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Stephan Kulow


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Involved Projects and Packages

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Maintainer Bugowner

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Maintainer Bugowner

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


++++++++++ Note: We are going to change the version format of the modules. See for context ++++++++++

Perl and a large number of important perl modules and tools.

Module updates from CPAN are regularly checked (with scripts from and ) and put into .

Please check first before doing your own update! An updated version of the module might already be there, just that there is no submit request yet.

How to submit a new module here:

This Perl module helps to create differences between two files or
lists. It is used by 'perl-diffmk'

Maintainer Bugowner
Maintainer Bugowner

Carp::Assert::More is a set of wrappers around the Carp::Assert functions to make the habit of writing assertions even easier.

Maintainer Bugowner

This action implements a sensible default end action, which will forward to
the first available view, unless '$c->res->status' is a 3xx code
(redirection, not modified, etc.), 204 (no content), or '$c->res->body' has
already been set. It also allows you to pass 'dump_info=1' to the url in
order to force a debug screen, while in debug mode.

If you have more than one view, you can specify which one to use with the
'default_view' config setting and the 'current_view' and
'current_view_instance' stash keys (see the Catalyst manpage's
'$c->view($name)' method -- this module simply calls '$c->view' with no

This Action handles doing automatic method dispatching for REST requests.
It takes a normal Catalyst action, and changes the dispatch to append an
underscore and method name. First it will try dispatching to an action with
the generated name, and failing that it will try to dispatch to a regular

For example, in the synopsis above, calling GET on "/foo" would result in
the foo_GET method being dispatched.

If a method is requested that is not implemented, this action will return a
status 405 (Method Not Found). It will populate the "Allow" header with the
list of implemented request methods. You can override this behavior by
implementing a custom 405 handler like so:

sub foo_not_implemented {
... handle not implemented methods ...

If you do not provide an _OPTIONS subroutine, we will automatically respond
with a 200 OK. The "Allow" header will be populated with the list of
implemented request methods.

It is likely that you really want to look at the Catalyst::Controller::REST
manpage, which brings this class together with automatic Serialization of
requests and responses.

When you use this module, it adds the the Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::REST
manpage role to your request class.

Provides a Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole for user role-based
authorization. ACLs are applied via the assignment of attributes to
application action subroutines.

The Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class class provides access to authentication information stored in a database via DBIx::Class.

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