File ccx.changes of Package ccx

Wed Jul 19 23:23:47 UTC 2017 -

- update to 2.12

Sun May 31 16:27:13 UTC 2015 -

- Update to 2.8p2:
- Procedures:
  * computational Fluid Dynamics based on finite volumes works for 
    laminar incompressible flow
  * for frequency calculations participation factors and relative 
    effective modal masses are calculated and stored in the .dat
  * rayleigh damping (*DAMPING), contact damping and dashpots were 
    implemented for nonlinear dynamic calculations (*DYNAMIC) 
  * magnetostatic and inductive heating calculations are available 
    with the *ELECTROMAGNETICS keyword
  * surfaces tied by cyclic symmetry conditions can now also be 
  * stiffness of a substructure (= superelement) can be calculated 
    and stored using the *SUBSTRUCTURE GENERATE and *SUBSTRUCTURE 
    MATRIX OUTPUT cards 
- Elements:
  * beams with a pipe section were implemented (= square cross 
    section with special integration scheme) 
  * replaced the expandable rigid bodies by mean rotations MPC's 
    for the app of rotations and/or moments to beams and shells
- Materials:
  * a linear elastoplastic material was implemented (additive 
    decomposition of the total strain)
  * a Ciarlet type elastic model for large deformations was 
  * a single crystal creep model was implemented
- Output:
  * the text underneath *HEADING is stored in the frd-file 
  * POT, ECD, EMFE and EMFB labels for the output of the electric 
    potential, electric current density, electric field and 
    magnetic field into the .frd-file
- Update patches:
  * ccx-2.6-build.patch -> ccx-2.8-build.patch
  * ccx-2.6-no-local-compare.patch -> ccx-2.8-no-local-compare.patch
  * ccx-2.0-spooles-dynamic.patch -> ccx-2.8-spooles-dynamic.patch

Tue Oct 28 17:49:48 UTC 2014 -

- Fix build error on openSUSE > 12.3:
  * add BuildRequires: tex(pst-tools.tex)

Thu Jul 11 20:29:28 UTC 2013 -

- version 2.6
 * See for details 

Mon Mar 18 21:59:06 UTC 2013 -

- fix latex requirements on 12.3 and Factory 

Tue Oct  9 18:58:37 UTC 2012 -

- version 2.5
 * See for details
- spec file cleanup and reformating
- update patches 

Tue Jul  3 20:08:04 UTC 2012 -

- add patch from Guido Dhondt to fix compiler warnings 

Thu Jun  7 20:27:07 UTC 2012 -

- do not link against openblas since arpack is linked against
  reference blas and lapack 

Sun May  6 20:53:51 UTC 2012 -

- spec file cleanup 

Wed Mar 21 21:50:49 UTC 2012 -

- version 2.4
- fix documentation build on recent texlive
- change package group
- doc package is noarch for 11.3 and higher 

Fri Mar 16 22:20:23 UTC 2012 -

- update patch0 to use openblas 

Mon Mar 12 21:24:57 UTC 2012 -

- use arpack-ng instead of arpack 

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