File saltbundlepy-attrs.changes of Package saltbundlepy-attrs

Thu Dec 14 13:16:49 UTC 2023 - Victor Zhestkov <>

- Update to 23.1.0:
  * Backwards-incompatible Changes
  * Python 3.6 has been dropped and packaging switched to static
    package data using Hatch. #993
  * Deprecations
  * The support for zope-interface via the attrs.validators.provides
    validator is now deprecated and will be removed in, or after,
    April 2024.
  * The presence of a C-based package in our developement dependencies
    has caused headaches and we're not under the impression it's used
    a lot.
  * Let us know if you're using it and we might publish it as a
    separate package. #1120
  * Changes
  * attrs.filters.exclude() and attrs.filters.include() now support
    the passing of attribute names as strings. #1068
  * attrs.has() and attrs.fields() now handle generic classes
    correctly. #1079
  * Fix frozen exception classes when raised within e.g.
    contextlib.contextmanager, which mutates their __traceback__
    attributes. #1081
  * @frozen now works with type checkers that implement PEP-681 (ex.
    pyright). #1084
  * Restored ability to unpickle instances pickled before 22.2.0.
  * attrs.asdict()'s and attrs.astuple()'s type stubs now accept the
    attrs.AttrsInstance protocol. #1090
  * Fix slots class cellvar updating closure in CPython 3.8+ even when
    __code__ introspection is unavailable. #1092
  * attrs.resolve_types() can now pass include_extras to
    typing.get_type_hints() on Python 3.9+, and does so by default.
  * Added instructions for pull request workflow to
  * Added type parameter to attrs.field() function for use with
  * Please note that type checkers ignore type metadata passed into
    make_class(), but it can be useful if you're wrapping attrs. #1107
  * It is now possible for attrs.evolve() (and attr.evolve()) to
    change fields named inst if the instance is passed as a positional
  * Passing the instance using the inst keyword argument is now
    deprecated and will be removed in, or after, April 2024. #1117
  * attrs.validators.optional() now also accepts a tuple of validators
    (in addition to lists of validators). #1122

- Update to 22.2.0:
  * Python 3.5 is not supported anymore.
  * Python 3.6 is now deprecated and support will be removed in the next
  * `attrs.field()` now supports an *alias* option for explicit `__init__`
    argument names.
  * `attrs.NOTHING` is now an enum value, making it possible to use with
    e.g. `typing.Literal`.
  * Added missing re-import of `attr.AttrsInstance` to the `attrs`
  * Fix slight performance regression in classes with custom `__setattr__`
    and speedup even more.
  * Class-creation performance improvements by switching performance-
    sensitive templating operations to f-strings.

- Update to 22.1.0:
  * Backwards-incompatible Changes
  * Python 2.7 is not supported anymore.
  * Dealing with Python 2.7 tooling has become too difficult for a
    volunteer-run project.
  * We have supported Python 2 more than 2 years after it was officially
    discontinued and feel that we have paid our dues. All version up to 21.4.0
    from December 2021 remain fully functional, of course. #936
  * The deprecated cmp attribute of attrs.Attribute has been removed. This
    does not affect the cmp argument to attr.s that can be used as a shortcut
    to set eq and order at the same time. #939
  * Changes
  * Instantiation of frozen slotted classes is now faster. #898
  * If an eq key is defined, it is also used before hashing the attribute. #909
  * Added attrs.validators.min_len(). #916
  * attrs.validators.deep_iterable()'s member_validator argument now also
    accepts a list of validators and wraps them in an attrs.validators.and_(). #925
  * Added missing type stub re-imports for attrs.converters and attrs.filters. #931
  * Added missing stub for attr(s).cmp_using(). #949
  * attrs.validators._in()'s ValueError is not missing the attribute, expected
    options, and the value it got anymore. #951
  * Python 3.11 is now officially supported. #969

- Update to 21.4.0:
  * Fixed the test suite on PyPy3.8 where ``cloudpickle`` does not work.
  * Fixed ``coverage report`` for projects that use ``attrs`` and don't
    set a ``--source``.
  * When using ``@define``, converters are now run by default when
    setting an attribute on an instance -- additionally to validators.
  * ``import attrs`` has finally landed!
  * ``attr.asdict(retain_collection_types=False)`` (default)
    dumps collection-esque keys as tuples.
  * ``__match_args__`` are now generated to support Python 3.10's
  * If the class-level *on_setattr* is set to ``attrs.setters.validate``
    (default in ``@define`` and ``@mutable``) but no field defines
    a validator, pretend that it's not set.
  * The generated ``__repr__`` is significantly faster on Pythons with
  * Attributes transformed via ``field_transformer`` are wrapped with
    ``AttrsClass`` again.
  * Generated source code is now cached more efficiently for identical classes.
  * Added ``attrs.converters.to_bool()``.
  * ``attrs.resolve_types()`` now resolves types of subclasses after
    the parents are resolved.
  * Added new validators: ``lt(val)`` (< val), ``le(va)`` (≤ val),
    ``ge(val)`` (≥ val), ``gt(val)`` (> val), and ``maxlen(n)``.
  * ``attrs`` classes are now fully compatible with cloudpickle
  * Added new context manager ``attrs.validators.disabled()`` and
    functions ``attrs.validators.(set|get)_disabled()``.
    They deprecate ``attrs.(set|get)_run_validators()``.
    All functions are interoperable and modify the same internal state.
    They are not – and never were – thread-safe, though.

- Update to 21.2.0:
  * We had to revert the recursive feature for ``attr.evolve()`` because it
    broke some use-cases -- sorry!
  * Python 3.4 is now blocked using packaging metadata because ``attrs`` can't
    be imported on it anymore.
  * The long-awaited, much-talked-about, little-delivered ``import attrs`` is
    finally upon us!
  * The *cmp* argument to ``attr.s()`` and `attr.ib()` has been **undeprecated**
    It will continue to be supported as syntactic sugar to set *eq* and *order*
    in one go.
  * Further smaller changes, see included

- Update to 20.3.0:
  * ``attr.define()``, ``attr.frozen()``, ``attr.mutable()``, and
    ``attr.field()`` remain **provisional**.

- Update to 20.2.0:
  * Python 3.4 is not supported anymore.
  * ``attr.define()``, ``attr.frozen()``, ``attr.mutable()``, and
    ``attr.field()`` remain **provisional**.
  This release fixes a bunch of bugs and ergonomics but they remain
  mostly unchanged.
  Further changes see included

Mon Apr  4 12:26:54 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov <>

- Strictly require Python 3.10 with saltbundlepy requrement

Thu May 14 06:45:13 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Do not restrict us to new setuptools, we generate stuff
  even with the older variants

Mon Oct 21 08:44:11 UTC 2019 - Ondřej Súkup <>

- update to 19.3.0
 * Fixed auto_attribs usage when default values cannot be compared directly
     with ==, such as numpy arrays.

Fri Oct  4 02:34:32 UTC 2019 - Arun Persaud <>

- update to version 19.2.0:
  * Backward-incompatible Changes
    + Removed deprecated "Attribute" attribute "convert" per scheduled
      removal on 2019/1.  This planned deprecation is tracked in issue
      `#307 <>`_.
      `#504 <>`_
    + "__lt__", "__le__", "__gt__", and "__ge__" do not consider
      subclasses comparable anymore.  This has been deprecated since
      18.2.0 and was raising a "DeprecationWarning" for over a year.
      `#570 <>`_
  * Deprecations
    + The "cmp" argument to "attr.s()" and "attr.ib()" is now
      deprecated.  Please use "eq" to add equality methods ("__eq__"
      and "__ne__") and "order" to add ordering methods ("__lt__",
      "__le__", "__gt__", and "__ge__") instead – just like with
      <>`_.  Both
      are effectively "True" by default but it's enough to set
      "eq=False" to disable both at once.  Passing "eq=False,
      order=True" explicitly will raise a "ValueError" though.  Since
      this is arguably a deeper backward-compatibility break, it will
      have an extended deprecation period until 2021-06-01.  After
      that day, the "cmp" argument will be removed.  "attr.Attribute"
      also isn't orderable anymore.  `#574
  * Changes
    + Updated "attr.validators.__all__" to include new validators
      added in `#425`_.  `#517
    + Slotted classes now use a pure Python mechanism to rewrite the
      "__class__" cell when rebuilding the class, so "super()" works
      even on environments where "ctypes" is not installed.  `#522
    + When collecting attributes using "@attr.s(auto_attribs=True)",
      attributes with a default of "None" are now deleted too.  `#523
      <>`_, `#556
    + Fixed "attr.validators.deep_iterable()" and
      "attr.validators.deep_mapping()" type stubs.  `#533
    + "attr.validators.is_callable()" validator now raises an
      exception "attr.exceptions.NotCallableError", a subclass of
      "TypeError", informing the received value.  `#536
    + "@attr.s(auto_exc=True)" now generates classes that are hashable
      by ID, as the documentation always claimed it would.  `#543
      <>`_, `#563
    + Added "attr.validators.matches_re()" that checks string
      attributes whether they match a regular expression.  `#552
    + Keyword-only attributes ("kw_only=True") and attributes that are
      excluded from the "attrs"'s "__init__" ("init=False") now can
      appear before mandatory attributes.  `#559
    + The fake filename for generated methods is now more stable.  It
      won't change when you restart the process.  `#560
    + The value passed to "@attr.ib(repr=…)" can now be either a
      boolean (as before) or a callable.  That callable must return a
      string and is then used for formatting the attribute by the
      generated "__repr__()" method.  `#568
    + Added "attr.__version_info__" that can be used to reliably check
      the version of "attrs" and write forward- and
      backward-compatible code.  Please check out the `section on
      deprecated APIs
      <>`_ on
      how to use it.  `#580

Mon Aug 12 11:20:18 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Switch to multibuild to enable tests

Mon Mar  4 20:07:57 UTC 2019 - Ondřej Súkup <>

- update to 19.1.0
 * Fixed a bug where deserialized objects with cache_hash=True could have
    incorrect hash code values
 * Add is_callable, deep_iterable, and deep_mapping validators.
 * Fixed stub files to prevent errors raised by mypy's
    disallow_any_generics = True option.
 * Attributes with init=False now can follow after kw_only=True attributes.
 * attrs now has first class support for defining exception classes.
 * Clarified documentation for hashing to warn that hashable objects should
    be deeply immutable 

Thu Dec  6 10:06:08 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Fix fdupes call

Sat Sep  1 18:34:11 UTC 2018 -

- specfile:
  - removed devel from noarch package
  - be more specific in %files section

- update to version 18.2.0:
  * Deprecations
    + Comparing subclasses using "<", ">", "<=", and ">=" is now
      deprecated.  The docs always claimed that instances are only
      compared if the types are identical, so this is a first step to
      conform to the docs.  Equality operators ("==" and "!=") were
      always strict in this regard.  issue 394
  * Changes
    + "attrs" now ships its own PEP 484 type hints.  Together with
      mypy's "attrs" plugin, you've got all you need for writing
      statically typed code in both Python 2 and 3!  At that occasion,
      we've also added `narrative docs` about type annotations in
      "attrs".  issue #238
    + Added *kw_only* arguments to "attr.ib" and "attr.s", and a
      corresponding *kw_only* attribute to "attr.Attribute".  This
      change makes it possible to have a generated "__init__" with
      keyword-only arguments on Python 3, relaxing the required
      ordering of default and non-default valued attributes.  issues #281, #411
    + The test suite now runs with "hypothesis.HealthCheck.too_slow"
      disabled to prevent CI breakage on slower computers. issues
      #364, #396
    + "attr.validators.in_()" now raises a "ValueError" with a useful
      message even if the options are a string and the value is not a
      string. issue #383
    + "attr.asdict()" now properly handles deeply nested lists and
      dictionaries. issue #395
    + Added "attr.converters.default_if_none()" that allows to replace
      "None" values in attributes.  For example
      "attr.ib(converter=default_if_none(""))" replaces "None" by
      empty strings. issues #400, #414
    + Fixed a reference leak where the original class would remain
      live after being replaced when "slots=True" is set. isue #407
    + Slotted classes can now be made weakly referenceable by passing
      "@attr.s(weakref_slot=True)". issue #420
    + Added *cache_hash* option to "@attr.s" which causes the hash
      code to be computed once and stored on the object. issue #425
    + Attributes can be named "property" and "itemgetter" now. issue
    + It is now possible to override a base class' class variable
      using only class annotations. issue #431

Sun May  6 05:40:54 UTC 2018 -

- update to version 18.1.0:
  * "x=X(); x.cycle = x; repr(x)" will no longer raise a
    "RecursionError", and will instead show as "X(x=...)".
  * "attr.ib(factory=f)" is now syntactic sugar for the common case of
  * Added "attr.field_dict()" to return an ordered dictionary of
    "attrs" attributes for a class, whose keys are the attribute
  * The order of attributes that are passed into "attr.make_class()"
    or the "these" argument of "@attr.s()" is now retained if the
    dictionary is ordered (i.e. "dict" on Python 3.6 and later,
    "collections.OrderedDict" otherwise).
  * Before, the order was always determined by the order in which the
    attributes have been defined which may not be desirable when
    creating classes programatically.
  * In slotted classes, "__getstate__" and "__setstate__" now ignore
    the "__weakref__" attribute.
  * Setting the cell type is now completely best effort.  This fixes
    "attrs" on Jython.  We cannot make any guarantees regarding Jython
    though, because our test suite cannot run due to dependency
  * If "attr.s" is passed a *these* argument, it will not attempt to
    remove attributes with the same name from the class body anymore.
  * The hash of "attr.NOTHING" is now vegan and faster on 32bit Python
  * The overhead of instantiating frozen dict classes is virtually
  * Generated "__init__" methods now have an "__annotations__"
    attribute derived from the types of the fields.
  * We have restructured the documentation a bit to account for
    "attrs"' growth in scope.  Instead of putting everything into the
    `examples <>`_ page,
    we have started to extract narrative chapters.

Wed Jan  3 23:08:32 UTC 2018 -

- specfile:
  * update copyright year

- update to version 17.4.0:
  * Backward-incompatible Changes
    + The traversal of MROs when using multiple inheritance was
      If you defined a class "C" that subclasses "A" and "B" like
      "C(A, B)", "attrs" would have collected the attributes from "B"
      *before* those of "A".
      This is now fixed and means that in classes that employ multiple
      inheritance, the output of "__repr__" and the order of
      positional arguments in "__init__" changes.
      Due to the nature of this bug, a proper deprecation cycle was
      unfortunately impossible.
      Generally speaking, it's advisable to prefer "kwargs"-based
      initialization anyways – *especially* if you employ multiple
      inheritance and diamond-shaped hierarchies.
    + The "__repr__" set by "attrs" no longer produces an
      "AttributeError" when the instance is missing some of the
      specified attributes (either through deleting or after using
      "init=False" on some attributes).
      This can break code that relied on "repr(attr_cls_instance)"
      raising "AttributeError" to check if any attr-specified members
      were unset.
      If you were using this, you can implement a custom method for
      checking this::

      def has_unset_members(self):
          for field in attr.fields(type(self)):
              except AttributeError:
                  return True
          return False
  * Deprecations
    + The "attr.ib(convert=callable)" option is now deprecated in
      favor of "attr.ib(converter=callable)".
      This is done to achieve consistency with other noun-based
      arguments like *validator*.  *convert* will keep working until
      at least January 2019 while raising a "DeprecationWarning".

  * Changes
    + Generated "__hash__" methods now hash the class type along with
      the attribute values.  Until now the hashes of two classes with
      the same values were identical which was a bug.
      The generated method is also *much* faster now.
    + "attr.ib"’s "metadata" argument now defaults to a unique empty
      "dict" instance instead of sharing a common empty "dict" for
      all.  The singleton empty "dict" is still enforced.
    + "ctypes" is optional now however if it's missing, a bare
      "super()" will not work in slots classes.  This should only
      happen in special environments like Google App Engine.
    + The attribute redefinition feature introduced in 17.3.0 now
      takes into account if an attribute is redefined via multiple
      inheritance.  In that case, the definition that is closer to the
      base of the class hierarchy wins.
    + Subclasses of "auto_attribs=True" can be empty now.
    + Equality tests are *much* faster now.
    + All generated methods now have correct "__module__", "__name__",
      and (on Python 3) "__qualname__" attributes.

Thu Dec 21 16:10:47 UTC 2017 -

- add test requirements, run tests conditionally
  (not BuildRequiring pytest fixes bsc#1073845)

Thu Nov  9 18:50:46 UTC 2017 -

- update to version 17.3.0:
  * Backward-incompatible Changes
    + Attributes are not defined on the class body anymore.  This
      means that if you define a class "C" with an attribute "x", the
      class will *not* have an attribute "x" for introspection
      anymore.  Instead of "C.x", use "attr.fields(C).x" or look at
      "C.__attrs_attrs__".  The old behavior has been deprecated since
      version 16.1.  (`#253
  * Changes
    + "super()" and "__class__" now work on Python 3 when
      "slots=True".  (`#102
      <>`_, `#226
      <>`_, `#269
      <>`_, `#270
      <>`_, `#272
      <>`_)- Added
      "type" argument to "attr.ib()" and corresponding "type"
      attribute to "attr.Attribute".  This change paves the way for
      automatic type checking and serialization (though as of this
      release "attrs" does not make use of it).  In Python 3.6 or
      higher, the value of "attr.Attribute.type" can alternately be
      set using variable type annotations (see `PEP 526
      <>`_). (`#151
      <>`_, `#214
      <>`_, `#215
      <>`_, `#239
    + The combination of "str=True" and "slots=True" now works on
      Python 2.  (`#198
    + "attr.Factory" is hashable again. (`#204
    + Subclasses now can overwrite attribute definitions of their
      superclass.  That means that you can -- for example -- change
      the default value for an attribute by redefining it.  (`#221
      <>`_, `#229
    + Added new option "auto_attribs" to "@attr.s" that allows to
      collect annotated fields without setting them to "attr.ib()".
      Setting a field to an "attr.ib()" is still possible to supply
      options like validators.  Setting it to any other value is
      treated like it was passed as "attr.ib(default=value)" --
      passing an instance of "attr.Factory" also works as expected.
      (`#262 <>`_,
      `#277 <>`_)
    + Instances of classes created using "attr.make_class()" can now
      be pickled.  (`#282

Tue Jul  4 05:04:08 UTC 2017 -

- update to 17.2.0:
  - Validators are hashable again.
  - ``attrs`` will set the ``__hash__()`` method to ``None`` by default now.
    The way hashes were handled before was in conflict with `Python's
    This *may* break some software although this breakage is most likely just
    surfacing of latent bugs.
    You can always make ``attrs`` create the ``__hash__()`` method using
    ``@attr.s(hash=True)``. See `#136`_ for the rationale of this change.
  - Correspondingly, ``attr.ib``'s ``hash`` argument is ``None`` by default too
    and mirrors the ``cmp`` argument as it should.
  - ``attr.assoc()`` is now deprecated in favor of ``attr.evolve()`` and will
    stop working in 2018.
  - Fix default hashing behavior.
    Now *hash* mirrors the value of *cmp* and classes are unhashable by default.
  - Added ``attr.evolve()`` that, given an instance of an ``attrs`` class and
    field changes as keyword arguments, will instantiate a copy of the given
    instance with the changes applied.
  - ``FrozenInstanceError`` is now raised when trying to delete an attribute
    from a frozen class.
  - Frozen-ness of classes is now inherited.
  - ``__attrs_post_init__()`` is now run if validation is disabled.
  - Added ``attr.validators.in_(options)`` that, given the allowed `options`,
    checks whether the attribute value is in it.
    This can be used to check constants, enums, mappings, etc.
  - Added ``attr.validators.and_()`` that composes multiple validators into one.
  - For convenience, the ``validator`` argument of ``@attr.s`` now can take a
    ``list`` of validators that are wrapped using ``and_()``.
  - Accordingly, ``attr.validators.optional()`` now can take a ``list`` of
    validators too.
  - Validators can now be defined conveniently inline by using the attribute as
    a decorator.
  - ``attr.Factory()`` now has a ``takes_self`` argument that makes the
    initializer to pass the partially initialized instance into the factory.
    In other words you can define attribute defaults based on other attributes.
  - Default factories can now also be defined inline using decorators.
    They are *always* passed the partially initialized instance.
  - Conversion can now be made optional using ``attr.converters.optional()``.
  - ``attr.make_class()`` now accepts the keyword argument ``bases`` which
    allows for subclassing.
  - Metaclasses are now preserved with ``slots=True``.
  - Attributes now can have user-defined metadata which greatly improves
    ``attrs``'s extensibility.
  - Allow for a ``__attrs_post_init__()`` method that -- if defined -- will get
    called at the end of the ``attrs``-generated ``__init__()`` method.
  - Added ``@attr.s(str=True)`` that will optionally create a ``__str__()``
    method that is identical to ``__repr__()``.
  - ``__name__`` is not overwritten with ``__qualname__`` for
    ``attr.s(slots=True)`` classes anymore.
  - Added ``attr.astuple()`` that -- similarly to ``attr.asdict()`` --
    returns the instance as a tuple.
  - Converts now work with frozen classes.
  - Instantiation of ``attrs`` classes with converters is now significantly
  - Pickling now works with ``__slots__`` classes.
  - ``attr.assoc()`` now works with ``__slots__`` classes.
  - The tuple returned by ``attr.fields()`` now also allows to access the
    ``Attribute`` instances by name.
  - All instances where function arguments were called ``cl`` have been changed
    to the more Pythonic ``cls``.
  - Accessing ``Attribute`` instances on class objects is now deprecated and
    will stop working in 2017.
  - The serious business aliases ``attr.attributes`` and ``attr.attr`` have been
    deprecated in favor of ``attr.attrs`` and ``attr.attrib`` which are much
    more consistent and frankly obvious in hindsight.
  - ``attr.asdict()``\ 's ``dict_factory`` arguments is now propagated on
  - ``attr.asdict()``, ``attr.has()`` and ``attr.fields()`` are significantly
  - Add ``attr.attrs`` and ``attr.attrib`` as a more consistent aliases for
    ``attr.s`` and ``attr.ib``.
  - Add ``frozen`` option to ``attr.s`` that will make instances best-effort
  - ``attr.asdict()`` now takes ``retain_collection_types`` as an argument.

Sat Jul  1 14:53:33 UTC 2017 -

- Convert to singlespec

Tue Jul  5 17:20:56 UTC 2016 -

- update to 16.0.0
  Backward-incompatible changes:
  * Python 3.3 and 2.6 aren’t supported anymore. They may work by chance but
    any effort to keep them working has ceased.
    The last Python 2.6 release was on October 29, 2013 and isn’t supported by
    the CPython core team anymore. Major Python packages like Django and Twisted
    dropped Python 2.6 a while ago already.
    Python 3.3 never had a significant user base and wasn’t part of any
    distribution’s LTS release.
  * __slots__ have arrived! Classes now can automatically be slots-style (and
    save your precious memory) just by passing slots=True. #35
  * Allow the case of initializing attributes that are set to init=False. This
    allows for clean initializer parameter lists while being able to initialize
    attributes to default values. #32
  * attr.asdict can now produce arbitrary mappings instead of Python dicts when
    provided with a dict_factory argument. #40 Multiple performance improvements.

Thu Jun  2 07:58:54 UTC 2016 -

- fix Source url

Thu Jun  2 07:10:13 UTC 2016 -

- Initial version 

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