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Daniel Lovasko


Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Bugowner

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Gettext for perl.

The Gtk2 module allows a Perl developer to use the GTK+ graphical user interface library. Find out more about GTK+ at https://gtk.org/

The GTK+ Reference Manual is also a handy companion when writing Gtk applications in any language.
The Perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source.

To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join gtk-perl-list@gnome.org at lists.gnome.org.

Also have a look at the gtk2-perl website and sourceforge project page, http://gtk2-perl.sourceforge.net/

Maintainer Bugowner

The majority of the web pages of the internet today are much larger
than they need to be. The reason for this is that HTML tends to be
stored in a human readable format, with indenting, newlines and

However, all of these comments, whitespace etc. are ignored by the
browser, and needlessly lengthen download times.

Second, many people are using WYSIWYG HTML editors these days. This
makes creating content easy. However these editors can cause a number
of compatibility problems by tying themselves to a particular browser
or operating system.

This module automatically inserts data from a previous HTML form into
the HTML input and select tags. It is a subclass of HTML::Parser and
uses it to parse the HTML and insert the values into the form tags.

Maintainer Bugowner

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Objects of the HTML::Parser class will recognize markup and separate it
from plain text (alias data content) in HTML documents. As different
kinds of markup and text are recognized, the corresponding event handlers
are invoked.

HTML::Parser is not a generic SGML parser. We have tried to make it able to
deal with the HTML that is actually "out there", and it normally parses as
closely as possible to the way the popular web browsers do it instead of
strictly following one of the many HTML specifications from W3C. Where
there is disagreement, there is often an option that you can enable to
get the official behaviour.

The document to be parsed may be supplied in arbitrary chunks. This makes
on-the-fly parsing as documents are received from the network possible.

If event driven parsing does not feel right for your application, you might
want to use HTML::PullParser. This is an HTML::Parser subclass that allows
a more conventional program structure.

This is the HTML::SimpleParse module. It is a bare-bones HTML parser,
similar to HTML::Parser, but with a couple important distinctions:

First, HTML::Parser knows which tags can contain other tags, which
start tags have corresponding end tags, which tags can exist only in
the portion of the document, and so forth. HTML::SimpleParse
does not know any of these things. It just finds tags and text in the
HTML you give it, it does not care about the specific content of these
tags (though it does distiguish between different _types_ of tags, such
as comments, starting tags like , ending tags like , and so on).

Second, HTML::SimpleParse does not create a hierarchical tree of HTML
content, but rather a simple linear list. It does not pay any
attention to balancing start tags with corresponding end tags, or which
pairs of tags are inside other pairs of tags.

Because of these characteristics, you can make a very effective HTML
filter by sub-classing HTML::SimpleParse.

Data tables useful for dealing with HTML.

This allows you to separate design - the HTML - from the data, which
you generate in the Perl script.

This module provides an extension to HTML::Template which allows
expressions in the template syntax.

Expression support includes comparisons, math operations, string
operations, and a mechanism to allow you to add your own functions at

This is a just in time compiler for the HTML Template module. Makes the
use of templates very fast.

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Maintainer Bugowner

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Maintainer Bugowner

The Image::Size library is based upon the "wwwis" script written by Alex Knowles, a tool to examine HTML and add 'width' and height' parameters to image tags. The sizes are cached internally based on the file name, so multiple calls on the same file name (images used in bulleted lists, for example) do not result in repeated computations.

Maintainer Bugowner

Inline lets you write Perl subroutines in other programming languages,
like C, C++, Java, Python, Tcl and even Assembly. You don't need to
compile anything. All the details are handled transparently, so you can
just run your Perl script like normal.

Maintainer Bugowner

This module allows you to program C in perl. See also perl-Inline.

Maintainer Bugowner

IO provides a simple mechanism to load several of the IO modules in one go. The IO modules belonging to the core are:

"IO::Multiplex" reduces the effort of managing multiple file handles.
It is a fancy front end to the "select" system call.

IO::Socket::INET6 provides an object interface to creating and using sockets in either AF_INET or AF_INET6 domains. It is built upon the IO::Socket interface and inherits all the methods defined by IO::Socket.

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

IO::Socket::SSL is a class implementing an object oriented interface to
SSL sockets. The class is a descendant of IO::Socket::INET and provides
a subset of the base class' interface methods.

IO::String is an IO::File (and IO::Handle) compatible class that read
or write data from in-core strings.

I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays

Maintainer Bugowner

This module provides an IO:: style interface to the Compress::Zlib

Included in perl

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