File ccx-2.8-no-local-compare.patch of Package ccx

--- ccx_2.6/test/compare.orig	2013-07-09 18:35:53.000000000 +0200
+++ ccx_2.6/test/compare	2013-07-11 21:54:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -19,11 +19,21 @@
 	rm -f ${i%.inp}.frd
+#	beamread test? This one is special
+	if [ "$i" == "beamread.inp" ]; then
+		rm -f beamread.rin
+		rm -f beamwrite.rout
+		/usr/bin/ccx_2.5 -i beamwrite
+		mv beamwrite.rout beamread.rin
+	fi
 #       executing CalculiX and generating the .dat and
 #       the .frd file
-        /usr/local/bin/ccx_2.8p2  ${i%.inp} >> $tempfile 2>&1
+        /usr/bin/ccx_2.8p2  ${i%.inp} >> $tempfile 2>&1
 #       check whether the .dat and .dat.ref files exist
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