File python-gevent.changes of Package python-gevent

Tue Aug  7 15:22:15 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 1.3.5
  * Update the bundled libuv from 1.20.1 to 1.22.0.
  * Test Python 3.7 on Appveyor. Fix the handling of Popen's
    ``close_fds`` argument on 3.7.
  * Update Python versions tested on Travis, including PyPy to 6.0. See :issue:`1195`.
  * :mod:`gevent.queue` imports ``_PySimpleQueue`` instead of
    ``SimpleQueue`` so that it doesn't block the event loop.
    :func:`gevent.monkey.patch_all` makes this same substitution in
    :mod:`queue`. This fixes issues with
    :class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor` as well. Reported in
    :issue:`1248` by wwqgtxx and :issue:`1251` by pyld.
  * :meth:`gevent.socket.socket.connect` doesn't pass the port (service)
    to :func:`socket.getaddrinfo` when it resolves an ``AF_INET`` or
    ``AF_INET6`` address. (The standard library doesn't either.) This
    fixes an issue on Solaris. Reported in :issue:`1252` by wiggin15.
  * :meth:`gevent.socket.socket.connect` works with more address
    families, notably AF_TIPC, AF_NETLINK, AF_BLUETOOTH, AF_ALG and AF_VSOCK.
- Update to 1.3.4
  * Be more careful about issuing ``MonkeyPatchWarning`` for ssl
    imports. Now, we only issue it if we detect the one specific
    condition that is known to lead to RecursionError. This may produce
    false negatives, but should reduce or eliminate false positives.
  * Based on measurements and discussion in :issue:`1233`, adjust the
    way :mod:`gevent.pywsgi` generates HTTP chunks. This is intended to
    reduce network overhead, especially for smaller chunk sizes.
  * Additional slight performance improvements in :mod:`gevent.pywsgi`.
    See :pr:`1241`.

Wed Jun 13 17:58:41 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 1.3.3
  * :func:`gevent.sleep` updates the loop's notion of the current time
    before sleeping so that sleep duration corresponds more closely to
    elapsed (wall clock) time. :class:`gevent.Timeout` does the same.
    Reported by champax and FoP in :issue:`1227`.
  * Fix an ``UnboundLocalError`` in SSL servers when wrapping a socket
    throws an error. Reported in :issue:`1236` by kochelmonster.
- Update to 1.3.2
  * Allow weak refeneces to :class:`gevent.queue.Queue`. Reported in
    :issue:`1217` by githrdw.
- Update to 1.3.1
  * Allow weak references to :class:`gevent.event.Event`. Reported in
    :issue:`1211` by Matias Guijarro.
  * Fix embedded uses of :func:`gevent.Greenlet.spawn`, especially under
    uwsgi. Reported in :issue:`1212` by Kunal Gangakhedkar.
  * Fix :func:`gevent.os.nb_write` and :func:`gevent.os.nb_read` not
    always closing the IO event they opened in the event of an
    exception. This would be a problem especially for libuv.
- Update to 1.3.0
  + Dependencies
    * Cython 0.28.2 is now used to build gevent from a source checkout.
    * The bundled libuv is now 1.19.2, up from 1.18.0.
    * On Windows, CFFI is now a dependency so that the libuv backend
      really can be used by default.
    * Cython 0.28b1 or later is now required to build gevent from a source
      checkout (Cython is *not* required to build a source distribution
      from PyPI).
    * Update c-ares to 1.14.0. See :issue:`1105`.
    * The bundled libuv is now 1.20.1, up from 1.19.2. See :issue:`1177`.
    * gevent now **requires** the patched version of libuv it is
      distributed with. Building gevent with a non-embedded libuv, while
      not previously supported, is not possible now. See
    * gevent is now built and tested with Cython 0.27. This is required
      for Python 3.7 support.
    * Update c-ares to 1.13.0. See :issue:`990`.
  + Platform Support
    * Travis CI tests on Python 3.7.0b3.
    * Windows now defaults to the libuv backend if CFFI is installed. See
    * Python 3.7 passes the automated memory leak checks. See :issue:`1197`.
    * Python 3.7.0b4 is now the tested and supported version of Python
      3.7. PyPy 6.0 has been tested, although CI continues to use 5.10.
    * Travis CI tests on Python 3.7.0b2 and PyPy 2.7 5.10.0 and PyPy 3.5
    * Add initial support for Python 3.7a3. It has the same level of
      support as Python 3.6.
      > Using unreleased Cython 0.28 and greenlet 0.4.13; requires Python 3.7a3.
      > The ``async`` functions and classes have been renamed to
        ``async_`` due to ``async`` becoming a keyword in Python 3.7.
        Aliases are still in place for older versions. See :issue:`1047`.
    * gevent is now tested on Python 3.6.4. This includes the following
      fixes and changes:
      > Errors raised from :mod:`gevent.subprocess` will have a
        ``filename`` attribute set.
      > The :class:`threading.Timer` class is now monkey-patched and can
        be joined. Previously on Python 3.4 and above, joining a ``Timer``
        would hang the process.
      > :meth:`gevent.ssl.SSLSocket.unwrap` behaves more like the standard
        library, including returning a SSLSocket and allowing certain
        timeout-related SSL errors to propagate. The added standard
        library tests ```` now passes.
      > :class:`gevent.subprocess.Popen` accepts a "path-like object" for
        the *cwd* parameter on all platforms. Previously this only worked
        on POSIX platforms under Python 3.6. Now it also works on Windows under
        Python 3.6 (as expected) and is backported to all previous versions.
    * Linux CI now tests on PyPy3 3.5-5.9.0, updated from PyPy3 3.5-5.7.1.
      See :issue:`1001`. PyPy2 has been updated to 5.9.0 from 5.7.1,
      Python 2.7 has been updated to 2.7.14 from 2.7.13, Python 3.4 is
      updated to 3.4.7 from 3.4.5, Python 3.5 is now 3.5.4 from 3.5.3, and
      Python 3.6 is now 3.6.4 from 3.6.0.
    * Drop support for Python 3.3. The documentation has only claimed
      support for 3.4+ since gevent 1.2 was released, and only 3.4+ has
      been tested. This merely removes the supporting Trove classifier and
      remaining test code. See :issue:`997`.
    * PyPy is now known to run on Windows using the libuv backend, with
      caveats. See the section on libuv for more information.
    * Due to security concerns, official support for Python 2.7.8 and
      earlier (without a modern SSL implementation) has been dropped.
      These versions are no longer tested with gevent, but gevent can
      still be installed on them. Supporting code will be removed in the
      next major version of gevent. See :issue:`1073`.
    * `gevent.subprocess.Popen` uses ``/proc/self/fd`` (on Linux) or
      ``/dev/fd`` (on BSD, including macOS) to find the file descriptors
      to close when ``close_fds`` is true. This matches an optimization
      added to Python 3 (and backports it to Python 2.7), making process
      spawning up to 9 times faster. Also, on Python 3, since Python 3.3
      is no longer supported, we can also optimize the case where
      ``close_fds`` is false (not the default), making process spawning up
      to 38 times faster. Initially reported in :issue:`1172` by Ofer Koren.
  + Bug Fixes
    * :class:`gevent.local.local` subclasses that mix-in ABCs can be instantiated.
      Reported in :issue:`1201` by Bob Jordan.
    * Fix a bug detecting whether we can use the memory monitoring
      features when psutil is not installed.
    * On Python 2, when monkey-patching `threading.Event`, also
      monkey-patch the underlying class, ``threading._Event``. Some code
      may be type-checking for that. See :issue:`1136`.
    * Fix libuv io watchers polling for events that only stopped watchers
      are interested in, reducing CPU usage. Reported in :issue:`1144` by
    * Fix calling ``shutdown`` on a closed socket. It was raising
      ``AttributeError``, now it once again raises the correct
      ``socket.error``. Reported in :issue:`1089` by André Cimander.
    * Fix an interpreter crash that could happen if two or more ``loop``
      objects referenced the default event loop and one of them was
      destroyed and then the other one destroyed or (in the libev C
      extension implementation only) deallocated (garbage collected). See
    * Fix a race condition in libuv child callbacks. See :issue:`1104`.
    * If a single greenlet created and destroyed many
      :class:`gevent.local.local` objects without ever exiting, there
      would be a leak of the function objects intended to clean up the
      locals after the greenlet exited. Introduce a weak reference to
      avoid that. Reported in :issue:`981` by Heungsub Lee.
    * pywsgi also catches and ignores by default
      :const:`errno.WSAECONNABORTED` on Windows. Initial patch in
      :pr:`999` by Jan van Valburg.
    * :meth:`gevent.subprocess.Popen.communicate` returns the correct type
      of str (not bytes) in universal newline mode under Python 3, or when
      an encoding has been specified. Initial patch in :pr:`939` by
      William Grzybowski.
    * :meth:`gevent.subprocess.Popen.communicate` (and in general,
      accessing ``Popen.stdout`` and ``Popen.stderr``) returns the correct
      type of str (bytes) in universal newline mode under Python 2.
      Previously it always returned unicode strings. Reported in
      :issue:`1039` by Michal Petrucha.
    * :class:`gevent.fileobject.FileObjectPosix` returns native strings in
      universal newline mode on Python 2. This is consistent with what
      :class:`.FileObjectThread` does. See :issue:`1039`.
    * ``socket.send()`` now catches ``EPROTOTYPE`` on macOS to handle a race
      condition during shutdown. Fixed in :pr:`1035` by Jay Oster.
    * :func:`gevent.socket.create_connection` now properly cleans up open
      sockets if connecting or binding raises a :exc:`BaseException` like
      :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt`, :exc:`greenlet.GreenletExit` or
      :exc:`gevent.timeout.Timeout`. Reported in :issue:`1044` by
  + Enhancements
    * Add additional optimizations for spawning greenlets, making it
      faster than 1.3a2.
    * Use strongly typed watcher callbacks in the libuv CFFI extensions.
      This prevents dozens of compiler warnings.
    * When gevent prints a timestamp as part of an error message, it is
      now in UTC format as specified by RFC3339.
    * Threadpool threads that exit now always destroy their hub (if one
      was created). This prevents some forms of resource leaks (notably
      visible as blocking functions reported by the new monitoring abilities).
    * Hub objects now include the value of their ``name`` attribute in
      their repr.
    * Pools for greenlets and threads have lower overhead, especially for
      ``map``. See :pr:`1153`.
    * The undocumented, internal implementation classes ``IMap`` and
      ``IMapUnordered`` classes are now compiled with Cython, further
      reducing the overhead of ``[Thread]Pool.imap``.
    * The classes `gevent.event.Event` and `gevent.event.AsyncResult`
      are compiled with Cython for improved performance, as is the
      ``gevent.queue`` module and ``gevent.hub.Waiter`` and certain
      time-sensitive parts of the hub itself. Please report any
      compatibility issues.
    * ``python -m gevent.monkey <script>`` accepts more values for
      ``<script>``, including paths to packages or compiled bytecode.
      Reported in :issue:`1157` by Eddie Linder.
    * Add a simple event framework for decoupled communication. It uses
      :mod:`zope.event` if that is installed.
    * :mod:`gevent.monkey` has support for plugins in the form of event
      subscribers and setuptools entry points. See :pr:`1158` and
      :issue:`1162`. setuptools must be installed at runtime for its entry
      points to function.
    * Add the ``dnspython`` resolver as a lightweight alternative to
      c-ares. It is generally faster than c-ares and is supported on PyPy.
      c-ares may be deprecated in the future. See :pr:`1088` and
    * Add the module :mod:`gevent.time` that can be imported instead of
      :mod:`time`, much like :mod:`gevent.socket` can be imported instead
      of :mod:`socket`. It contains ``gevent.sleep``. This aids
    * Simple subclasses of `gevent.local.local` now have the same
      (substantially improved) performance characteristics of plain
      `gevent.local.local` itself, making them 2 to 3 times faster than
      before. See :pr:`1117`. If there are any compatibility
      problems, please open issues.
    * Add `gevent.util.assert_switches` to build on the monitoring
      functions. Fixes :issue:`1182`.
    * A started monitor thread for the active hub now survives a fork. See
    * The greenlet tracer functions used for the various monitoring
      capabilities are now compiled with Cython for substantially lower
      overhead. See :pr:`1190`.
    * libuv now collects all pending watchers and runs their callbacks at
      the end of the loop iteration using UV_RUN_ONCE. This eliminates the
      need to patch libuv to be greenlet-safe. It also means that
      zero-duration timer watchers are actual timer watchers again
      (instead of being turned into check watchers); newly added
      zero-duration timers cannot block the event loop because they won't
      be run until a safe time.
  + Monitoring and Debugging
    * Introduce the configuration variable
      `gevent.config.track_greenlet_tree` (aka
      ``GEVENT_TRACK_GREENLET_TREE``) to allow disabling the greenlet tree
      features for applications where greenlet spawning is performance
      critical. This restores spawning performance to 1.2 levels.
    * Add an optional monitoring thread for each hub. When enabled, this
      thread (by default) looks for greenlets that block the event loop
      for more than 0.1s. You can add your own periodic monitoring
      functions to this thread. Set ``GEVENT_MONITOR_THREAD_ENABLE`` to
      use it, and ``GEVENT_MAX_BLOCKING_TIME`` to configure the blocking
    * The monitoring thread emits events when it detects certain
      conditions, like loop blocked or memory limits exceeded.
    * Add settings for monitoring memory usage and emitting events when a
      threshold is exceeded and then corrected. gevent currently supplies
      no policy for what to do when memory exceeds the configured limit.
      ``psutil`` must be installed to use this. See :pr:`1150`.
    * Greenlet objects now keep track of their spawning parent greenlet
      and the code location that spawned them, in addition to maintaining
      a "spawn tree local" mapping. This adds some runtime overhead in
      relative terms, but absolute numbers are still relatively small.
      Based on a proposal from PayPal and comments by Mahmoud Hashemi and
      Kurt Rose. See :issue:`755` and :pr:`1115`. As always, feedback is
    * Greenlet objects now have a `minimal_ident
      <gevent.Greenlet.minimal_ident>` property. It functions
      similarly to ``Thread.ident`` or ``id`` by uniquely identifying the
      greenlet object while it remains alive, and it can be reused after
      the greenlet object is dead. It is different in that it is small and
      sequential. Based on a proposal from PayPal and comments by Mahmoud
      Hashemi and Kurt Rose. See :issue:`755`. As always, feedback is
    * `gevent.Greenlet` objects now have a ``
      attribute that is included in the default repr.
    * Include the values of `gevent.local.local` objects associated with
      each greenlet in `gevent.util.format_run_info`.
    * Add `gevent.util.GreenletTree` to visualize the greenlet tree. This
      is used by `gevent.util.format_run_info`.
  + Build Changes
    * Fix building from a source distribution (PyPI) without Cython
    * When building gevent from a source checkout (*not* a distributed
      source distribution), ``make`` is no longer required and the
      ``Makefile`` is not used. Neither is an external ``cython`` command.
      Instead, the ``cythonize`` function is used, as recommended by
      Cython. (The external commands were never required by source
      distributions.) See :issue:`1076`.
    * :class:`gevent.local.local` is compiled with Cython on CPython.
    * The Cython ares 'channel' class is no longer declared to be publicly
      accessible from a named C structure. Doing so caused a conflict with
      the c-ares header files.
    * Update autoconf's config.guess and config.sub to the latest versions
      for c-ares and libev.
  + Subprocess
    * Make :class:`gevnt.subprocess.Popen` accept the ``restore_signals``
      keyword argument on all versions of Python, and on Python 2 have it
      default to false. It previously defaulted to true on all versions;
      now it only defaults to true on Python 3. The standard library in
      Python 2 does not have this argument and its behaviour with regards
      to signals is undocumented, but there is code known to rely on
      signals not being restored under Python 2. Initial report and patch
      in :pr:`1063` by Florian Margaine.
    * Allow :class:`gevent.subprocess.Popen` to accept the keyword
      arguments ``pass_fds`` and ``start_new_session`` under Python 2.
      They have always had the same default as Python 3, namely an empty
      tuple and false, but now are accessible to Python 2.
    * Support the ``capture_output`` argument added to Python 3.7 in
  + Configuration
    * Centralize all gevent configuration in an object at
      ``gevent.config``, allowing for gevent to be configured through code
      and not *necessarily* environment variables, and also provide a
      centralized place for documentation. See :issue:`1090`.
      > The new ``GEVENT_CORE_CFFI_ONLY`` environment variable has been
        replaced with the pre-existing ``GEVENT_LOOP`` environment
        variable. That variable may take the values ``libev-cext``,
        ``libev-cffi``, or ``libuv-cffi``, (or be a list in preference
        order, or be a dotted name; it may also be assigned to an
        object in Python code at ``gevent.config.loop``).
      > The ``GEVENTARES_SERVERS`` environment variable is deprecated in
        favor of ``GEVENT_RESOLVER_SERVERS``. See :issue:`1103`.
  + Other Changes
    * The internal, undocumented module ``gevent._threading`` has been
    * The internal, undocumented class ``gevent._socket3._fileobject`` has
      been removed. See :issue:`1084`.
    * Simplify handling of the libev default loop and the ``destroy()``
      method. The default loop, when destroyed, can again be requested and
      it will regenerate itself. The default loop is the only one that can
      receive child events.
    * Make :meth:`gevent.socket.socket.sendall` up to ten times faster on
      PyPy3, through the same change that was applied in gevent 1.1b3 for PyPy2.
    * Be more careful about issuing a warning about patching SSL on
      Python 2. See :issue:`1108`.
    * Signal handling under PyPy with libuv is more reliable. See
    * The :mod:`gevent.greenlet` module is now compiled with Cython to
      offset any performance decrease due to :issue:`755`. Please open
      issues for any compatibility concerns. See :pr:`1115` and :pr:`1120`.
    * On CPython, allow the pure-Python implementations of
      `gevent.Greenlet`, `gevent.local` and `gevent.lock` to be
      used when the environment variable ``PURE_PYTHON`` is set. This is
      not recommended except for debugging and testing. See :issue:`1118`.
    * :meth:`` now interprets a *timeout* of -1 the
      same as a *timeout* of *None* as the standard requires. Previously,
      on libuv this was interpreted the same as a *timeout* of 0. In
      addition, all *timeout* values less than zero are interpreted like
      *None* (as they always were under libev). See :issue:`1127`.
    * Monkey-patching now defaults to patching ``threading.Event``.
    * ``Pool.add`` now accepts ``blocking`` and ``timeout`` parameters,
      which function similarly to their counterparts in ``Semaphore``.
      See :pr:`1032` by Ron Rothman.
    * Defer adjusting the stdlib's list of active threads until
      ``threading`` is monkey patched. Previously this was done when
      :mod:`gevent.threading` was imported. That module is documented to
      be used as a helper for monkey patching, so this should generally
      function the same, but some applications ignore the documentation
      and directly import that module anyway.
      A positive consequence is that ``import gevent.threading, threading;
      threading.current_thread()`` will no longer return a DummyThread
      before monkey-patching. Another positive consequence is that PyPy
      will no longer print a ``KeyError`` on exit if
      :mod:`gevent.threading` was imported *without* monkey-patching.
      See :issue:`984`.
    * Specify the Requires-Python metadata for improved installation
      support in certain tools (setuptools v24.2.1 or newer is required).
      See :issue:`995`.
    * Monkey-patching after the :mod:`ssl` module has been imported now
      prints a warning because this can produce ``RecursionError``.
    * :class:`gevent.local.local` objects are now approximately 3.5 times faster
      getting, setting and deleting attributes on PyPy. This involved
      implementing more of the attribute protocols directly. Please open
      an issue if you have any compatibility problems. See :issue:`1020`.
    * :class:`gevent.local.local` is compiled with Cython on CPython. It
      was already 5 to 6 times faster due to the work on :issue:`1020`,
      and compiling it with Cython makes it another 5 to 6 times faster,
      for a total speed up of about 35 times. It is now in the same
      ballpark as the native :class:`threading.local` class. It also uses
      one pointer less memory per object, and one pointer less memory per
      greenlet. See :pr:`1024`.
    * More safely terminate subprocesses on Windows with
      :meth:`gevent.subprocess.Popen.terminate`. Reported in :issue:`1023`
      by Giacomo Debidda.
    * gevent now uses cffi's "extern 'Python'" callbacks. These should be
      faster and more stable. This requires at least cffi 1.4.0. See :issue:`1049`.
    * gevent now approximately tries to stick to a scheduling interval
      when running callbacks, instead of simply running a count of
      callbacks. The interval is determined by
      :func:`gevent.getswitchinterval`. On Python 3, this is the same as
      the thread switch interval. On Python 2, this defaults to 0.005s and
      can be changed with :func:`gevent.setswitchinterval`. This should
      result in more fair "scheduling" of greenlets, especially when
      ``gevent.sleep(0)`` or other busy callbacks are in use. The interval
      is checked every 50 callbacks to keep overhead low. See
      :issue:`1072`. With thanks to Arcadiy Ivanov and Antonio Cuni.
    * The long-deprecated and undocumented module ``gevent.wsgi`` was removed.
  + libuv
    * Add initial *experimental* support for using libuv as a backend
      instead of libev, controlled by setting the environment variable
      ``GEVENT_CORE_CFFI_ONLY=libuv`` before importing gevent. This
      suffers a number of limitations compared to libev, notably:
      > libuv support is not available in the manylinux wheels uploaded to
        PyPI. The manylinux specification requires glibc 2.5, while libuv
        requires glibc 2.12. Install from source to access libuv on Linux
        (e.g., pip's ``--no-binary`` option).
      > Timers (such as ``gevent.sleep`` and ``gevent.Timeout``) only
        support a resolution of 1ms (in practice, it's closer to 1.5ms).
        Attempting to use something smaller will automatically increase it
        to 1ms and issue a warning. Because libuv only supports
        millisecond resolution by rounding a higher-precision clock to an
        integer number of milliseconds, timers apparently suffer from more
      > Using negative timeouts may behave differently from libev.
      > libuv blocks delivery of all signals, so signals are handled using
        an (arbitrary) 0.3 second timer. This means that signal handling
        will be delayed by up to that amount, and that the longest the
        event loop can sleep in the operating system's ``poll`` call is
        that amount. Note that this is what gevent does for libev on
        Windows too.
      > libuv only supports one io watcher per file descriptor, whereas
        libev and gevent have always supported many watchers using
        different settings. The libev behaviour is emulated at the Python
        level, but that adds overhead.
      > Looping multiple times and expecting events for the same file
        descriptor to be raised each time without any data being read or
        written (as works with libev) does not appear to work correctly on
        Linux when using ```` or a monkey-patched
      > The build system does not support using a system libuv; the
        embedded copy must be used. Using setuptools to compile libuv was
        the most portable method found.
      > If anything unexpected happens, libuv likes to ``abort()`` the
        entire process instead of reporting an error. For example, closing
        a file descriptor it is using in a watcher may cause the entire
        process to be exited.
      > There may be occasional otherwise unexplained and hard to
        duplicate crashes. If you can duplicate a crash, **please** submit
        an issue.
      > This is the only backend that PyPy can use on Windows. As of this
        alpha, there are many known issues with non-blocking sockets
        (e.g., as used by :mod:`asyncore`; see ````) and
        sometimes sockets not getting closed in a timely fashion
        (apparently; see ````) and communicating with
        subprocesses (it always hangs). Help tracking those down would be
        appreciated. Only PyPy2 is tested.
      Other differences include:
      > The order in which timers and other callbacks are invoked may be
        different than in libev. In particular, timers and IO callbacks
        happen in a different order, and timers may easily be off by up to
        half of the supposed 1ms resolution. See :issue:`1057`.
      > Starting a ``timer`` watcher does not update the loop's time by
        default. This is because, unlike libev, a timer callback can cause
        other timer callbacks to be run if they expire because the loop's
        time updated, without cycling the event loop. See :issue:`1057`.
        libev has also been changed to follow this behaviour.
        Also see :issue:`1072`.
      > Timers of zero duration do not necessarily cause the event loop to
        cycle, as they do in libev. Instead, they may be called
        immediately. If zero duration timers are added from other zero
        duration timer callbacks, this can lead the loop to appear to
        hang, as no IO will actually be done.
        To mitigate this issue, ``loop.timer()`` detects attempts to use
        zero duration timers and turns them into a check watcher. check
        watchers do not support the ``again`` method.
      > All watchers (e.g., ````) and the ``Timeout`` class have a
        ``close`` method that should be called when code is done using the
        object (they also function as context managers and a ``with``
        statement will automatically close them). gevent does this
        internally for sockets, file objects and internal timeouts.
        Neglecting to close an object may result in leaking native
        resources. To debug this, set the environment variables
        ``GEVENT_DEBUG=debug`` and ``PYTHONTRACEMALLOC=n`` before starting
        the process.
        The traditional cython-based libev backend will not leak if
        ``close`` is not called and will not produce warnings. The
        CFFI-based libev backend will not currently leak but will produce
        warnings. The CFFI-based libuv backend may leak and will produce
      Again, this is extremely experimental and all of it is subject to
      See :issue:`790` for history and more in-depth discussion.
  + libev
    * The C extension has been updated to use more modern Cython idioms
      and generate less code for simplicity, faster compilation and better
      cache usage. See :pr:`1077`.
      > Watcher objects may be slightly larger. On a 64-bit platform, a
        typical watcher may be 16 bytes (2 pointers) larger. This is
        offset by slight performance gains.
      > Cython is no longer preprocessed. Certain attributes that were
        previously only defined in certain compilation modes (notably
        LIBEV_EMBED) are now always defined, but will raise
        ``AttributeError`` or have a negative value when not available. In
        general these attributes are not portable or documented and are
        not implemented by libuv or the CFFI backend. See :issue:`1076`.
      > Certain private helper functions (``gevent_handle_error``, and part of
        ``gevent_call``) are now implemented in Cython instead of C. This
        reduces our reliance on internal undocumented implementation
        details of Cython and Python that could change. See :pr:`1080`.

Tue Mar  6 15:26:44 UTC 2018 -

- Allows Recommends and Suggest in Fedora

Tue Feb 27 17:32:29 UTC 2018 -

- Recommends only for SUSE

Tue Jan 23 13:34:36 UTC 2018 -

- Disable building of the documentation: the make html call fails
  already, and with rpm 4.14, this aborts the entire build.
- Drop python-Sphinx buildrequires: not needed when not building
  the docs.

Wed Nov 22 15:29:26 UTC 2017 -

- add greenlet dependency to Python 3 as well (bsc#1055386)

Sun Nov 12 16:56:47 UTC 2017 -

- specfile:
  * added CHANGES.rst CONTRIBUTING.rst to %doc

- update to version 1.2.2:
  * Testing on Python 3.5 now uses Python 3.5.3 due to SSL
    changes. See :issue:`943`.
  * Linux CI has been updated from Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 14.04 since
    the former has reached EOL.
  * Linux CI now tests on PyPy2 5.7.1, updated from PyPy2 5.6.0.
  * Linux CI now tests on PyPy3 3.5-5.7.1-beta, updated from PyPy3
  * Python 2 sockets are compatible with the SOCK_CLOEXEC flag found
    on Linux. They no longer pass the socket type or protocol to
    getaddrinfo when connect is called. Reported in :issue:`944` by
    Bernie Hackett.
  * Replace optparse module with argparse. See :issue:`947`.
  * Update to version 1.3.1 of tblib to fix :issue:`954`, reported by
  * Fix the name of the type parameter to
    :func:`gevent.socket.getaddrinfo` to be correct on Python 3. This
    would cause callers using keyword arguments to raise a
    :exc:`TypeError`. Reported in :issue:`960` by js6626069. Likewise,
    correct the argument names for fromfd and socketpair on Python 2,
    although they cannot be called with keyword arguments under
    The gethost* functions take different argument names under CPython
    and PyPy. gevent follows the CPython convention, although these
    functions cannot be called with keyword arguments on CPython.
  * The previously-singleton exception objects FileObjectClosed and
    cancel_wait_ex were converted to classes. On Python 3, an
    exception object is stateful, including references to its context
    and possibly traceback, which could lead to objects remaining
    alive longer than intended.
  * Make sure that python -m gevent.monkey <script> runs code in the
    global scope, not the scope of the main function. Fixed in
    :pr:`975` by Shawn Bohrer.

Wed May 31 19:30:52 UTC 2017 -

- adjust buildrequirements for singlespec building on SLE_12 

Wed Apr 19 20:55:27 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version 1.2.1
  * CI services now test on 3.6.0.
  * Windows: Provide ``socket.socketpair`` for all Python 3 versions.
    This was added to Python 3.5, but tests were only added in 3.6.
    (For versions older than 3.4 this is a gevent extension.) Previously
    this was not supported on any Python 3 version.
  * Windows: List ``subprocess.STARTUPINFO`` in ``subprocess.__all__``
    for 3.6 compatibility.
  * The ``_DummyThread`` objects created by calling
    :func:`threading.current_thread` from inside a raw
    :class:`greenlet.greenlet` in a system with monkey-patched
    ``threading`` now clean up after themselves when the
    greenlet dies (:class:`gevent.Greenlet`-based ``_DummyThreads`` have
    always cleaned up). This requires the use of a :class:`weakref.ref`
    (and may not be timely on PyPy).
    Reported in :issue:`918` by frozenoctobeer.
  * Build OS X wheels with ``-D_DARWIN_FEATURE_CLOCK_GETTIME=0`` for
    compatibility with OS X releases before 10.12 Sierra. Reported by
    Ned Batchelder in :issue:`916`.
- Update to version 1.2.0
  * The c-ares DNS resolver ignores bad flags to getnameinfo, like the
    system resolver does. Discovered when cleaning up the DNS resolver
    tests to produce more reliable results. See :issue:`774`.
- Update to version 1.2a2
  * Update libev to version 4.23.
  * Allow the ``MAKE`` environment variable to specify the make command
    on non-Windows systems for ease of development on BSD systems where
    ``make`` is BSD make and ``gmake`` is GNU make (gevent requires GNU
    make). See :issue:`888`.
  * Let :class:`gevent.server.StreamServer` accept an ``SSLContext`` on
    Python versions that support it. Added in :pr:`904` by Arcadiy Ivanov.
- Update to version 1.2a1
  + Incompatible Changes
    * Support for Python 2.6 has been removed. See :pr:`766`.
    * Remove module ``gevent.coros`` which was replaced by ``gevent.lock``
      and has been deprecated since 1.0b2.
    * The internal implementation modules ``gevent.corecext`` and
      ``gevent.corecffi`` have been moved. Please import from
      ``gevent.core`` instead; this has always been the only documented place to
      import from.
  + Libraries and Installation
    * Update libev to version 4.22 (was 4.20).
    * Update tblib to 1.3.0.
    * Update Cython to 0.25 (was 0.23.5).
    * Update c-ares to version 1.12.0 (was 1.10.0) (`release notes <>`_).
    * For the benefit of downstream package maintainers, gevent is now
      tested with c-ares and libev linked dynamically and not embedded
      (i.e., using the system libraries). However, only the versions
      shipped with gevent are tested and known to work.
    * The repository directory layout has been changed to make it easier
      to include third-party dependencies. Likewise, the script
      has been split to make it easier to build third-party dependencies.
    * PyPy/CFFI: The corecffi native extension is now only built at
      installation time. Previously, if it wasn't available, a build was
      attempted at every import. This could lead to scattered "gevent"
      directories and undependable results.
    * setuptools is now required at build time on all platforms.
      Previously it was only required for Windows and PyPy.
    * POSIX: Don't hardcode ``/bin/sh`` into the configuration command
      line, instead relying on ``sh`` being on the ``PATH``, as
      recommended by `the standard <>`_.
      Fixed in :pr:`809` by Fredrix Fornwall.
  + Security
    * :mod:`gevent.pywsgi` now checks that the values passed to
      ``start_response`` do not contain a carriage return or newline in
      order to prevent HTTP response splitting (header injection), raising
      a :exc:`ValueError` if they do. See :issue:`775`.
    * Incoming headers containing an underscore are no longer placed in
      the WSGI environ. See :issue:`819`.
    * Errors logged by :class:`~gevent.pywsgi.WSGIHandler` no
      longer print the entire WSGI environment by default. This avoids
      possible information disclosure vulnerabilities. Applications can
      also opt-in to a higher security level for the WSGI environment if they
      choose and their frameworks support it. Originally reported
      in :pr:`779` by sean-peters-au and changed in :pr:`781`.
  + Platforms
    * As mentioned above, Python 2.6 is no longer supported.
    * Python 3.6 is now tested on POSIX platforms. This includes a few
      notable changes:
      * SSLContext.wrap_socket accepts the ``session`` parameter, though
        this parameter isn't useful prior to 3.6.
      * SSLSocket.recv(0) or read(0) returns an empty byte string. This is
        a fix for `Python bug #23804 <>`_
        which has also been merged into Python 2.7 and Python 3.5.
    * PyPy3 5.5.0 *alpha* (supporting Python 3.3.5) is now tested and passes the
      test suite. Thanks to btegs for :issue:`866`, and Fabio Utzig for :pr:`826`.
      Note that PyPy3 is not optimized for performance either by the PyPy
      developers or under gevent, so it may be significantly slower than PyPy2.
  + Stdlib Compatibility
    * The modules :mod:`gevent.os`, :mod:`gevent.signal` and
      :mod:`` export all the attributes from their
      corresponding standard library counterpart.
    * Python 2: ``reload(site)`` no longer fails with a ``TypeError`` if
      gevent has been imported. Reported in :issue:`805` by Jake Hilton.
    * Python 2: ``sendall`` on a non-blocking socket could spuriously fail
      with a timeout.
  + select/poll
    * If :func:`` is given a negative *timeout*
      argument, raise an exception like the standard library does.
    * If :func:`` is given closed or invalid
      file descriptors in any of its lists, raise the appropriate
      ``EBADF`` exception like the standard library does. Previously,
      libev would tend to return the descriptor as ready. In the worst
      case, this adds an extra system call, but may also reduce latency if
      descriptors are ready at the time of entry.
    * :class:`selectors.SelectSelector` is properly monkey-patched
      regardless of the order of imports. Reported in :issue:`835` by
      Przemysław Węgrzyn.
    * :meth:`` raises an exception if *fd* is not
      registered, like the standard library.
    * :meth:`` returns an event with
      ``POLLNVAL`` for registered fds that are invalid. Previously it
      would tend to report both read and write events.
  + File objects
    * ``FileObjectPosix`` exposes the ``read1`` method when in read mode,
      and generally only exposes methods appropriate to the mode it is in.
    * ``FileObjectPosix`` supports a *bufsize* of 0 in binary write modes.
      Reported in :issue:`840` by Mike Lang.
    * Python 3: :meth:`gevent.socket.connect_ex` was letting
      ``BlockingIOError`` (and possibly others) get raised instead of
      returning the errno due to the refactoring of the exception
      hierarchy in Python 3.3. Now the errno is returned. Reported in
      :issue:`841` by Dana Powers.
  + Other Changes
    * :class:`~.Group` and :class:`~.Pool` now return whether
      :meth:`~.Group.join` returned with an empty group. Suggested by Filippo Sironi in
    * Unhandled exception reports that kill a greenlet now include a
      timestamp. See :issue:`137`.
    * :class:`~.PriorityQueue` now ensures that an initial items list is a
      valid heap. Fixed in :pr:`793` by X.C.Dong.
    * :class:`gevent.hub.signal` (aka :func:`gevent.signal`) now verifies
      that its `handler` argument is callable, raising a :exc:`TypeError`
      if it isn't. Reported in :issue:`818` by Peter Renström.
    * If ``sys.stderr`` has been monkey-patched (not recommended),
      exceptions that the hub reports aren't lost and can still be caught.
      Reported in :issue:`825` by Jelle Smet.
    * The :func:`gevent.os.waitpid` function is cooperative in more
      circumstances. Reported in :issue:`878` by Heungsub Lee.
    * The various ``FileObject`` implementations are more consistent with
      each other. **Note:** Writing to the *io* property of a FileObject should be
      considered deprecated.
    * Timeout exceptions (and other asynchronous exceptions) could cause
      the BackdoorServer to fail to properly manage the
      stdout/stderr/stdin values. Reported with a patch in :pr:`874` by
    * The BackDoorServer now tracks spawned greenlets (connections) and
      kills them in its ``stop`` method.
  + Servers
    * Default to AF_INET6 when binding to all addresses (e.g.,
      ""). This supports both IPv4 and IPv6 connections (except on
      Windows). Original change in :pr:`495` by Felix Kaiser.
    * pywsgi/performance: Chunks of data the application returns are no longer copied
      before being sent to the socket when the transfer-encoding is
      chunked, potentially reducing overhead for large responses.
  + Threads
    * Add :class:`gevent.threadpool.ThreadPoolExecutor` (a
      :class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor` variant that always
      uses native threads even when the system has been monkey-patched)
      on platforms that have ``concurrent.futures``
      available (Python 3 and Python 2 with the ``futures`` backport
      installed). This is helpful for, e.g., grpc. Reported in
      :issue:`786` by Markus Padourek.
    * Native threads created before monkey-patching threading can now be
      joined. Previously on Python < 3.4, doing so would raise a
      ``LoopExit`` error. Reported in :issue:`747` by Sergey Vasilyev.
  + SSL
    * On Python 2.7.9 and above (more generally, when the SSL backport is
      present in Python 2), :func:`gevent.ssl.get_server_certificate`
      would raise a :exc:`ValueError` if the system wasn't monkey-patched.
      Reported in :issue:`801` by Gleb Dubovik.
    * On Python 2.7.9 and Python 3, closing an SSL socket in one greenlet
      while it's being read from or written to in a different greenlet is
      less likely to raise a :exc:`TypeError` instead of a
      :exc:`ValueError`. Reported in :issue:`800` by Kevin Chen.
  + subprocess module
    * Setting SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN or SIG_DFL after :mod:`gevent.subprocess`
      had been used previously could not be reversed, causing
      ``Popen.wait`` and other calls to hang. Now, if SIGCHLD has been
      ignored, the next time :mod:`gevent.subprocess` is used this will be
      detected and corrected automatically. (This potentially leads to
      issues with :func:`os.popen` on Python 2, but the signal can always
      be reset again. Mixing the low-level process handling calls,
      low-level signal management and high-level use of
      :mod:`gevent.subprocess` is tricky.) Reported in :issue:`857` by
      Chris Utz.
    * ``Popen.kill`` and ``send_signal`` no longer attempt to send signals
      to processes that are known to be exited.
  + Several backwards compatible updates to the subprocess module have
    been backported from Python 3 to Python 2, making
    :mod:`gevent.subprocess` smaller, easier to maintain and in some cases
    * Popen objects can be used as context managers even on Python 2. The
      high-level API functions (``call``, etc) use this for added safety.
    * The :mod:`gevent.subprocess` module now provides the
      :func:`` function in a cooperative way even
      when the system is not monkey patched, on all supported versions of
      Python. (It was added officially in Python 3.5.)
    * Popen objects save their *args* attribute even on Python 2.
    * :exc:`gevent.subprocess.TimeoutExpired` is defined even on Python 2,
      where it is a subclass of the :exc:`gevent.timeout.Timeout`
      exception; all instances where a ``Timeout`` exception would
      previously be thrown under Python 2 will now throw a
      ``TimeoutExpired`` exception.
    * :func:`` (and ``check_call``) accepts the
      *timeout* keyword argument on Python 2. This is standard on Python
      3, but a gevent extension on Python 2.
    * :func:`gevent.subprocess.check_output` accepts the *timeout* and
      *input* arguments on Python 2. This is standard on Python 3, but a
      gevent extension on Python 2.
- Implement single-spec version
- Add rpmlintrc to deal with source files used by cffi.

Tue Dec 13 14:46:50 UTC 2016 -

- update to 1.1.2:
  * Python 2: ``sendall`` on a non-blocking socket could spuriously fail
    with a timeout.
  * If ``sys.stderr`` has been monkey-patched (not recommended),
    exceptions that the hub reports aren't lost and can still be caught.
    Reported in :issue:`825` by Jelle Smet.
  * :class:`selectors.SelectSelector` is properly monkey-patched
    regardless of the order of imports. Reported in :issue:`835` by
    Przemysław Węgrzyn.
  * Python 2: ``reload(site)`` no longer fails with a ``TypeError`` if
    gevent has been imported. Reported in :issue:`805` by Jake Hilton.
  * Nested callbacks that set and clear an Event no longer cause
    ``wait`` to return prematurely. Reported in :issue:`771` by Sergey
  * Fix build on Solaris 10. Reported in :issue:`777` by wiggin15.
  * The ``ref`` parameter to :func:`gevent.os.fork_and_watch` was being ignored.
  * Python 3: :class:`gevent.queue.Channel` is now correctly iterable, instead of
    raising a :exc:`TypeError`.
  * Python 3: Add support for :meth:`socket.socket.sendmsg`,
    :meth:`socket.socket.recvmsg` and :meth:`socket.socket.recvmsg_into`
    on platforms where they are defined. Initial :pr:`773` by Jakub

Thu Mar 10 20:20:38 UTC 2016 -

- Update to 1.1.0 (final):
  * See changelog.rst for detailed informations

Fri Jan 29 09:14:54 UTC 2016 -

- Update to 1.1rc3:
  * See changelog.rst for detailed informations

Wed Jul  1 12:54:10 UTC 2015 -

- Bump once more to 1.1a1:
  * See changelog.rst for detailed informations
  * The py2.7 compat in 1.0.2 behaves weirdly on openSUSE,
    this release seems way nicer on that front

Tue Jun 30 08:48:56 UTC 2015 -

- Version bump to 1.0.2:
  - Fix LifoQueue.peek() to return correct element. PR #456. Patch by Christine
  - Upgrade to libev 4.19
  - Remove SSL3 entirely as default TLS protocol
  - Import socket on Windows (closes #459)
  - Fix C90 syntax error (PR #449)
  - Add compatibility with Python 2.7.9's SSL changes. Issue #477.

Tue Nov 18 14:00:29 UTC 2014 -

- Update to 1.0.1
  - Upgrade libev to 4.15. This fixes #361: installation on armv5.
  - Better support for win64. Patch by Alexey Borzenkov.
  - Fix #423: Pool's imap/imap_unordered could hang forever. Based on patch and test by Jianfei Wang.
  - Enable libev's check watchers.
  - Add dummy Event._reset_internal_locks() method. Only relevant if patch_all(Event=True) is enabled (non-default).
  - Backport new from master branch.
- Removed upstream included libev.patch

Thu Jun 12 08:47:18 UTC 2014 -

- libev.patch: fix syntax error in preprocessor conditional

Sun Dec 15 15:01:04 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.0
  + pywsgi: Pass copy of error list instead of direct reference
  + Ignore the autogenerated doc/gevent.*.rst files.
  + Fix on Windows.
  + Remove (use gevent.wait).

Fri Oct 26 16:23:38 UTC 2012 -

- Update to version 0.13.8:

    *  Fixed issue #80: gevent.httplib failed with RequestFailed errors because timeout was reset to 1s. Patch by Tomasz Prus.
    *  core: fix compilation with the latest Cython: remove emit_ifdef/emit_else/emit_endif.
    *  Fixed issue #132: gevent.socket.gethostbyname(<unicode>) now does ascii encoding and uses gevent's resolver rather than 
    calling built-in resolver. Patch by Alexey Borzenkov.

Mon Jun 25 15:19:15 UTC 2012 -

- Update to version 0.13.7:
  + Fixed #94: fallback to buffer if memoryview fails in _get_memory on
    python 2.7.
  + Fixed #103: ``Queue(None).full()`` returns ``False`` now (previously
    it returned ``True``).
  + Fixed #112: threading._sleep is not patched.
  + Fixed #115: _dummy gets unexpected Timeout arg.

Tue Mar 27 11:41:44 UTC 2012 -

- Run testsuite
- Require python-greenlet
- Simplify macro usage

Fri Nov 18 14:17:34 UTC 2011 -

- Cython should not be needed, gevent is build as a binary module

Tue Jul 19 12:23:20 UTC 2011 -

- Initial version

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