File unneeded.yml of Package 000product

# Stuff that we have in SUSE:SLE-15:GA for various reasons but are currently
# not shipping. The __regular expressions__ in here filter unsorted.yml but
# won't blocked any package from being required by other packages either.

# if you want to make *sure* the packages don't end up on the medium,
# put their names into UNWANTED in groups.yml

# the names of the groups have no significance and are purely for easier
# grouping
  - .*-32bit
  - .*-debuginfo
  - .*-debugsource
  - skelcd.* 
  - myspell-*

  - 2ping
  - 389-ds-snmp
  - 4ti2
  - 4ti2-devel
  - aaa_base-wsl
  - aalib
  - aalib-devel
  - adns
  - adolc-devel
  - adolc-doc
  - alsabat
  - alsa-docs
  - alsa-plugins-maemo
  - alsa-plugins-samplerate
  - alsa-plugins-speex
  - ant-apache-xalan2
  - ant-commons-net
  - ant-contrib-javadoc
  - ant-contrib-manual
  - ant-jsch
  - ant-testutil
  - apache2-event
  - apache2-example-pages
  - apache2-mod_wsgi-python3
  - apache-commons-beanutils-javadoc
  - apache-commons-cli
  - apache-commons-cli-javadoc
  - apache-commons-codec-javadoc
  - apache-commons-collections-javadoc
  - apache-commons-collections-testframework
  - apache-commons-collections-testframework-javadoc
  - apache-commons-daemon-javadoc
  - apache-commons-daemon-jsvc
  - apache-commons-dbcp-javadoc
  - apache-commons-httpclient-demo
  - apache-commons-httpclient-javadoc
  - apache-commons-httpclient-manual
  - apache-commons-io-javadoc
  - apache-commons-lang3
  - apache-commons-lang3-javadoc
  - apache-commons-lang-javadoc
  - apache-commons-parent
  - apache-commons-pool2-javadoc
  - apache-ivy
  - apache-ivy-javadoc
  - apache-pdfbox-javadoc
  - apache-portlet-1_0-api # BSK 12
  - apache-portlet-1_0-api-javadoc
  - apache-rpm-macros
  - apcupsd-cgi
  - apcupsd-gui
  - apparmor-utils-lang # not part in previous releases
  - AppStream-doc
  - argon2 
  - argon2-devel 
  - argon2-doc 
  - argyllcms-doc 
  - arpwatch-ethercodes-build
  - asciidoc-examples
  - asn1c
  - atk-doc
  - atkmm1_6-doc
  - augeas-lense-tests
  - autoconf213
  - autoconf-el
  - axis-manual
  - aytests-tests
  - bash-loadables
  - bigreqsproto-devel
  - bijiben
  - bijiben-lang
  - bind-lwresd
  - binutils-gold # not wanted by toolchain
  - blas-devel-static
  - blas-man
  - blueprint-cursor-theme
  - bluez-auto-enable-devices
  - bluez-test
  - bogofilter-doc
  - bogofilter-kyotocabinet
  - bogofilter-sqlite3
  - boost_1_66-doc-html
  - boost_1_66-doc-pdf
  - boost_1_66-jam
  - boost_1_66-quickbook
  - booth-test
  - bouncycastle
  - bouncycastle-javadoc
  - brlapi-java
  - brltty-driver-espeak
  - brltty-driver-libbraille
  - brltty-driver-xwindow
  - brltty-utils
  - brotli
  - brp-extract-translations
  - brp-trim-translations
  - bsh
  - bsh2-bsf
  - bsh2-demo
  - bsh2-manual
  - bsh-demo
  - bsh-javadoc
  - bsh-manual
  - build-mkdrpms
  - busybox-static
  - byaccj 
  - bzip2-doc 
  - bzr-lang 
  - bzr-test 
  - caca-utils
  - cairomm1_0-doc
  - cairo-tools
  - cal10n-javadoc
  - canberra-gtk-play-gnome
  - celt051
  - ceph
  - ceph-base 
  - ceph-fuse 
  - ceph-mds 
  - ceph-mgr 
  - ceph-mon 
  - ceph-osd 
  - ceph-radosgw 
  - ceph-resource-agents 
  - cetcd-devel
  - cglib-javadoc
  - ckermit-doc
  - clamav-database
  - clang
  - clang-devel
  - classpathx-mail-javadoc 
  - cloud-init-doc 
  - cloud-netconfig-azure 
  - cloud-netconfig-ec2 
  - cmake-gui 
  - cmake-man 
  - cmis-client 
  - cmuclmtk 
  - colord-gtk
  - ColPack-devel
  - console-setup # buildrequires of kbd, but not runtime
  - containerd-ctr
  - containerd-test
  - coreutils-testsuite
  - crash-doc
  - crash-eppic
  - crmsh-test
  - cronie-anacron
  - cross-arm-binutils
  - cross-arm-gcc7
  - cross-avr-binutils
  - cross-avr-gcc7
  - cross-avr-gcc7-icecream-backend
  - cross-epiphany-binutils
  - cross-epiphany-gcc7
  - cross-hppa64-binutils
  - cross-hppa-binutils
  - cross-hppa-gcc7
  - cross-hppa-gcc7-icecream-backend
  - cross-i386-binutils
  - cross-i386-gcc7
  - cross-i386-gcc7-icecream-backend
  - cross-ia64-binutils
  - cross-m68k-binutils
  - cross-m68k-gcc7
  - cross-m68k-gcc7-icecream-backend
  - cross-mips-binutils
  - cross-mips-gcc7
  - cross-mips-gcc7-icecream-backend
  - cross-ppc64-binutils
  - cross-ppc64-gcc7
  - cross-ppc64-gcc7-icecream-backend
  - cross-ppc-binutils
  - cross-riscv64-binutils
  - cross-rx-binutils
  - cross-rx-gcc7
  - cross-s390-binutils
  - cross-sparc64-binutils
  - cross-sparc64-gcc7
  - cross-sparc64-gcc7-icecream-backend
  - cross-sparc-binutils
  - cross-sparc-gcc7
  - cross-sparcv9-gcc7-icecream-backend
  - cross-spu-binutils
  - ctdb-pcp-pmda 
  - ctdb-tests 
  - cvs-doc 
  - cyrus-sasl-gs2
  - cyrus-sasl-ldap-auxprop
  - cyrus-sasl-ntlm
  - cyrus-sasl-scram
  - dapl-debug-utils
  - daps
  - dasher-data-extras
  - dasher-data-recommended
  - datefudge
  - db45-doc
  - db45-utils
  - db45-utils-doc
  - db48-doc
  - dblatex
  - dbus-1-devel-doc
  - dbus-1-glib-doc
  - dbus-1-presage 
  - devscripts
  - dhcp-doc
  - dialog-examples
  - docbook2x-doc
  - docbook_5-doc
  - docbook-toys
  - docker-runc-test 
  - docker-test 
  - docker-zsh-completion 
  - dom4j
  - dom4j-demo
  - dom4j-javadoc
  - dom4j-manual
  - doxywizard
  - dpkg-lang
  - dracut-tools
  - dtb-allwinner
  - dtb-altera
  - dtb-al # the hw description should be fetch from firmware
  - dtb-amd
  - dtb-amlogic
  - dtb-apm
  - dtb-arm
  - dtb-broadcom
  - dtb-cavium
  - dtb-exynos
  - dtb-freescale
  - dtb-hisilicon
  - dtb-lg
  - dtb-marvell
  - dtb-mediatek
  - dtb-nvidia
  - dtb-qcom
  - dtb-renesas
  - dtb-rockchip
  - dtb-socionext
  - dtb-sprd
  - dtb-xilinx
  - dtb-zte
  - echomixer
  - eigen3-devel
  - eigen3-doc
  - emacs-flim
  - enchant-tools
  - enchant-voikko
  - enchant-zemberek
  - etcd 
  - etcdctl 
  - evince-plugin-comicsdocument
  - evolution-data-server-doc
  - fedfs-utils-admin  # required by nfs-utils for building, hm.
  - fedfs-utils-client
  - fedfs-utils-common
  - fedfs-utils-devel
  - fedfs-utils-nsdbparams
  - fedfs-utils-server
  - figlet
  - finger 
  - finger-server 
  - firebird 
  - firebird-doc 
  - firebird-examples 
  - firebird-server 
  - firebird-utils 
  - fltk-devel-static
  - flute-javadoc 
  - foma
  - foma-devel
  - freeglut-demo
  - freerdp-wayland
  - freetds-config
  - freetds-devel
  - freetds-doc
  - freetds-tools
  - fstrm
  - ft2demos
  - ftbench
  - ftdiff
  - ftdump
  - ftgamma
  - ftgl-demo
  - ftgl-devel
  - ftgrid
  - ftinspect
  - ftlint
  - ftmulti
  - ftstring
  - ftvalid
  - ftview
  - gcc7-go 
  - gcc7-obj-c\+\+ 
  - gcc7-testresults
  - gcc-go 
  - gcc-obj-c\+\+ 
  - gdb-testresults
  - geronimo-annotation-1_0-api
  - geronimo-commonj-1_1-apis
  - geronimo-corba-1_0-apis
  - geronimo-corba-2_3-apis
  - geronimo-ejb-2_1-api
  - geronimo-ejb-3_0-api
  - geronimo-el-1_0-api
  - geronimo-interceptor-3_0-api
  - geronimo-j2ee-1_4-apis
  - geronimo-j2ee-connector-1_5-api
  - geronimo-j2ee-deployment-1_1-api
  - geronimo-j2ee-management-1_0-api
  - geronimo-j2ee-management-1_1-api
  - geronimo-jacc-1_0-api
  - geronimo-jacc-1_1-api
  - geronimo-jaf-1_0_2-api
  - geronimo-jaf-1_1-api
  - geronimo-javaee-deployment-1_1-api
  - geronimo-javamail-1_3_1-api
  - geronimo-javamail-1_4-api
  - geronimo-jaxr-1_0-api
  - geronimo-jaxrpc-1_1-api
  - geronimo-jms-1_1-api
  - geronimo-jpa-3_0-api
  - geronimo-jsp-2_0-api
  - geronimo-jsp-2_1-api
  - geronimo-jta-1_0_1B-api
  - geronimo-qname-1_1-api
  - geronimo-saaj-1_1-api
  - geronimo-servlet-2_4-api
  - geronimo-servlet-2_5-api
  - geronimo-specs
  - geronimo-stax-1_0-api
  - geronimo-ws-metadata-2_0-api
  - gettext-java
  - gettext-runtime-tools-doc
  - gfio
  - giflib-progs
  - git-p4
  - glade-catalog-evolution
  - glibc-html
  - glm-doc
  - gmock
  - gnome-backgrounds-lang 
  - gnome-books 
  - gnome-builder-plugin-beautifier 
  - gnome-builder-plugin-clang 
  - gnome-builder-plugin-cmake 
  - gnome-builder-plugin-gnome-code-assistance 
  - gnome-builder-plugin-jedi 
  - gnome-builder-plugin-jhbuild 
  - gnome-builder-plugin-mingw 
  - gnome-code-assistance 
  - gnustep-base 
  - gnustep-base-devel 
  - gnustep-make 
  - go
  - go1.6
  - go1.6-doc
  - go1.6-race
  - go1.7
  - go1.7-doc
  - go1.7-race
  - go1.8
  - go1.8-doc
  - go1.8-race
  - go-doc
  - golang-github-cpuguy83-go-md2man
  - golang-github-docker-libnetwork
  - golang-github-jteeuwen-go-bindata
  - golang-github-russross-blackfriday
  - golang-github-shurcool-sanitized_anchor_name
  - golang-packaging
  - go-md2man
  - go-race
  - gradle-local
  - graphviz-doc
  - graphviz-guile
  - graphviz-gvedit
  - graphviz-java
  - graphviz-lua
  - graphviz-php
  - graphviz-ruby
  - graphviz-smyrna
  - grilo-plugin-dleyna
  - groff-doc
  - gsf-office-thumbnailer
  - gtest
  - gtk2-immodule-amharic 
  - gtk2-immodule-inuktitut 
  - gtk2-immodule-multipress 
  - gtk2-immodules-tigrigna 
  - gtk2-immodule-thai 
  - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese 
  - gtk2-immodule-xim 
  - gtk3-immodule-amharic 
  - gtk3-immodule-broadway 
  - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut 
  - gtk3-immodule-multipress 
  - gtk3-immodules-tigrigna 
  - gtk3-immodule-thai 
  - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese 
  - gtk3-immodule-xim 
  - gutenprint-gimpplugin
  - hamcrest-demo 
  - hamcrest-javadoc 
  - harfbuzz-tools
  - hdajackretask 
  - hdajacksensetest 
  - hda-verb 
  - hfst-ospell
  - hfst-ospell-devel
  - highlight-gui
  - highlight-gui-lang
  - hsqldb
  - hsqldb-demo
  - hsqldb-javadoc
  - hsqldb-manual
  - hxtools
  - hxtools-data
  - hxtools-man
  - hxtools-profile
  - hxtools-scripts
  - hyphen
  - icmake
  - icon-naming-utils
  - icu4j-javadoc
  - ImageMagick-doc 
  - ImageMagick-extra 
  - install-initrd-CAASP
  - install-initrd-SLED
  - install-initrd-SLES
  - install-initrd-SLES_SAP
  - inst-source-utils
  - irman-common 
  - irman-utils 
  - isorelax
  - joe
  - jsch
  - jsch-demo
  - jsch-javadoc
  - jsoncpp-devel 
  - kernel-docs-html 
  - kernel-docs-rt 
  - kernel-docs-rt-html 
  - kernel-vanilla 
  - kernel-vanilla-devel 
  - kubic-locale-archive
  - kyotocabinet
  - ladspa 
  - ladspa-devel 
  - leveldb-devel-static
  - libadolc2
  - libboost_graph_parallel1_66_0 
  - libboost_graph_parallel1_66_0-devel 
  - libboost_mpi_python-py2_7-1_66_0
  - libboost_mpi_python-py2_7-1_66_0-devel
  - libboost_mpi_python-py3-1_66_0
  - libboost_mpi_python-py3-1_66_0-devel
  - libboost_numpy-py2_7-1_66_0
  - libboost_numpy-py2_7-1_66_0-devel
  - libboost_numpy-py3-1_66_0
  - libboost_numpy-py3-1_66_0-devel
  - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0
  - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0-devel
  - libbraille
  - libbraille-devel
  - libbraille-fake
  - libbrotlidec1
  - libcetcd0
  - libclc
  - libcmuclmtk0
  - libcmuclmtk-devel
  - libColPack0
  - libcsparse-3_1_9
  - libdazzle
  - libdazzle-devel
  - libfoma0
  - libftgl2
  - libgle3
  - libgle-devel
  - libgltf-0_1-1
  - libgltf-devel
  - libharfbuzz-gobject0
  - libib_util
  - libib_util-devel
  - libirman0 
  - libirman-devel 
  - libjsoncpp19 
  - libopenssl1_0_0-hmac
  - libqt5-.*-examples
  - libsolv-demo
  - linuxrc
  - lshw-gui # see also FATE#322439, not requested
  - Mesa-demo
  - Mesa-libOpenCL
  - nut-cgi
  - nut-devel-doc-html
  - nut-devel-doc-pdf
  - nut-doc-asciidoc
  - nut-doc-html
  - nut-doc-images
  - nut-doc-pdf
  - obs-service-appimage 
  - obs-service-apply_kiwi_profile 
  - obs-service-format_spec_file 
  - obs-service-obs_scm 
  - obs-service-obs_scm-common 
  - obs-service-recompress 
  - obs-service-replace_using_package_version 
  - obs-service-snapcraft 
  - obs-service-source_validator 
  - obs-service-tar 
  - obs-service-tar_scm 
  - ocaml-brlapi
  - ocaml-calendar
  - ocaml-calendar-devel
  - ocaml-camomile
  - ocaml-camomile-data
  - ocaml-camomile-devel
  - ocaml-cppo
  - ocaml-cppo-devel
  - ocaml-csv
  - ocaml-csv-devel
  - ocaml-curses
  - ocaml-curses-devel
  - ocaml-docs
  - ocaml-easy-format
  - ocaml-easy-format-devel
  - ocaml-emacs
  - ocaml-extlib
  - ocaml-extlib-devel
  - ocaml-fileutils
  - ocaml-fileutils-devel
  - ocaml-gettext
  - ocaml-gettext-camomile
  - ocaml-gettext-camomile-devel
  - ocaml-gettext-devel
  - ocaml-gettext-stub
  - ocaml-gettext-stub-devel
  - ocamlify
  - ocaml-lablgl
  - ocaml-lablgl-devel
  - ocaml-labltk
  - ocaml-labltk-devel
  - ocaml-libguestfs
  - ocaml-libvirt
  - ocaml-libvirt-devel
  - ocamlmod
  - ocaml-oasis
  - ocaml-oasis-devel
  - ocaml-ocamlbuild
  - ocaml-ocamlbuild-devel
  - ocaml-ocamldoc
  - ocaml-ounit
  - ocaml-ounit-devel
  - ocaml-pcre
  - ocaml-pcre-devel
  - ocaml-source
  - ocaml-x11
  - ocaml-xml-light
  - ocaml-xml-light-devel
  - openal-soft
  - openconnect-doc
  - opencv-doc
  - openexr
  - openexr-doc
  - OpenIPMI-python # bsc#1075794#c1
  - openssl-1_0_0-cavs
  - openssl-1_0_0-doc
  - openssl-1_1-doc
  - openstack-macros
  - openSUSE-appdata-extra 
  - openSUSE-appstream-process 
  - openvswitch-doc # only additional documentation
  - openvswitch-ovn-central # only of interest in the Cloud
  - openvswitch-ovn-common
  - openvswitch-ovn-docker
  - openvswitch-ovn-host
  - openvswitch-ovn-vtep
  - openvswitch-pki
  - openvswitch-test
  - openvswitch-vtep
  - openwsman-java
  - openwsman-perl
  - openwsman-ruby
  - openwsman-ruby-docs
  - openwsman-server-plugin-ruby
  - pam_pkcs11-devel-doc
  - patterns-ha 
  - patterns-ha-geo 
  - pcp-export-pcp2graphite
  - pcp-export-pcp2influxdb
  - pcp-export-zabbix-agent
  - pcp-gui
  - pcp-import-collectl2pcp
  - pcp-import-ganglia2pcp
  - pcp-manager
  - pcp-pmda-activemq
  - pcp-pmda-apache
  - pcp-pmda-bash
  - pcp-pmda-bind2
  - pcp-pmda-bonding
  - pcp-pmda-cifs
  - pcp-pmda-cisco
  - pcp-pmda-dbping
  - pcp-pmda-dm
  - pcp-pmda-docker
  - pcp-pmda-ds389
  - pcp-pmda-ds389log
  - pcp-pmda-elasticsearch
  - pcp-pmda-gfs2
  - pcp-pmda-gluster
  - pcp-pmda-gpfs
  - pcp-pmda-gpsd
  - pcp-pmda-infiniband
  - pcp-pmda-json
  - pcp-pmda-kvm
  - pcp-pmda-lmsensors
  - pcp-pmda-logger
  - pcp-pmda-lustre
  - pcp-pmda-lustrecomm
  - pcp-pmda-mailq
  - pcp-pmda-memcache
  - pcp-pmda-mic
  - pcp-pmda-mounts
  - pcp-pmda-mysql
  - pcp-pmda-named
  - pcp-pmda-netfilter
  - pcp-pmda-news
  - pcp-pmda-nfsclient
  - pcp-pmda-nginx
  - pcp-pmda-nutcracker
  - pcp-pmda-nvidia-gpu
  - pcp-pmda-oracle
  - pcp-pmda-papi
  - pcp-pmda-pdns
  - pcp-pmda-perfevent
  - pcp-pmda-postfix
  - pcp-pmda-postgresql
  - pcp-pmda-redis
  - pcp-pmda-roomtemp
  - pcp-pmda-rpm
  - pcp-pmda-rsyslog
  - pcp-pmda-samba
  - pcp-pmda-sendmail
  - pcp-pmda-shping
  - pcp-pmda-slurm
  - pcp-pmda-snmp
  - pcp-pmda-summary
  - pcp-pmda-systemd
  - pcp-pmda-trace
  - pcp-pmda-unbound
  - pcp-pmda-vmware
  - pcp-pmda-weblog
  - pcp-pmda-zimbra
  - pcp-pmda-zswap
  - pcp-system-tools
  - pcp-testsuite
  - pcp-webapi
  - pcre2-devel-static 
  - pcre2-doc
  - pcre-devel-static 
  - pcre-doc
  - perl-marisa
  - perl-Parse-Yapp
  - perl-qpid-proton
  - perl-razor-agents
  - perl-rrdtool
  - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-saws
  - php7-embed # no request
  - php7-firebird # no request
  - php7-readline # no request
  - php7-sodium # no request
  - php7-tidy # no request
  - pinentry-emacs
  - pinentry-fltk
  - pinentry-gtk2
  - pinentry-qt5
  - plymouth-plugin-fade-throbber 
  - plymouth-plugin-label-ft 
  - plymouth-plugin-space-flares 
  - plymouth-plugin-throbgress 
  - plymouth-plugin-tribar 
  - plymouth-plugin-two-step 
  - plymouth-theme-fade-in 
  - plymouth-theme-script 
  - plymouth-theme-solar 
  - plymouth-theme-spinfinity 
  - plymouth-theme-spinner 
  - plymouth-theme-tribar 
  - policycoreutils-gui
  - postfix-lmdb
  - postfix-postgresql
  - postgresql10-test
  - postgresql-docs
  - postgresql-test
  - product-builder
  - product-builder-plugin-SLE_15
  - raspberrypi-firmware-extra
  - rhnlib
  - rsyslog-diag-tools
  - rsyslog-doc
  - rsyslog-module-dbi
  - rsyslog-module-gcrypt
  - rsyslog-module-gtls
  - rsyslog-module-mmnormalize
  - rsyslog-module-omhttpfs
  - rsyslog-module-omtcl
  - ruby-apparmor 
  - ruby-common-rails 
  - ruby-marisa 
  - ruby-rrdtool 
  - ruby-selinux 
  - rust-doc
  - saxon8
  - saxon8-demo
  - saxon8-dom
  - saxon8-javadoc
  - saxon8-jdom
  - saxon8-manual
  - saxon8-scripts
  - saxon8-sql
  - saxon8-xom
  - saxon8-xpath
  - saxon9-demo
  - saxon9-javadoc
  - saxon9-manual
  - selinux-policy-doc 
  - sendfax
  - SLED-SP1-migration
  - sle-ha-SP1-migration 
  - sle-manager-tools-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-basesystem-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-cap-tools-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-containers-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-desktop-applications-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-development-tools-obs-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-development-tools-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-hpc-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-legacy-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-live-patching-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-public-cloud-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-sap-applications-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-server-applications-SP1-migration 
  - sle-module-web-scripting-SP1-migration 
  - SLES_HPC-SP1-migration
  - SLES_SAP-SP1-migration
  - SLES-SP1-migration
  - sle-we-SP1-migration 
  - slf4j
  - slf4j-javadoc
  - slf4j-manual
  - source-highlight 
  - source-highlight-cgi 
  - spacecmd 
  - spacewalk-backend 
  - spacewalk-backend-app 
  - spacewalk-backend-applet 
  - spacewalk-backend-cdn 
  - spacewalk-backend-config-files 
  - spacewalk-backend-config-files-common 
  - spacewalk-backend-config-files-tool 
  - spacewalk-backend-iss 
  - spacewalk-backend-iss-export 
  - spacewalk-backend-libs 
  - spacewalk-backend-package-push-server 
  - spacewalk-backend-server 
  - spacewalk-backend-sql 
  - spacewalk-backend-sql-oracle 
  - spacewalk-backend-sql-postgresql 
  - spacewalk-backend-tools 
  - spacewalk-backend-xml-export-libs 
  - spacewalk-backend-xmlrpc 
  - spacewalk-usix 
  - spandsp-doc 
  - sqlite3-doc
  - stunnel-doc
  - SuSEfirewall2
  - swig-doc
  - swig-examples
  - sysprof-lang
  - tar-doc
  - tar-tests
  - tcl-rrdtool
  - telepathy-glib-doc 
  - telepathy-logger 
  - telepathy-sipe 
  - template-glib-devel 
  - template-glib-lang 
  - tomcat-docs-webapp
  - tomcat-embed
  - tomcat-javadoc
  - tomcat-jsvc
  - translation-update-as
  - translation-update-ast
  - translation-update-be
  - translation-update-be-latin
  - translation-update-bg
  - translation-update-bn
  - translation-update-bn_IN
  - translation-update-ca
  - translation-update-ca-valencia
  - translation-update-dz
  - translation-update-el
  - translation-update-en
  - translation-update-en_CA
  - translation-update-en_GB
  - translation-update-en-shaw
  - translation-update-en_US
  - translation-update-eo
  - translation-update-es_AR
  - translation-update-es_CL
  - translation-update-es_CO
  - translation-update-es_CR
  - translation-update-es_DO
  - translation-update-es_EC
  - translation-update-es_ES
  - translation-update-es_GT
  - translation-update-es_HN 
  - translation-update-es_MX 
  - translation-update-es_NI 
  - translation-update-es_PA 
  - translation-update-es_PE 
  - translation-update-es_PR 
  - translation-update-es_SV 
  - translation-update-es_UY 
  - translation-update-es_VE 
  - translation-update-et 
  - translation-update-eu 
  - translation-update-fa 
  - translation-update-fr_CA 
  - translation-update-ga 
  - translation-update-gl 
  - translation-update-gu 
  - translation-update-he 
  - translation-update-hi 
  - translation-update-hr 
  - translation-update-ia
  - translation-update-id
  - translation-update-is
  - translation-update-it_IT 
  - translation-update-kk 
  - translation-update-km 
  - translation-update-kn 
  - translation-update-lt 
  - translation-update-lv 
  - translation-update-mai 
  - translation-update-mk 
  - translation-update-ml 
  - translation-update-mr 
  - translation-update-nb_NO 
  - translation-update-nds 
  - translation-update-ne 
  - translation-update-nl 
  - translation-update-nn 
  - translation-update-or 
  - translation-update-pa 
  - translation-update-pt_PT 
  - translation-update-ro
  - translation-update-sk
  - translation-update-sl 
  - translation-update-sq 
  - translation-update-sr 
  - translation-update-sr-ije 
  - translation-update-sr-latin 
  - translation-update-ta 
  - translation-update-te 
  - translation-update-th 
  - translation-update-tr 
  - translation-update-tr_TR 
  - translation-update-ug 
  - translation-update-uk 
  - translation-update-vi 
  - translation-update-wa 
  - translation-update-zh_HK 
  - typelib-1_0-GUPnPDLNA-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GUPnPDLNAGst-2_0 
  - typelib-1_0-GVncPulse-1_0 
  - typelib-1_0-HarfBuzz-0_0
  - typelib-1_0-Memphis-0_2
  - typelib-1_0-Uhm-0_0
  - unbound 
  - unbound-munin 
  - unbound-python 
  - usbredir
  - usx2yloader  # maybe for alsa-tools?
  - utils-libnfs # maybe later for Desk. Apps?
  - valadoc 
  - valadoc-doclet-devhelp 
  - valadoc-doclet-gtkdoc 
  - valadoc-doclet-html 
  - virt-what
  - w3m-inline-image
  - webkit-jsc-4
  - winrs # from wsman, might be useful, but no request
  - wireshark-plugin-libvirt
  - wpa_supplicant-gui
  - wsdl4j-javadoc
  - ws-jaxme
  - ws-jaxme-javadoc
  - ws-jaxme-manual
  - xapian-core
  - xapian-core-doc
  - xapian-core-examples
  - xaw3dd
  - xbrlapi
  - xcmiscproto-devel
  - xdm-xsession
  - xhfsutil
  - xhtml-dtd
  - xml2po 
  - xml2po-devel 
  - xmlbeans 
  - xmlbeans-scripts 
  - xml-commons-jaxp-1.1-apis
  - xml-commons-jaxp-1.1-apis-manual
  - xml-commons-jaxp-1.2-apis
  - xml-commons-jaxp-1.2-apis-manual
  - xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis-manual
  - xml-commons-jaxp-1.4-apis
  - xml-commons-jaxp-1.4-apis-manual
  - xml-commons-resolver10
  - xml-commons-resolver11
  - xml-commons-which10 
  - xml-commons-which11 
  - xmldb-api 
  - xmldb-api-javadoc 
  - xmldb-api-sdk 
  - xmldb-common 
  - xmlgraphics-batik 
  - xmlgraphics-batik-demo 
  - xmlgraphics-batik-rasterizer 
  - xmlgraphics-batik-slideshow 
  - xmlgraphics-batik-squiggle 
  - xmlgraphics-batik-svgpp 
  - xmlgraphics-batik-ttf2svg
  - xmlgraphics-commons
  - xmlgraphics-commons-javadoc
  - xmlgraphics-fop
  - xmlsec1
  - xmlsec1-devel
  - xmlsec1-gcrypt-devel
  - xmlsec1-gnutls-devel
  - xmlsec1-nss-devel
  - xmlsec1-openssl-devel
  - xml-security-c-bin 
  - xom
  - xorg-x11-Xvnc-java
  - xorriso
  - xpp2-demo
  - xpp2-javadoc
  - xpp2-manual
  - xpp3-javadoc
  - xpp3-minimal
  - xscreensaver-data-extra

# old and outdated JRE:
  - java-1_7_0-bootstrap
  - java-1_7_0-bootstrap-devel
  - java-1_7_0-bootstrap-headless
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-accessibility
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-javadoc
  - java-1_8_0-openjdk-src
  - java-9-openjdk-accessibility
  - java-9-openjdk-javadoc
  - java-9-openjdk-jmods
  - java-9-openjdk-src
  - java-9-openjdk-demo
  - java-9-openjdk
  - java-10-openjdk-accessibility
  - java-10-openjdk-javadoc
  - java-10-openjdk-jmods
  - java-10-openjdk-src
  # java11 - will be maintenance update
  - java-11-openjdk-accessibility
  - java-11-openjdk-demo
  - java-11-openjdk-javadoc
  - java-11-openjdk-jmods
  - java-11-openjdk-src
  - java-11-openjdk
  - java-11-openjdk-devel
  # used by some docutools for building, but not requested or
  #  missed by anyone yet
  - avalon-framework 
  - avalon-framework-javadoc 
  - avalon-framework-manual 
  - avalon-logkit 
  - avalon-logkit-javadoc 
  - jakarta-commons-digester-javadoc 
  - jakarta-commons-discovery-javadoc 
  - jakarta-commons-fileupload-javadoc 
  - jakarta-commons-launcher-javadoc 
  - jakarta-commons-modeler-javadoc 
  - jakarta-commons-net 
  - jakarta-commons-net-javadoc 
  - jakarta-taglibs-standard-javadoc
  - jasper
  - java-atk-wrapper
  - java-cup
  - java-cup-manual
  - javacc
  - javacc-demo
  - javacc-manual
  - javacc3
  - javacc3-demo
  - javacc3-manual
  - javacc3-repolib
  - javapackages-local
  - javassist
  - javassist-demo
  - javassist-javadoc
  - javassist-manual
  - jaxen-bootstrap
  - jbig2dec
  - jbig2dec-devel
  - jbigkit 
  - jcip-annotations 
  - jcip-annotations-javadoc 
  - jdepend-demo 
  - jeos-firstboot 
  - jeuclid 
  - jeuclid-cli 
  - jeuclid-fop 
  - jeuclid-mathviewer 
  - jflex 
  - jflex-doc 
  - jigit 
  - jtidy-scripts 
  - junit-demo 
  - junit-javadoc 
  - junit-manual 
  - junitperf-demo 
  - junitperf-javadoc 
  - jython-demo 
  - jython-javadoc 
  - jython-manual 
  - jzlib 
  - jzlib-demo 
  - tzdb

  - caasp-cli
  - caasp-container-manifests
  - caasp-release
  - caasp-toolchain-release
  - caasp-tools
  - health-checker-plugins-caasp
  - patterns-caasp-MicroOS
  - patterns-caasp-Stack
  - patterns-caasp-apparmor
  - patterns-caasp-hardware
  - patterns-caasp-ima_evm
  - patterns-caasp-selinux
  - release-notes-caasp
  - skelcd-EULA-caasp
  - skelcd-caasp
  - sles12-caasp-dex-image
  - supportutils-plugin-suse-caasp
  - yast2-caasp
  - sles12-haproxy-image
  - sles12-image
  - sles12-kubedns-image
  - sles12-mariadb-image
  - sles12-openldap-image
  - sles12-pause-image
  - sles12-pv-recycler-node-image
  - sles12-salt-api-image
  - sles12-salt-master-image
  - sles12-salt-minion-image
  - sles12-sidecar-image
  - sles12-tiller-image
  - sles12-velum-image

  - texi2html
  - texi2html-lang
  - texlive-.*-doc

# python2 packages that are not needed but are created:
# includes also python2 pendants to PubCloud/HPC etc modules (see also legacy
# group!)
  - python2-.*
  - python2-qt5-devel
  - python-antlr 
  - python-avahi 
  - python-avahi-gtk 
  - python-azure-agent-test 
  - python-Babel-doc 
  - python-backports.functools_lru_cache 
  - python-backports.unittest_mock 
  - python-blinker-doc 
  - python-bottle-doc 
  - python-braille 
  - python-camgm 
  - python-capng 
  - python-ceilometerclient-doc 
  - python-ceph-compat
  - python-Cheetah 
  - python-chewing 
  - python-cinderclient-doc 
  - python-cliff-doc 
  - python-configparser 
  - python-contextlib2 
  - python-ctypesgen 
  - python-Cython-doc
  - python-debtcollector-doc 
  - python-demo 
  - python-diff_match_patch 
  - python-doc 
  - python-doc-pdf 
  - python-dulwich-doc 
  - python-etcd 
  - python-etcd-test 
  - python-funcsigs 
  - python-functools32 
  - python-gamin 
  - python-genders
  - python-Genshi-doc 
  - python-gevent-doc 
  - python-gexiv2 
  - python-glanceclient-doc 
  - python-gluster 
  - python-gobject2-devel 
  - python-gobject-common-devel 
  - python-gtk-devel 
  - python-gtk-doc 
  - python-gtk-vnc 
  - python-gunicorn-doc 
  - python-heatclient-doc 
  - python-hivex 
  - python-idle 
  - python-imobiledevice 
  - python-ipy 
  - python-Jinja2-emacs 
  - python-Jinja2-vim 
  - python-katedj 
  - python-keystoneauth1-doc 
  - python-keystoneclient-doc 
  - python-lash 
  - python-libaccounts 
  - python-libaddrxlat 
  - python-libkdumpfile 
  - python-libmount 
  - python-libproxy 
  - python-logutils-doc 
  - python-M2Crypto-doc 
  - python-magnumclient-doc 
  - python-marisa 
  - python-miniupnpc 
  - python-mox3-doc 
  - python-mpmath-doc 
  - python-networkx-doc 
  - python-novaclient-doc 
  - python-OpenColorIO 
  - python-OpenColorIO-devel 
  - python-openstackclient-doc 
  - python-openstacksdk-doc 
  - python-osc-lib-doc 
  - python-oslo.concurrency-doc 
  - python-oslo.config-doc 
  - python-oslo.context-doc 
  - python-oslo.i18n-doc 
  - python-oslo.log-doc 
  - python-oslo.serialization-doc
  - python-oslo.utils-doc
  - python-osprofiler-doc
  - python-os-testr-doc 
  - python-paramiko-doc 
  - python-pbr-doc 
  - python-plist 
  - python-ply-doc 
  - python-presage 
  - python-presagemate 
  - python-pycurl-doc 
  - python-py-doc 
  - python-pyliblzma-doc 
  - python-pymemcache
  - python-pyOpenSSL-doc 
  - python-pyserial-doc 
  - python-pysqlite 
  - python-pytest-doc 
  - python-qt5-doc 
  - python-qt5-utils
  - python-rdflib-doc 
  - python-sanlock 
  - python-singledispatch 
  - python-sip-doc 
  - python-six-doc 
  - python-smbc 
  - python-Sphinx-doc 
  - python-Sphinx-doc-html 
  - python-Sphinx-doc-man 
  - python-Sphinx-doc-man-common 
  - python-SQLAlchemy-doc 
  - python-stevedore-doc
  - python-subprocess32 
  - python-swiftclient-doc
  - python-tdb 
  - python-tevent 
  - python-tox-doc 
  - python-Twisted-doc 
  - python-utidy 
  - python-utidy-devel-doc 
  - python-WebOb-doc 
  - python-websockify-common 
  - python-WebTest-doc 
  - python-Werkzeug-doc 
  - python-wxWidgets-3_0 
  - python-wxWidgets-3_0-devel 
  - python-wxWidgets-3_0-lang 
  - python-xlib 
  - python-zinnia 
  - python-zope.event-doc 

# python3 packages that are not needed but are created:
  - python3-Automat
  - python3-Babel-doc
  - python3-Cycler
  - python3-Flask-doc
  - python3-Genshi
  - python3-Kajiki
  - python3-Paste
  - python3-PasteDeploy
  - python3-Pillow
  - python3-Pillow-tk
  - python3-PyMySQL
  - python3-SPARQLWrapper
  - python3-SQLAlchemy
  - python3-Sphinx-doc
  - python3-Sphinx-doc-man
  - python3-Sphinx-latex
  - python3-Tempita
  - python3-Twisted
  - python3-WSGIProxy2 
  - python3-apipkg 
  - python3-astroid 
  - python3-attrs 
  - python3-audit 
  - python3-backports 
  - python3-backports_abc 
  - python3-beautifulsoup4-doc 
  - python3-betamax 
  - python3-boost_parallel_mpi1_66_0 
  - python3-caca 
  - python3-capng 
  - python3-case 
  - python3-ceilometerclient 
  - python3-clang 
  - python3-configparser2 
  - python3-constantly 
  - python3-cov-core 
  - python3-datrie 
  - python3-ddt 
  - python3-debian 
  - python3-deltarpm 
  - python3-doc 
  - python3-dulwich 
  - python3-editdistance 
  - python3-elasticsearch 
  - python3-ethtool 
  - python3-eventlet 
  - python3-eventlet-doc 
  - python3-execnet 
  - python3-execnet-doc 
  - python3-extras 
  - python3-fasteners 
  - python3-fixtures 
  - python3-flake8 
  - python3-flaky 
  - python3-freezegun 
  - python3-gexiv2 
  - python3-gobject-devel 
  - python3-gom 
  - python3-gpg 
  - python3-gpgme 
  - python3-greenlet-devel 
  - python3-gunicorn 
  - python3-gzipstream 
  - python3-html5lib 
  - python3-httpbin 
  - python3-httpretty 
  - python3-hyperlink 
  - python3-hypothesis 
  - python3-ibus 
  - python3-incremental 
  - python3-influxdb 
  - python3-iniparse 
  - python3-ipa_hbac 
  - python3-isort 
  - python3-jedi 
  - python3-kafka-python 
  - python3-kmod
  - python3-lazy-object-proxy 
  - python3-ldns 
  - python3-lensfun 
  - python3-libaccounts 
  - python3-libftdi1 
  - python3-libixion 
  - python3-liborcus 
  - python3-libpfm 
  - python3-libproxy 
  - python3-lilv 
  - python3-linecache2 
  - python3-lockfile 
  - python3-lxml-doc 
  - python3-m2r 
  - python3-magnumclient 
  - python3-matplotlib 
  - python3-matplotlib-latex 
  - python3-mccabe 
  - python3-mistune 
  - python3-mox3 
  - python3-msgpack-python 
  - python3-net-snmp 
  - python3-networkx 
  - python3-nghttp2 
  - python3-nine 
  - python3-nose-exclude 
  - python3-numpydoc 
  - python3-olefile 
  - python3-opencv 
  - python3-openstackdocstheme 
  - python3-openvswitch 
  - python3-openvswitch-test 
  - python3-openwsman 
  - python3-os-testr 
  - python3-osa-dispatcher 
  - python3-oslo.concurrency 
  - python3-oslo.context 
  - python3-oslo.log 
  - python3-oslosphinx 
  - python3-oslotest 
  - python3-osprofiler 
  - python3-parso 
  - python3-pcp 
  - python3-pkginfo 
  - python3-pretend 
  - python3-process-tests 
  - python3-progressbar 
  - python3-prometheus-client 
  - python3-protobuf 
  - python3-psycopg2 
  - python3-pwquality 
  - python3-pyasn1-modules 
  - python3-pycodestyle 
  - python3-pydot 
  - python3-pyflakes
  - python3-pyinotify
  - python3-pylint 
  - python3-pymongo 
  - python3-pyparsing-doc 
  - python3-pyquery 
  - python3-pyroute2 
  - python3-pytest 
  - python3-pytest-cache 
  - python3-pytest-cov 
  - python3-pytest-expect 
  - python3-pytest-forked 
  - python3-pytest-httpbin 
  - python3-pytest-mock 
  - python3-pytest-relaxed 
  - python3-pytest-runner 
  - python3-pytest-xdist 
  - python3-python-daemon 
  - python3-python-editor 
  - python3-python-gflags 
  - python3-python-memcached 
  - python3-python-mimeparse 
  - python3-python-qpid-proton 
  - python3-python-subunit 
  - python3-pyxdg 
  - python3-pyzmq-devel 
  - python3-rdflib 
  - python3-redis 
  - python3-reno 
  - python3-reportlab 
  - python3-requests-mock 
  - python3-retrying
  - python3-rnginline
  - python3-rrdtool
  - python3-sanlock
  - python3-sasl
  - python3-scipy
  - python3-setuptools_scm
  - python3-simplejson-test
  - python3-sphinx-testing
  - python3-sqlparse
  - python3-sss-murmur
  - python3-sss_nss_idmap
  - python3-stestr
  - python3-suds-jurko
  - python3-sure
  - python3-susepubliccloudinfo-amazon
  - python3-tbb
  - python3-tdb
  - python3-testrepository
  - python3-testresources
  - python3-testscenarios
  - python3-testsuite 
  - python3-testtools 
  - python3-tevent 
  - python3-traceback2 
  - python3-u-msgpack-python 
  - python3-unicodecsv 
  - python3-unittest2 
  - python3-vcversioner
  - python3-vine 
  - python3-voluptuous 
  - python3-webencodings 
  - python3-websockify 
  - python3-xcb-proto-devel 
  - python3-zope.event 
  - python3-zope.interface 

  - ruby2\..-rubygem-.*-doc
  - ruby2\..-rubygem-.*-testsuite
  - ruby2.5-doc
  - ruby2.5-doc-ri
  # unless something requires the gems, we don't want to ship them
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-arel-6
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-binding_of_caller
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-debug_inspector
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-diff-lcs
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-erubis
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-execjs
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-haml
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-html2haml
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-libyui-rake
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types-1
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types-data
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-pkg-config
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-rack-1_6
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-rails-deprecated_sanitizer
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-rails-dom-testing-1_0
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-ruby_parser
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-sexp_processor
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-spring
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-temple
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-tilt-1_4
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-uglifier
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-web-console-2
  - ruby2.5-rubygem-websocket-driver

  - lua51-luafilesystem
  - lua51-luaposix
  - lua51-luaterm
  - openmpi2-testsuite
  - mpiP-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-doc
  - hdf5-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-module
  - libhdf5-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libhdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - hdf5-mvapich2
  - hdf5-mvapich2-devel
  - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-static
  - libhdf5-101-mvapich2
  - libhdf5_fortran100-mvapich2
  - libhdf5_hl100-mvapich2
  - libhdf5hl_fortran100-mvapich2
  - hdf5-openmpi
  - hdf5-openmpi-devel
  - hdf5-openmpi-devel-static
  - libhdf5-101-openmpi
  - libhdf5_fortran100-openmpi
  - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi
  - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi
  - libnetcdf-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static
  - libnetcdf11-openmpi
  - netcdf-openmpi
  - netcdf-openmpi-devel
  - netcdf-openmpi-devel-data
  - netcdf-openmpi-devel-static
  - libnetcdf11
  - libnetcdf_c\+\+4-1
  - libnetcdf_c\+\+4-devel
  - netcdf-cxx4-tools
  - libnetcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libnetcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static
  - libopenblas_openmp-devel
  - libopenblas_openmp0
  - openblas_openmp-devel-static
  - libopenblas_pthreads-devel
  - libopenblas_pthreads0
  - openblas_pthreads-devel-static
  - libopenblas_serial-devel
  - libopenblas_serial0
  - openblas-devel
  - openblas-devel-headers
  - openblas_serial-devel-static
  - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static
  - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static
  - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-module
  - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-test
  - libpetsc-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libpetsc_3_7_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - petsc-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - petsc_3_7_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - libpetsc3
  - petsc-devel
  - fftw3-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static
  - libfftw3-gnu-openmpi1-hpc
  - libfftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc

# for [s390x,ppc64le]
  # conman
  - conman
  # hwloc
  - hwloc
  - hwloc-data
  - hwloc-devel
  - hwloc-doc
  - libhwloc5
  # lua-luafilesystem
  - lua53-luafilesystem
  # lua-luaposix
  - lua53-luaposix
  - luaposix-doc
  # lua-luaterm
  - lua53-luaterm
  # lua-lmod
  - lua-lmod
  - lua-lmod-doc
  # ohpc
  - ohpc
  # munge
  - munge
  - libmunge2
  - munge-devel
  # mrsh
  - mrsh
  - mrsh-rsh-compat
  - mrsh-server
  - mrsh-rsh-server-compat
  # pdsh
  - pdsh
  - pdsh-genders
  - pdsh-slurm
  - pdsh-dshgroup
  - pdsh-machines
  - pdsh-netgroup
  # prun-ohpc
  - prun-ohpc
  # slurm
  - slurm
  - slurm-node
  - slurm-config
  - libslurm32
  - libpmi0
  - perl-slurm
  - slurm-auth-none
  - slurm-devel
  - slurm-doc
  - slurm-lua
  - slurm-munge
  - slurm-pam_slurm
  - slurm-plugins
  - slurm-slurmdbd
  - slurm-sql
  - slurm-torque
  # slurm - not shipped
  # suse-hpc
  - suse-hpc
  # gnu-compilers-hpc
  - gnu-compilers-hpc
  - gnu-compilers-hpc-devel
  - gnu-compilers-hpc-macros-devel
  # ganglia
  - ganglia-devel
  - ganglia-gmetad
  - ganglia-gmetad-skip-bcheck
  - ganglia-gmond
  - ganglia-gmond-modules-python
  - libganglia0
  # ganglia-web
  - ganglia-web
  # genders
  - genders
  - genders-base
  - genders-devel
  - libgenders0
  - libgendersplusplus2
  - perl-genders
  - python-genders
  - genders-perl-compat

  - hdf5
  - hdf5-devel
  - hdf5-devel-static
  - libhdf5-101 
  - libhdf5_cpp101 
  - libhdf5_fortran100 
  - libhdf5_hl100 
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp100 
  - libhdf5hl_fortran100 
  - mvapich2-psm-devel-static
  - mvapich2-psm-doc 
  - mvapich2-psm2-devel-static
  - mvapich2-psm2-doc
  - netcdf
  - netcdf-devel
  - netcdf-devel-data
  - netcdf-devel-static
  - libblacs2-mvapich2
  - libblacs2-mvapich2-devel
  - libblacs2-mvapich2-devel-static
  - libblacs2-openmpi
  - libblacs2-openmpi-devel
  - libblacs2-openmpi-devel-static
  - libscalapack2-mvapich2
  - libscalapack2-mvapich2-devel
  - libscalapack2-mvapich2-devel-static
  - libscalapack2-openmpi
  - libscalapack2-openmpi-devel
  - libscalapack2-openmpi-devel-static
  - hdf
  - hdf-devel
  - hdf-devel-data
  - hdf-devel-static
  - hdf-openmpi
  - hdf-openmpi-devel
  - hdf-openmpi-devel-static
  - libhdf4
  - libhdf4-openmpi
  - mpich-ofi
  - mpich-ofi-devel

  - openmpi1-gnu-hpc 
  - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-macros-devel 
  - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc 
  - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel 
  - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel-static 
  - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-macros-devel 
  - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-testsuite 
  - libopenmpi1-gnu-hpc
  - libopenmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc
  - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mpich-hpc-saws
  - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-saws
  - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-saws
  - mpitests-mpich-ofi
  - mpitests-mpich-gnu-hpc
  - mpitests-mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc
  - mpitests-mvapich2-gnu-hpc
  - mpitests-mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc
  - mpitests-mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc
  - mpitests-openmpi
  - mpitests-openmpi1-gnu-hpc
  - mpitests-openmpi2-gnu-hpc

# for [s390x,ppc64le]
  # mvapich2
  - mvapich2-gnu-hpc
  - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-doc
  - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc
  - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc-doc
  - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc
  - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-doc
  - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc
  - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc-doc
  - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc
  - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-doc
  - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc-doc
  - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  # openmpi2
  - libopenmpi2-gnu-hpc
  - libopenmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc
  - openmpi2-gnu-hpc
  - openmpi2-gnu-hpc-devel
  - openmpi2-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - openmpi2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc
  - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-devel
  - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-testsuite
  # mpich
  - mpich-gnu-hpc
  - mpich-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mpich-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - mpich_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mpich_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - mpich_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
  - mpich_3_2_1-gnu-hpc
  - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc
  - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mpich-ofi_3_2_1-gnu-hpc
  - mpich-ofi_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-devel
  - mpich-ofi_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  # mpiP
  - mpiP-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-doc
  - mpiP-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-doc
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static
  - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-doc
  - mpiP-gnu-mpich-hpc

# for [s390x,ppc64le]
  # papi
  - libpapi_5_5_1-hpc
  - papi-hpc
  - papi-hpc-devel
  - papi_5_5_1-hpc
  - papi_5_5_1-hpc-devel
  - papi_5_5_1-hpc-devel-static
  # hdf5
  - hdf5-devel-data
  - hdf5-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module
  - libhdf5-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libhdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - hdf5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module
  - libhdf5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libhdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - hdf5-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-module
  - libhdf5-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libhdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - hdf5-examples
  - hdf5-gnu-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc-devel
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc-module
  - libhdf5-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_cpp-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_1-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_1_10_1-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_1-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-hpc
  - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-hpc
  # netcdf
  - libnetcdf-gnu-hpc
  - libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - libnetcdf-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static
  - libnetcdf-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static
  - libnetcdf-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - netcdf-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static
  # netcdf-cxx4
  - libnetcdf-cxx4-gnu-hpc
  - libnetcdf-cxx4-gnu-hpc-devel
  - libnetcdf-cxx4_4_3_0-gnu-hpc
  - libnetcdf-cxx4_4_3_0-gnu-hpc-devel
  - libnetcdf-cxx4_4_3_0-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - netcdf-cxx4-gnu-hpc-tools
  - netcdf-cxx4_4_3_0-gnu-hpc-tools
  # netcdf-fortran
  - libnetcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libnetcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static
  - libnetcdf-fortran-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libnetcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static
  # openblas
  - libopenblas-gnu-hpc
  - libopenblas-gnu-hpc-devel
  - libopenblas_0_2_20-gnu-hpc
  - libopenblas_0_2_20-gnu-hpc-devel
  - openblas_0_2_20-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - libopenblas-pthreads-gnu-hpc
  - libopenblas-pthreads-gnu-hpc-devel
  - libopenblas-pthreads_0_2_20-gnu-hpc
  - libopenblas-pthreads_0_2_20-gnu-hpc-devel
  - openblas-pthreads_0_2_20-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  # scalapack
  - blacs-devel-headers
  - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static
  - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static
  - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module
  - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-test
  - blacs-devel-headers
  - libblacs2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libblacs2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static
  - libscalapack2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libscalapack2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static
  - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module
  - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-test
  - libblacs2-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libblacs2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static
  - libscalapack2-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libscalapack2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static
  - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-module
  - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-test
  # petsc
  - libpetsc-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libpetsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - petsc-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - libpetsc-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libpetsc_3_8_3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - petsc-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - libpetsc-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libpetsc_3_8_3-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - petsc-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - petsc-doc
   # fftw3
  - fftw3-gnu-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel-static
  - libfftw3-gnu-hpc
  - libfftw3_3_3_6-gnu-hpc
  - fftw3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static
  - libfftw3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - libfftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
  - fftw3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static
  - libfftw3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - libfftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mvapich2-hpc
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static
  - libfftw3-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - libfftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mpich-hpc
  - fftw3-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel
  # python-numpy
  - python3-numpy-gnu-hpc
  - python3-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel
  - python3-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc
  - python3-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-devel

# YaST pkgs
  - aytests-tests
  - yast2-ca-management
  - yast2-inetd
  - yast2-inetd-doc
  - yast2-installation-control # maybe a candidate for DevTools...
  - yast2-metapackage-handler
  - yast2-pkg-bindings-devel-doc
  - yast2-python3-bindings
  - yast2-python-bindings
  - yast2-trans
  - yast2-trans-allpacks
  - yast2-trans-am
  - yast2-trans-ast
  - yast2-trans-be
  - yast2-trans-eo
  - yast2-trans-eu
  - yast2-trans-he
  - yast2-trans-kn
  - yast2-trans-ku
  - yast2-trans-ms
  - yast2-trans-my
  - yast2-trans-nds
  - yast2-trans-nn
  - yast2-trans-sw
  - yast2-trans-tg
  - yast2-trans-tk
  - yast2-update-FACTORY
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