel 
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  - qt6-graphs-docs-qch 
  - qt6-graphs-examples 
  - qt6-graphs-imports 
  - qt6-graphs-private-devel 
  - qt6-gui-devel 
  - qt6-gui-private-devel 
  - qt6-help-devel 
  - qt6-help-private-devel 
  - qt6-httpserver-devel 
  - qt6-httpserver-docs-html 
  - qt6-httpserver-docs-qch 
  - qt6-httpserver-examples 
  - qt6-httpserver-private-devel 
  - qt6-jsonrpc-private-devel 
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  - qt6-kmssupport-private-devel 
  - qt6-labsanimation-devel 
  - qt6-labsanimation-private-devel 
  - qt6-labsfolderlistmodel-devel 
  - qt6-labsfolderlistmodel-private-devel 
  - qt6-labsqmlmodels-devel 
  - qt6-labsqmlmodels-private-devel 
  - qt6-labssettings-devel 
  - qt6-labssettings-private-devel 
  - qt6-labssharedimage-devel 
  - qt6-labssharedimage-private-devel 
  - qt6-labswavefrontmesh-devel 
  - qt6-labswavefrontmesh-private-devel 
  - qt6-languageserver-private-devel 
  - qt6-linguist-devel 
  - qt6-location 
  - qt6-location-devel 
  - qt6-location-docs-html 
  - qt6-location-docs-qch 
  - qt6-location-examples 
  - qt6-location-private-devel 
  - qt6-macros 
  - qt6-multimedia 
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  - qt6-multimedia-docs-qch 
  - qt6-multimedia-examples 
  - qt6-multimedia-imports 
  - qt6-multimedia-private-devel 
  - qt6-multimediaquick-private-devel 
  - qt6-multimediawidgets-devel 
  - qt6-multimediawidgets-private-devel 
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  - qt6-network-private-devel 
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  - qt6-networkauth-docs-html 
  - qt6-networkauth-docs-qch 
  - qt6-networkauth-examples 
  - qt6-networkauth-private-devel 
  - qt6-networkinformation-glib 
  - qt6-networkinformation-nm 
  - qt6-opengl-devel 
  - qt6-opengl-private-devel 
  - qt6-openglwidgets-devel 
  - qt6-packetprotocol-devel-static 
  - qt6-pdf-devel 
  - qt6-pdf-imports 
  - qt6-pdf-private-devel 
  - qt6-pdfquick-devel 
  - qt6-pdfquick-private-devel 
  - qt6-pdfwidgets-devel 
  - qt6-pdfwidgets-private-devel 
  - qt6-platformsupport-devel-static 
  - qt6-platformsupport-private-devel 
  - qt6-platformtheme-gtk3 
  - qt6-platformtheme-xdgdesktopportal 
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  - qt6-positioning-imports 
  - qt6-positioning-private-devel 
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  - qt6-positioningquick-private-devel 
  - qt6-printsupport-cups 
  - qt6-printsupport-devel 
  - qt6-printsupport-private-devel 
  - qt6-qml-devel 
  - qt6-qml-private-devel 
  - qt6-qmlcompiler-devel 
  - qt6-qmlcompiler-private-devel 
  - qt6-qmlcore-devel 
  - qt6-qmlcore-private-devel 
  - qt6-qmldebug-devel-static 
  - qt6-qmldom-devel-static 
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  - qt6-qmllocalstorage-private-devel 
  - qt6-qmlls-devel-static 
  - qt6-qmlmodels-devel 
  - qt6-qmlmodels-private-devel 
  - qt6-qmltoolingsettings-devel-static 
  - qt6-qmltyperegistrar-devel-static 
  - qt6-qmlworkerscript-devel 
  - qt6-qmlworkerscript-private-devel 
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  - qt6-quick3dassetutils-private-devel 
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  - qt6-quick3dutils-private-devel 
  - qt6-quickcontrols2-devel 
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  - qt6-quickcontrols2impl-private-devel 
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  - qt6-quickdialogs2utils-private-devel 
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  - qt6-quicklayouts-private-devel 
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  - qt6-quicktemplates2-private-devel 
  - qt6-quicktest-devel 
  - qt6-quicktest-private-devel 
  - qt6-quicktestutils-devel-static 
  - qt6-quicktimeline-devel 
  - qt6-quicktimeline-docs-html 
  - qt6-quicktimeline-docs-qch 
  - qt6-quicktimeline-imports 
  - qt6-quicktimeline-private-devel 
  - qt6-quickwidgets-devel 
  - qt6-quickwidgets-private-devel 
  - qt6-remoteobjects-devel 
  - qt6-remoteobjects-docs-html 
  - qt6-remoteobjects-docs-qch 
  - qt6-remoteobjects-examples 
  - qt6-remoteobjects-imports 
  - qt6-remoteobjects-private-devel 
  - qt6-remoteobjects-tools 
  - qt6-remoteobjectsqml-devel 
  - qt6-remoteobjectsqml-private-devel 
  - qt6-scxml 
  - qt6-scxml-devel 
  - qt6-scxml-docs-html 
  - qt6-scxml-docs-qch 
  - qt6-scxml-examples 
  - qt6-scxml-imports 
  - qt6-scxml-private-devel 
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  - qt6-scxmlqml-private-devel 
  - qt6-sensors 
  - qt6-sensors-devel 
  - qt6-sensors-docs-html 
  - qt6-sensors-docs-qch 
  - qt6-sensors-examples 
  - qt6-sensors-imports 
  - qt6-sensors-private-devel 
  - qt6-sensorsquick-devel 
  - qt6-sensorsquick-private-devel 
  - qt6-serialbus 
  - qt6-serialbus-devel 
  - qt6-serialbus-docs-html 
  - qt6-serialbus-docs-qch 
  - qt6-serialbus-examples 
  - qt6-serialbus-private-devel 
  - qt6-serialport-devel 
  - qt6-serialport-docs-html 
  - qt6-serialport-docs-qch 
  - qt6-serialport-examples 
  - qt6-serialport-private-devel 
  - qt6-shadertools 
  - qt6-shadertools-devel 
  - qt6-shadertools-docs-html 
  - qt6-shadertools-docs-qch 
  - qt6-shadertools-private-devel 
  - qt6-spatialaudio-devel 
  - qt6-spatialaudio-private-devel 
  - qt6-speech-docs-html 
  - qt6-speech-docs-qch 
  - qt6-speech-examples 
  - qt6-sql-devel 
  - qt6-sql-mysql 
  - qt6-sql-postgresql 
  - qt6-sql-private-devel 
  - qt6-sql-sqlite 
  - qt6-sql-unixODBC 
  - qt6-statemachine-devel 
  - qt6-statemachine-private-devel 
  - qt6-statemachineqml-devel 
  - qt6-statemachineqml-private-devel 
  - qt6-svg-devel 
  - qt6-svg-docs-html 
  - qt6-svg-docs-qch 
  - qt6-svg-private-devel 
  - qt6-test-devel 
  - qt6-test-private-devel 
  - qt6-texttospeech 
  - qt6-texttospeech-devel 
  - qt6-texttospeech-private-devel 
  - qt6-tools 
  - qt6-tools-assistant 
  - qt6-tools-designer 
  - qt6-tools-devel 
  - qt6-tools-docs-html 
  - qt6-tools-docs-qch 
  - qt6-tools-examples 
  - qt6-tools-helpgenerators 
  - qt6-tools-linguist 
  - qt6-tools-private-devel 
  - qt6-tools-qdbus 
  - qt6-tools-qdoc 
  - qt6-uitools-devel 
  - qt6-uitools-private-devel 
  - qt6-wayland 
  - qt6-wayland-devel 
  - qt6-wayland-docs-html 
  - qt6-wayland-docs-qch 
  - qt6-wayland-examples 
  - qt6-wayland-imports 
  - qt6-wayland-private-devel 
  - qt6-waylandclient-devel 
  - qt6-waylandclient-private-devel 
  - qt6-waylandcompositor-devel 
  - qt6-waylandcompositor-private-devel 
  - qt6-waylandeglclienthwintegration-private-devel 
  - qt6-waylandeglcompositorhwintegration-private-devel 
  - qt6-waylandglobal-private-devel 
  - qt6-webchannel-devel 
  - qt6-webchannel-docs-html 
  - qt6-webchannel-docs-qch 
  - qt6-webchannel-examples 
  - qt6-webchannel-imports 
  - qt6-webchannel-private-devel 
  - qt6-webchannelquick-devel 
  - qt6-webchannelquick-private-devel 
  - qt6-webengine 
  - qt6-webengine-docs-html 
  - qt6-webengine-docs-qch 
  - qt6-webengine-examples 
  - qt6-webengine-imports 
  - qt6-webenginecore-devel 
  - qt6-webenginecore-private-devel 
  - qt6-webenginequick-devel 
  - qt6-webenginequick-private-devel 
  - qt6-webenginewidgets-devel 
  - qt6-webenginewidgets-private-devel 
  - qt6-websockets-devel 
  - qt6-websockets-docs-html 
  - qt6-websockets-docs-qch 
  - qt6-websockets-examples 
  - qt6-websockets-imports 
  - qt6-websockets-private-devel 
  - qt6-widgets-devel 
  - qt6-widgets-private-devel 
  - qt6-wlshellintegration-private-devel 
  - qt6-xml-devel 
  - qt6-xml-private-devel 
  - qtdeclarative-imports-provides-qt5 
  - qtdeclarative-imports-provides-qt6 
  - quota 
  - quota-nfs 
  - qv4l2 
  - rados-objclass-devel 
  - rapidjson-devel 
  - raptor 
  - rasdaemon 
  - raspberrypi-eeprom 
  - raspberrypi-eeprom-firmware 
  - raspberrypi-firmware-config-camera: [x86_64] 
  - raspberrypi-firmware-extra-pi4: [x86_64] 
  - rav1e 
  - rav1e-devel 
  - rbd-nbd 
  - rcc-runtime 
  - rdma-core-devel 
  - rdma-ndd 
  - re2-devel 
  - re2c 
  - read-only-root-fs 
  - read-only-root-fs-volatile 
  - readcd 
  - readline-devel 
  - readline-doc 
  - rebootmgr 
  - redis 
  - regexp 
  - reiserfs-kmp-64kb: [aarch64] 
  - reiserfs-kmp-default 
  - relaxngDatatype 
  - release-compare 
  - release-notes-openSUSE 
  - release-notes-sl-micro 
  - reload4j 
  - rendercheck 
  - resource-agents 
  - resource-agents-zfs 
  - restorecond 
  - rhash-devel 
  - rhino 
  - rhino-engine 
  - rhino-runtime 
  - rollback-helper 
  - rp-pppoe 
  - rpcsvc-proto-devel 
  - rpm-build 
  - rpm-build-perl 
  - rpm-devel 
  - rpmemd 
  - rpmlint 
  - rpmlint-strict 
  - rrdtool 
  - rrdtool-devel 
  - rscsi 
  - rsocket 
  - rsvg-convert 
  - rtkit 
  - rubberband-cli 
  - rubberband-ladspa 
  - rubberband-lv2 
  - rubberband-vamp 
  - ruby 
  - ruby-common 
  - ruby-devel 
  - ruby-packaging-helpers 
  - ruby-solv 
  - ruby-yui 
  - ruby3.2 
  - ruby3.2-devel 
  - ruby3.2-devel-extra 
  - ruby3.2-doc 
  - ruby3.2-doc-ri 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-abstract_method 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-agama 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-asciidoctor 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-byebug 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-cfa 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-cfa_grub2 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-cheetah 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-diff-lcs 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-eventmachine 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-fast_gettext 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-gem2rpm 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-hpricot 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-kramdown 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-mini_portile2 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-mustache 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-nokogiri 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-parallel 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-parallel_tests 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-pkg-config 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-rdiscount 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-ronn 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-rspec 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-rspec-core 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-rspec-expectations 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-rspec-mocks 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-rspec-support 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-ruby-augeas 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-ruby-dbus 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-simpleidn 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-unf 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-unf_ext 
  - ruby3.2-rubygem-yast-rake 
  - rust 
  - rust-bindgen 
  - rust-keylime 
  - rust1.69 
  - rust1.72 
  - rust1.73 
  - rzsz 
  - s390-tools: [x86_64] 
  - salt-api 
  - salt-bash-completion 
  - salt-cloud 
  - salt-doc 
  - salt-fish-completion 
  - salt-proxy 
  - salt-ssh 
  - salt-standalone-formulas-configuration 
  - salt-syndic 
  - salt-transactional-update 
  - salt-zsh-completion 
  - saltbundle-libffi-devel 
  - saltbundle-libffi8 
  - saltbundle-libsodium 
  - saltbundle-libsodium-devel 
  - saltbundle-libyaml 
  - saltbundle-libyaml-devel 
  - saltbundle-libzmq 
  - saltbundle-swig 
  - saltbundle-swig-doc 
  - saltbundle-swig-examples 
  - saltbundle-zeromq-devel 
  - saltbundle-zeromq-tools 
  - saltbundlepy 
  - saltbundlepy-appdirs 
  - saltbundlepy-asn1crypto 
  - saltbundlepy-atomicwrites 
  - saltbundlepy-attrs 
  - saltbundlepy-base 
  - saltbundlepy-bcrypt 
  - saltbundlepy-certifi 
  - saltbundlepy-cffi 
  - saltbundlepy-chardet 
  - saltbundlepy-cryptography 
  - saltbundlepy-cryptography-vectors 
  - saltbundlepy-cssselect 
  - saltbundlepy-curses 
  - saltbundlepy-cython 
  - saltbundlepy-dateutil 
  - saltbundlepy-dbm 
  - saltbundlepy-devel 
  - saltbundlepy-distro 
  - saltbundlepy-docker 
  - saltbundlepy-docker-pycreds 
  - saltbundlepy-docopt 
  - saltbundlepy-editables 
  - saltbundlepy-exceptiongroup 
  - saltbundlepy-flit-core 
  - saltbundlepy-flit-scm 
  - saltbundlepy-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme 
  - saltbundlepy-hatch-vcs 
  - saltbundlepy-hatchling 
  - saltbundlepy-idna 
  - saltbundlepy-importlib-metadata 
  - saltbundlepy-iniconfig 
  - saltbundlepy-jinja2 
  - saltbundlepy-jmespath 
  - saltbundlepy-kiwi 
  - saltbundlepy-libs 
  - saltbundlepy-libvirt 
  - saltbundlepy-looseversion 
  - saltbundlepy-lxml 
  - saltbundlepy-lxml-devel 
  - saltbundlepy-lxml-doc 
  - saltbundlepy-m2crypto 
  - saltbundlepy-m2crypto-doc 
  - saltbundlepy-markupsafe 
  - saltbundlepy-more-itertools 
  - saltbundlepy-msgpack 
  - saltbundlepy-netaddr 
  - saltbundlepy-packaging 
  - saltbundlepy-paramiko 
  - saltbundlepy-paramiko-doc 
  - saltbundlepy-pathspec 
  - saltbundlepy-pip 
  - saltbundlepy-pluggy 
  - saltbundlepy-ply 
  - saltbundlepy-ply-doc 
  - saltbundlepy-psutil 
  - saltbundlepy-ptyprocess 
  - saltbundlepy-py 
  - saltbundlepy-pyasn1 
  - saltbundlepy-pyasn1-modules 
  - saltbundlepy-pycparser 
  - saltbundlepy-pycurl 
  - saltbundlepy-pycurl-doc 
  - saltbundlepy-pyinotify 
  - saltbundlepy-pynacl 
  - saltbundlepy-pyopenssl 
  - saltbundlepy-pyparsing 
  - saltbundlepy-pysocks 
  - saltbundlepy-pytest 
  - saltbundlepy-pytz 
  - saltbundlepy-pyxattr 
  - saltbundlepy-pyyaml 
  - saltbundlepy-pyzmq 
  - saltbundlepy-pyzmq-devel 
  - saltbundlepy-requests 
  - saltbundlepy-rpm-generators 
  - saltbundlepy-rpm-macros 
  - saltbundlepy-rpm-vercmp 
  - saltbundlepy-setuptools 
  - saltbundlepy-setuptools-scm 
  - saltbundlepy-simplejson 
  - saltbundlepy-six 
  - saltbundlepy-testsuite 
  - saltbundlepy-tomli 
  - saltbundlepy-tools 
  - saltbundlepy-tornado 
  - saltbundlepy-typing-extensions 
  - saltbundlepy-urllib3 
  - saltbundlepy-venvjail 
  - saltbundlepy-wcwidth 
  - saltbundlepy-websocket-client 
  - saltbundlepy-wheel 
  - saltbundlepy-zipp 
  - saltbundlepy-zypp-plugin 
  - samba 
  - samba-ad-dc 
  - samba-ad-dc-libs 
  - samba-ceph 
  - samba-client 
  - samba-devel 
  - samba-dsdb-modules 
  - samba-gpupdate 
  - samba-ldb-ldap 
  - samba-libs 
  - samba-libs-python3 
  - samba-python3 
  - samba-tool 
  - samba-winbind 
  - samba-winbind-libs 
  - sassc 
  - saxon10 
  - saxon10-demo 
  - saxon10-manual 
  - saxon10-scripts 
  - sbc-devel 
  - sca-patterns-alp1 
  - sca-patterns-base 
  - sca-server-report 
  - sccs 
  - schily-ctags 
  - schily-mt 
  - schily-rmt 
  - schroedinger-devel 
  - screen 
  - sdl12_compat-devel 
  - sed-lang 
  - selinux-policy-minimum 
  - selinux-policy-mls 
  - selinux-policy-sandbox 
  - sensord 
  - sensors 
  - serd-devel 
  - servletapi5 
  - sessreg 
  - setools-console 
  - setroubleshoot 
  - setroubleshoot-doc 
  - setroubleshoot-plugins 
  - setroubleshoot-plugins-lang 
  - setroubleshoot-server 
  - setxkbmap 
  - sgml-skel 
  - sgmltool-latex 
  - shaderc 
  - shaderc-devel 
  - shared-mime-info 
  - shared-mime-info-lang 
  - sharutils 
  - sharutils-lang 
  - sil-charis-fonts 
  - sisu-inject 
  - sisu-mojos 
  - sisu-plexus 
  - skopeo-bash-completion 
  - skopeo-fish-completion 
  - skopeo-zsh-completion 
  - slang-devel 
  - slf4j-ext 
  - slf4j-jcl 
  - slf4j-jdk14 
  - slf4j-reload4j 
  - slf4j-sources 
  - smake 
  - smartmontools 
  - smbios-utils: [x86_64] 
  - smc-tools 
  - smc-tools-completion 
  - snakeyaml 
  - snapper-zypp-plugin 
  - snappy-devel 
  - snmp-mibs 
  - snobol4 
  - snobol4-devel 
  - snowball 
  - snowball-devel 
  - snpguest: [x86_64] 
  - socket_wrapper 
  - sof-firmware 
  - sonatype-oss-parent 
  - sord-devel 
  - soundtouch-devel 
  - soxr-devel 
  - spandsp-devel 
  - spax 
  - speech-dispatcher 
  - speech-dispatcher-module-espeak 
  - speex-devel 
  - speexdsp-devel 
  - spice-protocol-devel 
  - spice-vdagent 
  - spirv-tools-devel 
  - sqlite3 
  - sqlite3-devel 
  - sqlite3-tcl 
  - sratom-devel 
  - srp_daemon 
  - sscep 
  - sssd-ipa 
  - sssd-kcm 
  - sssd-proxy 
  - sssd-tools 
  - sssd-winbind-idmap 
  - star 
  - startup-notification-devel 
  - stress-ng-bash-completion 
  - strongswan 
  - strongswan-doc 
  - strongswan-hmac 
  - strongswan-ipsec 
  - strongswan-libs0 
  - strongswan-nm 
  - stunnel 
  - sudo-devel 
  - sudo-plugin-python 
  - sudo-policy-sudo-auth-self 
  - sudo-policy-wheel-auth-self 
  - superlu_6_0_0-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - superlu_6_0_0-gnu-hpc-doc 
  - superlu_6_0_0-gnu-hpc-examples 
  - supermin 
  - suse-build-key 
  - suse-prime 
  - suseconnect-ruby-bindings 
  - svg-schema-doc 
  - swig 
  - swtpm 
  - swtpm-devel 
  - swtpm-selinux 
  - sysconfig 
  - sysfsutils 
  - sysfsutils-devel 
  - syslinux-debuginfo-x86_64: [aarch64] 
  - syslinux-x86_64: [aarch64] 
  - syslog-service 
  - sysprof 
  - sysprof-devel 
  - sysprof-ui 
  - sysprof-ui-devel 
  - sysstat-isag 
  - system-group-audit 
  - system-group-libvirt 
  - system-group-obsolete 
  - system-group-sudo 
  - system-user-brltty 
  - system-user-flatpak 
  - system-user-ftp 
  - system-user-libvirt-dbus 
  - system-user-lp 
  - system-user-mktex 
  - system-user-news 
  - system-user-nobody 
  - system-user-ntp 
  - system-user-prometheus 
  - system-user-pulse 
  - system-user-qemu 
  - system-user-srvGeoClue 
  - system-user-upsd 
  - system-user-uucp 
  - system-user-vscan 
  - system-user-wwwrun 
  - systemd-boot 
  - systemd-container 
  - systemd-coredump 
  - systemd-default-settings-branding-openSUSE 
  - systemd-default-settings-branding-upstream 
  - systemd-doc 
  - systemd-homed 
  - systemd-lang 
  - systemd-network 
  - systemd-status-mail 
  - systemd-sysvcompat 
  - systemd-testsuite 
  - systemd-zram-service 
  - systemtap 
  - systemtap-docs 
  - systemtap-dtrace 
  - systemtap-headers 
  - systemtap-runtime 
  - systemtap-sdt-devel 
  - systemtap-server 
  - tack 
  - talloc-man 
  - tar-lang 
  - tar-rmt 
  - tbb-devel 
  - tcl 
  - tcl-devel 
  - tcpd 
  - tcpd-devel 
  - tcsh 
  - tcsh-lang 
  - tdb-tools 
  - telepathy-glib-devel 
  - telepathy-logger-devel 
  - terminfo 
  - terminfo-iterm 
  - terminfo-screen 
  - testng 
  - tevent-man 
  - texinfo 
  - texlive 
  - texlive-12many 
  - texlive-2up 
  - texlive-a0poster 
  - texlive-a2ping 
  - texlive-a2ping-bin 
  - texlive-a4wide 
  - texlive-a5comb 
  - texlive-aaai-named 
  - texlive-aalok 
  - texlive-aastex 
  - texlive-abbr 
  - texlive-abc 
  - texlive-abnt 
  - texlive-abntex2 
  - texlive-abntexto 
  - texlive-aboensis 
  - texlive-aboensis-fonts 
  - texlive-abraces 
  - texlive-abspos 
  - texlive-abstract 
  - texlive-abstyles 
  - texlive-academicons 
  - texlive-academicons-fonts 
  - texlive-accanthis 
  - texlive-accanthis-fonts 
  - texlive-accents 
  - texlive-accessibility 
  - texlive-accfonts 
  - texlive-accfonts-bin 
  - texlive-accsupp 
  - texlive-achemso 
  - texlive-acmart 
  - texlive-acmconf 
  - texlive-acro 
  - texlive-acronym 
  - texlive-acroterm 
  - texlive-active-conf 
  - texlive-actuarialangle 
  - texlive-actuarialsymbol 
  - texlive-addfont 
  - texlive-addliga 
  - texlive-addlines 
  - texlive-adfathesis 
  - texlive-adforn 
  - texlive-adforn-fonts 
  - texlive-adfsymbols 
  - texlive-adfsymbols-fonts 
  - texlive-adhocfilelist 
  - texlive-adhocfilelist-bin 
  - texlive-adigraph 
  - texlive-adjmulticol 
  - texlive-adjustbox 
  - texlive-adobemapping 
  - texlive-adrconv 
  - texlive-adtrees 
  - texlive-advdate 
  - texlive-ae 
  - texlive-aeguill 
  - texlive-aesupp 
  - texlive-aesupp-fonts 
  - texlive-afm2pl 
  - texlive-afm2pl-bin 
  - texlive-afparticle 
  - texlive-afthesis 
  - texlive-aguplus 
  - texlive-aiaa 
  - texlive-aichej 
  - texlive-ajl 
  - texlive-akktex 
  - texlive-akletter 
  - texlive-akshar 
  - texlive-albatross 
  - texlive-albatross-bin 
  - texlive-alchemist 
  - texlive-alegreya 
  - texlive-alegreya-fonts 
  - texlive-aleph 
  - texlive-aleph-bin 
  - texlive-alertmessage 
  - texlive-alfaslabone 
  - texlive-alfaslabone-fonts 
  - texlive-alg 
  - texlive-algobox 
  - texlive-algolrevived 
  - texlive-algolrevived-fonts 
  - texlive-algorithm2e 
  - texlive-algorithmicx 
  - texlive-algorithms 
  - texlive-algpseudocodex 
  - texlive-algxpar 
  - texlive-aligned-overset 
  - texlive-alkalami 
  - texlive-alkalami-fonts 
  - texlive-alldocumentation 
  - texlive-allrunes 
  - texlive-allrunes-fonts 
  - texlive-almendra 
  - texlive-almendra-fonts 
  - texlive-almfixed 
  - texlive-almfixed-fonts 
  - texlive-alnumsec 
  - texlive-alpha-persian 
  - texlive-alphalph 
  - texlive-alterqcm 
  - texlive-altfont 
  - texlive-altsubsup 
  - texlive-amiri 
  - texlive-amiri-fonts 
  - texlive-amiweb2c-guide 
  - texlive-amsaddr 
  - texlive-amscdx 
  - texlive-amscls 
  - texlive-amsfonts 
  - texlive-amsfonts-fonts 
  - texlive-amslatex-primer 
  - texlive-amsldoc-it 
  - texlive-amsldoc-vn 
  - texlive-amsmath 
  - texlive-amsmath-it 
  - texlive-amsrefs 
  - texlive-amstex 
  - texlive-amstex-bin 
  - texlive-amsthdoc-it 
  - texlive-andika 
  - texlive-andika-fonts 
  - texlive-animate 
  - texlive-annee-scolaire 
  - texlive-annotate 
  - texlive-annotate-equations 
  - texlive-anonchap 
  - texlive-anonymous-acm 
  - texlive-anonymouspro 
  - texlive-anonymouspro-fonts 
  - texlive-answers 
  - texlive-antanilipsum 
  - texlive-antiqua 
  - texlive-antiqua-fonts 
  - texlive-antomega 
  - texlive-antt 
  - texlive-antt-fonts 
  - texlive-anufinalexam 
  - texlive-anyfontsize 
  - texlive-anysize 
  - texlive-aobs-tikz 
  - texlive-aomart 
  - texlive-apa 
  - texlive-apa6 
  - texlive-apa6e 
  - texlive-apa7 
  - texlive-apacite 
  - texlive-apalike-ejor 
  - texlive-apalike-german 
  - texlive-apalike2 
  - texlive-apnum 
  - texlive-appendix 
  - texlive-appendixnumberbeamer 
  - texlive-apprendre-a-programmer-en-tex 
  - texlive-apprends-latex 
  - texlive-apptools 
  - texlive-apxproof 
  - texlive-arabi 
  - texlive-arabi-add 
  - texlive-arabi-fonts 
  - texlive-arabic-book 
  - texlive-arabicfront 
  - texlive-arabluatex 
  - texlive-arabtex 
  - texlive-arabtex-fonts 
  - texlive-arabxetex 
  - texlive-aramaic-serto 
  - texlive-aramaic-serto-fonts 
  - texlive-arara 
  - texlive-arara-bin 
  - texlive-archaeologie 
  - texlive-archaic 
  - texlive-archaic-fonts 
  - texlive-archivo 
  - texlive-archivo-fonts 
  - texlive-arcs 
  - texlive-arev 
  - texlive-arev-fonts 
  - texlive-arimo 
  - texlive-arimo-fonts 
  - texlive-armtex 
  - texlive-armtex-fonts 
  - texlive-around-the-bend 
  - texlive-arphic 
  - texlive-arphic-fonts 
  - texlive-arphic-ttf 
  - texlive-arphic-ttf-fonts 
  - texlive-arraycols 
  - texlive-arrayjobx 
  - texlive-arraysort 
  - texlive-arsclassica 
  - texlive-articleingud 
  - texlive-arvo 
  - texlive-arvo-fonts 
  - texlive-arydshln 
  - texlive-asaetr 
  - texlive-asana-math 
  - texlive-asana-math-fonts 
  - texlive-asapsym 
  - texlive-asapsym-fonts 
  - texlive-ascelike 
  - texlive-ascii-chart 
  - texlive-ascii-font 
  - texlive-ascii-font-fonts 
  - texlive-asciilist 
  - texlive-ascmac 
  - texlive-ascmac-fonts 
  - texlive-askinclude 
  - texlive-askmaps 
  - texlive-asmeconf 
  - texlive-asmejour 
  - texlive-aspectratio 
  - texlive-aspectratio-fonts 
  - texlive-assignment 
  - texlive-assoccnt 
  - texlive-association-matrix 
  - texlive-asternote 
  - texlive-astro 
  - texlive-asyfig 
  - texlive-asymptote 
  - texlive-asymptote-bin 
  - texlive-asymptote-by-example-zh-cn 
  - texlive-asymptote-faq-zh-cn 
  - texlive-asymptote-manual-zh-cn 
  - texlive-asypictureb 
  - texlive-atbegshi 
  - texlive-atenddvi 
  - texlive-atendofenv 
  - texlive-atkinson 
  - texlive-atkinson-fonts 
  - texlive-attachfile 
  - texlive-attachfile2 
  - texlive-attachfile2-bin 
  - texlive-atveryend 
  - texlive-aucklandthesis 
  - texlive-augie 
  - texlive-augie-fonts 
  - texlive-auncial-new 
  - texlive-auncial-new-fonts 
  - texlive-aurical 
  - texlive-aurical-fonts 
  - texlive-aurl 
  - texlive-authoraftertitle 
  - texlive-authorarchive 
  - texlive-authordate 
  - texlive-authorindex 
  - texlive-authorindex-bin 
  - texlive-auto-pst-pdf 
  - texlive-auto-pst-pdf-lua 
  - texlive-autoaligne 
  - texlive-autoarea 
  - texlive-autobreak 
  - texlive-autofancyhdr 
  - texlive-automata 
  - texlive-autonum 
  - texlive-autopdf 
  - texlive-autopuncitems 
  - texlive-autosp 
  - texlive-autosp-bin 
  - texlive-auxhook 
  - texlive-avantgar 
  - texlive-avantgar-fonts 
  - texlive-avremu 
  - texlive-awesomebox 
  - texlive-axessibility 
  - texlive-axodraw2 
  - texlive-axodraw2-bin 
  - texlive-b1encoding 
  - texlive-babel 
  - texlive-babel-albanian 
  - texlive-babel-azerbaijani 
  - texlive-babel-basque 
  - texlive-babel-belarusian 
  - texlive-babel-bosnian 
  - texlive-babel-breton 
  - texlive-babel-bulgarian 
  - texlive-babel-catalan 
  - texlive-babel-croatian 
  - texlive-babel-czech 
  - texlive-babel-danish 
  - texlive-babel-dutch 
  - texlive-babel-english 
  - texlive-babel-esperanto 
  - texlive-babel-estonian 
  - texlive-babel-finnish 
  - texlive-babel-french 
  - texlive-babel-friulan 
  - texlive-babel-galician 
  - texlive-babel-georgian 
  - texlive-babel-german 
  - texlive-babel-greek 
  - texlive-babel-hebrew 
  - texlive-babel-hungarian 
  - texlive-babel-icelandic 
  - texlive-babel-indonesian 
  - texlive-babel-interlingua 
  - texlive-babel-irish 
  - texlive-babel-italian 
  - texlive-babel-japanese 
  - texlive-babel-kurmanji 
  - texlive-babel-latin 
  - texlive-babel-latvian 
  - texlive-babel-lithuanian 
  - texlive-babel-macedonian 
  - texlive-babel-malay 
  - texlive-babel-norsk 
  - texlive-babel-occitan 
  - texlive-babel-piedmontese 
  - texlive-babel-polish 
  - texlive-babel-portuges 
  - texlive-babel-romanian 
  - texlive-babel-romansh 
  - texlive-babel-russian 
  - texlive-babel-samin 
  - texlive-babel-scottish 
  - texlive-babel-serbian 
  - texlive-babel-serbianc 
  - texlive-babel-slovak 
  - texlive-babel-slovenian 
  - texlive-babel-sorbian 
  - texlive-babel-spanish 
  - texlive-babel-swedish 
  - texlive-babel-thai 
  - texlive-babel-turkish 
  - texlive-babel-ukrainian 
  - texlive-babel-vietnamese 
  - texlive-babel-welsh 
  - texlive-babelbib 
  - texlive-background 
  - texlive-backnaur 
  - texlive-baekmuk 
  - texlive-baekmuk-fonts 
  - texlive-bagpipe 
  - texlive-bangla 
  - texlive-bangla-fonts 
  - texlive-bangorcsthesis 
  - texlive-bangorexam 
  - texlive-bangtex 
  - texlive-bankstatement 
  - texlive-barcodes 
  - texlive-bardiag 
  - texlive-barr 
  - texlive-barracuda 
  - texlive-bartel-chess-fonts 
  - texlive-bashful 
  - texlive-basicarith 
  - texlive-baskervald 
  - texlive-baskervald-fonts 
  - texlive-baskervaldx 
  - texlive-baskervaldx-fonts 
  - texlive-baskervillef 
  - texlive-baskervillef-fonts 
  - texlive-basque-book 
  - texlive-basque-date 
  - texlive-bath-bst 
  - texlive-bbcard 
  - texlive-bbding 
  - texlive-bbm 
  - texlive-bbm-macros 
  - texlive-bbold 
  - texlive-bbold-type1 
  - texlive-bbold-type1-fonts 
  - texlive-bboldx 
  - texlive-bboldx-fonts 
  - texlive-bchart 
  - texlive-bclogo 
  - texlive-beamer 
  - texlive-beamer-fuberlin 
  - texlive-beamer-rl 
  - texlive-beamer-tut-pt 
  - texlive-beamer-verona 
  - texlive-beamer2thesis 
  - texlive-beamerappendixnote 
  - texlive-beameraudience 
  - texlive-beamerauxtheme 
  - texlive-beamercolorthemeowl 
  - texlive-beamerdarkthemes 
  - texlive-beamerposter 
  - texlive-beamersubframe 
  - texlive-beamerswitch 
  - texlive-beamertheme-arguelles 
  - texlive-beamertheme-cuerna 
  - texlive-beamertheme-detlevcm 
  - texlive-beamertheme-epyt 
  - texlive-beamertheme-focus 
  - texlive-beamertheme-light 
  - texlive-beamertheme-metropolis 
  - texlive-beamertheme-npbt 
  - texlive-beamertheme-phnompenh 
  - texlive-beamertheme-pure-minimalistic 
  - texlive-beamertheme-saintpetersburg 
  - texlive-beamertheme-simpledarkblue 
  - texlive-beamertheme-simpleplus 
  - texlive-beamertheme-tcolorbox 
  - texlive-beamertheme-trigon 
  - texlive-beamertheme-upenn-bc 
  - texlive-beamerthemeamurmaple 
  - texlive-beamerthemejltree 
  - texlive-beamerthemelalic 
  - texlive-beamerthemenirma 
  - texlive-beamerthemenord 
  - texlive-bearwear 
  - texlive-beaulivre 
  - texlive-beebe 
  - texlive-begingreek 
  - texlive-begriff 
  - texlive-beilstein 
  - texlive-belleek 
  - texlive-belleek-fonts 
  - texlive-bengali 
  - texlive-bera 
  - texlive-bera-fonts 
  - texlive-berenisadf 
  - texlive-berenisadf-fonts 
  - texlive-besjournals 
  - texlive-bestpapers 
  - texlive-betababel 
  - texlive-beton 
  - texlive-beuron 
  - texlive-beuron-fonts 
  - texlive-bewerbung 
  - texlive-bez123 
  - texlive-bezierplot 
  - texlive-bfh-ci 
  - texlive-bgteubner 
  - texlive-bguq 
  - texlive-bguq-fonts 
  - texlive-bhcexam 
  - texlive-bib-fr 
  - texlive-bib2gls 
  - texlive-bib2gls-bin 
  - texlive-bibarts 
  - texlive-bibcop 
  - texlive-bibcop-bin 
  - texlive-biber 
  - texlive-biber-bin 
  - texlive-biber-ms 
  - texlive-biber-ms-bin 
  - texlive-bibexport 
  - texlive-bibexport-bin 
  - texlive-bibhtml 
  - texlive-biblatex 
  - texlive-biblatex-abnt 
  - texlive-biblatex-ajc2020unofficial 
  - texlive-biblatex-anonymous 
  - texlive-biblatex-apa 
  - texlive-biblatex-apa6 
  - texlive-biblatex-archaeology 
  - texlive-biblatex-arthistory-bonn 
  - texlive-biblatex-bath 
  - texlive-biblatex-bookinarticle 
  - texlive-biblatex-bookinother 
  - texlive-biblatex-bwl 
  - texlive-biblatex-caspervector 
  - texlive-biblatex-cheatsheet 
  - texlive-biblatex-chem 
  - texlive-biblatex-chicago 
  - texlive-biblatex-claves 
  - texlive-biblatex-cv 
  - texlive-biblatex-dw 
  - texlive-biblatex-enc 
  - texlive-biblatex-ext 
  - texlive-biblatex-fiwi 
  - texlive-biblatex-gb7714-2015 
  - texlive-biblatex-german-legal 
  - texlive-biblatex-gost 
  - texlive-biblatex-historian 
  - texlive-biblatex-ieee 
  - texlive-biblatex-ijsra 
  - texlive-biblatex-iso690 
  - texlive-biblatex-jura2 
  - texlive-biblatex-juradiss 
  - texlive-biblatex-license 
  - texlive-biblatex-lncs 
  - texlive-biblatex-lni 
  - texlive-biblatex-luh-ipw 
  - texlive-biblatex-manuscripts-philology 
  - texlive-biblatex-mla 
  - texlive-biblatex-morenames 
  - texlive-biblatex-ms 
  - texlive-biblatex-multiple-dm 
  - texlive-biblatex-musuos 
  - texlive-biblatex-nature 
  - texlive-biblatex-nejm 
  - texlive-biblatex-nottsclassic 
  - texlive-biblatex-opcit-booktitle 
  - texlive-biblatex-oxref 
  - texlive-biblatex-philosophy 
  - texlive-biblatex-phys 
  - texlive-biblatex-publist 
  - texlive-biblatex-readbbl 
  - texlive-biblatex-realauthor 
  - texlive-biblatex-sbl 
  - texlive-biblatex-science 
  - texlive-biblatex-shortfields 
  - texlive-biblatex-socialscienceshuberlin 
  - texlive-biblatex-software 
  - texlive-biblatex-source-division 
  - texlive-biblatex-spbasic 
  - texlive-biblatex-subseries 
  - texlive-biblatex-swiss-legal 
  - texlive-biblatex-trad 
  - texlive-biblatex-true-citepages-omit 
  - texlive-biblatex-unified 
  - texlive-biblatex-vancouver 
  - texlive-biblatex2bibitem 
  - texlive-bibleref 
  - texlive-bibleref-french 
  - texlive-bibleref-german 
  - texlive-bibleref-lds 
  - texlive-bibleref-mouth 
  - texlive-bibleref-parse 
  - texlive-bibletext 
  - texlive-biblist 
  - texlive-bibtex 
  - texlive-bibtex-bin 
  - texlive-bibtex8 
  - texlive-bibtex8-bin 
  - texlive-bibtexperllibs 
  - texlive-bibtexu 
  - texlive-bibtexu-bin 
  - texlive-bibtopic 
  - texlive-bibtopicprefix 
  - texlive-bibunits 
  - texlive-bidi 
  - texlive-bidi-atbegshi 
  - texlive-bidicontour 
  - texlive-bidihl 
  - texlive-bidipagegrid 
  - texlive-bidipresentation 
  - texlive-bidishadowtext 
  - texlive-bigfoot 
  - texlive-bigintcalc 
  - texlive-bigints 
  - texlive-bilingualpages 
  - texlive-bin-devel 
  - texlive-binarytree 
  - texlive-binomexp 
  - texlive-biochemistry-colors 
  - texlive-biocon 
  - texlive-biolett-bst 
  - texlive-bitelist 
  - texlive-bithesis 
  - texlive-bitpattern 
  - texlive-bitset 
  - texlive-bitter 
  - texlive-bitter-fonts 
  - texlive-bizcard 
  - texlive-bjfuthesis 
  - texlive-blacklettert1 
  - texlive-blindtext 
  - texlive-blkarray 
  - texlive-blochsphere 
  - texlive-block 
  - texlive-blockdraw_mp 
  - texlive-blopentype 
  - texlive-bloques 
  - texlive-blowup 
  - texlive-blox 
  - texlive-bmstu 
  - texlive-bmstu-iu8 
  - texlive-bnumexpr 
  - texlive-bodegraph 
  - texlive-bodeplot 
  - texlive-bohr 
  - texlive-boisik 
  - texlive-boites 
  - texlive-bold-extra 
  - texlive-boldtensors 
  - texlive-bondgraph 
  - texlive-bondgraphs 
  - texlive-book-of-common-prayer 
  - texlive-bookcover 
  - texlive-bookdb 
  - texlive-bookest 
  - texlive-bookhands 
  - texlive-bookhands-fonts 
  - texlive-booklet 
  - texlive-bookman 
  - texlive-bookman-fonts 
  - texlive-bookmark 
  - texlive-bookshelf 
  - texlive-booktabs 
  - texlive-booktabs-de 
  - texlive-booktabs-fr 
  - texlive-boolexpr 
  - texlive-boondox 
  - texlive-boondox-fonts 
  - texlive-bophook 
  - texlive-borceux 
  - texlive-bosisio 
  - texlive-boxedminipage 
  - texlive-boxhandler 
  - texlive-bpchem 
  - texlive-bpolynomial 
  - texlive-br-lex 
  - texlive-bracketkey 
  - texlive-braids 
  - texlive-braille 
  - texlive-braket 
  - texlive-brandeis-dissertation 
  - texlive-brandeis-problemset 
  - texlive-brandeis-thesis 
  - texlive-breakcites 
  - texlive-breakurl 
  - texlive-bredzenie 
  - texlive-breqn 
  - texlive-bropd 
  - texlive-brushscr 
  - texlive-brushscr-fonts 
  - texlive-bubblesort 
  - texlive-buctthesis 
  - texlive-bullcntr 
  - texlive-bundledoc 
  - texlive-bundledoc-bin 
  - texlive-burmese 
  - texlive-burmese-fonts 
  - texlive-businesscard-qrcode 
  - texlive-bussproofs 
  - texlive-bussproofs-extra 
  - texlive-bxbase 
  - texlive-bxcalc 
  - texlive-bxcjkjatype 
  - texlive-bxdpx-beamer 
  - texlive-bxdvidriver 
  - texlive-bxeepic 
  - texlive-bxenclose 
  - texlive-bxghost 
  - texlive-bxjaholiday 
  - texlive-bxjalipsum 
  - texlive-bxjaprnind 
  - texlive-bxjatoucs 
  - texlive-bxjscls 
  - texlive-bxnewfont 
  - texlive-bxorigcapt 
  - texlive-bxpapersize 
  - texlive-bxpdfver 
  - texlive-bxtexlogo 
  - texlive-bxwareki 
  - texlive-byo-twemojis 
  - texlive-byrne 
  - texlive-bytefield 
  - texlive-c-pascal 
  - texlive-c90 
  - texlive-cabin 
  - texlive-cabin-fonts 
  - texlive-cachepic 
  - texlive-cachepic-bin 
  - texlive-caladea 
  - texlive-caladea-fonts 
  - texlive-calcage 
  - texlive-calctab 
  - texlive-calculation 
  - texlive-calculator 
  - texlive-calligra 
  - texlive-calligra-type1 
  - texlive-calligra-type1-fonts 
  - texlive-callouts 
  - texlive-calrsfs 
  - texlive-cals 
  - texlive-calxxxx-yyyy 
  - texlive-cancel 
  - texlive-canoniclayout 
  - texlive-cantarell 
  - texlive-cantarell-fonts 
  - texlive-capt-of 
  - texlive-captcont 
  - texlive-captdef 
  - texlive-caption 
  - texlive-carbohydrates 
  - texlive-carlisle 
  - texlive-carlito 
  - texlive-carlito-fonts 
  - texlive-carolmin-ps 
  - texlive-carolmin-ps-fonts 
  - texlive-cartonaugh 
  - texlive-cascade 
  - texlive-cascadia-code 
  - texlive-cascadia-code-fonts 
  - texlive-cascadilla 
  - texlive-cases 
  - texlive-casyl 
  - texlive-catchfile 
  - texlive-catchfilebetweentags 
  - texlive-catcodes 
  - texlive-catechis 
  - texlive-catoptions 
  - texlive-causets 
  - texlive-cbcoptic 
  - texlive-cbcoptic-fonts 
  - texlive-cbfonts 
  - texlive-cbfonts-fd 
  - texlive-cbfonts-fonts 
  - texlive-cc-pl 
  - texlive-cc-pl-fonts 
  - texlive-ccaption 
  - texlive-ccfonts 
  - texlive-ccicons 
  - texlive-ccicons-fonts 
  - texlive-cclicenses 
  - texlive-ccool 
  - texlive-cd 
  - texlive-cd-cover 
  - texlive-cdcmd 
  - texlive-cdpbundl 
  - texlive-cell 
  - texlive-cellprops 
  - texlive-cellspace 
  - texlive-celtic 
  - texlive-censor 
  - texlive-centeredline 
  - texlive-centerlastline 
  - texlive-cesenaexam 
  - texlive-cfr-initials 
  - texlive-cfr-lm 
  - texlive-changebar 
  - texlive-changelayout 
  - texlive-changelog 
  - texlive-changepage 
  - texlive-changes 
  - texlive-chappg 
  - texlive-chapterfolder 
  - texlive-charissil 
  - texlive-charissil-fonts 
  - texlive-charter 
  - texlive-charter-fonts 
  - texlive-chbibref 
  - texlive-cheatsheet 
  - texlive-checkcites 
  - texlive-checkcites-bin 
  - texlive-checkend 
  - texlive-checklistings 
  - texlive-checklistings-bin 
  - texlive-chem-journal 
  - texlive-chemarrow 
  - texlive-chemarrow-fonts 
  - texlive-chembst 
  - texlive-chemcompounds 
  - texlive-chemcono 
  - texlive-chemexec 
  - texlive-chemfig 
  - texlive-chemformula 
  - texlive-chemgreek 
  - texlive-chemmacros 
  - texlive-chemnum 
  - texlive-chemobabel 
  - texlive-chemplants 
  - texlive-chemschemex 
  - texlive-chemsec 
  - texlive-chemstyle 
  - texlive-cherokee 
  - texlive-chess 
  - texlive-chess-problem-diagrams 
  - texlive-chessboard 
  - texlive-chessfss 
  - texlive-chet 
  - texlive-chextras 
  - texlive-chhaya 
  - texlive-chicago 
  - texlive-chicago-annote 
  - texlive-chicagoa 
  - texlive-chickenize 
  - texlive-chifoot 
  - texlive-childdoc 
  - texlive-chinese-jfm 
  - texlive-chinesechess 
  - texlive-chivo 
  - texlive-chivo-fonts 
  - texlive-chkfloat 
  - texlive-chklref 
  - texlive-chklref-bin 
  - texlive-chktex 
  - texlive-chktex-bin 
  - texlive-chletter 
  - texlive-chngcntr 
  - texlive-chordbars 
  - texlive-chordbox 
  - texlive-chronology 
  - texlive-chronosys 
  - texlive-chs-physics-report 
  - texlive-chscite 
  - texlive-churchslavonic 
  - texlive-cinzel 
  - texlive-cinzel-fonts 
  - texlive-circ 
  - texlive-circledsteps 
  - texlive-circledtext 
  - texlive-circuit-macros 
  - texlive-circuitikz 
  - texlive-citation-style-language 
  - texlive-citation-style-language-bin 
  - texlive-cite 
  - texlive-citeall 
  - texlive-citeref 
  - texlive-cje 
  - texlive-cjhebrew 
  - texlive-cjhebrew-fonts 
  - texlive-cjk 
  - texlive-cjk-gs-integrate 
  - texlive-cjk-gs-integrate-bin 
  - texlive-cjk-ko 
  - texlive-cjkpunct 
  - texlive-cjkutils 
  - texlive-cjkutils-bin 
  - texlive-clara 
  - texlive-clara-fonts 
  - texlive-classics 
  - texlive-classicthesis 
  - texlive-classpack 
  - texlive-cleanthesis 
  - texlive-clearsans 
  - texlive-clearsans-fonts 
  - texlive-clefval 
  - texlive-cleveref 
  - texlive-clicks 
  - texlive-clipboard 
  - texlive-clistmap 
  - texlive-clock 
  - texlive-clojure-pamphlet 
  - texlive-clojure-pamphlet-bin 
  - texlive-cloze 
  - texlive-clrdblpg 
  - texlive-clrscode 
  - texlive-clrscode3e 
  - texlive-clrstrip 
  - texlive-cluttex 
  - texlive-cluttex-bin 
  - texlive-cm 
  - texlive-cm-lgc 
  - texlive-cm-lgc-fonts 
  - texlive-cm-mf-extra-bold 
  - texlive-cm-super 
  - texlive-cm-super-fonts 
  - texlive-cm-unicode 
  - texlive-cm-unicode-fonts 
  - texlive-cmap 
  - texlive-cmarrows 
  - texlive-cmathbb 
  - texlive-cmathbb-fonts 
  - texlive-cmbright 
  - texlive-cmcyr 
  - texlive-cmcyr-fonts 
  - texlive-cmdstring 
  - texlive-cmdtrack 
  - texlive-cmexb 
  - texlive-cmexb-fonts 
  - texlive-cmextra 
  - texlive-cmll 
  - texlive-cmll-fonts 
  - texlive-cmpica 
  - texlive-cmpj 
  - texlive-cmsd 
  - texlive-cmsrb 
  - texlive-cmsrb-fonts 
  - texlive-cmtiup 
  - texlive-cmupint 
  - texlive-cmupint-fonts 
  - texlive-cnbwp 
  - texlive-cnltx 
  - texlive-cns 
  - texlive-cntformats 
  - texlive-cntperchap 
  - texlive-cochineal 
  - texlive-cochineal-fonts 
  - texlive-codeanatomy 
  - texlive-codebox 
  - texlive-codedoc 
  - texlive-codehigh 
  - texlive-codepage 
  - texlive-codesection 
  - texlive-codicefiscaleitaliano 
  - texlive-coelacanth 
  - texlive-coelacanth-fonts 
  - texlive-coffeestains 
  - texlive-collcell 
  - texlive-collectbox 
  - texlive-collection-basic 
  - texlive-collection-bibtexextra 
  - texlive-collection-binextra 
  - texlive-collection-context 
  - texlive-collection-fontsextra 
  - texlive-collection-fontsrecommended 
  - texlive-collection-fontutils 
  - texlive-collection-formatsextra 
  - texlive-collection-games 
  - texlive-collection-humanities 
  - texlive-collection-langarabic 
  - texlive-collection-langchinese 
  - texlive-collection-langcjk 
  - texlive-collection-langcyrillic 
  - texlive-collection-langczechslovak 
  - texlive-collection-langenglish 
  - texlive-collection-langeuropean 
  - texlive-collection-langfrench 
  - texlive-collection-langgerman 
  - texlive-collection-langgreek 
  - texlive-collection-langitalian 
  - texlive-collection-langjapanese 
  - texlive-collection-langkorean 
  - texlive-collection-langother 
  - texlive-collection-langpolish 
  - texlive-collection-langportuguese 
  - texlive-collection-langspanish 
  - texlive-collection-latex 
  - texlive-collection-latexextra 
  - texlive-collection-latexrecommended 
  - texlive-collection-luatex 
  - texlive-collection-mathscience 
  - texlive-collection-metapost 
  - texlive-collection-music 
  - texlive-collection-pictures 
  - texlive-collection-plaingeneric 
  - texlive-collection-pstricks 
  - texlive-collection-publishers 
  - texlive-collection-xetex 
  - texlive-collref 
  - texlive-colophon 
  - texlive-color-edits 
  - texlive-colordoc 
  - texlive-colorframed 
  - texlive-colorinfo 
  - texlive-coloring 
  - texlive-colorist 
  - texlive-colorprofiles 
  - texlive-colorsep 
  - texlive-colorspace 
  - texlive-colortab 
  - texlive-colortbl 
  - texlive-colorwav 
  - texlive-colorweb 
  - texlive-colourchange 
  - texlive-combelow 
  - texlive-combine 
  - texlive-combinedgraphics 
  - texlive-combofont 
  - texlive-comfortaa 
  - texlive-comfortaa-fonts 
  - texlive-comicneue 
  - texlive-comicneue-fonts 
  - texlive-comma 
  - texlive-commado 
  - texlive-commath 
  - texlive-commedit 
  - texlive-comment 
  - texlive-commonunicode 
  - texlive-commutative-diagrams 
  - texlive-compactbib 
  - texlive-compare 
  - texlive-competences 
  - texlive-complexity 
  - texlive-components 
  - texlive-comprehensive 
  - texlive-computational-complexity 
  - texlive-concepts 
  - texlive-concmath 
  - texlive-concmath-fonts 
  - texlive-concmath-otf 
  - texlive-concmath-otf-fonts 
  - texlive-concprog 
  - texlive-concrete 
  - texlive-conditext 
  - texlive-confproc 
  - texlive-constants 
  - texlive-conteq 
  - texlive-context 
  - texlive-context-account 
  - texlive-context-algorithmic 
  - texlive-context-animation 
  - texlive-context-annotation 
  - texlive-context-bin 
  - texlive-context-bnf 
  - texlive-context-chromato 
  - texlive-context-cmscbf 
  - texlive-context-cmttbf 
  - texlive-context-construction-plan 
  - texlive-context-cyrillicnumbers 
  - texlive-context-degrade 
  - texlive-context-fancybreak 
  - texlive-context-filter 
  - texlive-context-fonts 
  - texlive-context-french 
  - texlive-context-fullpage 
  - texlive-context-gantt 
  - texlive-context-gnuplot 
  - texlive-context-handlecsv 
  - texlive-context-layout 
  - texlive-context-letter 
  - texlive-context-lettrine 
  - texlive-context-mathsets 
  - texlive-context-rst 
  - texlive-context-ruby 
  - texlive-context-simplefonts 
  - texlive-context-simpleslides 
  - texlive-context-title 
  - texlive-context-transliterator 
  - texlive-context-typearea 
  - texlive-context-typescripts 
  - texlive-context-vim 
  - texlive-context-visualcounter 
  - texlive-continue 
  - texlive-contour 
  - texlive-contracard 
  - texlive-conv-xkv 
  - texlive-convbkmk 
  - texlive-convbkmk-bin 
  - texlive-cooking 
  - texlive-cooking-units 
  - texlive-cookingsymbols 
  - texlive-cool 
  - texlive-coolfn 
  - texlive-coollist 
  - texlive-coolstr 
  - texlive-coolthms 
  - texlive-cooltooltips 
  - texlive-coop-writing 
  - texlive-cooperhewitt 
  - texlive-cooperhewitt-fonts 
  - texlive-coordsys 
  - texlive-copyedit 
  - texlive-copyrightbox 
  - texlive-cormorantgaramond 
  - texlive-cormorantgaramond-fonts 
  - texlive-correctmathalign 
  - texlive-coseoul 
  - texlive-countriesofeurope 
  - texlive-countriesofeurope-fonts 
  - texlive-counttexruns 
  - texlive-courier 
  - texlive-courier-fonts 
  - texlive-courier-scaled 
  - texlive-courierten 
  - texlive-courierten-fonts 
  - texlive-courseoutline 
  - texlive-coursepaper 
  - texlive-coverpage 
  - texlive-covington 
  - texlive-cprotect 
  - texlive-cprotectinside 
  - texlive-cqubeamer 
  - texlive-cquthesis 
  - texlive-crbox 
  - texlive-create-theorem 
  - texlive-crefthe 
  - texlive-crimson 
  - texlive-crimson-fonts 
  - texlive-crimsonpro 
  - texlive-crimsonpro-fonts 
  - texlive-crop 
  - texlive-crossrefenum 
  - texlive-crossreference 
  - texlive-crossreftools 
  - texlive-crossrefware 
  - texlive-crossrefware-bin 
  - texlive-crossword 
  - texlive-crosswrd 
  - texlive-crumbs 
  - texlive-cryptocode 
  - texlive-cryst 
  - texlive-cryst-fonts 
  - texlive-cs 
  - texlive-cs-fonts 
  - texlive-csassignments 
  - texlive-csbulletin 
  - texlive-cslatex 
  - texlive-cslatex-bin 
  - texlive-csplain 
  - texlive-csplain-bin 
  - texlive-csquotes 
  - texlive-csquotes-de 
  - texlive-css-colors 
  - texlive-cstex 
  - texlive-cstypo 
  - texlive-csvmerge 
  - texlive-csvsimple 
  - texlive-ctable 
  - texlive-ctablestack 
  - texlive-ctan-o-mat 
  - texlive-ctan-o-mat-bin 
  - texlive-ctan_chk 
  - texlive-ctanbib 
  - texlive-ctanbib-bin 
  - texlive-ctanify 
  - texlive-ctanify-bin 
  - texlive-ctanupload 
  - texlive-ctanupload-bin 
  - texlive-ctex 
  - texlive-ctex-faq 
  - texlive-ctib 
  - texlive-ctie 
  - texlive-ctie-bin 
  - texlive-cuisine 
  - texlive-cuprum 
  - texlive-cuprum-fonts 
  - texlive-currency 
  - texlive-currfile 
  - texlive-currvita 
  - texlive-cursolatex 
  - texlive-curve 
  - texlive-curve2e 
  - texlive-curves 
  - texlive-custom-bib 
  - texlive-customdice 
  - texlive-cutwin 
  - texlive-cv 
  - texlive-cv4tw 
  - texlive-cvss 
  - texlive-cweb 
  - texlive-cweb-bin 
  - texlive-cweb-latex 
  - texlive-cweb-old 
  - texlive-cyber 
  - texlive-cybercic 
  - texlive-cyklop 
  - texlive-cyklop-fonts 
  - texlive-cyrillic 
  - texlive-cyrillic-bin 
  - texlive-cyrillic-bin-bin 
  - texlive-cyrplain 
  - texlive-dad 
  - texlive-dad-fonts 
  - texlive-dancers 
  - texlive-dantelogo 
  - texlive-dantelogo-fonts 
  - texlive-darkmode 
  - texlive-dashbox 
  - texlive-dashrule 
  - texlive-dashundergaps 
  - texlive-dataref 
  - texlive-datatool 
  - texlive-datax 
  - texlive-dateiliste 
  - texlive-datenumber 
  - texlive-datestamp 
  - texlive-datetime 
  - texlive-datetime2 
  - texlive-datetime2-bahasai 
  - texlive-datetime2-basque 
  - texlive-datetime2-breton 
  - texlive-datetime2-bulgarian 
  - texlive-datetime2-catalan 
  - texlive-datetime2-croatian 
  - texlive-datetime2-czech 
  - texlive-datetime2-danish 
  - texlive-datetime2-dutch 
  - texlive-datetime2-en-fulltext 
  - texlive-datetime2-english 
  - texlive-datetime2-esperanto 
  - texlive-datetime2-estonian 
  - texlive-datetime2-finnish 
  - texlive-datetime2-french 
  - texlive-datetime2-galician 
  - texlive-datetime2-german 
  - texlive-datetime2-greek 
  - texlive-datetime2-hebrew 
  - texlive-datetime2-icelandic 
  - texlive-datetime2-irish 
  - texlive-datetime2-it-fulltext 
  - texlive-datetime2-italian 
  - texlive-datetime2-latin 
  - texlive-datetime2-lsorbian 
  - texlive-datetime2-magyar 
  - texlive-datetime2-norsk 
  - texlive-datetime2-polish 
  - texlive-datetime2-portuges 
  - texlive-datetime2-romanian 
  - texlive-datetime2-russian 
  - texlive-datetime2-samin 
  - texlive-datetime2-scottish 
  - texlive-datetime2-serbian 
  - texlive-datetime2-slovak 
  - texlive-datetime2-slovene 
  - texlive-datetime2-spanish 
  - texlive-datetime2-swedish 
  - texlive-datetime2-turkish 
  - texlive-datetime2-ukrainian 
  - texlive-datetime2-usorbian 
  - texlive-datetime2-welsh 
  - texlive-dblfloatfix 
  - texlive-dbshow 
  - texlive-dccpaper 
  - texlive-dcpic 
  - texlive-ddphonism 
  - texlive-de-macro 
  - texlive-de-macro-bin 
  - texlive-debate 
  - texlive-decimal 
  - texlive-decision-table 
  - texlive-decorule 
  - texlive-dehyph 
  - texlive-dehyph-exptl 
  - texlive-dejavu 
  - texlive-dejavu-fonts 
  - texlive-dejavu-otf 
  - texlive-delim 
  - texlive-delimseasy 
  - texlive-delimset 
  - texlive-delimtxt 
  - texlive-democodetools 
  - texlive-denisbdoc 
  - texlive-derivative 
  - texlive-detex 
  - texlive-detex-bin 
  - texlive-devel 
  - texlive-dhua 
  - texlive-diabetes-logbook 
  - texlive-diadia 
  - texlive-diadia-bin 
  - texlive-diagbox 
  - texlive-diagmac2 
  - texlive-diagnose 
  - texlive-dialogl 
  - texlive-dice 
  - texlive-dichokey 
  - texlive-dickimaw 
  - texlive-dictsym 
  - texlive-dictsym-fonts 
  - texlive-diffcoeff 
  - texlive-digestif 
  - texlive-digestif-bin 
  - texlive-digiconfigs 
  - texlive-dijkstra 
  - texlive-dimnum 
  - texlive-din1505 
  - texlive-dinat 
  - texlive-dinbrief 
  - texlive-dingbat 
  - texlive-directory 
  - texlive-dirtree 
  - texlive-dirtytalk 
  - texlive-disser 
  - texlive-ditaa 
  - texlive-dithesis 
  - texlive-dk-bib 
  - texlive-dlfltxb 
  - texlive-dnaseq 
  - texlive-dnp 
  - texlive-doc-pictex 
  - texlive-docbytex 
  - texlive-doclicense 
  - texlive-docmfp 
  - texlive-docmute 
  - texlive-docshots 
  - texlive-docsurvey 
  - texlive-doctools 
  - texlive-documentation 
  - texlive-docutils 
  - texlive-doi 
  - texlive-doipubmed 
  - texlive-domitian 
  - texlive-domitian-fonts 
  - texlive-dosepsbin 
  - texlive-dosepsbin-bin 
  - texlive-dot2texi 
  - texlive-dotarrow 
  - texlive-dotlessi 
  - texlive-dotseqn 
  - texlive-dottex 
  - texlive-doublestroke 
  - texlive-doublestroke-fonts 
  - texlive-doulossil 
  - texlive-doulossil-fonts 
  - texlive-dowith 
  - texlive-download 
  - texlive-dox 
  - texlive-dozenal 
  - texlive-dozenal-fonts 
  - texlive-dpcircling 
  - texlive-dpfloat 
  - texlive-dprogress 
  - texlive-drac 
  - texlive-draftcopy 
  - texlive-draftfigure 
  - texlive-draftwatermark 
  - texlive-dramatist 
  - texlive-dratex 
  - texlive-drawmatrix 
  - texlive-drawstack 
  - texlive-drm 
  - texlive-drm-fonts 
  - texlive-droid 
  - texlive-droid-fonts 
  - texlive-droit-fr 
  - texlive-drs 
  - texlive-drv 
  - texlive-dsptricks 
  - texlive-dsserif 
  - texlive-dsserif-fonts 
  - texlive-dtk 
  - texlive-dtk-bibliography 
  - texlive-dtl 
  - texlive-dtl-bin 
  - texlive-dtxdescribe 
  - texlive-dtxgallery 
  - texlive-dtxgen 
  - texlive-dtxgen-bin 
  - texlive-dtxtut 
  - texlive-ducksay 
  - texlive-duckuments 
  - texlive-duerer 
  - texlive-duerer-latex 
  - texlive-duotenzor 
  - texlive-dutchcal 
  - texlive-dutchcal-fonts 
  - texlive-dvdcoll 
  - texlive-dvgloss 
  - texlive-dviasm 
  - texlive-dviasm-bin 
  - texlive-dvicopy 
  - texlive-dvicopy-bin 
  - texlive-dvidvi 
  - texlive-dvidvi-bin 
  - texlive-dviincl 
  - texlive-dviinfox 
  - texlive-dviinfox-bin 
  - texlive-dviljk 
  - texlive-dviljk-bin 
  - texlive-dviout-util 
  - texlive-dviout-util-bin 
  - texlive-dvipdfmx 
  - texlive-dvipdfmx-bin 
  - texlive-dvipng 
  - texlive-dvipng-bin 
  - texlive-dvipos 
  - texlive-dvipos-bin 
  - texlive-dvips 
  - texlive-dvips-bin 
  - texlive-dvipsconfig 
  - texlive-dvisvgm 
  - texlive-dvisvgm-bin 
  - texlive-dynamicnumber 
  - texlive-dynblocks 
  - texlive-dynkin-diagrams 
  - texlive-dyntree 
  - texlive-e-french 
  - texlive-ean 
  - texlive-ean13isbn 
  - texlive-easing 
  - texlive-easy 
  - texlive-easy-todo 
  - texlive-easybook 
  - texlive-easyfig 
  - texlive-easyfloats 
  - texlive-easyformat 
  - texlive-easylist 
  - texlive-easyreview 
  - texlive-ebezier 
  - texlive-ebgaramond 
  - texlive-ebgaramond-fonts 
  - texlive-ebgaramond-maths 
  - texlive-ebook 
  - texlive-ebproof 
  - texlive-ebsthesis 
  - texlive-ec 
  - texlive-ecc 
  - texlive-ecclesiastic 
  - texlive-ecgdraw 
  - texlive-ecltree 
  - texlive-eco 
  - texlive-ecobiblatex 
  - texlive-econ-bst 
  - texlive-econlipsum 
  - texlive-econometrics 
  - texlive-economic 
  - texlive-ecothesis 
  - texlive-ecv 
  - texlive-eczar 
  - texlive-eczar-fonts 
  - texlive-ed 
  - texlive-edfnotes 
  - texlive-edichokey 
  - texlive-edmac 
  - texlive-edmargin 
  - texlive-eemeir 
  - texlive-eepic 
  - texlive-efbox 
  - texlive-egameps 
  - texlive-egplot 
  - texlive-ehhline 
  - texlive-eiad 
  - texlive-eiad-ltx 
  - texlive-eijkhout 
  - texlive-einfart 
  - texlive-ejpecp 
  - texlive-ekaia 
  - texlive-ekdosis 
  - texlive-ektype-tanka 
  - texlive-ektype-tanka-fonts 
  - texlive-elbioimp 
  - texlive-electrum 
  - texlive-electrum-fonts 
  - texlive-eledform 
  - texlive-eledmac 
  - texlive-elements 
  - texlive-ellipse 
  - texlive-ellipsis 
  - texlive-elmath 
  - texlive-elocalloc 
  - texlive-elpres 
  - texlive-els-cas-templates 
  - texlive-elsarticle 
  - texlive-elteikthesis 
  - texlive-eltex 
  - texlive-elvish 
  - texlive-elzcards 
  - texlive-emarks 
  - texlive-embedall 
  - texlive-embedfile 
  - texlive-embrac 
  - texlive-emf 
  - texlive-emisa 
  - texlive-emoji 
  - texlive-emojicite 
  - texlive-emp 
  - texlive-emptypage 
  - texlive-emulateapj 
  - texlive-enctex 
  - texlive-encxvlna 
  - texlive-endfloat 
  - texlive-endheads 
  - texlive-endiagram 
  - texlive-endnotes 
  - texlive-endnotes-hy 
  - texlive-endnotesj 
  - texlive-endofproofwd 
  - texlive-engpron 
  - texlive-engrec 
  - texlive-engtlc 
  - texlive-enigma 
  - texlive-enotez 
  - texlive-enumitem 
  - texlive-enumitem-zref 
  - texlive-envbig 
  - texlive-environ 
  - texlive-envlab 
  - texlive-eolang 
  - texlive-epigrafica 
  - texlive-epigrafica-fonts 
  - texlive-epigram 
  - texlive-epigraph 
  - texlive-epigraph-keys 
  - texlive-epiolmec 
  - texlive-epiolmec-fonts 
  - texlive-eplain 
  - texlive-eplain-bin 
  - texlive-epsdice 
  - texlive-epsf 
  - texlive-epsf-dvipdfmx 
  - texlive-epsincl 
  - texlive-epslatex-fr 
  - texlive-epspdf 
  - texlive-epspdf-bin 
  - texlive-epspdfconversion 
  - texlive-epstopdf 
  - texlive-epstopdf-bin 
  - texlive-epstopdf-pkg 
  - texlive-eq-pin2corr 
  - texlive-eqell 
  - texlive-eqexpl 
  - texlive-eqlist 
  - texlive-eqnalign 
  - texlive-eqname 
  - texlive-eqnarray 
  - texlive-eqnnumwarn 
  - texlive-eqparbox 
  - texlive-erdc 
  - texlive-erewhon 
  - texlive-erewhon-fonts 
  - texlive-erewhon-math 
  - texlive-erewhon-math-fonts 
  - texlive-errata 
  - texlive-erw-l3 
  - texlive-es-tex-faq 
  - texlive-esami 
  - texlive-esdiff 
  - texlive-esieecv 
  - texlive-esindex 
  - texlive-esint 
  - texlive-esint-type1 
  - texlive-esint-type1-fonts 
  - texlive-esk 
  - texlive-eskd 
  - texlive-eskdx 
  - texlive-eso-pic 
  - texlive-esrelation 
  - texlive-esrelation-fonts 
  - texlive-esstix 
  - texlive-esstix-fonts 
  - texlive-estcpmm 
  - texlive-esvect 
  - texlive-esvect-fonts 
  - texlive-etaremune 
  - texlive-etbb 
  - texlive-etbb-fonts 
  - texlive-etdipa 
  - texlive-etex 
  - texlive-etex-pkg 
  - texlive-etexcmds 
  - texlive-etextools 
  - texlive-ethiop 
  - texlive-ethiop-t1 
  - texlive-ethiop-t1-fonts 
  - texlive-etl 
  - texlive-etoc 
  - texlive-etoolbox 
  - texlive-etoolbox-de 
  - texlive-etsvthor 
  - texlive-euclideangeometry 
  - texlive-euenc 
  - texlive-euflag 
  - texlive-eukdate 
  - texlive-euler 
  - texlive-euler-math 
  - texlive-euler-math-fonts 
  - texlive-eulerpx 
  - texlive-eulervm 
  - texlive-euro 
  - texlive-euro-ce 
  - texlive-europasscv 
  - texlive-europecv 
  - texlive-eurosym 
  - texlive-eurosym-fonts 
  - texlive-euxm 
  - texlive-evangelion-jfm 
  - texlive-everyhook 
  - texlive-everypage 
  - texlive-everysel 
  - texlive-everyshi 
  - texlive-exam 
  - texlive-exam-lite 
  - texlive-exam-n 
  - texlive-exam-randomizechoices 
  - texlive-exam-zh 
  - texlive-examdesign 
  - texlive-example 
  - texlive-examplep 
  - texlive-exceltex 
  - texlive-exceltex-bin 
  - texlive-excludeonly 
  - texlive-exercise 
  - texlive-exercisebank 
  - texlive-exercisepoints 
  - texlive-exercises 
  - texlive-exesheet 
  - texlive-exframe 
  - texlive-exp-testopt 
  - texlive-expdlist 
  - texlive-expex 
  - texlive-expex-acro 
  - texlive-expkv-bundle 
  - texlive-export 
  - texlive-expose-expl3-dunkerque-2019 
  - texlive-expressg 
  - texlive-exsheets 
  - texlive-exsol 
  - texlive-extarrows 
  - texlive-exteps 
  - texlive-extpfeil 
  - texlive-extract 
  - texlive-extratools 
  - texlive-extsizes 
  - texlive-facsimile 
  - texlive-factura 
  - texlive-facture 
  - texlive-facture-belge-simple-sans-tva 
  - texlive-faktor 
  - texlive-familytree 
  - texlive-fancybox 
  - texlive-fancyhandout 
  - texlive-fancyhdr 
  - texlive-fancyhdr-it 
  - texlive-fancylabel 
  - texlive-fancynum 
  - texlive-fancypar 
  - texlive-fancyqr 
  - texlive-fancyref 
  - texlive-fancyslides 
  - texlive-fancytabs 
  - texlive-fancytooltips 
  - texlive-fancyvrb 
  - texlive-fandol 
  - texlive-fandol-fonts 
  - texlive-fascicules 
  - texlive-fast-diagram 
  - texlive-fbb 
  - texlive-fbb-fonts 
  - texlive-fbithesis 
  - texlive-fbox 
  - texlive-fbs 
  - texlive-fc 
  - texlive-fcavtex 
  - texlive-fcltxdoc 
  - texlive-fcolumn 
  - texlive-fdsymbol 
  - texlive-fdsymbol-fonts 
  - texlive-fduthesis 
  - texlive-featpost 
  - texlive-fei 
  - texlive-fenixpar 
  - texlive-fetamont 
  - texlive-fetamont-fonts 
  - texlive-fetchcls 
  - texlive-feupphdteses 
  - texlive-fewerfloatpages 
  - texlive-feyn 
  - texlive-feynmf 
  - texlive-feynmp-auto 
  - texlive-ffcode 
  - texlive-ffslides 
  - texlive-fge 
  - texlive-fge-fonts 
  - texlive-fgruler 
  - texlive-fifinddo-info 
  - texlive-fifo-stack 
  - texlive-fig4latex 
  - texlive-fig4latex-bin 
  - texlive-figbas 
  - texlive-figbas-fonts 
  - texlive-figbib 
  - texlive-figchild 
  - texlive-figflow 
  - texlive-figput 
  - texlive-figsize 
  - texlive-filecontents 
  - texlive-filecontentsdef 
  - texlive-filedate 
  - texlive-filehook 
  - texlive-fileinfo 
  - texlive-filemod 
  - texlive-filesystem 
  - texlive-finbib 
  - texlive-findhyph 
  - texlive-findhyph-bin 
  - texlive-fink 
  - texlive-finstrut 
  - texlive-fira 
  - texlive-fira-fonts 
  - texlive-firamath 
  - texlive-firamath-fonts 
  - texlive-firamath-otf 
  - texlive-firstaid 
  - texlive-fistrum 
  - texlive-fitbox 
  - texlive-fithesis 
  - texlive-fix2col 
  - texlive-fixcmex 
  - texlive-fixdif 
  - texlive-fixfoot 
  - texlive-fixjfm 
  - texlive-fixlatvian 
  - texlive-fixltxhyph 
  - texlive-fixmath 
  - texlive-fixme 
  - texlive-fixmetodonotes 
  - texlive-fixpdfmag 
  - texlive-fiziko 
  - texlive-fjodor 
  - texlive-flabels 
  - texlive-flacards 
  - texlive-flagderiv 
  - texlive-flashcards 
  - texlive-flashmovie 
  - texlive-flexipage 
  - texlive-flipbook 
  - texlive-flippdf 
  - texlive-float 
  - texlive-floatrow 
  - texlive-flowchart 
  - texlive-flowfram 
  - texlive-fltpoint 
  - texlive-fmp 
  - texlive-fmtcount 
  - texlive-fn2end 
  - texlive-fnbreak 
  - texlive-fncychap 
  - texlive-fncylab 
  - texlive-fnpara 
  - texlive-fnpct 
  - texlive-fnspe 
  - texlive-fntproof 
  - texlive-fnumprint 
  - texlive-foekfont 
  - texlive-foekfont-fonts 
  - texlive-foilhtml 
  - texlive-foliono 
  - texlive-fonetika 
  - texlive-fonetika-fonts 
  - texlive-font-change 
  - texlive-font-change-xetex 
  - texlive-fontawesome 
  - texlive-fontawesome-fonts 
  - texlive-fontawesome5 
  - texlive-fontawesome5-fonts 
  - texlive-fontaxes 
  - texlive-fontbook 
  - texlive-fontch 
  - texlive-fontinst 
  - texlive-fontinst-bin 
  - texlive-fontinstallationguide 
  - texlive-fontmfizz 
  - texlive-fontmfizz-fonts 
  - texlive-fontname 
  - texlive-fontools 
  - texlive-fontools-bin 
  - texlive-fonts-churchslavonic 
  - texlive-fonts-churchslavonic-fonts 
  - texlive-fonts-tlwg 
  - texlive-fonts-tlwg-fonts 
  - texlive-fontsetup 
  - texlive-fontsize 
  - texlive-fontspec 
  - texlive-fonttable 
  - texlive-fontware 
  - texlive-fontware-bin 
  - texlive-fontwrap 
  - texlive-footbib 
  - texlive-footmisc 
  - texlive-footmisx 
  - texlive-footnotebackref 
  - texlive-footnotehyper 
  - texlive-footnoterange 
  - texlive-footnpag 
  - texlive-forarray 
  - texlive-foreign 
  - texlive-forest 
  - texlive-forest-quickstart 
  - texlive-forloop 
  - texlive-formal-grammar 
  - texlive-formation-latex-ul 
  - texlive-formlett 
  - texlive-forms16be 
  - texlive-formular 
  - texlive-forum 
  - texlive-forum-fonts 
  - texlive-fouridx 
  - texlive-fourier 
  - texlive-fourier-fonts 
  - texlive-fouriernc 
  - texlive-fp 
  - texlive-fpl 
  - texlive-fpl-fonts 
  - texlive-fragmaster 
  - texlive-fragmaster-bin 
  - texlive-fragments 
  - texlive-frame 
  - texlive-framed 
  - texlive-francais-bst 
  - texlive-frankenstein 
  - texlive-frcursive 
  - texlive-frcursive-fonts 
  - texlive-frederika2016 
  - texlive-frederika2016-fonts 
  - texlive-frege 
  - texlive-frenchmath 
  - texlive-frimurer 
  - texlive-frimurer-fonts 
  - texlive-frletter 
  - texlive-frontespizio 
  - texlive-froufrou 
  - texlive-frpseudocode 
  - texlive-ftc-notebook 
  - texlive-ftcap 
  - texlive-ftnxtra 
  - texlive-fullblck 
  - texlive-fullminipage 
  - texlive-fullwidth 
  - texlive-functan 
  - texlive-functional 
  - texlive-fundus-calligra 
  - texlive-fundus-cyr 
  - texlive-fundus-sueterlin 
  - texlive-fvextra 
  - texlive-fwlw 
  - texlive-g-brief 
  - texlive-gaceta 
  - texlive-galois 
  - texlive-gamebook 
  - texlive-gamebooklib 
  - texlive-gammas 
  - texlive-garamond-libre 
  - texlive-garamond-libre-fonts 
  - texlive-garamond-math 
  - texlive-garamond-math-fonts 
  - texlive-garrigues 
  - texlive-garuda-c90 
  - texlive-gastex 
  - texlive-gates 
  - texlive-gatherenum 
  - texlive-gauss 
  - texlive-gb4e 
  - texlive-gbt7714 
  - texlive-gcard 
  - texlive-gchords 
  - texlive-gcite 
  - texlive-gckanbun 
  - texlive-gender 
  - texlive-gene-logic 
  - texlive-genealogy 
  - texlive-genealogytree 
  - texlive-genmpage 
  - texlive-gensymb 
  - texlive-gentium-tug 
  - texlive-gentium-tug-fonts 
  - texlive-gentle 
  - texlive-gentombow 
  - texlive-geometry 
  - texlive-geradwp 
  - texlive-german 
  - texlive-germbib 
  - texlive-germkorr 
  - texlive-geschichtsfrkl 
  - texlive-getfiledate 
  - texlive-getitems 
  - texlive-getmap 
  - texlive-getmap-bin 
  - texlive-getoptk 
  - texlive-gettitlestring 
  - texlive-gfdl 
  - texlive-gfnotation 
  - texlive-gfsartemisia 
  - texlive-gfsartemisia-fonts 
  - texlive-gfsbaskerville 
  - texlive-gfsbaskerville-fonts 
  - texlive-gfsbodoni 
  - texlive-gfsbodoni-fonts 
  - texlive-gfscomplutum 
  - texlive-gfscomplutum-fonts 
  - texlive-gfsdidot 
  - texlive-gfsdidot-fonts 
  - texlive-gfsdidotclassic 
  - texlive-gfsdidotclassic-fonts 
  - texlive-gfsneohellenic 
  - texlive-gfsneohellenic-fonts 
  - texlive-gfsneohellenicmath 
  - texlive-gfsneohellenicmath-fonts 
  - texlive-gfsporson 
  - texlive-gfsporson-fonts 
  - texlive-gfssolomos 
  - texlive-gfssolomos-fonts 
  - texlive-ghab 
  - texlive-ghsystem 
  - texlive-gillcm 
  - texlive-gillius 
  - texlive-gillius-fonts 
  - texlive-gincltex 
  - texlive-gindex 
  - texlive-ginpenc 
  - texlive-git-latexdiff 
  - texlive-git-latexdiff-bin 
  - texlive-gitfile-info 
  - texlive-gitinfo 
  - texlive-gitinfo2 
  - texlive-gitlog 
  - texlive-gitstatus 
  - texlive-gitver 
  - texlive-globalvals 
  - texlive-glosmathtools 
  - texlive-gloss 
  - texlive-gloss-occitan 
  - texlive-glossaries 
  - texlive-glossaries-bin 
  - texlive-glossaries-danish 
  - texlive-glossaries-dutch 
  - texlive-glossaries-english 
  - texlive-glossaries-estonian 
  - texlive-glossaries-extra 
  - texlive-glossaries-finnish 
  - texlive-glossaries-french 
  - texlive-glossaries-german 
  - texlive-glossaries-irish 
  - texlive-glossaries-italian 
  - texlive-glossaries-magyar 
  - texlive-glossaries-nynorsk 
  - texlive-glossaries-polish 
  - texlive-glossaries-portuges 
  - texlive-glossaries-serbian 
  - texlive-glossaries-slovene 
  - texlive-glossaries-spanish 
  - texlive-glyphlist 
  - texlive-gmdoc 
  - texlive-gmdoc-enhance 
  - texlive-gmiflink 
  - texlive-gmp 
  - texlive-gmutils 
  - texlive-gmverb 
  - texlive-gmverse 
  - texlive-gnu-freefont 
  - texlive-gnu-freefont-fonts 
  - texlive-gnuplottex 
  - texlive-go 
  - texlive-gobble 
  - texlive-gofonts 
  - texlive-gofonts-fonts 
  - texlive-gost 
  - texlive-gothic 
  - texlive-gotoh 
  - texlive-grabbox 
  - texlive-gradient-text 
  - texlive-gradientframe 
  - texlive-grading-scheme 
  - texlive-gradstudentresume 
  - texlive-grafcet 
  - texlive-grant 
  - texlive-graph35 
  - texlive-graphbox 
  - texlive-graphics 
  - texlive-graphics-cfg 
  - texlive-graphics-def 
  - texlive-graphics-pln 
  - texlive-graphicscache 
  - texlive-graphicx-psmin 
  - texlive-graphicxbox 
  - texlive-graphicxpsd 
  - texlive-graphpaper 
  - texlive-graphviz 
  - texlive-grayhints 
  - texlive-greek-fontenc 
  - texlive-greek-inputenc 
  - texlive-greekdates 
  - texlive-greektex 
  - texlive-greektonoi 
  - texlive-greenpoint 
  - texlive-gregoriotex 
  - texlive-gregoriotex-bin 
  - texlive-gregoriotex-fonts 
  - texlive-grfext 
  - texlive-grffile 
  - texlive-grfpaste 
  - texlive-grid 
  - texlive-grid-system 
  - texlive-gridpapers 
  - texlive-gridset 
  - texlive-gridslides 
  - texlive-grotesq 
  - texlive-grotesq-fonts 
  - texlive-grundgesetze 
  - texlive-gs1 
  - texlive-gsemthesis 
  - texlive-gsftopk 
  - texlive-gsftopk-bin 
  - texlive-gtl 
  - texlive-gtrcrd 
  - texlive-gtrlib-largetrees 
  - texlive-gu 
  - texlive-gudea 
  - texlive-gudea-fonts 
  - texlive-guide-to-latex 
  - texlive-guitar 
  - texlive-guitarchordschemes 
  - texlive-guitartabs 
  - texlive-guitlogo 
  - texlive-gustlib 
  - texlive-gustprog 
  - texlive-gzt 
  - texlive-h2020proposal 
  - texlive-ha-prosper 
  - texlive-hackthefootline 
  - texlive-hacm 
  - texlive-hacm-fonts 
  - texlive-hagenberg-thesis 
  - texlive-halloweenmath 
  - texlive-hamnosys 
  - texlive-hamnosys-fonts 
  - texlive-handin 
  - texlive-handout 
  - texlive-handoutwithnotes 
  - texlive-hands 
  - texlive-hang 
  - texlive-hanging 
  - texlive-hanoi 
  - texlive-hanzibox 
  - texlive-happy4th 
  - texlive-har2nat 
  - texlive-haranoaji 
  - texlive-haranoaji-extra 
  - texlive-haranoaji-extra-fonts 
  - texlive-haranoaji-fonts 
  - texlive-hardwrap 
  - texlive-harmony 
  - texlive-harnon-cv 
  - texlive-harpoon 
  - texlive-harvard 
  - texlive-harveyballs 
  - texlive-harvmac 
  - texlive-hatching 
  - texlive-hausarbeit-jura 
  - texlive-havannah 
  - texlive-hc 
  - texlive-he-she 
  - texlive-hecthese 
  - texlive-helmholtz-ellis-ji-notation 
  - texlive-helmholtz-ellis-ji-notation-fonts 
  - texlive-helvetic 
  - texlive-helvetic-fonts 
  - texlive-hep 
  - texlive-hep-acronym 
  - texlive-hep-bibliography 
  - texlive-hep-float 
  - texlive-hep-font 
  - texlive-hep-math 
  - texlive-hep-math-font 
  - texlive-hep-paper 
  - texlive-hep-reference 
  - texlive-hep-text 
  - texlive-hep-title 
  - texlive-hepnames 
  - texlive-hepparticles 
  - texlive-hepthesis 
  - texlive-hepunits 
  - texlive-here 
  - texlive-hereapplies 
  - texlive-heros-otf 
  - texlive-hershey-mp 
  - texlive-heuristica 
  - texlive-heuristica-fonts 
  - texlive-hexboard 
  - texlive-hexgame 
  - texlive-hf-tikz 
  - texlive-hfbright 
  - texlive-hfbright-fonts 
  - texlive-hfoldsty 
  - texlive-hfutexam 
  - texlive-hfutthesis 
  - texlive-hhtensor 
  - texlive-hideanswer 
  - texlive-highlightlatex 
  - texlive-hindawi-latex-template 
  - texlive-hindmadurai 
  - texlive-hindmadurai-fonts 
  - texlive-histogr 
  - texlive-historische-zeitschrift 
  - texlive-hitec 
  - texlive-hitex 
  - texlive-hitex-bin 
  - texlive-hithesis 
  - texlive-hitreport 
  - texlive-hitszbeamer 
  - texlive-hitszthesis 
  - texlive-hletter 
  - texlive-hlist 
  - texlive-hmtrump 
  - texlive-hmtrump-fonts 
  - texlive-hobby 
  - texlive-hobete 
  - texlive-hobsub 
  - texlive-hologo 
  - texlive-hook-pre-commit-pkg 
  - texlive-hopatch 
  - texlive-horoscop 
  - texlive-hpsdiss 
  - texlive-href-ul 
  - texlive-hrefhide 
  - texlive-hrlatex 
  - texlive-hu-berlin-bundle 
  - texlive-huawei 
  - texlive-huaz 
  - texlive-hulipsum 
  - texlive-hustthesis 
  - texlive-hvarabic 
  - texlive-hvextern 
  - texlive-hvfloat 
  - texlive-hvindex 
  - texlive-hvlogos 
  - texlive-hvpygmentex 
  - texlive-hvqrurl 
  - texlive-hwemoji 
  - texlive-hycolor 
  - texlive-hypdestopt 
  - texlive-hypdoc 
  - texlive-hypdvips 
  - texlive-hyper 
  - texlive-hyperbar 
  - texlive-hypernat 
  - texlive-hyperref 
  - texlive-hyperxmp 
  - texlive-hyperxmp-bin 
  - texlive-hyph-utf8 
  - texlive-hyphen-afrikaans 
  - texlive-hyphen-ancientgreek 
  - texlive-hyphen-arabic 
  - texlive-hyphen-armenian 
  - texlive-hyphen-base 
  - texlive-hyphen-basque 
  - texlive-hyphen-belarusian 
  - texlive-hyphen-bulgarian 
  - texlive-hyphen-catalan 
  - texlive-hyphen-chinese 
  - texlive-hyphen-churchslavonic 
  - texlive-hyphen-coptic 
  - texlive-hyphen-croatian 
  - texlive-hyphen-czech 
  - texlive-hyphen-danish 
  - texlive-hyphen-dutch 
  - texlive-hyphen-english 
  - texlive-hyphen-esperanto 
  - texlive-hyphen-estonian 
  - texlive-hyphen-ethiopic 
  - texlive-hyphen-farsi 
  - texlive-hyphen-finnish 
  - texlive-hyphen-french 
  - texlive-hyphen-friulan 
  - texlive-hyphen-galician 
  - texlive-hyphen-georgian 
  - texlive-hyphen-german 
  - texlive-hyphen-greek 
  - texlive-hyphen-hungarian 
  - texlive-hyphen-icelandic 
  - texlive-hyphen-indic 
  - texlive-hyphen-indonesian 
  - texlive-hyphen-interlingua 
  - texlive-hyphen-irish 
  - texlive-hyphen-italian 
  - texlive-hyphen-kurmanji 
  - texlive-hyphen-latin 
  - texlive-hyphen-latvian 
  - texlive-hyphen-lithuanian 
  - texlive-hyphen-macedonian 
  - texlive-hyphen-mongolian 
  - texlive-hyphen-norwegian 
  - texlive-hyphen-occitan 
  - texlive-hyphen-piedmontese 
  - texlive-hyphen-polish 
  - texlive-hyphen-portuguese 
  - texlive-hyphen-romanian 
  - texlive-hyphen-romansh 
  - texlive-hyphen-russian 
  - texlive-hyphen-sanskrit 
  - texlive-hyphen-serbian 
  - texlive-hyphen-slovak 
  - texlive-hyphen-slovenian 
  - texlive-hyphen-spanish 
  - texlive-hyphen-swedish 
  - texlive-hyphen-thai 
  - texlive-hyphen-turkish 
  - texlive-hyphen-turkmen 
  - texlive-hyphen-ukrainian 
  - texlive-hyphen-uppersorbian 
  - texlive-hyphen-welsh 
  - texlive-hyphenat 
  - texlive-hyphenex 
  - texlive-hyplain 
  - texlive-ibarra 
  - texlive-ibarra-fonts 
  - texlive-ibrackets 
  - texlive-ibycus-babel 
  - texlive-ibygrk 
  - texlive-ibygrk-fonts 
  - texlive-icite 
  - texlive-icsv 
  - texlive-identkey 
  - texlive-idxcmds 
  - texlive-idxlayout 
  - texlive-ieeeconf 
  - texlive-ieeepes 
  - texlive-ieeetran 
  - texlive-ieejtran 
  - texlive-ietfbibs 
  - texlive-iexec 
  - texlive-ifallfalse 
  - texlive-iffont 
  - texlive-ifmslide 
  - texlive-ifmtarg 
  - texlive-ifnextok 
  - texlive-ifoddpage 
  - texlive-ifplatform 
  - texlive-ifptex 
  - texlive-ifsym 
  - texlive-iftex 
  - texlive-ifthenx 
  - texlive-ifxptex 
  - texlive-iitem 
  - texlive-ijmart 
  - texlive-ijqc 
  - texlive-ijsra 
  - texlive-imac 
  - texlive-image-gallery 
  - texlive-imakeidx 
  - texlive-imfellenglish 
  - texlive-imfellenglish-fonts 
  - texlive-impatient 
  - texlive-impatient-cn 
  - texlive-impatient-fr 
  - texlive-impnattypo 
  - texlive-import 
  - texlive-imsproc 
  - texlive-imtekda 
  - texlive-incgraph 
  - texlive-includernw 
  - texlive-inconsolata 
  - texlive-inconsolata-fonts 
  - texlive-index 
  - texlive-indextools 
  - texlive-infwarerr 
  - texlive-initials 
  - texlive-initials-fonts 
  - texlive-inkpaper 
  - texlive-inline-images 
  - texlive-inlinebib 
  - texlive-inlinedef 
  - texlive-inlinelabel 
  - texlive-innerscript 
  - texlive-inputenx 
  - texlive-inputnormalization 
  - texlive-inputtrc 
  - texlive-inriafonts 
  - texlive-inriafonts-fonts 
  - texlive-insbox 
  - texlive-install-latex-guide-zh-cn 
  - texlive-intcalc 
  - texlive-inter 
  - texlive-inter-fonts 
  - texlive-interactiveworkbook 
  - texlive-interchar 
  - texlive-interfaces 
  - texlive-interpreter 
  - texlive-interval 
  - texlive-intopdf 
  - texlive-intro-scientific 
  - texlive-inversepath 
  - texlive-invoice 
  - texlive-invoice-class 
  - texlive-invoice2 
  - texlive-iodhbwm 
  - texlive-ionumbers 
  - texlive-iopart-num 
  - texlive-ipaex 
  - texlive-ipaex-fonts 
  - texlive-ipaex-type1 
  - texlive-ipaex-type1-fonts 
  - texlive-is-bst 
  - texlive-iscram 
  - texlive-iso 
  - texlive-iso10303 
  - texlive-isodate 
  - texlive-isodoc 
  - texlive-isomath 
  - texlive-isonums 
  - texlive-isopt 
  - texlive-isorot 
  - texlive-isotope 
  - texlive-issuulinks 
  - texlive-istgame 
  - texlive-itnumpar 
  - texlive-iwhdp 
  - texlive-iwona 
  - texlive-iwona-fonts 
  - texlive-jablantile 
  - texlive-jacow 
  - texlive-jadetex 
  - texlive-jadetex-bin 
  - texlive-jamtimes 
  - texlive-japanese-mathformulas 
  - texlive-japanese-otf 
  - texlive-jbact 
  - texlive-jeuxcartes 
  - texlive-jfmutil 
  - texlive-jfmutil-bin 
  - texlive-jieeetran 
  - texlive-jigsaw 
  - texlive-jkmath 
  - texlive-jknapltx 
  - texlive-jlabels 
  - texlive-jlreq 
  - texlive-jlreq-deluxe 
  - texlive-jmb 
  - texlive-jmlr 
  - texlive-jmn 
  - texlive-jmn-fonts 
  - texlive-jmsdelim 
  - texlive-jneurosci 
  - texlive-jnuexam 
  - texlive-jobname-suffix 
  - texlive-josefin 
  - texlive-josefin-fonts 
  - texlive-jourcl 
  - texlive-jpneduenumerate 
  - texlive-jpnedumathsymbols 
  - texlive-jpsj 
  - texlive-js-misc 
  - texlive-jsclasses 
  - texlive-jslectureplanner 
  - texlive-jumplines 
  - texlive-junicode 
  - texlive-junicode-fonts 
  - texlive-jupynotex 
  - texlive-jura 
  - texlive-juraabbrev 
  - texlive-jurabib 
  - texlive-juramisc 
  - texlive-jurarsp 
  - texlive-jvlisting 
  - texlive-jwjournal 
  - texlive-kalendarium 
  - texlive-kanaparser 
  - texlive-kanbun 
  - texlive-kantlipsum 
  - texlive-karnaugh 
  - texlive-karnaugh-map 
  - texlive-karnaughmap 
  - texlive-kastrup 
  - texlive-kaytannollista-latexia 
  - texlive-kblocks 
  - texlive-kdgdocs 
  - texlive-kdpcover 
  - texlive-kerkis 
  - texlive-kerkis-fonts 
  - texlive-kerntest 
  - texlive-ketcindy 
  - texlive-ketcindy-bin 
  - texlive-keycommand 
  - texlive-keyfloat 
  - texlive-keyindex 
  - texlive-keyparse 
  - texlive-keyreader 
  - texlive-keystroke 
  - texlive-keyval2e 
  - texlive-keyvaltable 
  - texlive-kfupm-math-exam 
  - texlive-kinematikz 
  - texlive-kix 
  - texlive-kixfont 
  - texlive-kluwer 
  - texlive-knitting 
  - texlive-knitting-fonts 
  - texlive-knittingpattern 
  - texlive-knowledge 
  - texlive-knuth-errata 
  - texlive-knuth-hint 
  - texlive-knuth-lib 
  - texlive-knuth-local 
  - texlive-knuth-pdf 
  - texlive-koma-moderncvclassic 
  - texlive-koma-script 
  - texlive-koma-script-examples 
  - texlive-koma-script-sfs 
  - texlive-komacv 
  - texlive-komacv-rg 
  - texlive-kotex-oblivoir 
  - texlive-kotex-plain 
  - texlive-kotex-utf 
  - texlive-kotex-utils 
  - texlive-kotex-utils-bin 
  - texlive-kpathsea 
  - texlive-kpathsea-bin 
  - texlive-kpathsea-devel 
  - texlive-kpfonts 
  - texlive-kpfonts-fonts 
  - texlive-kpfonts-otf 
  - texlive-kpfonts-otf-fonts 
  - texlive-ksfh_nat 
  - texlive-ksp-thesis 
  - texlive-ktv-texdata 
  - texlive-ku-template 
  - texlive-kurdishlipsum 
  - texlive-kurier 
  - texlive-kurier-fonts 
  - texlive-kvdefinekeys 
  - texlive-kvmap 
  - texlive-kvoptions 
  - texlive-kvsetkeys 
  - texlive-l2picfaq 
  - texlive-l2tabu 
  - texlive-l2tabu-english 
  - texlive-l2tabu-french 
  - texlive-l2tabu-italian 
  - texlive-l2tabu-spanish 
  - texlive-l3backend 
  - texlive-l3build 
  - texlive-l3build-bin 
  - texlive-l3experimental 
  - texlive-l3kernel 
  - texlive-l3packages 
  - texlive-labbook 
  - texlive-labels 
  - texlive-labels4easylist 
  - texlive-labelschanged 
  - texlive-labyrinth 
  - texlive-lacheck 
  - texlive-lacheck-bin 
  - texlive-ladder 
  - texlive-lambda 
  - texlive-lambda-lists 
  - texlive-lambdax 
  - texlive-langcode 
  - texlive-langnames 
  - texlive-langsci 
  - texlive-langsci-avm 
  - texlive-lapdf 
  - texlive-lastpackage 
  - texlive-lastpage 
  - texlive-latex 
  - texlive-latex-amsmath-dev 
  - texlive-latex-base-dev 
  - texlive-latex-bin 
  - texlive-latex-bin-bin 
  - texlive-latex-bin-dev 
  - texlive-latex-bin-dev-bin 
  - texlive-latex-brochure 
  - texlive-latex-course 
  - texlive-latex-doc-ptr 
  - texlive-latex-firstaid-dev 
  - texlive-latex-fonts 
  - texlive-latex-for-undergraduates 
  - texlive-latex-git-log 
  - texlive-latex-git-log-bin 
  - texlive-latex-graphics-companion 
  - texlive-latex-graphics-dev 
  - texlive-latex-lab 
  - texlive-latex-lab-dev 
  - texlive-latex-make 
  - texlive-latex-mr 
  - texlive-latex-notes-zh-cn 
  - texlive-latex-papersize 
  - texlive-latex-papersize-bin 
  - texlive-latex-refsheet 
  - texlive-latex-tools-dev 
  - texlive-latex-uni8 
  - texlive-latex-veryshortguide 
  - texlive-latex-via-exemplos 
  - texlive-latex-web-companion 
  - texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo 
  - texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo-fr 
  - texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish 
  - texlive-latex2man 
  - texlive-latex2man-bin 
  - texlive-latex2nemeth 
  - texlive-latex2nemeth-bin 
  - texlive-latex4musicians 
  - texlive-latex4wp 
  - texlive-latex4wp-it 
  - texlive-latexbangla 
  - texlive-latexbug 
  - texlive-latexcheat 
  - texlive-latexcheat-de 
  - texlive-latexcheat-esmx 
  - texlive-latexcheat-ptbr 
  - texlive-latexcolors 
  - texlive-latexconfig 
  - texlive-latexcourse-rug 
  - texlive-latexdemo 
  - texlive-latexdiff 
  - texlive-latexdiff-bin 
  - texlive-latexfileinfo-pkgs 
  - texlive-latexfileversion 
  - texlive-latexfileversion-bin 
  - texlive-latexgit 
  - texlive-latexindent 
  - texlive-latexindent-bin 
  - texlive-latexmk 
  - texlive-latexmk-bin 
  - texlive-latexmp 
  - texlive-latexpand 
  - texlive-latexpand-bin 
  - texlive-latino-sine-flexione 
  - texlive-lato 
  - texlive-lato-fonts 
  - texlive-layaureo 
  - texlive-layouts 
  - texlive-lazylist 
  - texlive-lccaps 
  - texlive-lcd 
  - texlive-lcdftypetools 
  - texlive-lcdftypetools-bin 
  - texlive-lcg 
  - texlive-lcyw 
  - texlive-leading 
  - texlive-leadsheets 
  - texlive-leaflet 
  - texlive-lebhart 
  - texlive-lecturer 
  - texlive-lectures 
  - texlive-lectureslides 
  - texlive-ledmac 
  - texlive-leftidx 
  - texlive-leftindex 
  - texlive-leipzig 
  - texlive-lengthconvert 
  - texlive-letgut 
  - texlive-letltxmacro 
  - texlive-letterspacing 
  - texlive-letterswitharrows 
  - texlive-lettre 
  - texlive-lettrine 
  - texlive-levy 
  - texlive-lewis 
  - texlive-lexend 
  - texlive-lexend-fonts 
  - texlive-lexikon 
  - texlive-lexref 
  - texlive-lfb 
  - texlive-lgreek 
  - texlive-lgrmath 
  - texlive-lh 
  - texlive-lhcyr 
  - texlive-lhelp 
  - texlive-libertine 
  - texlive-libertine-fonts 
  - texlive-libertinegc 
  - texlive-libertinus 
  - texlive-libertinus-fonts 
  - texlive-libertinus-fonts-fonts 
  - texlive-libertinus-otf 
  - texlive-libertinus-type1 
  - texlive-libertinus-type1-fonts 
  - texlive-libertinust1math 
  - texlive-libertinust1math-fonts 
  - texlive-libgreek 
  - texlive-librarian 
  - texlive-librebaskerville 
  - texlive-librebaskerville-fonts 
  - texlive-librebodoni 
  - texlive-librebodoni-fonts 
  - texlive-librecaslon 
  - texlive-librecaslon-fonts 
  - texlive-librefranklin 
  - texlive-librefranklin-fonts 
  - texlive-libris 
  - texlive-libris-fonts 
  - texlive-lie-hasse 
  - texlive-liftarm 
  - texlive-light-latex-make 
  - texlive-light-latex-make-bin 
  - texlive-ligtype 
  - texlive-lilyglyphs 
  - texlive-lilyglyphs-bin 
  - texlive-lilyglyphs-fonts 
  - texlive-limap 
  - texlive-limecv 
  - texlive-lineara 
  - texlive-lineara-fonts 
  - texlive-linebreaker 
  - texlive-linegoal 
  - texlive-lineno 
  - texlive-ling-macros 
  - texlive-linguex 
  - texlive-linguisticspro 
  - texlive-linguisticspro-fonts 
  - texlive-linop 
  - texlive-lion-msc 
  - texlive-lipsum 
  - texlive-lisp-on-tex 
  - texlive-listbib 
  - texlive-listbib-bin 
  - texlive-listing 
  - texlive-listings 
  - texlive-listings-ext 
  - texlive-listings-ext-bin 
  - texlive-listingsutf8 
  - texlive-listlbls 
  - texlive-listliketab 
  - texlive-listofitems 
  - texlive-listofsymbols 
  - texlive-lithuanian 
  - texlive-liturg 
  - texlive-lkproof 
  - texlive-llncs 
  - texlive-llncsconf 
  - texlive-lm 
  - texlive-lm-fonts 
  - texlive-lm-math 
  - texlive-lm-math-fonts 
  - texlive-lmake 
  - texlive-lni 
  - texlive-lobster2 
  - texlive-lobster2-fonts 
  - texlive-locality 
  - texlive-localloc 
  - texlive-logbox 
  - texlive-logical-markup-utils 
  - texlive-logicproof 
  - texlive-logicpuzzle 
  - texlive-logix 
  - texlive-logix-fonts 
  - texlive-logpap 
  - texlive-logreq 
  - texlive-lollipop 
  - texlive-lollipop-bin 
  - texlive-longdivision 
  - texlive-longfbox 
  - texlive-longfigure 
  - texlive-longnamefilelist 
  - texlive-loops 
  - texlive-lparse 
  - texlive-lpform 
  - texlive-lpic 
  - texlive-lplfitch 
  - texlive-lps 
  - texlive-lroundrect 
  - texlive-lsc 
  - texlive-lshort-bulgarian 
  - texlive-lshort-chinese 
  - texlive-lshort-czech 
  - texlive-lshort-dutch 
  - texlive-lshort-english 
  - texlive-lshort-estonian 
  - texlive-lshort-finnish 
  - texlive-lshort-french 
  - texlive-lshort-german 
  - texlive-lshort-italian 
  - texlive-lshort-japanese 
  - texlive-lshort-korean 
  - texlive-lshort-mongol 
  - texlive-lshort-persian 
  - texlive-lshort-polish 
  - texlive-lshort-portuguese 
  - texlive-lshort-russian 
  - texlive-lshort-slovak 
  - texlive-lshort-slovenian 
  - texlive-lshort-spanish 
  - texlive-lshort-thai 
  - texlive-lshort-turkish 
  - texlive-lshort-ukr 
  - texlive-lshort-vietnamese 
  - texlive-lstaddons 
  - texlive-lstbayes 
  - texlive-lstfiracode 
  - texlive-lt3graph 
  - texlive-lt3luabridge 
  - texlive-lt3rawobjects 
  - texlive-ltablex 
  - texlive-ltabptch 
  - texlive-ltb2bib 
  - texlive-ltxcmds 
  - texlive-ltxdockit 
  - texlive-ltxfileinfo 
  - texlive-ltxfileinfo-bin 
  - texlive-ltxguidex 
  - texlive-ltximg 
  - texlive-ltximg-bin 
  - texlive-ltxkeys 
  - texlive-ltxmisc 
  - texlive-ltxnew 
  - texlive-ltxtools 
  - texlive-lua-alt-getopt 
  - texlive-lua-check-hyphen 
  - texlive-lua-physical 
  - texlive-lua-typo 
  - texlive-lua-uca 
  - texlive-lua-ul 
  - texlive-lua-uni-algos 
  - texlive-lua-visual-debug 
  - texlive-lua-widow-control 
  - texlive-luaaddplot 
  - texlive-luabibentry 
  - texlive-luabidi 
  - texlive-luacas 
  - texlive-luacensor 
  - texlive-luacode 
  - texlive-luacolor 
  - texlive-luacomplex 
  - texlive-luafindfont 
  - texlive-luafindfont-bin 
  - texlive-luagcd 
  - texlive-luahbtex 
  - texlive-luahbtex-bin 
  - texlive-luahyphenrules 
  - texlive-luaimageembed 
  - texlive-luaindex 
  - texlive-luainputenc 
  - texlive-luaintro 
  - texlive-luajittex 
  - texlive-luajittex-bin 
  - texlive-luakeys 
  - texlive-lualatex-doc-de 
  - texlive-lualatex-math 
  - texlive-lualatex-truncate 
  - texlive-lualibs 
  - texlive-lualinalg 
  - texlive-luamathalign 
  - texlive-luamaths 
  - texlive-luamesh 
  - texlive-luamodulartables 
  - texlive-luamplib 
  - texlive-luaoptions 
  - texlive-luaotfload 
  - texlive-luaotfload-bin 
  - texlive-luapackageloader 
  - texlive-luaprogtable 
  - texlive-luapstricks 
  - texlive-luapstricks-fonts 
  - texlive-luaquotes 
  - texlive-luarandom 
  - texlive-luaset 
  - texlive-luasseq 
  - texlive-luatex 
  - texlive-luatex-bin 
  - texlive-luatex85 
  - texlive-luatexbase 
  - texlive-luatexja 
  - texlive-luatexko 
  - texlive-luatextra 
  - texlive-luatodonotes 
  - texlive-luatruthtable 
  - texlive-luavlna 
  - texlive-luaxml 
  - texlive-lutabulartools 
  - texlive-lwarp 
  - texlive-lwarp-bin 
  - texlive-lxfonts 
  - texlive-lxfonts-fonts 
  - texlive-ly1 
  - texlive-lyluatex 
  - texlive-m-tx 
  - texlive-m-tx-bin 
  - texlive-macrolist 
  - texlive-macros2e 
  - texlive-macroswap 
  - texlive-mafr 
  - texlive-magaz 
  - texlive-magicnum 
  - texlive-magicwatermark 
  - texlive-magra 
  - texlive-magra-fonts 
  - texlive-mahjong 
  - texlive-mailing 
  - texlive-mailmerge 
  - texlive-make4ht 
  - texlive-make4ht-bin 
  - texlive-makebarcode 
  - texlive-makebase 
  - texlive-makebox 
  - texlive-makecell 
  - texlive-makecirc 
  - texlive-makecmds 
  - texlive-makecookbook 
  - texlive-makedtx 
  - texlive-makedtx-bin 
  - texlive-makeglos 
  - texlive-makeindex 
  - texlive-makeindex-bin 
  - texlive-makelabels 
  - texlive-makeplot 
  - texlive-maker 
  - texlive-makerobust 
  - texlive-makeshape 
  - texlive-mandi 
  - texlive-manfnt 
  - texlive-manfnt-font 
  - texlive-manfnt-font-fonts 
  - texlive-manuscript 
  - texlive-manyind 
  - texlive-marathi 
  - texlive-marcellus 
  - texlive-marcellus-fonts 
  - texlive-margbib 
  - texlive-marginfit 
  - texlive-marginfix 
  - texlive-marginnote 
  - texlive-markdown 
  - texlive-marvosym 
  - texlive-marvosym-fonts 
  - texlive-matapli 
  - texlive-matc3 
  - texlive-matc3mem 
  - texlive-match_parens 
  - texlive-match_parens-bin 
  - texlive-math-into-latex-4 
  - texlive-mathabx 
  - texlive-mathabx-type1 
  - texlive-mathabx-type1-fonts 
  - texlive-mathalpha 
  - texlive-mathastext 
  - texlive-mathcommand 
  - texlive-mathcomp 
  - texlive-mathdesign 
  - texlive-mathdesign-fonts 
  - texlive-mathdots 
  - texlive-mathexam 
  - texlive-mathfam256 
  - texlive-mathfixs 
  - texlive-mathfont 
  - texlive-mathlig 
  - texlive-mathpartir 
  - texlive-mathpazo 
  - texlive-mathpazo-fonts 
  - texlive-mathpunctspace 
  - texlive-maths-symbols 
  - texlive-mathsemantics 
  - texlive-mathspec 
  - texlive-mathspic 
  - texlive-mathspic-bin 
  - texlive-mathtools 
  - texlive-matlab-prettifier 
  - texlive-matrix-skeleton 
  - texlive-mattens 
  - texlive-maybemath 
  - texlive-maze 
  - texlive-mcaption 
  - texlive-mceinleger 
  - texlive-mcexam 
  - texlive-mcf2graph 
  - texlive-mcite 
  - texlive-mciteplus 
  - texlive-mcmthesis 
  - texlive-mdframed 
  - texlive-mdputu 
  - texlive-mdsymbol 
  - texlive-mdsymbol-fonts 
  - texlive-mdwtools 
  - texlive-mecaso 
  - texlive-media4svg 
  - texlive-media9 
  - texlive-medstarbeamer 
  - texlive-meetingmins 
  - texlive-membranecomputing 
  - texlive-memdesign 
  - texlive-memexsupp 
  - texlive-memoir 
  - texlive-memoirchapterstyles 
  - texlive-memory 
  - texlive-memorygraphs 
  - texlive-mensa-tex 
  - texlive-mentis 
  - texlive-menu 
  - texlive-menucard 
  - texlive-menukeys 
  - texlive-mercatormap 
  - texlive-merriweather 
  - texlive-merriweather-fonts 
  - texlive-messagepassing 
  - texlive-metafont 
  - texlive-metafont-beginners 
  - texlive-metafont-bin 
  - texlive-metago 
  - texlive-metalogo 
  - texlive-metalogox 
  - texlive-metanorma 
  - texlive-metaobj 
  - texlive-metaplot 
  - texlive-metapost 
  - texlive-metapost-bin 
  - texlive-metapost-colorbrewer 
  - texlive-metapost-examples 
  - texlive-metapost-fonts 
  - texlive-metastr 
  - texlive-metatex 
  - texlive-metatype1 
  - texlive-metauml 
  - texlive-method 
  - texlive-metre 
  - texlive-metrix 
  - texlive-mex 
  - texlive-mex-bin 
  - texlive-mf2pt1 
  - texlive-mf2pt1-bin 
  - texlive-mfirstuc 
  - texlive-mflogo 
  - texlive-mflogo-font 
  - texlive-mflogo-font-fonts 
  - texlive-mflua 
  - texlive-mflua-bin 
  - texlive-mfnfss 
  - texlive-mfpic 
  - texlive-mfpic4ode 
  - texlive-mftinc 
  - texlive-mfware 
  - texlive-mfware-bin 
  - texlive-mgltex 
  - texlive-mhchem 
  - texlive-mhequ 
  - texlive-mi-solns 
  - texlive-miama 
  - texlive-miama-fonts 
  - texlive-microtype 
  - texlive-microtype-de 
  - texlive-midnight 
  - texlive-midpage 
  - texlive-miller 
  - texlive-milog 
  - texlive-milsymb 
  - texlive-mindflow 
  - texlive-minibox 
  - texlive-minidocument 
  - texlive-minifp 
  - texlive-minim 
  - texlive-minim-hatching 
  - texlive-minim-math 
  - texlive-minim-mp 
  - texlive-minim-pdf 
  - texlive-minim-xmp 
  - texlive-minimalist 
  - texlive-minipage-marginpar 
  - texlive-miniplot 
  - texlive-minitoc 
  - texlive-minorrevision 
  - texlive-minted 
  - texlive-mintspirit 
  - texlive-mintspirit-fonts 
  - texlive-minutes 
  - texlive-mismath 
  - texlive-missaali 
  - texlive-missaali-fonts 
  - texlive-mkgrkindex 
  - texlive-mkgrkindex-bin 
  - texlive-mkjobtexmf 
  - texlive-mkjobtexmf-bin 
  - texlive-mkpattern 
  - texlive-mkpic 
  - texlive-mkpic-bin 
  - texlive-mla-paper 
  - texlive-mlacls 
  - texlive-mleftright 
  - texlive-mlist 
  - texlive-mlmodern 
  - texlive-mlmodern-fonts 
  - texlive-mltex 
  - texlive-mltex-bin 
  - texlive-mluexercise 
  - texlive-mmap 
  - texlive-mnotes 
  - texlive-mnras 
  - texlive-mnsymbol 
  - texlive-mnsymbol-fonts 
  - texlive-modeles-factures-belges-assocs 
  - texlive-moderncv 
  - texlive-modernposter 
  - texlive-moderntimeline 
  - texlive-modes 
  - texlive-modiagram 
  - texlive-modref 
  - texlive-modroman 
  - texlive-modular 
  - texlive-modulus 
  - texlive-mongolian-babel 
  - texlive-monofill 
  - texlive-montex 
  - texlive-montex-fonts 
  - texlive-montserrat 
  - texlive-montserrat-fonts 
  - texlive-moodle 
  - texlive-moreenum 
  - texlive-morefloats 
  - texlive-morehype 
  - texlive-moresize 
  - texlive-moreverb 
  - texlive-morewrites 
  - texlive-morisawa 
  - texlive-movie15 
  - texlive-mp3d 
  - texlive-mparhack 
  - texlive-mparrows 
  - texlive-mpattern 
  - texlive-mpcolornames 
  - texlive-mpfonts 
  - texlive-mpgraphics 
  - texlive-mpman-ru 
  - texlive-mpostinl 
  - texlive-mptopdf 
  - texlive-mptopdf-bin 
  - texlive-mptrees 
  - texlive-ms 
  - texlive-msc 
  - texlive-msg 
  - texlive-mslapa 
  - texlive-msu-thesis 
  - texlive-mtgreek 
  - texlive-mucproc 
  - texlive-mugsthesis 
  - texlive-muling 
  - texlive-multenum 
  - texlive-multiaudience 
  - texlive-multibbl 
  - texlive-multibib 
  - texlive-multibibliography 
  - texlive-multibibliography-bin 
  - texlive-multicap 
  - texlive-multicolrule 
  - texlive-multidef 
  - texlive-multido 
  - texlive-multienv 
  - texlive-multiexpand 
  - texlive-multifootnote 
  - texlive-multilang 
  - texlive-multiobjective 
  - texlive-multiple-choice 
  - texlive-multirow 
  - texlive-munich 
  - texlive-musical 
  - texlive-musicography 
  - texlive-musikui 
  - texlive-musixguit 
  - texlive-musixtex 
  - texlive-musixtex-bin 
  - texlive-musixtex-fonts 
  - texlive-musixtex-fonts-fonts 
  - texlive-musixtnt 
  - texlive-musixtnt-bin 
  - texlive-musuos 
  - texlive-muthesis 
  - texlive-mversion 
  - texlive-mwcls 
  - texlive-mwe 
  - texlive-mweights 
  - texlive-mxedruli 
  - texlive-mxedruli-fonts 
  - texlive-mycv 
  - texlive-mylatex 
  - texlive-mylatexformat 
  - texlive-mynsfc 
  - texlive-na-box 
  - texlive-na-position 
  - texlive-nag 
  - texlive-naive-ebnf 
  - texlive-nameauth 
  - texlive-namedef 
  - texlive-namedtensor 
  - texlive-namespc 
  - texlive-nanicolle 
  - texlive-nanumtype1 
  - texlive-nanumtype1-fonts 
  - texlive-nar 
  - texlive-natbib 
  - texlive-natded 
  - texlive-nath 
  - texlive-nature 
  - texlive-navigator 
  - texlive-navydocs 
  - texlive-ncclatex 
  - texlive-ncctools 
  - texlive-nchairx 
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  - texlive-nddiss 
  - texlive-ndsu-thesis 
  - texlive-ndsu-thesis-2022 
  - texlive-needspace 
  - texlive-nestquot 
  - texlive-neuralnetwork 
  - texlive-nevelok 
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  - texlive-newenviron 
  - texlive-newfile 
  - texlive-newfloat 
  - texlive-newlfm 
  - texlive-newpax 
  - texlive-newpx 
  - texlive-newpx-fonts 
  - texlive-newsletr 
  - texlive-newspaper 
  - texlive-newtx 
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  - texlive-newtxsf 
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  - texlive-newtxtt 
  - texlive-newtxtt-fonts 
  - texlive-newunicodechar 
  - texlive-newvbtm 
  - texlive-newverbs 
  - texlive-nextpage 
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  - texlive-nicematrix 
  - texlive-nicetext 
  - texlive-nidanfloat 
  - texlive-nih 
  - texlive-nihbiosketch 
  - texlive-nimbus15 
  - texlive-nimbus15-fonts 
  - texlive-nimsticks 
  - texlive-ninecolors 
  - texlive-njurepo 
  - texlive-njustthesis 
  - texlive-njuthesis 
  - texlive-njuvisual 
  - texlive-nkarta 
  - texlive-nl-interval 
  - texlive-nlctdoc 
  - texlive-nmbib 
  - texlive-nndraw 
  - texlive-nnext 
  - texlive-noconflict 
  - texlive-nodetree 
  - texlive-noindentafter 
  - texlive-noitcrul 
  - texlive-nolbreaks 
  - texlive-nomencl 
  - texlive-nomentbl 
  - texlive-nonfloat 
  - texlive-nonumonpart 
  - texlive-nopageno 
  - texlive-norasi-c90 
  - texlive-normalcolor 
  - texlive-nostarch 
  - texlive-notes 
  - texlive-notes2bib 
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  - texlive-noto 
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  - texlive-noto-fonts 
  - texlive-notoccite 
  - texlive-notomath 
  - texlive-notomath-fonts 
  - texlive-novel 
  - texlive-novel-fonts 
  - texlive-nowidow 
  - texlive-nox 
  - texlive-nrc 
  - texlive-ntgclass 
  - texlive-nth 
  - texlive-ntheorem 
  - texlive-ntheorem-vn 
  - texlive-nuc 
  - texlive-nucleardata 
  - texlive-numberedblock 
  - texlive-numberpt 
  - texlive-numerica 
  - texlive-numerica-plus 
  - texlive-numerica-tables 
  - texlive-numericplots 
  - texlive-numname 
  - texlive-numnameru 
  - texlive-numprint 
  - texlive-numspell 
  - texlive-nunito 
  - texlive-nunito-fonts 
  - texlive-nwafuthesis 
  - texlive-nwejm 
  - texlive-oberdiek 
  - texlive-objectz 
  - texlive-obnov 
  - texlive-ocg-p 
  - texlive-ocgx 
  - texlive-ocgx2 
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  - texlive-ocr-latex 
  - texlive-octave 
  - texlive-octavo 
  - texlive-odsfile 
  - texlive-ofs 
  - texlive-ogham 
  - texlive-oinuit 
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  - texlive-old-arrows 
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  - texlive-oldlatin 
  - texlive-oldstandard 
  - texlive-oldstandard-fonts 
  - texlive-oldstyle 
  - texlive-olsak-misc 
  - texlive-omega 
  - texlive-omega-fonts 
  - texlive-omegaware 
  - texlive-omegaware-bin 
  - texlive-onedown 
  - texlive-onlyamsmath 
  - texlive-onrannual 
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  - texlive-oplotsymbl 
  - texlive-opteng 
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  - texlive-optex-bin 
  - texlive-optexcount 
  - texlive-optexcount-bin 
  - texlive-optidef 
  - texlive-optional 
  - texlive-options 
  - texlive-orcidlink 
  - texlive-ordinalpt 
  - texlive-orientation 
  - texlive-orkhun 
  - texlive-oscola 
  - texlive-oswald 
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  - texlive-othello 
  - texlive-othelloboard 
  - texlive-otibet 
  - texlive-oubraces 
  - texlive-oup-authoring-template 
  - texlive-outerhbox 
  - texlive-outilsgeomtikz 
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  - texlive-outliner 
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  - texlive-outlining 
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  - texlive-overpic 
  - texlive-pacioli 
  - texlive-padauk 
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  - texlive-pagecolor 
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  - texlive-pagerange 
  - texlive-pagesel 
  - texlive-pageslts 
  - texlive-palatino 
  - texlive-palatino-fonts 
  - texlive-palette 
  - texlive-pangram 
  - texlive-paper 
  - texlive-papercdcase 
  - texlive-papermas 
  - texlive-papertex 
  - texlive-paracol 
  - texlive-parades 
  - texlive-paralist 
  - texlive-parallel 
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  - texlive-paresse 
  - texlive-parnotes 
  - texlive-parrun 
  - texlive-parsa 
  - texlive-parselines 
  - texlive-parskip 
  - texlive-pas-cours 
  - texlive-pas-crosswords 
  - texlive-pas-cv 
  - texlive-pas-tableur 
  - texlive-pascaltriangle 
  - texlive-passivetex 
  - texlive-patch 
  - texlive-patchcmd 
  - texlive-patgen 
  - texlive-patgen-bin 
  - texlive-patgen2-tutorial 
  - texlive-path 
  - texlive-pauldoc 
  - texlive-pawpict 
  - texlive-pax 
  - texlive-pax-bin 
  - texlive-pb-diagram 
  - texlive-pbalance 
  - texlive-pbibtex-base 
  - texlive-pbibtex-manual 
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  - texlive-penrose 
  - texlive-perception 
  - texlive-perfectcut 
  - texlive-perltex 
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  - texlive-permute 
  - texlive-persian-bib 
  - texlive-petiteannonce 
  - texlive-petri-nets 
  - texlive-petri-nets-bin 
  - texlive-pfarrei 
  - texlive-pfarrei-bin 
  - texlive-pfdicons 
  - texlive-pgf 
  - texlive-pgf-blur 
  - texlive-pgf-interference 
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  - texlive-pgf-pie 
  - texlive-pgf-soroban 
  - texlive-pgf-spectra 
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  - texlive-pgf-umlsd 
  - texlive-pgfgantt 
  - texlive-pgfkeyx 
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  - texlive-phonenumbers 
  - texlive-phonetic 
  - texlive-phonrule 
  - texlive-photo 
  - texlive-photobook 
  - texlive-physconst 
  - texlive-physics 
  - texlive-physics2 
  - texlive-physunits 
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  - texlive-picinpar 
  - texlive-pict2e 
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  - texlive-piechartmp 
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  - texlive-pinlabel 
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  - texlive-pitex 
  - texlive-piton 
  - texlive-pittetd 
  - texlive-pixelart 
  - texlive-pixelarttikz 
  - texlive-pkfix 
  - texlive-pkfix-bin 
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  - texlive-pkfix-helper-bin 
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  - texlive-pkuthss 
  - texlive-pl 
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  - texlive-placeat 
  - texlive-placeins 
  - texlive-placeins-plain 
  - texlive-plain 
  - texlive-plainpkg 
  - texlive-plainyr 
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  - texlive-plantuml 
  - texlive-plari 
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  - texlive-plex-fonts 
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  - texlive-plimsoll 
  - texlive-plimsoll-fonts 
  - texlive-plipsum 
  - texlive-plnfss 
  - texlive-plstmary 
  - texlive-plweb 
  - texlive-pm-isomath 
  - texlive-pmboxdraw 
  - texlive-pmgraph 
  - texlive-pmhanguljamo 
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  - texlive-pmxchords 
  - texlive-pmxchords-bin 
  - texlive-pnas2009 
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  - texlive-poltawski 
  - texlive-poltawski-fonts 
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  - texlive-polynom 
  - texlive-polynomial 
  - texlive-polytable 
  - texlive-poormanlog 
  - texlive-postage 
  - texlive-postcards 
  - texlive-poster-mac 
  - texlive-postnotes 
  - texlive-powerdot 
  - texlive-powerdot-fuberlin 
  - texlive-powerdot-tuliplab 
  - texlive-ppr-prv 
  - texlive-ppt-slides 
  - texlive-pracjourn 
  - texlive-practicalreports 
  - texlive-precattl 
  - texlive-prelim2e 
  - texlive-preprint 
  - texlive-prerex 
  - texlive-present 
  - texlive-pressrelease 
  - texlive-prettyref 
  - texlive-prettytok 
  - texlive-preview 
  - texlive-prftree 
  - texlive-principia 
  - texlive-printlen 
  - texlive-proba 
  - texlive-probsoln 
  - texlive-prociagssymp 
  - texlive-prodint 
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  - texlive-productbox 
  - texlive-profcollege 
  - texlive-proflabo 
  - texlive-proflycee 
  - texlive-program 
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  - texlive-progressbar 
  - texlive-projlib 
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  - texlive-proofread 
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  - texlive-properties 
  - texlive-proposal 
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  - texlive-protex 
  - texlive-protocol 
  - texlive-prtec 
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  - texlive-ps2pk-bin 
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  - texlive-pseudo 
  - texlive-pseudocode 
  - texlive-psfrag 
  - texlive-psfrag-italian 
  - texlive-psfragx 
  - texlive-psgo 
  - texlive-psizzl 
  - texlive-pslatex 
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  - texlive-pspicture 
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  - texlive-pst-arrow 
  - texlive-pst-asr 
  - texlive-pst-bar 
  - texlive-pst-barcode 
  - texlive-pst-bezier 
  - texlive-pst-blur 
  - texlive-pst-bspline 
  - texlive-pst-calculate 
  - texlive-pst-calendar 
  - texlive-pst-cie 
  - texlive-pst-circ 
  - texlive-pst-coil 
  - texlive-pst-contourplot 
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  - texlive-pst-diffraction 
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  - texlive-pst-knot 
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  - texlive-pst-ode 
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  - texlive-pst-rputover 
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  - texlive-pst-solarsystem 
  - texlive-pst-solides3d 
  - texlive-pst-soroban 
  - texlive-pst-spectra 
  - texlive-pst-spinner 
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  - texlive-pst-support 
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  - texlive-pst-thick 
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  - texlive-pst-turtle 
  - texlive-pst-tvz 
  - texlive-pst-uml 
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  - texlive-pxufont 
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  - texlive-quantumarticle 
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  - texlive-quotchap 
  - texlive-quoting 
  - texlive-quotmark 
  - texlive-quran 
  - texlive-quran-bn 
  - texlive-quran-de 
  - texlive-quran-ur 
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  - texlive-ran_toks 
  - texlive-randbild 
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  - texlive-randomlist 
  - texlive-randomwalk 
  - texlive-randtext 
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  - texlive-rbt-mathnotes 
  - texlive-rccol 
  - texlive-rcs 
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  - texlive-rcsinfo 
  - texlive-readablecv 
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  - texlive-realboxes 
  - texlive-realhats 
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  - texlive-rec-thy 
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  - texlive-regexpatch 
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  - texlive-regstats 
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  - texlive-repeatindex 
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  - texlive-rescansync 
  - texlive-resmes 
  - texlive-resolsysteme 
  - texlive-resphilosophica 
  - texlive-rest-api 
  - texlive-resumecls 
  - texlive-resumemac 
  - texlive-returntogrid 
  - texlive-reverxii 
  - texlive-revquantum 
  - texlive-revtex 
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  - texlive-rjlparshap 
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  - texlive-robustindex 
  - texlive-roex 
  - texlive-rojud 
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  - texlive-romanbar 
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  - texlive-romande 
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  - texlive-romanneg 
  - texlive-romannum 
  - texlive-rosario 
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  - texlive-rotfloat 
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  - texlive-rrgtrees 
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  - texlive-rsfs 
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  - texlive-rsfso 
  - texlive-rterface 
  - texlive-rtkinenc 
  - texlive-rtklage 
  - texlive-rubik 
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  - texlive-ruhyphen 
  - texlive-ruler 
  - texlive-rulerbox 
  - texlive-rulercompass 
  - texlive-runcode 
  - texlive-russ 
  - texlive-rutitlepage 
  - texlive-rviewport 
  - texlive-rvwrite 
  - texlive-ryersonsgsthesis 
  - texlive-ryethesis 
  - texlive-sa-tikz 
  - texlive-sacsymb 
  - texlive-sageep 
  - texlive-sanitize-umlaut 
  - texlive-sankey 
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  - texlive-sanskrit-t1 
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  - texlive-sauerj 
  - texlive-sauter 
  - texlive-sauterfonts 
  - texlive-saveenv 
  - texlive-savefnmark 
  - texlive-savesym 
  - texlive-savetrees 
  - texlive-scale 
  - texlive-scalebar 
  - texlive-scalerel 
  - texlive-scanpages 
  - texlive-scanpages-fonts 
  - texlive-schedule 
  - texlive-schemabloc 
  - texlive-schemata 
  - texlive-scheme-basic 
  - texlive-scheme-bookpub 
  - texlive-scheme-context 
  - texlive-scheme-full 
  - texlive-scheme-gust 
  - texlive-scheme-infraonly 
  - texlive-scheme-medium 
  - texlive-scheme-minimal 
  - texlive-scheme-small 
  - texlive-scheme-tetex 
  - texlive-schola-otf 
  - texlive-scholax 
  - texlive-scholax-fonts 
  - texlive-schooldocs 
  - texlive-schule 
  - texlive-schulmathematik 
  - texlive-schulschriften 
  - texlive-schwalbe-chess 
  - texlive-scientific-thesis-cover 
  - texlive-scikgtex 
  - texlive-sciposter 
  - texlive-sclang-prettifier 
  - texlive-scontents 
  - texlive-scrabble 
  - texlive-scrambledenvs 
  - texlive-scratch 
  - texlive-scratch3 
  - texlive-scratchx 
  - texlive-screenplay 
  - texlive-screenplay-pkg 
  - texlive-scripts 
  - texlive-scripts-bin 
  - texlive-scripts-extra 
  - texlive-scripts-extra-bin 
  - texlive-scripture 
  - texlive-scrjrnl 
  - texlive-scrlayer-fancyhdr 
  - texlive-scrlttr2copy 
  - texlive-scsnowman 
  - texlive-sdaps 
  - texlive-sdrt 
  - texlive-sduthesis 
  - texlive-se2thesis 
  - texlive-secdot 
  - texlive-secnum 
  - texlive-section 
  - texlive-sectionbox 
  - texlive-sectionbreak 
  - texlive-sectsty 
  - texlive-seealso 
  - texlive-seetexk 
  - texlive-seetexk-bin 
  - texlive-selectp 
  - texlive-selinput 
  - texlive-selnolig 
  - texlive-semantex 
  - texlive-semantic 
  - texlive-semantic-markup 
  - texlive-semaphor 
  - texlive-semaphor-fonts 
  - texlive-semesterplanner 
  - texlive-seminar 
  - texlive-semioneside 
  - texlive-semproc 
  - texlive-semtex 
  - texlive-sepfootnotes 
  - texlive-sepnum 
  - texlive-seqsplit 
  - texlive-serbian-apostrophe 
  - texlive-serbian-date-lat 
  - texlive-serbian-def-cyr 
  - texlive-serbian-lig 
  - texlive-sesamanuel 
  - texlive-sesstime 
  - texlive-setdeck 
  - texlive-setspace 
  - texlive-seu-ml-assign 
  - texlive-seuthesis 
  - texlive-seuthesix 
  - texlive-sexam 
  - texlive-sf298 
  - texlive-sffms 
  - texlive-sfg 
  - texlive-sfmath 
  - texlive-sgame 
  - texlive-shade 
  - texlive-shadethm 
  - texlive-shadow 
  - texlive-shadowtext 
  - texlive-shapepar 
  - texlive-shapes 
  - texlive-shdoc 
  - texlive-shipunov 
  - texlive-shobhika 
  - texlive-shobhika-fonts 
  - texlive-short-math-guide 
  - texlive-shortmathj 
  - texlive-shorttoc 
  - texlive-show2e 
  - texlive-showcharinbox 
  - texlive-showdim 
  - texlive-showexpl 
  - texlive-showhyphenation 
  - texlive-showkerning 
  - texlive-showlabels 
  - texlive-showtags 
  - texlive-shtthesis 
  - texlive-shuffle 
  - texlive-sidecap 
  - texlive-sidenotes 
  - texlive-sidenotesplus 
  - texlive-sides 
  - texlive-signchart 
  - texlive-silence 
  - texlive-sillypage 
  - texlive-simple-resume-cv 
  - texlive-simple-thesis-dissertation 
  - texlive-simplebnf 
  - texlive-simplecd 
  - texlive-simplecv 
  - texlive-simpleicons 
  - texlive-simpleicons-fonts 
  - texlive-simpleinvoice 
  - texlive-simplekv 
  - texlive-simplenodes 
  - texlive-simpleoptics 
  - texlive-simpler-wick 
  - texlive-simples-matrices 
  - texlive-simplewick 
  - texlive-simplified-latex 
  - texlive-simplivre 
  - texlive-simurgh 
  - texlive-sistyle 
  - texlive-sitem 
  - texlive-siunits 
  - texlive-siunitx 
  - texlive-skak 
  - texlive-skaknew 
  - texlive-skaknew-fonts 
  - texlive-skb 
  - texlive-skdoc 
  - texlive-skeldoc 
  - texlive-skeycommand 
  - texlive-skeyval 
  - texlive-skills 
  - texlive-skmath 
  - texlive-skrapport 
  - texlive-skull 
  - texlive-slantsc 
  - texlive-slideshow 
  - texlive-smalltableof 
  - texlive-smart-eqn 
  - texlive-smartdiagram 
  - texlive-smartref 
  - texlive-smartunits 
  - texlive-smflatex 
  - texlive-snapshot 
  - texlive-snaptodo 
  - texlive-snotez 
  - texlive-songbook 
  - texlive-songproj 
  - texlive-songs 
  - texlive-sort-by-letters 
  - texlive-soton 
  - texlive-soul 
  - texlive-soulpos 
  - texlive-soup 
  - texlive-sourcecodepro 
  - texlive-sourcecodepro-fonts 
  - texlive-sourcesanspro 
  - texlive-sourcesanspro-fonts 
  - texlive-sourceserifpro 
  - texlive-sourceserifpro-fonts 
  - texlive-spacekern 
  - texlive-spacingtricks 
  - texlive-spalign 
  - texlive-spark-otf 
  - texlive-spark-otf-fonts 
  - texlive-sparklines 
  - texlive-spath3 
  - texlive-spbmark 
  - texlive-spectral 
  - texlive-spectral-fonts 
  - texlive-spectralsequences 
  - texlive-spelling 
  - texlive-sphdthesis 
  - texlive-spie 
  - texlive-spix 
  - texlive-spix-bin 
  - texlive-splines 
  - texlive-splitbib 
  - texlive-splitindex 
  - texlive-splitindex-bin 
  - texlive-spot 
  - texlive-spotcolor 
  - texlive-spreadtab 
  - texlive-spverbatim 
  - texlive-sr-vorl 
  - texlive-srbook-mem 
  - texlive-srbtiks 
  - texlive-srcltx 
  - texlive-srcredact 
  - texlive-srcredact-bin 
  - texlive-srdp-mathematik 
  - texlive-sseq 
  - texlive-sslides 
  - texlive-stack 
  - texlive-stackengine 
  - texlive-stage 
  - texlive-standalone 
  - texlive-stanli 
  - texlive-starfont 
  - texlive-starfont-fonts 
  - texlive-startex 
  - texlive-statex 
  - texlive-statex2 
  - texlive-statistics 
  - texlive-statistik 
  - texlive-statmath 
  - texlive-staves 
  - texlive-staves-fonts 
  - texlive-stdclsdv 
  - texlive-stdpage 
  - texlive-stealcaps 
  - texlive-steinmetz 
  - texlive-stellenbosch 
  - texlive-step 
  - texlive-step-fonts 
  - texlive-stepgreek 
  - texlive-stepgreek-fonts 
  - texlive-stex 
  - texlive-stickstoo 
  - texlive-stickstoo-fonts 
  - texlive-stix 
  - texlive-stix-fonts 
  - texlive-stix2-otf 
  - texlive-stix2-otf-fonts 
  - texlive-stix2-type1 
  - texlive-stix2-type1-fonts 
  - texlive-stmaryrd 
  - texlive-stmaryrd-fonts 
  - texlive-storebox 
  - texlive-storecmd 
  - texlive-strands 
  - texlive-stricttex 
  - texlive-stringenc 
  - texlive-stringstrings 
  - texlive-structmech 
  - texlive-struktex 
  - texlive-sttools 
  - texlive-stubs 
  - texlive-studenthandouts 
  - texlive-sty2dtx 
  - texlive-sty2dtx-bin 
  - texlive-styledcmd 
  - texlive-suanpan 
  - texlive-subdepth 
  - texlive-subdocs 
  - texlive-subeqn 
  - texlive-subeqnarray 
  - texlive-subfig 
  - texlive-subfigmat 
  - texlive-subfigure 
  - texlive-subfiles 
  - texlive-subfloat 
  - texlive-substances 
  - texlive-substitutefont 
  - texlive-substr 
  - texlive-subsupscripts 
  - texlive-subtext 
  - texlive-sudoku 
  - texlive-sudokubundle 
  - texlive-suftesi 
  - texlive-sugconf 
  - texlive-superiors 
  - texlive-superiors-fonts 
  - texlive-supertabular 
  - texlive-suppose 
  - texlive-susy 
  - texlive-svg 
  - texlive-svg-inkscape 
  - texlive-svgcolor 
  - texlive-svn 
  - texlive-svn-multi 
  - texlive-svn-multi-bin 
  - texlive-svn-prov 
  - texlive-svninfo 
  - texlive-svrsymbols 
  - texlive-svrsymbols-fonts 
  - texlive-swebib 
  - texlive-swfigure 
  - texlive-swimgraf 
  - texlive-swrule 
  - texlive-swungdash 
  - texlive-syllogism 
  - texlive-symbats3 
  - texlive-symbol 
  - texlive-symbol-fonts 
  - texlive-synctex 
  - texlive-synctex-bin 
  - texlive-synctex-devel 
  - texlive-synproof 
  - texlive-syntax 
  - texlive-syntaxdi 
  - texlive-syntrace 
  - texlive-synttree 
  - texlive-systeme 
  - texlive-t-angles 
  - texlive-t2 
  - texlive-tabbing 
  - texlive-tabfigures 
  - texlive-table-fct 
  - texlive-tableaux 
  - texlive-tablefootnote 
  - texlive-tableof 
  - texlive-tablists 
  - texlive-tablor 
  - texlive-tabls 
  - texlive-tablvar 
  - texlive-tabriz-thesis 
  - texlive-tabstackengine 
  - texlive-tabto-generic 
  - texlive-tabto-ltx 
  - texlive-tabu 
  - texlive-tabularborder 
  - texlive-tabularcalc 
  - texlive-tabularew 
  - texlive-tabularray 
  - texlive-tabulary 
  - texlive-tabvar 
  - texlive-tabvar-fonts 
  - texlive-tagging 
  - texlive-tagpair 
  - texlive-tagpdf 
  - texlive-talk 
  - texlive-talos 
  - texlive-talos-fonts 
  - texlive-tamefloats 
  - texlive-tamethebeast 
  - texlive-tangramtikz 
  - texlive-tap 
  - texlive-tapir 
  - texlive-tapir-fonts 
  - texlive-tasks 
  - texlive-tcldoc 
  - texlive-tcolorbox 
  - texlive-tdclock 
  - texlive-tds 
  - texlive-tdsfrmath 
  - texlive-technics 
  - texlive-technion-thesis-template 
  - texlive-ted 
  - texlive-templates-fenn 
  - texlive-templates-sommer 
  - texlive-templatetools 
  - texlive-tempora 
  - texlive-tempora-fonts 
  - texlive-tengwarscript 
  - texlive-tensind 
  - texlive-tensor 
  - texlive-termcal 
  - texlive-termcal-de 
  - texlive-termes-otf 
  - texlive-termlist 
  - texlive-termmenu 
  - texlive-termsim 
  - texlive-testhyphens 
  - texlive-testidx 
  - texlive-tetragonos 
  - texlive-teubner 
  - texlive-tex 
  - texlive-tex-bin 
  - texlive-tex-ewd 
  - texlive-tex-font-errors-cheatsheet 
  - texlive-tex-gyre 
  - texlive-tex-gyre-fonts 
  - texlive-tex-gyre-math 
  - texlive-tex-gyre-math-fonts 
  - texlive-tex-ini-files 
  - texlive-tex-label 
  - texlive-tex-locale 
  - texlive-tex-nutshell 
  - texlive-tex-overview 
  - texlive-tex-ps 
  - texlive-tex-refs 
  - texlive-tex-virtual-academy-pl 
  - texlive-tex-vpat 
  - texlive-tex4ebook 
  - texlive-tex4ebook-bin 
  - texlive-tex4ht 
  - texlive-tex4ht-bin 
  - texlive-texaccents 
  - texlive-texaccents-bin 
  - texlive-texapi 
  - texlive-texbytopic 
  - texlive-texcount 
  - texlive-texcount-bin 
  - texlive-texdate 
  - texlive-texdef 
  - texlive-texdef-bin 
  - texlive-texdiff 
  - texlive-texdiff-bin 
  - texlive-texdimens 
  - texlive-texdirflatten 
  - texlive-texdirflatten-bin 
  - texlive-texdoc 
  - texlive-texdoc-bin 
  - texlive-texdoctk 
  - texlive-texdoctk-bin 
  - texlive-texdraw 
  - texlive-texfot 
  - texlive-texfot-bin 
  - texlive-texilikechaps 
  - texlive-texilikecover 
  - texlive-texinfo 
  - texlive-texlive-common 
  - texlive-texlive-cz 
  - texlive-texlive-de 
  - texlive-texlive-en 
  - texlive-texlive-es 
  - texlive-texlive-fr 
  - texlive-texlive-it 
  - texlive-texlive-ja 
  - texlive-texlive-pl 
  - texlive-texlive-ru 
  - texlive-texlive-sr 
  - texlive-texlive-zh-cn 
  - texlive-texlive.infra 
  - texlive-texliveonfly 
  - texlive-texliveonfly-bin 
  - texlive-texloganalyser 
  - texlive-texloganalyser-bin 
  - texlive-texlogfilter 
  - texlive-texlogfilter-bin 
  - texlive-texlogos 
  - texlive-texlogsieve 
  - texlive-texlogsieve-bin 
  - texlive-texlua-devel 
  - texlive-texluajit-devel 
  - texlive-texmate 
  - texlive-texments 
  - texlive-texnegar 
  - texlive-texonly 
  - texlive-texosquery 
  - texlive-texosquery-bin 
  - texlive-texplate 
  - texlive-texplate-bin 
  - texlive-texpower 
  - texlive-texproposal 
  - texlive-texshade 
  - texlive-texsis 
  - texlive-texsis-bin 
  - texlive-texsurgery 
  - texlive-textcase 
  - texlive-textcsc 
  - texlive-textfit 
  - texlive-textglos 
  - texlive-textgreek 
  - texlive-textmerg 
  - texlive-textopo 
  - texlive-textpath 
  - texlive-textpos 
  - texlive-textualicomma 
  - texlive-texvc 
  - texlive-texware 
  - texlive-texware-bin 
  - texlive-tfrupee 
  - texlive-tfrupee-fonts 
  - texlive-thaienum 
  - texlive-thaispec 
  - texlive-thalie 
  - texlive-theanodidot 
  - texlive-theanodidot-fonts 
  - texlive-theanomodern 
  - texlive-theanomodern-fonts 
  - texlive-theanooldstyle 
  - texlive-theanooldstyle-fonts 
  - texlive-theatre 
  - texlive-theoremref 
  - texlive-thermodynamics 
  - texlive-thesis-ekf 
  - texlive-thesis-gwu 
  - texlive-thesis-qom 
  - texlive-thesis-titlepage-fhac 
  - texlive-thinsp 
  - texlive-thmbox 
  - texlive-thmtools 
  - texlive-threadcol 
  - texlive-threeddice 
  - texlive-threeparttable 
  - texlive-threeparttablex 
  - texlive-thuaslogos 
  - texlive-thubeamer 
  - texlive-thucoursework 
  - texlive-thumb 
  - texlive-thumbpdf 
  - texlive-thumbpdf-bin 
  - texlive-thumbs 
  - texlive-thumby 
  - texlive-thuthesis 
  - texlive-ticket 
  - texlive-ticollege 
  - texlive-tidyres 
  - texlive-tie 
  - texlive-tie-bin 
  - texlive-tikz-3dplot 
  - texlive-tikz-among-us 
  - texlive-tikz-bagua 
  - texlive-tikz-bayesnet 
  - texlive-tikz-bbox 
  - texlive-tikz-cd 
  - texlive-tikz-dependency 
  - texlive-tikz-dimline 
  - texlive-tikz-ext 
  - texlive-tikz-feynhand 
  - texlive-tikz-feynman 
  - texlive-tikz-imagelabels 
  - texlive-tikz-inet 
  - texlive-tikz-kalender 
  - texlive-tikz-karnaugh 
  - texlive-tikz-ladder 
  - texlive-tikz-lake-fig 
  - texlive-tikz-layers 
  - texlive-tikz-mirror-lens 
  - texlive-tikz-nef 
  - texlive-tikz-network 
  - texlive-tikz-opm 
  - texlive-tikz-optics 
  - texlive-tikz-page 
  - texlive-tikz-palattice 
  - texlive-tikz-planets 
  - texlive-tikz-qtree 
  - texlive-tikz-relay 
  - texlive-tikz-sfc 
  - texlive-tikz-swigs 
  - texlive-tikz-timing 
  - texlive-tikz-trackschematic 
  - texlive-tikz-truchet 
  - texlive-tikzbricks 
  - texlive-tikzcodeblocks 
  - texlive-tikzducks 
  - texlive-tikzfill 
  - texlive-tikzinclude 
  - texlive-tikzlings 
  - texlive-tikzmark 
  - texlive-tikzmarmots 
  - texlive-tikzorbital 
  - texlive-tikzpackets 
  - texlive-tikzpagenodes 
  - texlive-tikzpeople 
  - texlive-tikzpfeile 
  - texlive-tikzpingus 
  - texlive-tikzposter 
  - texlive-tikzscale 
  - texlive-tikzsymbols 
  - texlive-tikztosvg 
  - texlive-tikztosvg-bin 
  - texlive-tikzviolinplots 
  - texlive-tile-graphic 
  - texlive-timbreicmc 
  - texlive-times 
  - texlive-times-fonts 
  - texlive-timetable 
  - texlive-timing-diagrams 
  - texlive-tinos 
  - texlive-tinos-fonts 
  - texlive-tipa 
  - texlive-tipa-de 
  - texlive-tipa-fonts 
  - texlive-tipauni 
  - texlive-tipfr 
  - texlive-tiscreen 
  - texlive-titlecaps 
  - texlive-titlefoot 
  - texlive-titlepages 
  - texlive-titlepic 
  - texlive-titleref 
  - texlive-titlesec 
  - texlive-titling 
  - texlive-tkz-base 
  - texlive-tkz-berge 
  - texlive-tkz-euclide 
  - texlive-tkz-fct 
  - texlive-tkz-graph 
  - texlive-tkz-orm 
  - texlive-tkz-tab 
  - texlive-tkzexample 
  - texlive-tlc-article 
  - texlive-tlc2 
  - texlive-tlc3-examples 
  - texlive-tlmgr-intro-zh-cn 
  - texlive-tlmgrbasics 
  - texlive-to-be-determined 
  - texlive-tocbibind 
  - texlive-tocdata 
  - texlive-tocloft 
  - texlive-tocvsec2 
  - texlive-todo 
  - texlive-todonotes 
  - texlive-tokcycle 
  - texlive-tokenizer 
  - texlive-tonevalue 
  - texlive-toolbox 
  - texlive-tools 
  - texlive-topfloat 
  - texlive-topiclongtable 
  - texlive-topletter 
  - texlive-toptesi 
  - texlive-totalcount 
  - texlive-totcount 
  - texlive-totpages 
  - texlive-tpic2pdftex 
  - texlive-tpic2pdftex-bin 
  - texlive-tpslifonts 
  - texlive-tqft 
  - texlive-tracklang 
  - texlive-trajan 
  - texlive-trajan-fonts 
  - texlive-tram 
  - texlive-tramlines 
  - texlive-translation-array-fr 
  - texlive-translation-arsclassica-de 
  - texlive-translation-biblatex-de 
  - texlive-translation-chemsym-de 
  - texlive-translation-dcolumn-fr 
  - texlive-translation-ecv-de 
  - texlive-translation-enumitem-de 
  - texlive-translation-europecv-de 
  - texlive-translation-filecontents-de 
  - texlive-translation-moreverb-de 
  - texlive-translation-natbib-fr 
  - texlive-translation-tabbing-fr 
  - texlive-translations 
  - texlive-translator 
  - texlive-transparent 
  - texlive-transparent-io 
  - texlive-tree-dvips 
  - texlive-treetex 
  - texlive-trfsigns 
  - texlive-trigonometry 
  - texlive-trimspaces 
  - texlive-trivfloat 
  - texlive-trsym 
  - texlive-truncate 
  - texlive-truthtable 
  - texlive-tsemlines 
  - texlive-tsvtemplate 
  - texlive-ttfutils 
  - texlive-ttfutils-bin 
  - texlive-tucv 
  - texlive-tuda-ci 
  - texlive-tudscr 
  - texlive-tufte-latex 
  - texlive-tugboat 
  - texlive-tugboat-plain 
  - texlive-tui 
  - texlive-turabian 
  - texlive-turabian-formatting 
  - texlive-turkmen 
  - texlive-turnstile 
  - texlive-turnthepage 
  - texlive-twemoji-colr 
  - texlive-twemoji-colr-fonts 
  - texlive-twemojis 
  - texlive-twoinone 
  - texlive-twoup 
  - texlive-txfonts 
  - texlive-txfonts-fonts 
  - texlive-txfontsb 
  - texlive-txfontsb-fonts 
  - texlive-txgreeks 
  - texlive-txuprcal 
  - texlive-txuprcal-fonts 
  - texlive-type1cm 
  - texlive-typed-checklist 
  - texlive-typeface 
  - texlive-typehtml 
  - texlive-typeoutfileinfo 
  - texlive-typeoutfileinfo-bin 
  - texlive-typewriter 
  - texlive-typicons 
  - texlive-typicons-fonts 
  - texlive-typoaid 
  - texlive-typogrid 
  - texlive-tzplot 
  - texlive-uaclasses 
  - texlive-uafthesis 
  - texlive-uantwerpendocs 
  - texlive-uassign 
  - texlive-ucalgmthesis 
  - texlive-ucbthesis 
  - texlive-ucdavisthesis 
  - texlive-ucharcat 
  - texlive-ucharclasses 
  - texlive-ucs 
  - texlive-ucsmonograph 
  - texlive-ucthesis 
  - texlive-udes-genie-these 
  - texlive-udesoftec 
  - texlive-uebungsblatt 
  - texlive-uestcthesis 
  - texlive-ufrgscca 
  - texlive-uhc 
  - texlive-uhc-fonts 
  - texlive-uhhassignment 
  - texlive-uhrzeit 
  - texlive-uiucredborder 
  - texlive-uiucthesis 
  - texlive-ukbill 
  - texlive-ukrhyph 
  - texlive-ulem 
  - texlive-ulqda 
  - texlive-ulqda-bin 
  - texlive-ulthese 
  - texlive-umbclegislation 
  - texlive-umich-thesis 
  - texlive-uml 
  - texlive-umlaute 
  - texlive-umoline 
  - texlive-umthesis 
  - texlive-umtypewriter 
  - texlive-umtypewriter-fonts 
  - texlive-unam-thesis 
  - texlive-unamth-template 
  - texlive-unamthesis 
  - texlive-unbtex 
  - texlive-undergradmath 
  - texlive-underlin 
  - texlive-underoverlap 
  - texlive-underscore 
  - texlive-undolabl 
  - texlive-unfonts-core 
  - texlive-unfonts-core-fonts 
  - texlive-unfonts-extra 
  - texlive-unfonts-extra-fonts 
  - texlive-uni-titlepage 
  - texlive-uni-wtal-ger 
  - texlive-uni-wtal-lin 
  - texlive-unicode-alphabets 
  - texlive-unicode-bidi 
  - texlive-unicode-data 
  - texlive-unicode-math 
  - texlive-unicodefonttable 
  - texlive-unifith 
  - texlive-unigrazpub 
  - texlive-unimath-plain-xetex 
  - texlive-uninormalize 
  - texlive-uniquecounter 
  - texlive-unisc 
  - texlive-unisugar 
  - texlive-unitconv 
  - texlive-unitn-bimrep 
  - texlive-units 
  - texlive-unitsdef 
  - texlive-universa 
  - texlive-universalis 
  - texlive-universalis-fonts 
  - texlive-univie-ling 
  - texlive-unizgklasa 
  - texlive-unravel 
  - texlive-unswcover 
  - texlive-uol-physics-report 
  - texlive-uothesis 
  - texlive-uowthesis 
  - texlive-uowthesistitlepage 
  - texlive-upca 
  - texlive-updmap-map 
  - texlive-uplatex 
  - texlive-uplatex-bin 
  - texlive-upmendex 
  - texlive-upmendex-bin 
  - texlive-upmethodology 
  - texlive-uppunctlm 
  - texlive-upquote 
  - texlive-uptex 
  - texlive-uptex-base 
  - texlive-uptex-bin 
  - texlive-uptex-fonts 
  - texlive-upzhkinsoku 
  - texlive-urcls 
  - texlive-uri 
  - texlive-url 
  - texlive-urlbst 
  - texlive-urlbst-bin 
  - texlive-urwchancal 
  - texlive-usebib 
  - texlive-ushort 
  - texlive-uspace 
  - texlive-uspatent 
  - texlive-ut-thesis 
  - texlive-utexasthesis 
  - texlive-utf8add 
  - texlive-utf8mex 
  - texlive-utfsym 
  - texlive-utopia 
  - texlive-utopia-fonts 
  - texlive-uvaletter 
  - texlive-uwa-colours 
  - texlive-uwa-letterhead 
  - texlive-uwa-pcf 
  - texlive-uwa-pif 
  - texlive-uwmslide 
  - texlive-uwthesis 
  - texlive-vak 
  - texlive-vancouver 
  - texlive-variablelm 
  - texlive-variations 
  - texlive-varindex 
  - texlive-varisize 
  - texlive-varsfromjobname 
  - texlive-varwidth 
  - texlive-vaucanson-g 
  - texlive-vcell 
  - texlive-vdmlisting 
  - texlive-velthuis 
  - texlive-velthuis-bin 
  - texlive-velthuis-fonts 
  - texlive-venn 
  - texlive-venndiagram 
  - texlive-venturisadf 
  - texlive-venturisadf-fonts 
  - texlive-verbasef 
  - texlive-verbatimbox 
  - texlive-verbatimcopy 
  - texlive-verbdef 
  - texlive-verbments 
  - texlive-verifica 
  - texlive-verifiche 
  - texlive-verse 
  - texlive-version 
  - texlive-versions 
  - texlive-versonotes 
  - texlive-vertbars 
  - texlive-vgrid 
  - texlive-vhistory 
  - texlive-visualfaq 
  - texlive-visualfaq-fr 
  - texlive-visualpstricks 
  - texlive-visualtikz 
  - texlive-vlna 
  - texlive-vlna-bin 
  - texlive-vmargin 
  - texlive-vntex 
  - texlive-vntex-fonts 
  - texlive-vocaltract 
  - texlive-volumes 
  - texlive-voss-mathcol 
  - texlive-vpe 
  - texlive-vpe-bin 
  - texlive-vruler 
  - texlive-vtable 
  - texlive-vwcol 
  - texlive-wadalab 
  - texlive-wadalab-fonts 
  - texlive-wallcalendar 
  - texlive-wallpaper 
  - texlive-wargame 
  - texlive-warning 
  - texlive-warpcol 
  - texlive-was 
  - texlive-wasy 
  - texlive-wasy-type1 
  - texlive-wasy-type1-fonts 
  - texlive-wasysym 
  - texlive-web 
  - texlive-web-bin 
  - texlive-webguide 
  - texlive-webquiz 
  - texlive-webquiz-bin 
  - texlive-wheelchart 
  - texlive-widetable 
  - texlive-widows-and-orphans 
  - texlive-williams 
  - texlive-willowtreebook 
  - texlive-windycity 
  - texlive-withargs 
  - texlive-witharrows 
  - texlive-wnri 
  - texlive-wnri-latex 
  - texlive-wordcount 
  - texlive-wordcount-bin 
  - texlive-wordlike 
  - texlive-worksheet 
  - texlive-worldflags 
  - texlive-wrapfig 
  - texlive-wrapfig2 
  - texlive-wrapstuff 
  - texlive-writeongrid 
  - texlive-wsemclassic 
  - texlive-wsuipa 
  - texlive-wtref 
  - texlive-xargs 
  - texlive-xassoccnt 
  - texlive-xbmks 
  - texlive-xcharter 
  - texlive-xcharter-fonts 
  - texlive-xcharter-math 
  - texlive-xcharter-math-fonts 
  - texlive-xcite 
  - texlive-xcjk2uni 
  - texlive-xcntperchap 
  - texlive-xcolor 
  - texlive-xcolor-material 
  - texlive-xcolor-solarized 
  - texlive-xcomment 
  - texlive-xcookybooky 
  - texlive-xcpdftips 
  - texlive-xdoc 
  - texlive-xduthesis 
  - texlive-xduts 
  - texlive-xdvi 
  - texlive-xdvi-bin 
  - texlive-xebaposter 
  - texlive-xechangebar 
  - texlive-xecjk 
  - texlive-xecolor 
  - texlive-xecyr 
  - texlive-xecyrmongolian 
  - texlive-xeindex 
  - texlive-xelatex-dev 
  - texlive-xelatex-dev-bin 
  - texlive-xellipsis 
  - texlive-xepersian 
  - texlive-xepersian-hm 
  - texlive-xesearch 
  - texlive-xespotcolor 
  - texlive-xetex 
  - texlive-xetex-bin 
  - texlive-xetex-devanagari 
  - texlive-xetex-itrans 
  - texlive-xetex-pstricks 
  - texlive-xetex-tibetan 
  - texlive-xetexconfig 
  - texlive-xetexfontinfo 
  - texlive-xetexko 
  - texlive-xetexref 
  - texlive-xevlna 
  - texlive-xfakebold 
  - texlive-xfor 
  - texlive-xgreek 
  - texlive-xhfill 
  - texlive-xifthen 
  - texlive-xii 
  - texlive-xii-lat 
  - texlive-xindex 
  - texlive-xindex-bin 
  - texlive-xint 
  - texlive-xintsession 
  - texlive-xistercian 
  - texlive-xits 
  - texlive-xits-fonts 
  - texlive-xkcdcolors 
  - texlive-xkeyval 
  - texlive-xlop 
  - texlive-xltabular 
  - texlive-xltxtra 
  - texlive-xml2pmx 
  - texlive-xml2pmx-bin 
  - texlive-xmltex 
  - texlive-xmltex-bin 
  - texlive-xmltexconfig 
  - texlive-xmpincl 
  - texlive-xmuthesis 
  - texlive-xnewcommand 
  - texlive-xoptarg 
  - texlive-xpatch 
  - texlive-xpdfopen 
  - texlive-xpdfopen-bin 
  - texlive-xpeek 
  - texlive-xpiano 
  - texlive-xpicture 
  - texlive-xpinyin 
  - texlive-xprintlen 
  - texlive-xpunctuate 
  - texlive-xq 
  - texlive-xsavebox 
  - texlive-xsim 
  - texlive-xskak 
  - texlive-xstring 
  - texlive-xtab 
  - texlive-xtuthesis 
  - texlive-xunicode 
  - texlive-xurl 
  - texlive-xwatermark 
  - texlive-xyling 
  - texlive-xymtex 
  - texlive-xypic 
  - texlive-xypic-fonts 
  - texlive-xypic-tut-pt 
  - texlive-xytree 
  - texlive-yafoot 
  - texlive-yagusylo 
  - texlive-yaletter 
  - texlive-yamlvars 
  - texlive-yannisgr 
  - texlive-yathesis 
  - texlive-yax 
  - texlive-yazd-thesis 
  - texlive-yb-book 
  - texlive-ycbook 
  - texlive-ydoc 
  - texlive-yet-another-guide-latex2e 
  - texlive-yfonts 
  - texlive-yfonts-otf 
  - texlive-yfonts-otf-fonts 
  - texlive-yfonts-t1 
  - texlive-yfonts-t1-fonts 
  - texlive-yhmath 
  - texlive-yhmath-fonts 
  - texlive-yinit-otf 
  - texlive-yinit-otf-fonts 
  - texlive-york-thesis 
  - texlive-youngtab 
  - texlive-yplan 
  - texlive-yplan-bin 
  - texlive-yquant 
  - texlive-ytableau 
  - texlive-zapfchan 
  - texlive-zapfchan-fonts 
  - texlive-zapfding 
  - texlive-zapfding-fonts 
  - texlive-zbmath-review-template 
  - texlive-zebra-goodies 
  - texlive-zed-csp 
  - texlive-zennote 
  - texlive-zhlineskip 
  - texlive-zhlipsum 
  - texlive-zhmetrics 
  - texlive-zhmetrics-uptex 
  - texlive-zhnumber 
  - texlive-zhspacing 
  - texlive-ziffer 
  - texlive-zitie 
  - texlive-zlmtt 
  - texlive-zootaxa-bst 
  - texlive-zref 
  - texlive-zref-check 
  - texlive-zref-clever 
  - texlive-zref-vario 
  - texlive-zwgetfdate 
  - texlive-zwpagelayout 
  - texlive-zx-calculus 
  - texlive-zxjafbfont 
  - texlive-zxjafont 
  - texlive-zxjatype 
  - texlive-zztex 
  - tftp 
  - thermald: [x86_64] 
  - thrift 
  - tidy 
  - tigervnc 
  - time 
  - timezone-java 
  - tk 
  - tk-devel 
  - tmux 
  - tomcat 
  - tomcat-admin-webapps 
  - tomcat-el-3_0-api 
  - tomcat-jakartaee-migration 
  - tomcat-jsp-2_3-api 
  - tomcat-lib 
  - tomcat-servlet-4_0-api 
  - tomcat-webapps 
  - tomcat10 
  - tomcat10-admin-webapps 
  - tomcat10-doc 
  - tomcat10-docs-webapp 
  - tomcat10-el-5_0-api 
  - tomcat10-embed 
  - tomcat10-jsp-3_1-api 
  - tomcat10-jsvc 
  - tomcat10-lib 
  - tomcat10-servlet-6_0-api 
  - tomcat10-webapps 
  - toolbox 
  - tpm-tools-devel 
  - tpm-tools-pkcs11 
  - tpm2-0-tss 
  - tpm2-0-tss-devel 
  - tpm2-tss-engine 
  - tpm2-tss-engine-bash-completion 
  - tpm2-tss-engine-devel 
  - tpm2.0-abrmd 
  - tpm2.0-abrmd-devel 
  - tpm2.0-tools 
  - tracker 
  - tracker-data-files 
  - tracker-devel 
  - tracker-lang 
  - transactional-update 
  - transactional-update-zypp-config 
  - transfig 
  - translate-toolkit-devel-doc 
  - translate-toolkit-doc 
  - tre 
  - tre-devel 
  - tre-lang 
  - trilead-ssh2 
  - trousers-devel 
  - truth 
  - tslib 
  - tslib-devel 
  - tslib-plugins 
  - ttf-converter 
  - tukit 
  - tunctl 
  - tuned 
  - tuned-profiles-openshift 
  - tuned-profiles-postgresql 
  - tuned-profiles-sap 
  - tuned-profiles-sap-hana 
  - tuned-profiles-spectrumscale 
  - typelib-1_0-AccountsService-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Adw-1 
  - typelib-1_0-AppIndicator3-0_1 
  - typelib-1_0-AppStream-compose-1.0 
  - typelib-1_0-AppStreamGlib-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Atk-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Atspi-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Avahi-0_6 
  - typelib-1_0-Camel-1_2 
  - typelib-1_0-CloudProviders-0_3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Colord-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-ColordGtk-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Colorhug-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-CudaGst-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Dbusmenu-0_4 
  - typelib-1_0-DbusmenuGtk3-0_4 
  - typelib-1_0-EBackend-1_2 
  - typelib-1_0-EBook-1_2 
  - typelib-1_0-EBookContacts-1_2 
  - typelib-1_0-ECal-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-EDataBook-1_2 
  - typelib-1_0-EDataCal-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-EDataServer-1_2 
  - typelib-1_0-EDataServerUI-1_2 
  - typelib-1_0-EDataServerUI4-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Fcitx-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GCab-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GMenu-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GSSDP-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GSound-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GTop-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GUPnP-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GUPnPIgd-1_6 
  - typelib-1_0-GUdev-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GUsb-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GWeather-4_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Gck-1 
  - typelib-1_0-Gck-2 
  - typelib-1_0-Gcr-3 
  - typelib-1_0-Gcr-4 
  - typelib-1_0-GcrUi-3 
  - typelib-1_0-GdkPixbuf-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GdkPixdata-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Gdl-3 
  - typelib-1_0-Gdm-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Geoclue-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GeocodeGlib-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GeocodeGlib-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GjsPrivate-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Gkbd-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GnomeAutoar-0_1 
  - typelib-1_0-GnomeAutoarGtk-0_1 
  - typelib-1_0-GnomeBG-4_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GnomeBluetooth-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GnomeDesktop-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GnomeDesktop-4_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GnomeKeyring-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GnomeRR-4_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Goa-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Gspell-1 
  - typelib-1_0-Gst-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstAllocators-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstApp-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstAudio-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstBadAudio-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstCodecs-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstCuda-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstGL-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstGLEGL-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstGLWayland-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstGLX11-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstInsertBin-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstMpegts-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstPbutils-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstPlay-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstPlayer-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstRtp-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstRtsp-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstRtspServer-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstSdp-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstTag-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstTranscoder-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstVa-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstValidate-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstVideo-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstVulkan-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstVulkanWayland-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstVulkanXCB-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GstWebRTC-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Gtk-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Gtk-4_0 
  - typelib-1_0-IBus-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-ICal-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-ICalGLib-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_0 
  - typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_1 
  - typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-6_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Jcat-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Json-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Libosinfo-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-LibvirtGConfig-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-LibvirtGLib-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-LibvirtGObject-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Malcontent-0 
  - typelib-1_0-MalcontentUi-0 
  - typelib-1_0-Manette-0_2-0 
  - typelib-1_0-Mbim-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-ModemManager-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-NM-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-NMA-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-NMA4-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Nice-0_1 
  - typelib-1_0-Notify-0_7 
  - typelib-1_0-OSTree-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Pango-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Polkit-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Poppler-0_18 
  - typelib-1_0-Qmi-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Qrtr-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Rest-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Rsvg-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Secret-1 
  - typelib-1_0-Soup-2_4 
  - typelib-1_0-Soup-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-TelepathyGlib-0_12 
  - typelib-1_0-TelepathyLogger-0_2 
  - typelib-1_0-Tracker-3_0 
  - typelib-1_0-UDisks-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-UMockdev-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-UpowerGlib-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Vte-2_91 
  - typelib-1_0-Vte-3_91 
  - typelib-1_0-WebKit-6_0 
  - typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_0 
  - typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_1 
  - typelib-1_0-WebKit2WebExtension-4_0 
  - typelib-1_0-WebKit2WebExtension-4_1 
  - typelib-1_0-WebKitWebProcessExtension-6_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Wp-0_4 
  - typelib-1_0-Xdp-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-XdpGtk3-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-XdpGtk4-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Xkl-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-Xmlb-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-libdazzle-1_0 
  - u-boot-avnetultra96rev1: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-avnetultra96rev1-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-bananapim64: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-bananapim64-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-dragonboard820c: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-dragonboard820c-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-khadas-vim: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-khadas-vim-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-khadas-vim2: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-khadas-vim2-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-libretech-ac: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-libretech-ac-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-libretech-cc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-libretech-cc-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-odroid-c4: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-odroid-c4-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-odroid-n2: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-odroid-n2-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-orangepizero2: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-orangepizero2-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-p2771-0000-500: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-p2771-0000-500-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-p3450-0000: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-p3450-0000-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-pinebook: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-pinebook-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-pineh64: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-pineh64-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-pinephone: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-pinephone-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-poplar: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-poplar-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-rock64-rk3328: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-rock64-rk3328-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-rpi4: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-rpi4-doc: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-tools 
  - u-boot-xilinxzynqmpvirt: [aarch64] 
  - u-boot-xilinxzynqmpvirt-doc: [aarch64] 
  - uasm 
  - uchardet 
  - ucode-amd: [aarch64] 
  - udica 
  - udisks2 
  - udisks2-docs 
  - udisks2-lang 
  - ulp-macros 
  - umockdev 
  - umockdev-devel 
  - unbound-devel 
  - unifdef 
  - univocity-parsers 
  - unixODBC 
  - unixODBC-devel 
  - unzip 
  - unzip-rcc 
  - upb-devel 
  - update-desktop-files 
  - update-test-32bit-pkg 
  - update-test-retracted 
  - upower 
  - upower-lang 
  - uriparser-doc 
  - usbredir-devel 
  - utempter-devel 
  - utf8proc-devel 
  - util-linux-lang 
  - util-linux-tty-tools 
  - util-macros-devel 
  - uuidd 
  - vala 
  - valgrind 
  - valgrind-client-headers 
  - valgrind-devel 
  - vamp-plugin-sdk 
  - vamp-plugin-sdk-devel 
  - vde2 
  - ved 
  - velociraptor 
  - velociraptor-kafka-humio-gateway 
  - velocity 
  - velocity-demo 
  - velocity-manual 
  - venv-salt-minion 
  - vim 
  - vim-data 
  - vim-data-common 
  - vim-small 
  - virglrenderer-devel 
  - virt-install 
  - virt-manager 
  - virt-manager-common 
  - virt-scenario-gtk 
  - virt-top 
  - virt-win-reg 
  - virtiofsd 
  - vlan 
  - vmaf-devel 
  - vsftpd 
  - vte-devel 
  - vte-lang 
  - vte-tools-gtk4 
  - vulkan-devel 
  - vulkan-headers 
  - w3m 
  - waf 
  - wallpaper-branding-SLE 
  - wallpaper-branding-openSUSE 
  - wasi-libc 
  - wasmedge 
  - wasmedge-devel 
  - wavpack 
  - wavpack-devel 
  - wavpack-doc 
  - wayland-devel 
  - wayland-protocols-devel 
  - webkit-jsc-4.1 
  - webkit-jsc-6.0 
  - webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles 
  - webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles 
  - webkit2gtk3-devel 
  - webkit2gtk3-minibrowser 
  - webkit2gtk3-soup2-devel 
  - webkit2gtk3-soup2-minibrowser 
  - webkit2gtk4-devel 
  - webkit2gtk4-minibrowser 
  - webkitgtk-6_0-injected-bundles 
  - werken-xpath 
  - which: [aarch64] 
  - wireguard-tools 
  - wireplumber 
  - wireplumber-audio 
  - wireplumber-devel 
  - wireplumber-lang 
  - wireplumber-zsh-completion 
  - wireshark 
  - wireshark-devel 
  - wireshark-ui-qt 
  - woff2 
  - wsdl4j 
  - wtmpdb 
  - wtmpdb-devel 
  - wxGTK3-3_2-devel 
  - wxQt-3_2-devel 
  - wxWidgets-3_2-devel 
  - wxWidgets-3_2-doc-html 
  - wxWidgets-3_2-doc-xml 
  - wxWidgets-3_2-nostl-devel 
  - wxWidgets-3_2-plugin-sound_sdlu-3_2 
  - x11-tools 
  - x3270 
  - xalan-j2 
  - xbean 
  - xbitmaps 
  - xbitmaps-devel 
  - xcb-proto-devel 
  - xcb-util-cursor-devel 
  - xcb-util-devel 
  - xcb-util-image-devel 
  - xcb-util-keysyms-devel 
  - xcb-util-renderutil-devel 
  - xcb-util-wm-devel 
  - xclip 
  - xconsole 
  - xcursorgen 
  - xdg-dbus-proxy 
  - xdg-desktop-portal 
  - xdg-desktop-portal-devel 
  - xdg-desktop-portal-lang 
  - xdg-menu 
  - xdg-utils 
  - xdm 
  - xdpyinfo 
  - xen 
  - xen-devel 
  - xen-doc-html 
  - xen-libs 
  - xen-tools 
  - xen-tools-domU 
  - xen-tools-xendomains-wait-disk: [x86_64] 
  - xerces-j2 
  - xeyes 
  - xf86-input-libinput 
  - xf86-input-libinput-devel 
  - xf86-video-amdgpu 
  - xf86-video-ati 
  - xf86-video-qxl 
  - xf86-video-vmware: [x86_64] 
  - xfsprogs-devel 
  - xfsprogs-scrub 
  - xhost 
  - xinit 
  - xkbcomp 
  - xkbcomp-devel 
  - xkeyboard-config 
  - xkeyboard-config-lang 
  - xli 
  - xmessage 
  - xml-commons-apis 
  - xml-commons-apis-bootstrap 
  - xml-commons-apis-manual 
  - xml-commons-resolver 
  - xml-commons-resolver-bootstrap 
  - xml-commons-which-bootstrap 
  - xmlb-tool 
  - xmlcharent 
  - xmlgraphics-batik-css 
  - xmlrpc-c-devel 
  - xmlstarlet 
  - xmlto 
  - xmodmap 
  - xmvn 
  - xmvn-api 
  - xmvn-connector 
  - xmvn-connector-ivy 
  - xmvn-core 
  - xmvn-install 
  - xmvn-minimal 
  - xmvn-mojo 
  - xmvn-parent 
  - xmvn-resolve 
  - xmvn-subst 
  - xom-demo 
  - xorg-cf-files 
  - xorg-sgml-doctools 
  - xorg-x11-Xvnc 
  - xorg-x11-Xvnc-module 
  - xorg-x11-Xvnc-novnc 
  - xorg-x11-fonts 
  - xorg-x11-fonts-converted 
  - xorg-x11-fonts-core 
  - xorg-x11-fonts-legacy 
  - xorg-x11-server 
  - xorg-x11-server-Xvfb 
  - xorg-x11-server-extra 
  - xorg-x11-server-sdk 
  - xorg-x11-server-wrapper 
  - xorgproto-devel 
  - xorgproto-doc 
  - xorriso-tcltk 
  - xprop 
  - xrdb 
  - xsel 
  - xset 
  - xsetroot 
  - xterm 
  - xterm-bin 
  - xterm-resize 
  - xtrans 
  - xwayland 
  - xwayland-devel 
  - xxd 
  - xxhash 
  - xxhash-devel 
  - xyzservices-data 
  - xz-devel 
  - xz-java 
  - xz-lang 
  - yaml-cpp-devel 
  - yasm 
  - yasm-devel 
  - yast2 
  - yast2-add-on 
  - yast2-audit-laf 
  - yast2-auth-client 
  - yast2-auth-server 
  - yast2-bootloader 
  - yast2-buildtools 
  - yast2-configuration-management 
  - yast2-core 
  - yast2-core-devel 
  - yast2-country 
  - yast2-country-data 
  - yast2-devtools 
  - yast2-fcoe-client 
  - yast2-firewall 
  - yast2-hardware-detection 
  - yast2-installation 
  - yast2-iscsi-client 
  - yast2-journal 
  - yast2-kdump 
  - yast2-ldap 
  - yast2-logs 
  - yast2-network 
  - yast2-ntp-client 
  - yast2-packager 
  - yast2-pam 
  - yast2-perl-bindings 
  - yast2-pkg-bindings 
  - yast2-proxy 
  - yast2-qt-branding-openSUSE 
  - yast2-registration 
  - yast2-ruby-bindings 
  - yast2-schema 
  - yast2-schema-default 
  - yast2-schema-micro 
  - yast2-security 
  - yast2-services-manager 
  - yast2-slp 
  - yast2-storage-ng 
  - yast2-testsuite 
  - yast2-theme 
  - yast2-trans-af 
  - yast2-trans-ar 
  - yast2-trans-bg 
  - yast2-trans-bn 
  - yast2-trans-bs 
  - yast2-trans-ca 
  - yast2-trans-cs 
  - yast2-trans-cy 
  - yast2-trans-da 
  - yast2-trans-de 
  - yast2-trans-el 
  - yast2-trans-en_GB 
  - yast2-trans-es 
  - yast2-trans-es_AR 
  - yast2-trans-et 
  - yast2-trans-fa 
  - yast2-trans-fi 
  - yast2-trans-fr 
  - yast2-trans-gl 
  - yast2-trans-gu 
  - yast2-trans-hi 
  - yast2-trans-hr 
  - yast2-trans-hu 
  - yast2-trans-id 
  - yast2-trans-it 
  - yast2-trans-ja 
  - yast2-trans-jv 
  - yast2-trans-ka 
  - yast2-trans-kab 
  - yast2-trans-km 
  - yast2-trans-ko 
  - yast2-trans-lo 
  - yast2-trans-lt 
  - yast2-trans-lv 
  - yast2-trans-mk 
  - yast2-trans-mr 
  - yast2-trans-nb 
  - yast2-trans-ne 
  - yast2-trans-nl 
  - yast2-trans-pa 
  - yast2-trans-pl 
  - yast2-trans-ps 
  - yast2-trans-pt 
  - yast2-trans-pt_BR 
  - yast2-trans-ro 
  - yast2-trans-ru 
  - yast2-trans-si 
  - yast2-trans-sk 
  - yast2-trans-sl 
  - yast2-trans-sq 
  - yast2-trans-sr 
  - yast2-trans-sr-latin 
  - yast2-trans-stats 
  - yast2-trans-sv 
  - yast2-trans-ta 
  - yast2-trans-th 
  - yast2-trans-tr 
  - yast2-trans-uk 
  - yast2-trans-vi 
  - yast2-trans-wa 
  - yast2-trans-xh 
  - yast2-trans-zh_CN 
  - yast2-trans-zh_TW 
  - yast2-trans-zu 
  - yast2-transfer 
  - yast2-update 
  - yast2-users 
  - yast2-x11 
  - yast2-xml 
  - yast2-ycp-ui-bindings 
  - yast2-ycp-ui-bindings-devel 
  - yelp-xsl 
  - zbar 
  - zbar-lang 
  - zd1211-firmware 
  - zeromq-devel 
  - zimg-devel 
  - zip 
  - zisofs-tools 
  - zlib-devel-static 
  - zlib-testsuite 
  - zopfli 
  - zsh 
  - zsh-sh 
  - zstd-gzip 
  - zxing-cpp-devel 
  - zypper-log 
  - zypper-needs-restarting 
  - zziplib-devel 
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