File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.18116
<patchinfo incident="18116">
<issue tracker="cve" id="2020-26116"/>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1181571">Catchall bug for build issues in setting up openSUSE Leap 15.3 for armv7hl</issue>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1177211">VUL-1: CVE-2020-26116: python,python36,python3,python27,python-urllib3: CRLF injection via HTTP request method in httplib/http.client</issue>
<summary>Security update for python-urllib3</summary>
<description>This update for python-urllib3 fixes the following issues:
- CVE-2020-26116: Raise ValueError if method contains control characters and thus prevent CRLF injection into URLs (bsc#1177211).
- Skip test for RECENT_DATE (bsc#1181571).