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Dirk Mueller


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Involved Projects and Packages

Rpmlint is a tool to check common errors on rpm packages. This package
provides the configuration specific for SUSE Factory.

Rpmlint is a tool to check common errors on rpm packages. Binary and
source packages can be checked.

This package doesn't actually contain any files and is not meant to
be installed. It's only useful in the opensuse build service to run
regression tests against rpmlint(-mini).


This tool is for issuing SCSI-2 reservation and release commands, for
controlling exclusive access to a SCSI device that is shared between
more than one SCSI host adapter.

The shared-color-profiles package contains various profiles which are
useful for programs that are color management aware.

The shared-color-targets package contains various targets which are
useful for programs that create ICC profiles.

Subversion does the same thing cvs (CVS (Concurrent Versioning System))
but has major enhancements compared to CVS. The name of the cmdline
client is svn.

This package contains the subversion book (see
http://svnbook.red-bean.com/) and a configuration file to make this
book accessible via apache2.


These are configuration files that describe available time zones. You
can select an appropriate time zone for your system with YaST.

These are configuration files that describe available time zones - this
package is intended for Java Virtual Machine based on OpenJDK.

This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the
preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack//LC_MESSAGES/.

Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or
updated translations from this location.


A tree-like directory listing program with dircolors support


udisks provides a daemon, D-Bus API and command line tools
for managing disks and storage devices.


The udisks package, second useless edition


Valgrind checks all memory operations in an application, like read,
write, malloc, new, free, and delete. Valgrind can find uses of
uninitialized memory, access to already freed memory, overflows,
illegal stack operations, memory leaks, and any illegal
new/malloc/free/delete commands. Another program in the package is
"cachegrind," a profiler based on the valgrind engine.

To use valgrind you should compile your application with "-g -O0"
compiler options. Afterwards you can use it with:

valgrind --tool=memcheck --sloppy-malloc=yes --leak-check=yes
--db-attach=yes my_application, for example.

More valgrind options can be listed via "valgrind --help". There is
also complete documentation in the /usr/share/doc/packages/valgrind/
directory. A debugged application runs slower and needs much more
memory, but is usually still usable. Valgrind is still in development,
but it has been successfully used to optimize several KDE applications.


ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control
repositories. It generates templatized HTML to present navigable
directory, revision, and change log listings. It can display specific
versions of files as well as diffs between those versions. Basically,
ViewVC provides the bulk of the report-like functionality you expect
out of your version control tool, but much prettier than the average
textual command-line program output.

ViewVC is the successor of ViewCVS.


This project builds the official 13.1 openSUSE distribution.

Have a look at http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:13.1 for more details.


This is really just a snapshot of Factory, but we need it to adapt the tools to later test and accept requests to it.


Backports for SLE-15-SP3

This project contains rpmlint checks for openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3

Backports for SLE-15-SP4

Checks for Backports for SLE-15-SP4

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