File README.SUSE of Package smokeping
Smokeping on SuSE
To enable smokeping frontend in apache
type in console:
# a2enflag SMOKEPING
# a2enmod fastcgi
# service apache2 restart
or if you wanna remove it from apache configuration
type in console:
# a2enflag -d SMOKEPING
# a2enmod -d fastcgi
# service apache2 restart
or reload if apache restart is too disrupting
If you want to use the fping probe you need to make the fping binary
setuid root. ("chmod u+s /usr/sbin/fping")
If you want this to work from non-LAN (RFC1918) IPs, edit the apache config
file at /etc/apache2/conf.d/smokeping.conf to allow your IP ranges
rrdtool DBs:
image cache:
pid file: